Day 242

The Bible In A Year 242

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Psalm 105

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45 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 242"

  1. Brandi says:

    Definitely praying, SarahMay!

  2. SarahMay says:

    Sisters, may I ask you to please pray for Houston? I live there but am away and unable to return due to severe flooding, and my coworkers are stuck in the hospital 24/7 since Friday without relief. My sister is there with a 14 day old baby and 4yo son, husband, and my parents, no power, but thankfully no flooding in their home. It is very difficult and will be a long road to recovery. Yet we know:
    Ps 105: 42 For He remembered His holy promise
    to Abraham His servant.
    43 He brought His people out with rejoicing,
    His chosen ones with shouts of joy.
    44 He gave them the lands of the nations,
    and they inherited what other peoples had worked for.

    1. Melinda says:

      Keeping your family and everyone there in my Prayers!

    2. Ellen says:

      Praying that all their needs will be met and that you all would have peace!

    3. AnnieB says:

      I have prayed- but appreciate the ability to do it more personally and with passion. I’m a nurse. I cannot imagine the difficulties your coworkers are experiencing!

    4. Papa says:

      May God resolve all the problems and bless you and your family especially the new born abundantly with his eternal love and grace. May God be the fortress to all those who are suffering there. Amen

  3. Hayna Bonifacio says:

    What a great reading! Also, August 30 is the start of my board exams, I was just reminded that our God is a promise keeper and that He is faithful. Pray for me as I take my 2 days Pharmacy licensure board exams.

  4. Amber says:

    Loved today’s reading! We will face things that will challenge our faith but God will never fail us, we have to remember he is always with us through the good and the bad and always give him the praise he deserves!

    1. Jenn says:

      Such good insight Amber, sometimes it can be hard to remember this but thank you for the reminder I needed it today!

  5. Emaleigh says:

    God always fulfills his promises. He watches out for us and blesses us in ways we would think impossible. With God, nothing is impossible.

  6. Ariadne says:

    5 Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;

    Yes I will remember!! How Mighty you are, God!!

  7. bryttie says:

    the first verse of this chapter is just amazing! “Give praise to the Lord , proclaim His name;” this makes me think…..first verse, first part of your day, praise Him!!! profound

  8. Christina D. says:

    I love the theme of this Psalm…remembering what God has done and the promises He has kept. As the psalmist recounts the miracles and covenants kept through Joseph and Moses I wonder how the psalm of my life would read. Lord, today I ask you to bring to mind reminders of your faithfulness through the years of my life. You have always provided and kept Your promises to me. Nothing I can do would ever be enough so let me only and always say thank you Lord. You have been my comforter, provider, healer, and father. Thank you.

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