Day 191

The Bible In A Year 191

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

1 Kings 6-7, Luke 22:1-38

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35 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 191"

  1. E Hong says:

    19And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” -ellie

  2. Sharon Ide says:

    Though we are easily sifted like wheat, helpless on our own to stand upright and righteous, the Lord Jesus tells us that we can in turn strengthen our brothers. May we do so diligently in prayer.

  3. Josie Borden says:


  4. Phillippa Mills says:

    Luke 22 is powerful! Vs 3 – satan entered into Judas. For satan to enter into Judas there must have been an open door. Therefore I have to stay prayed up at all times. Stay focused on the Word of God.

    Vs 31 Jesus intercedes for us. Even though Satan wants to attack us and tempt us Jesus is praying for us and instructing is that our faith should not fail us.

  5. Phillippa Mills says:

    Vs 12 ‘ concerning this temple you are building, if you keep all my decreed and regulations and obey all my commands, I will fulfil through you the promise I made to your father, David. I will live among the Israelites and will never abandon my people Israel.’

    The words concerning this temple made me think of myself! After all we are the church. I felt God saying to me that concerning my temple, my lifestyle and my body; I must follow him. Follow him in all that I do. Obey Him and keep his commands.

    Also the man Huram that Solomon hired was skilled. Within this chapter what comes up for me is that it is important for us to be skilled at what we do. Huram was so skilled that the wisest man ever to live hired him.

    1. Leigh Nelson says:

      It is so good to hear these thoughts. Yes it is good to be skilled. We should work where God has us in this season for His glory and do our very best. Thank you for your encouragement today!

  6. Katie says:

    I love that you pointed that out. I didn’t pick up on that at first but needed to get this message today!

  7. SarahMay says:

    I am impressed with Hiram–God had given him incredible skill to beautifully make the bronze structures for the Temple complex. Long before Solomon wanted to start building the Temple, Hiram was learning how to be a bronze craftsman (I don’t suppose this is a quickly learned trade!). How amazing our God is to prepare us for what we could never imagine, big things that we can’t see at the time but are vital to His Kingdom!

    1. AnnieB says:

  8. Cindy says:

    I love the idea of Jesus interceding for us. There are so many times especially recently that I’m too ashamed to approach God with my failures. This is comforting to know Jesus prays for us during these times and advocates on our behalf. Afterall, Jesus knows our pain and complicated sin from walking the Earth. Thank you Jesus for being our interceder.

    1. SarahMay says:


    2. Jordan says:


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