Blessed Are the Meek

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:5, Luke 12:13-21, Psalm 37:1-11

Text: Matthew 5:5, Luke 12:13-21, Psalm 37:1-11

These days my daughters have been struck with a heavy dose of the equine magic, something unknowingly passed down from their mama, I suppose. As a child, I whiled away many an afternoon hour at the dining room table, painstakingly working to capture the essence of a mare and her young colt. Occasionally, they’d take flight as a pegasus or grow into a purple-horned unicorn. But more often than not, I fashioned my horses a traditional brown or black—always majestic, racing through a large Crayola®-green pasture, wild, free, and unbridled.

Fueling my wonder was a racehorse farm, just down the road from my childhood home. On slow summer mornings, my mother would walk with me, hand-in-hand, to admire the horses. Together, we’d watch them from the outside of endless white fences, their tails flick-flick-flicking away flies in the heat. On rare occasions, she’d lead me to the stables for a closer look, to stroke their muzzles, my fingers tentatively dancing across a velvety smooth coat. I’d stare deeply into the eyes of those beautiful beasts, in awe of their quiet, controlled demeanor—steely strength enveloped in a gentle disposition.

Though humble in temperament and committed to the service of their master, you’d never doubt the power of these statuesque creatures. You would never think them weak. These animals are bred, born, and groomed for a few minutes of all-out greatness, and yet the day-to-day submission of their own will to that of their master’s is somehow equally awe-inspiring. The master has proven to be good and worthy of their trust. And so they wait on him.

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him, and He will act…
Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him…
-Psalm 37:5,7

This is a picture of meekness: strength and power under control, submitted to the authority of the Father. He created us to bear His image and to bring Him glory (Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 43:7). And while we can honor God in deed and action—in how we run the race—we also glorify Him in our waiting and trusting in Him. We glorify Him in our meekness, too.

Scripture tells us Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth, but he was far from weak (Numbers 12:3). The man who confronted Pharaoh, led the Israelites’ exodus out of Egypt, and parted the Red Sea, was empowered by God Almighty to lead and perform miracles in His name, yet he remained humble in spirit. He was just a foretaste of Jesus Christ, our Savior to come (Matthew 11:29).

He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, So He did not open His mouth.
-Isaiah 53:7

Jesus had all the authority of heaven and earth given to Him, yet He submitted His will to the Father (Matthew 28:18). The same God who met face to face with Moses endured the cross for the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2). He did it for us—we are His joy, His prize. This is the God who fights for us; we need only to be still and wait for Him (Exodus 14:14).

We live in a world that distracts us from our true inheritance. At every turn, we’re told to make our desires happen now and on our own terms. But that’s orphan living, and we are daughters of the King. All that He has is already ours in Christ Jesus (2 Peter 1:3). Our inheritance is already secure.


Kara Gause is an editor for She Reads Truth happily residing in Nashville, Tennessee. She’s married to one swell fella and mother to a set of delightfully spirited twin girls. Sunsets and snow cones are near and dear to her heart, as is anything or anyone who reminds her of God’s goodness.

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66 thoughts on "Blessed Are the Meek"

  1. Heather O'Malley says:

    I love Psalm 37. I’m in a weird transition time right now, and everything in me wants to “do” something, but God is telling me to wait on Him. This is my first week without a job as I made the decision to leave my stressful sales career behind. We are blessed to be able to live on one income, but I still find myself checking our budget and balances to reassure myself. Luke 12:14 reminds me that my life does not consist in the abundance of possessions, but my security is in knowing that my God is good and faithful.

  2. Mari V says:

    What a great feeling and assurance that our inheritance is already secure. According to the eyes of the world and even some believers, I might not be financially successful, but I do have need. And sometimes those unwanted voices telling me I am nothing, ringing so loud that I have to remind myself who I am in Christ and that’s all that matters. Even though I am middle aged, I still pray for wisdom, and how I answer people and try to use the right words when speaking, as sometimes I feel not so wise.

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    4 Delight yourself in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart. – Psalms 37:4. What a great reminder! Something I leaned on A LOT in my adult years. Praying for you all today! My mom and I are getting ready for a vintage show this weekend where we bring our reclaimed furniture. Praying it all sells so we don’t have to lug it twice haha.

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning!
    I love this today…The meek/humble will inherit the earth! That’s some promise! Hadn’t I rather inherit “the earth”…basically all of God’s creation in the long run, the temporary, perishable wealth in the present?! I do! More so, I just want to live my life following WHAT Jesus has for me! It is such a blessing following His will! Can it be hard, yes, But GOD. Leave it to Him. Be anxious for nothing. Today has it’s own troubles, tomorrow is not promised! Choose Jesus today! If you are confused of what that looks like in your life today, open scripture or pray. God is faithful, if you don’t have an answer, you don’t need an answer today. How freeing!

    We have started our study on the book “Free of Me!” (My new Fall small group I am leading! Praise God for stepping out in faith!!) I love how it talks of how we grow up and start developing our reflection of ourselves. From others it comes and how we, ourselves, reflect those thoughts! It is a good book! I don’t think growing up I would ever classify myself as meek, but maybe humble in some areas. Although I did seem to boast and get prideful more often then not after achievements! I have really prayed for a more humble and patient spirit over the years. Giving up myself to Jesus, to lead me in His ways. Sanctification, it is a continual process until we go to be with Jesus! Thank you Lord for continuing to work on us, your broken people. Forgive me for my sin, cleanse me daily!

    Blessing and prayers to each of you!!

  5. Mari V says:

    @Adrienne, yours is the first comment I read just as I finished up the devotion. Thank you for praying for us. I needed to hear it this morning.

  6. Cee Gee says:

    I came away with 2 things this morning. We are told in Psalm 37:5 TRUST –
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL pointed out the action words in the passage. This is just one example that hit home with me. If this means that if I don’t trust, He won’t act you better believe I will start working on trusting more!!! Not saying that is what it means, just that I was convicted!

    #2- Don’t fret about what you don’t have, what you think you ‘deserve’ and instead, be filled with joy over your spiritual blessings. So many people spend their lives fretting over how to get more, have more power, etc. I love how the verse in Romans below addresses this!

    From Got Questions – again :

    Meekness is humility toward God and toward others. It is having the right or the power to do something but refraining for the benefit of someone else. Paul urged meekness when he told us “to live a life worthy of the calling [we] have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:1–2)….
    Striving for power and prestige is not the path to blessedness. Meekness is.

    SEARCHING – Appreciate your ‘studious-ness’! ❤
    TINA – Good to see you! ❤

    ADRIENNE – Thanks and back atcha! ❤

    KELLY – Smart move! ❤

  7. Cheryl Blow says:

    Glorifying God in our waiting and trusting is right where I am at now! I love how God gently reminds me that He’s working!

  8. Adrienne says:

    Good morning, sweet sisters. Just wanted you to know that you’re being prayed for.

    Much love and many blessings to you!