these verses really stood out in Job. ““But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. For I have stayed on God’s paths; I have followed his ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his words more than daily food. But once he has made his decision, who can change his mind? Whatever he wants to do, he does. So he will do to me whatever he has planned. He controls my destiny.”
Job 23:10-14 NLT
it just shows me that through everything God knows. God is in control and Job knew all of that.
“For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:26, 28 NLT
we are all children of God and we are all one in Christ Jesus. I love this!
21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. – Galatians 3:21
Love Job 23:10 – Yet, He knows the way I’ve taken; when he has tested me, I will emerge as gold.
It’s both reassuring and terrifying!
Galatians is also very thought provoking
Praise God for the beautiful reality that we have put on Christ. We stand not before the Lord in the filthy rags of sinful attempts at righteousness, but have been given the white garments of Christ’s holiness to adorn.
“But He knows the way that I take; when He has tried me, I shall come out like gold.” Job 23:10
I needed this one today- even when it seems like I am alone- when I wonder where God is in my life, when I wonder and ask if he even sees me and the things I’m going through, He is still watching. All things work together for good, and at the end of the trial, the loss and pain, there will be good. The hard times don’t last forever, and even while they do last, God is always watching me, guiding my steps, if I would just listen to Him. ☺️
I missed 5 days back to back, related to work meetings that went from very early in the morning to late in evening. Job is thought provoking to me. Which side is right? Is Job right? He’s he writing down the struggle that took place with in him after losing so much? Are his friends trying to talk him off the ledge? Or are they saying, yeah right JOB you sinned and this is your fault. Confess to us what you did wrong. It’s interesting to me the relationship they have, and how freely they communicate with one another about Christ, and question each other’s theories. I love pairing it with James, and now Galatians…. so glad I’m caught up. Month 2!!
From my own readings and consulting commentary to check my thoughts on this. Job’s friends are making assumptions based on what has happened to him. They assume he has sinned and God is punishing him while Job is trying to explain to them this isn’t this case, and it’s pleading his case with God in some of the chapters. Job is searching for God in this process and seems to be trying to make sense of what is happening. His friends think they’re helping but are off the mark
Vs3 Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? This is so hard… We seek to live out following Christ by doing His deeds but it so easily can turn into self righteous acts. God give us wisdom to follow You from a heart of thankfulness because of what You’ve done. Help us to have soft hearts and learn to walk in Your ways.
I would watch reading this passage and saying that “gay is okay”. That’s not what he was saying. He was saying that both men and women, who have been adopted into Gods family, now enjoy all the privileges, obligations and inheritance rights of Gods children. One obligation is to repent and turn from sin. Homosexuality is a sin like any other sin. Therefore God will forgive it but only if we truly repent.
1 Corinthians 9-10 don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or male prostitutes, or PRACTICE HOMOSEXUALITY or are thieves or greedy people or drunkards or are abusive or cheat people— NONE of these will inherit the kingdom of God.
You must read the verses in context. To pick out that part of the verse and say that everything is ok is not biblical. Paul was writing to the church of Galatia which was struggling with people trying to add things to salvation, specifically the law. It explains in the verses before vs. 28 that the law was the schoolmaster to bring people to realize they couldn’t keep the law and needed a Saviour. Vs 25 until the end of the chapter continue that thought. That we don’t need the gospel plus anything. Those that are saved are all under Christ.
I am really enjoying following Job’s story. At first all it seemed like he was doing was complaining. He was in such despair that he was even cursing the day of his birth. But little by little his perseverance and faith is shining through…
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Amen!!! I heard an awesome sermon once about division. There are so many social contracts in our world that divide us and cause dissension and turmoil between humans! The only true division are those who are perishing and those who are being saved. The difference between the two is that one group has heard the message of the cross and the gospel and the other has not (1 Corinthians chapter 1)
Where do you fall?
23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, 26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.
8 “Behold, I go forward, but he is not there,
and backward, but I do not perceive him;
9 on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him;
he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him.
10 But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.”
{I love the confidence Job has that God is caring for him despite Gods “absence” or silence so far. He is a remarkable example of faith in a dark time when you are feeling far from God. I have felt this before and am so encouraged by Job’s certainty in his future.}
I had a hard time following as well but I really like the last couple verses. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
God’s timing is impeccable…I was just reading about returning to God in the Lent plan and here it reminds me that we are not perfect…I can not just follow the laws and expect righteous. I need faith.. I need Jesus!!
3 If only I knew where to find him;
if only I could go to his dwelling!
4 I would state my case before him
and fill my mouth with arguments.
5 I would find out what he would answer me,
and consider what he would say to me.
Yeah I’m pretty behind, but I am so glad I had this truth out smack in front of my face today! Job longed to be able to go to God personally — to have a relationship with him — and because of Jesus that’s something I have the opportunity to do every moment of every day!!!
I am so encouraged by this community of women, who are real and authentic in their walks with God. I needed to read this and hear the hope that God gives us all when we don’t understand his plan. He is good all the time, we need to be reminded of that in the midst of confusion and chaos :)
Dear Antimony, I read your post and my heart went out to you. The Lord brought me to this verse ‘ The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing’. I pray that in your suffering right now that you find comfort in the gospel. You lack nothing. You have everything because The Lord is your shepherd. All your unmet desires and right longings are fulfilled through Him. I pray for you to fight to believe that and not the lies that He wants something other than your best. I am praying for you this morning.
I love reading Job with Galatians. Job’s friends wanted him to gain righteousness by confessing his sin and doing good. Paul reminds us that righteousness comes from faith in God alone. How awesome that we can be righteous bc of Christ taking the burden of our sin!
Nicole, I gain a lot of insight and am encouraged by the comments as well! is a resource I also use when I need a bit more information about a scripture I’m struggling with.
Galatians 3 just blew my mind. I’m in awe at how much this passage speaks about focusing on a relationship with God instead of ONLY abiding by traditional laws and accustoms. Coming from the Bible Belt (good ol’ Texas), it is hard to not only focus on “traditional” ways of works and laws and rules…especially when this is what I grew up on. Finally learning that God is wanting a RELATIONSHIP with us is increeeeeedible to me. This new covenant is literally telling us to have an intimate relationship with the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. Sorry for being so over dramatic, but it continually blows my mind!
God knows the way I take. All those good and right things done in secret. Curved outward. Job 23-10-12 Treasuring His Word more than my food. And Job didn’t even have the Written Word. So! Gal 3:1 What bewitches me to curve in, cave in, and crater? May we all find Him in these words, in all our pain.
Oh! Antimony. I’m up over here and just prayed for you! I went thru 7 years of infertility. While I don’t walk in your shoes, I understand a little how hard this must be for you. Isa 30:21 my prayer for you. Hold fast. He is with you and you know it.
I’m about to go totally off topic. And I’m sorry. But the truth is I’m really really struggling tonight. And since you are all ladies … and you don’t know me … I’ve just got to share. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for years. We want a child so badly. Well, one of my friends just announced she was pregnant with their 7th baby. 7! I’m happy for her. But I don’t understand!! Why can she have 7 and I can’t even have 1?? If God did give me this desire for kids, now he’s just rubbing my face in my inability to do so! Surrounded by pregnant women at work. And then people at church give me the ‘look” and ask when we are going to start populating the nursery! I know that may sound petty. But it. Hurts. A lot. Again. Sorry
It doesn’t seem fair to you, at all. But neither did any of what Job encountered. God did those things because He had greater glory coming. He has greater glory coming for you – it’s just gonna take His timing. Maybe He’s teaching patience or maybe He’s teaching you to be content where you are NOW – whatever it is, when the right time comes and He blesses you with your child it’s gonna be worth it, and you’re gonna value that child so much more. Maybe He’s still preparing you. Just trust Him. He’s your Father and He wants you to have the BEST. Only He knows when/what that is. Trust Him. He loves you.
Antimony, I haven’t posted before, but I read the comments and appreciate your insights! I don’t dare to try to give advice or platitudes, only say that I’ve been where you are and I’m sorry. I hold you in my heart’s prayers tonight. Much love to you, sweet sister!
Antimony, my heart breaks for you, though I by no means can say I can relate to the pain you’re feeling. I know though that everything God does is for a purpose and for His greater good. And while we may not understand it and it may hurt at the time, we need to trust that He is looking out for us. He has got your back. Just like He did with Abraham and Sarah. If it’s one thing I’ve learned from all the readings we have done so far is that our God is greater than anything we may face, He can take a broken situation and make it beautifully whole and He NEVER leaves, no matter what.
Maybe He has given you a desire to love a child right now because there is someone out there who needs your love. Maybe there is some child that feels unloved that Jesus wants you to love on right now. He has a plan – and while we have trouble seeing it at times, that doesn’t mean that He isn’t still at work.
I know these words don’t ease the pain and the longing for a child. But know that there are many sisters out there who understand your situation, and even those who don’t, who are still praying for you and sending love.
Sweet Antimony, I am praying for you and this came to my mind,
“Grace calls you to get up, throw off your *blanket of hopelessness* (your need for a child of your own??!) and move on through life in Faith. And what grace calls you to do, grace provides! Grace is power.
Our Lords confidence in God, and in what His grace could do for any man,was so perfect, that He despaired of no one! If our trust is placed in human beings, we shall end in despairing of everyone!”
God bless you and feel the long distance love we all send to your dear. Heart this very moment! In Jesus name we pray, love, Trish
Almost 20 years ago, my mother had been through 13 miscarriages. She couldn’t understand why God was giving her this desire for a child, yet she couldn’t carry one to term. She knew that God wasn’t telling her no. Well, 20 years ago this November, I was adopted! I may not have grown in my mother’s womb, but I grew in her heart. Do not lose hope! Having a desire for a child is a beautiful thing and can be fulfilled through many avenues. The Lord sees your longing and has a plan.
I am sorry Antimony! My husband and I are going through the same thing and I am so broken hearted. I had my Birthday on Monday and also started my period & the anger and disappoint I felt at that moment just put me to my knees. I am so tired of being sad, and there are times that I feel like it’s destroying me; but this entire situation has brought me closer to my faith . We can’t give up! God has a plan, and he loves us, so I refuse to believe that this mother instinct I have had since I can remember will be put to waste. Stay strong! You will be in my prayers, & I truly feel your headache.
One way I look at the law is that it helps you see what’s wrong but it doesn’t fix what’s wrong! Galatians 3:18 reminds me that it’s ALWAYS been about grace (God have Abrahams promise in GRACE…not bc of his works). It’s much easier to obey certain laws but much harder to deal with the heart!
Job 22 is a foreshadow of the magnificant (is that what it’s called? “Mary’s Song?”) anyway, that’s what it reminded me of in today’s reading.
The best advice I have ever gotten about dealing with anxiety (I’ve struggled with it for 20+ years) comes from 1 Peter 3:6, about Sarah calling Abraham lord and being without fear. Referencing my husband has helped with anxiety :)
Today I’m just so thankful for all you ladies and your thoughts, questions, wisdom, and vulnerability. I felt pretty dry reading the passages today but turned to the comments and was met with you all digging deep when I felt I could not. Thank you all for your devotion and for sharing!
I love how Job 22:23-26 challenges us to test our constructs of reality. I/we believe so deeply that the things in this life are true and worth fighting for and holding on to, but these verses clearly challenge that telling us to cast our nuggets of gold to the dust and we will find so much more in Christ. I pray I can look down from the balcony, from Gods perspective, an see all the nuggets I’m foolishly holding on to in hopes they will fulfill me in ways only our Father can.
I struggle with letting “things” go, and in letting “things” change…it is a facet of my personality that I have often wondered at God cursing (a, um, blessing) me with, only to tell me to leave all and come follow Him! More and more I am seeing that in letting go, especially in the midst of a trial, that propensity to “cling” is free to grab on to the Father, in whom is found golden nuggets that are eternal.
Wow this spoke to me a lot. I often feel the same way and wonder why God made me so strong willed and to hold onto things and give my opinion so freely and honestly haha. Anyways it’s so nice to hear people speak their minds about their struggles and that we can let go and cling to God :)
Job 23:10 is inscribed under my name on my Bible because my name means “gold”. But our way is nothing. This verse reminds me always of Jesus’ words in John 14:6. “I am The Way…”
So thankful that all of Scripture points to Jesus!!
Paul is trying to remind the Galatians that there can only be one way of salvation, and that is by faith in Christ alone. Before Christ came, the Law was provided as a means for checking sins. It was temporary until the Seed would come. Because no one is perfect, no one would ever be able to live by the standards of the Law. Therefore, Christ came and died on the cross for our sins and now, through Him, we are saved by faith. God did not give the Law to give life, but it did prepare the way for the gospel.
From reading my study Bible and my commentary books, this is the best summary I could provide! Hope this helps some! :)
I think chapter 3 is basically saying that these people had gone back to the law for their righteousness, and Paul is reminding them that no one can be found righteous through the law! He is saying that the original promise was made to Abraham and was a promise about faith, not the law (vs6-9).
Then he goes on to describe that those who look to the law for righteousness are cursed, because we cannot fulfill the law perfectly. So Jesus became cursed for us! (vs10-14)
In (vs15-29) Paul explains that the law does not trump the original promise God made to Abraham. The purpose of the law is to reveal our sin (Rom 4:15). It was never meant to justify us. Which keeps in line with Gods original promise, because we can not earn our own righteousness, and therefore righteousness comes by faith. Then he goes on to say that in Christ we are all the same.
We all like to “look good” and the law makes us look good if we’re keeping all the rules! But Paul wants to make it very clear that it doesn’t matter how many rules you keep, you’ll break at least one, and so it’s impossible to be righteous by following the law.
The Galatians were becoming more concerned with “looking good” than in rejoicing in the saving grace of Christ!
Being a Christian is not about following rules, it’s about recognizing that we have failed and will continue to fail but Christ makes a way for us to inherit the promises of God and be seen as righteous.
The kind of Christians living in grace and not following rules are way more attractive to the world anyways! :)
I love the way Michelle put it! And to add to what she said…There is nothing else that makes us righteous or in good standing before God besides our FAITH in Jesus. It’s not the gospel AND works (upholding the law) that make us righteous or the gospel AND upholding traditions, etc. It is faith alone in Christ alone! “Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness.” What a great God! What a great Savior! And what a great gift! Love Galations and the reminder of the freedom we have in Christ! No shame, no guilt, no burden of not measuring up. Just run to Jesus!
You are so right! And the law doesn’t even have to be the Ten Commandments law… But the laws we make for ourselves in relation to God, friends, and others. If we think about excuses we have or bitterness, those are usually laws that prevent us from giving grace to people in situations that God has given us grace. I’m still trying to understand how to live by grace and not the law!
Job cannot understand the way of God (“When He acts on the left, I cannot behold Him; He turns on the right, I cannot see Him”). He cannot know why He does what He does. But He believes that God sees him and has a plan for all of it (“But He knows the way I take”). And he believes that God’s plan is for a good purpose (“When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold”)! Yes, he wavers at times. He is like a blind man groping in the darkness! But he keeps coming back to what he believes to be true of God. He clings to it desperately!
10 But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
11 My feet have closely followed his steps;
I have kept to his way without turning aside.
12 I have not departed from the commands of his lips;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
Love that Job doesn’t doubt (even in the face of his friends accusations) that God knows the truth about him. God sees us.
Growing up, the Law always puzzled me. I wondered why God would establish something that I viewed as so fragile and unattainable until the coming of Christ. This passage in Galatians reminded me of one of its beautiful values:
19 Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator.
24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith.
The Law guarded the people of Israel — there was so much protection inside so that sin would not rule the days before the Messiah. Lord, open my eyes to the wonder of your eternal plans. Cause my heart to explode with praise at the thought of the beauty of your Law.
There are definitely some nuggets of truth that Job speaks in these passages. It seems that he’s beginning to have a clearer picture of God’s heart for him…His Word will sustain & His goodness will reign!
“10 But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” Oh this little verse in the midst of such anguish and doubt speak volumes to my heart!
I have gone through deep waters the past few years with anxiety, depression and an eating disorder. I see myself in Job crying out to God to act on my behalf! Wondering what I had done wrong to be plagued so terribly.
But He knows. That in itself is enough. My God sees my pain. He is not blind to my situation. He allows me to go through deep struggles because He loves me too much to leave me the way I was. But when the dross and impurities are removed I will come forth as pure gold. I see this already! He has brought me to a place of such intimate and real relationship with Him that I never dreamt was possible. He is moving mightily in my life. And so I can press on with hope knowing that my struggles are preparing me for glory. Take heart sisters who are struggling with invisible battles. The Lord knows and has a great purpose in them. He holds you so close to His heart!
Sweet soul. Your heart sounds much like mine a couple of years ago. This sounds cliche, but I read a book that absolutely wrecked my life in the best way. I couldn’t recommend it more. Jesus brought such healing to my heart through its pages.
“God Loves Ugly” by Christa Black.
Amazon might even have a sample for you to read. Be blessed & know you are loved!
Amen Jess!!! I have been suffering with anxiety for too many years and I am finally starting to understand why – it is hard for me to accept this is God’s plan, but the more I read and study these Bible readings I accept his plan and await the glory he has in store for me (and all my sisters). God Bless!
Yes, reading through the Bible with you ladies has blessed my soul so much!! God has a purpose in it all! Praying for you sister and thank you for sharing <3
Jess, you took the words right out of my mouth!! I have mental illnesses (anorexia being one of them) and a few years back I was at a wall- feeling like God never was going to pull me out. But when I changed my perspective and saw that He is using this for His glory and my good, it was like a weight was lifted. I realized I could still worship, I could still walk with God and I could still hang on because His grace is sufficient. That kept me alive, truthfully.
Now, about three years later, I still have my battles but He has done a work in me that shows His glory. Praise God!! I like reading Job because I can relate to his groaning.
This is so true. We are freed. Because of our lord Jesus ❤️
Oh, you nailed it! We’re indeed liberated by the Lord Jesus.
“””Isn’t it amazing how just thinking of Him instantly brightens up your day? I can feel His presence whenever I talk to you about Him “””
these verses really stood out in Job. ““But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. For I have stayed on God’s paths; I have followed his ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his words more than daily food. But once he has made his decision, who can change his mind? Whatever he wants to do, he does. So he will do to me whatever he has planned. He controls my destiny.”
Job 23:10-14 NLT
it just shows me that through everything God knows. God is in control and Job knew all of that.
“For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:26, 28 NLT
we are all children of God and we are all one in Christ Jesus. I love this!
21 “Agree with God, and be at peace;
thereby good will come to you. – Job 22:21
23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. – Galatians 3:23
21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. – Galatians 3:21
7 Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. – Galatians 3:7
Sarah – I felt the same way! Those verses really impacted me.
So thankful Jesus came to fulfill the law!
Even when it feels there is no hope God is there
We are all children of Abraham and belong to God. ❤️
Love Job 23:10 – Yet, He knows the way I’ve taken; when he has tested me, I will emerge as gold.
It’s both reassuring and terrifying!
Galatians is also very thought provoking
I’m finding Job really hard at the moment as there’s just so much going on but I’m really enjoying Galatians
We are all one and the same within Christ!
✅ Loving Galatians!
Thank you Lord for your words – please help me to see what you want me to see.
Whenever I have trouble with the reading I go to the Message version. That seems to help.
Agree. Please post if you find a good commentary.
Right there with you!
I’ve tried listening to it via Bible Gateway app. Makes it a bit easier for me!
21“Agree with God, and be at peace;
thereby good will come to you. -ellie
Praise God for the beautiful reality that we have put on Christ. We stand not before the Lord in the filthy rags of sinful attempts at righteousness, but have been given the white garments of Christ’s holiness to adorn.
“But He knows the way that I take; when He has tried me, I shall come out like gold.” Job 23:10
I needed this one today- even when it seems like I am alone- when I wonder where God is in my life, when I wonder and ask if he even sees me and the things I’m going through, He is still watching. All things work together for good, and at the end of the trial, the loss and pain, there will be good. The hard times don’t last forever, and even while they do last, God is always watching me, guiding my steps, if I would just listen to Him. ☺️
By faith
We are all one in Christ❤️
We are all one united in Christ; clothed in Christ!
Done ✅
galatians 3:26-29❤️
I missed 5 days back to back, related to work meetings that went from very early in the morning to late in evening. Job is thought provoking to me. Which side is right? Is Job right? He’s he writing down the struggle that took place with in him after losing so much? Are his friends trying to talk him off the ledge? Or are they saying, yeah right JOB you sinned and this is your fault. Confess to us what you did wrong. It’s interesting to me the relationship they have, and how freely they communicate with one another about Christ, and question each other’s theories. I love pairing it with James, and now Galatians…. so glad I’m caught up. Month 2!!
From my own readings and consulting commentary to check my thoughts on this. Job’s friends are making assumptions based on what has happened to him. They assume he has sinned and God is punishing him while Job is trying to explain to them this isn’t this case, and it’s pleading his case with God in some of the chapters. Job is searching for God in this process and seems to be trying to make sense of what is happening. His friends think they’re helping but are off the mark
Agree with God and be at peace. Love it
Vs3 Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? This is so hard… We seek to live out following Christ by doing His deeds but it so easily can turn into self righteous acts. God give us wisdom to follow You from a heart of thankfulness because of what You’ve done. Help us to have soft hearts and learn to walk in Your ways.
Galatians 3:28 is my favorite passage. We are ALL one in Jesus. The black, the white, the straight, the gay.
I would watch reading this passage and saying that “gay is okay”. That’s not what he was saying. He was saying that both men and women, who have been adopted into Gods family, now enjoy all the privileges, obligations and inheritance rights of Gods children. One obligation is to repent and turn from sin. Homosexuality is a sin like any other sin. Therefore God will forgive it but only if we truly repent.
Homosexuality is not a sin.
1 Corinthians 9-10 don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or male prostitutes, or PRACTICE HOMOSEXUALITY or are thieves or greedy people or drunkards or are abusive or cheat people— NONE of these will inherit the kingdom of God.
YES! No one is exempt from the love of God through Christ!
You must read the verses in context. To pick out that part of the verse and say that everything is ok is not biblical. Paul was writing to the church of Galatia which was struggling with people trying to add things to salvation, specifically the law. It explains in the verses before vs. 28 that the law was the schoolmaster to bring people to realize they couldn’t keep the law and needed a Saviour. Vs 25 until the end of the chapter continue that thought. That we don’t need the gospel plus anything. Those that are saved are all under Christ.
I am really enjoying following Job’s story. At first all it seemed like he was doing was complaining. He was in such despair that he was even cursing the day of his birth. But little by little his perseverance and faith is shining through…
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Amen!!! I heard an awesome sermon once about division. There are so many social contracts in our world that divide us and cause dissension and turmoil between humans! The only true division are those who are perishing and those who are being saved. The difference between the two is that one group has heard the message of the cross and the gospel and the other has not (1 Corinthians chapter 1)
Where do you fall?
And lay up his words in your heart. So powerful!
Sorry my commenting thing has be acting up so I can’t see what I am writing. I meant I caught up
I was a little behind so I t was pretty stressful but I managed to check up!!!
23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, 26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.
8 “Behold, I go forward, but he is not there,
and backward, but I do not perceive him;
9 on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him;
he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him.
10 But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.”
{I love the confidence Job has that God is caring for him despite Gods “absence” or silence so far. He is a remarkable example of faith in a dark time when you are feeling far from God. I have felt this before and am so encouraged by Job’s certainty in his future.}
If you can get your hands on The Amplified version of the Bible, read that!!! It was amazing reading Galatians in that!!
22 But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
Sounds kinda bad a first, but He wants us to CHOOSE Him. We aren’t robots! ❤️
I had a hard time following as well but I really like the last couple verses. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
I recommend John McArthurs but there are many others out there
Yes Galatians is tricky. A good commentary can help!
Had a hard time following today’s reading:/
Me too!
Me too! Galatians and Job can both be tricky for me.
God’s timing is impeccable…I was just reading about returning to God in the Lent plan and here it reminds me that we are not perfect…I can not just follow the laws and expect righteous. I need faith.. I need Jesus!!
3 If only I knew where to find him;
if only I could go to his dwelling!
4 I would state my case before him
and fill my mouth with arguments.
5 I would find out what he would answer me,
and consider what he would say to me.
Yeah I’m pretty behind, but I am so glad I had this truth out smack in front of my face today! Job longed to be able to go to God personally — to have a relationship with him — and because of Jesus that’s something I have the opportunity to do every moment of every day!!!
Live in and by Christs love not by law. Galatians is eye opening and heartening.
I am so encouraged by this community of women, who are real and authentic in their walks with God. I needed to read this and hear the hope that God gives us all when we don’t understand his plan. He is good all the time, we need to be reminded of that in the midst of confusion and chaos :)
True story!
Dear Antimony, I read your post and my heart went out to you. The Lord brought me to this verse ‘ The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing’. I pray that in your suffering right now that you find comfort in the gospel. You lack nothing. You have everything because The Lord is your shepherd. All your unmet desires and right longings are fulfilled through Him. I pray for you to fight to believe that and not the lies that He wants something other than your best. I am praying for you this morning.
I love reading Job with Galatians. Job’s friends wanted him to gain righteousness by confessing his sin and doing good. Paul reminds us that righteousness comes from faith in God alone. How awesome that we can be righteous bc of Christ taking the burden of our sin!
Thank you for sharing that connection! I was having a bit of a hard time figuring it out :)
10 But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. – beautiful promise I am clinging to today –
I felt kinda lost reading today but with the comments I feel like I understand so much more now. I am so thankful I found this app.
Nicole, we are so happy you are here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Could you please add the New King James Version to this app?
Nicole, I gain a lot of insight and am encouraged by the comments as well! is a resource I also use when I need a bit more information about a scripture I’m struggling with.
The law may show us our sins but it will not cleanse us of our sin. Only faith in Jesus, He who took our sin to the cross, can do that.
Galatians 3 just blew my mind. I’m in awe at how much this passage speaks about focusing on a relationship with God instead of ONLY abiding by traditional laws and accustoms. Coming from the Bible Belt (good ol’ Texas), it is hard to not only focus on “traditional” ways of works and laws and rules…especially when this is what I grew up on. Finally learning that God is wanting a RELATIONSHIP with us is increeeeeedible to me. This new covenant is literally telling us to have an intimate relationship with the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. Sorry for being so over dramatic, but it continually blows my mind!
So true, Jolee! Powerful and humbling that the God who made all of creation, would want a close personal relationship with each of us :)
God knows the way I take. All those good and right things done in secret. Curved outward. Job 23-10-12 Treasuring His Word more than my food. And Job didn’t even have the Written Word. So! Gal 3:1 What bewitches me to curve in, cave in, and crater? May we all find Him in these words, in all our pain.
Oh! Antimony. I’m up over here and just prayed for you! I went thru 7 years of infertility. While I don’t walk in your shoes, I understand a little how hard this must be for you. Isa 30:21 my prayer for you. Hold fast. He is with you and you know it.
I’m about to go totally off topic. And I’m sorry. But the truth is I’m really really struggling tonight. And since you are all ladies … and you don’t know me … I’ve just got to share. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for years. We want a child so badly. Well, one of my friends just announced she was pregnant with their 7th baby. 7! I’m happy for her. But I don’t understand!! Why can she have 7 and I can’t even have 1?? If God did give me this desire for kids, now he’s just rubbing my face in my inability to do so! Surrounded by pregnant women at work. And then people at church give me the ‘look” and ask when we are going to start populating the nursery! I know that may sound petty. But it. Hurts. A lot. Again. Sorry
It doesn’t seem fair to you, at all. But neither did any of what Job encountered. God did those things because He had greater glory coming. He has greater glory coming for you – it’s just gonna take His timing. Maybe He’s teaching patience or maybe He’s teaching you to be content where you are NOW – whatever it is, when the right time comes and He blesses you with your child it’s gonna be worth it, and you’re gonna value that child so much more. Maybe He’s still preparing you. Just trust Him. He’s your Father and He wants you to have the BEST. Only He knows when/what that is. Trust Him. He loves you.
Antimony, I haven’t posted before, but I read the comments and appreciate your insights! I don’t dare to try to give advice or platitudes, only say that I’ve been where you are and I’m sorry. I hold you in my heart’s prayers tonight. Much love to you, sweet sister!
Antimony, my heart breaks for you, though I by no means can say I can relate to the pain you’re feeling. I know though that everything God does is for a purpose and for His greater good. And while we may not understand it and it may hurt at the time, we need to trust that He is looking out for us. He has got your back. Just like He did with Abraham and Sarah. If it’s one thing I’ve learned from all the readings we have done so far is that our God is greater than anything we may face, He can take a broken situation and make it beautifully whole and He NEVER leaves, no matter what.
Maybe He has given you a desire to love a child right now because there is someone out there who needs your love. Maybe there is some child that feels unloved that Jesus wants you to love on right now. He has a plan – and while we have trouble seeing it at times, that doesn’t mean that He isn’t still at work.
I know these words don’t ease the pain and the longing for a child. But know that there are many sisters out there who understand your situation, and even those who don’t, who are still praying for you and sending love.
Sweet Antimony, I am praying for you and this came to my mind,
“Grace calls you to get up, throw off your *blanket of hopelessness* (your need for a child of your own??!) and move on through life in Faith. And what grace calls you to do, grace provides! Grace is power.
Our Lords confidence in God, and in what His grace could do for any man,was so perfect, that He despaired of no one! If our trust is placed in human beings, we shall end in despairing of everyone!”
God bless you and feel the long distance love we all send to your dear. Heart this very moment! In Jesus name we pray, love, Trish
Almost 20 years ago, my mother had been through 13 miscarriages. She couldn’t understand why God was giving her this desire for a child, yet she couldn’t carry one to term. She knew that God wasn’t telling her no. Well, 20 years ago this November, I was adopted! I may not have grown in my mother’s womb, but I grew in her heart. Do not lose hope! Having a desire for a child is a beautiful thing and can be fulfilled through many avenues. The Lord sees your longing and has a plan.
Such a beautiful way to phrase it Rachel! This could be applied to any area of hardship, do not lose hope :)
I am sorry Antimony! My husband and I are going through the same thing and I am so broken hearted. I had my Birthday on Monday and also started my period & the anger and disappoint I felt at that moment just put me to my knees. I am so tired of being sad, and there are times that I feel like it’s destroying me; but this entire situation has brought me closer to my faith . We can’t give up! God has a plan, and he loves us, so I refuse to believe that this mother instinct I have had since I can remember will be put to waste. Stay strong! You will be in my prayers, & I truly feel your headache.
Sending love from afar…
Press into God and like he did for Job, I believe he will answer you.
One way I look at the law is that it helps you see what’s wrong but it doesn’t fix what’s wrong! Galatians 3:18 reminds me that it’s ALWAYS been about grace (God have Abrahams promise in GRACE…not bc of his works). It’s much easier to obey certain laws but much harder to deal with the heart!
Job 22 is a foreshadow of the magnificant (is that what it’s called? “Mary’s Song?”) anyway, that’s what it reminded me of in today’s reading.
The best advice I have ever gotten about dealing with anxiety (I’ve struggled with it for 20+ years) comes from 1 Peter 3:6, about Sarah calling Abraham lord and being without fear. Referencing my husband has helped with anxiety :)
Love reading all these comments! What a blessing!
Wow I got so much out of the comments on here today!! Thank you so much, ladies, for all your insight.
Today I’m just so thankful for all you ladies and your thoughts, questions, wisdom, and vulnerability. I felt pretty dry reading the passages today but turned to the comments and was met with you all digging deep when I felt I could not. Thank you all for your devotion and for sharing!
Me too!!
Me too! Thanks for your comments and insight, ladies!
I feel ya!
I love how Job 22:23-26 challenges us to test our constructs of reality. I/we believe so deeply that the things in this life are true and worth fighting for and holding on to, but these verses clearly challenge that telling us to cast our nuggets of gold to the dust and we will find so much more in Christ. I pray I can look down from the balcony, from Gods perspective, an see all the nuggets I’m foolishly holding on to in hopes they will fulfill me in ways only our Father can.
I struggle with letting “things” go, and in letting “things” change…it is a facet of my personality that I have often wondered at God cursing (a, um, blessing) me with, only to tell me to leave all and come follow Him! More and more I am seeing that in letting go, especially in the midst of a trial, that propensity to “cling” is free to grab on to the Father, in whom is found golden nuggets that are eternal.
Wow this spoke to me a lot. I often feel the same way and wonder why God made me so strong willed and to hold onto things and give my opinion so freely and honestly haha. Anyways it’s so nice to hear people speak their minds about their struggles and that we can let go and cling to God :)
There is so much good theology in Galatians 3, it should be required reading! :)
Amen to all your comments! *like*! :)
Job 23:10 is inscribed under my name on my Bible because my name means “gold”. But our way is nothing. This verse reminds me always of Jesus’ words in John 14:6. “I am The Way…”
So thankful that all of Scripture points to Jesus!!
Paul is trying to remind the Galatians that there can only be one way of salvation, and that is by faith in Christ alone. Before Christ came, the Law was provided as a means for checking sins. It was temporary until the Seed would come. Because no one is perfect, no one would ever be able to live by the standards of the Law. Therefore, Christ came and died on the cross for our sins and now, through Him, we are saved by faith. God did not give the Law to give life, but it did prepare the way for the gospel.
From reading my study Bible and my commentary books, this is the best summary I could provide! Hope this helps some! :)
Thank you for this! I came to the comments hoping to better understand! That helps!
This is my favorite learning from this chapter when I attended a Galatians book study last year:
“The Law is like a mirror… it can show the dirt on your face, but it can never clean or take it away.” :)
Love this!
Like that! Shows the problem but can never be the solution
Wish SRT had a “like button” sometimes! :)
Good verses today
Love all the comments about the Job passages from today!
I’m having a bit of trouble understanding Galatians 3. Can anyone summarize what this chapter is basically saying?
I think chapter 3 is basically saying that these people had gone back to the law for their righteousness, and Paul is reminding them that no one can be found righteous through the law! He is saying that the original promise was made to Abraham and was a promise about faith, not the law (vs6-9).
Then he goes on to describe that those who look to the law for righteousness are cursed, because we cannot fulfill the law perfectly. So Jesus became cursed for us! (vs10-14)
In (vs15-29) Paul explains that the law does not trump the original promise God made to Abraham. The purpose of the law is to reveal our sin (Rom 4:15). It was never meant to justify us. Which keeps in line with Gods original promise, because we can not earn our own righteousness, and therefore righteousness comes by faith. Then he goes on to say that in Christ we are all the same.
Hope that helps! :)
Thank you for breaking it down I’m going to try and mediate on these verses as I sometimes confuse myself with grace
We all like to “look good” and the law makes us look good if we’re keeping all the rules! But Paul wants to make it very clear that it doesn’t matter how many rules you keep, you’ll break at least one, and so it’s impossible to be righteous by following the law.
The Galatians were becoming more concerned with “looking good” than in rejoicing in the saving grace of Christ!
Being a Christian is not about following rules, it’s about recognizing that we have failed and will continue to fail but Christ makes a way for us to inherit the promises of God and be seen as righteous.
The kind of Christians living in grace and not following rules are way more attractive to the world anyways! :)
I love the way Michelle put it! And to add to what she said…There is nothing else that makes us righteous or in good standing before God besides our FAITH in Jesus. It’s not the gospel AND works (upholding the law) that make us righteous or the gospel AND upholding traditions, etc. It is faith alone in Christ alone! “Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness.” What a great God! What a great Savior! And what a great gift! Love Galations and the reminder of the freedom we have in Christ! No shame, no guilt, no burden of not measuring up. Just run to Jesus!
You are so right! And the law doesn’t even have to be the Ten Commandments law… But the laws we make for ourselves in relation to God, friends, and others. If we think about excuses we have or bitterness, those are usually laws that prevent us from giving grace to people in situations that God has given us grace. I’m still trying to understand how to live by grace and not the law!
Job cannot understand the way of God (“When He acts on the left, I cannot behold Him; He turns on the right, I cannot see Him”). He cannot know why He does what He does. But He believes that God sees him and has a plan for all of it (“But He knows the way I take”). And he believes that God’s plan is for a good purpose (“When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold”)! Yes, he wavers at times. He is like a blind man groping in the darkness! But he keeps coming back to what he believes to be true of God. He clings to it desperately!
Yes yes!! So true. And in times of darkness we must desperately cling to Him too!
10 But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
11 My feet have closely followed his steps;
I have kept to his way without turning aside.
12 I have not departed from the commands of his lips;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
Love that Job doesn’t doubt (even in the face of his friends accusations) that God knows the truth about him. God sees us.
Annie, Yes!! This passage is so life giving as well to me right now.
Growing up, the Law always puzzled me. I wondered why God would establish something that I viewed as so fragile and unattainable until the coming of Christ. This passage in Galatians reminded me of one of its beautiful values:
19 Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator.
24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith.
The Law guarded the people of Israel — there was so much protection inside so that sin would not rule the days before the Messiah. Lord, open my eyes to the wonder of your eternal plans. Cause my heart to explode with praise at the thought of the beauty of your Law.
Love your prayer.
Galatians brings so much understanding regarding The Law and Grace. Definitely a favorite from Paul!
Job 23:12…I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
There are definitely some nuggets of truth that Job speaks in these passages. It seems that he’s beginning to have a clearer picture of God’s heart for him…His Word will sustain & His goodness will reign!
“10 But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” Oh this little verse in the midst of such anguish and doubt speak volumes to my heart!
I have gone through deep waters the past few years with anxiety, depression and an eating disorder. I see myself in Job crying out to God to act on my behalf! Wondering what I had done wrong to be plagued so terribly.
But He knows. That in itself is enough. My God sees my pain. He is not blind to my situation. He allows me to go through deep struggles because He loves me too much to leave me the way I was. But when the dross and impurities are removed I will come forth as pure gold. I see this already! He has brought me to a place of such intimate and real relationship with Him that I never dreamt was possible. He is moving mightily in my life. And so I can press on with hope knowing that my struggles are preparing me for glory. Take heart sisters who are struggling with invisible battles. The Lord knows and has a great purpose in them. He holds you so close to His heart!
“He has brought me to a place of such intimate and real relationship with Him that I never dreamt was possible. ”
Without the bitterness, we cannot appreciate the sweet…and O, how sweet is the Father’s love for us! Keep reaching for that sweetness, dear Jess.
“Without the bitterness, we cannot appreciate the sweet” oh I love that and am writing it in my journal to remember during hard days <3
Sweet soul. Your heart sounds much like mine a couple of years ago. This sounds cliche, but I read a book that absolutely wrecked my life in the best way. I couldn’t recommend it more. Jesus brought such healing to my heart through its pages.
“God Loves Ugly” by Christa Black.
Amazon might even have a sample for you to read. Be blessed & know you are loved!
Thank you!!! Always looking out for books to help and this one sounds fabulous. I’ve just ordered it. Thank you for mentioning it and for caring <3
Absolutely beautiful, Jess!
Thank you sister <3
Amen Jess!!! I have been suffering with anxiety for too many years and I am finally starting to understand why – it is hard for me to accept this is God’s plan, but the more I read and study these Bible readings I accept his plan and await the glory he has in store for me (and all my sisters). God Bless!
Yes, reading through the Bible with you ladies has blessed my soul so much!! God has a purpose in it all! Praying for you sister and thank you for sharing <3
Jess, you took the words right out of my mouth!! I have mental illnesses (anorexia being one of them) and a few years back I was at a wall- feeling like God never was going to pull me out. But when I changed my perspective and saw that He is using this for His glory and my good, it was like a weight was lifted. I realized I could still worship, I could still walk with God and I could still hang on because His grace is sufficient. That kept me alive, truthfully.
Now, about three years later, I still have my battles but He has done a work in me that shows His glory. Praise God!! I like reading Job because I can relate to his groaning.
His grace is sufficient. Yes yes yes!!! I am finding this to be so true in my life as well. Praying for more of God’s grace to you dear sister!
Thank you so much for sharing this!