The Bible In A Year 233

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 31, Acts 13:1-25

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37 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 233"

  1. Rebekah Cross says:

    The Lord has called us where we are to do His work. As a wife, I shall honor my husband and be his helpmate. ❤️

  2. Mary H says:

    Please pray Florida my granddaughter who has cancer and is very ill. We need a miracle Father Schmitz. Thank you Mary

  3. Bee Miller says:


  4. Sydney Daniels says:


  5. Rebecca Rascol says:


  6. Oceanna King says:

    26She opens her mouth with wisdom,
    and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

  7. Chrystal Johnson says:

  8. Abigail Bailey says:

    What great reminders!

  9. Hope Osarugue says:

    This was really good

  10. E Hong says:

    30Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
    31Give her of the fruit of her hands,
    and let her works praise her in the gates. -ellie

  11. hannah park says:

    first day of this 365 and it was exactly what I needed to hear. God never fails to amaze me, this is awesome!

  12. AnnieB says:

    I know I’m late to comment. I just want to share that one mothers day i used some of these verses to make a photo scrapbook for my mom. I always struggled to connect emotionally with her. But reviewing photos of clothes she sewed, blankets she knitted, big holiday dinners which took all day to cook- exchange students she welcomed… the book was very meaningful for both of us! If you know a Proverbs 31 woman- consider ways to honor and encourage her- especially if it is your own mom.

  13. Carmaya says:

    “She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs at the time to come… her children will rise up and call her blessed.” My favorite verse.

  14. Shelly Billingsley says:

    Yes, yes, YES!!!

  15. Jill says:

    “give her of the fruit of her hands,
    & let her works praise her in the gates”
    – I love that he finishes the entire chapter with this. i feel as if it sums the entire chapter up perfectly. he is basically saying “the kind of fruit a woman’s life produces shows you what kind of woman she is!”
    it reminds me that as women we just need to be aware of the kind of fruit we are producing. I want to be the type of woman that will make my coworkers proud, my future husband proud, my future kids proud, my friends proud, my parents proud, my sister proud, etc. I need to pay attention to the type of fruit I am producing. as long as I am focusing on Christ, He will produce good fruit in my life. it’s not about focusing on the fruit, it’s about focusing on the God who feeds my soul so that I can produce His fruit. it’s about what I let feed my soul. I can’t control the fruit, I can only control what I choose to feed my soul. Amen!

    1. Brittany says:

      Great post, Jill, I agree!!

    2. Kylee says:

      “I can’t control the fruit, I can only control what I choose to feed my soul” — YES AND AMEN, JILL!!

      1. Carmaya says:

        I could not have said it better myself.

  16. Bernadette says:

    I have to agree with Caitlin H, my life has lead me different ways and I’m struggling to be a women at work, home and off with the children. I want so badly to be the wife my son’s father needs.

  17. Denise Miller says:

    It’s amazing when you are going through something, and you read the bible. The answers or guidance is right there!

  18. Caitlin H. says:

    As a new christian, wife, and mother, I am so happy that this was the reading on the day I finally decided to start this study. It is exactly what I needed. What a blessing!

    1. Leah Swindon says:

      Welcome Caitlin!! That’s great timing, isn’t it??

    2. Julia says:


  19. Hannah says:

    I would love to have a study on Proverbs 31 here at she reads truth! In trying to be a Godly woman this is often where we are told to look and study from so I think it would be fitting if we went through it as a community!

  20. Kaily says:

    Love prov 31! I strive to be this woman. One of my favorites is prob 31:15, especially since by almost 1 year old is not a good sleeper and I most definitely get up when it is still night haha!

    1. Christina D. says:

      Kaily…I’m with you girl. I read this while nursing at 5:30 this morning when it was still dark and thought the same thing :)

  21. Tracey says:

    She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Prov. 31:26. I love that. Striving to be like that.

  22. Leah Swindon says:

    I just love reading Proverbs 31..especially after journeying through the book of Proverbs, it’s a wonderful way to gathered the lessons that stood out to us each individually and then apply them to this description of a woman who fears the Lord. Back when I was single, I used to read this and feel so connected to the I am blessed to have a wonderful husband. The thing is, I still read this passage the same way that I used to..the deeper connection is our relationship with God. I hope that makes’s hard to explain our own personal journeys with this passage! :-)

  23. Suzanne says:

    You were correct the first time, Katrina, he is called both Saul and Paul in this chapter!

  24. Katrina P says:

    Such a transition in Paul through this Acts book!

    1. Katrina P says:

      Saul… Not Paul

    2. Shirl says:

      Yeah they don’t explain the transition from Saul to Paul

      1. Pam B says:

        This is what my study notes say for 13:9 where it says Saul called Paul: “The names mean “asked of God” and “little” respectively. It was customary to have a given name, in this case Saul (Hebrew, Jewish background) and a later name, in this case Paul (Roman, Hellenistic background). From now on Saul is called Paul in Acts. This may be due to Saul’s success in preaching to Paulus or to the fact that he is now entering the Gentile phase of his ministry. ”
        Hope that helps. We also know that Paul was a Roman citizen, so maybe traveling was easier using his Roman name. Not sure, but food for thought.

  25. Katie R says:

    Love the reminder in Pr. 31:8 to be a voice and advocate for the oppressed!

  26. AC says:

    I am so honored to call myself a woman of the Lord! I can’t wait until the day that Jesus comes back!

    1. Melinda says:

      Amen sister!