The Bible In A Year 326

Open Your Bible

Psalms 131-134

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30 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 326"

  1. Lauren Garza says:

    He is our Father. He is our hope. He is peace. He dwells with us. He promises. He is faithful. He chooses. He blesses us. He provides. He appoints. He makes the choice to…
    He blesses. He is worthy of all of our worship. He is good.

  2. Danielle Dvorak says:

    I will forever be thankful for the ways he blesses. It amazes me the ways he works, even when I fail him he weaves a good and perfect plan for me.

  3. Rebecca Rascol says:


  4. Molly Howe says:

    praise god for the blessings he has bestowed upon me!!

  5. Kierstin Claar says:

    2 Lift up your hands to the holy place
    and bless the Lord! – Psalms 134:2

  6. Karen Collins says:


  7. mckenzie helmuth says:

    I want to learn to calm & quiet my soul before the lord even in chaotic times.

  8. Gina Tank says:


  9. Carol Bowman says:

    1Behold, how good and pleasant it is
    when brothers dwell in unity!

  10. JoAnn Foley-DeFiore says:

    17There I will make a horn to sprout for David;
    I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.
    18His enemies I will clothe with shame,
    but on him his crown will shine.”
    Another prophecy about Jesus!!

  11. Crystal Davidson says:

    For there the Lord commanded the blessing, life forevermore.

  12. E Hong says:

    3It is like the dew of Hermon,
    which falls on the mountains of Zion!
    For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,
    life forevermore.

  13. Deb Philippi says:

    1Behold, how good and pleasant it is
    when brothers dwell in unity! Love this! Especially while our country is so divided and as we enter the holiday season.

  14. Sharon Ide says:

    Praise God that He chooses His people and His dwelling place with desire. It is not a begrudging salvation He provides, but one of his own desire.

  15. Suzi says:

    I don’t find the psalms easy to read- sometimes I’m unclear on how they should be applied to me! But today in reading this I’ve used them as so many have done for years to sing praise to God! Saying them aloud and putting tunes to them- speaking Gods truth!

    1. AnnieB says:

      Putting tunes to them!! ❤️❤️ beautiful!

  16. AnnieB says:

    131:3 Israel, put your hope in the Lord
    both now and forevermore.– This psalm meant so much more to me today now that i have read so much of God’s Word this year! The perspective-wow!! David had the history of all of Israel before him- from Abraham to Moses and the Exodus, the time of settling the promised land and the time of Judges. He was now Israel’s king and dreaming of a temple for God’s presence. Israel is his family- God’s family. All he wanted for them was to maintain a right relationship with the LORD.- to know their place of humility before Him. But they didn’t – not for long, not consistently. It came to the ugly mess of exile! But God still honored His Word. Christmas is coming. A savior king from the line of David!! It’s been a long time since 3 verses of psalms have surprised me with such a fresh revelation and deep meaning! My excitement to celebrate the birth of our Savior King is as fresh! And i am praying for my family (and yours!) as never before- 3 Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore.!! Amen!!

    1. SarahMay says:

      Awesome! Amen!

  17. SarahMay says:

    Most of my immediate family will be together for Thanksgiving this year, and I’m praying Ps133:1 over us—How good and pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters!) live together in harmony! Holidays have been a major target of the Enemy in the past to steal, kill, and destroy the love & family unity we typically have—I️ am praying for peace and good attitudes and flexibility, for my family and all of yours! ❤️

    1. Melanie says:

      Thanks for this. I’ll be lifting up this verse over your family, too!

    2. Tabitha says:

      Thank you for sharing- I definitely relate to this. I will be praying for both of our families during this time.

  18. MarmeeCotton says:

    My days are just better after reading Psalms! Needing lots of Psalms this morning!

  19. Katrina says:

    Psalms 133:1 How good and pleasant it is
    when God’s people live together in unity!

    Happy Sunday SRT family! So blessed to share this journey with all of you!

    1. Justine Fern says:

      that verse is so beautiful and my heart needed to hear it.

      my church body is currently going through a tough time, needing to change in many areas, with a small group of people holding the group back from its potential. it’s heartbreaking to see that disunity. it’s hard to be loving towards the people who are unwilling to make changes – ah but the lord calls me to be unified with the body. even with those people I don’t see eye to eye with. oh Lord help us be unified in YOU!

  20. Leah S says:

    From Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is
    when God’s people live together in unity!
    So very true…and while we can’t fix the problems of the world, we can be in deep prayer for peace-and we can work on unity within the small circles of our own lives. For change to happen–for us to feel the joy of God’s people in unity, we have to start where we are. Happy Sunday friends!

    1. Shirl says:

      So true at this time of unrest that we can trust in the Lord and rest in Him

      1. Karena Edwards says:

        Even more true today during this time

  21. Carie says:

    As a mama of two, this illustration is one that will stick with me…2 But I have calmed and quieted myself,
    I am like a weaned child with its mother;
    like a weaned child I am content.” I want to be like a weaned child in the arms of my God…not begging for more, but perfectly content and satisfied in HIM, not what he can do for me.

    1. Heidi L says:

      Yes indeed … a very sweet picture of rest and contentment. Oh to be satisfied in Christ alone!