He is present. He provides rest. He blesses us. He is making kingdom generations. He is worthy. Fear and be in awe of Him. He blesses those who fear Him. He protects. He is righteous. He wins. He blesses. He hears. He forgives. He is hope. He is faithful. He redeems.
1 Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
who walks in his ways! 2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;
you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you. – Psalms 128:1-2
Today is Monday, on Friday I got a call from my dr telling me I have a tumour on the outside of my uterus the size of a grapefruit. As well as a large cyst on one of my ovaries. Since hearing the news I weep when I think of children. Because I so desperately want them. The verses at the beginning before Psalm 130 brought up saddens for what I may miss out on and then reading Psalm 130 I felt hopeful. And was reminded of all the other women in the Bible that had trouble conceiving and yet the Lord made it possible. Although all my prayers since finding out have been to shrink these objects growing inside me I am also surrounded by immense comfort in the Lord. I feel his love and his presence and I am hopeful that the Lord will use this as part of his plan to bring him more glory and to magnify is greatness`
My husband & I are in the process of renovating our home so psalm 127 applies to my life so well right now. Unless god is building our house, we are laboring in vain. We have prayed & written scripture over our home, so when it is finished it can be a blessing to all who come in it.
I LOVE psalm 130. It’s a beautiful cry for God’s mercy from a place of suffering. Today, I put my own name in place of Israel in the passage. “Sarah, put your hope in the Lord. He himself will redeem you, Sarah, from all of your sins.”
1Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
who walks in his ways!
2You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;
you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
Psalm 127:2 was so encouraging to me: Christ calls us to rest. I struggle with chasing business, and I really needed to hear this today. If anyone needs more on this I *highly* recommend reading Emily Ley’s “When Less Becomes More,” as it dives more into allowing yourself rest from a practical perspective.
Dear Sloane – I have suffered from depression for many years – but by the grace of God He has lifted me out. I know it’s a tiring battle – but every time you feel self harm coming on declare out loud (if you can) – “in the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke you Satan! Get away from me. I am a daughter of the God most high – you have no power over me.” Also very helpful is Joyce Meyers book Battlefield of the Mind – I think you can get it on CDs too. It really helped me to go to our Heavenly Father and allow him to show me how to fight the battle in my mind – every day. And yes, please get counseling if you can. I’m praying for you. God loves you so much and He is right there with you – you will overcome this battle victoriously – in Jesus’ name – Amen.
Thank you so much, Gretta! It feels amazing to be back. I’m so thankful you started with us!!! This plan is AWESOME and I’m so excited to be reading along with you!
HI SISTERS! Just have a quick praise report/update I really want to share with y’all. I started this plan in January with y’all and was on track until I went to work at a church camp over the summer and got 2 1/2 months behind. I was SO discouraged and didn’t even want to try to catch up, it just seemed impossible. But then about a month ago God really ignited my heart to just start reading 7-8 days at a time. And today, I can proudly say I am fully caught back up with y’all and it feels AMAZING. Even better, I’ve never felt so overwhelmed by His goodness and rooted in my faith. Getting to read these truths is such a blessing and I’m so grateful I’m unified with this community again. It’s so good to be back! Whoo hoo! God is SO good, I’m blessed I get to pursue Him & His Word alongside y’all. Blessings!
Hey y’all ask you pray for me. As I read this passage I felt the Lord speaking to me. I’ve had clinical depression for three years but have recently started to self harm. I know this is not what my God wills upon me and it’s the work of the enemy I just ask you pray I can be steadfast in my faith–remaining in the protection of my Lord until this passes
I will pray for you that you embrace the light of Christ and Ger help for how you are self harming yourself. Step one was admitting you need prayer but step two is seeking help from someone you know. We will all continue to pray.
“Out of the depths I have cried to you, O Lord. Lord hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.”
On this day people have asked for prayer. I will ask on behalf of a young woman in our town – a nurse- with 2 children. Due now w/ her 3rd. Serious complications. Scheduled in 2 days for c-section. They have stockpiled blood on her behalf and told her only she OR the baby will survive. Of the 12 cases they have done before, 6 women survived. She and her family need miracles of our life-saving Savior! I hope it’s ok that i use this space to ask for prayer. I just feel compelled to ask everyone to lift her to Jesus today.
Hi ladies, if you read this please pray for a friend, Barbara. She had been on bed rest for two months and has three more weeks, perhaps, until her baby arrives. She is eaten up with worry and fear and depression and the waiting is so hard. Psalm 130 resonated with me as I thought of her. Praise God for seasons where he asks us to wait; it can be so difficult but he will answer us and delights in us holding fast to him.
8 Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.
In a world full of growing hate, we must stay steadfast in our love for others, this includes our love for Israel. God is the mastermind behind all of these events. All knowing. Let remember to keep the people of Paris close with love and prayer, but let’s not forget too to pray for Israel, it is these brothers and sister that need prayer most.
Lord, as the times grow and change, how thankful am I that You are the same yesterday and tomorrow, that Your love is never ending, and in this storm You, Lord are the ultimate hope. For we walk by faith and not by site. Thank you God for Your Grace, for your promises. Amen.
3If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? 4But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared. Thank you, Jesus, that your blood covers my sins, that you don’t keep a record of them against me!
130:5-6 :: I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait,
And in His word do I hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
More than the watchmen for the morning;
Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.
These verses grabbed me this morning in two ways. First, am I really yearning that much for God, striving for what He has for me, desiring ALL of Him? Second, do I wait as one who has hope (I know the sun is going to rise every single day, but do I trust that God is going to answer me every single time I pray)?
7 O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.
This verse is such an amazing reminder of God’s love and forgiveness.
I’ve been awake for a while with stomach aches and just really want to fall asleep but wake up every time with nausea when I finally start to rest. Anyways i decided since i can’t go to sleep I might as well read today’s passage.
…for he grants sleep to those he loves.
This instantly grabbed my attention. How awesome He is in hearing my prayers!!
That same verse caught my attention as well, though not in the sense that it caught yours (praying that you get to feeling better!!). But we take sleep for granted, and just like the cross and grace and the Holy Ghost, sleep is a gift He is given us. We spend so many nights up until all hours being Kingdomly unproductive just to have to rise early and rush through another day!
He is present. He provides rest. He blesses us. He is making kingdom generations. He is worthy. Fear and be in awe of Him. He blesses those who fear Him. He protects. He is righteous. He wins. He blesses. He hears. He forgives. He is hope. He is faithful. He redeems.
Praying for comfort for you Heather!!
Praying for you Heather! ❤️
1 Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
who walks in his ways! 2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;
you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you. – Psalms 128:1-2
Today is Monday, on Friday I got a call from my dr telling me I have a tumour on the outside of my uterus the size of a grapefruit. As well as a large cyst on one of my ovaries. Since hearing the news I weep when I think of children. Because I so desperately want them. The verses at the beginning before Psalm 130 brought up saddens for what I may miss out on and then reading Psalm 130 I felt hopeful. And was reminded of all the other women in the Bible that had trouble conceiving and yet the Lord made it possible. Although all my prayers since finding out have been to shrink these objects growing inside me I am also surrounded by immense comfort in the Lord. I feel his love and his presence and I am hopeful that the Lord will use this as part of his plan to bring him more glory and to magnify is greatness`
My husband & I are in the process of renovating our home so psalm 127 applies to my life so well right now. Unless god is building our house, we are laboring in vain. We have prayed & written scripture over our home, so when it is finished it can be a blessing to all who come in it.
I LOVE psalm 130. It’s a beautiful cry for God’s mercy from a place of suffering. Today, I put my own name in place of Israel in the passage. “Sarah, put your hope in the Lord. He himself will redeem you, Sarah, from all of your sins.”
Hope always in the Lord! He will redeem us from all our iniquities!!
7O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.
1Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
who walks in his ways!
2You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;
you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
God is holy, none could stand before him if he were to count our iniquities. And yet, he is a forgiving God who hears our cries. Praise Him!
Psalm 127:2 was so encouraging to me: Christ calls us to rest. I struggle with chasing business, and I really needed to hear this today. If anyone needs more on this I *highly* recommend reading Emily Ley’s “When Less Becomes More,” as it dives more into allowing yourself rest from a practical perspective.
Psalm 127:2 was so encouraging to me
Ps 130 3-4
Lord; if you kept an account if iniquities,
Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness
Ain’t that the truth! God not only forgives us, he doesn’t keep track. “If” you kept an account. How merciful is our God? Praise be to Him!!
Dear Sloane – I have suffered from depression for many years – but by the grace of God He has lifted me out. I know it’s a tiring battle – but every time you feel self harm coming on declare out loud (if you can) – “in the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke you Satan! Get away from me. I am a daughter of the God most high – you have no power over me.” Also very helpful is Joyce Meyers book Battlefield of the Mind – I think you can get it on CDs too. It really helped me to go to our Heavenly Father and allow him to show me how to fight the battle in my mind – every day. And yes, please get counseling if you can. I’m praying for you. God loves you so much and He is right there with you – you will overcome this battle victoriously – in Jesus’ name – Amen.
Thanks for sharing!
Great reading! Thanks be to God who is able to do far more abundantly than we could ever ask.
Sloane be encouraged, He holds you. He has given you others on this earth to help you as well as His Spirit.
Way to go Rachel! Welcome back. I have just recently started on Nov. 7 and am enjoying reading God’s Word along with you all.
Thank you so much, Gretta! It feels amazing to be back. I’m so thankful you started with us!!! This plan is AWESOME and I’m so excited to be reading along with you!
HI SISTERS! Just have a quick praise report/update I really want to share with y’all. I started this plan in January with y’all and was on track until I went to work at a church camp over the summer and got 2 1/2 months behind. I was SO discouraged and didn’t even want to try to catch up, it just seemed impossible. But then about a month ago God really ignited my heart to just start reading 7-8 days at a time. And today, I can proudly say I am fully caught back up with y’all and it feels AMAZING. Even better, I’ve never felt so overwhelmed by His goodness and rooted in my faith. Getting to read these truths is such a blessing and I’m so grateful I’m unified with this community again. It’s so good to be back! Whoo hoo! God is SO good, I’m blessed I get to pursue Him & His Word alongside y’all. Blessings!
That is a major accomplishment.
Thank you for the encouragement sweet sister, it does feel very awesome! God is so good.
Praying for you! ❤️ You are strong!
Hey y’all ask you pray for me. As I read this passage I felt the Lord speaking to me. I’ve had clinical depression for three years but have recently started to self harm. I know this is not what my God wills upon me and it’s the work of the enemy I just ask you pray I can be steadfast in my faith–remaining in the protection of my Lord until this passes
Praying for you, Sloane! You are loved.
Praying for you!
Praying for you sweet sister! ❤️
Absolutely will lift you up to Jesus, Sloane.
Oh i got mixed up- just trying to say- ill pray for you Sloane! And i’m excited for you Rachel!!!
I will pray for you that you embrace the light of Christ and Ger help for how you are self harming yourself. Step one was admitting you need prayer but step two is seeking help from someone you know. We will all continue to pray.
“Out of the depths I have cried to you, O Lord. Lord hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.”
Praying that God intervenes mightily in your life, friend! Please find counseling if you haven’t already. God loves you so much!
On this day people have asked for prayer. I will ask on behalf of a young woman in our town – a nurse- with 2 children. Due now w/ her 3rd. Serious complications. Scheduled in 2 days for c-section. They have stockpiled blood on her behalf and told her only she OR the baby will survive. Of the 12 cases they have done before, 6 women survived. She and her family need miracles of our life-saving Savior! I hope it’s ok that i use this space to ask for prayer. I just feel compelled to ask everyone to lift her to Jesus today.
I will definitely pray for this lady and her family!
This space was made for asking for prayer!!! Praying for this lady and her family. Thank you for sharing.
Praying for this family!
Hey girls, I stumbled upon a song called “Psalm 127” by The Corner Room. So cool to have scripture in song! Check it out. I listened to it on Spotify.
Thanks! I’ll check it out
Hi ladies, if you read this please pray for a friend, Barbara. She had been on bed rest for two months and has three more weeks, perhaps, until her baby arrives. She is eaten up with worry and fear and depression and the waiting is so hard. Psalm 130 resonated with me as I thought of her. Praise God for seasons where he asks us to wait; it can be so difficult but he will answer us and delights in us holding fast to him.
Praying strengthening of heart and peace for Barbara. I’m due in 3 weeks also and can relate.
Praying for your friend!
Praying for her!
It’s becoming more and more frightening in our world today. Cling to Jesues, love one another, pray without ceasing!
8 Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.
In a world full of growing hate, we must stay steadfast in our love for others, this includes our love for Israel. God is the mastermind behind all of these events. All knowing. Let remember to keep the people of Paris close with love and prayer, but let’s not forget too to pray for Israel, it is these brothers and sister that need prayer most.
Lord, as the times grow and change, how thankful am I that You are the same yesterday and tomorrow, that Your love is never ending, and in this storm You, Lord are the ultimate hope. For we walk by faith and not by site. Thank you God for Your Grace, for your promises. Amen.
3If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? 4But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared. Thank you, Jesus, that your blood covers my sins, that you don’t keep a record of them against me!
That passage was the same one I bookmarked too. It is amazing how he loved us enough to forgive us over and over again! Have a blessed day!
130:5-6 :: I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait,
And in His word do I hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
More than the watchmen for the morning;
Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.
These verses grabbed me this morning in two ways. First, am I really yearning that much for God, striving for what He has for me, desiring ALL of Him? Second, do I wait as one who has hope (I know the sun is going to rise every single day, but do I trust that God is going to answer me every single time I pray)?
7 O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.
This verse is such an amazing reminder of God’s love and forgiveness.
I’ve been awake for a while with stomach aches and just really want to fall asleep but wake up every time with nausea when I finally start to rest. Anyways i decided since i can’t go to sleep I might as well read today’s passage.
…for he grants sleep to those he loves.
This instantly grabbed my attention. How awesome He is in hearing my prayers!!
That same verse caught my attention as well, though not in the sense that it caught yours (praying that you get to feeling better!!). But we take sleep for granted, and just like the cross and grace and the Holy Ghost, sleep is a gift He is given us. We spend so many nights up until all hours being Kingdomly unproductive just to have to rise early and rush through another day!
Well said. I thought the same thing.
I love this Brittany! A direct word from the Lord!
Hope you are feeling better!!