I became pregnant with my son five months into the COVID-19 pandemic. I can’t count how many times since seeing those two pink lines I have wondered, “How could we bring a fragile, vulnerable baby into a world as broken as this?” But those of us who became parents in the last two years are not unique in this experience.
In Isaiah’s day, mothers wondered if the children they birthed were “destined for disaster” (Isaiah 65:23). They saw chaos, decay, and sinfulness all around them, but Isaiah prophesied about a new heavens and earth to come. After the fall of the first creation, redemption through Jesus Christ would usher in a completely new creation.
We can find comfort and hope in this promised restoration, this culmination of the gospel.
One day mothers will not bury their infants, children will not be “destined for disaster,” evil and destruction will be distant memories on God’s holy mountain (v.25). God will mend every broken thing and overturn every injustice. He will “wipe away every tear” we cry and “death will be no more” (Revelation 21:4).
And we get to play a small role in what is commonly called the “already, not yet” of this reality. Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection inaugurated God’s kingdom on earth, though we wait for Jesus to reign in complete power and glory when He returns. But today, in Christ, we get to give the world a glimpse of what restoration will be like.
When I hold my sweet boy in my lap and read to him, that’s just a touch of restoration. When you ask a friend to forgive you for a quickly spoken, insensitive word—a whisper of restoration. When you buy a meal for a person experiencing homelessness—a foretaste of restoration. When your child chooses to join the kid at school who eats his lunch alone every day—a glimpse of restoration.
As we celebrate and anticipate the future new creation that Jesus’s death and resurrection secure for us, let’s not forget that we don’t have to wait to live in that newness of life. “I am making everything new!” (v.5), John hears Jesus say in his Revelation visions. Not, “I will make everything new,” but “I am making everything new!” Right now Jesus is restoring the world, and until He comes back to complete that restoration in its fullness, we get to be His ambassadors on earth. Because we know complete restoration is coming, we should be people who confidently live with “holy conduct and godliness” (2Peter 3:11).
So, where in our lives is God whispering restoration to us? And how is He calling us to whisper it to others?
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44 thoughts on "All Creation Will Be Restored"
Receiving forgiveness and grace… coming in weakness, relishing his strength to accomplish what he has said.
I enjoy reading this message of yours; as I feel after the renewal of my mind (mind you this was only about 3 months ago). I was hit with a new discovery of the meaning to which I am here to do for the world… to share a glimpse of my sacred purpose I must share a small piece of who I let rest in my heart, the person I was, and had to let go in order the birth of Gods true prophecy that is in the hands and transformed mind of myself, I gained a closer relationship with Jesus who I believe guides this life of mine on Earth, and has given me visions of the life that is to reveal itself a lot sooner than many have understanding of, he’s given me my purpose of creation for all, he shares knowledge of the steps I must take for this project, and because of the importance it holds I am the soul trusted to not only protect its sacred awakening, but the knowledge I gain has the perfect timing which I see by his blessings that align to when I reveal each development…. 4 years ago I lost the love of my life, he was my fiance, my best friend, he was my soulmate and I’m sure of that due to what I experienced and still feel for losing that half of my heart.. losing him changed all of me, up until that night when I awoke next to my baby cold and blue and dead, I lived the happiest me that ever lived, those last weeks w him were the best version of me, I felt most beautiful, I felt my life was about to change for something a young girl only dreams, a family being built in its earliest stage… a change however was to become, but for how my life changed was never the breaking pain that I ever imagined. When I awoke, I gasped for air, as if I had been drowning, I just sat for a moment in some fear for my life, when I turned to my baby to wake up and tell him what happened, I almost was looking forward to the hug he’d give, but was looking at my entire world turned upside down… that day, I told myself I died right next to him… and I did, the next four years became something I’d never think of becoming.. I lost everything, I ran away avoiding the thought of him ever in my life for the past 8 years, I ran from grief, ran from all these people blaming me for his death, I ran from home family friends and most importantly myself. When running away, I put myself in this unrealistic reality, I was pretending to be someone else, and doing so made me try just about every drug on the planet. I was only 22 when he passed, and when I left home to California, I had no idea how drugs would eventually destroy everything.. I’d use new substances everyday so the first 8 months addiction was not dependent over me yet.. but once someone showed me heroin, I was immediately gone. It took all my pain away, for the first 2 years my family thought I was really starting to feel again, not knowing my addiction was about to consume me. I remember one day of total evaluation of myself, I awoke from the high to find that 4 years had passed and my thoughts of having it under control were completely gone, I had found myself in random motels with random bum addicts and felt I’d be them in no time.. so I prayed and prayed and found the strength to get clean… that was 6 months ago… getting clean helped for a while till I became so depressed with trying to be that person who had my fiancé in her life.. trying to be that happiness I felt before but never found it.. until I renewed my mind, that day i realized Jesus has always has a purpose for me… and today i see that purpose clearly.. it’s apart of tell revelation and I pray when you see who i am again, the reveal creation i have is holy and beautiful and for God, so run to the community and see the life God has for us to live.. you’ll see me and I’ll guide you there <3 xoxo
Who do I need to be a whisper for?
In myself with anger and jealousy, that when I see a friend enjoying time without our family or that i constantly love in a state of fear and anger, he is working on me, I need prayer to release friendships and know that my season with them was amazing and true and that I can still be in their corner cheering them on without anger for frustration.
That was such a good devotional! Thank you for your words! We are bringing restoration. He is making all things new! It’s actively happening right now!
wow , what a beautiful reminder that we can live in the newness of Him && in His glorious riches now ! there is so so much more to come but we can also live in the now of it . thank you for the encouragement ! ✞ ッ
Churchmouse, I needed your words of reminder and encouragement this morning!!!!
Thank you for helping explain!
Jo, thank you for explaining!
I did some research this morning of the word restoration, and I came across this: the 4 R’s of restoration: REPLACE – God replaces our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh (Ez. 36:26). RENEW – by focusing on the Bible, our minds can be continually renewed (Rom. 12:2). REVIVE – through the resurrection of Jesus, we are given new, everlasting life (Rom. 6:4). RETURN – through the saving work of Jesus on the cross, we are reunited with God (Rom. 5:10). ❤️❤️
Sending prayers up for your stepson and your family!
Traci Gendron I agree completely
We fell through pride, and we are restored through humility. Every small act of God’s faithful people builds into the coming Kingdom. He is making all things new with us as His willing helpers. Each small, faithful step ripples goodness on earth as it is amplified in heaven. My unseen faith in the face of opposition and strife builds peace within my heart when I hold steady and remain content in Him. Peace is the strength that ushers in more peace when facing war. This peacemaker attitude in me knows that is the point. To fight the good fight. To bring light into the darkness. This is what peacemaking looks like. This is what restoration looks like. It goes where there is none. And it is all part of the restoration work Jesus came to show us. He started the ball rolling, and it will come to completion soon. He is our peacemaker, slowing the pace of our heart, to rest in Him, draw strength in Him, fight for and with Him, for ultimate peace that will come. Now and not yet. Maranatha.
@TaraWorkman “”The biblical authors generally demonstrate a common cognitive perception of the cosmos with their ancient neighbors. Thus, an understanding of the cosmologies of the cultures surrounding ancient Israel and Judaea provides insight into the biblical writers’ contexts.
Mesopotamian Cosmology
Structure of the Universe. Ancient Mesopotamians commonly believed in a six-tiered universe containing three levels of heavens and three levels of earths (Lambert, “Cosmology,” 41–65; Horowitz, Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography)
It’s so comforting to know that this life isn’t all there is. One day there will be a new heaven and a new earth. There won’t be any sickness or suffering in this new world. I’m so thankful that God gives us glimpses of that new earth right now. I pray that I can show this restoration to those around me.
TARA, my understanding of the creation of new heavens plural is the atmosphere around the earth and then also space (containing the sun, moon, planets etc). The third heaven (presence of God) will not pass away.
Quick question: can anyone explain the plural on heaven. New heavens?
Amen that restorations are already happening in the here and now, where we are, in your neighborhood, in your workplace, in your families as we speak. It is happening thanks to the softened hearts that take heed to the gentle whispering of the Lord. Such a reminder to pay attention to God’s still small voice, in the midst of our noisy day, full of distractions and deceitfulness to steal the Word (Mark 4:19). That still small voice tells you whether you should turn to the right or the left, which is the way that you should walk in (Isaiah 30:21), whether to say hello to that tired mom at the play ground, to smile at that grumpy person you think is weird, to tell your son’s teacher that she did a great job, to bake cupcakes and leave at your office kitchen, to extend a simple “how are you doing” along with a warm smile to so-and-so, and the voice telling you “don’t be afraid of conversation”, slow down, take a deep breath next time you’re stuck in traffic and sing a worship song, slow down to count your blessings, practice smiling instead of looking away. Take heed to that “whisper of restorations” and it might surprise you. Did God not speak in a still small voice to Elijah after his dramatic victory over Baal? Yes, and to you and me here and now as well. For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care (Psalm 95-7-8). If you hear His voice today, harden not your heart as in the provocation/rebellion, for He guides the HUMBLE in what is right and teaches them His way (Psalm 25:9). Be blessed dear beautiful sisters. May we be intentional today/everyday to catch His gentle whispers.
“I am making everything new” sounds so amazing! No more hate, crime, envy, jealousy, pain, and all the other evils in this world. Until then we should be living in holy conduct and goodness and spreading God’s word.
I tell myself over and over…”you can’t SAY you are a Christian unless you ARE a Christian.” Remember, where there is a need, there is a purpose.
I tell myself over and over…”you can’t SAY you are a Christian unless you ARE a Christian.” Remember, where there is an
I know where God is whispering restoration or repentance to me. I need to be stronger to avoid that particular temptation. As a side note, I’d like to ask for prayers. My Stepson (that I raised with his Dad from the age of 5; he is now 26) just lost his bio Mom to a stroke. She was 46. I pray he will return to his Christian roots and call on our Father for strength. He’s one who holds in his feelings, and I really pray he will allow himself to grieve this tremendous loss. I will definitely miss her. We had so many more milestones in life to share with the son that we shared. Thank you.
In our reading today from Isaiah 65 one thing came alive for me as I read. When he said, “the former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind…”. So many times when I pray for situations I feel God’s peace or comfort and experience such joy. But then as time goes on I bring it up again in my memory and doubts begin to seep in and fear raises its ugly head. I have to bring it once again to Jesus. Soooo, how comforting to know that one day when He creates a new heaven and earth we won’t even remember the former! And what a relief that is! Only pure restoration. ❤️
Prayers for all my She’s today. And what a beautiful one it is here in Louisville!
Between the Scriptures and the two questions Tabitha posed at the end this devotion really gives me something to think and contemplate on throughout the day.
Be blessed and be restored in Christ sisters.
This was such a timely reading for me this morning! I just took a pregnancy test this morning since I’m late and am experiencing weird symptoms for me (still getting random hives even with a low histamine diet change, acne). It was negative, which I am fine with but leaves me scratching my head wondering what is causing all of my recent health challenges. I am thankful that despite my health mysteries, God’s love for us is not a mystery, and that these mysteries are not a mystery to him. Today’s reading brings great comfort and joy in His promises. He is making all things new!
Thank you for everyone who is praying for me. Before I started todays lesson I was praying. I have to admit I can judge others. I was talking with someone and they were telling me about teachers and moms going into an after school art class and pushing the “you are safe here” and you can be whatever you want. And if you identify with an animal so be it. How do I not judge that terrible behavior from adults to children?? It’s hard to show love to people that have all these crazy ideas. I’m at a loss on how to live in this world. It brings me such sadness that adults are leading children in this way. So what a perfect study, “All creation will be restored”. It can’t come soon enough.
These are powerful questions to ask ourselves?
WHERE in our lives is God whispering restoration to us
HOW is He calling us to whisper restoration to others?
Clinging to the promise of restoration especially in light of Uvalde , the supermarket shooting and the hospital shooting. We sincerely need a new heaven and a new earth
Today’s devotional was a good gut check for me. How am I being an ambassador of Christ to the world? When do I find more intentional time to have fellowship with the Father so that I hear his quiet voice in our world over the loud headlines and worries of life? My prayer is for intentional time with my God who sees and saves as well as all other prayer requests.
From He Reads Truth this morning: “ It isn’t just that sad things go away. It’s that everything will be right.” I am so looking forward to that day. When all will be right. Blessings to you shes. ❤️
Traci, I’m praying for you today. Sending virtual hugs. ❤️
I ❤️❤️❤️ these simple yet impactful examples of restoration. I think many of us thinks of restoration as this big event that will happen, often forgetting those moments in life that show restoration is happening as we speak— even for us, as we dive into the Word , continue to be restored. I just loved this devotion today so much!
I love this idea of whispers of restoration. It makes the very incredible concept of a new creation seem a little more… realistic? Imaginable? It gives me a tiny bit more of an understanding of what the paradise described in Psalms could feel like – and that seems amazing. It definitely gives me something to look forward to.
I woke up middle of the night and pulled up yesterday’s reading and saw your post about Braydon and his sister… prayed for their eyes to be open to the contrast between Christ in you and the void of that in their parents. That they could experience something inexplicably Good in you that would prompt their hearts to wonder. And praying for you- that God will speak through His Spirit in you the words they need to hear and timing when they can receive it.
Keep praying for them and their awareness and understanding :)
I feel like my job as an occupational therapist whispers restoration to my clients by helping them heal and return to their daily activities. Churchmouse you make a good point that the evil makes the headlines. It’s easier to think of all the bad going on in our world, and honestly more difficult to find the good. This study has been so good breaking down each part of our salvation!
Ladies if you could pray that the Lord would lead my roommate and I to the perfect apartment for our upcoming season I would greatly appreciate it! We toured one place yesterday and it is very nice but more expensive than either of us were hoping to pay. We still need to call a few more places to make sure we make an informed decision but it sure is stressful!
Thank you Tabitha for the reminders of our current restoration touch points. This world and the pain and hurting can feel heavy, But God has us here to be restoration moments for others. I long for heaven, but still have work on the old Earth to do!
So thankful his restoration is active right now and that we can look forward to it being complete one day! ❤️
It’s nice to read about all of the hope of restoration there is for the new heavens and earth. But I do love the mention of “whispers of restoration” that happen now. I will be keeping an eye out for these. Sending prayers for you Traci and all others who have asked.
God is not the one who hid in the garden. He isn’t hiding now. His “whispers of restoration” are evident to those who are in fellowship with Him. The evil in this world makes the headlines but do not underestimate the still small voice of God. That quiet voice is backed up with Resurrection power. We need not fear. His every whisper reminds us He is near.
Traci Gendron – praying for you as you process! Huge step you took yesterday. Let the tears flow freely; God catches each one.
Watch for God’s whispers of restoration today!