The Bible In A Year 141

Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 19-21, 2 Corinthians 6

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25 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 141"

  1. Katie Walters says:


  2. Christine Cesa says:

    He will be a Father to us

  3. Sydney Daniels says:


  4. Rebecca Rascol says:


  5. Karen Collins says:


  6. Susan Dexter says:

    May the way I live not be a stumbling block to others.

  7. Jessica Zaini says:

  8. Chrystal Johnson says:

  9. Julie Stein says:


  10. Sarah Johnson says:

    I love all of Paul’s descriptions of the hardships of a servant of God, “genuine yet regarded as imposters, known yet regarded as unknown”

  11. E Hong says:

    14If I am still alive, show me the steadfast love of the Lord, that I may not die; -ellie

  12. Sharon Ide says:

    Help us Lord, May our affections not be for the things of this world. May we also labor for your kingdom with purity and weapons of righteousness.

  13. AnnieB says:

    Love your post SarahMay! Praying for you, Jennifer! Im always so grateful to hear young people loving and following Jesus!! Keep shining!!

  14. Jennifer says:

    This came right on time for me. I’ve been really worried about how me and my best friend’s friendship is going to be after high school ends and this showed me that deep friendships are created by God and I really don’t think he would let anything happen to that. Also, I’ve been concerned about what major I should choose in college and worrying about what would happen if I chose wrong but now I see that as long as I try my best God will organize the rest.

    1. SarahMay says:

      Jennifer, the Lord will show you, as He did for me–started as an education major, switched to nursing, and then went to medical school, all with His leading to have more skills for the foreign mission field. It’s taken a LONG time, but He has been faithful and I know He will be for you as you put Him first. He isn’t worried about the destination, but wants our hearts surrendered in the journey. Praying you know His leading more & more each day! ❤️

  15. Yamiris says:

    May I not be a stumbling block! Always lead by example and your sins should not make another stumble! 2 Corinthians 6:3

  16. Gabrielle says:

    In the book of Mark, Jesus refers to 1 Samuel 21! When the Pharisees ask Jesus why he and disciples don’t fast, Jesus refers to this passage and says why would the wedding guests fast when the bridegroom is here? Mark 2:23- 3:6. Like David was going to his kingship, to his anointing, Jesus is going to his anointing and kingship

  17. Anna Beth says:

    It’s interesting how the Lord still protects David as he goes to the philistines even though he deceived the priest and his actions end up getting ahimelech, the priest, killed. It’s hard to comprehend God’s grace despite our disobedience & sinful hearts. What an example of God’s undeserved love, protection and grace over his children.

  18. Traci says:

    Praying for His peace that surpasses all understanding for you, Kenya.

  19. Chrisob says: Praying Kenya! The Lord bless your day.

  20. Kenya says:

    Going through the day with an anxious heart. Prayers today, please sisters!

    1. Amy says:

      Praying for inner peace!

    2. Stacy Hinkle says:


    3. Mary Gamber says:

      Your in my prayers

    4. Debresha says:

      Praying for you!
      It’s amazing how God works! I’ve never posted or been apart of one of these groups. I’m still fairly new to this App, but to come across you comment amazes me because God works in mysterious ways! In church we just so happen to be talking about anxiety and how that can cause many problems, and that’s because of how anxiety is set up. If you look up anxiety you will read how it controls the brain and our way of thinking; it can affect us tremendously! I won’t go into detail, but I just wanted to share with you to continue to keep your trust and faith in the Lord in all that you do because He will guide you. Continue to examine where your mind is and who you are submitting yourself to daily. Never allow yourself to put trust in man, because trusting in the Lord is to trust that He will do what is word says.
      I will definitely lift you up in prayer because I understand what it is like to have an anxious heart! Just continue to go throw the day with Proverbs 3:5-6 on your mind, and allow the Lord to handle all your worries.