A Vision of the Lord’s Glory

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 1:1-28, Ezekiel 2:1-10, Revelation 4:1-11

Our checking account dwindled. Job options fizzled. My husband received a full-tuition scholarship for seminary, but how would we pay rent? Fill the tank with gas? Buy bread? I sat on the bathroom floor and begged God for help while my toddler played in the next room. 

Later that day, my phone rang. A mentor sent a text that said something like, “My wife was praying for you and thought I should ask how you are financially?” 


I honestly replied, and a big check arrived a few days later. The rectangle paper with numbers and an ink signature felt miraculous, like a glimpse of God’s glory. I dropped to my knees in awe.

I imagine the awe I felt that day was only a sliver of the way Ezekiel felt when he saw the glory of the Lord (Ezekiel 1). Before the vision, he probably felt sorrowful. The only place Israelites entered the presence of God was in the holy of holies in the temple. Now they lived in exile—away from God’s presence—and Ezekiel could not serve as a priest, a vocation for which he had prepared himself for most of his life.

And then God showed up. God revealed His glory to the Levite as he sat next to the Chebar canal (v.1). Ezekiel saw “the appearance of the likeness of the LORD’s glory” (v.28). 

God revealed His glory in a way that showed His attributes, without revealing Himself completely, like a child using a kaleidoscope (Exodus 33:20). The scene was so mysterious and illuminating; the prophet struggled to describe the brilliance of God’s throne. He used the metaphorical terms “like” and “likeness” numerous times to convey the magnificence. Even the energy emanating from the throne could only be described as a rainbow—by both Ezekiel and, after a later revelation, by the apostle John (Ezekiel 1:28, Revelation 4:3). 

I think maybe one of the reasons God gifted Ezekiel with this radical revelation was because the Lord called him to radically demonstrate God’s message. God would call Ezekiel to do some bizarre tasks (like eating a scroll, Ezekiel 3:1–3), but first, God gifted Ezekiel with the vision of His glory. That vision doubtless inspired him in his difficult and strange work we’ll read about in this book. 

Meditating on the description of the Lord’s throne from Ezekiel 1 can inspire us in our service, whether that service feels like some of Ezekiel’s tasks or more mundane——as we bake chicken, type emails, launch ministries. God is more than an idea—more than a theology. He is the Holy One of Israel, worthy of our hearts to let go of all kinds of idolatry (Ezekiel 2:1–8). 

We might not be called to the prophetic ministry Ezekiel was, but when we keep God’s glory in view, the tasks before us—if performed as an offering to Him—can take on vibrant colors this season of Lent.

(204) Comments

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204 thoughts on "A Vision of the Lord’s Glory"

  1. June Pimpo says:


  2. Cleo Hamilton says:

    How incredible are these scriptures! ❤️

  3. Brandy Deruso says:

    God is a Waymaker God

  4. Ali Fenton says:

    honestly my heart is full !!

  5. Maria Young says:


  6. Kimberly Nelson says:


  7. Rachel Campbell says:


  8. Jessica Timperio says:

    I just feel speechless and amazed, this is my first time reading Ezekiel and I never imagined anything like this before.

  9. Andrea Morse says:

    So good.

  10. Claire Pagan says:

    His faithfulness never changes.

  11. Lindsey Joy says:


  12. Jevelle Lambert says:

    Good point!

  13. Nancy Erwin says:

    Me too sister! ♥️

  14. Christy Duguid says:

    This spoke to me to walk in obedience and trust even when I don’t see the path ahead.

  15. Christy Duguid says:

    “Open your mouth and eat what I am giving you” Ezekiel 2:8
    God asks him to do this before telling him what it was he was supposed to eat. This spoke to me—to walk in obedience and trust even if I don’t know the whole picture.

  16. Christy Duguid says:

    “Open your mouth and eat what I am giving you” Ezekiel 2:8

  17. Claire Traylor says:

    God has put me in a similar position and all I can do is pray and wait for him to guide me and show me the way.

  18. Tonja Bohling says:


  19. Susan Victoria says:

    I’m encouraged today to be inspired in my daily work as I meditate on God’s glory. I love how poetic Ezekiel 1:28 is despite it being a chapter that is hard to understand.

  20. Hannah Dunn says:

    God has placed me in a season of being stripped down so that He may build me up. It’s painful and wonderful and I’m constantly in tears or worshiping Him.

  21. Kristen O’Leary says:


  22. Elizabeth Black says:


  23. Sarah says:

    I am so encouraged by chapter 2 today. How beautiful it is that as God calls Ezekiel, God acknowledges his reality, his circumstances. Yes, Ezekiel is surrounded by opponents. Yet, he is to not fear. So just as Ezekiel’s reality was very real, he was still called to obey and trust God. And I’m to do the same, even when my reality scares me.

  24. Autumn Adams says:

    Yeah.. its ok because it does sound straight out of Hollywood films.. it shows tho how the Lord is in the attention to detail., the bizarre sightings that he saw and how he described them down & how they were translated is kind of how we would translate things today that we didn’t know how to describe so we just would use what we knew and described it from that.. does that kind of make sense?! And so t

  25. Sydney Knoop says:


  26. Kasper says:

    Miriam I do these studies on my Android phone on my browser (not the app). On each days study, under the title of thay day, there is a link that says “Lent 2022: Come to Life”. That takes you to the Plan overview page. The podcast episode and daily readings links can all be found there. They add more as they release them. Tomorrow (Monday) they will release the next podcast. I hope you enjoy.

  27. Ally Watkins says:

    I have a really hard time understanding these passages. It seems… so crazy to me. I would wonder if I was loosing my mind if that happened to me. It seems like it would scare me. Seeing something with four faces and wings… it’s nearly impossible for me to picture. And then I feel irreverent for thinking how insane it all sounds…

  28. Beth Jerome says:

    He is indeed worthy! I drink Your cup, Father

  29. Arica Cowart says:


  30. Christina Schmit says:

    He is worthy of our hearts to let go of idolatry

  31. Melissa Watson says:

    God’s call & words are life-altering, just a great reminder to be in full reliance on him daily.

  32. Sarah King says:


  33. Kate Coghlan says:

    Do you use an iPhone? There would be a podcast app and you just search She Reads Truth on that app!

    Somebody else would need to help you in not Apple, though.

  34. Kate Coghlan says:

    Do you use an iPhone? There would be a podcast app and you just search She Reads Truth on that app!

  35. Nicole Reitnauer says:

    Definitely changes my perception of moving ahead with the tasks that God calls us to do, even if we think they won’t change anything or anyone. Thank you for this.

  36. Kammie Poitras says:

    Rebellious times/places.

  37. Kammie Poitras says:

    This speaks volumes about how the power of God is translated through the Spirit. Nothing can match it. It’s so beyond comprehension – it’s supernatural and glorious!

  38. Kammie Poitras says:

    Agreed. That is the first thought that popped in my mind – we are in

  39. Melissa Gonzalez says:


  40. Katie B says:


  41. Grace Perdue says:


  42. Miriam Brighton says:

    How do you find the podcast?

  43. ARELENA NIXON says:


  44. Hannah Shipman says:

    You took the words out of my mouth

  45. Amanda Ward says:

    Think about how scary it must have been to be sent to a place that God saw as rebellious. That must have been so much pressure. But then He says “do not be afraid of them.” This feels very relevant in today’s culture!

  46. Meredith Powell says:


  47. Sarah Morrison says:


  48. Pam Stayer says:

    “Worthy of our hearts to let go of all sorts of idolatry”! YES HE IS! ❤️

  49. Stephanie Rogers says:

    What struck me is the amount of overwhelm I could feel from Ezekiel as he tried to explain the majesty and greatness of seeing heaven and god sitting on his throne. I think he struggled putting it into words. I enjoyed reading as he tried desperately to convey the majesty so that we, too, would be moved into action by it.

  50. Hope Hess says:

    I just discovered the podcast! I only listened to 1 episode so far . But I loved it. I’m going to have to add it to my daily routine :) I’m a day behind as well :)

  51. Laura Oltmann says:

    Thanks for sharing all of this! I too love the podcast! Helpful tips too.

  52. Michelle Collins says:


  53. Aida Adourian says:


  54. Kacey Hoffman says:


  55. Abigail Bickhart says:


  56. Kasper says:

    Hey all! Since I’m a day behind I don’t know if anyone will read this. But for those of us struggling with the images… On the podcast this week they previewed the imagery and some of the interesting things Ezekiel will have to do and have some tips. They said two things that are helping me as I read. First, to think of Ezekiel’s images like an impressionist painting. If we try to analyze them up close they may not make sense, but these images are painting a beautiful picture of the glory of God. Second, Ezekiel (and us) are finite. It’s okay for us to not have a complete understanding of the infinite God. It’s okay if that makes you uncomfortable even, but the finite cannot fully grasp the infinite.

    I highly recommend the podcast. I just started with SRT at Advent. Listened to the podcast for the first time in the Do Not Fear plan and have now gone back and listened to the ones from the other studies I did and studies I haven’t even done. I’m not usually a podcast person, but it’s just Rachel, Amanda and a guest reading and talking about the Bible. They are encouraging and beautiful to listen to and something about hearing some of these verses read aloud hits in a different way.

  57. Mary Zerg says:

    I’m definitely going to check out the Bible Project videos, thank you! It’s such a bizarre description that I can’t visualize without getting spooked.

  58. Holli Davila says:

    Open to all the weird commands, Jesus, if it means obedience and opportunity to see/experience your glory.

  59. Terri says:

    Mercy I don’t have any problem with the creature in those two scriptures being the same because it may not have had all of them unfurled when they only saw 4. Like a bird or an insect you don’t know how many wings they have until they have them out. Or they may be different. We don’t know how many “creatures “ are in heaven.

  60. Molly says:

    Wow! I never knew about this resource and I can’t thank you enough for mentioning it! As a homeschooling mom the videos are a great way to introduce some overwhelming books of the Bible to my Littles. Thank you – have a great day!

  61. Debbie McIntire says:

    Oh I love this, Seana! Especially last two paragraphs! This is a tough season in our family. Illness and financial difficulty in my family of origin and our 28-year old daughter has chosen to walk away from relationship with us. Walking through each day often feels so wearying, but God is remaining faithful with lots of reasons to be thankful. Beauty and graces in each day. Your words today give me additional encouragement and hope! Thank you!

  62. Yvonne says:

    We’re on YouTube? What is it called that you are referring to?

  63. Melissa Mcronney says:


  64. Denise Cooke says:


  65. Kari Ruff-Rivera says:

    The Bible Project. They have a website and you can search Ezekiel and it will bring you to a video explaining the book.

  66. Elena Knittle says:

    For those having a hard time visualizing God’s wonder:


  67. Elena Knittle says:

    For those having a hard time visualizing:

  68. Nicole Pingley says:

    How many times has God prompted me to share his gospel and I have reasoned it away in my own mind as it being futile but then I read this and I reminded my role is to obey my God and He will take care of the rest.

    7 And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house.

    Love this scripture. How can we not sign if His glory?!?!

    11 “Worthy are you, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
    for you created all things,
    and by your will they existed and were created.” – Revelations 4:7,11

  69. Nicole Pingley says:

    How many times has God prompted me to share his gospel and I have reasoned it away in my own mind as it being futile but then I read this and I reminded my role is to obey my God and He will take care of the rest.

    7 And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house.

    Love this scripture
    11 “Worthy are you, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
    for you created all things,
    and by your will they existed and were created.” – Revelations 4:7,11

  70. Nicole Pingley says:

    How many times has God prompted me to share his gospel and I have reasoned it away in my own mind as it being futile but then I read this and I reminded my role is to obey my God and He will take care of the rest.

    7 And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house. 11 “Worthy are you, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
    for you created all things,
    and by your will they existed and were created.” – Revelations 4:7,11

  71. Nicole Pingley says:

    How many times has God prompted me to share his gospel and I have reasoned it away in my own mind as it being futile but then I read this and I reminded my role is to obey my God and He will take care of the rest.

  72. Nicole Pingley says:

    7 And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house. 11 “Worthy are you, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
    for you created all things,
    and by your will they existed and were created.” – Revelations 4:7,11

  73. Maria Deleon says:

    I loved reading this. Learning about God and his likeness was a beautiful thing to read.

  74. Maria Deleon says:

    I agree

  75. Maci Clark says:

    This is where we see a example of the ultimate author with the connections between Ezekiel and Revalation. I am always in such awe of this concept!

  76. Charlene Jepson says:

    Ezekiel’s encounter with the likeness of God, the Glory of God and the throne of God are equipping him or transforming him for what is to come in his story.

  77. Laura Hadsell says:

    As I read the descriptions I couldn’t visualize really any of it. But I did feel the seriousness of the passage and felt that that these passages should not be taken lightly.

  78. Beth Demissie says:

    The parallel between Ezekiel and Revelations is fascinating.

  79. Kasi Hansen says:

    I was really taken by the references to the Spirit, it has been a while since I observed lent, mostly because the last time I tried in my own power, things were not going well, and I doubled down on just trying harder, it lead to me completely falling apart, soo grateful for the Spirit, and that God did not leave me where I was,

  80. Ally Sharrock says:

    You can watch it on YouTube – their videos are great!

  81. Sara Weaver says:

    Where can I watch the Bible project?

  82. Mindy Seekford says:

    I went and watched the Bible Project videos on YouTube for Ezekiel. It helped so much.

  83. Mindy Seekford says:

    I just watched it. Helped so much!!

  84. Chrissy Green says:

    Agreed. Some descriptions I can’t imagine even though it’s literally being described.

  85. Piper Herndon says:

    Love all the versus

  86. Gayle Radavich says:

    I watched the Bible project and that really helped!! I needed the visual!!

  87. Lynda Pontious says:

    I love the imagery

  88. Anne S says:

    I usually struggle to take in the descriptions of the prophecies. I read but don’t absorb or comprehend. I confess that I almost feel my brain glazing over. These passages often feel alien to me. The one thing apparent to me is the glory of God.

    I appreciate all of you who have posted your research to help us understand. Thank you!

  89. Stacey Pittsinger says:

    I always struggle with imagery like this. It’s hard to wrap my brain around such a site. ( wings with eyes all over them). Makes me shudder but I suppose that’s the point. I do like how the imagery is the same here in Ezekiel and in Revelation. I attribute that to the fact that God does not change.

  90. Jennifer Straznicky says:

    Wow! Looking forward to the day we get to be with Jesus and see Him in all of His glory.

  91. Megan Kaiser says:

    I agree! I struggle with prophecy in general.

  92. Ashlee Hickson says:

    I have to say that Ezekiel is a hard book for me to understand and I look forward to this study!

  93. Adrienne McPherson says:

    I was really blown away by the imagery and started to get into what it might have been like to see such goodness and glory! It really is awe inspiring.

  94. Margaret W says:

    Lydia, thank you for your words. They are speaking into my heart about a very important decision I need to make about a relationship. In view of eternity, it is not the best choice for me. I don’t want to let go, but I am increasingly convicted that I need to; this person and I don’t have the same fundamental priorities even though our relationship has been a wonderful blessing to me.

  95. Sandi says:

    One of the things that stuck with me after reading today is how scripture does inform scripture. I loved comparing the similarities of Ezekiel’s and John’s visions. It was so neat to me to see the differences as well. There’s enough in both to confirm that they are both experiencing the presence of God, but the visions are unique in specific ways for each of them. God is so good and loves us as the individuals we are!!

  96. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that the seemingly mundane tasks in my day ( cooking, cleaning and taking care of my toddler) can be an offering to Jesus. God called Ezekiel to lead others back to himself, I pray I would do the same in my daily interactions with the people around me.

  97. Mercy says:

    Wow so many comments. Studying visions usually just makes me ponder, it is such wonderful glimpse of Heaven described here. It takes revelation to understand visions, and Bible to interpret Bible. Thank you all so much for your explanations.
    I have a question, in Ezekiel 1:8 it mentions each creature has FOUR wings. And in Revelation 4:8, it mentions the creatures, each has SIX wings, are they the same? I would appreciate any insights.

    Thank you ERB for the research. How amazing that the Holy Spirit is described as 7 spirits somewhere else. This also made me wonder. Thanks a lot ERB. Great to “see” you back! Hugs.
    Praying for you and your baby Victoria E. May your baby turn head down before due date.
    Praying for Finley and the upcoming surgeries.

  98. Rhonda J. says:

    Lots of good comments on day 2! It’s just heart-warming that so many She’s are joining in on reading and commenting! Sometimes in our own neighborhoods and work environments, it can seem we are more isolated in our beliefs and obsession for the Lord! Which it should be an obsession and an obvious change in ourselves, an off with the old and on with the NEW! An eagerness to learn the Word, and praise our God, Hallejuhah! Whoop, Whoop! Come together with our Sisters!

    Prayers for you Victoria E, you must be very anxious! I am for you! Thank you for sharing your heart with us this past 10 months or so.
    Praying for your girl you watch Dorthy, and for her surgery! (I blanked on her name!)

    I pray God gives us the insight to understand Ezekial (and the know-how to spell it by the end of the study, without looking), and to grow our knowledge and wisdom, to trust and obey, what He is doing in each of our lives.

    I highly recommend making time to listen to the weekly podcast! It’s definitely helpful as they elaborate on the readings and explain and discuss!

  99. Jenny Getts says:

    I love the reminder that God is more than theology. ❤️❤️

  100. PamC says:

    Morning y’all. So many comments! (99 when I got on the website). I’m so very grateful I had the time to go through them. Diana Davis thank you for sharing the info.. I’m going to have to get out my new Filament Bible & see what they say too. (I’m so grateful it was recommended for my neice by Kelly). Angie, ERB, Churchmouse, Kelly(Neo), & so many others, you made passages come to life, have meaning for the everyday. Thank you again.

  101. Victoria E says:

    Wow! Amazing comments here today thank you Angie and ERB for sharing resources. I’ve never read Ezekiel but I was struck by the similarities to Revelation this morning as I started reading the passage. All of your insights are so useful as I was confused by Revelation as well until our old church went through it (Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia). Dorothy, praying for Finley and her medical team. If you all could keep me and our baby in your prayers, we are 36+5 today by God’s grace, and he is still breech. Please pray for His will to be done whether it is the scheduled c section or for this little miracle to turn and head out the regular way. Thanks for those who prayed for my FIL, he is doing miraculously well after his bypass and will be released soon!

  102. Nancy Duncan says:

    I like the author’s suggestion at the end, that perhaps the Lord gave Ezekiel this radical vision of Himself was to prepare him for the things he would be called to do. That this is not merely a theological curiosity, but teaches us the importance of having a vision of Him through daily time in the word, prayer and worship even if the things we are called to do may seem less fantastic; baking chicken, comforting a grieving friend, or mopping spilled milk.

  103. Maurisia Cruz says:

    “God is more than an idea. More than a Theology. “ These words really struct a cord in my heart. How many times do we not take interest in his presence or word because we haven’t truly gotten to know who God is. The moment we make a decision to read his word and learn who He is we will learn of His greatness and that He is way more than what we thought

  104. Michelle Waghorne says:

    Dorothy, you are definitely not alone, his vision is quite difficult for me to wrap my head around.

  105. Jennifer Wagner says:

    Super excited to start this study! Have not fully studied through Ezekiel yet!

  106. Christine Jones says:


  107. Lynnette Golden says:

    I have studied Ezekiel and i have studied Revelation but today is the first time i noticed the similarities of the beasts in Ezekiel and Revelation or the glimpse into heaven of the Throne of God. Cant wait till tomorrow to see what God reveals to me.

  108. Lydia Long says:


  109. Lydia Long says:

    This got me thinking about some things Jonathan Pokluda has said recently about eternity — basically just this reminder that our life right now is just a blip on the radar regards to our eternal life. We allow this life to affect our decisions, but really we ought to be making decisions based on our eternal life. When we see God’s glory or keep our eternal life with him in view, it helps us obey his word and prioritize how we’re living our lives now! So good.

  110. Diana Davis says:

    Watch He Bible Projects Ezekiel video on YouTube…they do a great job showing and explaining the vision.

  111. Rachel says:

    I wish I could “like” comments! Y’all did good today! Thank you for sharing your insights and your hearts.

  112. Teresa Donley says:


  113. Kelcy Pryor says:

    Thank you ERB for that research! It really helped tie all of it together. I honestly did not know all the spirt of the Lord.

  114. Sarahgroovy says:

    The Bible project’s video on Ezekiel’s is very helpful https://youtu.be/R-CIPu1nko8

  115. Amy Hughes says:

    This helped a lot connecting scripture to our current day to day. Often I get lost in scripture (like doctor talk) and can’t quite understand it all. Looking forward to many more days growing in faith with you ladies! Would love to connect IG @that1strongmom

  116. Allison Bierly says:

    Thank you! Was wondering about this but didn’t have time to research.

  117. Terri Baldwin says:

    Our Lord and God, you are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because you have created all things, and by your will they exist and we’re created.

  118. Sky Hilton says:

    Good morning dear sisters:

    Reading Ezekiel 1: 1-28 reminds me of the “biblically accurate” angels trend we see on Youtube. But… is it really any of our concern what God’s creatures, including angels, really look like?? Respectfully, it shouldn’t be. God’s creatures are always amazing no matter what they look like.

    Our concern as humans on earth is to preach the Glory of Yahweh, how amazing He is, and why we should follow Him. To be sent out for HIM.

  119. Terri says:

    Rea Queen caught that it was the Holy Spirit that made Ezekiel stand. This is an excellent example of the tremendous mystery of The Trinity. Holy Spirit is explicitly stated as making him stand. Since someone is speaking words to Ezekiel it must be The Word which is Jesus.

  120. Terri Baldwin says:

    Thank you for this!

  121. lucy rodriguez says:

    “God is more than an idea. More than a Theology.” I really loved this – so often I feel like we place God in a box because we don’t have that “face-to-face” interaction with him. But this thought is so wrong to have. True faith is believing in His name because we know who He is from the scriptures. We don’t need a picture of God to believe in him – we have His word and that is sufficient.

  122. Terri Baldwin says:

    Me too!

  123. Julia Tougas says:

    Love the connection between Ezekiel and todays ministry! Never thought of it that way and just what I needed today.

  124. Rebecca W says:

    So looking forward to seeing a bit of His glory through this Lenten study! And as a later riser today, I appreciate being able to ponder and learn from all the comments. His word is truly life giving, amazing, and a mystery all in one!

  125. Paola Hidalgo De Lara says:


  126. Denise Stone says:

    This message revives me, and gives daily and mundane tasks and actions new purpose. We are able to chose how we look at these things, and showing love in all the actions and passings of the day is a great reminder.

  127. Dorothy says:

    Am I the only one not quite grasping Ezekiel’s vision? I’ve tried to read it in several versions and it still didn’t register. I do know one thing I think I would be scared at first when I saw a strange creature like this.
    Sisters please once again put Finley, the little girl I take care of, on your prayer lists. She is going to be having back surgery, she has spina bifida and it’s common to have multiple back and leg surgeries especially as they grow, on March 10. Pray that the surgery goes well and that she stays healthy between now and then. The surgery had to be postpone once already.
    Be blessed and may the peace and love on God be with you sisters.

  128. Catherine Piecuch says:

    Thank you! Very cool to know.

  129. Clarisse Martin says:

    Katie M… those questions are great! ERB absolutely loved you sharing your research into the spirits

  130. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation
    Pure and spotless let us bei
    Let us see thy great salvation
    Perfectly restored in thee
    Changed from glory into glory
    TIL in heaven we take our place
    Til we cast our crowns before thee
    Lost in wonder ,love and praise

  131. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation
    Pure and spotless let us bei
    Let us see thy great salvation
    Perfectly restored in thee
    Changed from glory into glory
    TIL in heaven we take our place
    Til we cast our crowns before thee

  132. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation
    Pure and spotless let us be
    Let us see thy great salvation
    Perfectly restored in thee
    Changed from glory into glory
    TIL in heaven we take our place

  133. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation
    Pure and spotless let us be
    Let us see thy great salvation
    Perfectly restored in thee
    Changed from glory into glory

  134. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation
    Pure and spotless let us be
    Let us see thy great salvation
    Perfectly restored in thee

  135. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation
    Pure and spotless let us be
    Let us see thy great salvation

  136. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation
    Pure and spotless let us be

  137. Patricia Stewart says:

    I might not be called the same as others but I know that God is using me for his glory. My greatest ministry has been my children. Showing the love and majesty of God to my girls has changed the trajectory of our lives. If we followed the path of previous family who suffered from addictions and lack of faith we would fall but the Lord was with me and I love him for that. No regrets.

  138. Susan Reagon says:

    Finish then thy new creation

  139. Arti Thompson says:

    As soon as I finished I started researching as well. It’s so cool how you can see the purpose of the Holy Spirit through all of scripture!

  140. Morgan Latham says:

    God can show up anywhere.

  141. Rachel Self says:

    The consistency of the visions from Ezekiel and Revelstion is amazing when you think about how they were seen by two men hundreds of years apart in different parts of the then-known world. To me that confirms the vision as true and awesome. And it also reminds me that God is so much bigger than our wildest imagination! I think sometimes we put Him in a box of sorts with the limitations of our human thinking. But our amazing, almighty God cannot and will not be restrained by the human imagination. Praise His glorious Name!

  142. Mitzi White says:

    I pray for God’s wisdom and understanding for this study of Ezekiel. It’s intimidating and exciting at the same time. Glory to God!

  143. Donna Wolcott says:

    Diana Davis thank you for sharing that comment.

  144. Kathy Harkness says:

    Thank you! Your research was very helpful!! God Bless!

  145. Shalyn Carthan says:

    Ezekiel’s description is so vivid but also I can’t even imagine it at the same time. I bet that was truly a sight, one that changed him forever.

  146. Victoria Fowlkes says:

    My sister and I love googling the scripture and looking at the images people have tried to recreate of these vivid scenes and pick out the most biblically accurate one. It’s amazing how differently the Bible describes Heaven’s living creatures than the images we are used to associating them with. Gods glory is awe inspiring and I can’t wait to see Him one day.

  147. Terany Garnett says:

    The willingness and humbling moments at the throne of God should be something that I daily do in my quiet time or at any moment because God is so worthy. The others surrounding God knew Him to be glorious and the creations gave God His rightful place to lead and be honored. I make more of a heart like that to know and honor/ respect who God is in all His majesty not just what suits the moment.

  148. Adrienne says:

    I have a friend that says we should always look for Jesus in the OT. He is definitely there, isn’t He, NATALIE. And I never thought of the significance of eyes before (versus mouths or anything else, KRISTA… Thanks for sharing that.)

  149. Karissa Barber says:

    God shows up on his time, not ours. For His purposes, not ours.

  150. Natalie Poppell says:

    Reading these passages today I kept in the back of my head – read this as “why did Jesus come? Who did Jesus come for?” Doing that made the descriptions of God’s glory pop out a little more. Jesus came for us to be able to see God’s glory! It’s cool to be able to pair what Ezekiel saw to what Jesus was teaching/showing everyone – the power of God!

  151. Taylor says:

    So much to soak in this morning! I wish I had more time to elaborate but I am here reading and learning with you all <3

  152. Krista Larsen says:

    I’m struck that the creatures around God’s throne are covered in eyes – not mouths. Eyes of awe & wonder. Eyes that see God’s GLORY & praise Him. May my eyes be wide open to see His Glory today & may my mouth only be used to His Glory. Have mercy, Jesus, on me, a sinner.

  153. Natalie Poppell says:

    Amy – I liked reading this part as well. It shows that God has different plans for our strengths then we might have. He pushes us out of our comfort zones so He can show us his glory!

  154. Leah McFann says:

    “God revealed his glory in a way that showed his attributes, without revealing himself completely, like a child using a kaleidoscope” – I love that comparison

  155. Claire B says:

    Diana, what an insightful way to sum up the symbolism!

  156. Meggan Winter says:

    I had written a question mark in my study book next to the ‘seven spirits’ in Revelation and was going to look into this. Thank you! What a scene to imagine!!

  157. Maria Baer says:

    I am excited about this study of Ezequiel for Lent because it really brings it full circle— when read with Revelation— why Jesus died and what it to come. I just finished studying the parallels between Daniel and Revelation, and now diving into the parallels between Ezequiel and Revelation. And I’m in awe of how God have these visions to these men, way before Revelation was written. God has a design and purpose to everything, but I get nerdy excited when I study parallels in Scripture. Have a wonderful day, SRTs.

  158. Janice Milley says:

    Thank you so much! This did help.

  159. Benita Whittle says:

    It’s so great to see how you described Ezekiel from being in a position of honour to being rejected, even though he was just bringing God’s truth to his people. That reminds me of Christ, who also was from a place of honour and came to earth to be rejected by his own creation (us). Yet God glorified him, and we needed saving! Praise God Christ is the perfect prophet and in Ezekiel we can even see glimpses of Christ!

  160. Maria Baer says:

    ERB— thank you for sharing this bit of research. I love it!

  161. Ashley Taylor says:

    This doesn’t wholly answer you but look into the commentary Enduring Word. I can usually get some thoughtful answers there.

  162. Rachael McClellan says:

    Andrea. They creatures are cherubim. Angels.

  163. Amy Conkling says:

    It struck me that Ezekiel had trained and planned to become a priest, gifts and desires of God’s heart. Yet Ezekiel probably didn’t plan or dream of using his skills and training to a rebellious nation in exile. His dreams probably were to serve the Lord in the temple, a place of reverence and awe.

    But God…in His reverence and awe, has grander plans for Ezekiel, using the gifts and training, but in more difficult circumstances. I wonder what Ezekiel was thinking? What thoughts was battling as the Lord is telling him that the gifts and training will be used in far tougher work?

  164. Amy Conkling says:

    It struck me that Ezekiel had trained and planned to become a priest, gifts and desires of God’s heart. Yet Ezekiel probably didn’t plan or dream of using his skills and training to a rebellious nation in exile. His dreams probably were to serve the Lord in the temple, a place of reverence and awe.

  165. Michelle Patire says:

    I never realized the creatures in Revelation 4 were also the same as this vision. Gosh, God is awesome in repeating His Word. I love when things fit together from Old to New Testament. That’s something that amazed me as I first started to study the Bible. Even now, I learn more!

    This encouraged me, this morning. I was feeling pretty discouraged by the past 24 hours. But God reminded me He is still on His throne and still a good teacher to me. May we be blessed to have eyes to see Him today.

  166. ERB says:

    DIANA DAVIS, loved what you shared!!! And how it all ties in to the gospels!!! A definite mic drop revelation!!!

  167. Jeannie Wilson says:

    Diana- thank you for sharing the significance of the 4 creatures! That’s SO amazing and I love to see all of the ways that the OT points to Christ! This is my first study of Ezekiel and today was amazing. The connection between Ezekiel and Revelation are just awesome! I loved the comment fro HRT that said “ the similarities between Ezekiel and Rev 4 remind us that God is the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER “! What an AWESOME God we serve!

  168. Aimee D-R says:

    Holy of Holies…Lord God almighty. Let me bask in Your presence and find shelter under Your wings always. In Jesus name, Amen

  169. Katie Murphy says:

    Exactly what my heart and soul read!! I don’t want to miss it and I want to share it with others!! Thanks be to God!!!

  170. Heidi says:

    I’d be willing to bet Ezekiel had spent these past years convinced that because of the reckless disobedience and exile of God’s ppl, HE was missing his calling. He was trained for a position in ministry that he’d never see happen… And God knew better. God knew from the moment Ezekiel was born that THIS was his true calling. God never had intention of Ezekiel being “just” another priest- He had plans for him to help lead an entire nation in a way Ezekiel couldn’t have ever expected.
    It’s a reminder – God’s eyes see more than we are able to see. We can see behind us and around us. He can see the entire picture. I’m working on growing my faith in that area because it so often can feel like I’ve “missed the boat” on calling and purpose. Or- sometimes- that the “boat” got lost and missed me. But He who called me is faithful and will use me to complete the tasks He set out for me before I was even born.

  171. Stormi Messmer says:


  172. Michelle W says:

    Diana- thanks for sharing! Going to dig deeper into the imagery of today’s verses.

  173. Katie Megee says:

    “God gifted Ezekiel with the vision of His glory.” Has me asking—have I been gifted this? Am I missing it, distracted by “life,” the hustle, my own self-centeredness and “me” focus? Ezekiel’s vision was for him to share with others. Can I look for God’s glory and then share it with others? I think it surrounds me every day if I can slow down, open my spiritual eyes, and see it!!

  174. Rea Queen says:

    Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you stand us to our feet and make us ready for what God calls us to do! (Ezekiel 2:2)

  175. Ally says:

    Wow. So much in these passages and so much in all your insights! I was blown away by the similarity between Ezekiel and John’s descriptions, and I am reminded, like you mentioned, ANGIE, that God is the same yesterday, today, and always. ERB, thanks for sharing about the Spirit- I wondered about that too! I am really just in awe of God’s glory. Praise be His forever! Amen.

  176. Karen Copp says:

    Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! He is above all, the day to day tasks and the world at large. So glad to be His!

  177. Jane Q says:

    This is awesome! I may need to look into the application Bible!

  178. Alicia Noble says:

    The vision that Ezekiel describes seeing, I felt like I could close my eyes and vision what he was seeing. Arina you described this text very well and I feel God sees even the ugly and knows just what needs to be said or done in those exact moments whether he is going to listen or not. Thank you!

  179. Diana Davis says:

    I loved learning the significance of the living creatures from my application Bible. Lion=strength Ox=diligent service Human= intelligence Eagle= divinity. The 4 Gospels correlate showing us who Jesus is. Matthew, Lion, Christ as the Lion of Judah. Mark, Ox, Christ as servant. Luke, Human, Christ as Perfect human. John, Eagle, Christ as Son of God. Mic drop! Praise God for teaching me something new today.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      WOW, Diana thank you for helping to better understand the vision.❤

  180. Emilee Dickman says:

    I can get overwhelmed with examining these types of verses in scripture, but I appreciated today being able to step back and focus more on the whole picture of Gods glory revealed. Phew! HE is magnificent!

  181. Andrea Henry says:

    Why the creatures?

  182. K SMP says:

    Wow wow wow!!!! I don’t have any other words for these chapters. The imagery, the repetition, the call and response between Ezekiel and Revelation. Wow wow wow!! What an amazing God we serve!

  183. ERB says:

    ANGIE, thank you so much for sharing the excerpt from HRT it really hit home for me!! Be Blessed today sister!!

  184. Ann Harris says:


  185. ERB says:

    Revelation 4:5 mentions “Seven fiery torches were burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.”
    …and I wanted to understand what this means… so I did a little research and here is what I found:
    The “seven spirits of God” are a reference to the Holy Spirit in the perfection of His manifold ministry.
    Isaiah 11:2 “The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.”
    *This scripture references the Holy Spirit using a seven-fold description: The prophecy is that the Messiah would be empowered not by seven individual spirits but by the One Spirit, described seven ways:
    1) The Spirit of the LORD

    2) The Spirit of wisdom

    3) The Spirit of understanding

    4) The Spirit of counsel
5) The Spirit of power

    6) The Spirit of knowledge

    7) The Spirit of the fear of the Lord
    (reference: gotquestions)

    Pretty cool to know!! And also to see how it’s ALL connected!! Hope my little bit of research blesses you in some way!! Have an amazing day dear sisters!!

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      ERB thanks for sharing your research. Very enlightening ❤

  186. Molly Jones says:

    I was most struck by how consuming the glory of the Lord is. He is worthy of all praise and glory!

  187. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh thank you for giving me a new view of the simple tasks I do in the Lord’s name baking, cooking, praying and visiting others in a new light . I will put more value in these privileges.

  188. Sara Moore says:

    I have never read Ezekiel before. I’m looking forward to what God reveals in this book.

  189. Angie says:

    From HRT: “Such descriptions as of the cherubim and of the Lord on His throne are meant to wow us, but also to reveal something to us. Ezekiel is reminding us of God’s covenant faithfulness. The same God who dwelt with His people in the temple, whose messengers filled the holy of holies, is the God speaking in this book. It is no coincidence that the glorious light around the throne is like that of a rainbow, the covenant promise made by God of faithfulness and presence to Noah and all future generations.
    The fulfillment of that covenant is found in the One on the throne, He who is both beyond comprehension in glory and in the form of man. Ezekiel is gazing into the reality of an eternal, unchanging, covenant-keeping God and doing his best to share what he sees, just as John did in Revelation. (The description in Revelation 4 of the creatures, the throne, and even the rainbow are strikingly similar—because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.) May Ezekiel’s visions of God leave us aghast—anchored to the timeless, unchanging faithfulness of God this Lenten season.” Written by Barnabas Piper
    God, You are eternal, unchanging, covenant-keeping, faithful, and timeless in all ways. Without You, I am undone, lost. You say, “Here is the way, walk in it.” May we/me step forward in You, and Your way alone. We praise You, our God and King. Amen.

    1. Mallory Buford says:

      Thank you for sharing this! A powerful insight into the covenant faithfulness of God. I especially love the prayer that we be “anchored to the timeless, unchanging faithfulness of God this Lenten season.”

  190. Heather Straub says:

    Well I didn’t mean to post that verse 3 times BUT…. Lord show us your glory and give us the knowledge of your presence today!

  191. Heather Straub says:

    V 28 This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of the one speaking.
    Lord show us you glory and fill us with the knowledge of your presence today!

  192. Heather Straub says:

    V 28 This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of the one speaking.

  193. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Ezekiel did his best to describe what he saw, yet God’s glory is indescribable.
    God came to him in a whirlwind just as He came to Job and Elijah.
    Lord may I see You when life seems like a whirlwind.

  194. Church Mouse says:

    How ashamed Ezekiel must have felt when God’s chosen people were now called “rebellious pagans.” God also described them as obstinate and hardhearted. The worse part was that Ezekiel knew God’s assessment was correct. Israel was indeed guilty of rebelling against God. Rather than permit Israel to wallow in its sin, God charges Ezekiel to be His spokesperson. Ezekiel has trained to be a priest but now he would be a prophet. And an unpopular one. God tells Ezekiel to not be afraid even though his words are likely to fall on deaf ears. Ezekiel’s calling was simply to open his mouth, speak truth and obey God’s instructions. I can’t imagine having prepared to serve as a priest in the Temple, a position of honor and respect, only to become a prophet called to act in some pretty weird ways. Ezekiel would go from respectable to rejected. Oh but God gave him a vision of His glory that would help him bear up when the going got tough. When Ezekiel was ridiculed, he could remember the wonderful vision he was given.

    When we are given the opportunity to speak God’s truth, may we remember the glorious God we serve. May we not be intimidated or reluctant because of others’ resistance. May we be grateful and honored that God invites us to be a part of His plan to save the world. Let us confidently share His good news. Give us a heart for those who are far from you, Lord. Bring us out of the shadows and into the city square, the coffee shop, the board room, the classroom, the factory, even at the family picnic, to unabashedly stand up for You. May we keep our eyes on His vision : that every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Christ the Lord. Amen.

  195. Kristen says:

    Thanks, Arina for explaining and sharing. I didn’t think of the reading this way. How personal and merciful. I pray all that aren’t following are drawn, see the depths of their sins, repent, and can’t get over the lengths Jesus went to to make the only way to be saved. Then May they join in saying as you did that He is worthy! May we all in remembrance and joy give praise, glory and honor unto Him! Amen!

  196. Arina says:

    Ezekiel sees this vision when he is 30 years old, the age he normally would have started serving as a priest. But he is in exile, far away from the temple. Instead, God calls him to be a prophet. God doesn’t forget Ezekiel or His people. God knows all what is happening on earth. The expanse under His throne is transparent and the wheels are full of eyes. He sees the suffering of His people, but also their sin. It’s their own fault they are in exile. Still, God sends them a prophet. Even when He knows that they most likely won’t listen, He seeks after them. He is always faithful. Truly, He is worthy to receive glory and honor and power.

  197. Maati Williams says:

    Absolutely magnificent!

  198. Lydia Hunt says:

    like that of a rainbow on a cloudy day –

  199. Beth Munn says:

    Thank You – so much to think theses passages make my mind explode !

  200. Beth Munn says:

    Great start ! Excited for this Lenten journey

  201. grace kleinknecht says:

    good morning all, west coaster here who is doing her devo time at night. i’m praying over everyone here and am looking forward to diving into Ezekiel together. just a couple weeks ago i attempted to get into the book on my own, but was unsuccessful. i’m ready for a second go at it. have a lovely day :)