Day 155

The Bible In A Year 155

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

2 Samuel 16-18, Luke 2:22-52

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32 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 155"

  1. Rachel says:

    I love the book of Luke because it gives us more of an idea of Jesus’ childhood unlike any other book in the bible!! Can’t wait to keep reading more about Jesus and the Gospel

  2. Ashley says:

    I remember hearing a sermon on why it took so long for Jesus’s parents to realize he was missing. Back then women and children walked in a separate group from the men and because Jesus can technically belong to either it was the classic “I thought he was with you.”

    1. This is so interesting! I always wondered how it took so long to notice. Makes sense now

  3. Taylor says:

    Was any one else struck by the fact that Jesus showed such respect to his earthly parents? He submitted to them. My heart needed to see his example as I navigate the balance between being an adult and honoring my parents.

    1. Emma Green says:

      Ya i noticed that as well. It’s just unfathomable to think that Jesus was walking this world as a child and a teenager and into his twenties. I feel like I only think of Jesus as his 30 year old self rather than 5-9-12-15-18 year old Jesus.

  4. Emma Green says:

    And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.

    How crazy is that!?!

    I also love that Mary treasures up a these things in her heart.

    What a crazy life for Mary and Joseph to be jesus earthly parents. Could you imagine being jesus’ friend if you were a kid at that time?

    It’s going to be pretty amazing when we can ask and learn all the answers to this one day when we are with him in heaven

  5. Trish says:

    Its so comforting to read that Mary and Joseph had a teenager who was as unconcerned about parental boundaries, my own teen was!! Wow, can’t imagine him being “lost” for three days before I searched for him tho!! Lol !!!

    1. Hesaved83 says:

      They searched for Him the next day & found Him @ God’s House doing God’s biz on the 3rd day…a foreshadow of disciples w/out Him then He rises from the grave on the 3rd day, still doing God’s biz (God’s will).

      1. Trish says:

        Vs 46 in Luke,” after THREE DAYS THE FOUND HIM”…( I was referring to Jesus) what a fright for them!! Thank you my sweet sister in Christ! God bless you

  6. Ariadne says:

    David had the favor of man and God as well…it is so interesting to see the two stories connect

    1. Gabrielle says:

      Wow very true, but Jesus, as the true son of God, is the only one of the two who can keep all the promises

  7. Shirl says:

    Heartbreaking the story of David. His sins have led to continued fighting in his family. And so many people conspire against him. Yet my heart goes out to him as he weeps for his son who is dead.

  8. Becky says:

    Can you imagine being Mary and trying to figure out who this son was that you had given birth to? It’s easy for us since we can look back at the whole story, but living it would be so different.

    1. Jennifer says:

      So true! I like that she reflects on all these things rather than dismissing or bragging about them.

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