Approach Truth Confidently

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 9:11-14, 2 Corinthians 12:9, John 1:12-13, Romans 8:1-2

Today, via your imagination, I’d like to bring you to my house for a little Williams family game time. Now, brace yourself: board games around here are an event. They are serious business and insanely silly, all at once. You better come to the table—or floor, or grass, or treehouse—with your game face on because you never know what version of game time you’re going to get.

My favorite (slash least favorite) part of game time is what I’ll refer to as “The Rule Situation.” Sometimes The Rule Situation is pretty straight-forward—we read the rules of the game, we follow the rules of the game. Other times, it’s a tad more complicated. This is especially true when one of our four children decides to make his or her own rules for the rest of us gamers to follow.

We grownups like to think we have a better understanding of how rules work since we live in the real world and all. Only official rules count. You can’t make up random rules and expect folks to follow. (Well, you can, but your made-up rules don’t change what is true.)

But isn’t that how we sometimes approach the Bible? We’re given the inspired and sufficient Word of God, and we are invited to read it by and with the Author Himself. Yet instead of running to accept the invitation, we trip over our own made-up rules, citing all the reasons we think we don’t deserve to go.

If you are a follower of Jesus—someone who has repented and trusts Jesus Christ as her Savior—here is a sampling of who you are according to God’s Word:

I am a child of God (John 1:12).
I am clothed with the righteousness of Jesus (Isaiah 61:10).
I am free (Galatians 5:1).
I am not condemned (Romans 8:1).
I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
I am loved (Ephesians 5:2).

Now, think of some of the false rules you make up for yourself as qualifications for approaching God’s Word. Here are two of mine:

I must always have the desire to open my Bible.
I need to understand everything I read in Scripture.

When I add made-up qualifications for Bible-reading to the truths God has spoken, I end up with a distorted, false gospel—a gospel of works, not grace. I am not loved because of how many pages of the Bible I’ve read or because of how much of it I understand. I am loved because Jesus, in His mercy, loves me. 

Read Hebrews 4:14–16. What adjective does the author of Hebrews use to describe the way in which we should approach God?

Friends, Jesus not only knows our weakness, He understands it. His perfection is both the justification and the mandate for our boldness before God’s throne. May we, as daughters and sons of the King, approach the Bible with confidence today—not because of who we are, but because of who we are in Him.

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677 thoughts on "Approach Truth Confidently"

  1. Nicholla Grant says:

    Definitely given me the confirmation I needed that I am on the right path, having my daily time with Him I have noticed that I am able to understand scriptures a lot more easily and I’m finding myself wanting to delve in deeper. Once I find my church home I’m sure it will become a lot smoother.

  2. Sloane White says:

    I will be bold when appproaching The Throne!

  3. Braleigh Casey says:

    I will give praise and boast even when things are not going according to my plan, for I am not in control. God is in all control.

  4. Celia Manns says:

    Definitely felt those made up rules!!!! What’s important is that we get in the word! It’s like eating healthy. Do we want to eat our leafy greens, protein, fiber, quinoa, superfoods daily for every meal?! No, a lot of the time we want to skip all that and go for what’s easy, some fast food or frozen chicken strips, frozen pizza. But our time is best spent on what’s good for us! The Word is nutrient dense food for our souls.

  5. Bekah Wurdemann says:

    “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Loved where it talked about boasting about our father and God even in our weaknesses!

  6. Addison Ebert says:

    This is wonderful. It is nice to know that no matter what I think and say God is there for me, and only what he has to say matters!! Amen.

  7. Cassandra Bukowski says:

    Not a “fake it till you make it” mentality, but a confidence that Jesus saved you and there’s nothing you can do to make him love you any more or any less.

  8. Megan Gleadle says:

    So thankful for who God makes us in Christ!

  9. Juliette Alcarez says:

    This is such a beautiful reminder that God loves us for who we are not what we do

  10. Kensy Orantes says:

    I am sitting here weeping as my heart is dwells on the truth of who God is and I am because of what Jesus has done. It is finished. ♥️

  11. Evelyn Torres says:

    Thank you Lord for this passage

  12. Alyssa Wagley says:

    I throughly enjoyed today’s reading

  13. Jessica S says:

    A good reminder that we don’t need a resumè filled with qualifications to open the Bible, nor do we need to understand every verse. As long as we open our Bible and our hearts to Jesus with confidence, He will provide.

  14. Cailee Pulido says:

    I loved this reading as it helped remind me that Jesus faced temptation and can UNDERSTAND how we feel as humans, BUT because he was sinless he is our savior.

  15. Carla Foxx says:

    It’s heartwarming to know that I serve a God who wants to do nothing more but spend time with me and he awaits to hear from me.

  16. Rachel Bass says:

    Some {most} days I feel like I could never deserve the grace God so freely gives – but i will boldly spend time with him, growing in his word and truth

  17. Destiny H. says:

    So grateful for a Father that says , “come spend time with me in my word” – the best benefit of being a Kingdom kid because He’s always there to meet me!

  18. C Peters says:

    God gave us free will to make our own choices because he wants us to choose him in everything we do. Amen

  19. Audren says:

    Churchmouse this is beautiful, I love your perspective on reading the Word!

  20. Marilyn Kugler says:

    I’m relating to making my rules and judgment upon myself in relation to salvation. I know deep down Gods salvation is free I just need to accept it but the little voice in my head always making me feel unworthy.

  21. mary mckeon says:

    Feel all of these words in the study and the comments. Thank you Amanda.

  22. Antenessia Chambers says:

    I thi k todays devotional was very important because it shows how Jesus wants us to come to him and use him as a guide and where we are now he has been there before so he understands and is able to sympathize with us. It’s not about our own knowledge of him but our relationship with him that we will better understand him and his words.

  23. Hilary Curneal says:

    There will be days when I do not want to open my devotion or bible, but I know that I will have too for God. It’s not a bad thing that you do not want to study or read Gods word. Jesus himself did not want to die on the cross the way he did, he asked God if there was another way he could endure it. But it had to be done that way so he did it. I know that I will be tempted to not study one day but I have to tell myself to be confident in Gods word and do it because I love him.

  24. Shae Gulliver says:

    Amen!! I’m loved by the Most High! Not bc I read my Bible, or bc I decided to pray. But bc he just simply loves me! He gave himself for me! Stop making up rules and regulations to be a Believer! Take authority and stand in it! Approach the Bible and the creator with Boldness! For he gave it to you for FREE! He loves US!

  25. Kathy Hart says:

    Thank you, Amanda, for this devotional. I wrote in my journal all the things you listed and wrote out the scriptures so I can review them frequently and renew my mind when the Enemy tells me otherwise.

  26. Jennifer Harless says:


  27. Mollie Pittman says:

    We are saved by HIS grace, not by reading the Bible every second of the day and understanding all the words. HE loves you just as you are, and reading your Bible does help understand Him and His communication to you. Since I have been reading devotions in this app, I really do believe that it has brought me closer to Him. He has shown me ways to solve my troubles and get through the highs and lows of my life. Thank you Lord for Your glorious Words and a love so deep that no one can overpower.❤️

  28. Melissa Vanhoose says:

    Jesus, thank you for the word I’ve received from this article. Thank you for loving me regardless of the things I’ve done, regardless of the weaknesses I’ve succumbed to. Amen. ✝️❤️

  29. Ti’anah Carson says:

    Thank you! I had a come to Jesus moment last night and opened my eyes, I told myself that I would wake up today and read my Bible immediately. I didn’t, but I told myself all throughout the day that I would read it before I go to bed and I did. I’m going to make it a habit to read in the morning and at night.

  30. Kelley Green says:

    This was the yes I needed this morning!

  31. Ciara Watley says:

    Learning that’s it’s His grace and not my works, help me Lord❤️

  32. Allison Shirley says:

    I’m such a chicken at times – most the times – so approaching boldly was a perfect word for me to be reminded

  33. Melanie Ronning says:

    So many times I make up my own rules and then calm myself a failure when I don’t do them right. That’s not what God says, He is happy that I tried, that I followed His rules.

  34. Lexis Pokorny says:

    Make me confident when coming to the throne, Jesus. I am imperfect, but you can empathize with my temptations. I am wanted and loved. Thank you Jesus! Amen!

  35. Lana Bible says:

    My made up rules? It has to be first thing before anything else or it doesn’t count. It has to be a lengthy reading or it doesn’t count. Thanks for the reminder to ditch those rules that God didn’t impose on us!

  36. Lauren Nagy says:

    Give me boldness, draw me nearer. Amen.

  37. Kamila Apetauer says:

    Jesus actualy emphatises with our weakness.. ❤️

  38. Madison Bruce says:

    His words are always powerful!

  39. Taylor Perry says:

    This has helped me so much

  40. Shamarria Hall says:

    Bless you. Thank you for you comment I can complete relate

  41. Shamarria Hall says:

    This made me realize how much I try to put rules on how to go about reading and walking in my faith. I needed this. great read thank you

  42. Payton Buchanan says:

    I am so guilty of this. This was a great read!

  43. Shelby Arevalo-Daszkiewicz says:

    I was baptized today. ❤️

  44. Tacie Peters says:

    I have never felt seen like that! ❤️

  45. Zoie Norris says:

    I’ve never felt like that before thank you for giving me a different perspective❤️

  46. Tiffany Wyatt says:

    I find it interesting that I struggle with these rules.. did l spend enough time reading? Was I really immersed in the word? Did I get anything out of it? I need to just do it because I have the freedom to even though I may not feel free at the time.

  47. Olivia Storteboom says:

    I always think those same “rules” too

  48. Karly F says:

    See, I thought the reflection was going in the direction of making our own rules and exceptions to God’s Commandments.

  49. Karly F says:

    See, thought the reflection was going in the didec

  50. Rendani Ratshibaya says:

    I just learnt that my reasoning for opening the Bible was not the true gospel. I have received grace and I can read the Word always without any guilt

  51. Toshyanna Hill says:

    This message spoke to me loud and clear. Everyone be blessed and much love♥️

  52. Anna Williamson says:

    Romans 8: 1-2….if we’re in God’s courtroom, Jesus is our
    attorney as a Child of God.

  53. Anna Williamson says:

    To gain a deeper understanding, I find YouTube videos to further explain the Roman’s 8: 1-2

  54. Kendall Victoria says:

    I love that this says you don’t always have to understand scripture to partake in it. The more I go into reading the Bible with an open mind the more impactful it is, even though I’m probably interpreting it wrong.

  55. lacey duvall says:

    I always felt kind of stupid when reading the Bible because I couldn’t understand it. Now that I go into it with an open heart and open mind I’ve noticed how much it applies to me and my situations. I feel like I’m truly seeing God’s message to me now

  56. Shelby Davison says:

    Me too! I get caught up in trying and “having” to understand scripture and forget that whatever God shows me through His Word while I’m reading is what He shows me, even if I don’t understand it all, or at all.

  57. Nicole Flemming says:

    I definitely get caught up in trying to decipher and understand the word and sometimes God just wants us to read. When you’re trying to decipher every passage or verse you don’t get the full picture of the story God is trying to tell.

  58. Cally Lynch says:

    I get so caught up in trying to understand every single phrase in the Word, so this was a nice reminder to just read.

  59. JaRanda Blackmon says:

    This really was something i needed to do that i can stop making excuses and make time for the Bible

  60. Sarah Carr says:

    I needed this today. I’m always so hard on myself for not reading the Bible everyday and I feel like a failure. Thankful for these reminders in todays devotional

  61. Tamiea Williams says:

    I agree. Especially when I don’t even know where to start. It’s nice to know that God knows my heart ❤️

  62. Crista Batway says:

    I am always doughting myself on how much I need to read to understand his word. It’s not how much it’s as long as I do.

  63. Brooke Pierce says:

    I really needed this. I am really hard on myself about how much I read my Bible, but I am not defined by that, I am defined by God’s love for me, regardless of how many pages I read.

  64. Kendall Eckardt says:

    i needed this refresh. my rules do not apply. i can come as i am bold in christ!

  65. Michelle Martin says:

    Approach the throne with boldness!

  66. Yewande akande says:

    I Draw close to the throne to receive mercy that has already been provide for me.

  67. Tracy Groover says:

    I needed to hear this and be reminded of who I am in Christ! I do feel so inadequate in my Bible reading. I need to understand and remember it’s not about me, it’s about Him and who I am in Him.

  68. Lenay Guidry says:

    …purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. – Hebrews 9:14
    Lord a lot of the time I am living for me. Help me make better decisions to serve you better out of the love you have provided to me.

  69. Lenay Guidry says:

    …purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. – Hebrews 9:14

  70. Christa Driver says:

    That last part reminding me who I am in God and not just who I am in myself! Wow I needed that reminder! Thank you Lord!

  71. Brittany Chambers says:

    God’s always right there. I’ve been struggling in my relationship due to insecurities and added pressures on what a “good Christian” looks like, but something has always stuck with me from youth group years ago: no matter how far away you walk from God, when you turn around to find him again he is right there. I am perfectly imperfect, made in his image. It isn’t a contest on who is the better Christian, I just need to be me. Whichever way that is.

  72. Rebecca Lopez says:

    “I am a new creation.” What a reminder that we don’t need things figured out. God knows that we are new to life and we will make mistakes and we will find what we think are weaknesses. Jesus’ perfections are not cause for us to worry about these fears and weaknesses because be paid the ultimate sacrifice for us.

  73. Whitney Curtis says:

    God’s love for me is not based on how much scriptures or pages I read or my (lack of) understanding of the Bible, but because Jesus loves me.

  74. Emma Baraiac says:

    A great deal of understanding regarding who I am in Him rather than who He has made me to be.

  75. Marnie Bartleet says:

    I am a loved daughter of the king almighty and I am not loved less for the number of pages I have read in my bible of checked off of my to list. I must go the the thrown with boldness and grace

  76. Quran Johnson says:

    Day two of my journey with God. He’s able, He is good.

  77. Mikayla Bowers says:

    “I am not loved because of how many pages of the Bible I’ve read.” ❤️

  78. Tyler Ayah says:

    It’s not about what and whether I can achieve the things on my Godly “to do list” but a matter of who I am in Him. That’s never going to change, I am a child of God.

  79. Carly Adair says:

    so sweet to hear esp as I get busy and older I often tell myself I’m “falling off” by not reading scripture consistently … this doesn’t change who I am in God and I need to remember that

  80. Amanda Roberts says:

    Confidence in my ability to have a relationship with Christ. Confidence in seeking Truth.

  81. Lindsey Ruth says:

    Not because of who we are but who we are in Him.

  82. Chipo Samantha Chironga says:

    Grow in the grace of God Almighty

  83. Malia Blancharf says:

    He forever loves me in my weakness and rejoices in my victories.

  84. Trinity Adams says:

    I dont have to be perfect to enter. I just need to take that first step

  85. Synthia Waits says:

    A great reminder of who I am because of what He did

  86. Nicole Santana says:

    Another great reminder. I don’t need to be perfect to come to God. I just need to do it!!!

  87. Hailey McFarland says:

    my rule is that i need to remember everything that i read in my Bible or else it doesn’t count. i think i need to pray over each quiet time before hand and ask God to make things stick with me that He knows i need right now and give me peace over the things that i don’t remember

  88. rachel torman says:

    Come to Him with your struggles and He will give the grace and understanding that no others can.

  89. Irene Cedillo says:

    “I must always have a desire to read the Bible.” Is a big one for me. My prayer: May He prompt me and I be obedient but also may my desire not be my driving force behind every time I sit with the word.

  90. Sarah Michalak says:

    HE understands and that is all that matters!!

  91. Regina Clinton says:

    Lord, thank You for confidence!

  92. Cassidy Ayers says:

    Needed this today. Thank you!

  93. Alyssa Artz says:

    What a great message! Thank you!

  94. Alexa Watson says:

    Not because of who we are, but who HE is ❤️ amen

  95. Jessica Smith says:

    this passage was like breath in my lungs. a sigh of relief. amen and amen.

  96. Bre’Ana Davis says:

    I have tried to read the Bible in the past and sometimes, I feel lost. I don’t understand what I’m reading and that makes me think that I shouldn’t read it. Reading this definitely helps with that feeling. It makes me realize that the importance of reading the Bible is spending time with God.

  97. taylor schiebout says:

    Reading this gave me so much comfort. I can get so nervous to read and discuss the Bible because I don’t always understand all of the verses or the stories told in the Bible. This reminds me that it’s okay to not understand, but to keep steadfast in growing my relationship with God through reading the Bible- and being confident to discuss it with others if I don’t understand

  98. Stacey ONeil says:

    This is great! I have always said it’s so hard for met to get in the word because I just don’t understand it well so what’s the point. But this is such a great reminder that I should just be confident in it because the lord will show me what I need to understand:)

  99. Sydney Roush says:

    We can approach Him with CONFIDENCE. There is no qualifications we have to meet. No standard we have to live up to. We are fully free and able to approach Him.

  100. Tara Gatseos says:

    Thank you for the reminder to just KEEP READING the Bible! No matter how I feel or what a don’t understand, keep reading it, and God will teach me and comfort me where I’m at.

  101. michelle lowther says:

    Doing a study on psalms 23 (don’t give the enemy a seat at your table) and this reading was perfect. He prepares a seat at the table for us. I’m the midst of our trials and battlefield. In the midst of our enemies. And he is waiting there as someone who knows and understands what we are facing because he faced it too!

  102. Michaela Cutrell says:

    Not because of who we are, but because of who He is! ❤️

  103. Jessica Timperio says:

    This really spoke to me. I just went months of not reading his word. I don’t have an excuse. I have the worst motivation, and I’ve been stuck in bed the past few months. I do pray multiple times a day, everyday, but I always feel like I’m not worthy of His love and grace because I’m not good at reading His word. That’s why I came back to read this before starting the next community read. This really opened my eyes. Thank you!!

  104. Courtney Spell says:

    I am not loved because of the amount of time I think I need to spend reading his word daily. I am loved because of the boldness God gives to approach His word!

  105. Rebecca Lazarus says:

    We are to feel glad, not guilty or defeated by our weaknesses! Our weakness is a reason to open our Bible not to ignore it. I pray I approach God confidently, knowing I am covered with his love.

  106. Crissy Reagan says:

    I am not loved by how many pages of the Bible Ive read or because of how much of it I understand. I am loved because Jesus, in His mercy, loves me.

  107. Ember Chapman says:

    I have always felt like I had to be that perfect mom/woman who gets up early in the morning, grabs her coffee , Bible, and note book and has that “quite time” with Goals. And if I wasn’t doing it like that I was doing it wrong. I am NOT a morning person. I like to stay up late and if I am able not wake up until after 9 am. By then my kids are awake and forget quite time. But that was all works. I have found I can have quite time while I am laying in bed listening to my husband sleep. Or while I am driving, or while I am in the shower. God meets us where we are. God has always came to women where they are. I love that!

  108. Jana Kolade says:

    14 -16Now that we know what we have — Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God — let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all — all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help. – Hebrews 4:14

  109. Jana Kolade says:

    “Let us approach the Bible with confidence, not because of who we are, but because of who we are in Him!”

  110. Cassie Rose-Wappelhorst says:

    I didn’t even think about the false rules I was setting on myself. That’s a big aha moment for me.

  111. Christina Williams says:

    I am so grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice so I can approach Papa God’s thrown with confidence. I am saved by His grace, mercy and love!

  112. Suzannah Floyd says:

    Approach the Bible with confidence today not because of who we are but because of of who we are in Him”❤️
    His grace is sufficient!

  113. Suzannah Floyd says:

    Approach the Bible with confidence today not because of who we are but because of of who we are in Him”❤️

  114. Leah Fisher says:

    May we always approach the Lord with confidence for he knows our weaknesses and loves US still, For God’s grace is everlasting.

  115. Bernamai Calam says:

    Thank you for enlightening me.

  116. Lauren Crespo says:

    Sometimes I dont understand the bible. But thats okay! I am loved bt Jesus because I love and accept him in my life.

  117. Marcia Charlow says:

    May we be reminded that Jesus understands our weaknesses and may we always come confidently before Him. Thankful for his grace❣️

  118. Marcia Charlow says:

    may we be reminded that Jesus understands our weaknesses and may we always come confidently before Him. Thankful for his grace.

  119. Heather Nguyen says:

    I sometimes feel like I can’t come to Him in prayer when I haven’t been in the word for awhile or been to church or been praying unceasingly. All my own rules and false. I can come to Him no matter what because He loves me not because I’ve done XYZ.

  120. Rebecca Schindler says:

    Really never thought of it that in the light of “making up my own rules”. But I 100% do. I have a 9 month daughter I want to show how to praise and love God, so I’m starting by example. Stop making my own rules, prayer and scripture are just that. It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 min or an hour ♥️

  121. Ashlyn Thompson says:

    I know for me, I felt like if I didn’t have time to spend at least an hour in God’s word, and do it every day, then I shouldn’t even try. Maybe instead I should approach this spiritual food the same way I have to approach physical food sometimes: something is better than nothing.

  122. Rilie Beltz says:

    Didn’t know I needed this til I read it

  123. Pam Cain says:

    Love the analogy of “made up rules” in life/games to help us realize we do the same thing with God.

  124. Emily Gentry says:

    I need to keep reminding myself of this— my all or nothing mindset is harmful and needs constant undoing

  125. Alexandra Eddingfield says:

    I honestly would never though that we could have “positive conditions” for reading the Bible. Really eye opening!

  126. Gigi Goolsby says:

    Day 2 Devotional was one of those things that I didn’t know that I needed to hear until I had heard it. I am so grateful, Thank you <3

  127. Beth Powell says:

    I am EXACTLY this way! I feel like if I’m not reading and studying for an hour or more, then it really doesn’t count. I’m working on that… He speaks to me even when I’m NOT studying, so why am I limiting (in my mind) His ability to speak through his word any other time! I’m amazed by my own ignorance in this particular area.

  128. Shiraune Samuels says:

    Same here! So grateful for Day 2 of this devotional. ❤️

  129. Brooklynn Pugmire says:

    There are days that I just don’t want to read my Bible and feel guilty for it, but remembering that the word is for us and that we can approach confidently is so comforting!

  130. Jennifer Tello says:

    Don’t need to be perfect ❤️

  131. Valerie Russell says:

    Thank you, this was exactly how I have been feeling…that because I’m just beginning to study Gods word, that I was not adequate…I was good enough. But that’s not true, I am enough, I am loved & I can do all things ❤️

  132. Jade Mebane says:

    this was a great reminder

  133. Amanda Reaves says:

    I would say my two made up rules are: I have to remember everything I’ve read/studied immediately and that I have to read it immediately when I wake or it won’t impact my day the same.

  134. Amanda Jones says:

    Thank you for the reminder that I don’t need to be perfect to approach God.

  135. Bridget Addison says:

    I agree, I often run everywhere but to God when I am at my lowest.

  136. Bridget Addison says:

    I am in agreement with you, I often forget that in my low moments that I need to cling to Jesus.

  137. Jesse Motz says:

    For when we are weak his strength fills us!

  138. Sheila Clifford says:

    I tend to forget to approach God when I’m feeling lost. But how much more it would challenge my faith to do so “with boldness”.

  139. Maria Mata says:

    Jesus loves us. Its the simple truth and he showed us by going to the cross. What greater thing can anyone do than giving up his life.

  140. Meghan Henry says:

    I love that we can come boldly knowing that we are known and loved and covered with His righteousness. Humbled today.

  141. Tracy Nartatez says:

    He truly is amazing. I’m so grateful to be created, known, and loved by God.

  142. Natalie Fencik says:

    We are loved simply because. Always need to hear this ❤️

  143. Petra Jewel Smith says:

    We have a confident foundation. The enemy trembles at that. He trembles at confidence.

  144. Kelli Finkenbinder says:

    This was very helpful today!

  145. Nahdiya Zaheer Betonio says:

    Lord, I pray that we let go of our made-up rules as we read Your Word. Thank You for Your grace that enables us to confidently seek You regardless of our situation.

  146. Julianne Pictou says:

    Wow Amanda’s insight really helped me see these verses differently. I loved the truth she poured on us this reading. I feel like I was soaking it all up and didn’t matter how much of it there was. Thank you, for such an inspiring message.

  147. Beth Oswin says:

    Ahhh what a challenge and a truth

  148. Erin McMurry says:

    I needed to hear this today.

  149. Melissa Schlecht says:

    I feel this often in the current season I’m in.

  150. Karli Loving says:

    Wow. Never realized how often I make up my own rules when it comes to spending time with God.

  151. Kisa Davison says:

    I often will approach my prayers with simple requests. But to confess my weaknesses and to ask for guidance, as if I’m talking with a friend who has experienced my heartaches, fear, guilt, pain… that is the boldness that I seek!

  152. Debra Priest says:

    Grateful for God’s love for me.

  153. Emily Fields says:

    If I don’t comment will it not let me read the next days devotion?

  154. Kim Bray-Carroll says:

    I have become too busy with nothing. I have a strong desire to read my Bible, so now I am convicted to take the time daily to read. I know God hasn’t left me I just don’t feel close enough to Him anymore.

  155. Lucille Fley says:

    I meant it’s such an easy dangerous habit: to feel we’re not enough or good enough to read the Bible.

  156. Lucille Fley says:

    Same here! It’s such an easy and gambling huh

  157. Laura Clark says:

    I was raised in a religion that considers “a burning in the bosom” to mean that the Holy Spirit is present and testifying to you. I’m still working on unlearning that and accepting that God’s Word is still good and still true, even on the days that I’m not “feeling it.”

  158. PJ Hill says:

    I struggle with the “needing to understand everything in the scripture” and using that as a roadblock for opening my bible. That sentence hit home for me.

  159. Emily Gillespie says:

    I unknowingly had a similar rule, that I need to want to read my Bible every time I open it, and this isn’t true! Thankful I can approach the throne in confidence even when my desires are lacking

  160. Cora Granger says:


  161. Emma LeeSmith says:

    Yes! “I am not worthy” is such a lie! The enemy loves to make us feel disqualified. Jesus loves us to step up boldly to the throne of grace, shining brightly & covered by his blood. I am who He says I am just like His is Who he says He is!

  162. Roxana Torres says:


  163. Victoria Russell says:


  164. Brianna Ragland says:

  165. Coco Aydo says:


  166. Jenny Swain says:


  167. Amelie Cheron says:


  168. Ana Santiago-Russe says:

    Yes, amen!!!

  169. Kelsey Shadrach says:


  170. Madison Herndon says:

    Loved it

  171. Kelsey Shadrach says:

    Approach boldly. Whether I believe I am worth or not, because He has given me that right.

  172. Kristen Hudman says:


  173. Kayla Hill says:

    Confidence in grace

  174. Ariana ballard says:


  175. Prosper Ikiensikimama says:


  176. Daly Ellis says:


  177. Aleyna Butkiewicz says:

    Such a good reading today! Needed it

  178. Daye Woodard says:


  179. bella ferrell says:


  180. Marisa Martinez says:


  181. Susan Dalton says:

    Resonated so much

  182. Debbie Chance says:


  183. Naomi Vasquez says:


  184. Melissa Sterkenburg says:

    He knows exactly what we are going through and wants me to go to Him! His Grace & Mercy are always there when we need it. ❤️

  185. Daye Woodard says:

    Hit the nail on the head of why I struggle to open my Bible.

  186. Keriagn Bannister says:


  187. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    Amen and amen! This one is worth reading a couple times ❤️

  188. Lauren Shaffett says:


  189. Cathy McEntire says:

    Mine too

  190. Emily Pendell says:

    Love this!

  191. Morgan Creal says:


  192. Bonnie Johnson says:

    I love the truths about God and about myself.

  193. Lexi Hartline says:


  194. Lauryn Letterman says:


  195. Mary Wright says:


  196. Chey Burnett says:

    Amen. As somebody who has been feeling discouraged, it’s nice to be reminded that I can confidently come as I am ❤️

  197. Lorena Pulido says:

    Good is good. Amen.

  198. Rachel Suchocki says:


  199. Bella Bueno says:


  200. Rosa Colon says:


  201. Bethany Terry says:

    My fear of imperfection holds me back from so much, even a relationship with God despite His persistent calling on me. I am loved because Jesus loves me, not because of anything I can do!

  202. Bethany Terry says:

    I love that!

  203. Susan Livingston says:

    What great encouragement!

  204. Kristi Field says:

    As an adult, this is my first time really “reading” the Bible. I will admit that have not begun this Bible reading journey with confidence. There are many uncertainties about “how” and “where” to start swirling in my head. Hebrews 4:14-16 was just what I needed. Jesus loves me for who I am. He does not love me any less for not having opened the Bible sooner or for my uncertainties about the specifics of reading it. Each day I shall build confidence and grow closer to him.

  205. Mary Grace Rowell says:

    Finding so much good in coming back into communion with God. I am ready for Him to move!

  206. Audrey Phillips says:

    I love God and I am proud. Sometimes I’m

  207. Christina Stephens says:

    Oh man today was good. I definitely set false “requirements” on my Bible time.

    Also, Hebrews 9:11-14 is so good. Layering that on my heart today.

  208. Christina Stephens says:

    Oh man today was good. I definitely set false “requirements” on my Bible time.

  209. Ashley Thompson says:

    Great devo this morning

  210. Inna Krot says:


  211. Meredith Koelling says:


  212. Julie Baker says:

    Yes! My mindset has been one of defeat lately but God has given me the confidence to overcome and to approach his throne room.

  213. Jami Lemeza says:

    Love this

  214. Katie Rutledge says:


  215. Jillianne Mattox says:

    It was an encouragement and relief to read and realize that I don’t need to understand every word and concept I’m reading. That has always been a little voice in the back of my head discouraging me from picking up my Bible

  216. Dulcie Abari says:


  217. Michelle Dann says:

    Everyday! He always finds us where we are and where we need him.

  218. Kim Hampton says:


  219. Megan Gunn says:


  220. Rebecca Fillingim says:

    I very much needed this reading❤️❤️

  221. Hannah Risinger says:

    I can’t even explain how much I needed this right now. Forwarded it to a friend who He laid on my heart, and she is going through a really tough situation right now as well. God knew we needed this reminder!

  222. Divina Shin says:


  223. Annie May says:


  224. Annie May says:

  225. Mindi Carson says:


  226. Kaylee Cook says:

    Hebrews 4:14-16 is one of my favorite verses❤️

  227. Kayleigh Hill says:


  228. Natalie Hernandez says:


  229. Grace Stevens says:


  230. Jennifer Shafer says:

    My heart desperately needed this tonight.

  231. Sharon Martin says:

    Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy

  232. Sharon Martin says:

    I can relate

  233. Christa Nusbaum says:


  234. Amaya Esquivel says:

    Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy in my life!

  235. LeeAnn Avery says:


  236. Madison Gallimore says:


  237. Julie Thorn says:


  238. Courtlyn McCain says:


  239. Nicky Texeira says:

    I love that. We need not be afraid or add qualifications – we simply need to approach with boldness.

  240. Bea Ruiz says:

    God, will help me follow through.

  241. Madi Barber says:

    Good one today!

  242. Nilla Diamond says:

    I can relate to the ”feeling perfect” rule as well. One ”rule” the kept me from getting baptized for years was the I had to feel a certain way or I needed a ”big moment”. It was when I one day just told the youth pastor I wanted to be baptized I realised it’s based on my faith and a decision to follow God not based on how I feel in certain situations.

    My daughter once replied that she needed me to read my bible more when asked what she needed to help her listen more and feel that she did love her even though she got diciplined when she did wrong. (Time outs) She was then 3-4 now she is 6.

  243. Kat Wegrzyn says:

    Such a great reminder that I don’t always have to be excited to read or know what I’m reading, I can go to God with confidence. He will provide understanding

  244. Jackie Moore says:

    I’m awake at 3 AM this was a good comforting message and a great reminder

  245. Kat Smith says:


  246. Breanna cook says:

    Needed this

  247. Alex White says:

    You’re not. I don’t have children, but I remember feeling left out because I was never able to go to a lot of the children’s church opportunities. I think it’s super important for your children to also have community around them and if it’s important to you to find a church with a thriving junior community, where they teach things you believe and support.. I think many people would choose as you are.

  248. Roseangellise De Jesus says:

    Amen! Glory to God.

  249. Caitlyn Barrow says:

    “I must always have the desire” is definitely a made up rule I’ve made for myself.
    But at the same time. Lord. I want to have the desire. Give me the desire to learn about You and spend time with You.

  250. Danielle Thompson says:

    I think my biggest downfall is believing I have to be in church to have a close walk with God. My husbands family constantly “invite” us to come to church but it’s in a way that makes us want to go in another direction if that makes sense. It’s not a welcoming invitation but more of a “You’re not a Christian if you don’t go to church” invitation. The thing is the church they want us to go to has 3-4 kids, and that’s it. I want my kids to grow up in a church as I did that has a program for children so they can meet Jesus at a level they understand. Am I alone in this?

  251. Michelle Owens says:

    I needed this

  252. Meghan Dangerfield says:

    I have to remember that I am a child of God because of grace not because of what I do

  253. natalie garcia says:

    wow… You i get so caught up in trying to be the “perfect” christian but there is no such thing in that. I realized today that i don’t have to be perfect bc my God, My awesome God loves me for me. And it may take sometime for me to wrap my head around the fact that i don’t have to be this perfect person! but all i can say is that from now on I know God is with me every step. Every second because “I am a child of God” John 1:12

  254. Shay Cicenas says:

    I often struggle with beating myself up over not having the “desire” to open my Bible

  255. Adrienne Powell says:

    These self made rules are my biggest struggle. When you spend a lifetime hearing about how you aren’t good enough, it’s hard to believe God that you’re good enough for God. That you’re good enough to approach His throne and His presence as you are. I don’t always have the desire to open my Bible, but I have a bigger desire to fight against my doubt and fears, and I know the only way to win is by being in the Word.

  256. Paula Russell says:

    I’m praying for you Konnie. I am sorry you are struggling but I know that when you seek Jesus, He will make Himself known to you. I pray that you will find the rest He offers. In Matthew 3:28-30 Jesus promises rest for the weary-that’s us! He invites us to lay our burden on Him and to be free of the need we put on ourselves to perform. We can rest in the knowledge that He is enough.
    ““Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.””
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

  257. Ella Ashworth says:

    I love this! I always feel like I need to earn Gods grace and love and this helped me understand that it’s not what I do that makes God love me.

  258. Jessica Waller says:

    I fall into the trap or routine and if I fall off, then I neglect Gods word for several days. I get down on myself when I miss my morning Jesus time. But the truth is I need Jesus all the time. We have to get out of the routine of Jesus and just live like him.

  259. Konnie Kortas says:

    I don’t fully understand what I’m reading but I try to make the most of it even if I fall short. It makes me kinda hate myself though that I can’t fully comprehend so I just look for words that stand out and bible journal in hopes of it helping me understand it better. I get distracted so easily. I stay up till 4am cause I get paranoid if I don’t get any bible studying done during the day and I can’t fall asleep till I watch sermons before I do fall asleep instead of falling asleep when I’m tired. It’s an on going battle especially with chronic pain and dealing with mental health. I have so much going on health wise that I feel like if I can’t get anything done I’ve failed God and as a follower of Jesus. I don’t know what to ask the Holy Spirit for either. I’m new to it and feel like I should have it all together already.

  260. Katie Outland says:

    Kiera, I’m praying for you right now for clarity, comfort, restoration, healing, chains broken, fog lifted, rest… get in a quiet place on your knees, give it over to Him. He will take it. Jesus loves you so much and has planned an abundant life for you!!
    The enemy comes only to steal kill and destroy but I have come so that you may have life and have it in abundance!! John 10:10
    The google searches, and hotlines can help but they can also bring so much confusion, frantically searching for an answer. Go to Jesus and just hand it over to him even if you have no idea what He can or would do. His way is better. I’m speaking from experience and out of love. Im really praying for you friend. ❤️

  261. Emma Wilson says:

    Love it!! I feel like sometimes I do the same thing like I think I need to want to get up at 5:30 every morning to read my Bible but that is not always the case! But that is just a dumb rule I made up!! It says nowhere in the Bible that you have to wake up at 5:30 every morning to read your Bible!!! That is just something I will have to work on I guess!!

  262. Dana Staley says:


  263. Lauren Murray says:

    I certainly tell myself the lies and make up rules about needing a desire to read my Bible in order to open it and the need to understand everything. Jesus wants me and loves me regardless and that alone is reason to open his Word! Even if I don’t feel ready or prepared to learn, His Holy Spirit can still speak to me. ❤️

  264. Kiera Peppers says:

    Thank you. I appreciate it. Everyday I cry. Everyday it feels like a mourning. There’s no rest because all I do is despair. I’m afraid to place my trust back in God. I fear trusting Him. I don’t know what to do. Every night I cry out “I don’t know what to do”. It’s tiring. I’ve called the crisis hotline so many times. I’ve resorted back to cutting myself. I don’t know what to do anymore. I need help. I don’t know what to do.

    1. Jessica Waller says:

      Kiera. Just know God is with you in the midst of your despair. I’m so sorry sister you are experiencing these thought. I pray the peace of our Savior over you.

  265. JC says:

    LORD, Hebrews says You understand. You can empathize with our weakness as You have been tempted in every way as we are. I confidently approach You to find the grace and help in this time of need of an extra does of Faith. A fresh vision of You. A clear passion. A soothing balm for the cracks of worry & doubt on my heart.

  266. Rachel Buford says:

    Knowing that he understands the turmoil that we face on earth is comforting as we walk through scary times.

  267. Kiera Peppers says:

    There’s no hope for me. At all. Nothing about this is encouraging.

  268. Emily Stockton says:

    May we approach our Heavenly Father CONFIDENTLY! Knowing we are fully loved and adored by him.

  269. J Bucur says:


  270. Melody Sills says:

    It amazes me that I, the mess that I am, can just walk into the throne room at anytime, without an appointment, without being announced and without hesitation. I can stroll in, sit in my Fathers lap and just start talking to Him and HE WANTS THIS! How completely awesome is that?!? I am so grateful for all that Christ did in order to make this possible and even more so because I know it was planned from the beginning because He longed for me to do just that! Wow!

  271. Audrey Ramsey-Hale says:

    This was a great encouragement after a long Monday.

  272. Olivia Davis says:

    Needed this and everything it came with today. “Jesus not only knows our weakness, he understands it.” Did that make anyone else tear up at the thought? I fully agree with the comment above, he ALWAYS has a way of speaking to you in the right exact moment. He has nothing but perfect timing after all…

  273. Kris Dizon says:


  274. Jessica Price says:

    God has an incredible way of speaking to us what we need, when we need it. Thank you for this encouragement. This has spoken multitudes for me in my life at the moment.

  275. Ashley Livingston says:

    I definitely need to hear this today ❤️

  276. Madison Kuzia says:

    Amen amen. I needed to receive those truths and reject the lies this morning.

  277. Quinn Overby says:

    I don’t sit there for an extended amount of time but I feel like I need to understand the verse.

  278. Jessica Muong says:

    Yes and Amen!! Today was good!!

  279. Shannon Guilbert says:

    My rule is also that I have to understand everything the scripture says. Sometimes I sit there for 30 mins thinking about what it means to me.

  280. karly heathcock says:


  281. Dida Foote says:


  282. Abigail Koekemoer says:


  283. Tes Aguirre says:

    I think my rule is that I’m an anxious person who struggles to give up control and can’t let go. I mean I am but I’ve been struggling to let go in this space of transition when I feel like so much is in my shoulders to physically carry an international move.

    It’s so hard. My prayer has been: may You be my words, my thoughts and my actions. That i may decrease so that You might grow in me.

    But I still feel a barrier sometimes

  284. Catherine Swain says:


  285. Sara Bridges says:

    Yes, this exactly!

  286. Shonda T says:

    God grant me the power of consistency so that I may be a faithful servant of your word!!

  287. Ari Avant says:

    Confidence is key

  288. Allison Jones says:

    So good!

  289. Lori Jones says:

    I totally agree and understand that feeling. It’s so easy to slip into a pattern of getting things done first, but today has been different. My goal was to wake up early and workout, but it hit me that I needed the Bible first and foremost as a foundation for the day.

  290. LaJeana Bailey says:

    I think my rule is that I feel like everything (dishes, laundry, dinner) and EVERYONE else has to be done and taken care of before I allow myself to take a “break” and be in the word. I need to learn to take the opportunity when I want to and not worry about everything else. Thankful for His love and mercy.

  291. LaJeana Bailey says:

    I think my rule is that everything (dishes, laundry, dinner) and EVERYONE else has to be done and taken care of before I give myself a “break” to try to be in the word. I need to just take the chance when I want to and not worry about everything else.

  292. Adalyn Dunn says:

    So good!

  293. Amber McCoy says:


  294. Hillary Dotson says:

    I think my rule is one of perfection…”I must have the perfect setting, a whole hour of time, be feeling ready and present, have the desire to open my Bible, and be doing ‘well’ in my relationship with God” so as not to feel distant or guilty when I do show up.

  295. Johna Sereg says:

    So many times I have gotten in the spiral of, ‘ I don’t deserve to spend time because I’m not consistent.’ Or I don’t have the brain space, or heart space to spend time in the Word ( I have 4 children and serve alongside my husband in ministry). This hit home today. ‘Approach the throne of Grace with CONFIDENCE.’

  296. Heather Mejia says:

    I vow to continue in my new journey of reading the Bible with confidence. I am worthy.

  297. laura ailinchi says:

    Amen! Glad I am not the only one. I feel exactly the same. I have two boys who are toddlers.

  298. Melissa Ricketts says:

    My rule is “I can only read the Bible when there will be NO disruptions.” As a mom to three boys, this does not leave much time. I realized today that I need to jump in and read His word every chance I get, and He will help me understand around the disruptions.

  299. Makayla Marshall says:

    so good

  300. Krystal Lunsford says:


  301. Terri Cearley says:

    I often have the rule, “I am not in a good place (mentally, time wise etc.). But at those times, on the rare occasion I open That Book, it takes me a little closer to that good place I so long for.

  302. Emma Scott says:

    Finding so much comfort/encouragement in the truth that Christ’s power is made perfect in my weaknesses. He is SO good

  303. Sarai Ross says:

    Thank God for His Throne of Grace❤️

  304. Stephanie Thomas says:

    I am a child of God. I am loved. I am a new creation. Yes.

  305. Barbara Beltran says:


  306. Holly McGilvray says:

    It’s difficult for me to be bold. I can be an easy going, go with the flow, introverted person. Bold is frightening for me. Praying for boldness in approaching the throne and not based on my earning the right to do so.

  307. Ashley Adams says:

    The reminder was needing that I can come just as I am.

  308. Lisa Jones says:

    Confidence ❤️

  309. Elizabeth Marsh says:

    I kept procrastinating reading tonight, but here I am, finished with the reading and so grateful that I did it.

  310. Caroline Witt says:


  311. Sara Johnson says:

    Me too. I loved it. ❤️

  312. Rachel Blessum says:

    I love the “I am” statements in today’s reading. I definitely put rules on myself and on God and it’s great to have a reminder to throw those away and cling to what is true.

  313. Nicole VazquezNorcross says:

    I great reminder of who I am and what I am to God! ❤️

  314. Kendall King says:

    Approach the throne with confidence ❤️

  315. Niamh P says:

    I always thought I wasn’t Christian enough in the eyes of God

  316. Shaunda Worden says:

    We have access to our great High Priest. He is touched with the feelings of my infirmities, and He is there to give me grace in my time of need. He is always there. He will give me the grace I need as I face each day in the good and in the challenging.

  317. Victoria Dyer says:

    His grace is sufficient for me. He knows everything about me, so may I go in confidence daily.

  318. Myranda Rodriguez says:

    Not because of who we are, but because of who we are in Him. I needed to hear that.

  319. Kathryn Recker says:


  320. Lily Mikulandra says:

  321. Brooke Lyman says:

    He not only knows our weakness, he UNDERSTANDS it! I needed that right now.

  322. Madeline Barrett says:

    Love the idea of letting go that we need to have the desire to read every day or to base our worth on our reading. We are loved. He understands our weaknesses.

  323. Lori Belcher says:

    I needed to hear this today ❤️

  324. W D says:

    We should approach God with confidence.

  325. Michelle Hoffman says:

    Love everything about this devotional today!!!

  326. Stacy Hagins says:

    Perfect for today. He knows.

  327. Beryl Botha says:

  328. Arika Jones says:


  329. Sarah Rice says:

    I needed this reading today and I didn’t even realize it. What a great reminder that the goofy soundtracks I sometimes have bouncing around in my head of what I “should” be, do not impact my relationship with God. He is gracious even when I don’t totally “get it.”

  330. Nsovo Moloi says:


  331. See Her says:

    What a great reminder that I am free and loved by God under no conditions because of what Jesus did for me.

  332. Samantha Fox-Kantor says:

    I Never thought about it this way, but it’s something I totally do. Decide, on my own because it’s easier, exceptions to rules!

  333. Leslie Lambert says:

    This ministers to my heart so much. I stay in awe of just how much I am loved by my Heavenly Father. So thankful that I don’t have to rely on my “good works” because I wouldn’t make it too far!

  334. Maria Dobbs says:

    This post really hit home with me and is exactly my situation now! I make up a lot of excuses or fake rules all the time! For example – I haven’t started Mark because I missed the beginning. I’m so glad I set that thinking aside and dove in to Mark 12 yesterday! Hoping to be able to start the next study on time lol!

  335. Annika Mendez says:

    The Christian life is not easy, simple, but not easy. When we begin to add on rule and stipulations, we become like the Pharisees, a group of rule followers who lack a personal relationship with Christ. When we begin to rely on our own works, we dismiss the work of the cross and we dismiss our sin nature. It is through God’s grace alone that we are saved! Not our rules, but through God.

  336. Tori Smith says:


  337. Taylor LawsonCaldwell says:

    Needed to hear this today. Beautiful.

  338. Tracey Faz says:

  339. Stephanie Oracion says:

    All the false rules we make for ourselves lead to a gospel of works, not of grace – I needed that today!

  340. Tonya Green says:


  341. Casey Peters says:


  342. Maddie Shirey says:

    I love this affirmations I really needed this today

  343. Brooke Runzo says:

    Really needed to see that other believers have the same made up qualifications that I do!

  344. Keirsten Rogers says:

    This was once again an AMAZING WORD!! I also thought I’d share two of my made up rules: 1.) If you sin you will go to Hell and 2.) You must talk to God everyday all day and worship him everyday all day. I’m working on getting these right while also finding the courage to open my bible but I did get it out. I found my bible and pulled it out yet I haven’t been able to read it just yet.

  345. Kelsey Patrick says:

    Needed this today ❤️

  346. Mihut Adalia says:

    I love those affirmations about us!

  347. Julie Washcovick says:


  348. Kelsey Clemons says:

    Thank you, God, that we can approach your throne with the confidence of Jesus.

  349. Treasure Hood says:

    Truly great read, I felt this with everything in me. Key points were made.

  350. Rebecca White says:

    “Not because of who we are, but because of who we are in Him.” Amen!

  351. Annie Mabry says:

    It’s a struggle every day to boldly proclaim Jesus. That means I must try harder than I have been trying. This is a race that we must run!

  352. Kelley Ulis says:

    Confidence! Remember who I am in Christ!

  353. Maddison Vittitow says:


  354. Sallay Turner says:

    Excited to approach God’s throne in CONFIDENCE!!

  355. Danielle Amon says:

    Amen, great read!

  356. Kal Sensenig says:


  357. S M says:

    Thank you soo much for this I opened this chat message board thing and saw this . This is How I feel l on a daily

  358. Hannah Less says:

    I need to be bold and follow him each and every day! Read read read

  359. Katie Sheldon says:

    That’s really nice to know and hear❤️thank you for the reminder and thank you Lord for your love and grace

  360. Sarah Samuels says:

    Say it with me “I AM LOVED BY JESUS AND CONFIDENT BECAUSE OF WHO I AM IN HIM” have a blessed day❤

  361. Portia M says:


  362. Amanda Slovak says:

    I hadn’t even noticed that I was making up excuses to not open my bible or that I had set up this ideal Christian in my head and told myself that if I didn’t follow the rules that I made up then I was being a good Christian until reading this today. And for that I am thankful.

  363. Jalisa D.Ross says:

    Thank you for that reminder. Amen!

  364. Ariana Eller says:

    I really loved the part about how we’re not loved by the pages we read but we are loved because He loves us. He chose to. Why is it that I feel the need to every question that when it is written over and over so many times that no matter how much I read I know that either way. I am fairly new to the faith and I feel like I have so much catching up to do like I’m wrong for not understanding sooner or knowing more. This gives me some relief that I’m not alone in feeling slow in my studies but SO loved by Him still.

  365. Nilse V says:

    So good. It was good to refresh myself.

  366. Sabrina Ruiz says:

    16Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.

  367. Megan Dixon says:

    I don’t have to be perfect in my comprehension and understanding, how powerful! His word tells me I am enough yet I shy from reading it because I feel as though I need the perfect devotional, order or plan to understand and deserve the word. This is perspective and confidence I didn’t know I needed

  368. Desiree Alvarado says:


  369. Rebecca Alwine says:

    Approaching God and His word with confidence and strength today!

  370. Shannon Pulley says:

    I love Day 2! It’s basically about being compassionate with myself when I’m not in the Word as much as I want to be or cannot comprehend it as I want. It’s also about not allowing others to to tell me what my Bible Study should look like. As long as I am in the Word at some point, I’m okay.

  371. Alecia Otis says:

    I have convinced myself that I have to study in detail and understand everything I read. To the point that I just don’t read. Loved this!

  372. Christine Cesa says:

    Learning who I am is such a journey

  373. Debbie Jensen says:

    Oh the excuses I can find! Confidence in Christ!

  374. Molly Blalock says:


  375. Molly Blalock says:


  376. Lisa Haberer says:

  377. Courtney Kistler says:

    So much of this hit close to home… the guilt of not picking up my Bible enough and the guilt of sometimes being lost in a reading not fully comprehending or making it relevant for today…

  378. Jordyn Taylor says:


  379. Autumn Burian says:

    What adjective does the author of Hebrews use to describe the way in which we should approach God?
    We should approach the throne with boldness.

    Hebrews 4:16 – Therefore, let us *approach the throne of grace with boldness*, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.

  380. Veronica Ford says:

    Wow. I definitely needed to hear that today. I always thought I needed to go to church weekly, pray daily, read my Bible daily, and fully understand everything. I am thankful that is not the truth because I would fall short.

  381. Madison Menefee says:

    Hey Kelsey! I think this plan is a great way to start :) you could add in addition to these reading a couple psalms in the morning. I’ve also been trying to read through one book of the gospel at a time, so you could also by reading a chapter from Luke or John every day too.
    God sees the willingness in your heart to know Him more. He’s gonna meet you where you are at. Trust the process…. you’re already doing fantastic ❤️

  382. Lativa David says:

    This for Kelly bilj

  383. Lativa David says:

    Definitely I had my subscription for a year but didn’t start using it till October or November. I was also so confused cause of the layout. You don’t need a study guide but what I do it I read each verse then I try figure out the meaning of what the verse is trying to say then reflect on it with the questions they give you but if that doesn’t help use the s.o.a.p method I hope this helped

  384. Gabrielle Pfieffer says:

    needed the reminder today that I’m reading a gospel of grace and not works!❤️❤️ God is so good :)

  385. Kelsey H says:

    Just started with this app and study subscription. This makes me feel better and not alone in persist to know God better. It’s hard to make time sometimes. It’s hard to sit down and want to when you’re tired.

  386. Beth Dalto says:


  387. Julie New says:


  388. Lexi Hochstatter says:

    Yes! I find myself needing to be the “perfect” Christian… but by whose standards? Not God’s. I put those expectations upon myself.

  389. Heather Roozeboom says:

    I appreciated her comment about a made up rule that she must always feel like opening up her Bible. I put that rule on myself. If I don’t feel like it, then I shouldn’t do it, because that is not the attitude God desires. But that’s a made up rule I am putting on myself and is not in fact the truth.

  390. Caitlin Auyer says:

    His law is LOVE!

  391. Ty Whitehorse says:

    so good!
    It was such a good reminder that Jesus loves us just as we are. We are perfect to Him. ❤️

  392. Carrie Wozniak says:

    Amen Amen Amen!

  393. Susan Calderon says:


  394. Khrista Collins says:

    Amen! Jesus is so gracious and kind!

  395. Khrista Collins says:


  396. Luna Milne says:


  397. Jennifer Snook says:


  398. Anna Samples says:

    I am going to examine what rules I have injected into God’s truths. Thank you for that application.

  399. Anna Samples says:

    Hebrews 9:13-14 really spoke to me this morning. If the blood of goats and bulls are a sacrifice that purifies the flesh, “how much MORE” is the blood of our lamb, Jesus Christ. Now that’s a powerful thought to start the day.

  400. Shannon Rademacher says:

    This blessed my heart and stated so clearly what grace means. Thank you! ❤️

  401. Susan Collier says:

    By grace, through faith! A wonderful reminder. Very easy to doubt and focus upon works!

  402. Karoline Frankeny says:

    I can often think that I am not good enough to approach God and to be changed by His word. Alone I am not, but through Jesus and His blood I can approach God with a confident joy! He cares for each one of us. As we lean into Jesus, surely He will show His power through us.

  403. Jhane Nel says:

    This was … wow! What a reminder that it’s not about my works, what I do and who I try to be… it’s only through His grace, mercy and love that I am a daughter of the highest King! And therefor I can run boldly into His arms (weakness and all)…

  404. Becca says:

    Thank you! I have been beating myself up for being weak. I feel ashamed that I am not doing as well as I think I should be. I am reminded that Jesus sympathizes with my weakness and does not condemn me. And that he uses my weakness to show his perfect power through his grace. Thank you Jesus!

  405. Katie Ferry says:

    Yes so good to recognize this for ourselves!

  406. Angelica MariaThompson says:

    I know this, but I forget it over time. It’s not by our works or who we are. It’s by God’s grace & mercy.

  407. Nancie Deming says:

    Thank you for this reminder that Jesus paid it all.❤️

  408. Michelle Kucera says:

    Yes! I also hadn’t realized these rules I’d placed on myself!

  409. Ryta L says:


  410. Kelsey Petersen says:

    I screenshot a portion because I need to remind myself of this everyday. I don’t have to change who I am before seeking God. Redemption is turning around and God being right there, as He always is, when you’ve walked away for too long. I’m giving myself grace. Learning that I need consistency while also leaving room for growth and grace.

  411. Haylie Stevenson says:


  412. Emilie Malene says:

    Needed this❤️

  413. Kalen Cassel says:

    This is so true! My own hiccups (rules) keep me from doing what I know I need to for God.

  414. Danica Mo says:

    Wow! What an eye opener! I never realized that I have unintentionally set rules to perfectly read the Bible or come before God. I am thankful that we can approach God and his word confidently in any way.

  415. Toni Herbert says:


  416. Jennie Framo says:


  417. Amanda Oines says:

    In my struggles, I don’t need to be ashamed and hide. Jesus understands my struggles and wants me to come boldly to Him to receive his mercy and Grace.

  418. Raylee Bradfield says:

    Beautiful encouragement. Thank you

  419. Heather Kelly says:

  420. Cynthia Jeter says:

    So guilty if letting a million made up rules get in my way. It has to be quiet. My kids can’t be around. I need to get my mind right. I need a study/guide. But what a sweet reminder to approach the throne with confidence.

  421. Michelle Colon says:

    Jesus understands anything I could ever bring to him. There is no need to to try and dodge truth he already knows.

  422. Emma Mosley says:


  423. Penny Shadow says:

    Sometimes it’s easy to forget that He faced temptation and sin, but He chose not to give in. We can too.

  424. Naomi Allen says:

    It’s good to be reminded that Jesus is fully man and fully God. He understands our trials and temptations because he experienced them too!

  425. Isheika Green says:

    I love this scripture Hebrews 4:14-16 because it reminds me that my saviour understands me and loves me anyway. Run to Him always

  426. Joslynne VanGinkel says:

    I have a tendency of letting my false truths about how I should read my Bible get in the way of my relationship with God. I tend to believe sometimes that I need to read my Bible every day in order to be a true Christian. But over the past year, I’ve learned that it’s not about how many pages or chapters you read, but more about the little things in life where we prioritize him over all else. It’s the worship music in the car rides, it’s the praying for friends, it’s the living life with joy every day despite our challenges through his love… it’s all of those things that make the difference.

  427. Betsy Rowe says:

    I often feel guilty if I only pick up the Bible out a sense of obligation that day. I get in my own head and allow negative talk to keep me from the beautiful promises that our Heavenly Father wants to freely give me. I must push past these moments and open up to what the Living Word has to share with me in those moments.

  428. Madison Fendley says:
  429. Lauren Whitham says:

    “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

    I have heard this verse before, but it took on new meaning for me today. We can approach with confidence because He gives us mercy and Grace. Mercy because we are trying. He will bless our efforts, even when they are not perfect. And He will give us the wisdom and understanding that we need. Grace because He knows our efforts will be flawed. He knows we are not always going to get it right. But He wants us to come nonetheless.

  430. Sara Johnson says:

    I feel the same and was greatly comforted in those same words. It’s not about perfection or discipline but it is who we are in Him. And we are daughters of the King!

  431. Jennifer Rice says:

    Well said and thank you for sharing

  432. Dawn Krebs says:

    Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy.

  433. Lara-Ann Van Rooyen says:

    It is such an encouragement to read this and realize, even on the days when I do not desire to read God’s Word (which often leaves me with feelings of inadequacy and guilt) I can still approach God and His Word with confidence. He is powerful even in my weakness and His grace is enough for me. What a pure blessing and reassurance!

  434. Natalie D says:

    All scripture is God’s word, and it is all good for me to read, even if I don’t understand it right away. I get intimidated by the hugeness of the Bible, but it’s a treasure, not a thing I’m expected to be an expert in.

  435. Lara Kayode says:

    Reassuring to be reminded once again that I am able to approach the Word not because of who I am but because of who I am in him.

  436. Justine Almanza says:

    Needed this!

  437. Kaylee Maio says:

    One of my favorite songs!

  438. Michele Kuperus says:


  439. Kahlie Reed says:

    I struggle with feelings of invalidity in my faith because I do not know all that I think I should about our Saviour and his word. Reading “I am not loved because of how many pages of the Bible I’ve read or because of how much of it I understand. I am loved because Jesus, in His mercy, loves me” from this reading really brought me peace. Thank you!

  440. Sarah George says:

    Everything Amanda said is so true!!! I read the Bible today and I got closer to God because of it.

  441. Allie says:

    This reminds me of the song “Boldly I Approach (The Art of Celebration)” by Rend Collective. I highly recommend to anyone who wants a good worship song with this message at the heart of it. :)

  442. Claudiq Farfan says:

    Perfect timing

  443. Sarah Cyr says:

    Thank you for this. Something I find most frustrating from my Bible reading is when I read and don’t feel like I’m taking anything from it. I loved the passages from today’s reading but didn’t feel anything prick my heart as I read. I have to remember that it’s not about MY FEELINGS it’s about HIS TRUTH and sometimes just sitting in his truth and reminding myself of that is enough. It doesn’t have to be a “life changing” moment every day.

  444. Jes Jacob says:

    I honestly do the same thing, it’s in the roughest times (when we feel like not talking to God) we need him the most!

  445. Rachel Milenovic says:

    I have been singing Build My Life by Passion all day and when I opened and read Day one of Open your Bible. The scripture I was reading and the song reminded me that I need to build my life on his word for my salvation and hope come from him.

  446. Rachel Milenovic says:

    It is currently 2 am and I can not sleep. I actually made an excuse that I needed to wait until tomorrow to read the Bible because today was just a rough day. I finally decided if I can’t sleep there must be a reason so I opened the SRT app to start reading. And wow I’m glad I did.

  447. Josie Landon says:

    Love this. I used to fret about not completely understanding what I was reading. As I continue this journey, I now can read the same passages multiple times and find something new almost every time. Thanks for the new learning today.

    Time to ditch some of those self-imposed rules!

  448. Lynn Kolesky says:

    I love your analogy of games night. As a parent who has recently instituted this wonderful ‘bonding’ moment (;)) it resonated within me. Why do we make up rules for ourselves??? I know that often my rule is that I don’t feel worthy or righteous enough to approach the Word. Like Ashley I am learning that all we are called to do is sit at His feet… and listen. Thank you Jesus.

  449. Kaylee Chulla says:

    So true! I always feel like I need to be taking a bunch of notes and reading various interpretations, but truly it comes down to those moments actually being spent with God while reading his word

  450. Nilah Crenshaw says:

    God loves us despite our weaknesses. We don’t have to prove our works to him.

  451. Heidi Larsen says:

    Why do I make opening the Bible so complicated? His word is profound, but He will reveal truth to me no matter my intellect or understanding (

  452. Alyson Lyles says:

    Biggest take away:

    “There are no rules when it comes to reading my Bible. Just open it and read.

    – I do not have to have 30 minutes every day.
    – I do not have to write all of what I learn down.
    – I do not have to have an epiphany each time I read.

    I read my Bible to get closer to Him. Period.

  453. Gwen Nelson says:

    Confidence is something I struggle with…grateful for this reminder today.

  454. Lauren Seaver says:

    I resonate so deeply with your made up qualifications of needing to have the desire to open your Bible. The season of life I’m currently in has taken that desire from me. And I’ve let it. I pray this study and this community will help that desire to grow again.

  455. Carrie says:

    I wrote a prayer out of the scripture from today and wanted to share ❤️

    Lord Jesus,
    Thank you for sympathizing with me in my weaknesses. To think, your power is made perfect in MY weakness, is counter-intuitive and yet humbling. You don’t condemn me, but instead clear my conscience and cleanse me from dead works. You are a LIVING God. Please help me to approach you daily with boldness and may I find you there with grace and mercy, waiting for me. ❤️

  456. Rachel McKib says:

    Beautiful! Knowing Who Jesus is and what He did for us helps us understand who we are and how valuable we are to Him. This is life changing, for sure. ❤️

  457. Abbie Seibert says:

    It’s very tempting to hide and not come to Jesus and honestly tell Him how we feel. But in reality Jesus loves our weaknesses so we can abide & receive comfort in Him and let His glory shine throught.

  458. Kitty Mc Donald says:

    Confidence…love that!

  459. Emily Schatzel says:


  460. Amber Quinter says:

    This is so good! I’m always setting limitations on myself around reading the word

  461. Naomi Mahlangu says:

    Having confidence that I am loved by God, regardless of what I’ve done or not done.

  462. Grace Anne says:

    Thank you Jesus for Your unlimited grace and unending mercy. Just when I thought I have it all and I felt I can’t give anymore because of a wrong life perspective.. You showed me the way by reading Your Most Holy Book before the first day of 2021 ended. I will never ever get everything right but with Jesus as my guide and always on my side, I will always be strengthen to live faithfully and love even when it hurts.

  463. Loren says:

    We don’t have to read with understanding in the moment. Sometimes understanding comes later. It takes time to sink in.

  464. Dani Warner says:


  465. Keren Ruiz says:


  466. Tonya Brooke says:


  467. Melanie Bott says:


  468. Julie McPhail says:


  469. Deanna says:

    What a great reminder to start 2021. I will receive mercy and find grace just when I need it when I boldly come to God in prayer. Whatever 2021 may bring, I need to cling to my Savior and never stop trusting him.

  470. Kaki Wu says:

    We are the children of God ❤️❤️

  471. Jessica Suttles says:


  472. Eyitola Oyetunji says:

    Amen !

  473. Anastacia Parks says:

    With boldness ❤️❤️

  474. Lolly Regan says:


  475. Emily Trinder says:

    All I ever do is make up these rules that I “need” to follow if I’m going to succeed. It clearly has never worked, yet I’ve been afraid to turn to the truth. This was a nice reminder to actually turn to the truth

  476. Laura Douglass says:


  477. Shannon Nelson says:

    Needed this reminder today!

  478. Madeline Easterling says:

    Last night I fell into sin when I was tempted. This morning as I sat down and opened my bible and journal, I was hesitant to come before the Lord and ask for His forgiveness. And then the first verse I read was Hebrews 4:14-16 and it said “let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” And wow. God spoke directly to me and let me know that I don’t have to be hesitant or weary when coming to Him. He’s so good. I’m thankful that there is abundant grace and mercy for me at His throne!

  479. Traci Gendron says:

    God I want to put you first in my day. Somedays I slip up and start something else. It makes my heart hurt to do this. The “something else” is never important, but YOU are!I want to run to you and feast on Your word.

  480. Tina Killian says:

    Grace upon Grace! Father, help us to remember it is all about YOU and what you have done. I’m even behind in doing this devotional, but you are still here just waiting for me to return and you love me in spite of this and unconditionally! Help us to start 2021 with the proper mindset that YOU are worth our time! We can approach You BOLDLY and with CONFIDENCE and with NO CONDEMNATION! Thankful for Your faithfulness even when mine is lacking.

  481. Haylee Cook says:

    It’s SO hard to remember the truths when outside pressures are high! Holidays are a struggle for me, internally, too! Praying your way friend!

  482. Haylee Cook says:

    Our God is approachable. We can run to him with confidence like a little girl running and leaping to hug her daddy. We can rest in him knowing all of our needs are met through him and all of our longings are understood by him.

  483. Julie Betterman says:

    I recently heard from my mom (on Christmas Day) when our conversation took a hard left turn and she is questioned my relationship, if will I get married, will I have children ect. It threw me into a lot of emotions and I ended up skipping the family Christmas gathering because of it
    I felt confused and frustrated. Who am I? Am I only important if I get married and have children? The reminders of who I am according to God were truth I needed to hear. I am reminded I can live boldly! Amen

  484. Shannon Lowry says:

    I hope and pray you ladies are doing well and are heading into the new year with full hearts!

  485. L. Nadine Brock Harris says:

    Thank you Lord for reminding me that you are ALL I need. Amen.

  486. Alysha Pollard says:

    So I slipped in staying on track but this totally spoke to me. Over the years I’ve made up so many “rules” about the bible in my mind but they’re all rubbish. Grace baby!

  487. Theresa Buckmaster says:

    Agree 100%. I often find myself needing to hear from God in the most non quiet of times at my current stage in life (when the littles are testing my patience, throwing tantrums, etc).

  488. Theresa Buckmaster says:

    Ephesians 2: 8-9 is a good verse to remember ♥️

  489. Diana Joiner says:

    Oh man, this is speaking to me oh so perfectly. Amen.

  490. Gabrielle Laird says:


  491. Maria Guevara says:

    Amen thank you God for reminding that you love not because how many times I pray or how much I read his word but there’s nothing I can do to make you love me more or less. I don’t need to meet qualifications to approach you and read your world it’s available to me and anyone today and forever thank you Jesus !!!!!

  492. Monse Melo says:


  493. Hannah says:

    Every one of these scripture passages today are perfect. Thank you for the wonderful selection of verses to remind myself of truth!

  494. Kelley Williams says:

    I woke feeling the same way! I was so disappointed in myself yesterday. I needed this reminder that there is nothing I can do to add to God’s grace. Jesus has done it all!

  495. Dalia Rodriguez says:

    Loved this!

  496. Tara Bennett says:


  497. Jessica Starks says:

    I always love being reminded of who I am to God and not who I am through the eyes of myself or others❤️

  498. Chelsea Rae says:

    Thank you Lord for showering us with mercy. May we never forget how accessible you are to us. Thank you for allowing us to come to you boldly and for being trustworthy.

  499. Emily Geurts says:

    I love the idea of boldness knowing we have the love of Jesus to strengthen us.

  500. Rachel LeeBenton says:


  501. Laurie Watje says:

    Such freedom that I can actually enter boldly into the throne room because of Jesus – not because of my actions, thoughts, etc. I am a child of the living God!!!!

  502. Jennifer Gutierrez says:

    Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy each day!❤️

  503. Daisy Cordero says:

    Praise god for his words. I love reading the Bible it speaks to me very clearly ♥️

  504. Nadia Isabelle Wuni says:

    Thank you God, for the opportunity to try again and the grace to come back to your throne of mercy. Help me not to take your mercy for granted.

  505. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord. I thank you

  506. Lucy Ecob says:

    I needed to hear this. My feelings and understanding don’t qualify me to read God’s word. I need to keep coming to his word in my weakness, and let his power do the work in me!

    1. Cheryl Rainey says:


  507. Lindsay Wiebe says:

    Boldness ❤️

  508. Veronica Vazquez says:

    Learning to enter boldly, not in fear or out of my “qualifications” but because of what Jesus did.

  509. Amy Boyle says:

    I love, let’s approach the Bible with confidence not because of who we are but because of who we are in him.

  510. Lydia Bergeron says:

    Eye opening to me! I have always struggled w h being consistent in my Reading of the Word. If I know my life isn’t right with God there was times I wouldn’t want to put the effort in changing my wrong doing to be right with Him.

  511. Cassie Gibb says:


  512. Krista Bain says:

    I love the image of approaching the throne of God with boldness.

  513. G Bell says:

    Amen ❤️

  514. Hailee Williams says:

    I love this! I struggle with just sitting down and opening my bible so it’s nice to have a bit of a guide.

  515. Molly Gribben says:

    Lord may I always approach with boldness and continue to get to know more of You and who You say I am.

  516. Angela Cantrell says:

    Amen! Thank you.

  517. grace gainous says:

    Inspiring! Excited to begin going confidently to the throne of the One who loves me!

  518. Elizabeth T says:


  519. Mara Babb says:

    Boldness. Confidence. That’s what I aspire to have. May we go in boldness to the cross as we learn more about the simplicity of Gods love through His word.

  520. Chelsey Spragen says:

    Thank you, Lord, for loving despite my flaws and failures. May I always be reminded that I can approach Your throne with BOLDNESS!

  521. Hannah Mlnarik says:

    Beautifully said Angie, thank you!

  522. Elizabeth Heil says:


  523. Emily Feudale says:


    15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.

  524. Kendall Darien says:

    Learning that we are a faith of grace and not of works is a constant reminder I need. Love this!

  525. Barbara Velazquez says:


  526. Camryn Brown says:

    The part about making up our own false rules that are a prerequisite to getting into the Word really resonated with me. I have definitely been prone to do that. These passages of scripture definitely will help me with that!

  527. T K says:

    What resonated with me was that I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ. How beautiful to know that I am under the wings of Christ. Even in my weakness, Christ gives me strength to go boldly to His throne.

  528. Sandy Rogers says:

    Thankful for a God who works through my weakness.

  529. Rachelle VanderVegte says:

    Wow such an amazing and simple truth. Here I thought I was and am unworthy

  530. Julia D says:

    I agree and I can relate to you in so many levels. I didn’t know it before but in my heart I felt like I need to perform before God that I must be at my best. Though I know that I can always come to Him whenever I am not feeling it, I tend to be so hard to myself that I wouldn’t hear or receive anything from Him anyway so why bother opening my Bible.

  531. Kiara Kornegay says:

    This message made me feel so much better. I have a bad habit of tearing myself down when I fall into sin. I’ll always tell myself I’m such a hypocrite for even asking for forgiveness when I know I could’ve prevented me falling into that sin, but God doesn’t want us to be perfect..he wants us to TRY. We could fail a billion times and He would still forgive us. All he wants is our love and acknowledgment to Him. I’m so lucky to serve a God who understands my struggles and WANTS to help me overcome them. Being a Christian is HARD, but God wants to make it easier on us on our path to heaven <3

  532. Angie says:

    My journey with Jesus Christ has been beautiful, and varied.
    I have been the varied, He is the beautiful.
    Over and over, uncountable amounts of times,
    His love,
    His care,
    His goodness,
    His discipline,
    His fullness,
    His holiness,
    His Sovereignty,
    His everything meets me in my humanity.
    He draws,
    and in awestruck wonder, I come.
    Dancing, kneeling, weeping, silent, singing, worshiping, praising, broken, cuddling.
    Hallelujah! Amen.

  533. Bri Rice says:

    All of the selections shared today have a moving power. When you break down each one of those to the gravity in which is shared, you cannot help but feel moved.
    The statements of coming forward with boldness, being set free by the Law of The Spirit of Life in Jesus, and His Grace is Sufficient…

    I get goosebumps thinking about that kind of Love and absolute Freedom. What a huge gift to have these together for reflection.

  534. Elissa Vaughan says:


  535. Samantha Peak says:

    Such a great reminder that no matter how broken or lost we think we are, He is always there to pour His mercy & grace on us in His Word ❤

  536. Luvianca Cannedy says:

    Approach with boldness!

  537. Katy Johnson says:

    I have felt like a “rule” of mine was that meaningful Bible study to occur it HAD to be with a physical Bible because I would get too distracted reading on my phone. But today I had a though of how excited and awestruck the early church would be to have such easy access to the Word!

  538. Dorothy says:

    WOW!!! Amanda’s last sentence, “May we, as daughters and sons of the King, approach the Bible with confidence today—not because of who we are, but because of who we are in Him.” really spoke to me. I remember my father always saying how one thing that would bother him would be when people would take one or two verses of the Bible and as he put it “twist” them to fit their situation. I like to look at what the verses around another verse say sometimes, especially if I’m not familiar with the verse.
    Chad, my little girl’s dad, is doing a lot better. He came home Christmas Eve on IV antibiotics.
    Have a great and blessed day my sisters in Christ.

  539. Tamara Raglin says:

    @Katie TI have been the same way. Even up until yesterday morning! I whole list of must haves to check off for it to “qualify” as studying my bible.
    I’m encouraged today to let that go. Any time is perfect time, whether quick 5 min read before bed or 1 hour of scripture/journaling/SOAK/prayer before work.

  540. Lauren says:

    I love this. I so often make up “rules” for what spending time with God in His word has to look like. If I read a few verses and meditate on them, I often see that as “inferior” to spending time studying passages of scripture with note-taking and lengthy prayers. But this is not true! God rejoices in any and all ways we spend time with Him. So grateful for a God who delights in me as a beloved child, not my performance.

  541. Valerie Malone says:

    False rules…the need to be fully equipped to study God’s word and also to understand it even though I feel so far behind other people my age and or people who grew up in church as I did. I long for more knowledge..I have to stop comparing my faith walk with other’s

  542. Kathy Hampton says:

    The unrecognized rule to which I referred was focusing more on the structured part of my study versus what the scripture was saying to me. Thanks again!

  543. kate pott says:

    one fake rule i am ready to throw out the window today is the fake idea of QUIET TIME. i’m so over calling my time with God in my bible “quiet time”. cause when you have littles or other family members in your home things are rarely ‘quiet’. why do i think or tell myself that i can only be with God in the quiet? let’s just call it “God time”

  544. Erika Lynn says:

    I need to practice approaching with confidence more. Sometimes I feel like I am “so behind” with understanding the word and knowing which books of the Bible are what. I need to remember that this is all an everlasting journey and relationship not just a subject to perfect.

  545. Kathy Hampton says:

    Thank you for this insight. It is an “unrecognized” rule for me which I can now work on!

  546. Indea Ford says:

    Wow! Even though I KNOW I am forgiven, loved and created a new in Jesus, I still have these “made up rules” in my head that I am still not good enough, or fully forgiven. I really need to stop believing these false thoughts and approach the Word with boldness. Thank you!

  547. Nechnaira Rivera says:


  548. Andrea Shamburek says:

    Man. Rules always have gotten in the way of my time and I’m now just realizing it!

  549. Rachel Nicholas says:

    I feel like my made up rules stopped me from opening my Bible. Like I should devote 30 minutes so since I don’t have the time….I’ll do it tomorrow!
    Just taking 5 minutes to read a verse is just as powerful as reading a whole book and I need to remember that!!!
    I need to stop letting false rules and excuses come between me and the Lord. Love this!!!!

  550. Kathy Westhaver says:

    So much ME TOO! Thank you fir sharing. I have a rule about morning worship and I need to be more confident to do what I can when I can…and just be.

  551. Marta Johnson says:

    His grace covers all my weakness & sin (including lack of desire for his word), allowing me to confidently approach the Bible with no strings attached… just an open heart ready to hear form my God!

  552. Dianna McFarland says:

    I have made up rules or lists as to needing to read early in the morning, needing to have a plan, or needing to have hours of study in order to speak up in some conversations. Believing that God has chosen me and desires me to BE in Him, growing with Him, and leaning on Him so He can work in me and through me is hard. However, I do know, even confidently, that the more I trust Jesus the more confidence I gain in Him. Not myself. Staying faithful with Jesus keeps the lists of “dos” away.

  553. Chelsea Schreurs says:

    My false rule is planning out my Bible time, structured and leaving with notes. Otherwise, I felt unproductive and leaving with nothing. I was clouded with the plan instead of being open to His Word, what it had to say, and how He was going to say or show me it. This year pushed me to let go of the plan and be open to whatever Word He has for me at any time of my time. When I adjusted my focus and let go of the plan I found I myself more productive than any planned Bible reading I’ve ever done.

  554. Pamela Bryson says:

    One thing I love to do is go to the Throne Room with praise…I will practice while reading his word..<3

  555. kal martin says:

    yes i agree!

  556. kal martin says:

    I really like this because it shows that Jesus faced the same trials. He didn’t fall into them, but he understands our temptations. He understands our weakness, so a relationship with Him really will guide us through everything. God bless everyone!

  557. Annie Bartley says:

    Love this!

  558. Alicia says:

    My No. 1 rule is that I’m not good enough to read the Word and approach God. But I know that is false because God only sees me through the blood of Jesus. And because of that, I can approach His throne with boldness.

  559. lucy rodriguez says:

    this was great! definitely something i’ve struggled with for years is this made-up idea of “i’m just not good enough.” ive compared myself to christian friends, compared social media’s, and brought myself down because of it. reading this, i’m reminded that there is absolutely nothing that i can do to earn the grace of God. His goodness far surpasses my own. it is solely because of HIS goodness and His righteousness and His abounding love that i am made free, and that’s something i need to keep in mind. it is all made possible through and by Him, for He is far greater than i.

  560. Holly Krylo says:

    One of my made up rules in the back of my head when I approach Bible reading time is that it needs to be organized and I need to stick with my Bible reading plan and how I said that was going to look. This year has shaken us out of our normal routines and I have learned to let Bible time be what it is, not what I think it should be.

  561. Amanda Lopez says:

    Growing up I always felt I couldn’t go to god with everything I needed because I was embarrassed and unworthy. My god is always with me he knows me loves me!

  562. Christen Obojski says:

  563. Crystal Samuel says:

    The rules I make up are for me to feel some sort of structure of safety but it’s false truths. God wants me to approach Him boldly as I am… falling apart or put together either way He just wants me to come to Him to receive His grace

  564. Margaret says:

    Thank you, Amanda, for verbalizing EXACTLY what I needed to hear this morning!

  565. Lisa says:

    Creating rules for myself under the guise of self-discipline is one of my greatest struggles. I become so weighed down trying to follow all my self-made rules,most of which are not things God is asking of me, I exhaust myself. My own rules in my own strength means I have spent a large part of my life fighting battles I didn’t need to. I am learning to walk in freedom…getting quicker at recognizing when I’ve slipped back into the old patterns. Thanks be to God for His transformative truth!

  566. Mitzi White says:

    Approach the THRONE OF GRACE with boldness. God’s Grace is so loving. I CAN approach with boldness. Love casts out fear.

  567. Amber deArmas says:

    Wow. Approach the throne room with CONFIDENCE. Really convicting me of my made up rules this morning

  568. Audrey Flores says:

    Ah so good!! Thanks be to Jesus for loving me and being BETTER than my made up rules

  569. Savannah Jaros says:

    Convicted! I set up qualifications for myself thinking I need to be fully engrained in the Word, have the desire, and spend x amount of time in the Bible in order for my quiet time with God to count! But God is just glad that I spend time with Him!

  570. Paula McNeill says:

    Amazed that God gives us access to Him on His throne! Not only can we go to Him there but we can go with boldness and confidence not feeling ashamed or embarrassed allowed to share with Him what is on our hearts! Jesus made it all possible! So grateful! ❤️

  571. Sara Schmitt says:

    “Jesus not only knows our weaknesses but he understands it” really resonated with me. I went on a 15 hour road trip & my mind was wondering during times of silence in the car. I’m ashamed to say that my thoughts were selfish & focused on past times that I should be letting go. It feels good to know Jesus understands my weakness & is willing to help me get through my own personal thought to focus more on being a better person in the future.

  572. Mari V says:

    OUR Jesus is “approachable”. There’s no “go-between”. We can go straight to Him! I was blessed to have a daddy somewhat like Tina’s. I could just come to him whenever. I remember going to his workplace (our towns County garage) and I would sit there and wait until he got off work. I think about how “much more” Jesus loves us and longs for us to spend “time” with Him.

  573. Shelley Scarborough says:

    He was tempted in “every way”……that resonates with me. God indeed has provided a way out… conform us to his likeness and show mercy and Grace. So blessed this morning by this scripture….always

  574. Sara Woolley says:

    I need this today. I am feeling so inadequate. There are so many demands from others or that we place on ourselves at Christmas time. It can feel like everything needs to be perfect but God has so much for us when we admit that we aren’t perfect, we do have weaknesses. He is all sufficient.

  575. Kailee Trippett says:

    Praises to Jesus for so generously giving so much to us!

  576. Kelsey Weber says:

    I don’t really like rules but still seem to make up my own when it comes to my faith… this totally called me out

  577. Kelsey Weber says:

    Yes!! Me too

  578. Lydia Powers says:

    I am so thankful that none of this is on my own merit. Praise You, Jesus!

  579. Genesis Herring says:

    Life has been super rough recently and I’m finding myself coming back to God for the umpteenth time. I had no idea where to start and this is already helping so much.

  580. Brandi Smith says:


  581. Stephanie Nealey says:

    The times that we need to approach the throne boldly…..when we need grace….are the times we feel like we least deserve to do it. I needed that reminder.

  582. Kimberly Ivey says:

    I praise You, Jesus, for You are my High Priest! I thank You and praise You that my salvation isn’t up to me- all I have to do is accept Your love that is so freely given. God, I don’t deserve to come into Your throneroom, yet You welcome me in daily! I pray that others would realize this. Help me to share with those You put in my path that You are approachable, full of grace and mercy.

  583. Maura says:

    What good scripture. Come boldly to the throne of grace. Praise God we can come boldly because of His mercy and His love that knows no bounds! So blessed by the words this morning SRT. Thank you. Kenya so appreciated your writing. I did not get to the end of reading all the comments, but praise God for all y’all. May Jesus praise be on our tongue as we go into the world this day, may we pray without ceasing in His love.

  584. Wanda says:

    So grateful for this current teaching series. Yesterday and again today, I recognize I have often allowed myself to be defeated and disqualified in my attempts/approach to reading and receiving God’s Word. I recognize how often I have allowed the enemy to berate and keep me from the words of life my heart desperately needs. Thank you SRT for offering this timely series as we approach a new year…may this series help many of us leave false concepts/teaching behind and begin a new and fresh walk with the Lord as we approach His Word in a way we may never have before.

  585. Celena L.Stewart says:

    Thank you Lord for forgiveness and love. There are many times where I feel I deserve neither. Please use this study to help strengthen me in your word. Amen

  586. Sarah Knepper says:

    I am a long time Bible reader, but this year has brought many unexpected things, so I have fallen out of routine. Praying for a disciplined year.

  587. Karen Bral says:

    Hello, everyone. This is my second day reading along with the community. Thank you so much for being here. Your comments about having to have the desire to open the Bible and to understand everything are exactly the way I felt. Not any more. I will read for the joy of reading.

  588. Andrea Simpson says:

    Love the reminder that well all make up rules that are not required for our faith to be genuine. Know truth and live in it. ❤️

  589. Tammy Budd says:

    As I read each of the scripture passages, I just kept feeling drawn to the first one in Hebrews 4. With everything going on in the world today, I am convicted of how much I truly need to not only approach, but RUN to the throne of grace because I do need mercy and grace. I,too, am guilty of creating my own rules, and often disqualifying myself from the “game” too often because of my own insecurities. I’m so thankful His grace is sufficient for even me. And Amanda, I love your maiden name. ❤️❤️ That’s so cool.

  590. Samantha Ross says:

    A wonderful reminder of our own identity in Christ! Reflections about my identity in Christ always remind me that ALL of us have this identity in Christ and I need to treat everyone I meet as so.

  591. Jeri Deyo-Potvin says:

    This hits home – thank you!

  592. Rikki Risner says:

    Wow that was truly amazing & the second part really spoke to me in a way I’d never imagine! ❤️

  593. Linda Gilbow says:

    The throne of GRACE!! What a beautiful truth!

  594. Taylor says:

    I can approach God’s throne confidently – not because of who I am, but because of who I am IN HIM! Love this message today! God may you become greater and I become less so that your love, your spirit, your mercy may be magnified through me. Amen!

  595. Daniela Casado says:

    Needed this devo! Love it.

  596. Ramona says:

    2 Corinthians 12:9 (CSB)
    9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.”
    Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
    Wow. I take one verse and read it slowly and mediate on what God is saying to me. My weakness, His grace. Thank you God for loving me.

  597. Jeanette Sherman says:

    Thank you Jesus that in my weakness you are my strength and Grace – I know I wouldn’t still be here if it weren’t for You! Deliver me from evil – keep me from temptation Lord! Help me make it through this day! Amen

  598. Emily Whalen says:

    This is just what I needed this morning. Praise Him! He is making all things new!

  599. Lucy Maynor says:

    I loose sight of the fact Jesus entered the “most holy place once and for all time” sometimes. Jesus did that for me. For us. That’s my prayer for this year. That I keep that in the forefront of my mind.

  600. Lila Sadler says:

    I love this devotional today – so often I make up rules for myself, trying to “logic” or “feel” my way to approaching God & knowing Him. Instead of actually reading what He’s said about approaching Him & trusting that He is faithful!

  601. Kristy Hamilton says:

    I make up rules such as, “I must feel a certain to be a believer.”

  602. Zekara Palmer says:

    We are able to approach the Throne of God because the mercy, grace granted us by the sacrifice his son made. This is a great reminder of how we can come as we are.

  603. Brittany McGinnis says:

    “Not because of who we are, but because of who we are in Him”

  604. Kim Saggio says:

    Thank you! Thank you for today’s readings and thank you to this community. I love reading all these comments. What a beautiful way to start today.

  605. Desiray Smith says:

    Today’s devotional – wow. Needed to hear it!!

  606. Chelcee Coffman says:

    It’s so easy to forget who we are in Him and get lost in everyday life. He loves us unconditionally, not because of our works but because of His grace.

  607. Valerie Seals says:


  608. Tammi Shank-Moore says:

    So very thankful for SRT. I have fallen in love with God’s word with the guidance of this very special ministry. I am walking in thankfulness. God’s timing and direction are always perfect. I am seeing verses I have read and heard for many, many years come alive. Have a blessed day SRT Community! So blessed to be opening my Bible with you.

  609. Leslie Jackson says:

    Feeling so freed to be reminded that I don’t have to want to read, that I don’t have to understand every word to approach God and receive His word.

  610. Katie Tamaalii says:

    I find myself making up “rules” for how I need to study the Bible. I must journal my thoughts while reading, then I must study scripture with the SOAK method, then I must answer study questions. By the end it’s almost a 1 hour affair, I’m too overwhelmed that I don’t even open the Bible. Today’s reading emphasizes even more that you do not need to have a doctorate in Theology or be a scholar in scripture. All you need is confidence to open the cover. ❤️

    1. Kerry Rowley says:

      Yes yes yes. This is so good Katie!

  611. Natalie Echavarria says:

    So good! I needed this today.

  612. Elizabeth Schmidt says:

  613. Samm Wivoda says:

    I love that he understands me. ❤️

  614. Deborah Bassoff says:


  615. Betsy Miedema says:

    The Scripture today pierced my heart and God used it to meet me right where I needed it. Amazing how God speaks through His word!

  616. Shelley Pendley says:

    This is so true! Thank you, Candice, for sharing.

  617. Shelley Pendley says:

    Such a wonderful reminder ❤️

    I loved what you shared, Churchmouse! Always look for your comments, they guide me to think deeper and have been such a blessing.

  618. Elizabeth Trinidad says:

    Yes!! ❤️

  619. Jamie Raab says:

    Me too!

  620. Ashley B says:

    Wow! These last 2 days have really hit the nail on the head for me. Both lists – the list of Biblical truths and the list of rules we make up for ourselves… I’ve been an all or nothing kind of girl for far too long. LORD, thank you for the grace that you are showing me, have shown me, and will continue to show me, because you are an unconditionally loving Father.

  621. Katie Hall says:

    Much needed! Thank you!

  622. Gabby Brazil says:

    It’s been too long that I have not spent quality time with the Lord. I just pray that I don’t simply read the Word and it not soak into me. Also I just want to improve my relationship with Jesus, and be a better daughter for Him. As I read His word, I want to be reminded constantly of who He says I am.

  623. Wendy Picariello says:

    I have read the Hebrews passage more times this years than in many years combined. What a great passage to meditate on going into the new year.

  624. Chelsea Nix says:


  625. Leanna Van Vleet says:

    It doesn’t have to be complicAted. We are the ones who make spending time with Jesus complex. He loves us for who we are. Loved today’s message!

  626. NanaK says:

    Such truthful, heartfelt thoughts shared this morning. I agree with you all! Because I am a follower of Jesus Christ, I should and I shall boldly approach the throne of grace with confidence today!

  627. Angela Sutherland says:

    So thankful for the love of Jesus in my life. I put way too many regulations on my own time with the Word, and I’m learning to let those go more and more…the more I let them go, the more I see how much I had complicated the love of Jesus for me. And even when there are portions of scriptures that seem harder to understand, the simple truth of the gospel remains. I am His and He is mine. I can approach the throne of grace with confidence because of Jesus!

  628. Ana Lisa Johnson says:


  629. Amanda McWhirter says:

    Thank you for your words! I desperately needed to hear this.

  630. Megan Lyczak says:

    I’ve been frustrated trying to understand the Bible. This was so timely! I am not saved by how much of a Bible scholar I am, but through repentance and faith in Jesus.

  631. Kristina Wilson says:

    Love this! Thank you for sharing

  632. Karen S says:

    Always grateful for your insight, Churchmouse.

  633. Stacy K Shreve says:

    Approach with boldness. Focusing on HIM. I love how she says she makes up her qualification for reading scripture I totally have done this as well. “When I add made-up qualifications for Bible-reading to the truths God has spoken, I end up with a distorted, false gospel—a gospel of works, not grace. I am not loved because of how many pages of the Bible I’ve read or because of how much of it I understand. I am loved because Jesus, in His mercy, loves me. ” WOW!!!!!

  634. Kenya says:

    I think almost all of the scripture readings today said something about Christ being in me. It made me think about all of the different ways and things I use to try and fill myself up with besides Christ. Recognition. Affirmation. Material things. Human love. Work. Self loathing. Selfish desire. There are so many things in the world that our culture and our mind tell us we should be satisfied with – the rules we should love our life by so to speak.

    But today was a gentle (or not so gentle in the best way) reminder that the only thing that can truly fill me up is God and my connection with His word. When I am living in what he has to offer me and I am filling myself with the goodness of this presence in my life, I can not only approach God boldly, but I can approach life boldly knowing whatever I run into, God will be there to satisfy me so I don’t feel like I need to try and satisfy my needs with the world.

  635. Heather Tomberlin says:

    Because Jesus in his mercy loves me! This year has been a struggle for so many. I have lost focus on him but I am comforted but those words. He loves me and he is waiting for me to be bold.

  636. Jessica Fowler says:

    With confidence!! Oh how He loves us!

  637. Jenn Snyder says:

    Love the analogy with changing the rules of the game!

  638. Janice M says:

    Thank you so much for this. I love the list of who God says we are. I quite often think if I’m not reading my Bible everyday I’m not good enough. I know that’s a lie from the enemy.

  639. Kate Houston says:

    These are the affirmations we need. What wonderful reminders.

  640. Gabriela Coloma says:

    The fact that we are encourage to confidently approach the throne of Grace boldly always gets me. Sometimes I spend too much time sitting in my shortcomings but even in our unbelief we are to still approach His Presence humbled me.. cause it’s never about me! It’s always about Christ. Glory be to God!

  641. Brooke Parker says:

    So thankful!!!

  642. Nancy Singleton says:

    Tina, I loved your very powerful checklist—all God-breathed & true!

  643. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Many, many years ago I memorized Hebrews 4:12-16, but it was not until these past few years that I really took to heart verse 16. Yes, I can come boldly before the throne! Unafraid, unashamed, without being shy or timid, without fear! God wants me to come, He wants me to be honest, He wants me to be bold. It is only because of the torn veil that we have access to the throne room. Praise God for His Son! Praise God that Jesus willingly went to the cross, praise God — He tore the veil!! May each of us keep coming boldly before Him, and find grace to help in our time of need.

  644. Susan Dexter says:

    Just what I needed to start my day!

  645. Kristen says:

    I am reminded of a message given by Dr. Charles Stanley where he talked about the verses in Hebrews 4:14-16. He challenged those listening to get on their knees and pray those verses aloud to God. Yes, we can approach boldly. He wants us to come. We have access to the Father because of Jesus! who is our High Priest that can understand all that we’ve gone through. The reason to get on your knees is to show reverence and remember who He is. He is Holy and Righteous God. He said this could transform your prayer life. The message itself was entitled: Where to Turn in Time of Need. Here is a link:
    If you just want to hear about the part I wrote about and about how Jesus understands start around the 30 minute mark. If you can listen to the whole message. How amazing that we can come to the Maker of Heaven and earth not only in our time of need, but always. Praise be to God!

  646. McKenzie Ainsworth says:


  647. Tracey Thomas says:

    A new creation…that one always gets me deeply…

  648. Jody Milburn says:

    Inspiring! Thank you!

  649. Emma Wright says:

    No condemnation for those who are in Christ. Praise God!

  650. Jasmine Henderson says:

    9But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Yes. He knows my weakness. I can come to him with confidence and find my strength in him!

  651. Laurie Martin says:

    Approach the throne of grace with Boldness!

  652. Kate Naftel says:

    Jesus in his mercy loves me. What an amazing way to start the day. Blessings!

  653. Churchmouse says:

    Many many many years ago when I was a new Christian I went to a local bookstore to purchase my first Bible. I had two criteria: it had to be easy to read and attractive. I figured, in my teenage mind, that if my Bible looked appealing I would be more likely to pick it up and if the language was more familiar than not, then I would be more likely to read and understand it. When I brought my purchase home, I tore off the cellophane and breathed deeply. Not only did my red (!) Bible look good but it even smelled good. You know what I mean. That new book smell. I opened it to Genesis 1 and began my journey to personally knowing God. For sure I didn’t understand everything I read but there was plenty that I did. I didn’t read every day but more often than not I did. I gave myself permission to read slowly. I gave myself grace for the days I didn’t read. Reading from cover to cover in one year was never a goal. I wanted to linger over the verses, to ponder them. I felt like I was attending a sumptious banquet and I wanted to savor every bite. Whether I read a chapter or a single verse didn’t really matter. It still doesn’t. I know if I pause and ponder I will hear His still small voice. He is faithful to speak. He is a good good Father. He welcomes any amount of time I spend in His presence.

  654. Jos ByHisGrace says:

    I should be glad and grateful of my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. Allowing God to make me complete in Him. The world has turned this truth upside down, that it told us that our weaknesses are bad, uncomfortable, terrifying, and so on. Grateful for this truth!

  655. Alexandra Bao says:

    This verse particularly stood out to me: 9But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Our weaknesses are our strength because we can find solutions through God’s love for us.

  656. Allison Wienke says:

    Praying for a bold confidence this morning!

  657. Jen Campbell says:

    My grace is sufficient for you – what a great reminder that God wants us to come as we are and that we don’t need to make up rules for ourselves around the Bible

  658. Amie Fleming says:

    I struggle with the same things- thinking I have to want to read my Bible always or that I have to understand it all the time. Truth is when I don’t want to read my Bible is probably when I need to read it the most.

  659. Sue Civiletto says:

    Thank you for these sweet reminders!

  660. Kayla Smith says:

    Praising God for his grace!

  661. Alisa says:

    Thank you for these words. I have felt so guilty for not reading my Bible at times that it was like a dirty little secret. These verses were always hanging out in my mind though “the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword” Hebrews 4:12, perhaps I resisted because I did not want my “soul and spirit” divided or the “thoughts and intentions of the heart” judged. Trying to hide from myself but never able to hide those things from Him, judging myself. My prayer is, Lord give me a hunger for Your Word.

  662. Joyce Smith says:

    I am so very thankful for this reading today. You how you think you know these things and then you feel the true love of the Father, and it brings you to your knees. Hallelujah to the Father who really sees, loves and wants the best for all of us.
    So Blessed!❤️

  663. Rachel Elizabeth says:

    Thankful for the truths God has recorded through His Word. May these truths ring louder in my mind today. Hallelujah to the Lord God Almighty!

  664. Maiya K says:

    Oh..thank you for this!

  665. Diana Lozon says:

    We can approach the throne confidently. I will Lord!

  666. Grace Lomas says:

    I spoke these declarations out loud this morning – believing in their truth and power. Thank you Lord Jesus that I’m found in you!

  667. Denise Edmond says:

    Thank you ! I think these daily reading will strengthen my faith.
    Blessed reading!

  668. Tina says:

    I am a child of God (John 1:12).✔
    I am clothed with the righteousness of Jesus (Isaiah 61:10).✔
    I am free (Galatians 5:1).✔
    I am not condemned (Romans 8:1).✔
    I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).✔
    I am loved (Ephesians 5:2).✔
    I am chosen.(Ephesians 1:4)✔
    I am set free, by the blood of Jesus. (Ephesians 1:7)✔
    I am known.(1Corinthians 12:13)✔
    I am blessed in union with Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 1:3)✔


    As a teenager I would often just turn up at my dads meetings, no appointment, no announcing, no planning ahead.. I would literally just, on impulse, (sometimes with agenda), turn up at his place of work..
    He never told me to wait. He never told me off. He always welcomed me..excusing himself from his meeting or work to give me his time.
    I knew I could do that because I knew the extent of his love for me.. I knew him, and I knew no matter what, his arms, his ears, his heart, his time was accessible to me anytime..I would go to daddy with confidence knowing the truth of our relationship..

    How much more God..

    How much more God..

    But God..

    Even though, I may not have ‘hang out’ with Him, properly, for long, (13years)He has always known me, He has always been there, even when I didn’t know it.. He has loved and continues to love this sinner from day 1, no matter the cost to Him. He chose me when I, would not choose myself.. His arms are forever open, His ears always ready to hear, my prayers, my dreams, my praise. His eyes forever covered with a rose tint, just for me..

    Excuse me, but why would I not trust such a Father, why would I not approach such a God with confidence knowing what I know in my heart to be truth of who He is..
    I can never repay Him, but by golly, I can absolutely approach Him confidently in all circumstances..

    Thank you Lord God. With all that I am, Thank you..

    This is a day the Lord has made, I will rejoice in it!

    Happy Tuesday my sisters wrapped in winter warming love and absolute snuggly hugs..❤

  669. Ester Stienstra says:

    9But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

    This was the main verse of my baptism. It keeps reminding me, we should not try to do this on our own. It is so easy to think we should do things, if only I would read more, pray more, go to church…. God does not depend on these things. He wants our trust, our loyalty, not the things that can be seen on the outside. Lord help us to rely on You, in the good times and the bad.

  670. Rachael Duff says:

    God’s grace is huge. I am enough! ❤