Day 213

The Bible In A Year 213

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Song of Songs 4:1-16, Song of Songs 5:1-16, Acts 3

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117 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 213"

  1. Rebekah says:

    I find that playing “catch up” distracts me from what God is trying to teach me. He is not confined to the day of the week and the message assigned to it. Every bit of scripture can apply to you at any day or moment! I’m two days behind now. Stay in the word sisters and you will find yourself craving it more and more. Don’t be discouraged about your starting point or being behind. It’s okay! Just convene with our Father.

  2. Amber says:

    Asking for prayers, please. Last month I missed more than half of the readings and I had made a vow to myself to finish the readings this year. I know we all fall short and God can pick us back up so I’m asking please lift me up in prayers that I’ll keep on keeping on and get back to digging into the readings every day.

    1. Jayne says:

      Praying for you honey, I’m just starting out on this journey, xx

    2. Ashley says:

      God is sovereign!! I pray that the time that you DO spend in the word is fruitful and life-giving, that you would grow more and more in love with our Father and that you would be eager to come read the Bible, knowing that he loves you in your brokenness and comes to meet us where we are!!

    3. Abigail McQueen says:

      Of course! I can relate to you also, but I’ve found that if I keep persevering through the tough times, even when I don’t feel like picking up the Bible, I still persevere to “meditate on His law day and night” – Psalm 1:2. Just remember that, through the tough times, we are still ‘nourishing’ our souls as we read, even if we aren’t having a good day (Matthew 4:4) and that God uses it to transform us, immersing us with the WHOLE TRUTH! (Proverbs 3:5-6). I will be praying for you and all women out there who struggle with keeping on top of devotionals and, could I please ask for you to pray for me also as I read truth and that the time I spend with God each day is fruitful and unfailing.

  3. Andrea says:

    It was easy to seek God when life was going through some bumps. He lifted my family up and it was truly amazing. Now that life if more “normal” I’ve been lazy about putting Him first. I know this app is a great starting place to get back into the Word, but any other good groups or practices you’ve found have inspired you all?

    1. Haley says:

      Hi Andrea! So glad you’re part of this community. For my prayer life, I have a reminder on my phone that is scheduled daily in the morning to pray. I try everyday to not “dismiss” the reminder until I’ve actually prayed for those things I need to pray for. I come here to this reading plan to be in the Word and then I try and have daily prayer time every single day. The power of prayer is incredible and I totally see a difference in my life/relationship with Jesus when I’m actively and daily praying compared to when I’m not.

      1. Andrea says:

        Thank you Haley! I to have a daily devotional reminder that goes off every morning at 6 AM. But sometimes I do find myself in a rush and ignore it. I will set a daily reminder for prayer as well and see if that works for me! :)

  4. JB says:

    Bless you, Tina! God is right there with you as He has been all along. Seek His face and share your heart in prayer with Him everyday and you will feel yourself turning to Him.

  5. Tina Tuaimalo says:

    I have turned my back on God and wish to ask all of yous to pray for me to find my way back to him and his word, as this is my first bit of scripture that I have read on my journey trying to find myself again spiritually

    1. SarahMay says:

      Tina, welcome! I will be praying for you. This is a great place to start. May He be ever near you as you daily seek to be in His Word. He is delighted that you’ve taken this step! So are we!

    2. Ellen McCormick says:

      Tina, how beautiful as you turn back to the Lord to read these verses today:

      19 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, 20 that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, 21 whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.

      I pray you will find God very close to you! He wants that for you too.

  6. Morgan says:

    I am pretty confused- who is the beautiful person being described in songs of Solomon and who is It doing the describing? I don’t understand the context, i just started this plan and have no idea the context for this

    1. The context of Song of Solomon is a back and forth conversation between Solomon and a lover of His, it is the pursuit of affection towards his to-be wife. It is the thrill of the chase, and the capture (in marriage) and the thrill that continues forth. Many people also read it as a parallel between Christ’s pursuit of the church.

      1. Kimberly says:

        Morgan I literally laughed out loud because u took the words right out of my mouth! Rachel thank u!!

    2. Kimberly says:

      Morgan I literally laughed out loud because u took the words right out of my mouth! Rachel thank u!!

  7. Lindsey says:

    I have turned my back of God and I have finally found my way back. I am struggling in so many aspects of my life where something was just not right. I know that God is putting me back together piece by piece and I just ask for prayer as I start my journey back on the right track with God. I know God never turned his back on me even though I had turned my back on God. I am not where I need to be or want to be but I know by the Grace of God I will get there.

    1. Amanda3047 says:

      Lindsey, I feel the same way! I’ve strayed over the last 8 years since I left home. I have found myself missing my connection with God and wondering how I will ever get my life back on track and start living according to His will! It’s never too late…This passage really spoke to me:
      17 “And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. 18 But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled. 19 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, 20 that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, 21 whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.

      1. Lindsey says:

        Amanda, thank you so much for this.

  8. C says:

    Thank you all so much for your prayers! By the grace of God He has been giving me the strength needed to fight through it. I appreciate each one of you and hope that you will keep praying! I will be praying for you ladies and for Nicole. God is good and faithful!

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