Day 61

The Bible In A Year 61

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Exodus 34-35, Matthew 17

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129 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 61"

  1. Ashley Brei says:

    I love that the Lord uses skillful craftsmen, both men and women to help build the tent and the arc and the whole list that is there. He uses everyone’s skills and talents. I am a designer, studying art, planning to pursue a full time job in a design related field and it reminds me that the Lord can use my gifts, and he may ask me to utilize them not necessarily to build a tent among the Israelites but to help build the kingdom by creating work that points people to Jesus. I love that God calls these same people, that mocked him by bringing together their gold for calf worship, he calls them again to bring what they have, but instead for himself. I love when he rewrites the narrative.

  2. Victoria O says:

    20“Because of your little faith,” he told them. “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

  3. Sarah Johnson says:

    With faith, NOTHING is impossible

  4. Megan Charlton says:

    I found it really inspiring to hear that God provides the Israelites with so many chances. After their immorality, he is still willing time and again to provide for them. I wonder how amazing, yet also scary it could have been for the people to witness Moses’s shining face. I feel that after a God delivered the people from Egypt I wouldn’t have been able to deny he is the Lord, yet we are all human and God forgives us through Jesus’s sacrifice of his life. I love how exodus and Matthew are paralleled here. Thank you God for your mercy.

  5. Donna Valenzuela says:

    Nothing is to big or hard for my God. My faith may waver but He is always with me! Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains!! Amen God is sooo good!

  6. bella vanamstel says:

    I pray to trust in the Lord.

  7. E Hong says:

    I pray that i may always have faith in God and stop doubting -ellie

    1. Sharon Ide says:

      What a great range of the humanity and divinity of Christ we see in this passage!

  8. Emily Morris says:


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