Today is the first day l’ve read my Bible in months.
Due to unhappiness, but the whole meaning to my unhappy feelings was because I stopped seeking Him and started seeking worldly things. I’m happier now than I have been in years.
Happy to have you hear reading this! I went through about 5 years of it picking up my Bible. Even when I went to church on sundays. I am also the happiest I’ve been in years since starting this Bible reading.
So many favorite verses from here! I love to think of followers of Christ as radiant. “Those who look on him are radiant their faces are never covered with shame.” It is very easy to spot someone who is so completely in love with and fearful of God- someone who is beautiful inside and out. I think Christ followers are the most beautiful people.
18Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him,
on those who hope in his steadfast love,
19that he may deliver their soul from death
and keep them alive in famine.
5Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
6This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
and saved him out of all his troubles.
7The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Jesus Himself is the Angel of the LORD. How wonderful that He himself encamps around each and every one of us!!❤️❤️
27Let those who delight in my righteousness
shout for joy and be glad
and say evermore,
“Great is the Lord,
who delights in the welfare of his servant!” 28Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness
and of your praise all the day long.
20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
Psalm 34 is my all time favourite psalm! I love the “taste and see that the Lord is good” verse as it shows me that God’s goodness is everywhere. All the senses can sense it. He protects us and cares for us and watches out for our needs, even when we are so broken-hearted or crushed we cannot do anything ourselves. He is good.
34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
And saves those who are crushed in spirit.” This verse has provided necessary comfort many a time. How wonderful to know that although he lets us go through hardships and brokenness, he never ever leaves our side. Bless the Lord, oh my soul.
Me too! I remember clinging desperately to this verse in my grief just over a year ago. I had miscarried my first baby and was so brokenhearted. And now as I type this my beautiful baby boy is snoozing away in his crib. He sure is close to the brokenhearted and he sure did save me in every possible way!
I loved the verse “I live and breathe God” (psalm 34:2 the MSG). I love the idea that every inch of my being is filled with his goodness with every breath I take. it’s reassuring to know that he is in me, and he’s greater than the evil in the world. wow God is good and I am infinitely blessed.
6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
Look at the stars and just think, it’s all by the breath of God. If He can make such beauty with a breath, imagine what beauty He makes when He uses His hands in our futures!
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
This verse hits my very hard today. I just received some discouraging news concerning my father two days ago – something that I had been dealing with and praying about for a long while – and I am left feeling so discouraged and confused by what God is doing through it all. I’m very brokenhearted and crushed, and I need His spirit to heal me. I need a glimmer of His goodness again, because this situation has been filled with so much pain.
As a senior in high school I’m still struggling with trusting God with the plans He has for my future. The path He’s taking me down with plans for college are not the ones I had in mind when I started high school, but I’m trusting in Him that He will put me in the right place at the right time & that I can be a part of something great.
The place I dreamed of going for college was not where I ended up, but I realised when I got to college that God had sent me there for a reason, He had a plan and purpose for me at the college I went to and I would not have had it any other way. Trust in God always, you may not see his plan now but just know He has a plan for your life!
These Sunday Psalms are so refreshing to me…especially now, while we are in the trenches of the laws we can’t keep. It is so comforting to remember that I am not enough, Jesus is more than enough, and it’s so good to take time to praise Him for that!!
Psalm 34:4-6 “I sought the Lord, & He answered me, & delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him & were radiant, & their faces will never be ashamed. This poor man cried, & the Lord heard him & saved him out of all his troubles”. We don’t have to be ashamed. God says that if I seek Him He will answer and deliver me. He will save me. He gets glory from rescuing miserable, hurting, sinful people. Because it’s something only He can do.
I think it’s great to have an overall plan for your life, basically goals. But to have the understanding that God has a better plan. I’ve been in what I’ve been calling my “float” season. Keep on living, but know that God’s plan could change/kick in at any moment. I’m thankful for this, because it’s forcing me to completely trust Him and to enjoy the ride I’m on.
Ever since we had the memory verse in Joel 3 about God’s faithful love, all the verses that have “His FAITHFUL love” have popped out. I love that reminder that God is….it doesn’t matter at all what the world thinks or believes…God IS FAITHFUL and his love is faithful.
Wow Erin, I love what you said about not worshiping our plan over God’s plan. I am not where I wanted to be by now, and I’ve been struggling and doubting whether God even has a good plan for me or not. I think I’ve been expecting everything to be easy, when He never said it would be.
This part in psalms, where it talks about the Plans of the Lord being bigger than ours hit very close to home today. I am a junior in high school, a very stressful time with college and tests and applications and PLANNING!! I read that and it was a reminder for me, that yes I should start planning and taking tests and I shouldn’t go into my future without some plan of what to do, but it my plan should not be the be all end all of my future. I can’t begin to worship my plan more than I worship my God. And if God decides to tell me to do something different with my life completely or if it’s simply to take another course that I wasn’t planning on taking, I have to be ready to obey him and change my plan for his
I understand you completely! I’m a sophomore in high school and also stress a lot over planning my future. But we have to remember that His plan is bigger than ours, and it’s all for His glory!
We trust in His love, in His character – who He says He is. When we are going through difficult things that is what we have to focus on. Not what we see or how we feel, but who He says He is.
18 But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.
The Lord looks over us and Is glad. He loves us and we don’t need to despair because He is our ultimate hope
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Such beautiful promises for everyone in the midst of trials, pain, and suffering! How great is our Lord!
20We wait for Yahweh; He is our help and shield. 21For our hearts rejoice in Him because we trust in His holy name. 22May Your faithful love rest on us, Yahweh, for we put our hope in You.
Waiting for Yahweh is never easy. His time is not always my time. Sometimes my trust and hope waver, even when He has proven to be faithful and holy EVERY single time. May I never forget that Yahweh loves me. Next time I am asked to wait, I want to recall these verses as a testimony and reminder that Yahweh is my help, my shield, and One in whom I can put my hope and trust.
My pastor’s sermon today was about how we should live while we wait, and how we should pray. Praying we can remember these verses also and find peace while we wait.
1 I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the Lord;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the Lord with me;
let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
Psalm 34:18. ❤️
Today is the first day l’ve read my Bible in months.
Due to unhappiness, but the whole meaning to my unhappy feelings was because I stopped seeking Him and started seeking worldly things. I’m happier now than I have been in years.
Happy to have you hear reading this! I went through about 5 years of it picking up my Bible. Even when I went to church on sundays. I am also the happiest I’ve been in years since starting this Bible reading.
The Lord is near to the Broken-hearted
4I sought the Lord, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
“ALL is work is done in faithfulness”. So good!
Say to my soul, “I am your salvation” ❤️
let your steadfast love, oh Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you
The Lord is with those who are crushed in spirit
14Turn away from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it.
So many favorite verses from here! I love to think of followers of Christ as radiant. “Those who look on him are radiant their faces are never covered with shame.” It is very easy to spot someone who is so completely in love with and fearful of God- someone who is beautiful inside and out. I think Christ followers are the most beautiful people.
17 “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears
and delivers them out of all their troubles.” -ellie
18Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him,
on those who hope in his steadfast love,
19that he may deliver their soul from death
and keep them alive in famine.
5Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
6This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
and saved him out of all his troubles.
7The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Jesus Himself is the Angel of the LORD. How wonderful that He himself encamps around each and every one of us!!❤️❤️
Encamp actually implies a military encampment -Jesus encamps around ya strategically!!
Encamp implies a military encampment- so Jesus encamps around us strategically!
27Let those who delight in my righteousness
shout for joy and be glad
and say evermore,
“Great is the Lord,
who delights in the welfare of his servant!” 28Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness
and of your praise all the day long.
20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
Psalm 34:4 is my reminder that my God is bigger than any trial or tribulation. There is no need to fear.
Great reminder
20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
The very bottom words were an error sorry :(
They were the most fun :) I think Jesus was more of a wine guy
I also Love the sense of security found in these verses!
Beer verses… He
Psalm 33:15 is a new favorite ☺️ God has
made our hearts, and He sees our deeds. He has everything in the plam of His hand!
Psalm 34 is my all time favourite psalm! I love the “taste and see that the Lord is good” verse as it shows me that God’s goodness is everywhere. All the senses can sense it. He protects us and cares for us and watches out for our needs, even when we are so broken-hearted or crushed we cannot do anything ourselves. He is good.
“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” What a joy it is to fully trust in the Lord.
34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
And saves those who are crushed in spirit.” This verse has provided necessary comfort many a time. How wonderful to know that although he lets us go through hardships and brokenness, he never ever leaves our side. Bless the Lord, oh my soul.
Me too! I remember clinging desperately to this verse in my grief just over a year ago. I had miscarried my first baby and was so brokenhearted. And now as I type this my beautiful baby boy is snoozing away in his crib. He sure is close to the brokenhearted and he sure did save me in every possible way!
I miscarried last week and your comment is encouraging! Thank you!
I loved the verse “I live and breathe God” (psalm 34:2 the MSG). I love the idea that every inch of my being is filled with his goodness with every breath I take. it’s reassuring to know that he is in me, and he’s greater than the evil in the world. wow God is good and I am infinitely blessed.
6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
Look at the stars and just think, it’s all by the breath of God. If He can make such beauty with a breath, imagine what beauty He makes when He uses His hands in our futures!
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
This verse hits my very hard today. I just received some discouraging news concerning my father two days ago – something that I had been dealing with and praying about for a long while – and I am left feeling so discouraged and confused by what God is doing through it all. I’m very brokenhearted and crushed, and I need His spirit to heal me. I need a glimmer of His goodness again, because this situation has been filled with so much pain.
Praying for you!
As a senior in high school I’m still struggling with trusting God with the plans He has for my future. The path He’s taking me down with plans for college are not the ones I had in mind when I started high school, but I’m trusting in Him that He will put me in the right place at the right time & that I can be a part of something great.
The place I dreamed of going for college was not where I ended up, but I realised when I got to college that God had sent me there for a reason, He had a plan and purpose for me at the college I went to and I would not have had it any other way. Trust in God always, you may not see his plan now but just know He has a plan for your life!
These Sunday Psalms are so refreshing to me…especially now, while we are in the trenches of the laws we can’t keep. It is so comforting to remember that I am not enough, Jesus is more than enough, and it’s so good to take time to praise Him for that!!
34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
God is so good! I love that verse and the one from
33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.
We are His children..our inheritance is with Him. When troubles and stress and worries come by me, I can rest in this..which is what really matters.
Psalm 34:4-6 “I sought the Lord, & He answered me, & delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him & were radiant, & their faces will never be ashamed. This poor man cried, & the Lord heard him & saved him out of all his troubles”. We don’t have to be ashamed. God says that if I seek Him He will answer and deliver me. He will save me. He gets glory from rescuing miserable, hurting, sinful people. Because it’s something only He can do.
I am a teacher and so awed to see high schoolers taking part. You are wise beyond your years.
Psalm 33:3 stuck out to me as a musician. Everything I play is for God’s glory!
Yes, same :)
I think it’s great to have an overall plan for your life, basically goals. But to have the understanding that God has a better plan. I’ve been in what I’ve been calling my “float” season. Keep on living, but know that God’s plan could change/kick in at any moment. I’m thankful for this, because it’s forcing me to completely trust Him and to enjoy the ride I’m on.
So true! Great perspective and prayers for you on your journey!
Ever since we had the memory verse in Joel 3 about God’s faithful love, all the verses that have “His FAITHFUL love” have popped out. I love that reminder that God is….it doesn’t matter at all what the world thinks or believes…God IS FAITHFUL and his love is faithful.
Wow Erin, I love what you said about not worshiping our plan over God’s plan. I am not where I wanted to be by now, and I’ve been struggling and doubting whether God even has a good plan for me or not. I think I’ve been expecting everything to be easy, when He never said it would be.
This part in psalms, where it talks about the Plans of the Lord being bigger than ours hit very close to home today. I am a junior in high school, a very stressful time with college and tests and applications and PLANNING!! I read that and it was a reminder for me, that yes I should start planning and taking tests and I shouldn’t go into my future without some plan of what to do, but it my plan should not be the be all end all of my future. I can’t begin to worship my plan more than I worship my God. And if God decides to tell me to do something different with my life completely or if it’s simply to take another course that I wasn’t planning on taking, I have to be ready to obey him and change my plan for his
Awesome to hear from a high schooler. I pray more Godly teenagers will be raised up and visible in their schools
I am a high school teacher. I totally hear you. Rest, breathe. Do what you need to. God will pave the way.
Beautiful, I love your words and they were just what I needed today thank you!
I understand you completely! I’m a sophomore in high school and also stress a lot over planning my future. But we have to remember that His plan is bigger than ours, and it’s all for His glory!
We trust in His love, in His character – who He says He is. When we are going through difficult things that is what we have to focus on. Not what we see or how we feel, but who He says He is.
18 But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.
The Lord looks over us and Is glad. He loves us and we don’t need to despair because He is our ultimate hope
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Such beautiful promises for everyone in the midst of trials, pain, and suffering! How great is our Lord!
20We wait for Yahweh; He is our help and shield. 21For our hearts rejoice in Him because we trust in His holy name. 22May Your faithful love rest on us, Yahweh, for we put our hope in You.
Waiting for Yahweh is never easy. His time is not always my time. Sometimes my trust and hope waver, even when He has proven to be faithful and holy EVERY single time. May I never forget that Yahweh loves me. Next time I am asked to wait, I want to recall these verses as a testimony and reminder that Yahweh is my help, my shield, and One in whom I can put my hope and trust.
Amen, Terri-Kate! He is ever faithful and our help and shield! Thank you for that encouragement today sister!
My pastor’s sermon today was about how we should live while we wait, and how we should pray. Praying we can remember these verses also and find peace while we wait.
1 I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the Lord;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the Lord with me;
let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
We are radiant when we look to Him and aren’t distracted by things of the flesh! Amen!
I loved those same verses today. Glad we are worshipping together when we all read and discuss