When the Book of the Law is found, Josiah weeps and tears his clothes with a repentant heart. He then restores the temple to what it should be, gets rid of idol worship, and re-institutes Passover. The Word should have this same effect and power in our lives—how is the Word causing us to “clean up” our hearts and allowing us to be a better “temple” for Jesus?
Hi Eri, there’s a FB group for us ladies going through the reading together. Search for “The Bible in a Year w/ SRT”. You can see our thoughts on the passages every day! All are welcome. I hope that helps!
2 Kings 23:25 – This is my example of loving the Lord with all my heart, all my soul and all my might. I’ve always wondered: what does it mean to love God this way? Well here is my answer! Kill all the sin. Destroy all the idolatry. Defile everything that sets itself up against God in my life. Burn it all. Dash it to pieces. Weep and mourn over sin, kill it, and turn to God.
Every time I read “Love God with all your heart and all your soul” I fear that I am not loving him enough. And I fear the futures o my children. This just goes to show the old adage,”You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it.” ring more truth. No matter all that Josiah did, neither of his sons walked in his footsteps. He gave them all the knowledge they needed to stay devoted to the Lord but they ignored. I recently told my sister Pray Pray Pray. That is the only thing we actually have any control over.
2Kings 23:26-29
I’ve always liked the story of King Josiah, but it makes me wonder what happened that wasn’t recorded that made his death so tragic. He was Killed as soon as the Pharaoh saw him. Plus, He did all these great things, but Judah still wasn’t saved. It just reminds me that even if we DO all these things it doesn’t fix what we did wrong. It doesn’t redeem us. Only the Blood of Jesus can do that.
There’s a more detailed account of Josiah’s encounter with Pharoah in 2 Chronicles 35, starting with v. 20. Essentially the Lord sent Ph to make war against Isreal as punishment for their past sin. Ph warned Josiah not to interfere. It seems the Lord intended to spare Josiah’s life, but Josiah didn’t listen. He disguised himself and entered the battle and was shot by Ph’s archers.
Acts 1:7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. ” Whenever I get worried about something I have been praying for ( usually family) I have to remember this verse and put that my worry back in His hands and renew my trust. His time is very different from our instant gratification wants. It is also better than our timing. Thank you, Lord, for teaching me patience, trust and humility.
I was really struck with the story of Josiah today. What an amazing discovery the Book of Law must have been. In today’s age of instant information, it’s hard to realize that it would be possible to lose sight of God’s command. But, Josiah’s response to reading the word made me appreciate what we are doing in this study..we are (and have) read through the Book of Law and we get to read the rest of the story! Can we let our reading transform us the way it did Josiah? We are reading the same thing and more…it’s just as powerful and just as amazing! I was really humbled by this today..
Leah, I had the same thoughts. It’s hard for us to imagine LOSING a book of such magnitude because we have things backed up in all sorts of ways today! In fact, we can’t delete things that we wish we could sometimes. What we have in the Word is such a gift. Let us treasure it and hold in such high esteem as did Josiah.
It’s sad to see how quickly one generation overthrows the good work of the previous generation. I think it is a good reminder to us, that no matter how much we follow the Lord, our children may not take that faith and make it their own. That is their decision, and as long as we have taught them the right way, we are not responsible for what they choose to do. That’s the scary part about free will….people don’t always do what you want them to do, no matter how good of an example they had. These passages just highlight what man is capable of when he goes on his own way.
As the mother of two young adults now, I couldn’t agree more. I continue to pray for them daily to bing God into their daily lives. But they have to make the decision now.
2 Kings 23:36 Even though Josiah did so much in turning back to the Lord, that could not sway God’s judgement against Jerusalem and Judah. There is no one good enough, not even one.
Praise be to God that he became man and took upon our punishment, so that we might become citizens of heaven!
2 Kings 3 And the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people joined in the covenant.
We have to remember the power of our influence on the faith of others!
When the Book of the Law is found, Josiah weeps and tears his clothes with a repentant heart. He then restores the temple to what it should be, gets rid of idol worship, and re-institutes Passover. The Word should have this same effect and power in our lives—how is the Word causing us to “clean up” our hearts and allowing us to be a better “temple” for Jesus?
I had trouble concentrating on the reading in Kings today. The chapters seem to be very similar just with different names haha
5for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” -ellie
I had a hard time understanding this one :( does anyone please want to share with me how God spoke to them through these passages?
Hi Eri, there’s a FB group for us ladies going through the reading together. Search for “The Bible in a Year w/ SRT”. You can see our thoughts on the passages every day! All are welcome. I hope that helps!
Thank you!!!!!!
Just sent a request also!!
A thoughtful insight and ideas I will use on my blog. You’ve obviously spent a lot of time on this. Thank you!
It’s crazy how many times I have read some of the books of the New Testament but just keep learning new things everytime!
2 Kings 23:25 – This is my example of loving the Lord with all my heart, all my soul and all my might. I’ve always wondered: what does it mean to love God this way? Well here is my answer! Kill all the sin. Destroy all the idolatry. Defile everything that sets itself up against God in my life. Burn it all. Dash it to pieces. Weep and mourn over sin, kill it, and turn to God.
Weep and mourn over sin, kill it, and turn to God yes yes!
Every time I read “Love God with all your heart and all your soul” I fear that I am not loving him enough. And I fear the futures o my children. This just goes to show the old adage,”You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it.” ring more truth. No matter all that Josiah did, neither of his sons walked in his footsteps. He gave them all the knowledge they needed to stay devoted to the Lord but they ignored. I recently told my sister Pray Pray Pray. That is the only thing we actually have any control over.
2Kings 23:26-29
I’ve always liked the story of King Josiah, but it makes me wonder what happened that wasn’t recorded that made his death so tragic. He was Killed as soon as the Pharaoh saw him. Plus, He did all these great things, but Judah still wasn’t saved. It just reminds me that even if we DO all these things it doesn’t fix what we did wrong. It doesn’t redeem us. Only the Blood of Jesus can do that.
There’s a more detailed account of Josiah’s encounter with Pharoah in 2 Chronicles 35, starting with v. 20. Essentially the Lord sent Ph to make war against Isreal as punishment for their past sin. Ph warned Josiah not to interfere. It seems the Lord intended to spare Josiah’s life, but Josiah didn’t listen. He disguised himself and entered the battle and was shot by Ph’s archers.
Acts 1:7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. ” Whenever I get worried about something I have been praying for ( usually family) I have to remember this verse and put that my worry back in His hands and renew my trust. His time is very different from our instant gratification wants. It is also better than our timing. Thank you, Lord, for teaching me patience, trust and humility.
I love this, Alexis. I too need to trust His timing!
I was really struck with the story of Josiah today. What an amazing discovery the Book of Law must have been. In today’s age of instant information, it’s hard to realize that it would be possible to lose sight of God’s command. But, Josiah’s response to reading the word made me appreciate what we are doing in this study..we are (and have) read through the Book of Law and we get to read the rest of the story! Can we let our reading transform us the way it did Josiah? We are reading the same thing and more…it’s just as powerful and just as amazing! I was really humbled by this today..
Leah, I had the same thoughts. It’s hard for us to imagine LOSING a book of such magnitude because we have things backed up in all sorts of ways today! In fact, we can’t delete things that we wish we could sometimes. What we have in the Word is such a gift. Let us treasure it and hold in such high esteem as did Josiah.
It’s sad to see how quickly one generation overthrows the good work of the previous generation. I think it is a good reminder to us, that no matter how much we follow the Lord, our children may not take that faith and make it their own. That is their decision, and as long as we have taught them the right way, we are not responsible for what they choose to do. That’s the scary part about free will….people don’t always do what you want them to do, no matter how good of an example they had. These passages just highlight what man is capable of when he goes on his own way.
I know..I found myself just shaking my head in verse 23:32 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
After all Josiah did..it just made me sad!
As the mother of two young adults now, I couldn’t agree more. I continue to pray for them daily to bing God into their daily lives. But they have to make the decision now.
2 Kings 23:36 Even though Josiah did so much in turning back to the Lord, that could not sway God’s judgement against Jerusalem and Judah. There is no one good enough, not even one.
Praise be to God that he became man and took upon our punishment, so that we might become citizens of heaven!
2 Kings 3 And the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people joined in the covenant.
We have to remember the power of our influence on the faith of others!
I meant 2 Kings 22:3