Amazing Grace

Open Your Bible

Romans 5:20-21, Luke 15:1-10, Ephesians 2:4-9, John 9:25

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.

I’m running on about two hours of sleep today.

I’m almost seven months pregnant, and I’ve been away from home for the past five days working. I’m doing work that I love, but today I miss my little girl. I miss my husband. I miss my community. I missed Mother’s Day and my little sister’s birthday. And now—because of a flight delay—I’m even missing out on the morning I was supposed to get to celebrate my sister before we pick up my daughter at school. On top of it all, I’m writing this in the back row of an airplane that does not recline, next to a man who does not seem to notice or care that I am pregnant because he’s taking up about half of my seat with his elbow room. For some reason, his lack of concern that I have any space at all, even though I am technically two people right now, is what has sent me over the edge.

The tears are flowing—which is fine, since said man next to me is paying no attention at all. I am maxed out. Spent. Exhausted. I can feel the discontent rising up in my heart. It sounds like inaudible curse words that I want to spit in anger towards this man next to me hogging the armrest.

I know part of this is due to lack of sleep, but I also know that deep down, it is a heart issue for me. I have gone too hard for too long, and once again, I have tried to do too much of this life in my own strength. Yet here is the Lord in His kindness, reminding me to write about His amazing grace. I am cursing in my heart at a stranger, and God is calling me deeper into His grace—to receive it for myself, and to repent and offer it to those around me, even the armrest bullies. He is calling me to believe the truth of Romans 5:20: where sin abounds, grace abounds even more.

I am ashamed of my gut reaction to my circumstances and grieved by my lack of gratitude, my fierce desire for independence, and my pride. But God loves me enough to meet me in my heart’s sickness (Jer 17:9). He leads me to write about His grace today that I might experience it again-—with eyes refreshed and sight regained (Jn 9:25). Amazing.

So what does grace sound like?

From where I sit in the back of this airplane, it sounds like the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit asking me to let go of my anger, admit my weakness, and allow Him to replace my deficit with the surplus of His love. It sounds like God seeking me with His truth when I am lost in my sin (Luke 15). It sounds like God beckoning me to write about this strong, old hymn-—even when I’m feeling more wretched than redeemed—so I can experience, once again, the beauty and power and relief of His grace washing over me.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved.

It is because of God’s grace that I am able to see my weakness, my pride, and my not-enough. It is His grace that is more than enough to meet and cover me in all my broken, messy places (2 Cor 12:9). And it is His grace that brings me rest, as He tenderly instructs my heart to worship Him alone (Ps 86:11).

Dear sisters, there is unmerited, undeserved, and unbridled grace for us today and every day. It sounds like an invitation to rest in Jesus. It sounds like this beautiful, old song—a song we get to sing today, tomorrow and forever! And that truly is amazing.

Father, would You continue to show me the offensive ways in my heart, that I may see my deep need of Your grace and know more deeply Your great sufficiency to meet my every need. Amen.


Amazing Grace
John Newton, 1779

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!

The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come;
‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we first begun.



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293 thoughts on "Amazing Grace"

  1. SusieMarie Howe says:

    I need to hear this each day!

  2. Gabrielle Vanderwolf says:

    Amen thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your amazing grace that saved wretches like us, thank you for making us your own covered in your lavish love, unending grace, everlasting mercy and innumerable peace by your Holy Spirit thank you so much Lord for everything in Jesus name Amen

  3. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I need to read this devotional every single day. This was so sweetly convicting and encouraging. Wow!

  4. Lydia Poteat says:

    Amazing grace… how sweet the sound!

  5. Jamie Raab says:

    I love these—I read the scripture and the devotional and then search Apple Music and listen to a few different versions of the hymn as I read the words. I love the old hymns. So much biblical truth in the lyrics.

  6. Stephanie Theel says:

    This post is so beautifully relatable. I love that God worked a redeeming message through these circumstances, not only to Ellie’s heart, but in mine. I’m in a testing spot in life this week/today and this devotion reminded me that the grace of God is not just accessible but sufficient. It isn’t just for the “when I first believed” but for those who are daily still learning to believe the miracle and magnitude of the grace embodied in the Cross. I needed this today!

  7. Catherine Bender says:

    I can relate to having a fierce desire for independence AND pride. I am continually asking for forgiveness, and receiving it as Jesus paid for it all with his precious blood. And each time I realize how deep it goes and it really grieves me. But I know He’s working things in me through this and that His Grace super abounds towards me as a believer. I’m super humbled by His great love for me and His endless grace!

  8. Dotty says:

    I’m shocekd that I found this info so easily.

  9. Kisha N says:

    Going too hard for too long is something I’m familiar with. And, God has given me time to rest and then I become anxious and restless. I pray to see his hand in my downtime and too see that his grace will cover me now and forever.

  10. Sarah Kate says:

    Love the in-app music player!!!

  11. Karen says:

    How refreshing!

  12. Kevinsgal says:

    God’s grace is needed every day. I think we all struggle with being patient, feeling over whelmed and being treated poorly at times.It’s so good to stop and listen to hymns so they can focus us back to Gods truths- With God we are on His perfect timing, we can do anything or handle anything and we are splendid in His eyes! I have to remind myself this all the time, when I let life bog me down, must always remember what grace I have been blessed with in the Lords love!

  13. Grace says:

    It’s amazing how in the toughest of times, God’s word speaks the most.

  14. Rachel says:

    I need your grave Jesus! I’m so thankful that you don’t give up on us. That you keep working onus. Amen!

  15. Sherri Iamaio says:

    Thankful that God doesn’t leave us in our sin, for His Holy Spirit that instructs and convicts our hearts, and for the abounding gift of grace that we do not deserve. He is so good to us.

  16. Anna says:

    This spoke right to me. It’s my birthday. I received two cards – one from my mum and one from my husband, who is at work and working away from this afternoon. I feel sad and disappointed, but ashamed I feel this way. I should not be focuses so much on myself! The Lord is gracious and gives me so much more than I deserve! I deserve nothing and still he has given! He has given me eternal life and if that’s not something to celebrate and rejoice about, I don’t know what is. So I’ll dry those tears and thank Him for his gift of grace and life.

    1. Claire says:

      Belated Happy birthday…may you know God’s immeasurable love for you.

    2. Aggie says:

      Very true Anna :)

  17. Lisa says:

    His grace is sufficient. It is,in fact, amazing. When I have run so far and can’t see my way home, He uses people, songs, devotionals I randomly downloaded late at night after a long day at work, and sweet written Truths to remind me of His loving, saving goodness. Thanks, Ellie for being vulnerable and present in your dark moments to speak life into so many others.

  18. Keely Simmons says:

    I love this! It is so important to understand that God’s grace is free!

  19. Alicia says:

    great reminder!

  20. Shelby Hancock says:

    Gods amazing grace for us!!!

  21. Amazing.. And being able to listen to the song as I read the devotional … It really helps to put you in the right mindset and put you “in the zone” I guess you could say. This is exactly what I needed to hear.

  22. Abigail says:

    WOW! What a amazed lesson that I have learning today!

  23. Carolyn says:

    One of my very favorites.

  24. Julia says:

    This was exactly what I needed to read this morning. Grace that is greater than all my sin. I know that’s a different hymn, but it kept running through my head as I read this.

  25. Jordan says:

    This is what I needed to read today. Going to try to finish this devo and possibly read others(:

  26. Hannah Sapp says:

    Praising God that he renews our minds to continually remember His grace is more abundant.

  27. Rachelle says:

    I am just discovering this study. So timely and so refreshing to the soul. Thank you.

  28. Chloe Young says:

    What I needed today.

  29. Alicia K says:

    God is shining a light on old wounds and the limp that caused them. Grace feels so far when you have gone the sinful road of playing it too safe for 3 years. I know I’m the lost sheep that was once a part of the fold – I needed the reminder that Jesus will search and find me, even rejoice and bring me back.

    1. Phylicia says:

      This was a beautiful depth of honesty and reminded me so much of my own journey; how He kept fighting for me, found me, and brought me home. Thank you for this reminder! May I never forget and wander again

  30. Jessica Girado says:

    Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Thank you, Lord, for chasing us relentlessly and for giving us your amazing grace.

  31. Klava says:

    Amazing post! Thank you for the gentle reminder, God is so GOOD!

  32. Devin says:

    So grateful for his love for me.

  33. Mary Beth says:

    I so often resign myself to my weaknesses. But, here, I am reminded that Jesus comes after me in my weaknesses, just as He did when I was lost completely…to show me His great love, His great grace, His ability to redeem totally. What a necessary and needed reminder for my soul to let Jesus take me up in my weaknesses and fill me with His grace, rather than live weakly in my own strength.

  34. Summer Swearingen says:

    Really needed to read this tonight. I’ve been so selfish lately. Gods grace is enough!

  35. Reminds me that Jesus Grace is possible in every situation to show us being grateful is always His way. Awesome!

  36. Brittany says:

    I just had a rather sleepless night and I woke up ungrateful for the sleep I did get, complaining about my kids who both woke up in the middle of the night, and angry at my husband because he gets to go to sleep when he gets home from work this morning. What a timely reminder to me that God is gracious and I have nothing to complain about. He has extended grace to me far beyond what I deserve. This is a new day, full of God’s grace already. He let me wake up healthy. He let my little boy wake up healthy. He brought my husband home from work safely. He has caused a beautiful sunrise this morning. And He has given me the gift of hot coffee! What amazing grace indeed!

  37. Molly says:

    From someone struggling in a heartache in relationship loss, I took this as a moment to remember that even though I may be lost now. I will be found.

  38. jillian says:

    his unremarkable grace is unfailing and I can’t believe that we take that for granted sometimes.

  39. Seeker3 says:

    I enjoyed her candor on the airplane experience. I am just hanging onto this gift. Grace.

  40. Kelly says:

    I needed this too! Mary your comment really touched me because I’m about to move (1/100 the distance you did). And with everything up in the air I’m just praying it mostly falls into place.

  41. Wendy says:

    I feel it totally.

  42. Angela says:

    It’s crazy to know that no one is beyond saving. Everyone I talk to is in need of God and no one is too good for Him.

  43. Drakia says:

    Hang in there Mary! God has you!

  44. Mary says:

    “I have been hard for too long…” That really struck me, as I feel the same way. After a horrible 2,000 mile move, new jobs turning out to be a total bust, and even a month-long separation from my husband this summer, I am feeling like I’ve been beaten to an emotional pulp and I just want a fresh start so badly. This encouragement is exactly what I needed today. Thank you!

    1. Marisa says:

      I feel you, Mary! I am in a similar situation now and sometimes it feels like I just can’t win. But then I remember how God is our strength when we are weak, and how He will bring us back into His Loving arms always.

  45. Sharla says:

    I needed Ellie’s words as much as the scripture that came before it. Struggling through forgiveness right now. Thank you for you words of encouragement and for the promise of grace.

  46. Amiee says:

    Everything Ellie wrote about needing grace is a constant battle for me. With a very high stress job I need the Lord’s grace more than I can put in to words.

  47. Martha says:

    Because of grace fear is gone. Because of grace my hope is renewed. Because of grace I chose to praise him in my darkest moments. When failure is present and shame entangles, it’s because of grace I can move on. Thank you Jesus for your amazing grace

    1. Chels says:

      Beautifully said

  48. Gracie Miller says:


  49. Megan says:

    Wow, imagine if we treated others with that grace!!

  50. Carolann says:

    This was inspiring for me to read today. I know I need God’s grace so desperately. I am thankful that he reminds me in such subtle ways that he is on my side no matter what my circumstance may be. I need grace and I need to trust God’s hand in my life. And today, that is my prayer.

  51. I find myself often internally debating the topic of grace. Because of my past, believing in such grace is often a struggle and truthfully I let my heart grow cold and self reliant. My struggle is also letting go of pride and admitting I need that grace; that I can trust it. Even still, I am so thankful for encouraging words like these and the precious reminder that God really offers grace even to me. He loves me and calls me to a greater gift, that I’ll never understand

  52. Hillary says:

    I needed these words to remind me that I did not save myself! I am so unclean and unworthy without Christ’s blood and yet still He calls me worthy! He saved me! There’s nothing I could have done to earn eternity with Him. And even still when I screw up He shows me truth, convicts me of my wrongs and pours out His love and mercy!

    Lord, smack down my pride. It’s not what I do, wrong or right but what you have done! Praise the name of the Lord forever for He is so so so good!!

  53. Mandi says:

    I feel caught sometimes between wanting to go back to my old ways and performing the acts of God that I know are right. I just feel like living this life is too hard. I snap out of it and let myself know it’s SO worth it, 100 times over. But it’s exhausting to think about sometimes and I feel shameful for ever thinking that.

  54. Amylou says:

    My heart is burdened with the everyday trials. It is strange how they pile up when you don’t lay them on the altar. It feels like forever since I’ve done that. I needed this devotional to remind me to accept my humanity for what it is and to seek God’s guidance and grace to patch up the rough spaces in my mind and heart.

  55. Kylee says:

    Prayers for peace & rest are coming your way, Tiffany!

  56. Tiffany says:

    It’s funny how God truly works. I have been so stressed with life lately that it has taken effect on my physical health. Tonight and as I cried my eyes out on that alter all I wanted was to feel His Grace! Beautiful words! Thank you!

  57. Sel says:

    I’ve really been having struggles this past week. Getting ready to come back to school, having car troubles and just lots of stress in my head. I haven’t been trusting God to put his work into the things that have been going wrong and asking him to take control. I have felt like he hasn’t helped calm me and take weight off my shoulders but it’s really me who’s adding more weight. I haven’t gone to God for all of this and reading this devotion is exactly what I needed. I need to clear my heart of anger and frustration and let him come in and guide me through this.

    1. Mandi says:

      This life can be very stressful and we sometimes think we need to take care of everything ourselves. God’s got our backs. He’s always ready to help us. Also- writing down a list of things that are troubling and stressing me out helps me. It helps me mentally to organize and put things in perspective. Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves with stuff that really is just a lot of minor work.

    2. Abigail says:

      Sorry it’s kinda late, but there is a song that I love! It’s called shoulders by For King and Country

  58. Megan says:

    I’m going through a really tough time right now. Just married, graduated with a BSN…but can’t pass the NCLEX. I’ve turned away from God in anger because I fee he let me down but I know he will never let me down and that sometimes his answer is “no”. I really need to pass this test and I’m scheduled to take it on September -1st. Please pray.

    1. Alex says:

      Praying for you, Megan. May God give you peace in your heart with whatever path He leads you to. Remember, every thing in our lives that happens Is for His Glory :) Trust Him.

  59. Wendy says:

    In the past year, I’ve really backslid den, despite teaching SUNDAY a school and Youth Group. Just last week I decided, by the grace of God, to take a year off of both so that I can feed and nourish my soul once again. Just yesterday, I downloaded a devotional, and then a teenaged friend posted about this one! I’m thankful for the way the Lord provides. And it’s amazing how much more we see His hand when we actually look for it! His grace is sufficient for me!

  60. Stephanie says:

    I’ve honestly never given thought to the fact that when I am tired and at the end of my rope from exerting myself too strongly that I can reach out to our great Savior for rest and refreshment. This gave me a new perspective for those days when everything is happening at once and I’ve put more on my plate than I can handle. I’m reassured knowing God is just an outcry away.

  61. Kylee says:

    Tears, just tears! Thank you Ellie for your beautiful honesty & wonderfully told story of Grace.

  62. Abbey Sullivan says:

    What a beautiful reminder that it is already done, I am already redeemed. Jesus paid my debt. I don’t need to do works to earn grace. Instead, I can live to show others the gospel and experience this freedom.

  63. Jacqui Witt says:

    He totally knew what needed to hear this morning. God is so good to gently pull us back to Him. Showing this real grace is my aim.

  64. Sabrina says:

    Amazing grace! Not by our own merits but by His immeasurable love and mercy we are saved! What complaints can we possibly have when we have God’s amazing grace to lead us?!

  65. Jamie says:

    Thank God for His amazing grace! I sometimes forget that His grace is not given because of the things I do but because of what He already did!

  66. Hailey Lyerly says:

    So thankful to be pursued and to be given such unending love and grace. I do not deserve it but Jesus I thank you!!!

  67. Claire says:

    Love ALWAYS outrules sin- even if it seems the opposite in the moment

  68. Liz says:

    We had a Devo this morning at work in pride. And this again speaks to my pride and shows me that I strive for independence and to do it all myself. How prideful I am! And I am soo thankful for His great grace to show that to me. To draw me nearer by showing my need for Him and His grace. Now I just need to learn to rest there. And not let my pride hold me back from receiving His grace.

  69. Christine says:

    Laying awake at 4am. I also have been trying to go too long and hard on my own. I’m full of pride and selfish desires I needed to be reminded about the hope that prevails for a “wretch” like me. God loves me enough to meet me in my heart’s sickness (Jer 17:9) and His grace my hope secures.

  70. Andrea161999 says:

    Thank you Lord for constantlly breaking apart my pride and reminding me that without you I am nothing!

  71. Wow! What an amazing devo!
    This one had me in tears today. Just that fact of the unending love and grace that Christ gives freely to me… I am so incredibly humbled and thankful. To live a life in true freedom as we can in Christ- what an amazing gift!!

  72. Hayley says:

    I was reminded so much yesterday how much grace we actually need… And how much God actually gives. We are so undeserving. Thankful for our giant Father.

  73. Nichole says:

    Yesterday while driving a man not paying attention honked at me for his mistake. He then continued to drive on my tail and was angry at me. He tried to scare my by acting like he was following me. And in my heart I wanted this man to have the worse day. Get pulled over. Get into an accident for what he was putting me through. Then God spoke to me and said I love this man. I fought back and forth for a little and then prayed my heart be changed. My pastors wife sent me this app this morning and said she was reading the hymns one. I figured I’d take a look and I’m so glad I did.

    1. Kathryn says:

      I often get frustrated with my family. My sisters and I often fight and it leads to mean and hurtful words leaving my mouth in order to hurt them. I usually realize after the fact how awful that was. I take God for granted so often it’s scary yet he is always there willing to give grace and love. I’m so thankful for Him!

  74. Tizzy says:

    I often feel like I’m this horrible person when I feel some of the things she mentioned in his devotional. Thank you for reminding me I am human and in need of His grace but I’m not alone in the battle!

  75. Clarissa says:

    In my 4:00 restlessness i found and downloaded this app. I love the old hymns and am impressed again by the grace and hope this song gives… Thank you Jesus…

  76. LydiaG says:

    I just found this app…PTL…I have just started to strengthen my walk with The Lord. I have turned my back on The Lord for so many years. The devil reminds me everyday of my past. I struggle constantly to remind myself of Gods Amazing Grace! It’s nice to hear everyone struggles. That’s what Gods grace is all about! This was just what I needed to hear today! ❤️

  77. Meredith Heber says:

    Absolutely encouraged by this today. Grace abounds! I am so thankful for this truth.

  78. Milena Valdes says:

    Amazing Grace! God is so wonderful! Everyday we are surrounded by difficult situations, but it is His Amazing Grace which sets us free and let’s us live on forever! Thanks for sharing! Ellie, this was a motivating story.

  79. Johanna says:

    A great reminder. His grace is already ours!

  80. Betsy Cooley says:

    Very relatable! Thank you for sharing, Ellie.

  81. MrsWalton88 says:

    Amazing grace! Two wonderful words.

  82. Tamara LaCroix says:

    God woke me up at 3 am to remind me of His great grace. Alleluia

  83. Whitney says:

    Amazing. Grace. Praise Jesus!

  84. Elizabeth says:

    So thankful for his grace. Was going through a lot. But he helped me. ❤️ He is amazing!

  85. Angela says:

    tears flowing down my eyes, knowing my Father's Love for me as I read this morning's devotion. Thank You Jesus.

  86. Madison says:

    This was just what I needed today, I was driving to a concert with my mom and I was so frustrated with her but this has relaxed my anger. Now I am content and enjoy the concert God has blessed with beautiful weather.

  87. Ashley says:

    Before I was a follower of Christ, the song Amazing Grace always brought tears of sadness to me. One day, I angrily turned off the song while my mom was listening to it in the car. She asked why and I told her it was too sad of a song. She looked at me and said, “I pray one day you will see how happy of a song this it. That’s when you’ll know the Holy Spirit is in you”. NEVER mess with a praying mom- it worked! Haha through some trials and difficulties I understood what grace was all about and accepted Christ into my life! This song holds such a special and precious spot in my heart, as well as my “story”. My daughter, Grace, is now 4 and a constant reminder of Gods grace in my life :)

  88. Anna Beth says:

    I love that song

  89. Bethany says:

    I like how Ellie put our need for grace into a present day context. I love the song Amazing Grace, but it seems always like the emphasis is put on the past, what grace has already done for us on conversion. But we need grace every day, even as “old” believers. We need grace poured out on us just as much as the new believer next to us. Grace is what makes Jesus look so beautiful.

  90. Mikayla Baker says:

    This was almost a tear jerker. I feel Ya on this one. Sometimes the last thing you want to extend is grace, much too often would I rather lend a fist or a bad tone than grace. Thank you for writing this with such openess that we can learn from your vulnerability. Thank you Lord, let us all find grace to give grace through you. We love you! Amen.

  91. Allison says:

    I needed this reminder. Sometimes I let myself get calloused and treat His grace like it’s ordinary. But it’s not! It’s incredible. It never wavers, even when I do.

  92. Victoria says:

    (Romans 5:20: where sin abounds, grace abounds even more.) I LOVE this! How awesome and abundantly zealous God is to never cease to cover us regardless of our short comings. His grace erases sin because of His death and yet I wonder how God can choose to rejoice over saving me? How quickly I can become the lost sheep in the parable. But then I remember His love, mercy, and righteousness surpass what anyone can comprehend. That’s the God I serve and only in Him will I boast.

    1. Bethany says:

      I loved the use of this verse in the devotional! I got to see the verse in a new context, and I think it will help me look at the sin I experience throughout my day in a different way.

  93. Julie says:

    So thankful that His grace is new every morning…. unconditional and never-ending. It’s overwhelming to think about :)

  94. Olivia says:

    This was the best one yet! I love music and this makes me want to read the bible more

  95. Ellie says:

    :) thank you Lord

  96. Brittney Andersonb says:

    The Lord showed me so much grace through your post on grace. Thank you for allowing him to use you

  97. Tonya says:

    Always perfect timing. And such a great reminder that no matter where people were in this world’s history life has been a struggle and will be until Jesus returns to make things perfect. But. While we are here there is a hope and there is a comfort and by God’s grace there is a peace more mysterious than the earth staying on its axis that we can cling to and believe in. Sigh…

  98. Janelle says:

    Thank you Ellie for your honesty and these beautiful truths that I needed reminding of today! God bless you!

  99. Wendy says:

    This song was one of the favorites of my grandma. she died of cancer the last year and one day, when she felt “better” she started to singing this song full of faith and trusting in that amazing grace. I can only give thanks to the Lord for his grace ♥
    Ps: sorry for the English, I’m Latin and I’m just learning.

  100. Esther Horner says:

    God is so good. He loves us unconditionally.

  101. Drew says:

    Something I truly needed to read today, thank you all of you for shining out Gods love. God is so good

  102. Mykah says:

    This is something I needed and didn’t realize I needed it. No matter how low you are or how bad you think your mistakes are…they don’t define you. God forgives all. I forgot that for a long time and tried to cover up the guilt of one sin with the distraction and comfort another sin would offer. Going to God and asking for mercy and grace and forgiveness has more comfort than anything else I’ve been dabbling in. Turn to Him.

  103. Bri says:

    Thanks for being real, here. I know it takes courage to reveal weaknesses, but it gives me courage to do the same, which is the very essence of the word encouraging – giving courage to press on or do what's right.

  104. Angelene says:

    My life is broken and stressful right now and I need Gods grace right now so my sisters please pray for me

    1. Kortney says:


  105. Britt says:

    The reminder of grace right there when I need it ☺️

  106. Elana Gomez says:

    I’m learning to play this hymn on the accordion :).

  107. Angela D says:

    This post was a much needed reminder that we are not alone, God is always with us, even when we don’t feel it, he’s there. Thank you Jesus!

  108. Devan says:

    I love this post…. I really do. And I know that Gods grace is abundant and marvellous and I want it so desperately, but how do I transfer this head knowledge to my soul?

    1. Jenann27 says:

      Through prayer!

    2. Lily Blanchard says:


  109. The way God is working in my life right now!! First, the much needed on time Fruits of the Spirit lesson & now this! God is doing such a work in me & I give Him all the glory, honor, & praise as I learn to abide in Him ☺️

  110. Hales says:

    Love love love ♡

  111. Sarah says:

    Grace is able to meet and cover me in all the broken messy places. – yes. My life is broken and messy. And I need the grave that ABOUNDS MORE AND MORE. Amen.

  112. Tami says:

    Amazing grace how sweet the sound! Thank you for sharing your story….tears flowed as I read your experience and your faithfulness…God is awesome! May you be blessed!

  113. Laura says:

    To My Fellow Shes…
    I was planning on skipping the Hymns series. I'm not musical. It's not my favourite. But today, I decided I would start the series with Amazing Grace. I read the verses, and went for a morning run before reading the rest of the devotional. Midway through my run, is soul-less Shanghai, there was a Chinese man sitting by the river playing Amazing Grace on the saxophone. Unbelievable. I passed him and the tears started to roll and the Spirit was telling me "I am real and I am here". I felt the call to turn around and although I begged not to go, I was told I would not regret it. As I ran back I hoped he would not still be there, but as I approached I could hear the far off tunes of the sax. I ran past him. Again. Again I stopped and turned around. Again. And as I approached him, he was starting to disassemble his instrument. I said good morning in Chinese. He looked around and looked back to me confused as to whom I was speaking too. He spoke only a few words of English, so we switched to my very. very. very. broken Chinese. I told him the music was beautiful. He was honored and asked me to sing. I was already in submission, so not being a singer God pushed me one step further and I agreed. He played Amazing Grace. And I sang. Tears rolling off my face, fully drenched in Grace on the riverside of Shanghai. The experience was surreal, above this world. We parted ways and I continued on as God told me I am his… to not worry about all the life changes that are happening… he is using me. Thank you to all the shereadstruth community for allowing God to shine through you. When I returned home I read the rest of the Amazing Grace devotional. God shined. God is working. :)

    1. wendy says:

      oh how i love this. thank you for sharing.

    2. Jennifer White says:

      That is truly amazing! God is trying working! Amen amen!

    3. Haley says:

      Laura, this is so beautiful. God is working and delights in your obedience to Him. He loves you and I love that you shared your story, it has greatly encouraged me. Thank you.

    4. ally says:

      Thanks for Sharing this!!

    5. Jenann27 says:

      Beautiful example of how God meets us where we’re at to grow us in our spiritual maturity. Thank you for sharing! Your story encouraged me!

    6. ShannonNichole says:

      Such an awesome experience awaits when we submit to the still, small voice of God. Thank you for reminding me to do this so that I can fully enjoy what he has planned for me!

    7. Amanda says:

      Oh wow. God is good. Crying beautiful tears for you all the way from New Zealand. Isn’t He amazing. His grace is so sufficient, and it draws us near.

  114. oh Ellie, thank you. And I also thank you for your performance that was right around the time that you were writing this in Lancaster. You were/are used by God!!

  115. Christin says:

    Heading into finals and thankful for the reminder that I cannot accomplish anything through my own strength. Trying to rely on His grace today!

  116. Thanks for the encouragement to continue in God’s grace even in my broken and messy places❤️

    1. Julianne Fowler says:

      You are so loved. Praying. (:

  117. Laci says:

    “Too hard, too long, too much on my own strength.” That line is me. So thankful for God’s grace and mercy. So thankful for endless love.

  118. Crazy how God knows just what you need when you need it! I recently had to sing Amazing Grace as a part of an advanced choir audition that I’d tried out for twice before, but once again I didn’t make it. For the past few days I’ve been angry not primarily with God, but with the director, but even though I know these harsh thoughts I’ve had towards her aren’t God honoring, it’s comforting that God forgives me and He has a greater plan for me.

  119. Claire says:

    The final verse of this hymn is one of my favorites. It’s such a good reminder of how long His grace endures.

  120. thekholtz says:

    "I have gone too hard for too long, and once again, I have tried to do too much of this life in my own strength." – I can SO relate to this!

    This is such a great devotional. I get such terrible road rage so this is exactly what I needed!

    1. mum-of-four says:

      That was the same line that brought tears to my eyes. It has been a very rough year for my family and I’m struggling more than I ought because I’m trying to do it in my own strength, and failing.

      1. thekholtz says:

        Sending prayers your way mum-of-four!

  121. Taylor Lauren says:

    God’s grace is so prevalent in my everyday life. I am so blessed to have such a loving, wonderful Heavenly Father. He is my rock, and his grace is enough. Thank you Lord Jesus for your everlasting grace! Even when we are so undeserving- I thank you!

  122. Kendra says:

    I am so thankful for grace, I am so undeserving

  123. Wendy says:

    Thanks for your transparency, Ellie… for bringing His grace to sit beside me this morning. I think I have a harder time giving grace to the "armrest hogs" that I encounter than the really offensive, ugly, difficult people. It's somehow easier for me to forgive the patently glaring brokenness than the subtle selfishness and disregard. I'm sure glad Jesus doesn't take that attitude with me, because I am the armrest hog, aren't I? Thinking of my own needs, forgetting what's more important, disregarding, not esteeming… I really needed this visual today – and it will be one that stays with me as I think of the grace I HAVE and the grace I want to GIVE. Thank you for sharing you heart and calling me on.

  124. Amanda Chandler says:

    Thank you so much for following God’s lead in your life and writing this. I can relate to this in so many ways. I too and pregnant and have felt the exhaustion and defeat that sometimes comes with it. I truly believe that God had you write this to help me. I know others have benefited from it as well. Reading your honesty and heartfelt truth has given me hope and a renewed faith in God’s wonderfully amazing grace!

  125. Lesley says:

    As a new Christian, one of the biggest saving Graces for me has been to realize, accept and acknowledge that I am so very imperfect and yet I can turn to Him who is perfect…. The weight of trying to be perfect and failing so miserably, with no hope of redemption or Grace was a horrible, crushing place to be. I am so grateful every moment for the liberation and hope that has been granted, thru the Grace of our Lord and Saviour.
    Your story, Ellie, inspires because we see, in your honest humaness, that in Christ it is not the failures that are highlighted,but the opportunities to grow, to change, to make room for Love. Thank you for this wonderful, inspiring community of women loving the Lord the best we can!

  126. Jasmine says:

    Such an honest testimony and a beautiful song! I too thank you for bringing such beauty and light into such a classic hymn! ❤️

  127. Lisa says:

    Thank you. Such a grace and a balm this morning. (I’m nine months pregnant, and it was a dirty cheese grater in the sink this morning that was the last straw.) He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures!!!

  128. Candy says:

    Thank you, Ellie, for being real and honest. It is from that place that God speaks. Thankful for amazing grace!

  129. Shemma says:

    So it took me all day to read this. Between a new born and a toddler, a prayer meeting (or at least an attempt at one) cooking dinner and a couple of phone calls and wondering HOW DO WOMEN DO THIS??!! Because I can’t! But I read it! And I’m so glad I did. Not in my own strength- obviously that is not working- but by the Grace of God. Praying for a greater revelation on this for my own situation- thank you.

  130. jenncain says:

    I love that you are doing another hymns study for those of us who really use music to connect with God during devotional time. This is a beautiful arrangement of Amazing Grace.

  131. Laresa says:

    These are beautiful words to me this morning. I love, love, love the song, as well!

  132. cιєяяα says:

    Beautiful Ellie! God’s grace endures through so many of our hearts struggles. It is abounding.

  133. smithwendy62 says:

    I love how you wrote what you were feeling at that moment and acknowledge the power of the moment to teach and reach the future you. Wonderful!

  134. Kathy W says:

    I think of. His grace like the ocean, the tide keeps coming, and never stops. It cannot help but come, it’s the character of God towards His children. I love this new element with the music added so much, it has just blessed my socks off right now!

    1. Lovely imagery! Thanks for sharing!

  135. erin says:

    “what does grace sound like?” That question is going to be on my mind a lot today!

  136. Kaity says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us in honesty, Ellie! So thankful for the reminder of how badly and deeply we need to experience God’s grace in our own hearts and lives every single day.

  137. Lauren Forde says:

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU!!

  138. Ellie says:

    So blessed by your stories and your hearts shared here today sweet sisters! Thankful to be a “she” with each of you.

    1. Ida Pahus says:

      Thanks so much for sharing Ellie! You are really talented :)

    2. Taylor says:

      You’re a blessing to us!!!

  139. KT says:

    Loved this

  140. Randi-Paige Hall says:

    This is perfect. I definitely needed this today.

  141. Rachel says:

    I’ve heard this hymn so many times I’ve lost sight of how beautiful and meaningful it is. Thank you for bringing it back to life for me!

  142. Very powerful! And necessary!

  143. Julie says:

    He meets us in our heartsickness. I loved this thought exactly what I needed to hear today with all I’m facing.

  144. AngelaBristow says:

    What a beautiful version of Amazing Grace. So lovely to listen to as I read and let the message soak in. I needed this today so very much. Blessings, Sisters. Blessings.

  145. Laura A says:

    As I read this, I went and read John 9, because the story that verse 25 came from didn’t immediately pop into my head. In the story, Jesus spits in the dirt, rubs mud on this blind guy’s eyes, and then tells him to go wash it off. As I thought about this passage, Ellie’s story, and many instances of grace in my own life, I understand the paradox that God’s grace can be most clearly seen in the muddiest of circumstances. And I’m so thankful that in the times where I feel unclean or uncomfortable, I am invited into Jesus’ grace and rest.

    1. Madison says:

      That is a beautiful thought, thank you for sharing! I also love when reading a verse makes us go back to the Bible yearning to know more about His story!

    2. Jah's Daughter says:


  146. Mary says:

    “…eyes refreshed” I needed to read that today!

  147. Sesalieg says:

    I have been ill since…actually for the whole month of May! At such a special time in my sons life (he graduated from college) I was unable to participate in his festivities, MothersDay was out, my father in law passed, the very next week my sister got married. I live in Ohio, went to California for a week and the next week went to Atlanta. It’s no wonder my body shut down! Eventually I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. This was the first time I had ever been sick!
    I truly understand what the poster is saying! I’ve cried…had pity parties…everything! Once I realized that God is trying to tell me something…I actually began to heal! I need to make time for devotionals and really develop a relationship with God!
    Pray for me sisters as I embark on this quest!

  148. churchmouse says:

    Reading this now at the airport as my flight home is delayed. Just what this anxious mama needed! (but I am praying I do not sit in the last row with an armrest hogger! Lol)

  149. Rebecca says:

    I LOVED the first day! I’ve previously read both of the Hymn plans and enjoyed both of them so much! I’m glad I can continue to love them, and now can listen to the wonderful hymns that the lessons are about. This app is such a blessing to me. Thank you so much for encouraging women in such a great way!

  150. Patti says:

    Thank you Ellie for being so real, and sharing your “moment”, and how the Holy Spirit quieted you. I so recognize myself in your story. I thank God for His grace as I am reminded by your message. I am also thankful for the gift He has given to you in your sweet, sweet voice.

    1. Chandler says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this in spite of your hardship. Gods grace is a beautiful thing. Just what I needed.

  151. Ellyn says:

    Thank you for this wonderful app. How cool is it that amidst our crazy and hectic lives we can find quality God time even on our phones! Thank you!

  152. Just found #shereadstruth today. Got the app and am sharing your loveliness with a dear friend. Hymns III–what a timely devotional!

  153. Jenniwrengirl says:

    Good message and not what I was expecting so it had great impact! Thank you

  154. Becca says:

    I love this. His amazing grace is new every morning, every moment, and it’s through none of our own doing so that it’s only his strength that makes this work. I’m one to try and do too much in my own strength, and I need that grace more than once a day!

  155. Heather says:

    Beautiful, needed reminder today. I am not enough – but God is. His amazing grace is more than enough – a balm for my soul and a reminder that I’ve been safe thus far and will safely make it home. Praying God’s grace is manifest in me so that I can also bring it to the world around me.

  156. Kim Johns says:

    An invitation to rest in Jesus, what beautiful words xx

  157. Anna P says:

    This is beautiful and raw and real! Thank you for sharing! I need the Lord to look at my heart as well and realize how much Grace I really need! And to be thankful that he is so willing to give it!

  158. Courtney says:

    I’m sitting in my daughter’s to-be nursery rocking in the rocker and listening to the song and thinking. In about 8 weeks I will have this little life I will be responsible for and I can hardly handle my own life! Then I am reminded, “Tis grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.” Though my husband and I don’t have it all together, God’s grace will ultimately sustain us and our sweet daughter Abbigail. (By the way, she was kicking as Ellie sang. I guess she’s already an Ellie Holcomb fan like her mommy!)

  159. Chloe says:

    a friend of mine recommended starting this and I’m extremely glad she did!

  160. Diana a says:

    I’m having trouble with finding the music… Any suggestions?

    1. Kathy says:

      Make sure you updated your app in the last 24 hours. I found the music at the bottom of the daily scripture reading.

    2. shereadstruth says:

      Diana, if you're reading on the site, the music player is at the very bottom of today's post.

  161. LGLiz says:

    An invitation to rest. Thank you, Lord. Because, even though it is the hymn with which I put my children to sleep every night, it is so hard to have that rest or see that grace sometimes. Last night, for instance. I was so worry about my oldest son and some pattern of conduct I´ve been watching, that my husband and I had to stop and pray in our bed. And then I went to bed thinking about resting in him…and how gracious He is, and has been with me. And now, I read this. And I can´t stop laughing (with tears) and thinking how amazing grace I have receveived and how He definitely relieves my fears.

  162. Liz says:

    Today being Memorial Day and with a child in the military this was spot on for what I needed. So hard to let go and let God show me his plan sometimes. I feel that same sense of anger and lack of control as Ellie did on that airplane. I have found that God keeps calling me back to him and his small whisper. I am humbled.

  163. Brianna Cunningham says:

    First of all, I am so thankful that this study is free on the app! Thank you ladies for that! It’s a joy to engage in God’s word through it.

    I have been struggling to be consistent in the word recently and my sweet husband texted me this morning from work, reminding me to spend time alone with the Lord. I am feeling so refreshed after having done so. I’m freshly reminded of God’s grace and the truth of His never ending love for us. What inexpressible joy it is to be a child of the King! Thank you Ellie for the beautiful song and devotional. Your open transparency is so valuable and reaches so many people who are in the same place. Love you all.

  164. Samantha says:

    I love LOVE this devo! So happy for the honesty that reminds me, we are all in a process, and it’s only by His grace that we’ll make it through!

  165. Amazing you guys. Reading God’s Word with such meaningful and beautiful music in my ears, what a treat! Compelled to rest in and give out grace, and man I’m loving Ellie’s rendition of Amazing Grace. Wonderful for this Monday morning!

  166. Amen and amen!!! Grace. Let my heart absorb it, let my heart be gracious toward others. Grace. So beautiful.

  167. Jenny Austin says:

    Awesome first day!!! I am litterly crying….. I have not opened my Bible in months and today I finally did and soooo very happy I was in God’s word….. Grace – soooo humbled for God’s grace today, tomorrow, and forever……

  168. Such a great post, I cried and laughed right along with Ellie, mainly because I’ve been there. So good.

  169. Chrisy says:

    What a great post today! I really appreciate your honest heart. I can’t even begin to count how times I have felt this exact same way towards others and have had to pray for God to give me love and an abundance of grace for them. Also, I absolutely love your music!

  170. Beverly says:

    “It is because of God’s grace that I am able to see my weakness, my pride, and my not-enough. It is His grace that is more than enough to meet and cover me in all my broken, messy places (2 Cor 12:9). And it is His grace that brings me rest, as He tenderly instructs my heart to worship Him alone (Ps 86:11).”
    These words really spoke to my heart this morning (thank you, Ellie!)
    I had surprisingly never considered this aspect of God’s grace – that the pieces of unrest, discontentment, selfishness in my heart are actually opportunities for me to accurately see icky parts of myself and surrender them to Him so that He can lavish me with His grace. It is usually in these times of not enough and less than that I feel most vulnerable, insecure, prone to wonder and hide from Truth. But now it makes complete sense that these are the places He draws me to Himself to reveal His amazing grace. When I am at my weakest, He will be my strength.
    He is so good.

    1. Victoria K says:

      Amen Sister!

    2. Laura A says:

      As I read that section, I thought of another verse in 2 Corinthians that says: “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God” (2 Cor. 3:5). It’s yet another reminder that I don’t have to do it on my own. When I don’t feel like I’m doing my best in school, work, relationships, etc., I don’t have to buy into the lie that I’m not enough or not good enough. Jesus in me and through me makes me enough. And that is amazing grace!

  171. Cathy says:

    Exactly the reminder I needed- thanks Ellie for sharing encouraging and challenging us amidst your very hard day/week !!!

  172. Murphy says:

    Amazing indeed! Where sin increases, grace increases. What a sweet reminder and a beautiful recording by Ellie!

  173. angi says:

    Well the app (with the music update) only worked long enough to hear the song part-way. (And now plans and everything else is gone too.) Will pray this is resolved as I know I was really looking forward to it and are many other ladies.

    1. Gema says:

      Mine did that too, and then I discovered my app needed updating.
      The website must have been updating too.

      If all else fails, try restarting your device.

      Hope that helps!
      Blessings, SRT Sister!

    2. Jenny R says:

      It was glitchy this morning, seems good now. (If your purchased plans aren’t showing up on an iPhone, head to settings to restore purchases.)

    3. shereadstruth says:

      The site & app may have been lagging a bit with traffic this morning, but everything is working on our end. Try again! xo

  174. Sydonie570 says:

    These words are so beautifully written. So encouraging as I take the bus to work – trying to make decisions totally out of control. God’s grace surpasses everything. Thank you Lord for giving your grace so freely so that I can live in the beauty of your Holy Spirit.

  175. Kc says:

    So thankful for the gift of study with women, daily, together…and enriched with lovely talent.

  176. These exact words spoke to me today. I’ve been going too hard. For too long. And it’s been months since I opened this app – but felt led back there today. God is so good.

    1. Jenny Austin says:

      I am the same way…. Going going going and when I get ready for bed I pull out my iPad to,watch you tube to unwind….. But, I had off today and was Sooo excited to finally pull my Bible off the shelves, dust it off (so to speak) and open the pages off His Awesome quenching water and be refreshed again – with tears rolling down my face…… Thank you Jesus for grace over flowing like water…..

  177. Debbie says:

    Ahh yes, so thankful and blessed!

  178. Andrea says:

    I love this line: "allow Him to replace my deficit with the surplus of His love" so often I forget that no matter how sinful and ugly my heart, his love always abounds in excess!

    1. I also loved that line! It was a great reminder for me! Each day allow his love to replace my deficit!! Beautiful stuff!!

  179. hannahjiejie says:

    This. Yes. It's the theme-song of my life right now… and just yesterday the message was about grace. Grace isn't always relief, or release… sometimes we get to experience "uncomfortable grace," and through it all, He's with us. He doesn't always pick us up and carry us through the hard times but he is always WITH us through those seasons… what a good, good God. He transforms our hearts through this grace.

    1. Katie says:

      I love this Hannah. Such comfort in knowing He is always with us!

  180. First of all I love the music player! It makes it seem like we are all together worshipping with Ellie. It amazes me that every day His grace is new. Every day. How is that even possible? It was so powerful the way that Ellie repeated this truth multiple times. He does not stop loving us ever. What rest we can find in that hope!! This reality should do more than make us a better Christian. Indeed that progress is much much less important than our dependence upon Him. He did not merely come to help us be “better.” Jesus saved us so that we would be relying on Him fully and that we would see that need greater day by day. How beautiful that this grace is new every time we hear more about it! It never loses its life giving power.

  181. Lauren says:

    Ladies, if any of you have time I recommend watching the 2007 movie Amazing Grace. In the movie it shows the convicting and comforting power of this song. Thankful that God has supplied us all with awakening and truth through John Newton’s testimony in this song.

    The song itself shows the beauty of life in Christ and the history of the song shows the power of us witnessing to each other.

    What an incredible honor it is for us to be enabled by God himself to help build and serve his kingdom! May we all act in obedience in honoring God in the special ways he has called us to, like John Newton did when he left his old life to serve God and wrote Amazing Grace♡.

  182. Joyfullmom says:

    Great reminder for a new day! Love the in-app music player on my iPhone.

  183. Carol Walter says:

    I really needed this encouragement from Gods Word this morning.

  184. Kacey_Mama says:

    My deficit, His surplus. That’s some goodness and a great perspective for this new day!

    1. How powerful that where we lack He provides!

    2. aolani says:

      Yes! Exactly what stood out to me too. Thank You Lord!

  185. Sal says:

    The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.
    My hope is secure in His Word. He is enough, for all my days.
    I appreciate and love the music addition!! How thoughtful and generous to add the music player!

  186. KSJoySeeker says:

    I loved getting to listen to the song while reading the devotional. Thanks for your work to add this in–so neat!

  187. Kelli Beaver says:

    I prayed yesterday that God would be my heart’s gardener, finding the weeds, pulling them out gently and replacing them with His fruits. This speaks to the fact that Our God does not want to leave our hearts weedy! “God loves me enough to meet me in my heart’s sickness” and with beautiful, powerful, RELIEVING grace He brings about His beautiful plans. Thank you SRT for continually blessing. Can’t wait to keep going!

    1. What a beautiful prayer Kelli!!

    2. aolani says:

      Amen! Thank You Lord!

  188. amycook1939 says:

    wonderful reminder about how we need His grace and we need to show grace and compassion to others even when they least deserve it.

  189. Heather says:

    “But I also know that deep down, it is a heart issue for me.” Amen.

    1. Nancy says:

      Sorry Heather meant to hit the like button! I loved this also!

  190. Verna says:

    A beautiful reminder to start out the week! Love the accompanying music selections…thanks so much for making that available. I love it!

    1. Agreed!! The music rocks Verna!!

  191. Mady says:

    amen, amen amen
    just what i need this morning
    thank you,
    God bless you all!!

  192. Christina says:

    Just want to say I love this update with the music feature! Also I love your honesty Ellie, because I would probably be feeling the same way if I were in your shoes. Thanks for sharing your heart and pointing us to Jesus and His grace all the more.

  193. Veronica says:

    been following srt through email but so glad you mentioned the app the other day!! so excited to dig deeper on here and I just love hymns already!!!

  194. Ko says:

    What a beautiful way to walk into this Monday.

  195. joanne says:

    So thankful for this devotional, this song, and His amazing grace.

  196. m1cey says:

    Beautiful voice. Thank you. He answered, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” (‭John‬ ‭9‬:‭25‬ ESV) thank you Jesus.

  197. Kelly_Smith says:

    There are times when I am hanging out in the Promised Land, milk and honey flowing, the city walls are up, and the sun is shining. The weed of pride grows best under those conditions. I get the sense that I am good and life is good. I am enough and I have enough. God is gracious to not leave those weeds growing at my feet, tangling me up and preparing me for a fall. He allows emotional strain. He allows rain. He allows an interruption of my provisions, or a break in the wall. I am humbled, aware of my position and my need of Grace. I am so thankful for the good days. The rest is good for my soul. I am also thankful for the hard days; they remind me my need is deep and my Savior is great. "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved."

    1. Katie says:

      Beautiful words, Kelly. Loved this!

  198. Grace says:

    As my strength wanes from service, my heart was uplifted this morning as I opened God’s Word and focused my attention on His grace. I need an outpouring of His grace on a constant basis and yet so many times I choose to ignore His grace and crumble in my own strength. Thank you Lord for your grace and thank you SRT for sharing this with us today.

  199. Cattie says:

    Exactly what I needed! Reading this was like breathing again after the year I have had. “Relief” is the perfect word to describe what it’s like to let God’s grace into your worst secret places, where you fear there are things even God doesn’t want to touch or see. Where you fear he might find things that would make him dismiss you, abandon you, be disappointed with the mess you are. And then – like rain – he washes over it all with that grace, the blessing of forgiveness that just makes it all fall away, and you wonder what on earth made you ever believe any sin was so big he could not love you, any failure was so awful he could not fix it. Those moments of relief are so, so sweet and always available. No matter what garbage we get ourselves into (and we find some crazy messes to get tangled up in, don’t we!), God is there with us, able and willing (!!!) to pour out his love and forgiveness Yet. Again. That is truly *amazing grace.*

    1. Kelly_Smith says:

      Cattie, thank you for sharing such a personal experience of the gift of grace! Sometimes, when you get far away from your worst self, you forget how precious grace is. You helped me remember letting God into my "worst secret places." Those moments when grace is the only hope you have–amazing grace.

    2. Verna says:

      This is beautiful, Cattie! Thank you for sharing.

    3. Kelli Beaver says:

      Yes! Relief!!!!!

    4. Kendra says:

      Love this truth!

    5. Carrie Brown says:

      Thx for sharing Cattie..♡

  200. Dana says:

    Reading this in the early dark while I have so many questions and doubts and fears weighing on my heart as I contemplate next steps. God’s grace for this adventure is indeed unending. So blessed by the group of shes who read truth. And most especially by the One who loves and saves and speaks fresh breaths to weary hearts through His beloveds.

    1. Angelyn says:

      Dana, I’m right with you :) I’m in a place where I don’t know the next steps of my adventure. Thankful for our Father’s assurance.

  201. Leah says:

    Yes yes yes!!!

  202. Feynor says:

    She Reads Truth always knows just what I need to hear for the day. However, the music player (on Chrome, not the app) isn't working. Is it just me?

    1. Ecoughlin says:

      It's not working for me either. I'm on an iPad too which probably doesn't help.

      1. Raechel says:

        Probably a silly question, but have you updated since yesterday? That might be it! Hope you can get it going!!!

      2. Julie J says:

        It works for me on both my iPad and iPhone….I updated the app this morning.

    2. Monica says:

      Not working for me either. I'm on Chrome, and its fully updated. I set up an iTunes account, but received no confirmation email, and cannot log in. It's not recognizing any of my set-up info. Have been unable to listen to anything. ;-(

  203. tina says:

    A forever favourite….Every word touches my heart deeply and to my soul…

    Today..these words are the ones that are my comfort, my song….

    The Lord has promised good to me,
    His word my hope secures;
    He will my shield and portion be
    As long as life endures….

    Holding on to His promises of …Comfort…,Peace…, Joy…, Hope….and His sweet sweet Amazing Grace…today….as I celebrate my daughter's birthday….without her here …..

    Asking, if I may, for prayers today…for peace of heart, joy in soul, and Grace amazing to see the day through…

    Ellie, God bless you for this…spoke totally to an aching soul, a heart broken, and yet, knowing the Grace and love of a loving Father..Thank you…

    Sister's, singing of His Amazing Grace….and thanking Him for you….Be Blessed….Amazingly…xx

    1. KellyG says:

      Praying that you would feel His loving arms around you today, sweet Tina!

    2. Kelly_Smith says:

      Praying for you now and throughout today, Tina! It is easy to say God's grace is great, but it is in the pain of such a deep loss that one experiences its magnitude. Hugs of hope to you, sister!

    3. Libby says:

      Praying for you right now sweet Tina! Praying that through the sadness God shows you Joy! Hugs!

    4. Ellie says:

      Tina, praying for you as you ache for your girl. Praying you’ll sense His strong arms supporting you as you lean into Him. Thankful we’re not ever alone, even in our grief. Bless you.

    5. Rachel Escamilla says:

      Praying with and for you today. Praying you feel God’s Amazing Grace full you with love and comfort.

  204. Shelly says:

    What a beautiful song and devotion. Thank you.

  205. melindawatters says:

    Amazing grace how sweet the sound and experience. I could. So relate to the emotional space you were in on that plane, Ellie. That has been me to a T lately as i walk may way through my last weeks here in West Africa, preparing for transition back to the U.S. I am so grateful for God's abundant grace for me and that it by his power flows to others. Thank you God! To God be all glory! His grace is truly amazing and full of power!

    1. Kelly_Smith says:

      Praying God showers you with His great grace during this transition, Melinda!

  206. Rachel says:

    Beautiful. I find music to be the bridge between me and God that is often missing when I struggle with my devotional. Thank you Ellie for a beautiful uplifting Monday!

    1. Lisa says:

      this is my struggle, too. what a blessing to me this morning!

  207. Claire says:

    beautiful song- listened to a sermon about it just yesterday! any one elses bible part stopped loading after the update though :-(

    1. Victoria Kay says:

      I had problems before my update

  208. Brenda says:

    The Gift of His Word and precious lyrics are refreshing to this soul!! Thank you God for your Amazing Grace!! We are blessed indeed!

  209. michelle of LA says:

    Beautiful Ellis and thank you so much . I played it over and over .

  210. Victoria Kay says:

    God's moving in mysterious ways in my walk with him today (5/24). I bought myself a new journal for my quiet time with him today and it has Iyrics from Amazing Grace on the cover. How awesome is that?!?! It must have been his way of telling me to start this plan today. loved this version of Amazing Grace. It's always been a favorite old Hymn of mine. I've always loved hearing different versions of it through out my life. Thank you #SRT

  211. jess says:

    just started on this app, and this is just what I needed to hear. God sure does work in mysterious ways. Thanks be to him for always providing us for what we NEED!

  212. hannah says:

    I love the ancient Hebrew word for grace. The word picture it forms has to do with pitching a tent. And really that's what grace is: God pitching His tent with us. God surveying the barren landscape and saying, "Yes, that's where I want to pitch my tent…right there. " He did it first with the tabernacle, then later the temple, then in Jesus. Now each of us, even though our earthly tents are frail and fraying, can be the temple of the Holy Spirit.
    I love that today we're celebrating the the giving of the law, and years later, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Remembering when God pitched His tent with us in a new way. So this is the perfect time to understand grace in a new way!

    1. Erica C says:

      Do you know the Word for grace? I’m just curious… Also, what a great picture you painted… I am a visual person and that helps a lot! :)

      1. KSJoySeeker says:


      2. hannah says:

        Hi Erica,
        the Hebrew word for grace is חן and it can also mean favored, or chosen. Each character has a meaning (like hieroglyphics) and the word picture they form has to do with pitching a tent. If you think about it, it makes sense because you pitch your tent in the place you have chosen based on sun, wind, drainage, etc. You show you favor that place by putting your tent there and not somewhere else. The Greek word Charis mentioned below is also translated grace, but it's more abstract and doesn't carry this layer of meaning.

    2. Sharon says:

      Your description I will mull over all day. Just beautiful!

      1. hannah says:

        Thanks Sharon, It's definitely one of those truths that's worth carrying with you throughout the day!

    3. Amanda Miller says:

      Thanks for this incredible description, Hannah. What beautiful truth!

      1. hannah says:

        You're welcome, Amanda!

    4. Lesley says:

      Hannah would you know a good resource for those of us who would like to deepen our understanding of Gods word by learning the meaning of Hebrew words etc? Thanks so much for your comments!

      1. The Blue Line Bible App!

      2. oops Blue Letter Bible ;)

      3. Emily says:

        eSword is also a great program!

    5. Lil says:

      Love that!!! Thank you for sharing!!!

    6. Carrie Brown says:

      Wow Hannah! Thanks for sharing that imagery..what a comfort it is to me our tent,dwelling with us…reminds me also of the word Immanuel…The Lord richly bless you today ♡

    7. Vannah says:

      thank you

    8. Mandy says:

      I really love the visual “grace” tent you shared; I needed that!!!