He makes all things new

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1

Text: Genesis 1:1-31

When we read the remarkable account of Creation, we see an epic and historic picture of the perfection of the pre-fallen world. And however the timeline played out, we know that the Bible tells us this: God is the Creator of all things.

And when we talk about beginnings, it is natural for us to also think about the ending. Beautifully woven, the Bible begins with creation and concludes with the new creation. The word of God tells us in Revelation, “And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new… I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.’” (Rev. 21:5-6, ESV)

There is one Author and there is one Story. And the all-knowing Author knew how the story would end, even as he penned the seas and swarmed them with living creatures, as He breathed life into the creatures whose sin would one day nail Him to a tree.

And knowing all of that – knowing that He was creating the plants and yielding the seeds that would one day be his cross, that the beasts of the fields would need to be used as sacrifices for His people – knowing this then, the Author and Creator saw it all and called it good.

But why? It may seem trite to say, but the answer is love. He made the world perfect knowing that it would become imperfect and that He would make it new again. And hard as it may be to believe, He did it for the process. God had the power to skip right to the end, or to never create the world to begin with. But He did create it. And He did it to show Himself to us, that we might know Him. That we might know the breadth and length and height and depth of his love for us (Eph 3:18). Tthat we might experience His grace.

What will be your response today? Will you find comfort (even joy!) in the cradle of the Almighty’s hand? Will you rest in the hope that He will restore creation – that He will restore you?

The newness came and it was glorious, and it is coming again! “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (that’s a promise). But take heart; I have overcome the world (and so is that!).” (John 16:33, ESV, parentheses mine)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
(Isaiah 55:8-9, ESV)


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161 thoughts on "He makes all things new"

  1. Cadey says:

    I just found this gem of a website today, and wanted to say thank you. I've been a christian my whole life and never really questioned why God created all that He did. With this post I was left in awe. I feel even more loved by Christ coming to this understanding! I can't wait to catch up with the rest of this series. Thanks again!

  2. Sabrina Mae says:

    This blesses me so much. It's so hard not to get stuck on feeling like you can't be made new… How silly that is when you see all that He has created and made new. He wants to go through the process WITH us! I find that to be so beauitful.

  3. cindy says:

    Love this … so on the page I'm on in my life. Grateful to know I'm not the only one! Hes beginnings are so necessary, including in our walk with God. Thank you!

  4. Jen says:

    I love this! What a great reminder. I find myself sometimes becoming impatient to get to the end of something or to the targeted point, but God reminded me just now to slow down. He could have just written the end of the story or not have written anything at all, but He didn't! How blessed we are to be a part of His creation and experience His love through each day of the story written for each of us. In this new beginning, I want to humble myself to God's will and enjoy the journey instead of trying to rush through things.

  5. SunnyeOne says:

    Praise God for his wonderful works! I had strayed so far away from God (in my mind) that I felt almost ashamed to come to him during my times of needs and it prevented me from doing so. However, our God is an awesome God, for he created me and you to be servants of the Lord and he knew of the trials and tribulations we would face and how they would affect us. His grace has saved me so many times before and it is because of his mercy that I am still standing. I love the Lord, and I had forgotten to place my life in his hands, but now I see that all things start and end with Him, for this knowledge I am forever grateful!

  6. Latesia says:

    It's amazing how God created everything before we were even though about. We have dominion over the EARTH, it says so in his word.

  7. Kelli says:

    It’s always nice to go back and start at the beginning of the bible & recognize the “fresh start” in the beginning and when we are born again.
    I was also blessed to see that in the translation I use (ESV) nothing had a name until God spoke to it. He called the light DAY, dark NIGHT and so on.
    We have been changed because He SPOKE to us & CALLED us before the beginning of time. My, my, my. Praise God for a fresh start.

  8. Jess says:

    I’m new here, and so very glad to have found this community! Each year I choose a word to meditate and pray on for the year, this year the word is “present.” I’ve spent the past bunch if years looking forward to the next thing, often missing the important stuff right where I am. I have found myself stressing and anxious about an unknown future. Here I’m reminded that He knows the plans for me, and that’s enough! Enough for me to enjoy the here and now, to be fully present every day and enjoy this magnificent place He created for me knowing that one day I’d be sitting here worrying about what’s next!! Today I choose to let Him lead, to follow, and live fully in the present!!