Achan’s Disobedience

Open Your Bible

Joshua 7:1-26, Deuteronomy 9:26-29, Hosea 2:15, James 1:19-25

My sisters and I dreaded certain family meetings when we were teenagers. For these talks, Dad would call us into the living room because one of us had broken a major rule, though my parents couldn’t clearly identify the culprit. Our comfy, blue couch became a witness stand with throw pillows, with Dad and Mom acting as both judge and prosecutor. “How did that dent get there on the side of your mother’s car?” “To whom do these cigarettes belong?” No matter who the offender was, none of us looked forward to our parents’ disappointment—or their punishment. 

The children of Israel found themselves in a similar, yet far more serious situation. Achan’s greed led to his disobedience, and his disobedience brought tragedy to Israel, starting with their defeat in the battle at Ai (Joshua 7:5). Joshua was sorrowful, and the Lord was displeased, requiring the people to present themselves before Him: “Go and consecrate the people,” the Lord told Joshua (v.13). Israel was to prepare for God’s presence, and then He would address the offense and the offending party. Achan’s desire for things God had forbidden caused him to hide stolen items. The irony is that Achan had stolen in a land already promised to him and his fellow citizens. God had a great inheritance in store for them that included cattle and other riches. But Achan wanted things his way and in his time: “I coveted them and took them” (v.21).

How often have we been like Achan? Sometimes, we desire things so badly that we resort to getting them by any means necessary, cutting corners or engaging in activities that teeter on the ethical borderline. We reason that if it’s just for me, no one has to know.

But God sees all and knows all. He didn’t bring the children of Israel before Him so that He could discover who had sinned. Achan’s rebellion had affected the entire community, and God refused to move forward until it had been acknowledged publicly. We hardly ever realize the far-reaching consequences that come about because of our disobedience. The consequences of Achan’s sin were a message to Israel, reminding them of the graveness of disobeying God’s instruction. Achan was buried in the Valley of Achor, which means “valley of trouble.” From then on, that place has been permanently linked to his tragic story.

The story of Achan’s disobedience remains a sobering narrative, but it’s more than a cautionary tale of the tragedy that can occur when the Lord’s commands are disobeyed. It’s an opportunity to confess our sins to the Lord and lament over the ways we still aren’t trusting Him. But we aren’t meant to wallow in guilt. The beauty of His grace is that we can admit our brokenness and shortcomings, and He refuses to turn away from us. Instead, He invites us to lean in closer, trusting Him to make us whole. 

(97) Comments

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97 thoughts on "Achan’s Disobedience"

  1. Alayna P. says:

    I often find myself wanting things to happen my way and on my own schedule. But I’ve come to realize that God has a different plan for me. So, I’m learning to put my trust in the Lord for everything. It’s something I pray about every single day.

  2. Heidi Feuchtwanger says:

    You’re bot alone friend! I completely understand what you mean!

  3. Stephanie M says:

    Stephanie will receive with meekness the implanted word…Stephanie will be a doer of the word.

  4. Rebekah Glassy says:

    Sometimes I wish I would get a more serious and immediately tangible consequence of sinning — like Achar was literally stoned and his whole family watched.

    My sins generally culminate in and of myself and don’t seemingly affect anyone else. I can’t put my finger on it but essentially, my sins impact my weight (anyone else an emotional eater with anxiety/depression) and my lifestyle. I’m struggling with my job, with saving enough money and not spending wisely. I wish I could have a tangible consequence like “my cat with die if I make this financial decision” or “if I don’t workout, I will get electrocuted or struck by lightning” or something more plausible. Idk, I’m struggling right now to get the motivation and energy to be an active member of God’s family. And all I want is some great awakening that removes this cloud of depression off of me and helps me to be a better person overall for Jesus’s glory.

  5. Angie Johnson says:

    Admitting our brokenness and shortcomings can be a place where healing begins.

  6. Nicole Reeder says:


  7. Havana Mitrik says:

    I often want things in my own time and in my own way. That’s not usually God’s plan for me, but it was a step in trusting the Lord in all things

  8. Melissa Faul says:

    It’s an eye opener to look at our own lives and evaluate what we need to change to become more Christ like.

  9. Paula Strong says:

    These verses just show us how much Jesus did for us! We deserve just as much wrath. Thank you Jesus!!!!

  10. Paula Strong says:

    @Amaris praying for you!

  11. Christen Lassiter says:

    I need to wait on Him… Not rush ahead

  12. Christina TagueMcIllwain says:

    Let me look to the ways and areas I’m still not trusting Him.

  13. Chelsea Little says:

    Right on time! We can’t allow greed to pull us away from God’s mission! God promised them the entire land, but still Achon found a way to take the thing God said to put away.

  14. Michelle Ryan says:

    Thank you for sharing this – helps me to better wrap my mind and heart around the selected scripture

  15. Tracy Mattison Brandon says:

    May we be more aware of how our action and disobedience affects our immediate family and the family of God. Achan’s disobedience cost the lives of his family and the 36 men killed during the attack on Ai

  16. Dale Armstrong says:

    Love this study and perspective. Great teaching. Don’t know why, but I’m troubled by the fact that Achan’s entire family was stoned (wife/wives, sons and daughters) for one man’s trespass. That grieves me and I’m having difficulty reconciling it; even as I ask the Lord “why”.

    1. Victoria Fowlkes says:

      I thought the same thing but 30 something people were killed bc of Achan. God made an example of him so that the rest of the people would realize how important obedience is to God. Achan knew the consequences of stealing the things that were marked for destruction and chose to do it any way. God is God he is not man.

  17. Della Ramsey says:


  18. Danielle Schaff says:

    I love this perspective

  19. Sarah Edwards says:

    “We can admit our brokenness and shortcomings in God refuses to turn away from us.” What a beautiful and encouraging and hope filled reminder. So often I try to take things out of gods hands because they feel “safer” in Miami. Why is it so hard to trust him sometimes? I believe he is the Lord of the universe… So how could I do any better than him? Thank goodness for his patience and his forgiveness and his love.

  20. Kitty Mc Donald says:

    Ahhh just leaning in n leaning on!

  21. Stacy J says:

    Lord help me to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Help me to seek wisdom from your word with meekness. Thank you for refusing to turn away from me and instead inviting me to draw in close to you.

  22. Haleigh Medlock says:

    To highlight you just tap the verse on the screen that you want highlighted!

  23. Jennifer Dawn says:

    Out of hundreds of thousands, he was the only one who didn’t obey. Obviously the command on what NOT to do was loud and clear, and everyone else got the message. After the sin was committed and lives were lost in a defeat, God told Joshua to tell the people to consecrate themselves before the next day. That would have been the time to come forward with a heart of repentance. Instead, he only confessed when he knew he was caught. The question that came to my mind was: Was he really sorry, or was he only sorry he was caught? God knew his heart, just as he knew the heart of Rahab who was shown great mercy. I loved the comparisons of these two individuals in the study book.

    Romans 6:23 reads, “For the wages of sin is death.” How thankful we can be that Jesus took the penalty for our our sins!

  24. Rachel Linch says:

    Thank you for sharing! This is helpful for me since I’m really trying to process the intensity of today’s passage.

  25. Bonnie Rives says:

    Help please! How do I highlight and take notes on the app?

  26. Nancy Hoffman says:

    We can admit our brokenness and shortcomings and God refuses to turn away from us.

  27. Mercy says:

    What I see here is God is righteous and strict with his rules. If there are violations, God surely will call them out. He teaches, He corrects. If He does not expose the wrongs, that will make God unjust. Don’t you agree? It is so tragic how Achan’s covetousness blinded him at such a high cost. Warnings were given, all gold and silver will go to the Lord’s treasury. Yet disobedience comes, rooting from the love of money.

    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and PIERCED themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10). And the grieves this brought are surely many, including Achan’s own life and his family’s lives, besides the 36 men who died in the Ai battle (for which their wives, children, parents grieve over the 36 sons/fathers/ husbands).

    The thing that jumped out to me is, how God says, “Neither will I be with you anymore, except you destroy the accursed from among you” (Joshua 7:12 KJV). God is about to withdraw Himself. I pray that we know this truth, that no matter how appealing the worldly treasures appear to be, please know they will not be as precious as the presence of God in our lives. If you have God, you have everything, far above all the treasures of Heavens and earth combined. He alone is the gold and silver that we should seek to have. Praying for all the prayer requests posted here dear sisters. I pray this verse over you, “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears; He delivers them from all their troubles” Psalm 34:17. God is the God of both valleys and mountains, of both highs and lows, He will give us strength.

  28. Kaitlyn Mutchler says:

    I have a hard time reading about God’s wrath as I was wonder why God did not show Achan mercy when he confessed his sins. I think this may highlight a sort of privilege we have as believers in Christ. I don’t know if this makes sense, but if we know what God expects of us and blatantly ignore it we are like the one who looks at himself in the mirror and immediately forgets the kind of person he was (James 1:24). God calls us to be a doer and not just a forgetful hearer (James 1:25). I also think this situation just exaggerates the great mercy God has bestowed upon us by sending his Son to die for our sins. Also when reading the differences between Achan and Rahab in the study book, it really stood out to me that Achan confessed sinning against God, while Rahab confessed belief in the God of Israelites. It brought to mind Romans 10:9 “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”

  29. Linda King says:

    1st of all I got really excited to see Tameshia’s name. It’s not often that I see someone from my hometown of E. St. Louis, Illinois. When I first studied this story I too questioned why God destroyed everything that belonged to Achan. It seemed harsh to me. As I looked at the scripture, I also looked at notes I’d written in the margin of my Bible. 1) Sin is not a petty matter to God. 2) Achan had all night to think about and admit his guilt. This lets me know that God is serious about sin. We need to remember that.

  30. Noelle Worm says:

    No matter how many times I read/study this story it does not get easier. But remember that it took only One to save us all.

  31. Christine Synowiec says:

    It wouldn’t be keeping His word. They were warned beforehand.

  32. Ashley F says:

    Why didn’t God show him mercy? He confessed his sin.

  33. Caitlyn says:

    I stumbled upon some blog posts from The Bible Project while I was looking for explanations on this and other uncomfortable death scenes in Joshua/the Bible that may help others. The title is “Joshua: Judgment or Cruelty? Conquering the Promised Land,” and another post called “Why did God command the invasion of Canaan in the Book of Joshua?”

    Also a line from the He Reads Truth devotional for today: spend more time in these uncomfortable passages because that’s where we find Jesus.

  34. Lisa C says:

    Thank you❤️

  35. L M says:

    Praying peace for you and your family and the wisdom of those making the decisions Tina.

  36. Ally Evans says:

    Replying to Brittany Elmer. It is hard to understand his kids having to be punished. I guess it’s one of those things that only God knows the reason why.

  37. Ally Evans says:

    That’s how I felt when I read his sons and daughters were killed too.

  38. Mari V says:

    I walked to work this morning and on the trail there’s was Chalk art with acronym to Covid. I had to share: Christ Offers Victory In Distress. And at the bottom they write Joshua 1:9. My heart was happy.

  39. Connie Beers says:

    Prayers for all and I shop to much and need to focus on God’s word more ..

  40. Denise N says:

    Rebecca Leek, listen to the Podcast for SRT. It just released this morning. It gives a good explanation of Gods wrath and judgement.

  41. Brittany Elmer says:

    I always have trouble when other people are brutality punished for others mistakes and shortcomings. I know it’s a lesson to teach us to obey and follow. But my humanity has a difficult time with it, because I’ve got several individuals in my family that make terrible decisions (they are always in my prayers and I hope they change) and I wouldn’t want to be punished for their bad choices.

  42. Alexis says:

    Dana, praying for you and your brother. My sister and I had a falling out, and were seperated for two years. With good boundaries and a lot of guidance from God, we’ve started to repair our relationship and I can talk to her now as a friend- instead of an enemy. There was a lot of hurt inflicted on both of our ends, but God continues to restore the relationship and I can honestly say I have forgiven her for much of what she’s done, and forgotten some of it as well.

    Tina, praying for your grandson. I pray that the judge has mercy on him and that this be a whole new start in your grandson’s life.

  43. KJ Johnson says:

    In the book there is a page comparing Achan and Rahab their backgrounds,choices and consequences. It is very interesting and very convicting. As a believer in the Word I have so many opportunities and benefits but these can be taken for granted and misused and taken for granted. A reminder it sit humbly before the Lord and examine my actions, motives and sin.

  44. Bonnie Cochran says:

    Praying for you friend! ❤️

  45. Camille August says:

    Why am I not receiving my daily SRT reading plans???? They stopped coming 5 days ago???

  46. Taylor says:

    Lord I confess the areas in my life where I struggle to trust and obey You (dating is a big one for me). Rather than wallow in guilt I choose to lean in closer to You, to feel Your love and mercy, because YOU alone make me whole. So thankful for today’s devotion, the comments, lifting up all the prayer requests. No better way to start this week off than in the Word!

  47. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Achaea made me realize that the son of ONE man can bring us all to our knees. Change begins with me and I need to search “my tent” (heart) and repent of any sin that is found. Each one of us needs to do this to set our nation free.

  48. Maura says:

    Praying for Kane Tina. It is so hard to walk in things with those we love. His love does not fail. Hugs to your heart this day. Dana, it is hard to let go of others misconceptions and the hurt it causes. Praying you can lay it down and release it to Jesus, maybe God will even guide you to have another conversation to let your brother know your hurt. Hugs to you Dana. Searching, praying for your family member’s baby in the NICU. for quick healing. please keep us informed. Jaedyn, thanks for the update. May God continue to bring healing for your Dad, and his oxygen levels get better. Praying His rest and healing. And that you all feel His love around you. Glad you celebrated! Praise God for all the victories. Amaris, praying for you and your family. You are carrying a lot right now. Praying you can feel Jesus with you, and as others offer help you can accept it. Praying His rest, and love around you and help for your Aunt and Uncle. His peace in it all. Hugs to your heart. He is listening and He does love you more than you can fathom. God bless you all my sisters, He is holding us all.

  49. Stephanie W says:

    “You cannot stand before your enemies…” (until you are made right with the Lord).
    Wow. This really stood out to me today.

    Lord, do not remove your power and presence from me. Show me my wicked ways so I may depend and be reconciled to you.

    I also can’t help thinking about the hidden sin in the body of Christ in our day.
    God was going to leave the entire nation of Israel – because of the sin of ONE man.

    No wonder it seems like the Lord has “left” the United States when there is so much unrepentant sin from those who claim to be Christians. Lord bring us all (bring me) to repentance.

  50. Laurel says:

    Hosea 2:15 stood out to me today. God took the Achan’s sin and disobedience and returned it to His people as a valley of hope. In the midst of sin, conflict, death, etc., God is able to create hope, love, beauty. He did so with Jesus’ death, and He continues to do so in our lives today.

  51. Renee Beamer says:

    The comparison chart between Achan and Rahab was very insightful! Thank you!

  52. Jessica Close says:

    Amen ❤️

  53. Amelia Hadley says:

    Lisa, you make a good point. It made me wonder how differently it might have turned out had Achan gone forward on his own rather than continue to hide.

  54. Nicole VazquezNorcross says:

    My spending money on material things came straight to mind when reading this today! Wow. I really should be spending time more with God than shopping! I need to pray more about this in my life. Thank you for sharing Bonnie!

  55. GramsieSue . says:

    Many prayers being prayed this morning. For Tina, Kane, Dana, Jaedyn, The precious baby in the NICU…..
    God is with us. Do not be afraid or discouraged!
    Blessings to all my sisters ❤️

  56. Micki Goodell says:

    *your sin

  57. Micki Goodell says:

    My thought on this Rachel is that your son usually doesn’t just affect you. It affects those you who love you as well. I have a son who recently got into trouble. It broke all of our hearts and the consequences of his actions are affecting all of us in our home.

  58. Mari V says:

    My God will not turn away from me.  With all my flaws and shortcomings, He wants me to draw closer to HIM. And that’s exactly where I want to be..

  59. Kathy Mullis says:

    @Rachiel, I’m not sure Achan could have hidden all the bounty without them knowing. So, it makes me think his children were complicit….just a thought.

  60. Desiree R says:

    Wow this message hit home for sure. So much to reflect on and fix in myself selfish ways. Also family members on my husbands side have had nothing but bad luck since I’ve known them and I always felt they had evil in them because I saw their actions. I set healthy boundaries about 2 years ago but they still have bad luck. I never wish them ill. But they haven’t changed, prayed or changed in any way. I always knew what the Bible said and this confirms it. Just wow!

  61. Chelsea Nix says:


  62. Brooke Parker says:

    The beauty of Hosea being paired with today, wow.
    A great devotional.

    Praying for illness and brokenness to be healed and comfort to abound.

  63. Linda J says:

    Tina, praying for Kane and your family. And Amaris, praying for strength and peace for you.

  64. Churchmouse says:

    Jesus is our gateway to hope.

  65. Ruby Everett says:

    @Dana, forgiveness is as much or more for you as the other person. In the Lords Prayer “ forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors “ . Forgiveness doesn’t mean that what happened was right, or that you agree, and the hurt was deserved. We are called to forgive, it actually frees us from the situation. Ask God to heal your hurt, and your brothers relationship. I’ve been there and asking God to change my heart instead of the other persons isn’t admitting I was wrong but helps me see the reasons the other person reacted as they did. God will deal with the other person also! Praying for you and your brother.

  66. Lisa CanatseyWhitmore says:

    Dana… my husband and I had a similar situation with my BIL and SIL several years ago. One I thought we could not get past.
    But God…
    I prayed for understanding and he began to show me the situation from their point of view. It helped us to begin to talk again…honestly speaking truth with love and kindness. We have been completely reconciled to be closer than before.
    And what He’s done for others, He can do for you!
    Believing for complete reconciliation for you!

  67. Churchmouse says:

    Starting my day reading through all the comments, praying for the requests so many have made. I link arms with you all, asking the Lord to intervene in each situation. Whatever the outcome, may God bring good out of it and may He be glorified. Many a dark time has drawn me closer to the Lord and though far from pleasant at the time, in hindsight I marvel at His tender care, though I was not aware at the time. Praying that the end of each difficult situation becomes, for all your loved ones, a new beginning of walking closer to the Lord. Be merciful, Lord.

  68. Rachiel says:

    What I struggle with in this passage is why did his family have to die if he was the one who commited the sin? Can someone please give me input?

  69. ERB says:

    @TINA praying!! May God be glorified!!

    @DANA let your focus be solely on God, leave your hurt, embarrassment, misunderstanding with Him. HE is the one who reconciles. My prayers are with you!

    @ JAEDYN BARNSTABLE baby steps are a HUGE milestone in a child’s life that we celebrate in a HUGE way!! It shouldn’t be any different for your Dad and the improvements (no matter how small) that he is making!! Every little step should be CELEBRATED and claimed as a VICTORY!! Look at what God has done!! See the miracles!! He is doing GREAT & MIGHTY things!! To God be all the Glory!!! Here’s to celebrating and to continued prayers!!

    @KATE CONDRAN I appreciated what you wrote so much I put it in my personal inspirational quote book so I can look back on it and be reminded that Consequences are no joke!! Each choice I make (or thought I have) effects more than I can fathom!! God help me to be a doer and not just a hearer.

    @AMARIS ROBINSON praying for you dear sister!! You have such a sweet and tender heart. May God carry you and give you exactly what you need. Much love to you ❤️

    @BONNIE COCHRAN amen!! SO appreciate you sharing this!! My spirit witnessed to what your wrote about trust.. I make this same confession. I need to let go and let God without knowing the outcome (huge thing for me to relinquish) Thank you God for hearing our prayers. Amen

    @ANGELA SUTHERLAND thank you for sharing this!!! You echo my thoughts and heart exactly!! SO good to be reminded of the seriousness and that we aren’t always going to be comfortable with what God shows us and does.

    God, I pray that Your Word goes down deep into my soul and changes me forever. Amen

  70. Sarah Luehof says:

    That’s so much going on! Praying for the community to hold up your arms as you bear all of those burdens. I really like your question of application from the passage about what I am desiring for so badly in my own life. I will also be thinking about that!

  71. Angela Sutherland says:

    Praying for your grandson, Tina. And for the baby in NICU, Searching. God’s sovereign hand is over them both!

  72. Sarah Luehof says:

    Praying for you, Jaedyn, Tina, Amaris and Searching. ❤️

  73. Angela Sutherland says:

    There are passages in the Old Testament that are hard to wrestle with. Today’s story in Joshua is one of them. It seems so harsh and makes you question why God needed to go that far…I think we are allowed to ask Him those questions. He can handle our unease, and it reveals to us more of the pure, holy, righteous nature of God. As someone else pointed out, the wages of sin is death, and at that time, Jesus had not yet paid that penalty for all. The Israelites knew the consequences of disobedience, and Achan’s disobedience brought defeat to the Israelites and the death of some of their soldiers. I’m sure God’s heart was grieved over the whole situation. His Heart is for His people, He longs for our best in life, but He is also sovereign and just and He keeps His Word, even words of warning against sin. He won’t, can’t tolerate it. It’s sobering to me to think about, and also it restores a sense of awe for Who He is, His majesty, His Word and for what price Jesus paid for us on the cross! To know God, He wants us to know all sides of His nature, not just what we feel comfortable with. We need to know HIM, truly, and not just create our own ideas of who we think He should be. I have to check that in my own heart and today’s reading was a good reminder to do just that. God is a truly awesome God.

  74. Bonnie Cochran says:

    I personally feel convicted from this story of Achan. I have a habit of spending a little more than I should on material things and feel the need to hide it. I really think the underlying issue is that I don’t trust the Lord as I should with some things going on in my heart. It was hard to make this confession, but I needed to get it off my chest.
    Thank you Father for your Word being alive and active, and as we read it, it reads us. Thank you Holy Spirit for your conviction. I pray that it leads us (me) in the true way, truth, and life. Amen.

    1. Amber Strickland says:

      Bonnie, thanks for being vulnerable to share. I admit that I have done the same and yet didn’t full catch it as disobedience. So thank you for being honest, so that I too can be honest with myself and God.

  75. Amaris Robinson says:

    I’m up early this morning after a restless night. My dad passed away recently a year after my mother died,… we just moved to a new house after 25 years in our first home… I have a loved one facing a serious trial this year … and I am trying to manage care for myy aunt and uncle, who both have dementia and live hours away. I have been dealing with anxiety, grief, disappointment, overwhelm, and fear. This story of the valley of Achor is not easy to read. But what I took away from it is to ask myself, “What am I desiring so badly in my own life?” It isn’t a beautiful cloak or gold, but it’s probably a sense of control, security, answers, and wanting my own way. Achan didn’t trust God, so he took for himself things that were God’s. I am going to ponder this today and ask God for His forgiveness where I have been not trusting Him. Sweet SRT family, please pray for me and my family as we navigate this tough season. Thank you!

  76. Kristina Mari says:

    Tina, I must say that I admire the strength of your faith during such a difficult time in your life. I’m praying for Kane today and am praying over you today. ❤️

  77. BLAKE says:

    Praying for you and your grandson, Tina. The Lord is with you both. May you feel his peace.

  78. Amaris Robinson says:

    Tina, I also have a loved one facing a trial this year, with high stakes. I am praying for Kane.

  79. Searching says:

    JAEDYN – thank you for sharing the praise report! Will continue to pray for your dad and family.

    TINA – praying for Kane, and you.

    Prayer request – family member’s baby in NICU, praying for healing!

  80. Lisa A says:

    It is both sobering and comforting that God knows all.
    This also makes me think of the difference between confession born out if conviction vs. getting found out and admitting. Surely Achan made the connection between lives lost due to the removal of God’s blessing and his own sin, yet he continued to hide. I am sure I have done the same.

  81. Lisa A says:

    It is both sobering and comforting that God knows all. Another observation is that there is a difference between being conviction that comes out from conviction and being found out and admitting. Surely Achan made the connection between the removal of the Lord’s blessing and his son, yet he continued to hide

  82. Kate Condran says:

    Appreciate the reminder in James to be doers of the word, not just hearers- a sobering story but important reminder that our actions/choices/sins done in secret can have significant consequences.

  83. Jaedyn Barnstable says:

    For those that prayed for my dad, just a little update – thanks for your prayers! Though he’s still in the ICU, My dad woke up yesterday and he’s improved what *feels like* significantly. In reality it’s small, his level of oxygen need is down to 30% (was at 100 for a while there), so that’s huge. And he can open his eyes and respond by nodding his head to yes or no questions. My mom & I were able to FaceTime him today which was great, so good to see his face even though he looks quite rough. Nowhere near out of the woods but progress is progress and we’re celebrating the crap out of it! Anyways, thanks again just for your support – it feels good to finally have something good to update you with!

  84. Joy Stark says:

    @Rebecca Leek: it really is a big thing to wrestle with. I’m reminded of Romans which says, “the wages of sin is death.” Achan’s death is shocking and seems unnecessary in our culture. However, it’s also worth noting that his disobedience had already costed the Israelites the lives of 36 men in Ai (Joshua 7:5). There is another story in Acts (after Jesus’ death and resurrection) about a husband and wife who withheld money that was meant to be shared with all the apostles and then lied about it to the apostles, and they were struck down by God. I can’t say I understand it all, but I know God is after our hearts.

  85. Elaine Morgan says:

    Praying for Kane and you all today, Tina! ❤️

  86. Kristen says:

    Dana, I know forgiveness can be hard, but it is for our best to do so. I had so much trouble after my husband’s affair in forgiving and forgetting. This led to even more problems. Unforgiveness will still your joy, peace, and can affect your health. We can’t control what others have done or said, but with God’s help, we can change our thoughts and reactions.
    I just read this today on the First 5 app at Proverbs 31 Ministry. Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the inner assurance of spiritual confidence and contentment even in the midst of difficulties.

    I also heard a message about forgiveness from a series called: Cries from Kranion. Kranion is another name for Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified. I never knew this. Here is the message. I listened to this in person and again after.
    I hope this helps, because I know holding on to the pain and playing the affair out over and over in my head wasn’t good for me. It lead to more hurt. I suffered and I don’t want you to. Praying for you.
    Tina, thank you for all you do to help us and your prayers. I will pray for your family today! God bless you!

  87. Laura Himler says:

    Tina, I am praying for Kane and your family today as well. May the Holy Spirit bring supernatural peace to your heart and may this experience draw Kane closer to Jesus and give him a burning desire to obey God.

  88. Britt says:

    Tina, just prayed for your grandson and also for you. May you feel the Lord’s peace today during the trial.

  89. Angie says:

    God knew who, when, how and what sin had been done. The exposing was not a surprise to Him. Thirty-six people lost family members because of that sin.
    If we are a part of God’s community and chose not to wait on God, taking what we want instead of allowing His gifting, what do we lose? Who do we lose? What is the cost?
    Obedience, laying down self and these things we place “value” on, giving God the glory and honor He deserves – it is the longing of my heart. Thank you for your forgiveness. Guide me Father, step by step. Thank you for your discipline. Thank you for your love and mercy. You are a faithful God.

  90. Brandy Deruso says:

    We must be doers of the word we are to do the work of him that sent us!

  91. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord i thank you

  92. Jenn says:

    Dana, I think it is important to know that forgiveness and reconciliation don’t always go hand in hand. I feel like you should work on the forgiveness part first for you, and let God handle the rest. I just finished an amazing book on forgiveness and actually did the online study by Lysa Teurkurst called Forgiving What you Can’t Forget. I got the book and the journal and it has literally changed my life. You should check it out. Praying for you situation. Praying you can forgive as forgiveness is for you and we are called to do so, even if the other person isn’t sorry. Even if we don’t feel like they deserve it. Even if we feel like they are wrong and we are right. This book seriously breaks down the importance of forgiveness.

    Tina, Praying for the situation with Kane. I love reading your comments. You are so wise and spirit lead and it is amazing!

  93. Terri says:

    Wonder why Achan’s wife is not included in list of things to be destroyed in Joshua 7:24?

  94. Dana says:

    My brother and I had a falling out in October. It was a big misunderstanding. But I was left feeling humiliated and embarrassed and angry that he would think these things of me. My big brother whom I adore and admire who could never do anything wrong in my eyes. What is almost more humiliating is that his new wife, my new sister-in-law (they’ve been together about 9 years but recently married) had to question these things about me too. It’s left me feeling that perhaps my own brother doesn’t know me at all. We’ve not spoken much over the last few months…just surface niceties. I feel like I’ve forgiven him but I can’t get past the humiliation and embarrassment…which have now finally turned to hurt. But I really feel God nudging me with so many lessons about forgiveness and doing what is right. Tonight is even louder. But do I move toward reconciliation that wouldn’t be heartfelt? I am struggling with this one.

  95. Tina says:

    I am up early, because I couldn’t sleep! My grandson goes to court to hear his fate this morning and my heart is heavy. My soul weary, and my mind racing in confusion.

    I spend a lot of my life, being positive, encouraging and hope- filled, but this morning, though I want to be positive, I am struggling…

    But God..

    He brings word through the devotional today. That all is not lost, that He, God, He is here, where He has always been.He refuses to turn away from us. Instead, He is inviting us to lean in closer, trusting Him to make us whole, trusting Him to be near, trusting Him for Grace, Mercy, Redemption and Hope..
    He is near.
    This is all I need to know, that in this wilderness we find ourselves as a family, God is near and His arms are open..

    Thank you Lord, thank you Lord God..

    Thank you..


    Praying the Lord God, turn His face to shine on you and yours today, sisters, may He bless you beyond your wildest dreams today..❤

    Please could I ask you to remember Kane in your prayers.. thank you..❤