Amanda’s Favorite Reading from 2019

Open Your Bible

Galatians 6:11-18, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Matthew 23:1-36, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

For Day 2 of our 2019 Wrapped plan, we asked our Co-Founder and Chief Content Officer, Amanda Bible Williams, to pick her favorite reading from the year. She chose the final day of our Galatians reading plan, Paul’s benediction to the church in Galatia.

Galatians Day 19 | Concluding Exhortation

At summer camp, I won an award for having curly hair. The curliest, naturally curly hair. I felt pretty proud of myself that night. The next morning at breakfast I assumed everyone was whispering, “Is that the curly hair queen?” Yes, yes, it is I!


And goodness, isn’t this about the level of all the things we boast about? Things we truly have no control over? We can certainly work hard and make good choices. But our eye color and our physical achievements, our successes and our relationships—aren’t all these things really just gifts from God?

Instead of boasting in what amounts to little more than circumstances from our birth, we are called to boast in the Lord (Galatians 6:14). And “the one who boasts should boast in this: that he understands and knows me—that I am the LORD, showing faithful love, justice, and righteousness on the earth, for I delight in these things.This is the LORD’s declaration” (Jeremiah 9:24).

The Hebrew word for God’s “enduring, covenantal love” is hesed. In his book Inexpressible, Michael Card defines hesed beautifully as, “When the person from whom I have a right to expect nothing gives me everything.” Our boasting then, is to be in the undeserved and overwhelming love of Christ, who—while we were His enemies, helpless in our sin—gave His life for us, so that we could be children of God (Romans 5:6–11).

Paul’s benediction appeals to this same hesed, as he speaks to the Galatian church that had foolishly followed after the false teachings of the Judaizers, and wandered from the life of the Spirit. As he had earlier called on them to deal gently with those who are overtaken by sin, so also Paul deals gently with the Galatians. Why? Because Christ has dealt gently with Paul. And so Paul can boast in one thing only: the hesed of God, seen most clearly in the cross of Christ. He exhorts the Galatians to do the same.

The apostle then blesses the Galatians with a benediction that can only result from the steadfast love of God. Because of God’s undeserved and faithful love, we have fellowship with one another. We have restoration when we are overtaken in sin, and reconciliation with those we have offended, including Christ our Lord. Because of His love for us, we are part of the family of God, brothers and sisters, and co-heirs with Christ to the inheritance of God’s eternal kingdom.

Paul goes on to bless the Galatians with the grace of Christ, for it is His grace alone which saves, restores, sustains, secures, and transforms us into His own likeness. This He does by the work of His Spirit in our spirits, in our hearts, and in our minds. In Him, we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

The final note of Paul’s epistle to the Galatians is a resounding praise of Christ, in whom alone we boast. Next time you get ready to toot your own horn over your own achievements, remember that there’s no need to rejoice over ourselves, because our Creator already rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). Let His rejoicing over us be enough, and may we instead glory in Christ alone.

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65 thoughts on "Amanda’s Favorite Reading from 2019"

  1. Rachel from Texas says:

    Liz A, Ive been there! I fought God to hold onto a relationship I wanted but I knew He didn’t want(on and off all through college). There is grace and love found only in Him!! He loves you more than anyone else could, even yourself! He wants what is best for you today and the rest of you life! May your heart heal in His unending love this new year!

  2. Momtomany says:

    How I love to start each day with all of you! 2019 was filled with ups and downs but a highlight was visiting Israel and standing in the empty tomb. There are no words. Every time I sing Living Hope by Phil Wickham I sob with the lines “then came the morning that sealed the promise, your buried body began to breathe, out of the silence the Roaring Lion declared the grave has no claim on me, Jesus yours is the victory!”

    May I be reminded everyday of 2020 that the victory has already be won.

  3. Tahryah Wheeler says:

    Praying for you, Liz A! ❤️

  4. Sherry says:

    Tina, I am a mostly silent walker with this group. I have searched for your words and thoughts this year. I am watching dementia rob my mom of her life. Such a sad journey but so thankful she is surround by family. My prayers are with you as you begin this new year.

  5. Kim Borchelt says:

    2019 has been a tough year – from celebrating a grandchild’s birth to ending a marriage, losing my six year employment and then grieving the loss of a young nephew – I believe God has better for me in 2020.

  6. Brandi says:

    Oh Tina how I’ve missed seeing you here! I’m so sorry for what you are going through and so excited to see what beauty from ashes God will continue to bring forth in your life! Have missed you so and been in prayer for you.

  7. Brenda DiCicco says:

    Tina- my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I always enjoy when you post here and reading your comments. Remember that God is good all the time and that all the time God is good. Sending lov.

  8. Skylar Whitmire says:

    Tina, praying you have a peaceful and joyous new year. Thank you for sharing with us. Hugs!