The Bible In A Year 184

Open Your Bible

2 Chronicles 28-29, Luke 17

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42 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 184"

  1. Ami Richardson says:


  2. Sydney Daniels says:


  3. Bee Miller says:


  4. Rebecca Rascol says:


  5. Karen Collins says:

    25But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.

  6. Lisa Egnew says:

    10So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’”

  7. D R says:


  8. Chrystal Johnson says:

  9. Mary BethBenson says:

    36And Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced because God had provided for the people, for the thing came about suddenly.

    Turning to the Lord in repentance means speedy provision. He doesn’t withhold His great mercy, love and grace from us, but He waits for us to come to Him that we may receive these things from Him.

  10. Ineke Knot says:

    Luke 17:33: “If you grasp and cling to life on your terms, you’ll lose it, but if you let that life go, you’ll get life on God’s terms.”

  11. Sarah Johnson says:

    I love this part of Luke, “the coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed… the kingdom of god is in your midst.” I believe that still holds true today!! I can see god and his kingdom manifested in so many different small ways in my life and in this world. God doesn’t have to be contained to church or devotionals, I think his kingdom surrounds us daily in unexpected ways.

    1. Laura Andersen says:

      Amen! This stood out to me today as well.

  12. E Hong says:

    6And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. -ellie

  13. Jessica Cornell says:

    Ahaz engaged in the detestable practices of the nations… as a chosen nation of the Lord we need to stand firm and not engage in the detestable
    practices of the world …

  14. Rachael Hebblethwaite says:

    It’s interesting to me that is real listen to God because they had too much guilt already. It said that their rates went up to the heavens that they listen to God and didn’t hurt the captives from Judah instead they close and fed them.
    Hezekiah promptly corrected and cleansed.

  15. Michelle Chen says:

    33Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.
    Am I living for myself? Or for Him?

  16. Phillippa Mills says:

    Luke 17:1-4
    I have a responsibility towards my fellow brothers and sisters. I have to make sure that one I can lead them back on the right path (without judgement) but also make sure I do not cause them to sin.
    Also I am to forgive them!

    *MORALE* Am I living right? Am I letting things such as jealousy, ulterior motives govern how I behave or act towards another.

    Sometime jealousy stops me from inviting people to do certain things. But what if in my actions I am possibly stopping Simone from pursuing what God has called them to do.

    1. Ineke Knot says:

      Thanks for this message Phillippa. I’ve only recently recognised that jealousy was troubling me. Never thought of myself as a jealous person, because I detest jealousy and wished I didn’t have this inclination. However, the closer I get to God, the more I can fully accept all these different parts of myself. I will celebrate my weaknesses, as His glory becomes fulfilled in them.

  17. brightgirl says:

    I am not sure why but the verse that stood out to me today was 2 Chron 29:11 “My sons, do not be negligent now, for The Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him…”

  18. ed sheeran don t says:

    i like Californication because of the pretty girls and the nice music that it imparts on the show,,

  19. Rachel says:

    Luke 17:3-4 Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, 4 and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”

    This verse stood out to me as I don’t recall reading it before now, even though I’ve read Luke several times! I think it is a very important reminder to us Christians. First, Jesus calls us to hold our friends accountable for their actions – if a brother sins, “rebuke him”. Jesus then calls us to forgive our brothers. God forgives our sins, and while there is nothing that we can do to repay the Lord for that, we are called to represent Him on earth and forgive others.

    One last thought that I came across – verse 4. Jesus calls us to forgive others for their sins when they repent, not once, not twice, but even 7 (and more) times, if necessary. I struggle with this a lot, and it’s easier said than done. I consistently am angry with my mom. In simple terms, her multitude of sins have gradually led up to the deterioration of our relationship. However, when she repents, I do my best to forgive her, although this forgiveness takes time. It is encouraging to see a verse like this at a time where I really need to see it; i really needed a biblical reminder of the responsibility I have as A child of the Lord. Praise God for his grace!!!

    1. Chelsea says:

      May the Lord’s love wash over you and give you strength to forgive. Also Lord Jesus, give Rachel wisdom to know where and how to set healthy boundaries with her mom.

  20. Rachel says:

    2 chronicles has been a lot to retain for me. As I read, I am able to understand it and it helps when I take notes in plot/message. Is it bad if all these names (Asa, Jehoshaphat, azaziah, jeohoidah, Joash, amaziah, jotham, etc) are confusing me? I find it really hard to remember who they all are without reverting back to my notes..

    1. SusieAmb says:

      I think it’s great that you’re taking notes! Anyone who remembers all this without taking notes or having read it loads of times before has a super sponge brain

  21. Britt C says:

    Over the prophet reminds the people of Israel not to take too much out on those from Judah they were taking captive (as a part of Gods plan), and says Surely, do you not have transgressions of your own? And Israel listened. As I censure others, even if just in my own mind, I forget I too have transgressed. I should remember mercy and forgiveness, the same of which has been granted to me in Christ. In Luke Jesus says if someone sins against you even 7 times for the same sin, and repents 7 times, forgive him. Not optional!

    1. Britt C says:


  22. SusieAmb says:

    To the single leper he says ‘your faith has made you well.’ Firstly, the fact that he came back to thank Jesus caused Jesus to applaud his faith. We often just think of ‘faith’ in terms of belief that he is who he says he is, but I think Jesus is saying that it’s so much more than that. Faith isn’t simply belief in his existence, true faith is having a humble heart, a grateful heart – a heart that WORSHIPS God, just as we were created to do. Faith is having the right attitude when it comes to all things God. Secondly, Jesus says that his faith has made him well AFTER he had been healed. Which makes me think that the man’s expression of thanks, pointing back to Jesus and not indulging in the pleasures of victory but giving glory to God (as I mentioned yesterday), made his SOUL well. It made him right with God. True wellness. The rest indulged in the pleasures of victory by not bothering to come back to give Jesus glory, so although the they may have received physical wellness, they still didn’t have spiritual wellness. And as we know, that’s the only wellness that really matters, eternal wellness, which I think is what Jesus was saying. Sorry if that’s convoluted!! I got a bit excited!! I love God!!

    1. Kylee says:

      I love this Susie! I want to be well from the inside out – even when God changes my circumstances, my joy will not be complete until I have praised him for it!!!!

    2. Tori says:

      yes i love this!!!

  23. this was beautiful

  24. Tabbi says:

    I have a court date tomorrow for the custody of my son. I have been praying that the judgment is just and right, the the Lord give me patience, peace, and strength through this trial. My boy had been back with me for 3 weeks now and is back to wanting to pray, to go to church, and to read the bible with me. Whereas he didn’t want anything to do with it before he came 3 weeks ago. Please pray that everything goes to Gods plan tomorrow, so that I may bring my son back to the Lord so that he may know Him. Jesus’ name. Amen.

    1. Kylee says:

      Praying for you! May He work it all out on your behalf for the glory of God!

  25. Alise says:

    I thought it was beautiful how God provided for the offering of Hezekiah and the people! No doubt their nation was in ruins from all the wars and taking of captives. And yet God provided the resources of repentance.

  26. Heidi L says:

    Hezekiah was a godly King — and his moms name was Abijah, daughter of Zechariah, I’m guessing the same Zechariah who was Uzziahs counselor? Wow… We can have a powerful impact on our kids even though Ahaz, his dad did not follow God. I wonder if Abijah will make SRTs OT Women of the Word list?!? (or did we already learn of her?) :)

  27. Trish says:

    God bless you Heather!! Keeping all your loved ones in my prayers but most importantly, your trust, and patience. GOD has all of this. He is in control of it all

  28. Heather says:

    A lot has been happening in my life lately and it has caused me to grow distant in my faith.
    I am slowly coming back to God because a women I know has been fight for her life after a horrific car accident. She is still in hospital but we know longer fear for her life at this point in time. It has been a week.

    My boyfriend has been going through a very tough time some terrible luck lately and today he is doing an interview (it’s a physical test) for a job he has been pining over for a long time.
    Please pray with me that he passes it and that God restores his body and runs this race with him.
    We find the results out in a week, he needs this job so badly!

    Thank you

    1. Martina Appelqvist says:

      I’m praying for you and your husband Heather

    2. Traci says:


  29. Claire says:

    Chronicles does a wonderful job of reminding us that God has the victory and without Him we are nothing. This week I feel we have been reminded over and over again that the absolute best thing we can do is worship and follow

  30. Olivia says:

    The first story reminds me of how, especially with an election coming up (in America), it is so important to choose a strong, intelligent, and God-fearing person to lead us!

  31. Suzanne says:

    It’s no wonder we are referred to as sheep so often! How silly is it that various rulers keep running after the so-called gods of the nations around them, not realizing that God is merely using those nations as His tools. No other gods can do what God does. And as the rulers go, so go the people, just like sheep playing follow the leader. Let this be a lesson to Christians today, and let us follow God, not leaders who want to take us away from God.

  32. Katrina P says:

    This chapter in Luke is a reminder to always give thanks to the Lord! He is the reason and is deserving of a all of our praise!