Section 3: The Light Dawns
As I consider Joseph’s role in the Christmas story, I’m inspired by how quickly he responded to the Lord. Sure, he got an angelic visitation, but the angel’s words were fairly clinical. As Joseph hit his REM cycle, the angel told him to marry Mary because the baby in her belly was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Then he left before the Q&A, passing over some pretty major details.
“She will give birth to a son,” the angel said. “Name him Jesus.” But wait! Aren’t there other questions to answer? “What does a Holy Spirit conceived child look like?” “When will He be born?” “Why me, Lord?”
The angel dropped the most perplexing statement of all, “You are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). This is the gospel. The Savior of the world was well on His way. But Joseph couldn’t have fully understood what the angel meant. He couldn’t have fathomed what would be required for Jesus to save us from the sin that sentences us each to death. Still, Scripture tells us “when Joseph woke up, he did as the Lord’s angel had commanded him” (v.24). All he had was a handful of facts. There must have been dozens of details he couldn’t figure out. Yet God said it, and he would do it.
I don’t reckon his faith was forged in a single night. That kind of trust doesn’t typically develop in an instant. Scripture doesn’t tell us, but I suspect Joseph had learned to respond to faith in the humdrum of everyday life. When the angel of the Lord appeared with a few unbelievable details, Joseph was already prepared to obey.
The Christmas story is filled with the stories of those who trusted and obeyed. From a young virgin, to a field of shepherds, to a caravan of wise men, to a young man engaged to the Savior’s momma. I’m confident they all had more questions than answers. They also responded in faith rather than being controlled by fear.
We won’t be called to marry Jesus’s mother. Our assignment is not to name and raise the Savior of the world. But we all have to mind the gap—the gap between the facts we have been given and responding in faith. As we open our eyes each morning, may the matter be settled in our hearts: we will choose to trust the Lord.

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70 thoughts on "An Angel Visits Joseph"
Lord thank you for your son and thank you Jesus for being my savior
Yes! I will choose to trust the Lord!! Amen.
Mary Christmas all. May we be as obedient as Mary and Joseph, as quick to believe as the shepherds and as giving as the wise men. And may the peace of God bless us to a thousand generations. In Jesus loving name, Amen
So grateful for the faithfulness of Joseph.
“I suspect Joseph learned to respond to faith in the humdrum of everyday life.” That is really so profound. Often we say respond “in,” but to respond “to” faith is evidence of a mature faith. Faith that has been exercised and assurance given, so that when Jospeh was called, he was led by his own matured faith, one he developed by using it. May we all exercise and build upon our faith so that as God calls us to action we are responding to our faith as Jospeh did.
Jesus thank you for this reminder to trust you even in uncertainty!
I ordered a “Mind the Gap” sign from British Railways because I cannot forget this day’s words. Thank you.
Mary and Joseph are both such great examples of faith and obedience. Thank you SRT for helping point me to these often overlooked details of the Christmas account! Praise God for every small detail in his word and for helping me read the Christmas account with new eyes this season ❤️
Trusting the Lord can be so hard. Praying that over circumstances in my life right now. ❤️
Jesus, when I have more questions than answers help me to respond in faith rather than being controlled by fear. Help me to mind the gap—the gap between the facts I have been given and responding in faith. As I open my eyes each morning, may the matter be settled in my heart: I will choose to trust in you, Lord.
Sisters in Christ, I am praying for you. I’m struggling with questions, concerns, and trusting God in the gap I find myself in. Thank you for this amazing community and for all the prayers!
Amen , I pray to have faith like Joseph , and to trust God not only in the big moments but the small ones to.
Love! Let’s react in faith
Thank you for the reminder of the gap between facts and faith❤️❤️
I pray that I learn to be as trusting as Mary and Joesph. I am thankful for this community to learn from and grow with this Christmas season
Thank you for your prayers. My son flew in and we’ll be together. ❤️
Wonderful study tonight!
God bless you all!
Praying for you, Sarah Adams! I am so grateful for our God who meets us exactly where we are and joins us together as sisters on this journey towards more and more of Christ ♥️ He us faithful!
The devotional today was such a great reminder of what it looks like to follow after Jesus with faith. Faith in his plans, without having all the answers. I love to figure things out and try to get the answers to all of my questions. I pray that I would learn to trust in Jesus, without having all of the answers.
Yes! Love the reminder that we train through our lives to obey, and trust. ❤️
I felt angels around me when we were leaving once Tanner passed away.
‘Mind the gap.’ Ha! Clever.
May we all choose to trust thru the gap to the glory and praise of God.
I WILL choose to TRUST the LORD NOW and ALWAYS. There is no other. HE is and ALWAYS will be there for me NO MATTER WHAT. I know I can rely on Him in good times and in bad times.
Sisters be blessed and know the Lord is TRUSTWORTHY.
Melanie ! Praise God we prayed so much for you. Angie, thank you for the recommendations! I am so touched that you read and remembered my comment. Martha Hix I have been praying for you especially this week leading up to Christmas I am sorry to hear that your trip is cancelled but I pray that God will meet you and give you peace where you are. Sarah D I pray you find counseling, no work is worth putting stress on your body. My last job was so bad bc of my manager I firmly believe it contributed to my drinking way more than I should and to my ovaries basically shutting down. Thankfully God delivered me from that situation and helped me to start to deal with my anxiety and become healthy. Last Christmas my mom gave me a picture that says “let your faith be bigger than your fear” and I looked at it everyday while going through IVF. I had some fear, it wasn’t gone, but the faith was bigger than my fear then, praise God.
I love this- her faith was such that she said yes. May that be the way I live my life. Prayers to all of you that have needs <3
December 22! This month has flown by, and I have loved the Advent study! Thank you Angie or who said the song Christmas Hallelujah, I had forgotten it, and love the video that shows it all! Look it up on youtube to see it! I am such a music person to pray and worship while singing! I love Mary Did You Know by the Childrens Choir and a few more! Also all the songs of the Chosen Christmas special/ which also portrays Mary and Josephs story so well! Highly recommend it since it is on youtube now and facebook, or the app.
I have prayer request for my nephew Collin, which flat out states he doesn’t believe in the “whole God thing” that he thinks it just makes people feel better. I pray that Jesus does something powerful in his life to pull him back to the faith he grew up with. It is hard to know how to approach. Except I did say when he says he doesn’t believe in all the “religions,” that I am non-denominational and believe in only the truth of the bible. Please let us pray over all our young people that are just lost in worldly views. My niece also needs prayers (Savanah) that is doing drugs and working in men’s clubs, she is only 19. I just feel for my sister (whom I am with this week and these kids) I love them all so much. Anniston and the baby are well!
Prayers for all you in need. Martha, I hope you can bask in the glory and joy of Jesus this Christmas to give you comfort in your solitude. Tracy continued prayers for you, I am so happy you feel at peace, there is something amazing about knowing our loved ones are with our Lord in heaven where there is no more pain, sickness, fear, or sadness. Sarah, thanks for being honest in your struggle, we are praying for you.
There is a new “unfolding” podcast about stories of angels that I look forward to hearing as I drive home 9 hours tomorrow by myself! Also the new podcast this week from SRT! Prayers for a safe drive going home!
Thank you for that but of encouragement and vulnerability, Samantha A! I’ve been wrestling with that too, but without the young family in tow, and I pray over my future husband I’ve yet to meet, and leaning into the promises of God with abandon. I like that phrase, choosing to keep my yes on the table. Praying that over all of us sisters this morning. ❤️
Trust in Him is all I have. God be with you all.
CS Lewis said this, “We believe that the sun is in the sky at midday in Summer not because we can see clearly see the sun ( in fact we cannot) but because we see everything else.
This devotional today reminds me of a phrase I heard in a sermon years ago – will I choose to have “my Yes on the table” even before God has given me my marching orders? Will I willingly surrender in absolute obedience and in total faith without knowing first what it is I am supposed to do? This question is something that has been presented to me by the Lord in multiple ways over the last 2 weeks. There’s so much fear and uncertainty I have in committing to the unknown, particularly with having a young family in tow. My faith is no where near that of Mary and Joseph, but I am praying that God will grow me to that place over time.
I’m newer to this group but grateful for all of you and your words of wisdom and encouragement.
This devotional today reminds me of a phrase I heard in a sermon years ago – will I choose to have “my Yes on the table” even before God has given me my marching orders? Will I willingly surrender in absolute obedience and in total faith without knowing first what it is I am supposed to do? This question is something that has been presented to me by the Lord in multiple ways over the last 2 weeks. There’s so much fear and uncertainty I have in committing to the unknown, particularly with having a young family in tow. My faith is no where near that of Mary and Joseph, but I am praying that God will grow me to that place over time.
Wow! This is well said: Joseph’s faith wasn’t forged overnight. He had to choose to obey God even with unanswered questions.
May we all grow closer to God and deepen our faith to obey like Joseph.
Wow! This is well said: Joseph’s faith wasn’t forged overnight. He had to choose to obey God even with an answered questions. May we all crawl closer to God and deep in our face like Joseph
Martha, I’m so sorry that you won’t get to be with your family this Christmas. Praying that God would lead you to people nearby who would enjoy your company on Christmas and that you would be blessed in an unexpected way this season.
Dear WIDGEON, I’m praying for you, your family, your sister in law, and her family. My heart aches for all of you.
Thank you this word of encouragement. I had
shared before that my husband
unexpectedly passed away in
August. We have felt such loss and
pain and grief that we were all
experiencing. My adult daughter
planned a Christmas trip for our
family to be together at her condo at
the beach instead of our usual
Christmas at my home that we have
been looking forward to. We were
supposed to fly out today from our
different locations. Unfortunately
her husband tested positive for
Covid night before last and we will
not be going and be together. She
has my three grandchildren and the
struggle is real feeling sad and
disappointed that we will not be
together as planned. Please pray for
my family who is hurting and
seeking God’s peace and comfort.
The GOOD News, Jesus the faith and obedience of many. The choice of trusting God. The light in the darkness and we have Him here Emmanuel because of the faith and His choice to come, to bring Grace and abounding love. What mercy, what joy all for us. Sing loud Sisters our King is so worthy of our praise. Melanie, Praising Jesus with you! Tina, lovely, thank you for sharing your visitation. I have seen an angel of light from a distance before, I was overwhelmed with joy and wonder. His light shining brilliant. Glory be to God. Hugs and love Sisters. Shine on all He gives you.
“I will choose to trust the Lord!” Thankful for today’s reading
I am glad the devotional did focus on Joseph today. I often gloss over his obedience in the Christmas story, but today it stood out in the scripture to me. What great faith Joseph had! He was a kind man that even his plan was to spare Mary some shame for the condition she was in but to receive a dream with few details… I am in awe of his obedience and I pray to have that strength of faith for myself. I also find that my reactions and actions stem from fear and anxiety. May God show any who feel this way the steps He has prepared us to walk. I am also praying for all the prayer requests and praises of today.
@Melanie, So happy for you!! Merry Christmas!!!
“They also responded in faith rather than being controlled by fear.” No matter what we may face each day, may we choose FAITH as Mary, Joseph, and so many other Biblical examples did!
MELANIE, rejoicing with you for the confirmation of ‘no ‘cancer’!!!
HEIDI, my mind went down the same rabbit trail to the new Eden! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
SARAH D, continued prayers for you and how to get help for your anxiety.
ANGIE – :)
TINA, what a testimony!
So happy for you!!! Merry Christmas
Also today reminds me of Amy Grant’s song “Breath of Heaven” which was played at church on Sunday. I love the lyrics as they capture what Mary could have potentially be thinking as she was entrusted with this big role. I also wonder if Joseph felt the same way:
I have traveled many moonless nights
Cold and weary with a babe inside
And I wonder what I’ve done
Holy Father, You have come
And chosen me now to carry Your Son
I am waiting in a silent prayer
I am frightened by the load I bear
In a world as cold as stone
Must I walk this path alone?
Be with me now, be with me now
Breath of Heaven, hold me together
Be forever near me, breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness
Pour over me Your holiness for You are holy
Breath of Heaven
Do you wonder as you watch my face
If a wiser one should have had my place?
But I offer all I am
For the mercy of Your plan
Help me be strong, help me be, help me
I began this day a little despondent. The study book poses the question about how have I seen the Spirit of the Lord on display this holiday season. I was honestly sad. But God. Oh, he gently nudged my heart this morning and showed me through today’s devotionals, through your comments, and through a friend’s timely words….
Our hope is not in the worldly things that we can see with our eyes and hear with our ears. These things are passing away. But God, His promises are good. He is faithful and true.
I highly recommend heading over to HRT as well. The devotional is excellent also.
An excerpt:
“But it is also true that we live in a world with darkness, evil, sin, and death. We are still awaiting the second advent of Jesus, when all of the darkness is vanquished, once and for all. This, too, is our reality: hope and pain, our simultaneous experience.
Advent does not teach us to practice hope by telling fairy tales or by pretending the world isn’t really all that bad. Advent tells us the truth. There is great hope and great pain as we await the return of King Jesus.”
-HRT Brenton Lehman
Phew— every time I read Mary and Joseph’s stories, I’m always struck by my feeling of awe that they immediately said YES, LORD. I try to put myself in their place, especially Mary who was so young, and I don’t know what I would do. I know would be frightened if an angel appeared and I would have millions of questions. But her faith was such that she said yes. Joseph is the same. His faith has another layer because there was, I’m sure, a male ego to contend with thinking Mary had cheated on him. But the angel comes and Joseph is YES, LORD. No questions asked. May we all come to have faith like Mary and Joseph. And may we continue to have wonderful studies like this to guide us in our faith journey and growth. Be blessed friends. In the craziness of the season, may we all find time to stop, think of these two moments of faith and let that feeling fuel ours.
That is a good word for today!
Dear Searching, your “Nope”, definitely gave me pause. Thank you. From “Jesus Calling” today, “I am the Light from on high that dawns upon you, to guide your feet into the way of Peace.” My wish today is that we feel that peace and His light in our lives and that of our loved ones. Prayers for those requests.
MARIA DOBBS – I purchased a subscription years ago when I first joined SRT. I maintained it for several years. I did not use most of the format they suggested. I liked how on the Advent books that they add special things, and one book they had the devotionals with it also (that I really liked). Mostly I used it to write beside the scripture thoughts and revelations and kept notes about the SRT ladies I was praying for specifically at that time or wonderful things they shared. I have not purchased the subscription for the last year (as the books take a whole shelf in my library). I keep a digital copy of the devotions on my computer for each study along with my own sharing so that someday, if I, or my children choose to, they can go back through it. I do randomly purchase books for the studies I do not have yet. I guess I’m saying, if you can afford the books – enjoy them! If you cannot, the power isn’t in the books, it is in the Word of God and the community of believers and you can get that for free.
MELANIE – I was praying for you again as your post about your third check only being a cyst. Praise the Lord for His goodness.
VICTORIA – Days ago you wrote about gathering books for your little one. I prayed daily for my children from the books: The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian, Lord Bless My Child by William & Nancie Carmichael, and a sheet from BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) that listed specific ways to pray scripture over your child. I don’t know if anyone can access that through the website or if you have to be someone who attends. There were lots of other books I read to/with them, but these were a part of my prayers and journalling for them. Yes, I wrote my prayers for them notebooks. The heart words of a young mama were beautiful to look back on when the boys grew up, married, and moved on. Lots of things I had forgotten that I was reminded of. You have such a beautiful heart for God. I think you are going to be a wonderful mom.
SARA D. – May God be “in your face” with His peace and presence so that what you see if Him and that focus would push the anxiety to the side. A godly woman once told me that when negative/unfaithful thoughts come into my mind to visualize myself putting them in a specific trash can. She said to do it over and over as often as necessary. During an especially difficult time I felt like it was happening multiple times a day. Then one day I realized it hadn’t happened even once. Several days passed. Choosing faith had overcome fear and heartache. I don’t know if that will help but, it made all the difference for me.
CRISTINA HIGGINS – I’m praying for you. Loss simply hurts. May God’s peace and presence guide you through and bring healing. I am sorry for your heartache.
CEEGEE – I love Hallelujah Christmas also!!! Two other favorites are: I Still Believe in Christmas by Anne Wilson andHappy Birthday Jesus by Alabama.
CHURCHMOUSE – I’ll be repeating to myself “the only proper response is to bow and say ‘yes’ to our God.” I know your wording was slightly different, but still profound. Thanks!
SARAH D- I’ve been there. It’s so so tough- and also lead to physical issues, depression eventually. Yes seek help. Seek GOOD, certified, Godly counsel. Have you searched through/figured out the source of the anxiety? Not that you need to post it here, I’m just saying, figuring out if the root is something you’re possibly carrying within you OR if it’s coming from a work environment issue… I hate that you’re feeling this because I know it so so well. I hope you’re memorizing scripture and taking thoughts captive. Claiming His full goodness and peace over your mind and person. I hope counseling can fit into your schedule and budget… it’s so valuable:) :)
Ahhh… “They will not harm or destroy each other…”… the wolf and the lamb, the lion and the calf, the child and the cobra… They will not harm or destroy each other. That concept is in such opposition to the world we live in. One where people LOOK for reason to cause harm, working out their own unresolved trauma on others. The whole “hurt people hurt people” has never been more true or present I feel like. I long so deeply for us all to experience that kind of “Garden of Eden peace”, as I tend to refer to it as.
My prayer today- that we all be as intentional as we possibly can to FIND multiple opportunities to create that kind of peace, through The Power at work within us. To intentionally choose not to destroy, AND to instead engage, encourage, give hope. Most especially to that person who is least deserving. That’s who needs it. That person already understands judgement and wrath and pain- but I guarantee you this: they have zero experience or concept of forgiveness, mercy, LOVE. Remembering the whole time that THAT is exactly what Christ did for each of us. He saw me (you) living in hurt, pain, unforgiveness, with NO concept of anything different- and he demonstrated different. And loved unconditionally. And forgave without limit. That right there- THAT is the hope the world is dying for.
Thank you all for your prayers!! I cried a little this morning because I think the constantly being anxious at work is just getting to me. It’s overwhelming and I wish it would go away!! I texted my mom letting her know how I’ve been feeling, and I think I may ask to see if they’d help pay for Christian counseling. I may be able to afford it, but we’ll see. I feel Iike it would be really beneficial, and it’s been on my mind for awhile. The anxiety is to the point where it affects me physically too, so I think counseling would be really helpful. Definitely using God’s Word as my first line of offense/defense in combating the lies with his truth. Love you all and praying for the requests mentioned!!
What great news MELANIE! :) God is present and good – when it’s a positive diagnosis AND a negative one… and so glad you can experience His goodness with the negative diagnosis.
Faith over Fear. It’s how we need to remember how to live every day
Thank you for sharing!!! Sending hugs your way!!❤️❤️
Loved today’s devotion so much! May I choose to trust the Lord in ALL things today <3
@Sarah D praying for you!
@Melanie praising God with you that it is only a cyst
@Tina thank you for your amazing testimony! I know how many of us love hearing your "But God" stories and how encouraging they are to all of us!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! <3
Thank you for praying. After another mammogram I had to do the ultrasound. They determined it’s a cyst no cancer. Praise God. Thank you for carrying the burden with me I could sense peace
Love Erin’s last 2 sentences especially – minding the gap between facts and faith, and choosing to trust the Lord, today and every day.
DOROTHY – I love that song – Mary Did You Know? I think of her obedience (and Joseph’s), of looking back as they got older at the impact of Christ’s birth and how it all played out as total fulfillment of prophecy. Wow.
MARIA DOBBS- I think the Reflections and other extras in the books help us get deeper into our studies, to stop and think through the questions, makes notes of our own thoughts, comments, prayer requests & answers, to have it all in one place for possible future reference or review. I have a tendency to check the boxes, did I read the Scripture? Yes. Did I read the devotion? Yes. Did I read comments and pray for needs? Yes. Did I take any time to think through and pray about what the Lord wanted me to see and learn this day, to sit in His presence? …. many times the answer to this is Nope, when all I’ve done are the tasks and moved on to something else, rather than treated this material as a Bible STUDY vs an assignment I’m trying to be done with. Yikes.
MARY BROWN – agree with you about some of the wording in various translations. I often compare it to a translation I prefer, such as NKJV or NIV, and KJV when it’s a familiar passage from my earlier years. My prayer is that the modernization may “click” with younger generations and help them to learn what we know – God’s Word never changes, is always relevant and provides the guidance we need daily.
CHURCHMOUSE – I smile every time I see your name, thankful you are back, prayed for your health and well being while you were taking a break.
Praying for:
MELANIE – mammogram and next steps needed, if any.
EVE-MARIE – Sydney and family
SARAH D – relief from anxiety
It’s no small thing to encounter an angel. It’s certainly not common. Mary and Joseph were both wise enough to pay attention to what their respective angels said. An angelic visitation compels obedience because, well, these are not ordinary occurrences. I may never have a vision of an angel but I do have the Word of God. If an angel compels obedience, how much more the full revelation of God?
Trusting /minding “the gap” between the facts I have and responding in faith. This really helped me place my trust in God in a fresh way. Emmanuel- God WITH us. ❤️
I loved how Erin said “As we open our eyes each morning, may the matter be settled in our hearts: we will choose to trust the Lord.”
I loved how Erin said “As we open our eyes each morning, may the matter be settled in our hearts: we will.
Tina! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I wish so much that I could give you a big hug and share a hot beverage with you. Merry Christmas to you and all you SRT women of God. I pray each of you see God working in your lives today. Ps 119:18 Open my eyes Lord.
TINA – what a blessing God gave you! Thank you for sharing how He moved on your behalf. Thank you for your faithfulness and openness to Him.
And Amen
The realisation thst I had seen an angel had me dancing and singing praise! I say realisation because it took a day and a sequence of events for me to re aline my self, mind, heart and soul..
He knew, He cared and I believe He even trusted the heartbroken mama, who was still raw from her loss, she would have done anything to see, speak, hold her child one more time..
Reluctantly, I went to church that Pentecost Sunday. My heart was sour, I was feeling the ache of my girls birthdsy approaching and her not being here!
I hardly heard anything the pastor said, but what I did hear was “..put out your hands as though you are expectant..” With a stubborn and an’ I really don’t want to do this heart, I put my hands out! No sooner had I put them out, there stood in front of me an Angel! I wish he had said as it is said 365 times in the Bible “Fear not”, (I wonder what I would gave done), heart pouding I opened my eyes, and in that split second, confused and fear filled I left the church! I visited my older son, so I could hug the babies, who always had a way of making things right..After hugs, I was leaving when my son told me my daughters friends had visited a clairvoyant and she had come through! My heart racing and even more scared, I got in my car, holding the steering wheel so tight I prayed all the way home! Home, I fed the dog, quick walk, all the while praying, and into bed fully clothed!
Morning came, and on opening my eyes, my first thought was my daughters coming through. Somehow managed to shower, change and make my way to work via the newspaper office where o was to place an ad of birthday wishes in heaven. I met the mother of the friend who went to visit the clairvoyant..”lovely that Julee came through the other day..” I couldn’t cope cope, I left. At work a friend asked me how I was.. can you guess my response? I’m fine! Heart is doing somersaults, body is about to explode, and my response is “I’m fine”
So very thankful He is closer than we could ever imagine.
I felt to say to her, ..”actually I’m not..” told her everything that had happened from visiting my son until I sat at my desk. She scooped me up, and said she was going to take me to someone who could help me..
I probably need to tell you at this point, I work for the local church! Praise God, absolutely from whom ALL blessings flow.
When I met with the lady, I recounted the events to her, she said.. “okay, let’s pray for your heart to know peace, then we will pray for God to send an Angel to watch over you..”
I tell you, the penny dropped in that moment, I shouted”.. oh my goodness He already has..” doing the victory dance, I told of my ‘visitation’
He had gone ahead, preparing the way for me to see His goodness and absolute mercy in due course.
I think I knew, it just wasn’t open enough, TRUST ME, I am now!
Thank you Lord God, Thank you!
Systers, I have taken a chunk of your time.. so sorry, I felt to share God’s goodness, graciousness and love and the hope He brings ..
May you know His presence today as you go about your day.. hugs to all❤
Thank you for sharing. Beautiful story. But God….