The Bible In A Year 147

Open Your Bible

2 Samuel 1-2, 2 Corinthians 11

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37 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 147"

  1. Ashley Martin says:


  2. Katie Walters says:


  3. Christine Cesa says:

  4. Bee Miller says:


  5. Rebecca Rascol says:


  6. Karen Collins says:


  7. Briana Fulton says:

    Paul writes about only boasting in his weakness. We should do likewise and show vulnerability with our brothers and sisters in Christ. No masks. Truly showing how we are not enough… only Christ and his sacrifice are enough. Dying to self daily…

  8. Jessica Zaini says:

    30If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. 31The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed forever, knows that I am not lying.

  9. Chrystal Johnson says:

  10. Sarah Johnson says:

    Paul’s right- we brag about such silly stuff. If anything, we have been given the greatest gift in the world, so we should brag about it as we would with any other gift

  11. Carly Plugers says:

    30If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.

  12. E Hong says:

    31The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed forever, knows that I am not lying. -ellie

  13. Michelle Chen says:

    30If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
    This is so contrary so our culture, but Paul wanted the Lord glorified, and nothing or no one else

  14. Sharon Ide says:

    What a love for the saints Paul has. May we also feel weakness when our brothers and sisters are made weak. May we have a holy anxiety (care?) for their spiritual health and have these things be our concerns even more than the dangers of cold and exposure and sickness and evil men.

  15. Yamiris says:

    Paul’s devotion to Christ is so convicting! Am I willing to go through trials and throw away all sing to have a pure devotion to Christ?

  16. I love Pauls Spirit led writings. I’m so challenged by them! The Christian life isn’t meant to be easy and full of wealth… I’m really being challenged by this lately. Lord help me to be less selfish and open my eyes to the needy around me.

  17. Elsa says:

    Paul’s life after conversion was hard, would we have that kind of tenacity to spread the gospel despite our circumstances, I pray so as I see our world get harder and harder to live in

    1. Alexa says:

      I think that people find it hard to actually share the gospel nowadays.

  18. Sara says:

    Would any ladies mind saying a quick prayer for my sister? She was with her fiancé for 4.5 years and they split up a couple days ago. She’s a wreck, can’t eat, can’t sleep. She led him to a relationship with Jesus and radically changed his life and though we all know they aren’t meant to be together anymore, she is still heartbroken. It’s also hard bc they go to church together and are in the same small groups so they can’t actually have time apart to heal. I’m trying to remind her that God is doing a bigger work in her right now than she realizes, to just stay close to Him, and that He’ll get her through this, but she can’t see past her hurt. Thanks in advance! <3

    1. Martina Appelqvist says:

      Prayings for you and your sister from Sweden<3

    2. Hannah Jade says:

      Prayers from Australia!

    3. Elizabeth says:

      Praying for comfort and strength for your sister; I pray that she continues to press in to God and seek Him in this time and always.

    4. jill-smiles says:

      Praying for your sister!

    5. Alexa says:


    6. Laura says:

      Praying for your sister, that’s so difficult and painful! Hope she’s doing better! I’m separated from my husband and am learning even more to “fix my eyes on Christ”, to seek comfort from Him first, to take every thought captive and to trust His timing and His good plan…

      1. Katrina Brewer says:

        I’m currently going through this an it’s very tough I’m seeking God and trying to but my burdens at his feet. How is everything w you and your husband now?

  19. Hesaved83 says:

    1 Chronicles 16:22, Psalms 105:15 as well

  20. Hesaved83 says:


    David had the Amalekite who embellished the events of Saul & his sons’ deaths killed because David had great respect for Saul, who was his authoritarian and once God’s anointed King. We should do the same no matter how a person rules or lead and no matter who’s our pastor, president, boss, leader, parents, etc (Romans 13)

    1. I would be highly careful with that line of thinking. I used to think that way but it can lead to abuse. Please do read up on biblical submission and covering/authority. That is not how God asks us as believers in the new covenant to blindly follow a leader.

  21. Pam Blum says:

    David killed him because after hearing his story, David believed that this man murdered Saul and therefore had to be put to death. My study notes say that this man appears to have expected some kind of reward from David for telling him about Saul, he probably had no idea about David’s hostile encounters with Amalekites, and that he did not understand the significance that David attached to the sanctity of the royal office in Israel.

    1. SusieAmb says:

      Yes, I think it’s David’s heart behind it not his action that is our take-away. As in, David had ultimate respect for his anointed King and put and and to anything that didn’t follow this law. So under the new covenant, my take away is that we are called to be faithful to God despite when we struggle to agree with him- and put an end to sin within ourselves that seeks our own gain. And to encourage other believers to do the same :)

    2. SusieAmb says:

      Oops that was supposed to add to the thread below

  22. LeighAnn says:

    He didn’t kill Saul…. He lied to David. Saul ended up taking his own life (1 Samuel 31:3-6).

  23. Mom2five says:

    I don’t understand why David had the man that killed Saul killed. It seems that he was doing what Saul asked him to do, unless maybe he didn’t believe him or struck out in his grief.

    1. MaeLinn says:

      Saul actually killed himself. Remember the man said he wouldn’t do it. I’m not really sure why he lied to David. I think he was trying to gain favor in his eyes or something.

      1. SusieAmb says:

        I read it as he found Saul half dead because he had fallen on his spear, and Saul asked the guy to finish him off. I think perhaps the Bible passage beforehand just hadn’t mentioned that Saul wasn’t completely dead after he fell on his spear. Saul had asked his armor bearer to kill him (who had successfully committed suicide) and guy who came to tell David was an Amalakite. Different guy. My interpretation was that Amalakite told David expecting honor from David, since David had been living with the Amalakites pretending to be faithful to them and against Saul. And I’m sure if it was a lie there must have been witnesses to Saul’s death that would contradict the Amalakite. To me it made sense that he did in fact finish Saul off.