I like happy stories. I’m drawn to comedy over drama, delight in an afternoon spent wrapped up in a blanket watching a late nineties romantic comedy (ideally starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan). I avoid movies, shows, and books with the following: suspense, tragedy, gore of any kind, car wrecks, deadly diseases, dying, and unhappy endings. Blame my anxiety, some unresolved childhood trauma, or just a buoyant outlook on life, but hard and sad stories are not for me.
So I’m not naturally drawn to books like Ezekiel, at least certainly not the first few dozen chapters. It’s hard to sit and read about the myriad ways Judah has failed and to see those failures reflected back in my own heart. Chapters 22 and 23 cut to the chase, and as I read them during this Lenten season, I flinch and squirm, unsettled by the harsh but true language. Because I’m reading not just about the long-ago Israelites, I’m reading about the depth of sin that is possible in me.
But to grasp the implications of the true ugliness of sin in my own heart, it’s helpful to understand how and why Ezekiel structures these chapters. Chapter 22 gives us three oracles about their destructive behavior. A cue for seeing when each starts is the phrase, “the word of the LORD came to me,” and they begin at verses 1, 17, and 23.
In the first oracle, Ezekiel gives the people a list. It’s not just a list of things they’ve done wrong. He uses language and references from Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy to show specifically the laws of God that they have broken. This isn’t a wild deviation from culture and norms; rather, these are things that God told them not to do. If my kids break a rule they don’t know about, like saying a bad word they had never heard before, well, that’s one thing. It’s on me to disciple them in that moment, to teach them right from wrong. But the people weren’t stumbling onto a new way of sinfulness, they were explicitly breaking God’s laws. We see echoes of the Ten Commandments in Ezekiel 22:4, 7, and 8. Ezekiel references specific Levitical laws throughout this oracle as well, specifically from Leviticus 18–20.
In the second oracle, Ezekiel tells them that there is no good left. The city will be burned, but nothing will be refined: no silver purified from dross. This is a stark, shocking, sad image. He starts with “this is what you have done,” and the second oracle describes “this is what will happen to you.”
The third oracle, beginning with verse 22, reminds the people of Judah that none of them—not one—is righteous. None have obeyed the law. Romans 3:23 reiterates this truth: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Ezekiel’s words sting all the way through, each of the three oracles wielding a particular perspective. But they lead us to this: not one of us can follow the law. And so God must do what He has spoken; He must act. The Lord’s wrath was not poured out on us, but on His own son, Jesus—who, on the cross, bore the crushing weight of all our sin, and who made a way for us to be clean and righteous. What a weight we bear, but what a gift we have been given. Praise be to God.

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62 thoughts on "An Indictment of Sinful Jerusalem"
Cleanse me, oh God. Have mercy on me. I want to walk toward you not away from you in every moment.
In seasons of life, (right now, for us, rife with celebrating many family and friends who have left this earthly world, your words Little Churchmouse, are timely jewels. My husband and I are grateful for this season of renewal, restoration, and the acknowledgement of how we fail daily, yet God continues to discipline and Love us. HE calls us to glorify him. Thank you Sweet Jesus for today and the words of others you place in our paths.
Sorry for the multiple posts. I am a tad frustrated by my clumsy fingers, small typing space, strange scrolling and my lack of knowledge on how to edit posts well on SRT. I remain prayerful SRT can improve this “posting” part of the experience to aid us in decreasing multiples. Love the site, but barely can see that light green POST color.
In seasons of life, (right now, for us, rife with celebrating many family and friends who have left this earthly world, your words Little Churchmouse, are timely jewels. My husband and I are grateful for this season of renewal, restoration, and the acknowledgement of how we fail daily, yet God continues to discipline and Love us. HE calls us to glorify him, co
Sweet Jesus for today and the words of others you place in our paths.
In seasons of life, (right now, for us, rife with celebrating many family and friends who have left this earthly world, your words Little Churchmouse, are timely jewels. My husband and I are grateful for this season of renewal, restoration, and the acknowledgement of how we fail daily, yet God continues to discipline and Love us. HE calls us to glorify him, constantly keeping our relationship with hiSweet Jesus for today and the words of others you place in our paths.
In seasons of life, right now for us, the deyour words Little Churchmouse, are timely jewels.
Reading their sins embarrasses me all over again when I am reminded of my own. So thankful, and undeserving, that His wrath is satisfied with the blood of Jesus. Blood that I am covered with. Thank you for loving me in spite of me Lord Jesus ❤️
I’m finally caught up! Boy this study has been challenging for me. It’s hard to read about all our potential sin and lament what I have done. Thank you, Lord for your Son who bore the wrath.
VICTORIA – Congratulations Mama! In all that is to come, lean into His arms and allow yourself to be held. Look to Him as your Voice. Do not let the voice of others shame or dictate how you feel or influence your choices. Everyone has opinions and many feel they have the right to share them without invitation. It is a very hard road, with emus blessings – becoming a Mama. My prayer is that you give yourself love, patience, and mercy. Also, at the end of it all – I pray you hear this: FED IS BEST. So however that ends up looking for you and your babe, know you are doing what is right. Know you are. It failing if it doesn’t look like how you expect. Know that only you and your partner make the choices for your family. Being a new Mama can be a road paved with guilt if we let in the voices of others who claim their way is the only way or “right” way. I promise you, that’s a lie. An enormous, destructive lie. There is no one way. We all learn as we go in parenthood. God has chosen you specifically for your babe and you ARE EQUIPPED. In all the decisions you make, in all the adjustments ahead, in everything. You got this Mama because He has YOU. ❤️ Sending love and prayer. I am always here to support and cheer you on if you need a reminder. Honestly.
Victoria, I’m just barely out of that newborn phase with my second and dealt with soooo many breastfeeding issues with both my boys. What I longed for in those early weeks was someone to talk to about it all- whether for advice or someone to just listen and understand. You may have more support than I did, but I’d love to be that person for you if you need it. Text me anytime. Seriously. 205.999.7720.
Thank you Nancy. I felt God’s presence and the session went well.
Absolutely still praying for you and your little ♥️
Victoria just try and relax and let a lactation nurse help. I had twins and one had a hard time latching on. Too much milk, little guy had a tiny mouth. I used a shield that looked like a bottle nipple. As my milk supply adjusted it worked out. It isn’t always as easy as it looks. Bless the pumps they now have. Sorry if this is too personal. You have been blessed and all will be well. Hugs.
Good evening sisters! I am so behind in reading and comments but had a few moments to read today’s reading and devotional and some comments. Thank you again for everyone who prayed for us! We are tired but thankful. I am recovering well but having some difficulty with breastfeeding and having some anxious thoughts from the enemy. If I may ask for continued prayers for recovery, peace of mind and wisdom. Thank you dear sisters !
What a weight we bear, but what a gift we have been given — this is so true. Reading Ezekiel has been difficult for me, too, and I think portions of scripture that speak about how the nations prostituted themselves and the language used makes me feel so sad to read as a woman. I’m doing the study together with my boyfriend and the same sentences that prick my soul and make me feel uncomfortable don’t impact him the same way. I must say today’s passages were doubly difficult to digest. Thank you SRT for bringing us through the book of Ezekiel as a whole community. Let’s reflect on this together and support one another in our journey with Christ.
We have to be careful in our how we engage in our hobbies and pleasures. We can have them, of course, but we must NOT put them above God. When we put things above God, we end up miserable. Then we sometimes blame God for when we feel that way.. but its not His fault.. it’s ours.
We must always remember that our actions have good/ bad consequences. I hope we can choose good actions all the time, and that we can put God first above everything else.. even our own hobbies that we like to engage in from time to time.
This might be a little off topic, but I read an incredible story today. You might know her. Her name is Ingrid Betancourt. She was kidnapped for six years by FARC in Colombia. Before she was kidnapped she was a indifferent Catholic but she did an interview and said that her captivity led to a spiritual awakening and she is now devout. WOW! God works in very mysterious ways, our faith grows in times when we least expect it to. But we must not forget that God always hears us.. even if we don’t think He does. I’m always so amazed and inspired at how much Faith and God can change a person. There really is no life without God!
Forgive my sin against you, O LORD.
Thank you for your forgiveness through Jesus Christ. You are worthy of all praise and glory. You alone are God. Amen.
Forgive my sin against you, O LORD. You are worthy of all praise and
Such explicit language and descriptions in today’s reading (agreeing with Angie all the way -how disgusting the sins are). Sometimes we forget that God sees all things, every detail of how gross of things we might be doing, even the thoughts of our mind He hears. It is so hard being GOD. I wouldn’t want to be the one who knows every gross detail, it would hurt me badly. The verse that touched me the most is, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none” KJV Ezekiel 22:30. Since there was none, God provided His own perfect man Jesus. Sobbing at this truth. God is truly love. Love spares not his own son but sacrifices him, to make up for us. Thank you Lord for Jesus. May we live for Him who died for us.
@Jasmine: praying for you and your husband on wise decisions ahead.
@Jennifer Barkley: praying for your husband’s knee surgery. May all go well.
@Victoria E: hope you’re doing well and recovering. Congrats on baby Elijah. Wonderful name choice. He will bear the spirit of the mighty prophet for God’s glory.
@Sissy: praying for your marriage and reconciliation.
@Heidi: amazing testimony, how mighty God moves through the littlest details. Will continue to pray.
Have an amazing weekend everyone.
As I read Ezekiel, sometimes it is hard for me to see myself in the Israelites. Not because I haven’t sinned, but because I haven’t committed the specific sins they have. But I have has idols in my life and things that I have chased after instead of God. I pray I would replace those idols with God. He alone can satisfy. ❤️
Tears are rolling down my cheeks as I am reminded just how much we, as humans, want to go our own way; Do our ‘own thing’ and be our own people. How ridiculous are we?
God created a perfect world for us – with every provision in place before he made us. Every good thing comes from His hand. Sin brought/brings destruction! He even had a plan in place for that, because he knew we would sin. What a huge price was paid for our salvation. And we don’t always even appreciate that. We cannot fully comprehend just how big that price was.
I am in awe of Him. His majesty, His power, His love, His mercy, His justice. This time of reading and study in preparation of celebration of His resurrection is so good. It gives us another look at the deepness and darkness of sin and also reminds us of the deliverance He has prepared if we are ready to accept it.
As I was doing my study today, we had some recliners delivered. I have waited for 11 long months for them. They are wrong. Leather not fabric as I had picked out. Wrong leg color. I know this has nothing to do with today’s passages, but how I react is important. I was kind through my frustration. I want to show the girl kindness. So many would be so angry and rude. I don’t want to be that way. We have been furnishing our home for two years now. Covid….
Thank you KELLY NEO for pointing out that Israel was not representing God to the world. Do I?? This is a powerful reminder.
There is no limit to the depravity that is within the heart of man. When we view the state of the world and the culture in which are now living ,we continually thank G0d for His unlimited Grace and mercy.
Angie, I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you for sharing.
I’m a day behind, so I read yesterday and today’s reading together. Oh my heart. This just breaks me. I am so grateful that God gave His Son for us because we would be in the same predicament. But God.
I am praying for your requests sisters. Peace and strength to each one of you as you go through this weekend. I pray that you are able to worship together with other believers.
@ Christie Peterson. You literally took the words out of my mouth while I was typing. I keep hearing Jehoshaphat’s words too.
I prepared my heart through prayer before reading today’s scripture. Specifically, I asked to Lord to enable me to see HIS justness, to hear the brokenness of HIS heart and clearly understand righteousness of HIS actions. HE was faithful in answering my prayer. My love for the mercy he has provide in Christ Jesus and the recognition of my own need of that grace continues to grow in gratitude. My thoughts circled back to Jehoshaphat’s words “We don’t know what to do…. ( or even why we do what we do! (My words not J’s!))… But our eyes are on you.”
I am a day behind, but I wanted to say congratulations Victoria! Elijah is so loved by so many already.
I am praying for all of the requests that I have seen. Lord lift these beautiful women up that they might seek you first and they might know your will and that you would be glorified in their lives. Blessings sisters!
Abba, I belong to you. I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on you. I grab your outstretched hand in this brewing storm. May those who are your creation become your children.
Abba, I belong to you. I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on you. I grab your outstretched hand in this brewing sti
PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!! The Lord HAS GIVEN us a beautiful, wonderful, and glorious gift, the gift of salvation….the gift of freedom….the gift of redemption….the gift of knowing Him….THE MAGNIFICENT GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE!!!!!! Jesus is my ONE AND ONLY SAVIOR and I’m proud to say this and “my faith runs deep”. The Holy Spirit is within me and sings praises to the Lord, I’m FILLED with the Holy Spirit. I’ll SHOUT IT OUT AND SING MY PRAISES TO THE LORD.
Sisters, know that I pray for your requests. Please continue to pray for Finley and family, my sister and nephew and my cousin.
Many of you have asked for prayers for unbelieving family members, I would like to ask for prayers for family to return to God as well as unbelieving family.
Be blessed and let’s tell God we worship, praise and love Him for all He has done for us.
HEIDI, your testimony made me so happy! I’m writing this comment with a big smile on my face. Praise God for the wonderful work He is doing in your niece’s (and everyone else’s!) life! I am a cat lover too, and I am so happy that God has given her a way to take care of her cat, just like He is taking care of her. I have been praying for you, her, and her friend (and that guy who wanted you to pray for him too) daily and it just is amazing to see God’s response. Thank you so much for sharing! ♡
Jasmine – May God grant you and your husband wisdom, unity, and guidance in this decision.
Heidi – Thank God for this good news regarding your niece…baby steps, in His timing.
Violet – Thank you God that you are the God of all creation. Please Lord, guide the winds, perhaps bring rain, according to your will. Protect your children and bring lost souls to a relationship with you even in these fires.
Jennifer Barkley – praying for your husband’s knee surgery now and for both of you as he recovers. This nursing stuff is not for the faint of heart…even with the best of patients. :)
These scriptures in Ezekiel are ugly, gross, and hard to read. The sin is disgusting.
Yet, the high school girls that I meet and met with deal with the same thing. Their “friends” go to parties, drink, make out with people, and have sex. Many times they are not even in “relationship” with these people (which still doesn’t make it right, just less partners). I know what I am saying is ugly, gross, hard to read, and disgusting. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs their barriers get lowered, and they are prey. They will even say it isn’t the same when they aren’t drunk. The girls do what they do, trying to fit in, trying to be popular, and some just want someone to love them. They want to matter to someone. (If they would only realize Jesus does, and let Him be enough.)
Okay, what about idols in my life? I don’t drink or do drugs. I don’t knowingly put myself in situations that I know would dishonor God; but sneaky idols try to ease their way in. (Working hard for a better life. Climbing the ladder. Building our homes and lives to look and be acceptable in our communities. Vacations, trips, entertainment. Stuff to make life easier. Clothing, makeup, working out in the gym. Selfishness, pride, materialism, pleasure…ease.)
I don’t think sin has levels of wrongness, although consequences can be different. Blatant choice to sin or acceptance of sin, and sinning unknowingly (until the Holy Spirit brings it to our conscious) are different. But, sin is sin, and against God. It cannot be a part of His children’s lives. Our God’s love is not greater or less for people according to their sin (For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God) He longs for each one to be freed from the bondage of whatever sin we are in or tempted by. He loves each of us and wants what is best for us. He knows the very beginning to the very end, (where He comes back, by the way, HALLELUJAH!) – and He wants His children ready.
There is grace in God’s scattering of His people, to refine them, to clear out the dross, and make them pure – then and now.
God sent His Son. The only One worthy. The only possible redeeming sacrifice for our sin. We have hope because of Jesus. There is grace in Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation.
Lord, thank You for your amazing love. Thank You for scary-love-infused wrath, seemingly counter-intuitive, yet wrath that loves so much You won’t leave us in our sin. Thank you. May we turn to You, obey, and be about the business of your kingdom for all the days you give give us breath. May God alone be praised. Amen.
I typically don’t comment, but I’m always here praying for you ladies ❤️
My husband and I feel God tugging at our heats to take a really big step. It’s such a risk for us and requires a tremendous amount of faith, but we know God is able. Asking for prayers as we make tough decision and try to walk in faith and not fear. Thank you God bless you all ❤️
I typically don’t comment, but I’m always here praying for you ladies ❤️
VICTORIA E. Congratulations sweet girl. Congratulations to you and your husband! God is so good! Thanking God that you and baby Elijah are doing well.
Help me respond to God’s Word and directions.
Thanks be to God that He doesn’t leave us in our mess – that His goal is ALWAYS restoration and redemption. Praising God for a renewed sense of strength today to fight my battles and overcome temptations! He WILL deliver and provide! Lifting up all the prayer requests and @Heidi thank you for your updates! @Sarah D praying for your missions trip! I hope everyone has a blessed weekend <3
Congratulations Victoria E!!! I was so excited to read that everything must have gone well and we have little ELIJAH with us!!! (lol, We are his Aunties!) I am just SO excited for you! I have been with my new little niece for the last week; holding her, loving her, changing ten’s of diapers, snuggling and consoling her in her crying, and laughing as she is learning to coo and smile!!! So I am excited in all the joy and crazy you will have in the coming days and months, ….and years!! May God bless your little family!
Love your testimonies to us Heidi! I am right there with you in your struggle (and @Rebbecca with your son!). I still keep rolling around in my mind my “debate” with my unbelieving nephew the other night. And my son that was there as well. Oh how I pray my son will not lose his faith. This world is sinking fast and it hurts our hearts for our families!! All we can do sometimes is pray, pray, and pray. But God….oh this community, how precious it is to keep us afloat, as we are in the WORD together each day.
God sees us,
God hears us,
and God is WITH us.
Thank you for the prayers in my travels! It was a long last two days in the car! First day with the 3 month old, and her anxious mom! My sister and I would whip out some quick diaper changes in the console between us!! lol. Then yesterday I was on the road by myself (and a bad back) for 9 hours! But listening to God’s word, singing praise and worship songs, and praying for you all- I was content.
So Thankful for this study, and God’s gift of His Son and the Holy Spirit giving to us personally when asked! He wants us, He loves us. I love the new song Dancing On The Waves by We The Kingdom. So Pretty. Have a good day She’s!
I wept as I read these verses this morning. The words of Paul in Romans 7 kept going through my head:
“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand.” (v. 21)
This is me. I want to do right and I don’t.
“Wretched man (or woman) that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death.” (v. 24).
What can I do? And the answer is absolutely nothing. But God…
“Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!… There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” (7:25, 8:1-2)
When you find time read all of Romans 8. God is so good, gracious, and merciful. My prayer is that my heart will stay soft to God’s commands and my ears will listen for His still, small voice.
Right now these words are being sung on my Spotify station in my classroom:
“I run to the Father. I fall into grace. I’m not with the hiding, no reason to wait. My heart needs a surgeon, my soul needs a friend. So I run to the Father again and again.” (Run to the Father – Matt Maher)
Be blessed, sweet sisters. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.
I’m grateful I’m not treated how I deserve. I’m thankful for Jesus.
Lifting up all requests this morning. Congratulations Victoria E on your long awaited joy! And Heidi, it’s so awesome to see our prayers come to fruition if even bit by bit. I can relate when you speak of a sense of relief, if even momentarily, as I feel that way about my son who is struggling with staying sober, but then I see God answer my cries for help and see glimpses of hope. Please pray for him.
In reading these verses today I wonder, is this why the Jewish people are still persecuted today? Because they don’t believe in Jesus?
Thankful for Jesus’ love and grace on this day and every day!
Heidi, what a wonderful testimony of the love of God. I will continue praying for your niece and all who are ministering to her! What a blessing you are to her ❤️
Hard to read today these passages! But so important too! To see how evil and ugly sin is and how utterly lost we are without a SAVIOR to rescue us and live the perfect life for us! Lord- remove all that hinders me from being holy as you are Holy! Thank you Jesus!
If you could pray for my husband- he is in surgery for knee ligament tightening- for the surgery and recovery. Thankful for this faithful group of ladies- I’m always so encouraged!
Discipline is a great kindness. As hard as it is to read of God’s justifiable wrath, His motivation is always restoration to relationship. That is His focus as should be mine.
Thank you Lord for speaking to my heart throughout this difficult study. You are so faithful.
If you feel moved to pray for me today I would greatly appreciate it as I will be speaking to a group today about my experience on grief.
Thank you Lord for speaking to my heart throughout this difficult study. You are so faithful.
Sometimes I am saddened that I struggle actively with things and other times I’m thankful that the Bible convicts me and urge me earnestly to turn away from the same mistakes they had. The word was with, is and in God and to know that as I read more of God’s word, he is disciplining me and teaching me his ways so I can be His faithful child. Not only just faith to His word but his callings on my life to draw from strength to keep going on this walk. Today word really helps me to remember that grace wasn’t given without a cost. Someone, my Lord Jesus Christ died for these moments so that the fallen world can be connected again to the source of everything good. I’m so thankful that Christ did what I could never do and continues to love me through this journey.
There is a wildlife burning throughout Eastland County, Texas. Please pray that God will protect the residents as they evacuate and firefighters as they work to put out this fire. The wind is blowing strong, but even the winds obey God! Please ask God to put out these fires and stop the wind. Thank you!
The first time I read this chapter years ago I remember asking the Lord why He would put such a chapter in scripture. I read how Oholibah saw this (her sisters behavior) and became more corrupt than her sister. I realized that that right there is man’s natural bent. We look at the sin of people and desire it and become worse and sin is so destructive but we don’t see that. How good is Christ to lift the veil from my eyes to see the reality of what sin really is and does to me? I am Oholah with out Christ and sin is not a thing to be desired. I tell my kids often sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay every single time. Don’t be deceived. I’ve come to love this chapter because it reminds me of the great work that Christ has done in me. Praise the Lord he didn’t leave me as I was.
Praying for the many requests for physical health and mental health posted here… it is definitely easy to lean to anxiety these days… praying we find ourselves believing our God who promises “He’s got this” and allow His peace to fill not just our hearts, but our MINDS …
UPDATE- thank you to everyone who prayed for my physical health yesterday, as well as my spiritual/mental health in all of this… I’m still feeling a little under the weather, but I think I’m on the up.
My niece started her day with me by texting “I’m trying to get out today…” which sent fear and stress throughout my body… Before responding to texts I’ve been very proactive in praying God to direct my tone to one her heart will hear… she was, again, so angry and resentful of the facility and authority there… she has not been attending any of the mandatory classes/activities in hopes of getting kicked out. She was told Wed night that she would most likely be kicked out after detox was over (I believe that’s this weekend..??) because insurance won’t pay when she’s not participating in the program… I began praying throughout the whole day for God to send his angels to fight for her, rebuking the enemy and sending away any evil that approaches to attack and derail the plans for these two girls (niece and her friend).
She was supposed to attend a scavenger hunt activity and she sent another resident down to tell the director she was NOT going to participate. Apparently the director said “if she doesn’t want to participate, fine- but SHE has to come down and tell me herself”. Well this REALLY lit a fire under my niece… she charged down the hill angry and fuming and ready to tell the director off- but when she got there the director started smiling and saying how excited she was to see her, excited she was joining (which she hadn’t yet agreed to), so excited for the FUN THEY WERE ABOUT TO HAVE!!! – apparently this girl is waaay over the top/bubbly/super excited… ;) My niece said at first it made her even angrier but then she just suddenly found herself saying “hey… yeah I’ll participate…” (insert SHOCK emoji here). Niece had fun with the hunt and then followed everyone up to the next group meeting- and STAYED. She reported she did 7 classes yesterday (again- SHOCK). THEN she told me her friend got her phone back (After losing it when facility found out she and niece were using thanks to a guy who was giving them his detox drugs) and the guy who was “sharing” got kicked out. That was LITERALLY evil preying on their weakness that got caught and sent away… exactly what God was putting on my heart to pray over them…
Y’all it gets better.
THEN niece goes on to say she has been accepted into sober living (when detox/this part of the program is over) FOR FREE. Oh- and she has been saying over and over that nobody cares about her because nobody will let her have her cat, who is being taken care of by another friend right now… I have been trying to get her to open her eyes to see all of the ways that every single day God is providing for her needs and providing for the things that she cares about. The sober living place is going to actually let her bring her cat. So I got the opportunity to point out that because that cat is important to her, the cat is now important to God because of his enormous care and love for her. It’s been great to be able to point out the ways that she’s being taken care of and direct her attention back to a God who is a sovereign and loves her.
I KNOW this road is far from over. But I got to have a sense of peace last night. I found myself laughing and feeling lighter than I have in days and days. I’m so grateful for this sense of relief, even if it’s just for a minute.
Please don’t stop praying PLEASE. It’s working. God is working…
Thank You Lord God for Your redemption through Jesus! I do not deserve it, and I am awed by Your love every day. Help me live in a way that brings all the glory to You alone and leads others to You. Thank You, thank You, thank You, for bringing me back to life! Amen.
I think it can be easy sometimes to live in His good grace and never-ending mercies, going too long without intentionally recognizing HOW I’ve come to be gifted with them. The result is akin to having a sense of “entitlement” with my sin… “oh, it’s not THAT bad- it’s actually commonplace to say —-, or act like —- in this situation… not like God hasn’t seen it before or like EVERYONE else isn’t doing it too…”. These passages remind my heart how much the sin still grieves my Creator. Because, while He has saved me and eternally sealed me with the Holy Spirit- He still has plans for me. Plans for good, plans for Spiritual prosperity for myself and others. Praise Him, the sin no longer brings wrath and judgement on my life, but it does still bring pain and damage that He, as a loving Father, doesn’t want to have to see me suffer though unnecessarily. Because of his enormous love for me… It’s good to read this unbelievably difficult passages because it’s SO good to be reminded of what the cross did and what we no longer have to suffer through because of our great Savior… it’s too good really…❤️
Praise be to God!
My prayer throughout reading today’s Scriptures was “Lord, please help us!”
Change the names and this could have been today. What a mess this world is in, so thankful to have Christ as my Hope and foundation.
FOSTER MAMA – so glad to hear from you
TINA – thinking about you, praying all is well
Praying for each need mentioned – MARIAM KAMEL, SARAH NUNNELEY, ANGIE, DOROTHY, HEIDI, MARTHA HIX, ASH H, MELANIE and others.
BROOKE P – thank you for the update, praying!
Melanie great reflection! The “people weren’t stumbling onto a new way of sinfulness, they were explicitly breaking God’s laws.” Israel was not representing God to the world. Such a powerful reminder to the Church today and to me personally. How do others see God/Jesus through my actions and words?
In HRT, Bob writes “The nation called to exalt the one, true God was better known for its injustice and idolatry. Jerusalem, the home of a temple built for His name, was filled with violence and profanity. He had given them multiple chances to turn back to Him, but they had snubbed Him every single time.
“But while God might sound harsh in these passages, don’t miss the message present in His message. He wasn’t punishing Judah because He enjoyed their suffering. He wasn’t removing them from the promised land as a way to get even. Instead, His goal was to redeem His people so He could bring them home one day.
“Their sin demanded justice, and His character required action. Yet, through the fire of exile, God would still be working in the lives of His children. His indictment of sin included an invitation for salvation.
“God hasn’t changed. He still judges sin. Never forget, though, that restoration is always His goal.”
Thank You Lord for Your relentless mercy and grace. Thank You for the forgiveness and redemption offered in Your Son, Jesus❣