A Song for Going with Praise

Open Your Bible

Psalm 134:1-3

After reading today’s psalm, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

This song moves the singer to communal worship as they arrive with other travelers in the house of the Lord. They lift holy hands together, praising God with one voice. Though the journey may have been long and night has fallen, there is an atmosphere of arrival. Hear their invitation: worship the Lord!

  1. How do you practice worship in your own life? 
  2. Use this space to write your own prayer of worship, praising God for wherever you are in your own journey.
(198) Comments

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198 thoughts on "A Song for Going with Praise"

  1. Michelle Johnson says:

    I love to listen to music – that’s my favorite way to worship! I’m super thankful for my new job – it’s been amazing so far!

  2. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Friday ladies! It’s been a busy week prepping for my first farmers market tomorrow! I’ll be there with my mom selling makeup bags and flower planters! I am nervous and hope it goes well. Praying for you all today.

    1. Tina says:

      Kimberley, hope all goes well with the farmers market. ❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      I wish I could come visit, I LOVE going to farmers market…and BUYING things! Lol, you would definitely have me scooping up a makeup bag and flower planters!!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Praying for success! ❤

    4. AZ Walker says:

      I am at my farmers market nearly every Saturday and love to support the locals! I pray that today goes really well for you and your Mom!

  3. Claire B says:


    1. Tina says:

      Claire, ❤️right back atcha!

  4. Linda in NC says:

    I worship daily through God’s Word, praying for our sweet community of She’s. I usually begin my mornings with singing “The Goodness of God” or “10,000 Reasons”. There are times when the Spirit puts a song in my heart. Usually whatever the
    song, it remains with throughout the day.
    Daily my prayers are with each one here and particularly with caregivers whose names I know.
    I just joined our FB group. So glad to meet more personally with y’all❤

    1. Tina says:


    2. Kristin T says:

      Could you please tell me what Facebook group this is? I have joined She Reads Truth community page and I feel there is not a lot of interaction. I just want to make sure Im not missing anything?

      1. Leanna Thompson says:

        SRT SHE’S
        Be sure to answer the question SRT so Rhonda can accept your request.

  5. Karen Dillenbeck says:

    This scripture is encouraging. My worship is done in looking out my window to see nature while I talk to Jesus. I bring the hard things to him. Talk to him about my thankfulness for him and his provision. I ask for his strength to live a life of servanthood.

    1. Tina says:

      Karen, I love to sit, and watching nature. There is still beauty in the world, isn’t there?❤️

  6. Adrianne says:

    How do you practice worship in your own life?
    By reading my bible everyday!

    Use this space to write your own prayer of worship, praising God for wherever you are in your own journey.
    Dear Lord,
    Thank You for Your grace today. Thank you for all that You are doing in our world both internally within us and externally in our communities. Please protect my family, my friends, my fellow readers, and both the people around the world who know You and those that don’t. And please Lord, provide me with Your protection as well. Please wrap us up in Your arms and hold us close. Please give us Your love as we walk in a world that is broken and in need of Your guidance. Thank you dear Lord for all of Your help and comfort. Amen!

    1. Tina says:

      Love your prayer, ADRIENNE. Beautiful!

  7. Elizabeth Busshaus says:

    Listening to a song and focusing on every word always brings me into a state of worship.

    1. Tina says:


  8. Mercy says:

    Dear sweet she’s, I am back for another heavy prayer request. My husband’s coworker Matthew has gone missing. He had past attempt suicide, history of depression, from broken dysfunctional family of childhood abuse and trauma. He did not show up to work last weekend, and has been missing a week. The police will be meeting my husband for some clue today. Matt was last seen and thought to be going out for a hike in the mountain. I don’t dare to think what could have happened. Please pray for Matt to be well and he is somewhere safe for a retreat only. My husband is grieving. On top of everything that is going on with me, this week has been so strange for us. We don’t have the emotional capacity to bear all the attacks back to back. Praise God that He is with us, that He hears our cry, and that He can dispatch angels to charge around us. May God do so for Matt, who is a non-believer. May his life be spared, and his soul not be robbed. Please pray for his mom as well. She struggled so much. Thank you dear shes. Be blessed.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Mercy, I am so sorry you and your husband have been hit so hard and so often! Praying in agreement for y’all, for Matt, and his mom! ❤

    2. Mari V says:

      Praying for Mathew, direction for those involved in the search, that he Will be found safe and sound, and a second chance to life, for Jesus to become his Lord and Savior and for Jesus to heal his broken heart. Praying also for YOU Mercy.

    3. Adrienne says:

      You got it, sister. ❤️

    4. Victoria E says:

      Mercy I am praying for your husband’s coworker.

    5. Tina says:

      Oh dear Mercy, joining you in prayer to find Matt. Praying he is safe and well.praying also for his mum who must be beside herself, asking for peace of heart and for those horrible tormenting thoughts to GO in the name of Jesus!
      What trying times your husband and yourself are going through, dear friend, lifting you both in prayer. I’m sorry for you troubles..
      BUT GOD..❤️

  9. Tami C says:

    When I read the question I was thinking of worship in only one way: singing and praising. But you all have so enriched the meaning of worship for me. I start my day listening to Abide or Lectio, read a devo, pray, sometimes sing, listen to worship music/sermons/podcasts on my way to work. During the day I try to be mindful of God (not always successful). Some of the most powerful times for me have been listening to worship music. It always sets my heart right and I can see that many of you feel the same way. I think worship can also look like obedience, repentance, and surrender.

    1. Tina says:

      Tami, I agree. Recently, during my quiet time I felt prompted as i prayed for a couple who were strugglig,to down tools and bake them a cake. Which I lovingly did. On delivery, as they said Thank you, my response was, “this was an act of obedient worship” ❤️

  10. Mari V says:

    I start here every morning with all of you on She Reads Truth! I don’t look at text messages, email, NOTHING till after my quiet time here with all of you! I wake up looking-forward to it! My quiet time became, still is and will ALWAYS be my lifeline! I cannot do life without it! I’m SO grateful for this wonder ministry of SRT. THANK YOU my sweet Jesus for bringing me here to She Reads Truth. You knew exactly what I needed when my friend Gretchen introduced me to this beautiful bible study a few years back, I’m guessing it was about 9 years ago or so. Thank you for all the beautiful She’s that have poured themselves into me!! Yes me and naming me by name in their prayers! I have grown so much from their wisdom! During my journey of leaving a 20+ marriage (it will be 7 years next month), SRT was here for me, YOU my JESUS were here for me through these beautiful She’s who uplifted me to YOU! Thank you for sweet She’s like Churchmouse and Angie whom I miss very much and hope they are OK or with YOU! AMEN! Good morning Sweet She’s on this beautiful Friday from a “cool” summer morning in sunny California. Although its going to get much hotter, but most of you know I enjoy the heat! ALSO, I thought you should ALL know that “Mari” is my nickname. Growing up my family all called me “Mari” but my legal name one that everyone calls me is Muriel. Not sure if I’ll change my username here because that’s what I’ve been known by for about 9 years and I love that you all call me “Mari” like my family.

    1. Adrienne says:

      I like Mari! I’m just sayin’. We are glad to be your family here. ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Mari, I like that though we have never met, only through the airwaves, you call us family. That we get to call you by the familial name..Mari.. beautiful! Thank you!
      Much love, to you and yours, dear sister.❤️

  11. Cindy Hanna says:

    I practice worship through gratitude. I try to notice and give thanks for a whole host of things during each day. Whether it be sore muscles from a day of physical labor or interesting clouds or a bumper sticker that makes me laugh, an unexpected call from a friend or family member, finding random lost long misplaced items ….the list is long and ever changing. I have mentioned before the impact of small things. I just love all the things he shows me daily.

    1. Tina says:


  12. Audren Phalen says:

    I practice worship in my own life through my work (as a worship leader), through my marriage and how I treat my husband, and how I commit my day to the Lord.

    Oh Lord, you have brought me to a beautiful place. There have been valleys, and there will be many more. But thank You in this moment for this spot. May we all be as sheep knowing the voice of our Shepherd, and following wherever You lead, my King.

    1. Tina says:

      Audren, beautiful! ❤️

  13. Donna Wolcott says:

    Start the day by thanking the Lord for a new one. Reading a daily devotional and the scriptures that go along with it. Reading along the SRT books. Chats during the day with God and at night the Lord’s prayer and Psalm 23.

    Dear Father,
    Thank you for new blessings and grace you’ll provide this day.
    Thank you for your love.
    Thank you for the gift of faith.
    Thank you for calling me daughter.
    Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
    Thank you for leading, guiding and carrying.
    Thank you for your beloved son Jesus.
    Thank you for the family I was born into.
    Father, praising your Holy Name.

    1. Tina says:

      Donna, Thank you for sharing your prayer. It’s simply beautiful.❤️

  14. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    Beginning each morning with a simple mantra before my feet hit the floor:
    “Father in Heaven. Thank You for a New Day & a New Chance to begin again.”
    Then attempting to carry that theme throughout the day in dedicated space in my home or simply in walking about the neighborhood.
    Communing with Him in the midst of the mundane or major activities of the day. Like…
    Listening to contemporary Christian music while I practice yoga.
    Listening to sermons from select sources as I piddle around the house or handcraft.
    Texting prayer partners.
    Memorizing scripture.
    AND thanking Him for leading me to SRT & guiding me in instruction & submission.
    The Shes gathered here help sustain me. My day feels incomplete if I don’t spend some time here. Whether or not I write a single word.
    And, I have certainly written MORE than a single word right here right now, Dear Lord!!

    1. Tina says:

      Father in Heaven. Thank You for a New Day & a New Chance to begin again.” I love this GWINETH52!❤️

  15. Patsy Coghlan says:

    I thank you Lord that I have awaken to another day. I praise your name that you are with me every day and have called me to follow you. I am so weak at times but thanks for your mercy that leads me to you in your scriptures.

    1. Tina says:


  16. Cee Gee says:

    Many comments and methods of praise mentioned by you sisters are true for me. As I have mentioned before, nature photography is also a form of praise for me.
    Father, I praise You for Who You are. I thank You for Your mercies that are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness, LORD unto me! As the One True God, You are so very worthy of our praise. I thank you that I can praise you through the storms of life. That is something I have learned in my old age that really blesses my life. Thank You, Father, for never letting me go and never giving up on me. In Jesus’ Name – Amen
    Apologies as this may be long! I have gleaned so much in this study from the commentaries on Biblegateway and I appreciate your words of thanks. It makes for long comments! ;)
    Today, I inadvertently typed in the wrong Psalm, but it was perfect for the reminder it is. I will share it last. For today’s Psalm, as usual, Wiersbe’s commentary had a lot:
    V.1 – Directed by the high priest, the temple priests and Levites were responsible to make sure everything was in order for the next day’s ministry. They also checked the building to see that nothing dangerous or defiling had gotten past the doorkeepers and was hidden in the sacred precincts. The pilgrims heard a temple choir singing the praises of Jehovah, and their ministry would continue all night. Pagan temples were silent at night, because their gods had to rest (1 Kin. 18:27), but “He who keeps you will not slumber” (Ps. 121:3). The Lord gives sleep to His beloved people, but He stays awake and guards the city and watches over the family (127:1, 2). He also hears the praises of His people.
    v. 2 – As the choir in the temple lifted their hands to heaven (see 28:2), they were pointing to the Source of all good things and praising Him for His mercy and grace. True worshipers lift clean hands and a pure heart to the Lord (see 24:4; James 4:8), for the Lord looks on the heart. We will worship God for all eternity (Rev. 4–5).
    V. 3 – God has blessed the nations because of the Jewish people, for they have given us the knowledge of the true and living God as well as the gifts of the Word of God and the Savior. If God never sleeps and our worship never ends, then the blessing will not stop. Like the precious gift that Mary of Bethany gave to Jesus, the fragrance of the blessing will reach around the world (Mark 14:1–9).
    Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.
    And now for the Psalm I typed in by mistake:
    Psalm 136
    Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
    His faithful love endures forever.
    2 Give thanks to the God of gods.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
    His faithful love endures forever.

    4 Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    5 Give thanks to him who made the heavens so skillfully.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    6 Give thanks to him who placed the earth among the waters.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    7 Give thanks to him who made the heavenly lights—
    His faithful love endures forever.
    8 the sun to rule the day,
    His faithful love endures forever.
    9 and the moon and stars to rule the night.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    10 Give thanks to him who killed the firstborn of Egypt.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    11 He brought Israel out of Egypt.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    12 He acted with a strong hand and powerful arm.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    13 Give thanks to him who parted the Red Sea.[a]
    His faithful love endures forever.
    14 He led Israel safely through,
    His faithful love endures forever.
    15 but he hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    16 Give thanks to him who led his people through the wilderness.
    His faithful love endures forever.

    17 Give thanks to him who struck down mighty kings.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    18 He killed powerful kings—
    His faithful love endures forever.
    19 Sihon king of the Amorites,
    His faithful love endures forever.
    20 and Og king of Bashan.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    21 God gave the land of these kings as an inheritance—
    His faithful love endures forever.
    22 a special possession to his servant Israel.
    His faithful love endures forever.

    23 He remembered us in our weakness.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    24 He saved us from our enemies.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    25 He gives food to every living thing.
    His faithful love endures forever.
    26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.
    His faithful love endures forever.

    Thank you, SRT , for this powerful study, and thank you, sister SHES for your powerful shares. I felt so much sisterhood these past few weeks! God bless each of you! ❤

    1. Julia C says:

      Thank you, Cee Gee, for all the commentaries you share ❤️ And how fitting is Psalm 136 for today’s theme!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ and thank you for your beautiful prayers and insights!

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Good Morning CeeGee…you wrote:
      “…nature photography is also a form of praise for me.” Noticing expressions of beauty & bounty. Capturing those moments for posterity & pleasure. Letting God know you see, really see, His creation. What a picture!

      1. Cee Gee says:

    3. Tina says:

      His faithful love endures forever.. Amen!
      Thank you Cee Gee, for all your love and encouragements. I am so blessed. Thank you..❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ back atcha, sister, double!!❤

  17. Caroline Bridges says:

    Dear God,
    I know you’re with me all the time, but sometimes it feels like you’re not there. Your timing is more important than my own. I have mostly deteriorated. Amen

    I wish I had something better than an awful prayer.
    I read scripture almost everyday and it’s hard for me to do anything else.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Caroline, I, too, struggle with forming just the right words for prayer and praise. Not long ago, I realized when the words don’t come for what I consider ‘adequate praise’, I just lift my hands and say, “Thank You, Father!” ❤

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Hello Caroline
      Scripture tells us when we are weak or wordless,
      the Spirit groans on our behalf.
      And so it is, faithful one.

      1. Adrienne says:

        That’s what I was thinking, Gwineth! And, Caroline, just saying little snippets, starting out “Thank You” are certainly forms of worship. He hears you, sister. ❤️

    3. Julia C says:

      Dear Caroline, in my humble opinion, I think there is no such thing as ‘awful’ prayer when you pour out your heart to God. I find it helpful to use the Psalms: either to pray the literal words, or by praying in response to the Psalm. And when I sinply don’t have the words, I go back to the Lord’s prayer and try to paraphrase is it my own words. I hope this helps. Praying for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Sending love ❤️

    4. Mari V says:

      oh sweet Caroline, let “us” your SRT community lift up your arms to the Lord, WE are here for you! Please know that all Jesus wants is to be called by his name. Even if you just cry out Jesus,Jesus, know that HE “hears” you,sweet Caroline! We are so glad your here with us! YOU are loved!

    5. Tami C says:

      Caroline – Joyce Meyer says one of the most powerful prayers can be “help!” You are here, say after day, and the Lord sees that. Hold on, He will see you through whatever you are going through. I think you mentioned you are 20? Same age as my daughter. Challenging age and time to be in. BUT God! You will see beauty from ashes:)

      1. Lanie Hefferly says:

        Yes it is! Tapping in at 32 here. I was in a season of waiting recently and wanted to go back and read my journal from what felt like am excruciating season of waiting at 21. I was praying for a husband and for a job. I thought it was years! Maybe 7, bc that is what it felt like at the time. When I went back and added it up from my lowest point, my prayer of desperation it was almost 3 years exactly. When I look back on it I’m like oh wow that was a blink of an eye. And several of my prayers have been answered on very specific, significant days, bc God is like I don’t want you to miss that I did this. So write your prayers down and date them and see what the Lord will do!

    6. Mercy says:

      Awww Caroline…dear girl..praying with you, wishing i could give you a hug. This sounds like me once upon a time, in a lonely dorm room…just exactly. I am sorry. But trust that your best days are ahead, and keep trusting.

    7. Tina says:

      Caroline, it is not what you put out there for all to see that matters, it is what is within our heart that Father God hears.
      Dearest, lifting you up to our Father God, who most certainly sees you, hears your cries and definitely knows YOU by name. He is closer than you think, and though tou may not see it, He is working all things for good. Trust in Him, hold fast to Him, He will not let you down.
      Thanking God for you and for your sharing here.
      Much love dear sister ❤️

  18. Arlene says:

    I praise you Lord for where I am on my journey, the path has been rocky and difficult at times but you have given me what I need, when I need it. You have given me beautiful moments of rest and refreshments along the way. You have given me people to walk with, some have encouraged me to keep walking when I’m tired, some I have encouraged. I lift my hands to you in praise for all who You are, the maker of heaven and earth. As long as I am on this earthly journey you will be with me and when my journey here ends you will be waiting to welcome me to me to my eternal home with you. As beautiful as this earth can be, it pales in comparison eternal home you have waiting for me.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤

    2. Julia C says:


    3. Tina says:

      Arlene, ❤️

  19. Lara Castillo says:

    I want to worship Him more in my day to day! Now I think I worship by being grateful to Him in all circumstances and by being aware that He is always with me. Lord, you are almighty and my life is in your hands. Your mercy and grace are never ending. I am so glad I have been called and chosen to walk with you.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Lara.
      Called & Chosen!

      1. Tina says:

        Sorry GWINETH52, I seem to have borrowed your words lol.❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Yes, Lara, Called and Chosen. Amen.❤️

  20. Diane Smith says:

    I sing for joy at the sound of your name, dear Lord. I praise you this sunny morning for summer! Is your home in heaven an endless summer?
    I praise. You for my good nights sleep and the strength of body and mind that are new every morning
    You are my helper through these days of so much turmoil in the world.I bless your Holy name this morning

    1. Tina says:

      Diana Smith, this is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.❤️

  21. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh gosh…I PRAISE ALL the time!! Loudly, lol. I love to hear and sing praise music and constantly “feel” the words to worship and love the Lord Jesus with all my heart. The music makes my heart joyful or even connected when my heart is sad or hurt. Songs run through my mind as I go to sleep, wake in the night, and rise in the morning. I also love praising and singing in church, and try not to get caught up in the emotion of the music but to know that it is in praise to an Almighty God and I just want to fall to my knees or raise my hands in appreciation that God loves me and I love him.
    I loved singing as a child growing up in church, even though we sang the songs over and over and with not much arousing tempo, rather slow and sluggish, but I still would sing them with vigor! There is just something powerful about singing to God. I know there is a lot of controversy with contemporary Christian music and “entertainers” but I think it is better than other music we could be listening to?!
    When we go to jail each week and put on songs to sing and to lift our hearts and souls to the Lord, we are conscious of using Praise songs not ..me songs. I think they both can be useful to turn our focus to the Lord..but we want them to praise him IN their storm. It is a beautiful thing to see them “come to a moment” (breaking) during this time. That is the power of song.
    I love all forms of songs. I have attended my dad’s wife’s church which is 95% black attendees, and the way they clap and sing with no music stirs my soul! It is beautiful.
    Praising God is a beautiful testament of our love for Him. Lord I pray you keep my heart pure for you. It easily deceives us, and I don’t ever want to be mixed up in all the scandals of churches today that want power and money, protect my heart and give me discernment, Lord make us women chasing only after you, nothing else. Help us discern the pastors we listen to, that we know what YOUR word says, and we don’t go for the feel good services, but ones that give your words only. Anoint me to chase you and lead with the Holy Spirit not my own self. I know I couldn’t do it otherwise though, you give me courage and strength. But Lord, I want to stay humble always and know I am always pointing to you, my King, My Jesus…the center of everything I do and say. Help me to watch my words, to be thoughtful and mindful that all words matter. Even here Lord, that we stay a group of She’s that honor you with our words.

    1. Tina says:

      Praising God is a beautiful testament of our love for Him. Amen, dear Rhonda!
      I am so very thankful for you. Just wanted to let you know, thank you!❤️

  22. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    For me, worship is a constant. I always have a song of praise in my head and in my heart. Worship is when I read His word, when I commune with Him in prayer. It’s seeing His hand in everything – all of creation, acknowledging the beauty of His artistry in a sunset, a sunrise, a rainbow, a new born baby. I stand in awe of Him!

    Father God, I praise you for ever being by my side in this journey of life. I praise you for being with me where I have been, where I am now and where I am going. I praise you for today, my 38th wedding anniversary – and for all the years in between. You are the most Holy God, awesome in all your ways, I praise your Holy name. To You be the glory for ever and ever amen.

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Happy Anniversary!

      1. Kelly (NEO) says:

        Congratulations Mr and Mrs Sheibenpflug

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Sharon…and husband
      Cheers & Congrats & Champagne on celebrating 38 years of matrimony!
      A mighty & magnificent work of the ever present & everlasting God!

    3. Cee Gee says:


    4. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Happy Anniversary, sweet sister!!! ❤️

    5. Tabitha Lacovara says:


    6. LindaK says:

      Happy anniversary Sharon

    7. Julia C says:

      Amen to your comment and happy 38th anniversary to you and your husband, dear Sharon❤️

    8. Mari V says:

      Oh…Happy Anniversary sweet Sharon, Jersey Girl.

    9. Tami C says:

      Happy anniversary!

    10. Adrienne says:

      Happy anniversary! ❤️

    11. Tina says:

      Happy Anniversary to you both! I am still hopeful! Gotta find him first! Lol.
      Ah, my heart sings for you both, Praising Him with you..❤️

  23. Cheryl Blow says:

    I usually wake up with a portion of a song in my heart. This song will run through my head most of the day. This didn’t always happen when I worked or still had kids at home. But I would always sing during the day. If not out loud then just in my heart.

    “I remembered my songs in the night. My heart meditated and my spirit asked:”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭77‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    This whole chapter is worth reading.

    O God, my God, where would I be with out you! You are worthy of praise. I can never thank you enough for all you have done for me. You have given me what I do not deserve and have not given me what I do deserve. Your mercy and grace goes beyond my comprehension! You knew me before I was born and you always make a way for me. You see me, hear me, and never leave me. I am in awe of you! May I never forget all that you have done for me! I praise you Lord! Hallelujah!

    1. Tina says:

      What a beautiful prayer Cheryl. ❤️

  24. Adrienne says:

    Bless, bless, bless! We bless. He blesses. Nice!

    Bless Him all day today, sweet sisters, in the form of worship that you do best. (Many people mentioned singing. I do that… but “Joyful Noise”, anyone? Heeheehee! ❤️)

    1. Julia C says:

      I am sure that your “joyful noise” is like the most wonderful music to God’s ears ❤️

      1. Adrienne says:

        Wish I could use a winky face emoji, Julia! Using this one instead… ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      I’m for a joyful noise! ❤️

  25. Anna Leonor says:

    Good morning, She’s! Special prayer request to all the prayer warriors here- my dad, Armando, is beginning open heart surgery right now (7:30am in San Antonio, TX). He’s having a triple bypass and mitral valve repair while on dialysis machine- it’s a lot, and he’s 78! He’s always been an active healthy man, but kidney failure paired with a heart issue has knocked him out fast. Please pray for a smooth procedure and recovery. I stand in faith this morning with my mom (who will need an equal amount of prayers) and worship our sovereign God who has the whole world, including my dad, in his hands. Thank you for your prayers, ladies. Have a blessed Friday!

    1. Adrienne says:

      Will do, Anna! ❤️

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praying for your dad, right now!

    3. Gayle Gartin says:


    4. Cee Gee says:

      Praying for your mom and dad, that he will endure the procedure with no complications and have an uneventful recovery. Like you said, it’s a lot! Father, may each participant in the surgical room be mindful of his/her specific responsibility and the special attention needed. Prayers for strength and endurance for your mom in the days of care giving ahead. ❤

    5. LindaK says:


    6. MARTHA HIX says:

      Praying for your father and the entire medical team and staff…for successful surgery and healing. ❤️

    7. Julia C says:

      Praying for a smooth procedure and recovery for your dad

    8. Mercy says:

      Praying for your dad..

    9. Tina says:

      Praying Anna. I am late to the table, praying nonetheless, that the procedure went well and that your father, Armando, is safely through and recovering well.
      God does indeed, have Armando and the whole world in His hands. ❤️

  26. Kris says:

    “Worship is when we give our deepest affections and highest praise to something.”
    For many of us, worship means singing a song about/to Jesus. And it does. But worship can be other things, too. Like just thinking about Him while walking. Or thanking Him for something He gave you. Or just talking to Him while you’re doing laundry. Giving Him your deepest affections and highest praise can look different. We can praise Him when something so great is going on in our lives. And we can praise Him in our deepest mourning because we believe He is Sovereign. The point is to acknowledge Him as LORD and Savior and Highest Authority in all things in our lives.

    1. Julia C says:

      Amen, Kris ❤️

    2. Tami C says:

      I love this Kris! Amen!

    3. Tina says:

      Amen, Kris! Amen.❤️

  27. Libby K says:

    Praise and worship music stirs my heart. Yesterday we had to travel across state and start cleaning out my father in laws apartment. We found out Tuesday he had passed away unexpectedly. I had no idea that it could hurt this bad. That people all over have to walk this grief and carry it with them all of their lives. I never knew the depth of the pain. But while we were driving I just sang every word of every song knowing that God is in this.

    1. Lynne from Alabama says:

      So sorry for your loss, sweet sister! ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Prayers of peace and comfort for your heart! ❤

    3. Julia C says:

      I am so sorry for your loss, Libby. Praying for God’s peace and comfort to surround you and your family ❤️

    4. Tina says:

      Libby, I am so very sorry for your loss. Lifting you and yours up to our Father God for peace of heart and for His comforting arms to be around you all at this very sad and heartbreaking time.❤️

      1. Libby K says:

        Thank you, Tina. So kind of you!

    5. Michelle P says:


  28. Jesse Rugh says:

    I used to think worship was only part of church service. I didn’t realize it was something to be done all day long with everything you do. When I am driving, I pray, praise, and worship Him. When I am going about my day, I worship Him by bringing Him into whatnot doing and thanking and praising Him through it. I praise Him when walking our dog. Sometimes it’s quietly in prayer and other times I sing out to Him. I am so thankful to and for our Almighty God for every blessing and every trial. Thank you, Father! Amen.

    1. Tina says:

      How wonderful it is when we receive the head and heart knowledge that we can praise, worship prayer… anywhere..
      Glory to God in the highest.. and peace to His people here on earth.. Amen❤️

  29. Aimee D-R says:

    Worship music in my home and car put a song on my heart to worship even when I’m at work in meetings. Worshipping as a family in Church on the weekends is life for me. Thank you Lord that Your presence is palpable in worship!

    1. Tina says:

      Aimee D-R ❤️

  30. Colleen DeVeau says:

    I remember singing the first part of Psalm 134… I wish I could remember where and when. As I read it this morning, I heard it in my mother’s voice. It warmed my heart. I have not heard her sing from her heart in a long time. When I was young, I remember hearing her sing often. We loved to praise Him together. She is going through quite a few difficult things all at once at the moment. I pray she can still lift up songs in the midst of these things, LORD. I know her heart is so weigh down; please lift her up. Continue to remind her of your faithfulness throughout her life. You have been there for her time and time again. Keep reminding her of all of the ways you have prepared her for these hard things. Please give her joy in the midst of sadness and overwhelm.

    1. Colleen DeVeau says:

      “Come bless the Lord,
      All ye servants of the Lord,
      Who stand by night in the house of the Lord.
      Lift up your hands
      In the holy place,
      And bless the Lord,
      And bless the Lord.”

    2. Bethany Anne Robinson says:

      Any chance it was this one? https://youtu.be/DGXynOO8eRI?si=D15qHX_b2dNeI2Nl I sang it as a child too :) Praying your mom knows God’s presence in her hardship ♡

      1. Barb says:

        I grew up singing that song!!! Thanks for the link.

    3. Cee Gee says:

    4. Arlene says:

      Praying for your mom. I don’t know what her circumstances are but I know how it feels to lose the song in your heart. In the last 6 months it’s been hard for me to praise the Lord with song. In my struggles with my mental health I have felt annoyed listening to praise music and have not wanted to sing in church, which was something I loved doing. Then one day last week I was sitting outside, the sun was shining after a few rainy dreary days and the Lord put this song in my heart:
      Oh how marvellous
      Oh how Wonderful
      Is my Saviors love for me
      It’s in my heart and in mind and I’ve been singing it for days. The light has shone through, God is good. Keep praying for your mom, the song will come back.

    5. Julia C says:

      Praying for peace and joy for you dear mom ❤️

    6. Tina says:

      Colleen, lifting g your mom up to our Father God who walks with her daily, He has promised never to leave nor forsake, no matter what, so in her trying times, I pray you mom, feels His presence and love..
      Praying also that she will find her voice again real soon to sing of His goodness once more..
      Hugs to you Colleen and mom.❤️❤️

  31. Lanie Hefferly says:

    She’s thank you for the suggestions yesterday! Amy, I looked into the MOPS and there is not one in my community but lots all over the upstate, so I may suggest starting one to my pastor! To the shes “over 60” I work with people pretty much exclusively over 70 and I’m always like you’re too young to be in this shape ! Lol. Laura, I am definitely open to that too. Bc of my job I am only with that age group all day and they are my best and only friends in my area at the moment . So not to knock my neighbors group I just need more diversity in my life right now. And to worshiping God: sometimes in my job I have the honor of assisting with literally washing feet, there is no time I feel more connected to, and in worship of God than when I am literally washing someone’s feet. Oh and this song came to mind this morning:
    Bless the Lord oh my soul, ohhh my soul, worship his holy name.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      One of my favorite songs!

      1. Cheri says:

        Prayer request for a dear friend having breast cancer surgery this morning. Thank you!

        1. Julia C says:

          Praying for your friend, Cheri ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      “.. worship His Holy name, sing like never before O my soul, I’ll worship His Holy name” one of my many favorites. Thank you for the reminder, Lanie, and thank you, for washing the feet of others. GOD bless you!❤️

  32. Katy Silva says:

    I love worship songs! I praise God throughout the day whether I’m working, driving, or cooking. I’m thankful we live in a country where we have the freedom to worship wherever we are! Thank you Jesus for your goodness, love, and faithfulness to us. Help me to be more like you today and every day.

    1. Tina says:


  33. Cat-tee says:

    Thank you Michelle P for these lyrics – probably my favorite song of praise. It will be in my heart today! ❤️

  34. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I praise the Lord in worship…singing, writing music or prayers, my life! I listen to worship, lift my hands, dance but it’s more than that. It must be my whole life! All I am, in spirit and In truth!
    Lord, You are worthy of all our praise and adoration, all our worship, honor, glory! Holy, holy, holy are You Lord! Worthy, worthy, worthy! You are faithful, You are good, You are awesome and mighty!

    1. Tina says:

      Erica, ❤️

  35. Danielle B says:

    My worship is usually done in prayer and singing. Sometimes my quiet walks on the beach in off season. Tina there’s time of dance, but after reading your comment, I need to move and shake more!

    Julia C Thank you for sharing the comment from Spurgeon. God is my strength!

    Lord, in this season of more unknown I will continue to trust you! Over and over again, though I haven’t understood You have shown to be trustworthy, so I know that while I’m not liking all that is happening you remain the same, which means I can continue to rest in and trust you Lord! Thank you Father for who you are!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ similar to my thoughts this morning.

    2. Julia C says:

      Amen ❤️

    3. Tina says:

      Danielle, He is so so very faithful. Hold fast, never let go for it is in your weakness, He is made strong.. He is good, not just for Christmas, BUT ALL the time! Amen.❤️
      I’m up for some moving to the left, moving to the right when you are!! Just putting it out there!❤️

  36. Maria Baer says:

    I love this topic because I used to think that I was doing worshipping wrong because it wasn’t like you see in big church worship services. But I’ve learned that worship is so individual to the person, and it is whatever makes you feel closer to God. For me, aside from trying to live a good life that is pleasing to God, worship is singing softly; sometimes I wake up with a hymn in my head and I will be singing it throughout the day. Other times, especially in my car, I’m bold and sing however the spirit is calling me to do. Above all, my prayer is that i never lose my joy for worshipping God, especially during the hard moments of life, because it is in those moments when I feel prayer and worship brings us closer to God.

    1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Tina says:

      Maria Baer,❤️

  37. Michelle P says:

    I read in the Enduring Word commentary this morning, “If the servants of God do not praise Him, who will?”
    And I thought of the word Jesus says when he rides into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people are praising Him as King,
    “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.” Luke 19:40

    Even the rocks cry out! The mountains shake… At the sound of His name…❤️ (Shout to the Lord- as classic)

    Thinking I will put that song on and do some quick stretches as I get ready for work this morning.

    God bless and keep each of you, Shes. God is with us. Thank you, Jesus!!! ❤️

    1. Michelle P says:

      “Shout to the Lord All the earth let us sing
      Power and majesty Praise to the King
      Mountains bow down And the sea will roar
      At the sound of Your Name

      I sing for joy at the work of Your hands
      Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand
      Nothing compares to The promise I have in You.”

      1. Cat-tee says:

        Thank you for these lyrics – probably my favorite song of praise. It will be in my heart today! ❤️

      2. Rhonda J. says:

        This is on of my all time favorite songs..Shout to the Lord!!

      3. Diane Smith says:


    2. Adrienne says:

      That will be in my head all day today… thank you, sweet sister! ❤️

    3. Mercy says:

      Thank you for your word of wisdom for me the other day.

    4. Tina says:


  38. Margaret W says:

    My first thought is that our praise and worship is a blessing to the Lord. What a privilege we have to be able to bless him!

    1. Tina says:

      Margaret?, what a beautiful thought! ❤️

  39. Searching says:

    MERCY – thankful for your husband’s turnaround, praying for your appt
    MICHELLE P – “As my parents get older (they’re in their 60’s) … girrrl, ouch on the “older” as that’s in my range :) :) :) love you ❤️
    CEE GEE ❤️ love your sharing on these psalms!

    1. Michelle P says:

      Lol!! I knew when I typed that number, some of you are in your 60s or older…. And might cringe at what I wrote.
      I’m just thinking of their health, and what they’ve gone through, individually… ❤️

      1. Lynne from Alabama says:

        Shout to the Lord!!! It doesn’t get much better than that song!!!

        I didn’t take any offense to the age comment. I’ll be 69 in September and I’m just glad I made it this far! ❤️

      2. Adrienne says:

        I’ll be 57 very soon. (I wish we could do winky emojis here. I’ll do this one instead…❤️)

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you, SEARCHING! So much good stuff!❤

    3. MARTHA HIX says:

      I turned 75 last Saturday!
      How’d that happen?
      Goes by fast!…Thankful to be here! ❤️

      1. Tina says:

        Martha Hix, Happy 75th birthday for last Saturday! I am so very thankful for you and our journey together here..❤️

    4. Mercy says:


    5. Tina says:

      Searching, I praise now, as I write/type, YOU, my friend are a blessing to me in your encouragement and love and ‘airwaves’ friendship.. thank you..❤️

  40. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Living the way God made me so that a pleasing fragrance is continuously rising up in worship. That I may be a “living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (Rom.12:1).
    What words could I utter that would give You the glory You derserve?
    What service could I do to bring You the honor You derserve?
    What thanks, praise, or adoration could I add to the continual worship the angels give around the throne?
    Yet You hear and see my bumbling attempts to worship as a loving father greatfully accepts the artwork of a toddler as though it were a masterpiece.
    Thank You, Lord.

    1. Jennifer Fritz says:

      Thank you Kelly, your analogy of the toddler is spot on. You put into words exactly how I feel!
      Have a great day!

    2. Carol M says:

      Your heartfelt words of worship express my heart’s cry, this morning… thanks, Kelly!
      I appreciate your daily posts, and remembrance of the many requests for prayer.♥️

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Your words represent so many of us, Kelly. Thank you! ❤

    4. Gwineth52 says:

      What delightful imagery to share with the SRT community this new day, Kelly:
      “Yet You hear and see my bumbling attempts to worship as a loving father greatfully accepts the artwork of a toddler as though it were a masterpiece.”

    5. Audren Phalen says:

      I love where you said our art is like a toddler’s Kelly, if its even that good!

    6. Julia C says:

      Amen and amen, Kelly ❤️

    7. Tina says:

      Yet You hear and see my bumbling attempts to worship as a loving father greatfully accepts the artwork of a toddler as though it were a masterpiece…
      These words hit me right in my heart!
      Thank you Kelly for the reminder that though I am in the autumn of my life, and have not arrived in anyway, God, still hears my simple words and holds them close..❤️

  41. Julia C says:

    Praising God today with Israel’s song in Exodus 15 (probably the first documented song in the Bible according to Enduring Word and Spurgeon.)

    2 -The LORD is my strength and my song;
    He has become my salvation.
    This is my God, and I will praise Him,
    my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
    11 – LORD, who is like You among the gods?
    Who is like You, glorious in holiness,
    revered with praises, performing wonders?
    13 – With Your faithful love,
    You will lead the people
    You have redeemed
    You will guide them to Your holy dwelling
    with Your strength.
    18 – The LORD will reign forever and ever!

    “Note, the word is not ‘The Lord gives me strength,’ but ‘The Lord is my strength’! How strong is a believer? I say it with reverence, he is as strong as God – ‘The Lord is my strength.’” (Spurgeon)

    Dear Father,
    Thank You for who You are to us:
    Our strength. Our song, our joy. Our salvation.
    Our peace. Our hope. Our guide. Our anchor.
    And so much more….
    Because You are The God who sees, the God who remembers, the God who heals, the God who loves.
    You have done all these things for us, and You will continue to do so, because You ARE the great “I AM”. Ever-present, neverending, always the same….
    You are my God and I will praise You!

    1. Searching says:

      The Lord IS my strength! Amen and thank you!

    2. Adrienne says:

      He IS my strength… amen, girl!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Beautifully said! Amen! ❤

    4. Arlene says:

      Thank you for sharing that prayer in Exodus. I pray it along with you this morning.

    5. Linda in NC says:


    6. Tina says:

      Julia C, moving my hips this morning in thanks and praise to our Father God for YOU. For your words, your continued prayers for us, and for the encouragement with quotes and ‘extras’ to our study. Thank you.❤️

  42. Tricia C says:

    I thank you Lord, that I can worship you in everyday things and in big things. You deserve all the glory and praise. Amen

    Blessed Friday to you all!

    1. Tina says:

      Tricia C, much love winging it’s way across the pond, to YOU!❤️

  43. Dana says:

    God You are good; May I never forget
    Your arms reached out to me
    Your voice calling Your daughter to Your heart
    I weep with joy at the sound of Your voice
    And the gentleness of Your love
    The Holy Spirit moves my soul to give You praise
    And I cry “Jesus my Rock! My Redeemer!”
    God you are Good; May I never forget.

    1. Julia C says:

      Amen, may we never forget ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Dana, Absolutely, may we never forget! Bless you!❤️

  44. Tina says:

    I dance!
    I will often been seen in my kitchen, music up, foot tapping, bottom swaying from left to right or is it right to left.. my hands raised in praise.., my voice so out of tune, it’s beautiful, if i say so myself! The best part of my day! Any day! If it involves heart pumping, house shaking, ‘I can feel it in my bones’ joy, that is a good PRAISE day!

    BUT GOD..

    LORD, may I always, always praise you.

    In the PEACE, when all seems calm,
    When I feel and know your protective arms in times of stress.

    LORD, I will praise you.

    I pray I know always in my heart, you LORD, are my true HOME, and no matter where life may take me..
    Remind me Father God, when the arrows of ‘horrible-ness come, you will be my strength and shield.. my PROTECTION
    LORD, when life throws me lemons, covered in confusion..

    I will praise You.

    LORD, I have tasted and seen your goodness, I have known your mercy more often than I can remember..
    I will TRUST in you, always..

    I will praise you..

    Fill me LORD, with golden JOY, true joy only You can bring..
    I pray you are always my centre, my HOPE, my song..
    That I look to you, LORD, because in You I have everything to gain..

    LORD, I will praise you.

    Thank you Father God, for the work you have done in my ‘patched up’ heart, thank you for never being far away.., that even when I hit rock bottom you are there to scoop me up..
    May my CONFIDENCE always be found in You

    LORD, I will praise you.

    I praise You, LORD, for you know me, and You know me well, and You still are with me..
    For making your home in my heart, for choosing me..
    For the gift of HARMONY, and grace and freedom, and giving us HOPE for a better life to come..

    BUT GOD..



    Happy Friday people, covered in praising love for you all..♥️❤️♥️

    1. Tricia C says:

      Amen and Amen.

    2. Searching says:

      Amen and amen, Hallelujah, Praise His Holy Name!
      Thank you, sister! Joining you in off key singing praises to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

    3. Linda says:

      Hallelujah and amen ❤️

    4. Cat-tee says:

      Amen ❤️

    5. Pam Fite says:

      Thank you for sharing this Tina. We all need to praise the Lore with all of our being every day!

    6. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Keep dancing and keep praising, dear sister! You are such a blessing to this community! ❤️

    7. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Yes, and amen Tina! ❤️

    8. Adrienne says:


    9. Cee Gee says:

      From one ‘dancing queen’ to another, Amen to a most beautiful prayer! The scene you described could be me in my kitchen or my car. I love what I call steering-wheel-pounding worship music! Thank you for ending this study with your beautiful gift with words! ❤

      1. Tina says:


    10. GramsieSue says:

      Golden Joy!! Yes!
      I dance in my kitchen too! I even have a wall hanging that says, “In this kitchen we Dance!”
      Hugs across the pond dear sister ❤️

      1. Tina says:

        GRAMSIESUE, so do I.. !!!
        Happy Friday wrapped in love and prayers.. for yourself and Steve.. ❤️‍♀️

    11. Gwineth52 says:

      Yay, Tina!
      Why stand still & keep it all inside?
      Shake it down & send up praise.
      To the beat of your heart & the ear of heaven.

      1. Tina says:


    12. Julia C says:

      I am not much of a dancer (the only time I danced was on my wedding day lol) but your words makes me want to dance with you! Can you imagine the joy and laughter of dancing with Jesus in heaven? Sending hugs, dear Tina ❤️

      1. Julia C says:

        Oops I meant ‘make’ not ‘makes’.

    13. Mari V says:

      Your SO cute Tina!!! Love you to the moon and back and MORE!!!

  45. Karen Roper says:

    I worship Hod through my lifestyle and singing.