The Bible In A Year 316

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 4-6, Hebrews 2

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31 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 316"

  1. Lauren Garza says:

    He protects. He is jealous. He is Lord. He is just. He defeated all for us. He knows what we go through.

  2. Ami Richardson says:


  3. Karen Collins says:


  4. Oceanna King says:

    18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. – Hebrews 2:18

  5. Lisa Egnew says:

    13 And again,

    “I will put my trust in him.”

    And again,

    “Behold, I and the children God has given me.” – Hebrews 2:13

  6. Lauren Chronister says:

    I love reading yours and Sharon’s comments! They are full of so much wisdom and thoughtful contemplation that glorifies God’s character. Thank you both for your faithfulness ♥️

  7. Carol Bowman says:

    18For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

  8. mckenzie helmuth says:

    I love the picture god created for us in sending his son to earth. He was tempted, suffered, & died just like us, so that he is able to relate & have a relationship with us. God didn’t have to send his son, he chose to. Since he suffered through temptation, he is now able to help us when we are tempted.

  9. Monique R says:


  10. E Hong says:

    13And again,

    “I will put my trust in him.”

    And again,

    “Behold, I and the children God has given me.”

  11. Sharon Ide says:

    On one hand we see the grievousness of sin and the just judgment it deserves, and the immense salvation granted to us in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sinners are devoted to destruction in God’s holy wrath, and made to be called Christ’s brother in His amazing love and humble compassion. May we consider the glorious salvation Jesus has wrought.

    1. Sarah Johnson says:

      I always love your comments, Sharon! They are so thoughtful and praise God so beautifully. God’s salvation he gave us is mind-blowing and absolutely saturated by mercy and grace.

  12. What I really took out of this was that Jesus was a man just like anyone else. Sure, he was divine, but he understood what it was like to be human! If Jesus can resist mortal temptations and fleshly desires, so can we!

    1. AnnieB says:


  13. SarahMay says:

    1 We must, therefore, pay even more attention to what we have heard, so that we will not drift away…18 For since He Himself was tested and has suffered, He is able to help those who are tested.

    These two bookend verses in our Hebrews reading today are good news—we have to pay attention (this is active!), but Jesus also helps us (actively). Israel was not on their own—before Jesus, the Law was what kept them ‘in line’ and in right standing with God, and they rejected it completely. Now that Jesus has come, having His forgiveness isn’t a reason to continue sinning, but to actively press into what He requires of us, knowing He is there to help us when we’re weak.

    1. AnnieB says:

      I copied those and also this verse: 3 how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? .., again, praying for my children- and myself – let us never neglect this great salvation!!

  14. Destiny ☀️ says:

    This shall be a sign to the house of Israel & they shall know that I am the Lord.

    Despite all that we know and have seem from the Lord our God there are so many scriptures that show a lack of faith and obedience from His people. We have a marvelous God that wants to lead us and to guide us , to live by him and His commandments ; as a shepherd of His sheep He wants us to view Him as He is. All loving , all knowing , all good , all righteous. He knows us He knows our hearts & He has given us the best gift of all – Jesus , The gift of salvation the gift of eternal life. The way that God portrays these scriptures to my heart really speaks to me about the importance of obedience and repentance. And just how strong God’s love is for us ❤️

    9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

  15. Destiny ☀️ says:

    This shall be a sign to the house of Israel & they shall know that I am the Lord.

    Despite all that we know and have seem from the Lord our God there are so many scriptures that show a lack of faith and obedience from His people. We have a marvelous God that wants to lead us and to guide us , to live by him and His commandments ; as a shepherd of His sheep He wants us to view Him as He is. All loving , all knowing , all good , all righteous

  16. Alyssa says:

    18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. – what a great verse! <3 amen!

  17. Katrina says:

    I love that verse Also Leah!

  18. Suzanne says:

    In Ezekiel, as in other books, it is stated over and over that Israel’s punishment will be greater than that of the other nations because they knew and experienced God’s love and blessings and still ran off to other gods. The nations around Israel generally stayed faithful to their gods, and were amazed that Israel changed her loyalty so often and so easily. And then the Hebrews passage starts right up with a reminder not to stray from what we have learned and accepted for our salvation. Lord, help me be loyal when my heart is enticed by other things.

    1. Leah S says:

      Suzanne, that’s a great point. I might have missed the connection if you hadn’t said it that way….and now it seems so obvious! Hebrews 2:1 We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.

  19. Becky says:

    Throughout all of these books of the prophets I continue to see “and then they will know that I am the Lord.” I have learned by intently reading through these books for the first time in my Christian life that God cares more about his reputation than ANYTHING else (this includes our own happiness and comfort). Take Ezekiel for example: do you think it was comfortable to lie on one side for 40 days? How about 390 days?? God required these things of him because it was His reputation at stake among the heathen nations. He MUST punish disobedience. I know that he has other qualities besides justice, but I think sometimes we think He loves us too much to let us be sad or uncomfortable. I have been overwhelmed by the thought that He is passionate about His glory above all else.

    1. Kissairis says:

      That’s a really interesting interpretation, especially when you think of it in the context of current events. Thank you for sharing that!

    2. Caroline says:

      Never thought of that. Thanks for sharing your insight!

    3. Beth says:

      I guess I had interpreted it as the Lord requiring those things from Ezekiel because he was hoping that His people would turn from their sin, repent, and begin to seek to serve the Lord like He did with Ninevah ( or in the NT with the Shepherd leaving to search for one lamb or with Sodom/Gomorah looking for even one righteous man). The Israelites forgot that the Lord is God and treated Him as though he was not all powerful and pure. Without an understanding of how great our sin is and the punishment we are due, we cannot truly understand from what we have been spared (mercy). I also interpreted it as that God has the big picture in mind, His punishment was so they would turn their hearts back to Him, which was for their ultimate good. Essentially, that God was not concerned so much with His reputation as He was the hearts of His people. He wasn’t interested in their immediate comfort or happiness, instead he was interested in their eternal, spiritual well-being.

      1. Pam B says:

        My Bible study note on Ezekiel 6:7 says this about the phrase “you will know that I am the Lord.” : “This assertion that God’s mighty acts in history (his dealings with Israel in judgment and redemption and his dealings with the nations in judgment) will result in his being known and acknowledged by Israel and the nations echoes throughout chapters 6-39.” So I think Becky and Beth both make good points. God is doing these things so that Israel and everyone else will acknowledge Him as the one true God and give Him the glory He deserves. He does want Israel to repent of her sin, but even in the act of repentance God is given glory. So ultimately everything is for God’s glory. :-)

      2. Becky says:

        Yes, I agree!! Great points to balance out in our minds. God wanting glory for Himself and also wanting what is eternally best for us. He is full of love, mercy and justice. Thanks for the great discussion, everybody!

    4. Bella Mokeba says:

      Becky, this is so very true! Thank you for sharing! Above all things, His name must be preserved and He must be glorified!

    5. Heidi L says:

      Interesting to read your comment. In chapel Wednesday the speaker focused on the phrase “for your name sake” from Psalm 23. Not usually the phrase we focus on when we read David’s Psalm but oh how important it is that we understand as His sheep that His name is at stake. The Shepherd prides himself in caring for his sheep and all who see His sheep form an opinion of the “worthiness” of their shepherd! God help us bring the glory due Your Name! But ultimately we know that whether we as sheep follow well or go astray, You are the only true God, worthy of all praise, honor and glory!