19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. – John 15:19
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. – John 15:16
john 15:12 “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”
john 15:17 “This is my command: Love each other.”
this command is in here many times and it’s something the Lord wants us to do which is love one another. Lord help me to love people better.
Slayyy- we see a lot of genealogy but we also see how God is unchanging and is generational, never ending and never changing. Reliable and trustworthy is He
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. – John 15:16
If you are interested in exploring this more, Francine Rivers writes a fictional book on this story that is very compelling. It’s a part of a series that she does on women in the Bible.
So thankful for the Holy Spirit and for conviction. As hard as it is, I’m grateful for a God who convicts us out of His unconditional love for us. He ALWAYS has our best interests at heart!!
And praise the Lord for sparing Tamar’s life! And for Judah doing the right thing and not trying to cover it up or burn her anyway when he found out it was his child inside of her.
The cord that Tamar asked reminded me of Rahab when she asked the spies to save her by a scarlet thread. Tamar was supposed to be burned by Judah, but her life was preserved after she showed him the cord. Jesus said every branch that does not bear fruit will be thrown away into the fire and burned. Then He said we should abide in him if we want to bear fruit. Jesus is our scarlet thread that saves us, and our cord that keeps us abiding in His love.
It is so hard to love people who have wronged you, but we are made in the image of God. Love your enemies and love one another. Thank you, Jesus for loving us.
Jesus can understand when people hurt us or harm us even though we brought them good. Jesus said they hated me without a cause. A lot of people may not like you especially if you follow the Lord instead of the world, but you need to stay strong and have that endurance to keep going because with the Lord we win
I don’t think Judah is a man I would want to spend much time with. He betrayed his brother and as much as murdered his daughter in law too (hypocritically punishing her to death for the same sin he committed). Yet God choose Judah to carry the line of David and ultimately Jesus. Rev. 5:5. Aren’t I just like Judah? Hypocritical? Jealous? Self-seeking? Yep. Perhaps God can still weave his purposes into my life.
““This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.”
John 15:12-14 ESV
As a very self-centered person and introvert this is so difficult for me. I love people but I don’t like people… it’s very hard to love people especially when you don’t like them. When I ask myself in my heart, do I love my Christian brothers and sisters honestly? Do I sincerely love The souls that the Lord has given as our friends and companions? Do I love them unconditionally or just when it suits me? Do I love them wholeheartedly or only when I’m in the mood? Could I invite anyone of you here on this social media outlet into my my home without any judgment or criticism and love you like Jesus loved us? Maybe for a little while but then when I think that your time is up I want you to get out of my house. Would I inconvenience myself for the needs and comfort of a stranger?
We cannot love each other in the same way Christ has perfect love for us, so we are destined to sin. But because of the grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus we are saved by confessing our shortcomings. Praise God!
7But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord took his life.
10But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also.
I too often forgot He is Our Righteous Judge as well as our Loving Father
ABIDE “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. “
Jesus calls us friends! We are his friends! He is a true friend who has layed down His life for we can have eternal life with Him in heaven! Amen “13Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 15No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. “
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 15:12). Oh to love as He loves! His is sacrificial love. Oh Father, let me be a conduit of your love to others
Don’t you love this chapter of John? We had sermon on it in church this past Sunday, and it is incredible to think of life when you abide by the vine. When we are rightly related to Jesus, to each other, and to the world, we may be truly blessed. We may testify to others what we have experienced by his power. This is the kind of love I want to show the world, and I hope to work each day to best abide by the vine and be fruitful.
Idk about anyone else but my heart kind of hurts that these women don’t seem to have personal relationships with God. And maybe part of that is that men are the leaders and are held accountable for the household, but we really only see God feel personal to them when he blesses them with children which is beautiful but I feel my heart aching for the women of the Old Testament today
The Bible is divinely inspired and is the Word of God. I believe that what was written reflects their relationship with God well, but we also know only what would be beneficial for us to know. In the Bible where Paul talks about the different parts of the body, he mentions that the parts that are hidden/covered are actually the parts of the body that are given the most honor. Jesus mentions in John that the least on earth shall be the greatest in Heaven. I don’t feel like God is picking favorites or that they are left out or not as important, but I feel like there is another purpose or function for the ladies that are mentioned.
Since Jesus only does and says what The Father tells Him to, I believe that the honor that Jesus gives to women in the New Testament is reflective of the honor that The Father gives woman of the Old Testament also.
I love John 15! Jesus is the source and depending on how much we die is the level of life he lives out through us. If we hang on to our desires, perceived needs and wants we can only reflect pieces of Jesus. By letting Jesus live out his whole Holy self in us we can have full freedom and fruits that are good! It’s not a little bit of me and some Jesus. It’s all death to me and Jesus, live out YOUR life through me. All of it!
The story of Judah and Tamar can be bizarre the first time it’s read. It’s definitely not a comfortable read! I think it’s placed in the story of Joseph partially to compare Judah with Joseph in the next chapter as Potiphar’s wife attempts to seduce him.
Also, the son Judah, Perez, is in the line of Jesus, showing once again that God redeems these sinful people and uncomfortable stories!
I hadn’t thought of it like that – so true! I am right now working through (or more honestly, trying to push aside) feelings of failure but at the same time trying to see it from a different perspective ie how God might see it and might use it. It’s still very humbling (failure is hard) but I like what you said – if it knocks some more pride out of me, that’s a good thing. And we really do only see such a small part of the big picture. Thanks for your post!
Today’s readings made me think, ” wow I’m glad no one’s writing about my mistakes, using my name, for people to read about for centuries to come in the best selling book of all time!” Now that would be true submission. Letting God really use me for His greater purposes! But in a way that would knock every ounce of pride out of me!!
I hadn’t thought of it like that – so true! I am right now working through (or more honestly, trying to push aside) feelings of failure but at the same time trying to see it from a different perspective ie how God might see it and might use it. It’s still very humbling (failure is hard) but I like what you said – if it knocks some more pride out of me, that’s a good thing. And we really do only see such a small part of the big picture. Thanks for your post!
7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. 9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
When I abide in the Lord, I will bear fruit. But even as I’m bearing fruit, I’m still being pruned, so I can produce even more fruit. Lord, help me to see where my life needs pruning, so I can bear more fruit for you.
Lord grant me the strength and perseverance to walk with you daily, to live like Christ, to receive in me the Holy Spirit and a firm conviction of faith, that I may abide in You, and bear much fruit. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
The story of Joseph! It just teaches me how even in the most of bad circumstances God will fulfill his promises! And those dreams he had were visions of those promises! Ya can’t tell everyone what God tells you because not everyone will appreciate what he’s doing in your life!
John 15! God prunes us in order for us to produce more fruit! It’s not comfy! He’s testing our patience, joy, self-control, love, faith, gentleness, goodness, etc. so even if we are uncomfortable, He loves us forever and wants us to look more like Him everyday! ❤️
‘Ya can’t tell everyone what God tells you because not everyone will appreciate what he’s doing in your life! ‘ Thank you for your words this morning, I really needed to hear that! God is telling me so much at the moment about the times we are living in but no one seems to want to hear, bless you. He needs to keep pruning so I can keep growing.
Reading John 15 as I read through chapter 5 of Crazy Love. He cuts off those branches that do not bear fruit. Lukewarm is so not an option. Yet we make it a chore and try to see how little we can do to not get cut off while he is offering fullness of joy in him. Wow.
In these days, it was customary to give the next son to your widowed daughter-in-law. So basically she would marry the next of Judah’s sons, until God allowed one to live. Judah was worried that Shelah would die if he married Tamar, so he was lying when he said that Tamar could marry Shelah after Shelah got older. Judah never intended to follow through. Then Tamar got pregnant, and Judah felt that she deserved to be punished for her sin. Then he was convicted of his own lie. So when he said that she was more righteous than he was, he was admitting that his sin was great and that she did not deserve the judgment he previously suggested. I hope that makes sense and helps!
A servant is not greater than her Master…if they hated Him and I’m truly following Him…somebody’s going to hate me..and they’re without excuse because they’ve seen what You can do…but Father, please! In Your great mercy, please grant them the gift of repentance! Please Lord! Forgive them, for they know not what they’re doing!
John 15 is just what I needed today. He allows us to bear fruit, He makes our joy COMPLETE, He calls us friend and makes all His plans known to us!, He chose us and appointed us. Then to top it all off He sent us the Holy Spirit as an advocate! Thank you God!
Does anyone else find it hard to read a chapter that is mostly a list of names you can’t pronounce? I keep finding myself skimming over those parts despite wanting to really reflect on each word of God
I used to skim them, but I found that by keeping a family tree, a record of the names, I’m actually reading and connecting pieces that I hadn’t previously.
I am being BLOWN away by reading genesis and seeing the complete mess of a family tree that Jesus comes from. Jesus’ lineage is through Tamar’s son, Perez. And we all know what Tamar did to get children. This has been completely eye opening to the fact that Gods grace to us is not based on performance and that he uses the most disgusting of things to usher in his most glorious plans. There is great hope in the lord making all things new! Even messed up family issues and sexual sin of the worst kind. He is the great redeemer!
Legally, Tamar had a right to children of Judah’s line and she was being cheated. I admire her initiative and shrewdness in getting what was owed to her.
She outwitted him, and he acknowledged the justice of her claim.
John 15 is an amazing passage. There is so much to think about and pray about. My biggest thought/prayer for the week will be: what is God pruning in me? What is fruitless within my heart that leads me further from Christ?
I can help but think how cold Joseph’s brothers acted. Deep hate, leading to possible death, ending up in a teenager, family member, being sold. Rueben tried to save Joseph but it turned out differently. One would venture to say that if you see your father depressed and so deeply saddened that the truth might come out…yet, the brothers kept silent, even Reuben. I wonder at the process of “sin”. It starts in small phases, giving birth to a “cold heart”, possible leading to no repentance… What a terrible state to be in. How many of us get trapped the same?
At the same time, interesting how God revealed to Joseph his future position, yet if only Joseph knew how he would end up in his high position… Joseph saw in his dream, at 17, his place of power…little did his young mind expect the tragic events to lead to that role, by a kid nevertheless probably spoiled by his dad until that point. God reveals to us small pockets of things, and even if the road gets tough, He carries us through… So much to think about!!
Chilling Words: Here comes that dreamer. Gen 37:19. But a waterless cistern could not hold up the Providence of God. Heartless for siblings to murder in their hearts and sit down to feast with plenty of water. God is always superintending.
17 This is my command: Love each other. 18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. — This really stood out to me. I’ve been having a rough time with some people in my life and verse 18 pulled at my heartstrings. Maybe it wasn’t the intended meaning but I took it as Jesus has been in my shoes before, with his love and guidance I can make it through this as well. These people may not be treating me well right now but I’ll continue to love and pray for them.
My first day, thought about reading notes from January 1st, but thought I might not catch up. I just need a kick start to the habit of daily reading, and this sounds like a good plan!
This reading plan has been such a blessing to me. I never want reading the word to seem like another “chore” and something to check of my to-do list, but something I’m learning is that being consistent makes me want to read more.
Being consistent on my less busy days keeps me going back to the Lord and his word on my crazy busy days. By developing discipline, each day becomes less like a “to-do” list and more of an honest yearning that God would speak to me and bring me into his presence, if even for those few moments I spend with Him. I’m feeling the necessity of daily communion with God and I’m beginning to marvel at how I used to go weeks without opening my Bible!
Thank you ladies for your inspiring words and commentary on these passages! What a beautiful thing to know we are going through this together!
And how amazing that opening God’s Word is no longer a chore…but something I look forward to!! Whether waking up in excitement to spend time in His Word or coming home at the end of a long day eager to rest in His arms…what a change :) God is good.
Wow! Thank you for this. I’ve been struggling to read my Bible consistently, hoping for change in that it becomes something I am so eager to do. There is hope in the Lord, and I’m excited to see how God uses this study in my personal life. (even though I started late and am a few months behind)
Ahh. I’m finally caught up and want to now say hi! And I can’t wait to join you all in this journey. Reading through the Bible has been a goal of mine for ages so you all are holding me accountable. Thanks for that!
15: 9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
So good. So much to cherish in just those two small sentences. Christ tells us to remain in His love..we don’t even have to ask. It’s an invitation and a command, and so amazingly wonderful.
Joseph must have been a pretty obnoxious kid! His brothers hated him because he was the favorite son. His dad spoiled him. And he kept gloating about how one day he would rule over all of them. Talk about sibling rivalry! But look at how God changed him and uses him. His brothers had no idea that their cruelty would actually guarantee their survival years down the road. God uses the most tragic circumstances to make a way
I thought that about Joseph too. I’m struggling now with being jealous of others. But I don’t want to be remembered for letting my jealousy take over me, like the brothers.
I read something a while back that said, “comparison is the thief of joy”. I think jealousy is also a product of comparison, it took me a while to overcome my daily comparing of myself to other women, other moms, and other people’s lives in general. But when I turned my comparison into thankfulness and praise for who God made me to be and what He has given me my jealousy of others went away
I agree that he comes across as pretty obnoxious but it struck me today how his brother’s actions led to the realization of his dreams down the road… Through him being sold into slavery he was eventually elevated to a higher position and one that allowed him to save his entire family. It was a good reminder to me just how God works in all situations. He is always in control.
When Joseph has his dream his brothers were jealous but it says Jacob took note of them. Jacob having talked with God and knew his promise with Issac and Abraham must have crossed his mind that God would continue the promise with one of his sons. And I am sure he was a little bratty-being the favorite son-being from Rachel, which she desperately prayed for him and maybe the feeling wasn’t the same with Benjamin since Rachel died during childbirth with him. But knowing that God set everything in motion is amazing. I see the common between Jacob and Joseph-the favoritism as a young child-into working hard and being cheated-but God always provides
Francine Rivers (author of “Redeeming Love”) wrote 5 little novellas on the 5 women listed in Jesus’ heritage in the first chapter of Matthew – Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsehba, & Mary. She does a beautiful job of bringing these women to life, & brings a better understanding of their actions & how it fit into their culture at that time. It certainly helped me to better understand Tamar & her actions in Genesis 38.
She does indeed! I remember reading those books and though how Francine Rivers seems to transport you to the time and place by such vivid words and descriptions.
It does help at times to understand who the men are later in life. Genealogy serves a purpose to help explain Joseph and his seven brothers, not all ministers typically preach about it but it helps to list their names instead of just people of importance like Joseph. Sometimes later in the story they appear and people will be like “whose son is this”
Yes, and knowing the genealogy explains why Tamar slept with her father in law. Woman in the culture relied on men for their worth. As a widow, and without a husband she relied on having sons to take care of her. And when she didn’t have a son she tricked her father-in-law to sleep with herso that she would have offspring. May these stories teach us more about God and his mercy.
The story requires a lot of thought. I never considered the “taking care” aspect. Thanks for pointing that out. Interesting then how God gave her twins…
Laura, I wonder the same sometimes, but in this case Esau was the father of the Edomites, which we see mention of throughout the OT! I think it’s important in this case because we see how the two nations really did continue to struggle just as it was said in Genesis 25 to Rebekah (2 nations in your womb) ! Just a side note: I read somewhere that the religion of the Edomites was similar to that of other pagan societies who worshiped fertility gods. But nevertheless there was definitely a purpose in mentioning the list of names! I’m sure someone on here knows even more about why this is the case! …which is why I love reading all your comments! :)
Laura, I agree with what these other ladies said. I also think, at a more basic level, it reminds me of the accuracy of the Bible-that the people we read about are real, historical people.
The Bible lists the lineages so they can be traced back to real people and therefore, proving our direct connection to God. God thought of everything…including ensuring that no matter how much time has passed, real evidence will surface to prove even further the Truth.
It also shows the direct lineage of which Christ will come. As in the other comments their is such knowledge to be gained from each person named. On another side note…I don’t think I’ll ever understand why in the world the men wanted, not just two wives, but three, four, five and even more! Too many women together even drive me nuts! Brings sister wives to a whole new level! LOL!
Wow! What a future Joseph had in front of him with the favour of Jacob and the blessing of the Lord (as we see in the prophetic dreams God gave him) But oh, I bet Joseph never imagined the path he would have to walk before those dreams were fulfilled. I wonder how many times he despaired and wondered what God was up to? I despair after months of waiting. What about the years he went through???
I see a pattern in many great men and women in the Bible. They had to be brought down to a state of surrender and helplessness, before they learnt the power and the strength of the God they served. Then at the right time, they could move forward with new purpose and how God used them!
I learn through this story that God’s ways are different than my ways. When it seems that the path I am walking is dark and hopeless, I must look to Christ and remember the great men and women in the Bible who shared the same struggle of faith and found that God was faithful. He never changes! He will bring about what He has promised in me!
Day 17! Love learning new things and seeing old things from a fresh perspective every time I read the word
19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. – John 15:19
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. – John 15:16
13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13
yes! and he is generational!
john 15:12 “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”
john 15:17 “This is my command: Love each other.”
this command is in here many times and it’s something the Lord wants us to do which is love one another. Lord help me to love people better.
john 15:12 “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”
john 15:17 “This is my command: Love each other.”
Slayyy- we see a lot of genealogy but we also see how God is unchanging and is generational, never ending and never changing. Reliable and trustworthy is He
Praise God for sending us the Holy Spirit!
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. – John 15:16
If you are interested in exploring this more, Francine Rivers writes a fictional book on this story that is very compelling. It’s a part of a series that she does on women in the Bible.
So thankful for the Holy Spirit and for conviction. As hard as it is, I’m grateful for a God who convicts us out of His unconditional love for us. He ALWAYS has our best interests at heart!!
And praise the Lord for sparing Tamar’s life! And for Judah doing the right thing and not trying to cover it up or burn her anyway when he found out it was his child inside of her.
I don’t think I’ve ever read the story of Judah and Tamar. It was very interesting.
abide in me, and i in you. as the branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
The cord that Tamar asked reminded me of Rahab when she asked the spies to save her by a scarlet thread. Tamar was supposed to be burned by Judah, but her life was preserved after she showed him the cord. Jesus said every branch that does not bear fruit will be thrown away into the fire and burned. Then He said we should abide in him if we want to bear fruit. Jesus is our scarlet thread that saves us, and our cord that keeps us abiding in His love.
I think it’s so wonderful that Jesus refers to us as his friends❤️
“Remain in me and I remain in you.” I loved today’s reading. ❤️ Day 17 done!
It is so hard to love people who have wronged you, but we are made in the image of God. Love your enemies and love one another. Thank you, Jesus for loving us.
Jesus can understand when people hurt us or harm us even though we brought them good. Jesus said they hated me without a cause. A lot of people may not like you especially if you follow the Lord instead of the world, but you need to stay strong and have that endurance to keep going because with the Lord we win
Love His promise. Abide w/me and I with you!! With all the crazieness rt now, what comfort!!
I don’t think Judah is a man I would want to spend much time with. He betrayed his brother and as much as murdered his daughter in law too (hypocritically punishing her to death for the same sin he committed). Yet God choose Judah to carry the line of David and ultimately Jesus. Rev. 5:5. Aren’t I just like Judah? Hypocritical? Jealous? Self-seeking? Yep. Perhaps God can still weave his purposes into my life.
““This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.”
John 15:12-14 ESV
As a very self-centered person and introvert this is so difficult for me. I love people but I don’t like people… it’s very hard to love people especially when you don’t like them. When I ask myself in my heart, do I love my Christian brothers and sisters honestly? Do I sincerely love The souls that the Lord has given as our friends and companions? Do I love them unconditionally or just when it suits me? Do I love them wholeheartedly or only when I’m in the mood? Could I invite anyone of you here on this social media outlet into my my home without any judgment or criticism and love you like Jesus loved us? Maybe for a little while but then when I think that your time is up I want you to get out of my house. Would I inconvenience myself for the needs and comfort of a stranger?
No longer servants but friends. Thank you Jesus – no longer bound but free
Great. Word again today, we only bear good fruit by staying in Him !!
You are no longer my servant, because my servant does not know my business. You are my friend… because I have shared with you ❤️❤️
Catching up!
I love that Jesus says “I chose you.”
I love that too!!
a good reminder that we are called to be image-bearers of Christ & have all that we do be lead in & through L O V E (:
Powerful words “ if you are hated in the world remember they hated me first.” God once again shows his never ending love
YES. I notice that when I feel strong in my relationship with Christ is sometimes when this world tries me the most.
We cannot love each other in the same way Christ has perfect love for us, so we are destined to sin. But because of the grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus we are saved by confessing our shortcomings. Praise God!
7But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord took his life.
10But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also.
I too often forgot He is Our Righteous Judge as well as our Loving Father
ABIDE “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. “
CHOSEN 16‘You did not choose Me but I chose you,
John 15:18-19 a beautiful reminder that we are in this world but not of this world.
Jesus calls us friends! We are his friends! He is a true friend who has layed down His life for we can have eternal life with Him in heaven! Amen “13Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 15No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. “
What a blessing!
Great scripture to start the day out with
May we love our Lord by abiding in His love, in obedience to His commandments, to the fulfillment of our joy.
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 15:12). Oh to love as He loves! His is sacrificial love. Oh Father, let me be a conduit of your love to others
11These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. -ellie
DY 17
Don’t you love this chapter of John? We had sermon on it in church this past Sunday, and it is incredible to think of life when you abide by the vine. When we are rightly related to Jesus, to each other, and to the world, we may be truly blessed. We may testify to others what we have experienced by his power. This is the kind of love I want to show the world, and I hope to work each day to best abide by the vine and be fruitful.
Idk about anyone else but my heart kind of hurts that these women don’t seem to have personal relationships with God. And maybe part of that is that men are the leaders and are held accountable for the household, but we really only see God feel personal to them when he blesses them with children which is beautiful but I feel my heart aching for the women of the Old Testament today
Maybe they did but it just didn’t seem as important because of the culture? So it was never noted?
The Bible is divinely inspired and is the Word of God. I believe that what was written reflects their relationship with God well, but we also know only what would be beneficial for us to know. In the Bible where Paul talks about the different parts of the body, he mentions that the parts that are hidden/covered are actually the parts of the body that are given the most honor. Jesus mentions in John that the least on earth shall be the greatest in Heaven. I don’t feel like God is picking favorites or that they are left out or not as important, but I feel like there is another purpose or function for the ladies that are mentioned.
Since Jesus only does and says what The Father tells Him to, I believe that the honor that Jesus gives to women in the New Testament is reflective of the honor that The Father gives woman of the Old Testament also.
john 15:17 “This is my command: Love each other.”
I love John 15! Jesus is the source and depending on how much we die is the level of life he lives out through us. If we hang on to our desires, perceived needs and wants we can only reflect pieces of Jesus. By letting Jesus live out his whole Holy self in us we can have full freedom and fruits that are good! It’s not a little bit of me and some Jesus. It’s all death to me and Jesus, live out YOUR life through me. All of it!
The story of Judah and Tamar can be bizarre the first time it’s read. It’s definitely not a comfortable read! I think it’s placed in the story of Joseph partially to compare Judah with Joseph in the next chapter as Potiphar’s wife attempts to seduce him.
Also, the son Judah, Perez, is in the line of Jesus, showing once again that God redeems these sinful people and uncomfortable stories!
Amen girl! Jesus’ whole lineage was brought about by NOTHING but redemption and grace and mercy to all who were involved!
Thank you for that! Because as I was reading, I was like WHY is this in here?!
Agreed, Ashley — thanks for this good point, Ingrid!
Love one another!
I hadn’t thought of it like that – so true! I am right now working through (or more honestly, trying to push aside) feelings of failure but at the same time trying to see it from a different perspective ie how God might see it and might use it. It’s still very humbling (failure is hard) but I like what you said – if it knocks some more pride out of me, that’s a good thing. And we really do only see such a small part of the big picture. Thanks for your post!
Today’s readings made me think, ” wow I’m glad no one’s writing about my mistakes, using my name, for people to read about for centuries to come in the best selling book of all time!” Now that would be true submission. Letting God really use me for His greater purposes! But in a way that would knock every ounce of pride out of me!!
I hadn’t thought of it like that – so true! I am right now working through (or more honestly, trying to push aside) feelings of failure but at the same time trying to see it from a different perspective ie how God might see it and might use it. It’s still very humbling (failure is hard) but I like what you said – if it knocks some more pride out of me, that’s a good thing. And we really do only see such a small part of the big picture. Thanks for your post!
7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. 9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
When I abide in the Lord, I will bear fruit. But even as I’m bearing fruit, I’m still being pruned, so I can produce even more fruit. Lord, help me to see where my life needs pruning, so I can bear more fruit for you.
Amen to that Savannah
Lord grant me the strength and perseverance to walk with you daily, to live like Christ, to receive in me the Holy Spirit and a firm conviction of faith, that I may abide in You, and bear much fruit. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
The story of Joseph! It just teaches me how even in the most of bad circumstances God will fulfill his promises! And those dreams he had were visions of those promises! Ya can’t tell everyone what God tells you because not everyone will appreciate what he’s doing in your life!
John 15! God prunes us in order for us to produce more fruit! It’s not comfy! He’s testing our patience, joy, self-control, love, faith, gentleness, goodness, etc. so even if we are uncomfortable, He loves us forever and wants us to look more like Him everyday! ❤️
‘Ya can’t tell everyone what God tells you because not everyone will appreciate what he’s doing in your life! ‘ Thank you for your words this morning, I really needed to hear that! God is telling me so much at the moment about the times we are living in but no one seems to want to hear, bless you. He needs to keep pruning so I can keep growing.
Reading John 15 as I read through chapter 5 of Crazy Love. He cuts off those branches that do not bear fruit. Lukewarm is so not an option. Yet we make it a chore and try to see how little we can do to not get cut off while he is offering fullness of joy in him. Wow.
I’m confused by the use of the word “righteous” in Gen. 38:26. Does anyone have any insight here? Is it indignation or right-ness? Or neither?
Hey Jessica!
In these days, it was customary to give the next son to your widowed daughter-in-law. So basically she would marry the next of Judah’s sons, until God allowed one to live. Judah was worried that Shelah would die if he married Tamar, so he was lying when he said that Tamar could marry Shelah after Shelah got older. Judah never intended to follow through. Then Tamar got pregnant, and Judah felt that she deserved to be punished for her sin. Then he was convicted of his own lie. So when he said that she was more righteous than he was, he was admitting that his sin was great and that she did not deserve the judgment he previously suggested. I hope that makes sense and helps!
Wow–great insight and explanation. Thanks so much, Emily! That really helped me make sense of that passage.
Don’t ever hold on to something to tightly or else it’ll hurt all the more when God tries to take it away because we’ve loved it more than Him.
2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
May all my branches that are unfruitful be cast from me. Whatever it is, take it away so I can see even more clearly what path He’s chosen for me.
Jennifer, I too have started keeping a journal of events and names to be remember. This is Jesus blood line…..
It’s Joseph’s blood line. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary.
A servant is not greater than her Master…if they hated Him and I’m truly following Him…somebody’s going to hate me..and they’re without excuse because they’ve seen what You can do…but Father, please! In Your great mercy, please grant them the gift of repentance! Please Lord! Forgive them, for they know not what they’re doing!
Thank you for your teachings Father. I will remain in you and bear you much fruit!
John 15 is just what I needed today. He allows us to bear fruit, He makes our joy COMPLETE, He calls us friend and makes all His plans known to us!, He chose us and appointed us. Then to top it all off He sent us the Holy Spirit as an advocate! Thank you God!
Does anyone else find it hard to read a chapter that is mostly a list of names you can’t pronounce? I keep finding myself skimming over those parts despite wanting to really reflect on each word of God
Yes! If I could pronounce them, that might help.. As it is I do a little bit of skimming around those parts.
Yes, guiltily skimming
I used to skim them, but I found that by keeping a family tree, a record of the names, I’m actually reading and connecting pieces that I hadn’t previously.
I am being BLOWN away by reading genesis and seeing the complete mess of a family tree that Jesus comes from. Jesus’ lineage is through Tamar’s son, Perez. And we all know what Tamar did to get children. This has been completely eye opening to the fact that Gods grace to us is not based on performance and that he uses the most disgusting of things to usher in his most glorious plans. There is great hope in the lord making all things new! Even messed up family issues and sexual sin of the worst kind. He is the great redeemer!
Legally, Tamar had a right to children of Judah’s line and she was being cheated. I admire her initiative and shrewdness in getting what was owed to her.
She outwitted him, and he acknowledged the justice of her claim.
So true!
John 15 is an amazing passage. There is so much to think about and pray about. My biggest thought/prayer for the week will be: what is God pruning in me? What is fruitless within my heart that leads me further from Christ?
I can help but think how cold Joseph’s brothers acted. Deep hate, leading to possible death, ending up in a teenager, family member, being sold. Rueben tried to save Joseph but it turned out differently. One would venture to say that if you see your father depressed and so deeply saddened that the truth might come out…yet, the brothers kept silent, even Reuben. I wonder at the process of “sin”. It starts in small phases, giving birth to a “cold heart”, possible leading to no repentance… What a terrible state to be in. How many of us get trapped the same?
At the same time, interesting how God revealed to Joseph his future position, yet if only Joseph knew how he would end up in his high position… Joseph saw in his dream, at 17, his place of power…little did his young mind expect the tragic events to lead to that role, by a kid nevertheless probably spoiled by his dad until that point. God reveals to us small pockets of things, and even if the road gets tough, He carries us through… So much to think about!!
Chilling Words: Here comes that dreamer. Gen 37:19. But a waterless cistern could not hold up the Providence of God. Heartless for siblings to murder in their hearts and sit down to feast with plenty of water. God is always superintending.
John 15:5 “apart from me you can do nothing at all”. We do nothing of our own strength, but with God, all things are possible.
17 This is my command: Love each other. 18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. — This really stood out to me. I’ve been having a rough time with some people in my life and verse 18 pulled at my heartstrings. Maybe it wasn’t the intended meaning but I took it as Jesus has been in my shoes before, with his love and guidance I can make it through this as well. These people may not be treating me well right now but I’ll continue to love and pray for them.
John 15 is truly one of the most amazing chapters!
My first day, thought about reading notes from January 1st, but thought I might not catch up. I just need a kick start to the habit of daily reading, and this sounds like a good plan!
Good luck! Helping me so far!
I started late as well — don’t be discouraged but rather be drawn in by God’s living, breathing Word and this wonderful community!!
This reading plan has been such a blessing to me. I never want reading the word to seem like another “chore” and something to check of my to-do list, but something I’m learning is that being consistent makes me want to read more.
Being consistent on my less busy days keeps me going back to the Lord and his word on my crazy busy days. By developing discipline, each day becomes less like a “to-do” list and more of an honest yearning that God would speak to me and bring me into his presence, if even for those few moments I spend with Him. I’m feeling the necessity of daily communion with God and I’m beginning to marvel at how I used to go weeks without opening my Bible!
Thank you ladies for your inspiring words and commentary on these passages! What a beautiful thing to know we are going through this together!
Amen! I am feeling the exact same way Becca.
Great input Becca, and so true! The more I read, the more I yearn to read…and God speaking back becomes more clear.
And how amazing that opening God’s Word is no longer a chore…but something I look forward to!! Whether waking up in excitement to spend time in His Word or coming home at the end of a long day eager to rest in His arms…what a change :) God is good.
Wow! Thank you for this. I’ve been struggling to read my Bible consistently, hoping for change in that it becomes something I am so eager to do. There is hope in the Lord, and I’m excited to see how God uses this study in my personal life. (even though I started late and am a few months behind)
I feel the same way!
Ahh. I’m finally caught up and want to now say hi! And I can’t wait to join you all in this journey. Reading through the Bible has been a goal of mine for ages so you all are holding me accountable. Thanks for that!
15: 9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
So good. So much to cherish in just those two small sentences. Christ tells us to remain in His love..we don’t even have to ask. It’s an invitation and a command, and so amazingly wonderful.
And that by doing this our joy will be in Him and complete (v. 11). I loved those verses too!
It’s incredible. His love doesn’t go away. The love is gone if WE don’t remain in it. It’s amazing that our God gives us this free will.
Joseph must have been a pretty obnoxious kid! His brothers hated him because he was the favorite son. His dad spoiled him. And he kept gloating about how one day he would rule over all of them. Talk about sibling rivalry! But look at how God changed him and uses him. His brothers had no idea that their cruelty would actually guarantee their survival years down the road. God uses the most tragic circumstances to make a way
I thought that about Joseph too. I’m struggling now with being jealous of others. But I don’t want to be remembered for letting my jealousy take over me, like the brothers.
I read something a while back that said, “comparison is the thief of joy”. I think jealousy is also a product of comparison, it took me a while to overcome my daily comparing of myself to other women, other moms, and other people’s lives in general. But when I turned my comparison into thankfulness and praise for who God made me to be and what He has given me my jealousy of others went away
I agree that he comes across as pretty obnoxious but it struck me today how his brother’s actions led to the realization of his dreams down the road… Through him being sold into slavery he was eventually elevated to a higher position and one that allowed him to save his entire family. It was a good reminder to me just how God works in all situations. He is always in control.
When Joseph has his dream his brothers were jealous but it says Jacob took note of them. Jacob having talked with God and knew his promise with Issac and Abraham must have crossed his mind that God would continue the promise with one of his sons. And I am sure he was a little bratty-being the favorite son-being from Rachel, which she desperately prayed for him and maybe the feeling wasn’t the same with Benjamin since Rachel died during childbirth with him. But knowing that God set everything in motion is amazing. I see the common between Jacob and Joseph-the favoritism as a young child-into working hard and being cheated-but God always provides
Francine Rivers (author of “Redeeming Love”) wrote 5 little novellas on the 5 women listed in Jesus’ heritage in the first chapter of Matthew – Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsehba, & Mary. She does a beautiful job of bringing these women to life, & brings a better understanding of their actions & how it fit into their culture at that time. It certainly helped me to better understand Tamar & her actions in Genesis 38.
She does indeed! I remember reading those books and though how Francine Rivers seems to transport you to the time and place by such vivid words and descriptions.
You’re right! I read the one about Tamar and it was fascinating!
It does help at times to understand who the men are later in life. Genealogy serves a purpose to help explain Joseph and his seven brothers, not all ministers typically preach about it but it helps to list their names instead of just people of importance like Joseph. Sometimes later in the story they appear and people will be like “whose son is this”
Yes, and knowing the genealogy explains why Tamar slept with her father in law. Woman in the culture relied on men for their worth. As a widow, and without a husband she relied on having sons to take care of her. And when she didn’t have a son she tricked her father-in-law to sleep with herso that she would have offspring. May these stories teach us more about God and his mercy.
The story requires a lot of thought. I never considered the “taking care” aspect. Thanks for pointing that out. Interesting then how God gave her twins…
Laura, I wonder the same sometimes, but in this case Esau was the father of the Edomites, which we see mention of throughout the OT! I think it’s important in this case because we see how the two nations really did continue to struggle just as it was said in Genesis 25 to Rebekah (2 nations in your womb) ! Just a side note: I read somewhere that the religion of the Edomites was similar to that of other pagan societies who worshiped fertility gods. But nevertheless there was definitely a purpose in mentioning the list of names! I’m sure someone on here knows even more about why this is the case! …which is why I love reading all your comments! :)
Why does the bible list all the sons and such. Is there a purpose for most of them?
Laura, I agree with what these other ladies said. I also think, at a more basic level, it reminds me of the accuracy of the Bible-that the people we read about are real, historical people.
The Bible lists the lineages so they can be traced back to real people and therefore, proving our direct connection to God. God thought of everything…including ensuring that no matter how much time has passed, real evidence will surface to prove even further the Truth.
It also shows the direct lineage of which Christ will come. As in the other comments their is such knowledge to be gained from each person named. On another side note…I don’t think I’ll ever understand why in the world the men wanted, not just two wives, but three, four, five and even more! Too many women together even drive me nuts! Brings sister wives to a whole new level! LOL!
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”
This stands out to me so much- in Him our joy is forever complete!
Wow! What a future Joseph had in front of him with the favour of Jacob and the blessing of the Lord (as we see in the prophetic dreams God gave him) But oh, I bet Joseph never imagined the path he would have to walk before those dreams were fulfilled. I wonder how many times he despaired and wondered what God was up to? I despair after months of waiting. What about the years he went through???
I see a pattern in many great men and women in the Bible. They had to be brought down to a state of surrender and helplessness, before they learnt the power and the strength of the God they served. Then at the right time, they could move forward with new purpose and how God used them!
I learn through this story that God’s ways are different than my ways. When it seems that the path I am walking is dark and hopeless, I must look to Christ and remember the great men and women in the Bible who shared the same struggle of faith and found that God was faithful. He never changes! He will bring about what He has promised in me!
Jess you’ve spoken my mind! God Bless you
Amen! I can really relate to what you are saying!
So true. He offers us so many promises….but the road isn’t always easy. It’s important to remember he’s there in every trial and every celebration.