I love that Jesus actually gets in the boat to meet the future disciples exactly where they are. We can all learn from that and meet people in our lives where they are
The account we have in 1 Chronicles was given to the people returning from the exile to be reminded of God’s promises for them through the Messianic line of Abraham and David. In it, we see God’s faithfulness through a people who are sinful and shameful in many ways. We see God’s merciful compassion. And we’re also reminded that these people lived (did not realize Joab, Abishai, Asahel, and Amasa were David’s nephews!) and died and God was steadfast through the generations.
It’s also amazing to me that Peter, James, and John just dropped everything to follow Jesus. Imagine getting the catch of your life as a fisherman and just leaving that in the boat to go follow a man you just met. Crazy
Does anyone know why it was ok for King David to have so many wives/concubines? Had God just not established yet the law that a man shouldn’t take many wives?
16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Love this! We can also be in lonely places, and Jesus is there. He’s not afraid of them, and those spots and seasons have reason and purpose in our lives. !!!
8 But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” 9 For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish that they had taken, 10 and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”
The way that Simon reacted to Jesus’ presence is truly amazing to me, and is an example for how we should view God. Not only because he is almighty and sovereign, but also because we don’t deserve His everlasting grace. But the fact that Jesus tells us to “not be afraid” even though this is the case is so comforting!! Praise the Lord for his blessings and consistent love!!
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”
How sweet a reminder that we need time alone with our Father. We are never physically alone when we pray and go about our day. Jesus must have felt so alone to be separated from the Father and from his home. It was in the lonely places that he sought Gods company all the more.
1 Chronicles 1:1-1:3 Is clearly important to me because it reveals God using the good people to populate the earth successfully. Adam’s son Cain killed Abel. Then Adam had Seth. Seth was good. As you see here Noah is a descendent of Seth. Noah will repopulate the earth after the flood. I love this!
Another great thing that people don’t realize the impact leprosy had back then not only socially but spiritually. The man would not have been allowed to have gone into the temple to make sacrifices for his sins because he was unclean. Not only was he a social outcast but he would have been damned as well. Thats why in verse 14 Jesus commands the man to go see the Priest not only as proof that he has been healed but for his cleansing as well. The impact of even being touched by another person would have been huge to this man but being healed on such a deeper level shows what great love Jesus has for us.
I am loving how much physical touch and attention to physical details there are in the book of Luke- been meditating on Jesus’ willingness to draw near to people tangibly and physically even when they are leprous or sinful: “and Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him.” And from yesterday’s reading – “Jesus laid his hands in every one of them and healed them.” He is not afraid of our mess and doesn’t turn away but instead draws near all the more!
“When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’ Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’ And immediately the leprosy left him.”
This short exchange between Jesus and the leper leaves me in tears every time I read it. The leper’s faith…he doesn’t say “can you make me clean”…he says “you CAN make me clean.” I love that Jesus teaches in parables but in his exchanges with many he is so concise. So simple. I love the simple strength of his words. His response of willingness is beautiful. Love this passage.
I was touched by this today as well, I love Jesus’ simple “I am willing” it gives me such hope that when I am need, I need only ask and he is willing to help me! Such a blessing today!
Reading these lists reminds me of Christmas. We do a Jesse Tree each year and each day it focuses on one of Jesus’ ancestors. It is such a great reminder that throughout all the years it took for this genealogy to form, God knew what was going on. He also knew what was going to happen and the sinfulness of some of those people. God’s plan prevails and He can use anyone. Praise Him!
Always wondered at the reason for the long list of unpronounceable names. I know ultimately the Old Testament is the Jewish nation’s history and genealogy is important especially for priests. But I’m hoping there is a deeper meaning I’m unaware of
I try to remember that is also part of God’s plan to prove Jesus’ lineage. God made sure that there was legal proof that Jesus was a descendant of David on both Mary and Joseph’s sides, so the doubters could not use that as an excuse to not believe. As much as I struggle with the names and feel like it is sometimes dry, I’m reminded that the Lord always has a far reaching purpose.
I read these names are people worthy enough to be remembered by God and I history, and that everyone’s name is worthy of being said and remembered by God and others
I like to think of this as God letting us be aware that everyone is worthy, especially this lineage. I think it’s powerful that we say these names from history and to know that God notices each one of us like this by name
Noticed David’s army chief was his Nephew & Zeruiah was his own sister.
He withdrew to pray
16But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.
Fear not! From henceforth thou shalt catch men!
Watching this on ‘the chosen’ app at the moment, really brings it to life!
Chrystal, way to keep reading! I always see your name after I finish my reading as well. Keep going sister! ❤️
I love that Jesus actually gets in the boat to meet the future disciples exactly where they are. We can all learn from that and meet people in our lives where they are
8But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” -ellie
Love the account.. I want to make a family tree because I get lost in all those names
The account we have in 1 Chronicles was given to the people returning from the exile to be reminded of God’s promises for them through the Messianic line of Abraham and David. In it, we see God’s faithfulness through a people who are sinful and shameful in many ways. We see God’s merciful compassion. And we’re also reminded that these people lived (did not realize Joab, Abishai, Asahel, and Amasa were David’s nephews!) and died and God was steadfast through the generations.
I love in Luke 5:5 that Simon says, “because you say so”. He has doubts in himself but not in Jesus.
How perfect I’m reading this on Father’s Day
It’s also amazing to me that Peter, James, and John just dropped everything to follow Jesus. Imagine getting the catch of your life as a fisherman and just leaving that in the boat to go follow a man you just met. Crazy
Does anyone know why it was ok for King David to have so many wives/concubines? Had God just not established yet the law that a man shouldn’t take many wives?
16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Love this! We can also be in lonely places, and Jesus is there. He’s not afraid of them, and those spots and seasons have reason and purpose in our lives. !!!
8 But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” 9 For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish that they had taken, 10 and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”
The way that Simon reacted to Jesus’ presence is truly amazing to me, and is an example for how we should view God. Not only because he is almighty and sovereign, but also because we don’t deserve His everlasting grace. But the fact that Jesus tells us to “not be afraid” even though this is the case is so comforting!! Praise the Lord for his blessings and consistent love!!
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”
How sweet a reminder that we need time alone with our Father. We are never physically alone when we pray and go about our day. Jesus must have felt so alone to be separated from the Father and from his home. It was in the lonely places that he sought Gods company all the more.
1 Chronicles 1:1-1:3 Is clearly important to me because it reveals God using the good people to populate the earth successfully. Adam’s son Cain killed Abel. Then Adam had Seth. Seth was good. As you see here Noah is a descendent of Seth. Noah will repopulate the earth after the flood. I love this!
Another great thing that people don’t realize the impact leprosy had back then not only socially but spiritually. The man would not have been allowed to have gone into the temple to make sacrifices for his sins because he was unclean. Not only was he a social outcast but he would have been damned as well. Thats why in verse 14 Jesus commands the man to go see the Priest not only as proof that he has been healed but for his cleansing as well. The impact of even being touched by another person would have been huge to this man but being healed on such a deeper level shows what great love Jesus has for us.
I am loving how much physical touch and attention to physical details there are in the book of Luke- been meditating on Jesus’ willingness to draw near to people tangibly and physically even when they are leprous or sinful: “and Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him.” And from yesterday’s reading – “Jesus laid his hands in every one of them and healed them.” He is not afraid of our mess and doesn’t turn away but instead draws near all the more!
One of my favorite parts of this account as well. Who knows how long it had been since that man had felt the touch of another’s. So moving.
“When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’ Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’ And immediately the leprosy left him.”
This short exchange between Jesus and the leper leaves me in tears every time I read it. The leper’s faith…he doesn’t say “can you make me clean”…he says “you CAN make me clean.” I love that Jesus teaches in parables but in his exchanges with many he is so concise. So simple. I love the simple strength of his words. His response of willingness is beautiful. Love this passage.
I was touched by this today as well, I love Jesus’ simple “I am willing” it gives me such hope that when I am need, I need only ask and he is willing to help me! Such a blessing today!
I’ve never noticed before, but I thought that David’s reign lasting 33 years was awesome because that’s how long Jesus was on earth :)
Wow yes! Me neither!
Reading these lists reminds me of Christmas. We do a Jesse Tree each year and each day it focuses on one of Jesus’ ancestors. It is such a great reminder that throughout all the years it took for this genealogy to form, God knew what was going on. He also knew what was going to happen and the sinfulness of some of those people. God’s plan prevails and He can use anyone. Praise Him!
Always wondered at the reason for the long list of unpronounceable names. I know ultimately the Old Testament is the Jewish nation’s history and genealogy is important especially for priests. But I’m hoping there is a deeper meaning I’m unaware of
I try to remember that is also part of God’s plan to prove Jesus’ lineage. God made sure that there was legal proof that Jesus was a descendant of David on both Mary and Joseph’s sides, so the doubters could not use that as an excuse to not believe. As much as I struggle with the names and feel like it is sometimes dry, I’m reminded that the Lord always has a far reaching purpose.
I read these names are people worthy enough to be remembered by God and I history, and that everyone’s name is worthy of being said and remembered by God and others
I like to think of this as God letting us be aware that everyone is worthy, especially this lineage. I think it’s powerful that we say these names from history and to know that God notices each one of us like this by name
“Your obedient life will be enough testimony” I love this!