Day 230

The Bible In A Year 230

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Proverbs 25-26, Acts 10:24-48

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35 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 230"

  1. Sefora Yared says:

    Pray for me and my beloved once, I am getting more spiritual and trying to read the Bible daily. My boyfriend is not a believer and I get him to read the Bible recently. He is not strong so he need your prayers through his journey

  2. Sarah Johnson says:

    A way to overcome evil is with good. A great reminder for when we feel like we want to take matters into our own hands instead of letting God give final judgements.

  3. E Hong says:

    12Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes?
    There is more hope for a fool than for him. -ellie

  4. Kundie says:

    I pray people are enlightened that skin holds no superiority as what matters in the end is skin deep and dwells within you.

  5. SarahMay says:

    What good news it is that salvation in Jesus is available for all, regardless of nationality or skin color. This is so hard for us humans–we want special treatment, we want to consider ourselves (our family, our denomination, those who are most ‘like’ us) better or more elite than others, but it’s just not the message of the Gospel.

    Praying for our nation today, for those who are Believers in Jesus, that we would have a godly, biblical mindset toward those who are different than we are, that we would make God’s free gift of salvation available to all, not just reserved for people we like or agree with. This is not easy, but is fundamental to recognize in what we are battling in our nation today.

    1. Brit says:

      Amen, this past week has been a struggle for our nation and I pray those who do find themselves following Jesus can see or come to know if they haven’t already the true meaning of loving others as thyself no matter who it is.

    2. Kristen says:

      I agree. I’m praying too. Our differences make us diverse, but our similarities should unite us. We are all children of God. May that be our nation’s saving grace.

  6. Kylee says:

    What a holy interaction!!! I bet Cornelius’ friends and family could barely keep up as the goodness of this story was told to them. And to think these holy moments are the foundation for which ALL OF US non-Jewish believers are able to approach God – these words are as alive today as they were back then, & I’m so grateful!

  7. Karena Edwards says:

    What an awesome day of Peter sharing the message! Oh to have been…just a fly on the wall even

  8. SusieAmb says:

    I love today’s NT passage about how God has no partiality. Sometimes it can feel to me like he does, but this reminds me that he only chooses certain people or groups according to what is the best way to move forward with his ultimate plan to redeem the whole earth. It’s not because he has favorites, or finds anyone more acceptable/pleasing than someone else. ‘Our righteous deeds are like filthy rags’ and our sins are no match for the blood of Jesus. God can and does use anyone :) He loves everyone – the goal is restoration for all. So encouraging this morning!

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