The Bible In A Year 8

Open Your Bible

Genesis 18-19, John 7

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377 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 8"

  1. Katy Herman says:

    1. Sarah did not believe that she would become pregnant and doubted God. There are so many times that I doubt God, essentially I’m saying that He is not enough.

    2. Abraham and Lot both bargained with God. If they had not bargained and just trusted God what would it have looked like. If Lot went to where God told him would his daughters have laid with him? There are so many times I bargain with God, when what I really need to do is trust Him.

    3. The officers knew that Jesus was different by the words he spoke. Do people know I am different by the words that I say?

  2. Sarah Hickling says:

    Amazing passage from John in today’s devotion about division among the people. This is so relevant these days. May we remember that we are all children of God ❤️

  3. Jenny Brown says:

    Yes as Amen!

  4. Lisa Egnew says:

    God would have spared the people if just 10 were found righteous. Hope for America.

  5. Ally S says:

    Thankful for the Word to keep me grounded in truth.

  6. Sarah Kemp says:

    In reference to Lot and his daughters, I agree that God can and did perform a great work even in spite of their sin. But parents, there is also a great lesson for us to learn here. The daughters of Lot were being raised in a culture of wickedness. They were even betrothed to men of the city. Although they were raised in a righteous household, the influence of their surrounding culture was much stronger. It should not surprise us the choice they made to defile themselves in the same way they had learned from the world. We too are raising our sons and daughters in a culture of wickedness! What are we doing as parents to protect them? What are we allowing them to be exposed to or influenced by? It’s time for parents to wake up and start protecting our children, actively disciple them in righteousness. Pray for them daily! Hold the line!

    1. Deana DiLuggo says:

      Yes!!!! Thank you for bringing this up!

  7. Holly Shepstone says:

    I also loved John again today. There were a lot of passages about judging one another : “Stop judging according to outward appearances; rather judge according to righteous judgement” John 7:24 was one of my favourites. Even though the only one who can truly judge us is God himself, it reminds us not to judge someone based on how they seem, rather judge them on their true character.

  8. Brittany Reimers says:

    I struggled with the stories of Lot and his daughters. I was shocked to read that and even felt the need to tell my husband “I can’t believe that happened.” But after reading some of the comments about how Jesus eventually came from this. It is a reminder of how God always has a plan regardless of the shocking and horrible moments that have to happen in order to get us there.