Day 128

The Bible In A Year 128

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Judges 13-15, 1 Corinthians 12

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35 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 128"

  1. Lauren says:

    Samson is such a douchebag. Good grief.

    1. Rachel says:

      Hahaha!! Amen. What’s his deal?

  2. Antimony says:

    1C 12 Everyone has different gifts and abilities. This is not to provoke us to jealousy. It is a thing to rejoice in!

  3. Becky says:

    I am totally amazed by what I read about samson’s life. I didn’t really know the specifics. I knew different parts (honey from the lion, killing man with the jawbone of a donkey, killing a lion, breaking the ropes he was tied with), but I didn’t know them in sequence. I know that God used him to bring judgment on the philistines, but he seemed so selfish and full of his own ways. It amazes me to see how God used him even when he was so full of himself and what he wanted.

  4. Tarnz says:

    What is the significance of the honey n the carcass? I know it was against the nazarite vowel to touch dead as we read in numbers (I think) as it’s unclean so he was knowingly going against what was right… For whatever reason n chose to conceal and share his broken vowel with his family. Thoughts or insights anyone?

    1. Becky says:

      Not sure if this is what you mean exactly, but wasn’t it part of the nazirite regulations (someone who was set apart specially by God) to not touch a dead body? I do remember too that I read that in Numbers or Deuteronomy about the Israelite people in general. I need to look back on what the angel of the Lord said to his mother when he was listing the stuff she could and couldn’t do and then, subsequently, what he could and couldn’t do once he was born.

      1. Becky says:

        It says in verse 4 that she should not eat anything unclean. Nor should Samson when he is born. So I guess that’s the significance of why that was such a big deal. I’m wondering though if you mean why the HONEY itself is such a big deal??

      2. Tarnz says:

        I guess when I first read it that whole part of the story seemed random or a surreal situation to happen apon… Honey with its sweetness and healing properties to be found in a dead carcass (I thought bees are particular about their homes too) and then for someone to choose to reach into a dead and decaying thing knowing they are set apart and then eats it… seems growse (maybe cause I am female) and surely a morally wrong choice on his side.
        Just wondering if there is something deeper or symbolically that I am missing in this moment that I could learn for my own life. Was it a moment of pride or weakness or plain stupidity that made him think it was okay?

        And u r right Becky… But God still gave him favour and worked with and through him inspite of, and it again that part makes me thankful for his mercy and patience with us each and every moment.

  5. AmyCri says:

    Exactly what I needed to read today!

  6. We are all part of THE body….all people, all churches, all ministries. We have differences, but that is because God has gifted specific missions to each. We all need to support each other & be in unity even when there is diversity. If our common goal is the message of Jesus, what does it matter our differences??

    1. Jen says:

      Perfectly said, Laura! Thank you!

    2. Mary says:

      Very well said Laura. It’s mind boggling sometimes to see the lack of acceptance and tolerance for all kinds of diversity.

  7. Shirl says:

    I can imagine the struggle of samson’s first wife, to betray her people or stray her husband. She chose her husband and this led her to be given her his companion at the feast. Women those days were treated so poorly alas property and her father gave her to another man. In the end she was killed by her own people. In the end the sin of people leads to destruction.

  8. I love the metaphor that God uses here. The body of Christ. The body of the church. As women so many of us struggle with our bodies. This speaks to me today. May He bless all who read His word.

    1. Amy says:

      This passage speaks to me too! It was encouraging to read that, although God uses and speaks to us in various ways, we all have the SAME Holy Spirit in us.

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