Day 19

An Indictment of Sinful Jerusalem

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

Ezekiel 22:1-31, Ezekiel 23:1-27, Romans 3:21-26

BY Melanie Rainer

I like happy stories. I’m drawn to comedy over drama, delight in an afternoon spent wrapped up in a blanket watching a late nineties romantic comedy (ideally starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan). I avoid movies, shows, and books with the following: suspense, tragedy, gore of any kind, car wrecks, deadly diseases, dying, and unhappy endings. Blame my anxiety, some unresolved childhood trauma, or just a buoyant outlook on life, but hard and sad stories are not for me. 

So I’m not naturally drawn to books like Ezekiel, at least certainly not the first few dozen chapters. It’s hard to sit and read about the myriad ways Judah has failed and to see those failures reflected back in my own heart. Chapters 22 and 23 cut to the chase, and as I read them during this Lenten season, I flinch and squirm, unsettled by the harsh but true language. Because I’m reading not just about the long-ago Israelites, I’m reading about the depth of sin that is possible in me. 

But to grasp the implications of the true ugliness of sin in my own heart, it’s helpful to understand how and why Ezekiel structures these chapters. Chapter 22 gives us three oracles about their destructive behavior. A cue for seeing when each starts is the phrase, “the word of the LORD came to me,” and they begin at verses 1, 17, and 23. 

In the first oracle, Ezekiel gives the people a list. It’s not just a list of things they’ve done wrong. He uses language and references from Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy to show specifically the laws of God that they have broken. This isn’t a wild deviation from culture and norms; rather, these are things that God told them not to do. If my kids break a rule they don’t know about, like saying a bad word they had never heard before, well, that’s one thing. It’s on me to disciple them in that moment, to teach them right from wrong. But the people weren’t stumbling onto a new way of sinfulness, they were explicitly breaking God’s laws. We see echoes of the Ten Commandments in Ezekiel 22:4, 7, and 8. Ezekiel references specific Levitical laws throughout this oracle as well, specifically from Leviticus 18–20. 

In the second oracle, Ezekiel tells them that there is no good left. The city will be burned, but nothing will be refined: no silver purified from dross. This is a stark, shocking, sad image. He starts with “this is what you have done,” and the second oracle describes “this is what will happen to you.” 

The third oracle, beginning with verse 22, reminds the people of Judah that none of them—not one—is righteous. None have obeyed the law. Romans 3:23 reiterates this truth: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” 

Ezekiel’s words sting all the way through, each of the three oracles wielding a particular perspective. But they lead us to this: not one of us can follow the law. And so God must do what He has spoken; He must act. The Lord’s wrath was not poured out on us, but on His own son, Jesus—who, on the cross, bore the crushing weight of all our sin, and who made a way for us to be clean and righteous. What a weight we bear, but what a gift we have been given. Praise be to God. 

Post Comments (61)

61 thoughts on "An Indictment of Sinful Jerusalem"

  1. Brandi Hughes says:

    Reading their sins embarrasses me all over again when I am reminded of my own. So thankful, and undeserving, that His wrath is satisfied with the blood of Jesus. Blood that I am covered with. Thank you for loving me in spite of me Lord Jesus ❤️

  2. Ashlee Hickson says:


  3. Nicole K says:

    I’m finally caught up! Boy this study has been challenging for me. It’s hard to read about all our potential sin and lament what I have done. Thank you, Lord for your Son who bore the wrath.

  4. Leigh Gorham says:

    VICTORIA – Congratulations Mama! In all that is to come, lean into His arms and allow yourself to be held. Look to Him as your Voice. Do not let the voice of others shame or dictate how you feel or influence your choices. Everyone has opinions and many feel they have the right to share them without invitation. It is a very hard road, with emus blessings – becoming a Mama. My prayer is that you give yourself love, patience, and mercy. Also, at the end of it all – I pray you hear this: FED IS BEST. So however that ends up looking for you and your babe, know you are doing what is right. Know you are. It failing if it doesn’t look like how you expect. Know that only you and your partner make the choices for your family. Being a new Mama can be a road paved with guilt if we let in the voices of others who claim their way is the only way or “right” way. I promise you, that’s a lie. An enormous, destructive lie. There is no one way. We all learn as we go in parenthood. God has chosen you specifically for your babe and you ARE EQUIPPED. In all the decisions you make, in all the adjustments ahead, in everything. You got this Mama because He has YOU. ❤️ Sending love and prayer. I am always here to support and cheer you on if you need a reminder. Honestly.

  5. Stephanie G says:

    Victoria, I’m just barely out of that newborn phase with my second and dealt with soooo many breastfeeding issues with both my boys. What I longed for in those early weeks was someone to talk to about it all- whether for advice or someone to just listen and understand. You may have more support than I did, but I’d love to be that person for you if you need it. Text me anytime. Seriously. 205.999.7720.

  6. Janice Milley says:

    Thank you Nancy. I felt God’s presence and the session went well.

  7. Claire B says:

    Absolutely still praying for you and your little ♥️

  8. Donna Wolcott says:

    Victoria just try and relax and let a lactation nurse help. I had twins and one had a hard time latching on. Too much milk, little guy had a tiny mouth. I used a shield that looked like a bottle nipple. As my milk supply adjusted it worked out. It isn’t always as easy as it looks. Bless the pumps they now have. Sorry if this is too personal. You have been blessed and all will be well. Hugs.

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