36While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them. 35So Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going.
there’s so much to take in every time i read these chapters but just seeing how the Lord responded to these people who didn’t believe. everything He said was true and was with love.
Going back and diving real deep into the old testaments is wild, and a little confusing from time to time but I’m grateful God gives me this wisdom to understand the real message.
God blesses the hated, the criticized.
Jesus is the light that guides us through the darkness.
Finding out that God blessed Leah for being hated really gives so much hope for the ones who are spreading the gospel and being criticized for it. We seek the approval of God and are blessed 10x more than the one who rebukes us❤️
When it read that they loved human praise more than God’s praise. It hit home. How much around us lives for the praise of humans who have bit a mere breath in their nostrils? We all need to focus on Jesus!
Great reading. I love the story of Jacob putting those branches before the sheep’s eyes. When they see the patterns they give birth to what they see. What are we seeing today? Do we need to change what we are seeing so we birth what God has called us to
John 12:36 While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them.
We have become children of the Light by God’s grace!
John 12:31-32 “Now is the judgement of this world. Now the ruler of the world will be cast out. As for me, if I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all people to myself.”
The judgement of the earth is that God has measured us and found us WORTH saving. The judgement rendered is in our favor. We have been judged and acquitted in spite of our guilt. Jesus is lifted on the cross for our sin and over our sin as the conqueror. Thus we are drawn to him. And Satan is defeated.
Jesus’ earthly purpose was ultimately to bring glory to the Father. This is our ultimate purpose as well. Father, please use my life to speak of your power and grace to others.
My job is to tell others about the Lord. It’s Jesus’ job to save. The Holy Spirit’s job to convict. And God’s job to judge. Oh how I we often feel like our job is all of those.
35And Leah conceived again and bore a son and said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” Therefore she named him Judah. LIGHT
42Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; 43for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God. DARKNESS
46‘I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.
I want to be in the LIGHT!
John 12:43 is so relevant to today’s society and the pressures we try to meet from social media. Lord let me focus on pleasing you and seek less applause from an audience.
“I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” (Jn 12:46). We sat in darkness until His light broke through. Jesus, the Light of the World!
Despite the fact that Jacob had two wives and two slaves given to him to conceive children for him, despite the fact that Leah and Rachel did not get along, despite all the shortcomings of these people God continued to use them to fulfill His promise of a great nation. And out of that great nation would eventually come His ultimate gift to all of manlind…Jesus Christ the Messjah. God can use us even when we make poor choices in life, even when we sin, and even when we try to work things out on our own instead of with His help and guidance. It would just be a lot easier if we would cooperate with God’s plan. But despite that, He is still able to accomplish His will. Never think that you can hinder His plans, because if He doesn’t use you to fulfill it He will use someone else and it will happen anyway. I pray that despite my faults and sin, God would use me and teach me to obey Him and accomplish His will.
John 12:43 “ for they loved human praise more then praises from God.” A statement that seems so relevant in this day and age. And i myself am guilty of it, i tend to seek people’s approval and praises for things i do more often that i forget about what God has to say about it. Thankful to God for teaching me this today.
John 12:47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.”
I find it so ironic that Laban’s defense for giving Leah to Jacob was that he wouldn’t pass over the older for the younger. Makes me wonder if news of what Jacob did to Esau had reached him. I wonder how much of the strife in Jacob’s life was due to the way he got his blessing.
On another note, compare Jacob’s attitude about Rachel’s barrenness with that of Abraham and Isaac. They both prayed for their wives and sought the Lord. Jacob recognizes God’s sovereignty but gets angry.
The line of deception always strikes me here- Abraham claiming Sarah as his sister instead of his wife to save himself- Rebekah encouraging Jacob to deceive his father, Laban deceiving Jacob by giving him Leah first, and later Rachel will lie about taking the household gods. A reminder that our example to the younger generation is so important- our actions speak so much louder than our words.
It’s crazy to me that the Jewish leaders would be scheming to put Lazarus to death. For what crime? Being brought back to life? They were seriously in denial!
Today’s thoughts:
1. Like a seed, we must give up everything we know and have our lives be broken to be turned into something much more beautiful
2. Even though Rachel was the loved life, and Joseph the loved son, Leah was the mother of Judah, through whose line Jesus would be born. God remembers everyone and loves them all equally, just in different ways
To me, it means that those who treasure their earthly lives above their spiritual lives will not see heaven. Those who treasure God above all else will live in eternity.
Anna and Arayah, There is a great historical novel called “The Red Tent” that tells the story of Leah’s daughter Dinah. From what I understand, it is pretty accurate (as is best known). While it IS a novel, it helps to paint a better picture of the culture, context and conflict surrounding Jacob’s family. An interesting read…
John 12
42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.
How many times do I bite my tongue? Hold my praise? All to not make someone else uncomfortable? Or to not be “that crazy religious one”. Thank you Jesus for speaking to me tonight.
Bridgette and Ellyn I struggle with this too, especially at work. I just recently (less than 6 months ago) was saved and I have a hard time openly confessing my faith and beliefs at work for fear of what my coworkers might think of the “new” me! I need to stop this fear for its not their opinion that maters.
Reading the OT stories I’m a bit troubled over how some people’s poor choices have negative consequences while other people’s poor choices do not. It seems that God favors the chosen line to Jesus ie Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. It doesn’t seem very fair to me. But, I know that these words are a reflection of God’s character and if He is truly a loving and merciful God, then there must be something I’m missing in these passages. Lend me your wisdom and grant me understanding, oh Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
It is hard to understand. But ultimately God uses all of it to brig glory into himself. Sometimes he uses sin to bring about good things to show that he is powerfulpowerful and in control
God’s sovereignty is really hard to wrap our heads around. I like how this passage from Romans 9:14-18 talks about His sovereignty. “14 What shall we say then? There is no injustice with God, is there? May it never be! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” 18 So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires.”
I believe these passages in the OT show us how no man has ever really been deserving of God’s favor (like you said, so many of these characters make really poor choices). At the same time it shows us how merciful God really is, how patient and loving.
God’s chosen people were no special people, sinners all, but God preserved a family line for the purpose that we could all become his chosen ones. Like we read about Abraham, that in him (aka his descendants and ultimately Jesus) all the families of the earth would be blessed.
One thing I think of is how no one is deserving of Gods favor. In fact, of God only blessed people who didn’t make bad choices then he would have no one to bless. He also blessed people not in Jesus line. He made princes of Ishmael remember. But he had promised Abraham his descendants would be blessed because of his righteousness. God is a God who keeps his promises.
Here is how I see it, because Jacob deceived his father, he was in turn deceived by Laban and had actually served him for Rachel. But got Leah instead. It was Labans fault and not Leah’s that she was unloved. Jacob never asked for her. I think God took pity on her and blessed her with lots of children. Children love their mothers. A lot is strange. I don’t get the whole slave thing but it was a common practice. Obviously, had Rachel trusted the Lord to give her children, she wouldn’t have been in a competition with her sister for her husband. It is crazy but God promised to bless the lineage of Abraham so he keeps his promises.
I can’t believe how sinful these people are! Jacob is very forgiving of Laban and that’s a beautiful thing. Rachel was obviously worth it but I can’t believe how crafty and sinful Laban has been throughout the story. Makes me realise how merciful and good God is!!
In Genesis 29 and 30 pictures what true love really means.Jacob served Laban for 14 years just to be with his true love.Rachel..Indeed, true love waits !lovemere
Gen 30:2. Am I in the place of God? The One who appoints. But it’s easy for me to look at someone else’s life and grieve their good. We went thru 7 years of infertility. No child will give Rachel (or me) what she demands. Forgive my envy. “In the beginning, God…”
27 “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!”
Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.”
Gives me hope in the face of trials and tribulations — for these times God has made us — so that He might be glorified through us!!
Generally in the Bible it says something like “and they believed” after Jesus said something to them. I believe and have been taught that is the equivalent to us being “saved.”
For those prior to Jesus I believe the same thing, but it can be mind boggling because they were still under the Law.
Imani, thanks for sharing your heart. Yes, the Bible lists a bunch of misfits…and so glad I can relate to them!! :) David is known as a “man after God’s own heart” but committed adultery and killed that woman’s husband. The Bible is not just events of the past but teaching tools for our present. These details were left for us to learn from, and many times relate. What is more clearly evident to me is how God looks at the ~heart ~ of man. Also that God can take a bunch of misfits and still use them to fulfill His plan, is quite amazing to me… You are right in saying that discomfort is good…yet, it is hard to forget in the moment it takes place. Thank God, our father doesn’t forget. :)
Up until now, I had always been taught to believe the Old Testament forefathers were heroes. These last few days of study has shaken my Biblical foundation to its core. Why is it that we fail to teach and highlight the imperfect, sinful, unfaithful, and HUMAN sides of Abraham, Isaax, and Jacob? I found myself even DISLIKING them. I wondered why were their stories written like this…and then it hit me. The OT tuus far is supposed to make us uncomfortable. Why? Because these men who were glorified by God are no different than we are. Their antics are no different from the ones we have. As a matter of fact, most of us would have done these same things and reacted the same way these people did had we been living through that time. It is so easy for me to sit back, with this 2000+ cushion of time to benefit from, and act as if I or anyone would be any better. The stories of these lives show us that no matter what the time period in which we live, we can never trust our own judgement and understanding in order to live out our glory with God. Only by casting all of our hopes, desires, and aspirations in God can we even begin to live in glory. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob show us the consequences of both and for that, I am thankful. I am thankful for the discomfort because it means that my understanding is growing.
God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman, where they come together as one.
So why does Jacob sleep with about 4 different women? And Abraham slept with the servants too. It’s a common theme I’m noticing… How was God so pleased with them when they slept with so many people?! I don’t get it.
In the culture the practice of marrying multiple women and sleeping with servants was most likely accepted. I’m not sure on all the history, but it would be something good to look into. Although these might be accepted and encouraged culturally, I know these practices were sinful to God. And if we look at the motivations of Isaac, Leah, Rachel, etc in these complex relationships, we see they have sinful motivations and they don’t simply trust God.
This question doesn’t necessarily pertain to this exact reading, but what are your opinions about where godly people went after they died. I’ve heard many things, some including that they didn’t go to heaven until Jesus died on the cross; others say that their faith allowed them to go to heaven. Any thoughts on this question?
I’ve wondered this too and my take on it based on what I’ve read is that nobody goes to heaven until Jesus comes back. I may be completely off on this but John 3:13 “No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of man.” So this says no one went to heaven before Jesus and then 1 Thess 4:16 “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first”. So when Jesus return, those who believe in Christ will then join Him in heaven
I believe that we do go to Heaven now (because Jesus died for our sins for eternal life–and without life in Heaven then I don’t think we could count that as eternal life in limbo).
You are correct! Throughout scripture the dead are referred to as sleeping or resting. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 describes the second coming and specifies that at the second coming God will wake the dead and we will watch them wake up. And then we will all be caught up to meet Him. What a glorious day it will be!!!
I just asked my husband this last week! I’m confused because it does say in the beginning God created the Heavens & the earth, but there is also no way to Heaven outside of Christ… Interesting to me!
Hey Aubrey! Great question. So from my understanding, Yes, these people did go to Heaven. Since Jesus had not yet come to earth, believers were held under the old covenant (which is the entire Old Testament), and the way these people showed their praise to God was through sacrificial offerings. Now, when reading the New Testament, believers since Christ died on the cross, are held under the new covenant, meaning that all who believe in Christ as Lord and Savior go to heaven. So to answer some of the replies to your question as well, when reading the Old Testament and New Testament, it is important to keep in mind believers are under different covenants with the Lord. That’s why in verses like 1 Thess. And John, you’ll see that no one goes to heaven without Christ. Not sure if this is correct, but hope it helps :)
I had not realized that the wives of three generations in a row struggled to conceive (this stands out to me because I am struggling to conceive). And the children who were born when God opened their wombs were the sons whose descendants would become the nation of Israel! isn’t that powerful and encouraging? It just goes to show that God does have a plan, and it’s a perfect plan.
48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.
We all need to remember God is the true judge. We need to stop judging one another and let God do that. By judging others on their life we are playing God which is just what the devil did and the devil wants. Give it to God- for he already knows anyway. That verse hit home because so many people judge others before they know them, me too, everyone does. But we are reminded when reading that that God is the only judge. We are lights of love as Christians and that should show more. It doesn’t matter our skin color, our race, our sexual orientation- what matters to God is the light we shine and that we knowingly accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior
I have learned so much from reading all your comments! This study is such a blessing. I have really connected to Leah with trying to get satisfaction from other people then finally putting my hands up and realizing that Jesus really is the only one that satisfies and speaks truth. May we always remember to praise the Lord before all else. :)
John 12:25 touched me today! “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” – while life can be hard you must love it because it is a gift every day!
When all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone from the opening of the well and water the sheep. The stone was then placed back on the well’s opening. (Genesis 29:3)
Then Jacob said, “Look, it is still broad daylight. It’s not time for the animals to be gathered. Water the flock, then go out and let them graze.” But they replied, “We can’t until all the flocks have been gathered and the stone is rolled from the well’s opening. Then we will water the sheep.” (Genesis 29:7-8)
Maybe I’m crazy but this really reminded me of jesus and His resurrection?!? The stone being rolled away, jesus coming back to give life in His spirit to “ALL THE FLOCKS” .. Water was essential for the sheep as jesus Himself is LIFE for all who believe.
This is probably a very misinformed question.. But why is it totally acceptable for Jacob to sleep with so many different women, even ones that aren’t his wife? (Which he has more than one of.) Is it just the culture of that time?
By world standards, yes technically. But biblically God still defines marriage as one man and one woman so Rachel and the two servants were 3 women that Jacob was breaking his vows with. They were tarnishing the idea of becoming One Flesh and were completely out of line with God’s will for marriage because of it. You see it many times throughout the OT but you also see all the hurt that comes from people taking on multiple spouses and concubines.
So true. Look at all the fighting Etc! They barter for him. “You can have him tonight if you’ll give me some of your food”! Makes me sick-ish to even think about it
I have had a hard time with this as well. From my understanding, as well as discussions with various theologians in my life, there are a few reasons for this. God is the same yesterday, today and forever so just because it happened often in Old Testament does not mean God was “okay” with it. Which we see in scripture referencing Abraham and Isaac (lying about how their wives were their sisters, the Kings were upset by this betrayal because they knew it was wrong.) one common thought I have heard discussed is that it was very important for men to continue their lineage through bearing sons, as we see in this scripture, so having many wives was more common. I’m sure there are other reasons out there, but hope this answers some of your questions. :)
My question is why does God keep helping people like Jacob after he went and deceived his brother? Why is he rewarded for lying and his brother gets nothing in return? This just seems to be a reoccurring thing so far and I was just wondering what other people thought.
The way I have approached this is that it is the word of God written by men who lived in a socio/political context. It’s the same God that has been wise enough to know how to express love and knowledge through time. Think about it… How many things could we see today as acceptable that would shock our future generations. So maybe the concept of multiple wives shock us as I’m guessing speedating could shock our future kids? But God in his love knows how to reach us and teach us things. I hope I made sense :)
I have read that God was not okay with multiple wives but yet he let it happen to protect the women as well as to populate with sons. The women then could not protect themselves and often ended up in bad situations. So men married multiple women in order to be there protector and provider. Today, women are more than capable of taking care of themselves. God was merely looking out for women. Just a thought that I had came across because I too did not understand.
Lauren, it was not acceptable to have multiple wives. God did not ordain that. He created man, then a woman for man. It is pretty clear what God envisioned for us. Now men, makes their choices. Men is corrupt easily. And men, thinks short term, including the short-term pleasurable moment. God ultimately gets to His will, even through our stupidity, but that doesn’t mean he can spare the consequences attached to our choices.
Ishmael is a good example. Born because Sarah did not trust God, or wait patiently for God’s answer… In turn Ishmael is the father of the nation of Arabs. Arabs & Jews are constantly at war with each other (half-brothers!). Did God choose Ishmael’s birth? No! Yet, he allows people to make choices. Sarah made a choice foolishly, that have reaped dire consequences … Great thing God is God, and He can work around our choices.
I’ve been totally shocked by Genesis. I had no clue I was missing this information. I’ve read most of these chapters with disgust on my heart but realized this: the earth was wiped clean. Noah and his sons were left to make everyone here. Cousins! I see this with Isaac. He chose Rachel, his Uncles daughter, as his wife and ended up with both of their cousins. I think that reproduction in itself was a NECESSITY back in the OT. It seems as if it was even a second thought, as it is today, to be incestial out of need for reproduction. Granted this was years and years after Noah. Everyone was still cousins and we still are except the linage is so vast now that we don’t really consider ourselves family when reproducing with each other. I TOTALLY hear where you are coming from. That’s the only way I could make sense of it besides others comments on previous fathers of the OT showing example of sin as much as it can be today and God pouring his grace regardless.
I’m loving john 12:46 right now. I love the imagery and the reminder that, as believers, we are free to always walk in the light! We no longer have to keep going back to the darkness that our sinful nature tells us we “deserve”. Jesus is our light forever and always, amen!
Interesting how the names Leah gave her first 3 sons were pleas for love. “Maybe I can earn his love with 1 son? 2 sons? Surely with 3 sons!” But the 4th – Judah – something changed before he was born. Instead of desperately craving human love, she had learned something of God! Now she says, “I will praise the Lord!” Almost as if she’s saying, “even if I never have the love of my husband, it’s okay. GOD is more than enough. He is ALL I need. All I desire”.
My very favorite part of the scripture! I find it interesting that the first versus in the next chapter show in contrast Rachel Who looked to her husband to provide what she needed and he reminded her that he is not God!
I love the contrast in John 12 between Mary and the authorities. Mary loved Jesus. She poured out perfume worth 300 denari, a year’s wages. She laid down and wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair. She didn’t care what anyone thought because she loved Jesus. But then you see the authorities who are afraid to confess their belief in Jesus, “for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.” (John 12:43) May we be like Mary, unashamed and completely captivated by the love of Christ.
YES. Oh, John 12:43 just slayed me. How often do I fall into that trap? Afraid of following Christ because I am scared of what the world will think of me. When in reality, what good has following the world ever done?!
What this passage also shows is the fact that we should never wait to serve the Lord and to show Him our love. We often think that it’s not appropriate, or we are afraid of other people’s reactions, or whatever. The time’s NOW (even though some people don’t like it). If Mary would have waited to do this later, it’d have been too late… But by doing it now, she prepared Jesus for His death (since they couldn’t do it then)
The story of Jacob and Leah breaks my heart every time I read it yet it has so many truths and things we can learn and God is so evident in the story. In fact I wrote a blog post about this a couple months ago after reading this passage….http://www.raisingupstones.com/when-everything-falls-apart/
Note in my NIV Study Bible for Gen. 29:21: my wife. If Jacob had said “Rachel,” Laban would have had no excuse for giving him Leah. Also an interesting point, Jacob’s wording allows for a loophole.
Pam, I didn’t get first what you were saying, but do now. Great observation! The trickster got tricked and Laban could have pleased a “wife” loophole technicality.
John 12:43 “for they loved the praise of man more than the praise of God.” This one stings a little. I’ve always struggled with being a people pleaser and in our culture, even the Christian culture, we feel pressure to look for earthly praise rather than the smile of our Father, who sees what we do in secret. I want to learn to let go of the opinion of man…to work only for the praise of my Father.
I felt the same way as I read that verse. I pray that I can let go of my want to impress man, but instead impress our God and let him do His work thru me.
My ESV Study Bible clarified a bit for me the second part of Genesis 30. It says, “The events narrated in this section illustrate how God’s blessing is mediated through Jacob, but only to those who bless him. By mistreating Jacob, Laban is eventually disadvantaged.” It’s interesting to me to see how Laban tries to better himself by his own means and disadvantaging Jacob, but that his plans turn on him & is left with less than what he likely would’ve received if he’d been honest with Jacob.
26 Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one.”
So much meaning in these passages!
another parallel is that what goes around comes around. Jacob tricked his father to get Esau’s blessing even though he wasn’t the first born. Then Laban tricked Jacob to give him Leah instead of Rachel, saying it is not the custom for the young to get with the old deserves.
The sin of worshipping anything before God is also shown. Leah so desperately wanted to be loved she kept having children. Jacob so desperate to have Rachel worked 14 years. Rachel so desperate to have kids gives her servant to her husband just like Sarah, leading to jealousy between the children for their fathers affection. But God redeems sin and uses it for good. It is only when Leah is satisfied that she has Judah who will bring us the Christ.
See?? This is why I need my beautiful genius sisters here studying the Word with me and explaining everything they got out of the reading. Because I never even thought of that whole Jacob tricked/Jacob got tricked thing in all of the years I’ve known this story! Interesting…
I was really struck by how in Gen 29v32 Leah is desperately seeking her husband’s approval… Then in ch 30v 13 she wants the approval of other women. I was convicted by how easily I fall in this trap.
Also gen 29 v 13 – Laban didn’t have good intentions for Jacob … Not everyone who kisses and hugs us wants the best for us…! Wow, and how this parallels with judas’ kiss of betrayal in the New Testament.
I’ve also written in my bible from a previous study… Jacob worked for 7 years then got his bride Leah. With rachel he got his bride and then worked 7 years. Leach is a picture of law/religion – work hard then get God. Rachel is a picture of grace and the gospel where we get God then serve by choice…. how beautiful!
John 12:43 spoke directly to my heart today: “For they loved praise from men more than praise from God.”
I know that I am guilty of seeking the fleeting praise of man and turning from the eternal praise and promise of God. My prayer is that I will keep these words in my heart as a reminder to seek to bring glory to God and not to myself.
I thought the same thing and bookmarked that verse too. Seeing that written out its so easy to shake your head and see how foolish these people were to deny the Son of Man just to be popular among humans. But it’s something I struggle with so much too and can see it in my own life
I would really encourage you sisters to read the blog link that I found on Desiring God that I have added below. It goes perfectly with our study of Genesis and is a wonderful reminder of how God is working in every moment of our lives. http://www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/god-is-at-work-in-your-unremarkable-days
Great article, Jess! Thanks for sharing. I always need reminded that the day-to-day grind of working, cleaning the house and doing laundry, aren’t a waste of time but rather something I can do as unto the Lord.
I think of what may have been the “unremarkable days” in Jesus’ life before his public ministry. God used those to shape and mold him, and he’s doing the same in us.
I’m not sure I understand today’s reading, most specifically the two chapters from Genesis. I know that I will not always receive a message from each reading, but I had to reread this several times and still see nothing.
It’s poignant to me that God chooses Leah, the unloved/unwanted wife, to be the mother of the line of David and then Jesus (through Judah). If nothing else, it is another example of how God doesn’t choose the popular choice, he chooses the choice that best suits his purpose!
I think these chapters are to remind us of many things. Jacob wronged his family when he betrayed Esau and his father. But when he left in search of his mothers family to protect himself he truly is seeking God. In return be finds his family and finds Rachel at the well. These events were clearly arranged by God. But instead of having his wife, he is deceived by his uncle. I feel he knew this was because of his deception and took the judgment and worked for his wife. If nothing else it reminds us that we aren’t perfect, but if we trust gods will, we serve a mighty God who provides! Rachel and Leah’s “battle of the babies” just shows us how we are constantly seeking someone else’s approval over Gods. And how awesome that in this reading we also saw in John 12:43 how the Pharisees were more interested in seeking mans approval rather than God. Rachel and Leah were certainly guilty of that when they wanted children for Jacobs attention and affection. Aren’t we guilty of that as well!?
When I read the Old Testament it really reads like a great novel. It’s difficult to understand but interesting at the same time. Pray before you take on any reading of the bible and I believe God will reveal to your heart a message from His word! Keep reading sisters! This is good stuff
I was also having a tough time with today’s scripture, but your comment really helped me see the message that I needed. I need to remember that God’s approval is so much more important than any praise I receive from my peers!
Katie, it definitely seems an odd bunch of events, right? Not sure if one should cry or laugh, or plainly both! There is a lot to ponder on.
One thing that can be seen is that the “deceiver” gets deceived himself now… He stole his brother’s birthright, now he gets deceived by his uncle. Another thing, on a more general basis, is how the women act, sisters nevertheless… Just absurd. They take matters in their own hands verses seeking the will of God. But don’t we act similarly at times….that is, “take matters in our hands”.
I like the point stated that we constantly look to people to fill our needs verses that from God. I also can be found guilty of this… Also what is touching is this verse “When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless.”… God sees everything, even when chaos is amiss us… And later he remembers Rachel & she conceives a child. God remains steady, even though we can act very foolish.
I think the Leah & Rachel story can make a great “reality show”. :))
I like Moni’s comments. :) I think there probably was a lot more going on too that just didn’t get included in the short narrative! Lots of missing details that would probably help it all make more sense.
I read the bit about Leah and Rachel a lot two years ago when I was struggling with Infertility, so I see these verses from a different perspective. Infertility just tore Rachel apart. “Give me children or I will die” she says to Jacob. Her desperation and grief are tangible. Yet, while her sister celebrates each of her childrens’ births with joy, Rachel is only concerned about being vindicated and getting ahead of her sister. In the end they are both guilty of being just awful to each other, but overall Rachel is consumed by bitterness up until her death. I think this is why God did not choose to make her children part of Jesus’s lineage.
Yes. Rachel was just eaten alive by it, wasn’t she? Her desire for a child isn’t a bad thing, but it just crazy outstrips her desire for God. We have to keep all of our hopes and dreams in check, and always always be putting God first!
I have always felt very similarly in the past as you do when it comes to this story.
But this time it was a bit different for me.
This time it stuck out to me that Jacob deceived his own brother by stealing his birthright and his blessing, but although he did commit sins against his brother, father, and God, his Heavenly Father STILL blessed him (and continues to in the future). Gods grace and mercy was prevalent in Jacobs life, just as it is in ours even now.
Along with that, a different verse regarding Leah stuck out to me. As she was bearing children for Jacob, she was yearning for his affection and love. She was trying to work her way there. Her main focus was gaining his love and acceptance. But as she was blessed with more and more children, it came a point where she said “I will praise the Lord.”, and she FINALLY realized the truth. She was to be looking towards Christ and His everlasting love, rather than trying to earn the human, unpredictable and unfair love of Jacob.
Hope this helped you to see a little more (:
I think that not every reading will give you a specific word. Sometimes it’s just studying what happened in those days and trying to understand what was going on back then. God did incredible things through the people back then…sometimes what we read is a bit of a back story :) however I do agree that Leah’s story is beautiful in that God blessed her and took care of her even though she was unloved by man – which seems to tie in a bit with the chapter from John about not wanting love from man but from God :)
Yes! This was a tough read. I was talking this out with some of my coworkers at lunch. These Old Testament passages are filled with people making terrible choices, and I was saying that these were not people I would have chosen to build my church.
And I wonder if that’s the point.
The movements of God in the lives of these people is very obvious because the rest of the time, they are generally lousy human beings. Also, there is a great comfort in reading how God wrestles with these people. The relationship gains credibility with every given grace and mercy. He is constantly forgiving them. I find comfort in that.
This happens to me sometimes, but I would love to share with you what I got out of it. If you read this side by side with Gen 24, you will notice that there are many similarities. The major difference however, is that God is not mentioned i. Gen 29. For me what stood out, is that because Jacob is not thankful for the blessings that God gives to him and because of his deception with Esau, God is justly showing us the consequences of not praising Him. It is so important as believers to remember that God is in control and has purpose for everything…even Jacob’s struggles.
Sometimes when I read the story about Leah and Rachel, I get offended when I think about it in 2025 standards but I heard someone say recently:
People want the blessings and what looks nice (Rachel) but God gives us what bears fruit and may not be what we want (Leah).
That had shone a whole new light on that story.
God always has the right answer even if it doesn’t make sense to us.
This is my third year reading through the Bible. I love this app! Every time I learn so many new things. May it bless you as it has me
I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. – John 12:46
46 I have come as a light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me would not remain in darkness. – John 12:46
John 12:43… good reminder not to be like that… not to let what the world thinks overshadow God
47 If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. – John 12:47
48 The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. – John 12:48
36While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them. 35So Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going.
50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. – John 12:50
there’s so much to take in every time i read these chapters but just seeing how the Lord responded to these people who didn’t believe. everything He said was true and was with love.
John 12:44 is a great verse!
44 And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. – John 12:44
Jesus came to save and bring light to the world. Hallelujah!
her naming her son dan was funny to me. i wasn’t expecting her to name him that
John 12 has become a favorite chapter of mine over the past few months. Such good stuff from there.
There’s so much in each of these passages. Grateful for the Word of God. Truly want to meditate on it day and night.
John 12:43 is so convicting! Whose glory do I want?
“…for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.” Such powerful words!
The baby of my family is the only boy!! My parents wanted a Biblical name and were so happy!!! They chose Asher!! Means to bring happiness!
Love the name meanings!!!
Going back and diving real deep into the old testaments is wild, and a little confusing from time to time but I’m grateful God gives me this wisdom to understand the real message.
God blesses the hated, the criticized.
Jesus is the light that guides us through the darkness.
Finding out that God blessed Leah for being hated really gives so much hope for the ones who are spreading the gospel and being criticized for it. We seek the approval of God and are blessed 10x more than the one who rebukes us❤️
When it read that they loved human praise more than God’s praise. It hit home. How much around us lives for the praise of humans who have bit a mere breath in their nostrils? We all need to focus on Jesus!
Thank you for making me ponder what I am looking at, or allowing to influence my daily decisions. If it’s not God, then I need to check myself.
Great reading. I love the story of Jacob putting those branches before the sheep’s eyes. When they see the patterns they give birth to what they see. What are we seeing today? Do we need to change what we are seeing so we birth what God has called us to
We do serve an amazing and powerful God. Despite our brokenness past and problem god still wants us he loves us
Yes. On point.
John 12:36 While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them.
We have become children of the Light by God’s grace!
“For they love the glory that comes from man more than they love the glory that comes from God” really resonated with me
Yes this was a very impactful verse! I want to love the glory that comes from God more than the glory that comes from man!
46I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.
25Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
Helped me through my day today
47If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.
John 12:31-32 “Now is the judgement of this world. Now the ruler of the world will be cast out. As for me, if I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all people to myself.”
The judgement of the earth is that God has measured us and found us WORTH saving. The judgement rendered is in our favor. We have been judged and acquitted in spite of our guilt. Jesus is lifted on the cross for our sin and over our sin as the conqueror. Thus we are drawn to him. And Satan is defeated.
Jesus’ earthly purpose was ultimately to bring glory to the Father. This is our ultimate purpose as well. Father, please use my life to speak of your power and grace to others.
My job is to tell others about the Lord. It’s Jesus’ job to save. The Holy Spirit’s job to convict. And God’s job to judge. Oh how I we often feel like our job is all of those.
That’s a good one!! Wow thank you for the reminder
43For they loved human praise more than praise from God.
A reminder to seek God’s favor and approval. Not everyone around us.
35And Leah conceived again and bore a son and said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” Therefore she named him Judah. LIGHT
42Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; 43for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God. DARKNESS
46‘I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.
I want to be in the LIGHT!
John 12:43 is so relevant to today’s society and the pressures we try to meet from social media. Lord let me focus on pleasing you and seek less applause from an audience.
“I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” (Jn 12:46). We sat in darkness until His light broke through. Jesus, the Light of the World!
I know! And Leah getting married and then Jacob going nah I don’t want her!
Working hard to have a life full of joy from God’s praises, and focused less on having praise from others
Right?! It was like baby-off competition
36 “While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” -ellie
May we all pursue the glory of God as our chief purpose just as Christ
Day 14 ✔❤
Day 14!!!
Despite the fact that Jacob had two wives and two slaves given to him to conceive children for him, despite the fact that Leah and Rachel did not get along, despite all the shortcomings of these people God continued to use them to fulfill His promise of a great nation. And out of that great nation would eventually come His ultimate gift to all of manlind…Jesus Christ the Messjah. God can use us even when we make poor choices in life, even when we sin, and even when we try to work things out on our own instead of with His help and guidance. It would just be a lot easier if we would cooperate with God’s plan. But despite that, He is still able to accomplish His will. Never think that you can hinder His plans, because if He doesn’t use you to fulfill it He will use someone else and it will happen anyway. I pray that despite my faults and sin, God would use me and teach me to obey Him and accomplish His will.
John 12:43 “ for they loved human praise more then praises from God.” A statement that seems so relevant in this day and age. And i myself am guilty of it, i tend to seek people’s approval and praises for things i do more often that i forget about what God has to say about it. Thankful to God for teaching me this today.
John 12:47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.”
And 48 … the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” Important not to forget that part!
I find it so ironic that Laban’s defense for giving Leah to Jacob was that he wouldn’t pass over the older for the younger. Makes me wonder if news of what Jacob did to Esau had reached him. I wonder how much of the strife in Jacob’s life was due to the way he got his blessing.
On another note, compare Jacob’s attitude about Rachel’s barrenness with that of Abraham and Isaac. They both prayed for their wives and sought the Lord. Jacob recognizes God’s sovereignty but gets angry.
The line of deception always strikes me here- Abraham claiming Sarah as his sister instead of his wife to save himself- Rebekah encouraging Jacob to deceive his father, Laban deceiving Jacob by giving him Leah first, and later Rachel will lie about taking the household gods. A reminder that our example to the younger generation is so important- our actions speak so much louder than our words.
Yes I saw that too… good reminders
John 12:43 “for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.”
Lord, that this would not be said of us. As believers, help us to be bold and speak about Jesus no matter who is in front of us…
It’s crazy to me that the Jewish leaders would be scheming to put Lazarus to death. For what crime? Being brought back to life? They were seriously in denial!
Which version is everyone reading in I’m reading it in niv and want to know if that’s the easiest one to understand
I’m reading it in ESV but I recommend the message version
I’m in ESV and find it easy to follow.
I prefer the NIV.
Such encouraging chapters tonight. I do wonder why it is worded as if God suddenly remembers Rebekah, as if he had not thought of her for a long time?
When I looked it up I found that the original Hebrew translates to “to be recognized”
Today’s thoughts:
1. Like a seed, we must give up everything we know and have our lives be broken to be turned into something much more beautiful
2. Even though Rachel was the loved life, and Joseph the loved son, Leah was the mother of Judah, through whose line Jesus would be born. God remembers everyone and loves them all equally, just in different ways
25 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
Can someone please explain this verse to me?
To me, it means that those who treasure their earthly lives above their spiritual lives will not see heaven. Those who treasure God above all else will live in eternity.
Thank you! That makes sense :)
Anna and Arayah, There is a great historical novel called “The Red Tent” that tells the story of Leah’s daughter Dinah. From what I understand, it is pretty accurate (as is best known). While it IS a novel, it helps to paint a better picture of the culture, context and conflict surrounding Jacob’s family. An interesting read…
This is on my “to read” shelf!
They made it a movie as well if you prefer
Arayah I understand. Try to remember the historical context and that might help.
I don’t like the whole I-can’t-have-babies-so-have-babies-with-my-slave thing. I can’t wrap my head around it. The slave basically isn’t a person.
Both readings tonight struck my heart! Love this word!
This hit me hard tonight.
John 12
42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.
How many times do I bite my tongue? Hold my praise? All to not make someone else uncomfortable? Or to not be “that crazy religious one”. Thank you Jesus for speaking to me tonight.
Amen! I was so convicted of this too. I am such a people pleaser and it is so wrong.
Bridgette and Ellyn I struggle with this too, especially at work. I just recently (less than 6 months ago) was saved and I have a hard time openly confessing my faith and beliefs at work for fear of what my coworkers might think of the “new” me! I need to stop this fear for its not their opinion that maters.
It’s very difficult to do. I am sure all of us struggle with this in some capacity.
Reading the OT stories I’m a bit troubled over how some people’s poor choices have negative consequences while other people’s poor choices do not. It seems that God favors the chosen line to Jesus ie Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. It doesn’t seem very fair to me. But, I know that these words are a reflection of God’s character and if He is truly a loving and merciful God, then there must be something I’m missing in these passages. Lend me your wisdom and grant me understanding, oh Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
It is hard to understand. But ultimately God uses all of it to brig glory into himself. Sometimes he uses sin to bring about good things to show that he is powerfulpowerful and in control
God’s sovereignty is really hard to wrap our heads around. I like how this passage from Romans 9:14-18 talks about His sovereignty. “14 What shall we say then? There is no injustice with God, is there? May it never be! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” 18 So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires.”
I believe these passages in the OT show us how no man has ever really been deserving of God’s favor (like you said, so many of these characters make really poor choices). At the same time it shows us how merciful God really is, how patient and loving.
God’s chosen people were no special people, sinners all, but God preserved a family line for the purpose that we could all become his chosen ones. Like we read about Abraham, that in him (aka his descendants and ultimately Jesus) all the families of the earth would be blessed.
Hope this helps!
One thing I think of is how no one is deserving of Gods favor. In fact, of God only blessed people who didn’t make bad choices then he would have no one to bless. He also blessed people not in Jesus line. He made princes of Ishmael remember. But he had promised Abraham his descendants would be blessed because of his righteousness. God is a God who keeps his promises.
Here is how I see it, because Jacob deceived his father, he was in turn deceived by Laban and had actually served him for Rachel. But got Leah instead. It was Labans fault and not Leah’s that she was unloved. Jacob never asked for her. I think God took pity on her and blessed her with lots of children. Children love their mothers. A lot is strange. I don’t get the whole slave thing but it was a common practice. Obviously, had Rachel trusted the Lord to give her children, she wouldn’t have been in a competition with her sister for her husband. It is crazy but God promised to bless the lineage of Abraham so he keeps his promises.
I can’t believe how sinful these people are! Jacob is very forgiving of Laban and that’s a beautiful thing. Rachel was obviously worth it but I can’t believe how crafty and sinful Laban has been throughout the story. Makes me realise how merciful and good God is!!
In Genesis 29 and 30 pictures what true love really means.Jacob served Laban for 14 years just to be with his true love.Rachel..Indeed, true love waits !lovemere
Gen 30:2. Am I in the place of God? The One who appoints. But it’s easy for me to look at someone else’s life and grieve their good. We went thru 7 years of infertility. No child will give Rachel (or me) what she demands. Forgive my envy. “In the beginning, God…”
27 “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!”
Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.”
Gives me hope in the face of trials and tribulations — for these times God has made us — so that He might be glorified through us!!
Generally in the Bible it says something like “and they believed” after Jesus said something to them. I believe and have been taught that is the equivalent to us being “saved.”
For those prior to Jesus I believe the same thing, but it can be mind boggling because they were still under the Law.
Imani, thanks for sharing your heart. Yes, the Bible lists a bunch of misfits…and so glad I can relate to them!! :) David is known as a “man after God’s own heart” but committed adultery and killed that woman’s husband. The Bible is not just events of the past but teaching tools for our present. These details were left for us to learn from, and many times relate. What is more clearly evident to me is how God looks at the ~heart ~ of man. Also that God can take a bunch of misfits and still use them to fulfill His plan, is quite amazing to me… You are right in saying that discomfort is good…yet, it is hard to forget in the moment it takes place. Thank God, our father doesn’t forget. :)
Up until now, I had always been taught to believe the Old Testament forefathers were heroes. These last few days of study has shaken my Biblical foundation to its core. Why is it that we fail to teach and highlight the imperfect, sinful, unfaithful, and HUMAN sides of Abraham, Isaax, and Jacob? I found myself even DISLIKING them. I wondered why were their stories written like this…and then it hit me. The OT tuus far is supposed to make us uncomfortable. Why? Because these men who were glorified by God are no different than we are. Their antics are no different from the ones we have. As a matter of fact, most of us would have done these same things and reacted the same way these people did had we been living through that time. It is so easy for me to sit back, with this 2000+ cushion of time to benefit from, and act as if I or anyone would be any better. The stories of these lives show us that no matter what the time period in which we live, we can never trust our own judgement and understanding in order to live out our glory with God. Only by casting all of our hopes, desires, and aspirations in God can we even begin to live in glory. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob show us the consequences of both and for that, I am thankful. I am thankful for the discomfort because it means that my understanding is growing.
Please excuse my typos! I was excited lol! tuus = thus. 2000+ = 2000+ YEARS. Isaax = Isaac.
God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman, where they come together as one.
So why does Jacob sleep with about 4 different women? And Abraham slept with the servants too. It’s a common theme I’m noticing… How was God so pleased with them when they slept with so many people?! I don’t get it.
In the culture the practice of marrying multiple women and sleeping with servants was most likely accepted. I’m not sure on all the history, but it would be something good to look into. Although these might be accepted and encouraged culturally, I know these practices were sinful to God. And if we look at the motivations of Isaac, Leah, Rachel, etc in these complex relationships, we see they have sinful motivations and they don’t simply trust God.
This question doesn’t necessarily pertain to this exact reading, but what are your opinions about where godly people went after they died. I’ve heard many things, some including that they didn’t go to heaven until Jesus died on the cross; others say that their faith allowed them to go to heaven. Any thoughts on this question?
I’ve wondered this too and my take on it based on what I’ve read is that nobody goes to heaven until Jesus comes back. I may be completely off on this but John 3:13 “No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of man.” So this says no one went to heaven before Jesus and then 1 Thess 4:16 “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first”. So when Jesus return, those who believe in Christ will then join Him in heaven
I believe that we do go to Heaven now (because Jesus died for our sins for eternal life–and without life in Heaven then I don’t think we could count that as eternal life in limbo).
You are correct! Throughout scripture the dead are referred to as sleeping or resting. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 describes the second coming and specifies that at the second coming God will wake the dead and we will watch them wake up. And then we will all be caught up to meet Him. What a glorious day it will be!!!
I just asked my husband this last week! I’m confused because it does say in the beginning God created the Heavens & the earth, but there is also no way to Heaven outside of Christ… Interesting to me!
Hey Aubrey! Great question. So from my understanding, Yes, these people did go to Heaven. Since Jesus had not yet come to earth, believers were held under the old covenant (which is the entire Old Testament), and the way these people showed their praise to God was through sacrificial offerings. Now, when reading the New Testament, believers since Christ died on the cross, are held under the new covenant, meaning that all who believe in Christ as Lord and Savior go to heaven. So to answer some of the replies to your question as well, when reading the Old Testament and New Testament, it is important to keep in mind believers are under different covenants with the Lord. That’s why in verses like 1 Thess. And John, you’ll see that no one goes to heaven without Christ. Not sure if this is correct, but hope it helps :)
I had not realized that the wives of three generations in a row struggled to conceive (this stands out to me because I am struggling to conceive). And the children who were born when God opened their wombs were the sons whose descendants would become the nation of Israel! isn’t that powerful and encouraging? It just goes to show that God does have a plan, and it’s a perfect plan.
48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.
We all need to remember God is the true judge. We need to stop judging one another and let God do that. By judging others on their life we are playing God which is just what the devil did and the devil wants. Give it to God- for he already knows anyway. That verse hit home because so many people judge others before they know them, me too, everyone does. But we are reminded when reading that that God is the only judge. We are lights of love as Christians and that should show more. It doesn’t matter our skin color, our race, our sexual orientation- what matters to God is the light we shine and that we knowingly accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior
I have learned so much from reading all your comments! This study is such a blessing. I have really connected to Leah with trying to get satisfaction from other people then finally putting my hands up and realizing that Jesus really is the only one that satisfies and speaks truth. May we always remember to praise the Lord before all else. :)
John 12:25 touched me today! “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” – while life can be hard you must love it because it is a gift every day!
I JUST noticed something pretty cool!!!!
When all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone from the opening of the well and water the sheep. The stone was then placed back on the well’s opening. (Genesis 29:3)
Then Jacob said, “Look, it is still broad daylight. It’s not time for the animals to be gathered. Water the flock, then go out and let them graze.” But they replied, “We can’t until all the flocks have been gathered and the stone is rolled from the well’s opening. Then we will water the sheep.” (Genesis 29:7-8)
Maybe I’m crazy but this really reminded me of jesus and His resurrection?!? The stone being rolled away, jesus coming back to give life in His spirit to “ALL THE FLOCKS” .. Water was essential for the sheep as jesus Himself is LIFE for all who believe.
Love it!!
Really neat insight. Love these pictures of the Gospel in the OT
This is probably a very misinformed question.. But why is it totally acceptable for Jacob to sleep with so many different women, even ones that aren’t his wife? (Which he has more than one of.) Is it just the culture of that time?
I believe all 4 of them were considered his wives. Right?
By world standards, yes technically. But biblically God still defines marriage as one man and one woman so Rachel and the two servants were 3 women that Jacob was breaking his vows with. They were tarnishing the idea of becoming One Flesh and were completely out of line with God’s will for marriage because of it. You see it many times throughout the OT but you also see all the hurt that comes from people taking on multiple spouses and concubines.
So true. Look at all the fighting Etc! They barter for him. “You can have him tonight if you’ll give me some of your food”! Makes me sick-ish to even think about it
My husband thinks ONE wife is trouble enough … Can’t imagine a man wanting to deal with 4 women at once!!! (Heeheehee)
I have had a hard time with this as well. From my understanding, as well as discussions with various theologians in my life, there are a few reasons for this. God is the same yesterday, today and forever so just because it happened often in Old Testament does not mean God was “okay” with it. Which we see in scripture referencing Abraham and Isaac (lying about how their wives were their sisters, the Kings were upset by this betrayal because they knew it was wrong.) one common thought I have heard discussed is that it was very important for men to continue their lineage through bearing sons, as we see in this scripture, so having many wives was more common. I’m sure there are other reasons out there, but hope this answers some of your questions. :)
My question is why does God keep helping people like Jacob after he went and deceived his brother? Why is he rewarded for lying and his brother gets nothing in return? This just seems to be a reoccurring thing so far and I was just wondering what other people thought.
Grace… Gods promise to Abraham will be fulfilled – regardless of obedience.
The way I have approached this is that it is the word of God written by men who lived in a socio/political context. It’s the same God that has been wise enough to know how to express love and knowledge through time. Think about it… How many things could we see today as acceptable that would shock our future generations. So maybe the concept of multiple wives shock us as I’m guessing speedating could shock our future kids? But God in his love knows how to reach us and teach us things. I hope I made sense :)
I have read that God was not okay with multiple wives but yet he let it happen to protect the women as well as to populate with sons. The women then could not protect themselves and often ended up in bad situations. So men married multiple women in order to be there protector and provider. Today, women are more than capable of taking care of themselves. God was merely looking out for women. Just a thought that I had came across because I too did not understand.
Lauren, it was not acceptable to have multiple wives. God did not ordain that. He created man, then a woman for man. It is pretty clear what God envisioned for us. Now men, makes their choices. Men is corrupt easily. And men, thinks short term, including the short-term pleasurable moment. God ultimately gets to His will, even through our stupidity, but that doesn’t mean he can spare the consequences attached to our choices.
Ishmael is a good example. Born because Sarah did not trust God, or wait patiently for God’s answer… In turn Ishmael is the father of the nation of Arabs. Arabs & Jews are constantly at war with each other (half-brothers!). Did God choose Ishmael’s birth? No! Yet, he allows people to make choices. Sarah made a choice foolishly, that have reaped dire consequences … Great thing God is God, and He can work around our choices.
I’ve been totally shocked by Genesis. I had no clue I was missing this information. I’ve read most of these chapters with disgust on my heart but realized this: the earth was wiped clean. Noah and his sons were left to make everyone here. Cousins! I see this with Isaac. He chose Rachel, his Uncles daughter, as his wife and ended up with both of their cousins. I think that reproduction in itself was a NECESSITY back in the OT. It seems as if it was even a second thought, as it is today, to be incestial out of need for reproduction. Granted this was years and years after Noah. Everyone was still cousins and we still are except the linage is so vast now that we don’t really consider ourselves family when reproducing with each other. I TOTALLY hear where you are coming from. That’s the only way I could make sense of it besides others comments on previous fathers of the OT showing example of sin as much as it can be today and God pouring his grace regardless.
I’m loving john 12:46 right now. I love the imagery and the reminder that, as believers, we are free to always walk in the light! We no longer have to keep going back to the darkness that our sinful nature tells us we “deserve”. Jesus is our light forever and always, amen!
Interesting how the names Leah gave her first 3 sons were pleas for love. “Maybe I can earn his love with 1 son? 2 sons? Surely with 3 sons!” But the 4th – Judah – something changed before he was born. Instead of desperately craving human love, she had learned something of God! Now she says, “I will praise the Lord!” Almost as if she’s saying, “even if I never have the love of my husband, it’s okay. GOD is more than enough. He is ALL I need. All I desire”.
I noticed this too! Very lovely.
Comments like these are why I come to read the comments! What a beautiful and in depth note that I did not notice on my own.
My very favorite part of the scripture! I find it interesting that the first versus in the next chapter show in contrast Rachel Who looked to her husband to provide what she needed and he reminded her that he is not God!
Ironically Jacob, in the end, is buried next to Leah, “the unloved wife”. :)
Also, Judah is the one who is in the lineage of Jesus!
I love the contrast in John 12 between Mary and the authorities. Mary loved Jesus. She poured out perfume worth 300 denari, a year’s wages. She laid down and wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair. She didn’t care what anyone thought because she loved Jesus. But then you see the authorities who are afraid to confess their belief in Jesus, “for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.” (John 12:43) May we be like Mary, unashamed and completely captivated by the love of Christ.
YES. Oh, John 12:43 just slayed me. How often do I fall into that trap? Afraid of following Christ because I am scared of what the world will think of me. When in reality, what good has following the world ever done?!
What this passage also shows is the fact that we should never wait to serve the Lord and to show Him our love. We often think that it’s not appropriate, or we are afraid of other people’s reactions, or whatever. The time’s NOW (even though some people don’t like it). If Mary would have waited to do this later, it’d have been too late… But by doing it now, she prepared Jesus for His death (since they couldn’t do it then)
The story of Jacob and Leah breaks my heart every time I read it yet it has so many truths and things we can learn and God is so evident in the story. In fact I wrote a blog post about this a couple months ago after reading this passage….http://www.raisingupstones.com/when-everything-falls-apart/
Note in my NIV Study Bible for Gen. 29:21: my wife. If Jacob had said “Rachel,” Laban would have had no excuse for giving him Leah. Also an interesting point, Jacob’s wording allows for a loophole.
Pam, I didn’t get first what you were saying, but do now. Great observation! The trickster got tricked and Laban could have pleased a “wife” loophole technicality.
John 12:43 “for they loved the praise of man more than the praise of God.” This one stings a little. I’ve always struggled with being a people pleaser and in our culture, even the Christian culture, we feel pressure to look for earthly praise rather than the smile of our Father, who sees what we do in secret. I want to learn to let go of the opinion of man…to work only for the praise of my Father.
Amen. I have struggled with the same Heather. A resource that I’ve read on this is “When People are big and God is Small” it is quite an eye opener.
I felt the same way as I read that verse. I pray that I can let go of my want to impress man, but instead impress our God and let him do His work thru me.
“We feel pressure to look for earthly praise rather than the smile of our Father” very well said. May we always put His smile first above anything!
I agree. It’s so hard when we live in a world so full of satisfaction. It’s so difficult to remember that we only need the satisfaction of one!
My ESV Study Bible clarified a bit for me the second part of Genesis 30. It says, “The events narrated in this section illustrate how God’s blessing is mediated through Jacob, but only to those who bless him. By mistreating Jacob, Laban is eventually disadvantaged.” It’s interesting to me to see how Laban tries to better himself by his own means and disadvantaging Jacob, but that his plans turn on him & is left with less than what he likely would’ve received if he’d been honest with Jacob.
26 Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one.”
So much meaning in these passages!
another parallel is that what goes around comes around. Jacob tricked his father to get Esau’s blessing even though he wasn’t the first born. Then Laban tricked Jacob to give him Leah instead of Rachel, saying it is not the custom for the young to get with the old deserves.
The sin of worshipping anything before God is also shown. Leah so desperately wanted to be loved she kept having children. Jacob so desperate to have Rachel worked 14 years. Rachel so desperate to have kids gives her servant to her husband just like Sarah, leading to jealousy between the children for their fathers affection. But God redeems sin and uses it for good. It is only when Leah is satisfied that she has Judah who will bring us the Christ.
Yes! In 29:35 Leah says, “This time I will praise The Lord” – and she named her son Judah.
See?? This is why I need my beautiful genius sisters here studying the Word with me and explaining everything they got out of the reading. Because I never even thought of that whole Jacob tricked/Jacob got tricked thing in all of the years I’ve known this story! Interesting…
Same here Ashley! So glad I decided to join the community :)
Shirl, I love how you laid out the “desperation” process. How many times we act the same? Very neat perspective. Thanks for the observation.
THANK YOU for this. Shed so much light on this passage.
Love this parallel. I’m going to write it down also of that is ok?
Oh of course! I always write things down from these discussions but I’m never polite enough to ask! :) xxx
I was really struck by how in Gen 29v32 Leah is desperately seeking her husband’s approval… Then in ch 30v 13 she wants the approval of other women. I was convicted by how easily I fall in this trap.
Also gen 29 v 13 – Laban didn’t have good intentions for Jacob … Not everyone who kisses and hugs us wants the best for us…! Wow, and how this parallels with judas’ kiss of betrayal in the New Testament.
I’ve also written in my bible from a previous study… Jacob worked for 7 years then got his bride Leah. With rachel he got his bride and then worked 7 years. Leach is a picture of law/religion – work hard then get God. Rachel is a picture of grace and the gospel where we get God then serve by choice…. how beautiful!
Loving this study with you girls xxxx
Wow. Interesting parallel!
Wow! That picture of the law/religion you made is awesome!! I NEVER would have thought of that!! Hope you don’t mind if I write that down! :-)
Agree with the others – what an awesome parallel !!! Thankful for grace and the fact that we don’t live under our works or the law.
Thank you for that, perfect.
This is now in my Bible too … Thanks for your insight!
Beautiful comment!
Love that parallel, Lucy! Thanks for sharing!
Pastor Steven Furtick shared this exact point from his sermon series, “Death to Selfie.” I highly recommend listening to all 5 parts! So good!
John 12:43 spoke directly to my heart today: “For they loved praise from men more than praise from God.”
I know that I am guilty of seeking the fleeting praise of man and turning from the eternal praise and promise of God. My prayer is that I will keep these words in my heart as a reminder to seek to bring glory to God and not to myself.
I struggle with just seeking the eternal over temporal myself. I need to be reminded, who am I seeking the praise of today?
I thought the same thing and bookmarked that verse too. Seeing that written out its so easy to shake your head and see how foolish these people were to deny the Son of Man just to be popular among humans. But it’s something I struggle with so much too and can see it in my own life
I would really encourage you sisters to read the blog link that I found on Desiring God that I have added below. It goes perfectly with our study of Genesis and is a wonderful reminder of how God is working in every moment of our lives. http://www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/god-is-at-work-in-your-unremarkable-days
Great article, Jess! Thanks for sharing. I always need reminded that the day-to-day grind of working, cleaning the house and doing laundry, aren’t a waste of time but rather something I can do as unto the Lord.
I think of what may have been the “unremarkable days” in Jesus’ life before his public ministry. God used those to shape and mold him, and he’s doing the same in us.
Yes! Thank you for your comment- I took it as a reminder and a confirmation :) you are much appreciated sister!
I’m not sure I understand today’s reading, most specifically the two chapters from Genesis. I know that I will not always receive a message from each reading, but I had to reread this several times and still see nothing.
It’s poignant to me that God chooses Leah, the unloved/unwanted wife, to be the mother of the line of David and then Jesus (through Judah). If nothing else, it is another example of how God doesn’t choose the popular choice, he chooses the choice that best suits his purpose!
Yes! I agree!
I think these chapters are to remind us of many things. Jacob wronged his family when he betrayed Esau and his father. But when he left in search of his mothers family to protect himself he truly is seeking God. In return be finds his family and finds Rachel at the well. These events were clearly arranged by God. But instead of having his wife, he is deceived by his uncle. I feel he knew this was because of his deception and took the judgment and worked for his wife. If nothing else it reminds us that we aren’t perfect, but if we trust gods will, we serve a mighty God who provides! Rachel and Leah’s “battle of the babies” just shows us how we are constantly seeking someone else’s approval over Gods. And how awesome that in this reading we also saw in John 12:43 how the Pharisees were more interested in seeking mans approval rather than God. Rachel and Leah were certainly guilty of that when they wanted children for Jacobs attention and affection. Aren’t we guilty of that as well!?
When I read the Old Testament it really reads like a great novel. It’s difficult to understand but interesting at the same time. Pray before you take on any reading of the bible and I believe God will reveal to your heart a message from His word! Keep reading sisters! This is good stuff
I was also having a tough time with today’s scripture, but your comment really helped me see the message that I needed. I need to remember that God’s approval is so much more important than any praise I receive from my peers!
Thanks so much for this comment! I too struggled with the reading today, but this really helped.
Katie, it definitely seems an odd bunch of events, right? Not sure if one should cry or laugh, or plainly both! There is a lot to ponder on.
One thing that can be seen is that the “deceiver” gets deceived himself now… He stole his brother’s birthright, now he gets deceived by his uncle. Another thing, on a more general basis, is how the women act, sisters nevertheless… Just absurd. They take matters in their own hands verses seeking the will of God. But don’t we act similarly at times….that is, “take matters in our hands”.
I like the point stated that we constantly look to people to fill our needs verses that from God. I also can be found guilty of this… Also what is touching is this verse “When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless.”… God sees everything, even when chaos is amiss us… And later he remembers Rachel & she conceives a child. God remains steady, even though we can act very foolish.
I think the Leah & Rachel story can make a great “reality show”. :))
Oh gosh. What a reality show that would be! Craziness!
I like Moni’s comments. :) I think there probably was a lot more going on too that just didn’t get included in the short narrative! Lots of missing details that would probably help it all make more sense.
I read the bit about Leah and Rachel a lot two years ago when I was struggling with Infertility, so I see these verses from a different perspective. Infertility just tore Rachel apart. “Give me children or I will die” she says to Jacob. Her desperation and grief are tangible. Yet, while her sister celebrates each of her childrens’ births with joy, Rachel is only concerned about being vindicated and getting ahead of her sister. In the end they are both guilty of being just awful to each other, but overall Rachel is consumed by bitterness up until her death. I think this is why God did not choose to make her children part of Jesus’s lineage.
Yes. Rachel was just eaten alive by it, wasn’t she? Her desire for a child isn’t a bad thing, but it just crazy outstrips her desire for God. We have to keep all of our hopes and dreams in check, and always always be putting God first!
I have always felt very similarly in the past as you do when it comes to this story.
But this time it was a bit different for me.
This time it stuck out to me that Jacob deceived his own brother by stealing his birthright and his blessing, but although he did commit sins against his brother, father, and God, his Heavenly Father STILL blessed him (and continues to in the future). Gods grace and mercy was prevalent in Jacobs life, just as it is in ours even now.
Along with that, a different verse regarding Leah stuck out to me. As she was bearing children for Jacob, she was yearning for his affection and love. She was trying to work her way there. Her main focus was gaining his love and acceptance. But as she was blessed with more and more children, it came a point where she said “I will praise the Lord.”, and she FINALLY realized the truth. She was to be looking towards Christ and His everlasting love, rather than trying to earn the human, unpredictable and unfair love of Jacob.
Hope this helped you to see a little more (:
I was just discussing the exact same things with my husband! I love the set up of this study and how God has opened our eyes to His words.
I think that not every reading will give you a specific word. Sometimes it’s just studying what happened in those days and trying to understand what was going on back then. God did incredible things through the people back then…sometimes what we read is a bit of a back story :) however I do agree that Leah’s story is beautiful in that God blessed her and took care of her even though she was unloved by man – which seems to tie in a bit with the chapter from John about not wanting love from man but from God :)
Yes! This was a tough read. I was talking this out with some of my coworkers at lunch. These Old Testament passages are filled with people making terrible choices, and I was saying that these were not people I would have chosen to build my church.
And I wonder if that’s the point.
The movements of God in the lives of these people is very obvious because the rest of the time, they are generally lousy human beings. Also, there is a great comfort in reading how God wrestles with these people. The relationship gains credibility with every given grace and mercy. He is constantly forgiving them. I find comfort in that.
This happens to me sometimes, but I would love to share with you what I got out of it. If you read this side by side with Gen 24, you will notice that there are many similarities. The major difference however, is that God is not mentioned i. Gen 29. For me what stood out, is that because Jacob is not thankful for the blessings that God gives to him and because of his deception with Esau, God is justly showing us the consequences of not praising Him. It is so important as believers to remember that God is in control and has purpose for everything…even Jacob’s struggles.