A Prayer for the Second Sunday After Christmas

Open Your Bible

1 Timothy 6:15-16

God will bring this about in his own time. He is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see, to him be honor and eternal power. Amen.
—1 Timothy 6:15–16

Lord, we commit our souls to Your almighty hand. Under the sanctifying, life-giving, and supporting influences of Your Spirit, help us to wait for Your mercy that leads to eternal life. 

Then nothing will sidetrack us—no terror of suffering, allure of pleasure, or false arguments. But guided by the light and truth of Scripture, we will march on to Your holy hill. 

And when we escape the dangers of the dark path we are now on, we will greet the dawn of an everlasting day. 

Then we will see the Daystar rise, never to set again. 


—Prayers of the Puritans

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45 thoughts on "A Prayer for the Second Sunday After Christmas"

  1. Brandy Brooks says:


  2. Grace Sharp says:


  3. Jessica D Weaver-Stoll says:

    @Dorothy, thanks for sharing this idea!

  4. Jessica D Weaver-Stoll says:

    Praying for you and your husband.

  5. Sue R says:

    I am so grateful to SRT for this Advent study. What a joy to spend time in God’s Word every day!
    During this study, a dear friend was actively dying, and so my thoughts went to her and how glorious it will be for her to meet The Everlasting Light. I was also moved by the beauty of the study book.
    Thank you SRT for this Advent study.

  6. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    @Tammy Hicks I am praying for you and your family. I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be! I’ll be praying for miraculous comfort and resources for you all and that you will soon be in your own home again with no more issues!

  7. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    This devotional and this community has blown me away. My husband and I decided to get the subscription box, I’m excited to stay connected! I’m hoping my husband will also feel a community with the HRT guys. Nate was one I asked you all to pray for recently because of testing at work. He has done well with testing so far but God has brought a lot of things to the surface, like depression that my husband has been pushing down and grief he hasn’t not fully dealt with since his mom died in 2017. For anyone who stumbles across this, if you could keep praying for Nate I would be truly grateful. We missed out on getting the John book so I’ll take January to do a different study by myself but I will see all you lovely ladies in February for the study on fear!

  8. Alayna P. says:

    An incredibly beautiful study. It felt bittersweet closing it for the last time today but I am very much looking forward to starting John tomorrow. Happy New Year ♥️

  9. Gwineth52 says:

    As I close my Advent 2021 Study Book, there were many, many memorable prayers & affirmations Shes offered & shared in this space. I note them in the page margins & revisit them each Grace Day. “We can’t find our way out of darkness alone”…”Darkness is not dark to Him”…”The darkness will not win!”…”He is my only help, my only hope, the true Light of the world”…
    “Take heart, dear ones; keep running after that Light”…and especially, “To abide in the Light daily is the best decision we could ever make!” Where I live the winter season is dark & damp. I can easily slide into a deep depression. I truly need “His marvelous Light that sets us free”. I have “heard”your heartfelt comments & been touched by your trust & tenderness. I give thanks to each & everyone of you on this path. Your “lightness of being” has lifted my spirit so very often. Beautiful Blessings in the year ahead. Here’s my pledge & promise for 2022. To remain in the SRT community. To keep opening my Bible everyday. To lean into a love supreme, a life-giving & life-altering gift. To receive “His presence, our everlasting present”. Thanks be to God.

  10. Stephanie says:

    Praying for you and your husband!!

  11. Emily Dafoe says:

    Please pray for my husband and I, tough year. I had breast cancer and we are worried about colon for him, he is having a colonoscopy on Wednesday! We are in our 40s and struggling with major health issues thank you!

  12. Dorothy says:

    Jessica I would go ahead and do the upcoming study — John, then when you have extra time (maybe Saturday and/or Sunday) catch up on the past studies. That is what I’ve done in the past, I find it much more meaningful.

  13. Donna Wolcott says:

    Jessica I think I would go and as time permits read a little of the past studies when you can. It will be easier to follow along with everyone. You got this!

  14. Dorothy says:

    What a wonderful study this was. I have enjoyed it immensely. It has drawn me so much closer to my Lord and Christ and the Holy Spirit.
    “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Let shine, let it SHINE, LET IT SHINE!!!”
    Throughout this study there were multiple times I would be singing this song, either out loud or in my head.
    Sisters, be blessed and don’t forget to let YOUR LIGHT SHINE FOR CHRIST.

  15. Sandi Wellnitz says:

    Focus on John, Sister. As 2022 evolves, you can see if it fits into your devotion time to rewind and complete some of the others. I bet you will be able to get to come of them.

  16. Kayla Willoughby says:

    I am so happy and blessed to have found SRT! I never heard of Advent until I found this community and I have been in and out of church my whole life. This has peaked my desire to learn all that I can about the Father and the Bible, thank y’all so much!

  17. Jessica D Weaver-Stoll says:

    What a wonderful Advent study. While embarrassed to admit it, I think this was the first study that I made it through in 2021 and into the new year. My question is whether you would go back to the previous studies or simply start anew with the study beginning tomorrow. Praying God’s blessings and grace over each of you.

    1. Chris S says:

      Start John with us

  18. Victoria E says:

    Rachel thank you for sharing the full context of the verse for today. Tammy I am praying for you and your family.

  19. Lindsay Capps says:


  20. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Just as Paul’s letter to Timothy contained the power of our Lord’s message though him, I am encouraged by each woman here encouraging one another. You are encouraging me. God gave me a word today, really yesterday it came to me in prayer, but today this word has lifted off the pages of scripture. UNTIL. Fight the good fight…until. Be strong until… hold on until…serve and encourage when I need help myself until… “to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1Tim6.14 and our reading today falls just after we are charged to keep…until… We serve a God who IS returning. He IS faithful. He will not leave us or forsake His people. We are His, and UNTIL His return I pray for each of your heart cries… O Lord of lords and King of kings grant hope and peace, sleep and rest, perseverance and strength, provisions for repairs, humility and forgiveness, restored marriages, prodigals returning, healing of sickness, ways through the wilderness, and may our lives shine Your glory as a testimony of Your power especially when things are hardest. May contentment reign in our hearts because we trust in your return. UNTIL… Maranatha. In Jesus’ holy name.Amen.

  21. Sissy says:

    I have never posted before but am glad to be a part of this group. I have a prayer request for one of my very good friends and wanted to pass it along to this prayer warrior group. My friend’s husband came to the emergency room Tuesday morning, he was having trouble breathing. He was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia, tested negative for Covid. After a ton of blood work, ultrasounds, CT’s they discovered he has pneumonia, congestive heart failure and 4 blockages. This will require open heart surgery. TENTATIVELY, the plans are to transport him to Memphis Monday and surgery Tuesday or Wednesday. They have been advised the surgery is very high risk. Please keep him in your prayers.

  22. Mari V says:

    And praying for Munchkin. I too, struggle sleep myself sometimes.

  23. Rachel says:

    I couldn’t remember what the “this” was that God would bring about in vs 15, so I looked up the previous verses:

    11 But you, man of God, flee from these things, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fightd of the faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called and about which you have made a good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 13 In the presence of God, who gives life to all, and of Christ Jesus, who gave a good confession before Pontius Pilate, I charge you 14 to keep this command without fault or failure until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 God will bring this about in his own time…

    The “this” is the appearing of Jesus. He will bring it about in HIs own time, but He WILL bring it about. The broken, sad, sick, lonely, hopeless, sleepless days have an expiration date! What a beautiful promise, what beautiful HOPE!

  24. Mari V says:

    BEAUTIFUL study! Good morning SRT sisters. Have a blessed Sunday!

  25. Elizabeth Oster says:

    Amen!! Praying for you and your family, Tammy.

  26. Britt Shipp says:

    Amen ❤️

  27. Robin Jackson says:

    I personally know what you are going through! We live on a farm in Illinois with septic. I am praying that the Spirit fills you with His calm peace and assurance that this too will pass. You have what it takes to see the earthly side of this. The loss of personal items is heartbreaking and the stress of moving out is almost unbearable but YOU GOT THIS, sister. God is right beside you and your family. Let Him guide you through this and pray for an answer at every turn. He will provide everything you need. Love you and I will be praying for you.

  28. Trish says:

    Tammy…praying for you, your family and the situation.

  29. Susie H says:

    TAMMY praying for you.

  30. Tammy Hicks says:

    Please pray for my family. Last summer our home flooded from a septic backup and we poured 40,000 dollars (my father-in-law’s life insurance money from his passing) into repairs and replacing the leech field. Also we paid for preventative maintenance to avoid it happening again. This morning we woke up to a flooded house again. Last time my family of 6 and my dog ended up in a hotel for 7 weeks while we waited on the repairs. I’m just very frustrated this morning. I don’t want to go through all this again.

  31. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

    Munchkin, I feel your pain. I deal with the same issue. I found videos on youtube that plays calming sounds(heavy rain, melodies, etc.) That calm and soothe. It helps me alot. Praying for you. ❤

  32. Ashley White says:


  33. Angela Greenwood says:


  34. Kiera Peppers says:


  35. K D says:

    Praying for you today Munchkin!

  36. Kelly says:

    Lord, may we who gather here be “guided by the light and truth of Scripture” as we keep opening our Bibles and seeing You.

    INDIANA ELAINE – rejoicing with you for the good report! Keep us posted please.

    LINDA K – praying the doctor has good news anout your thumb.

    MUNCHKIN, RACHEL FROM TX (husband) & ASHLEY B – may God bring you sweet and deep restorative sleep in the comming days.

  37. Churchmouse says:

    And so I close the Advent study book today and prepare my heart to receive fresh insight and application from the book of John. Thank you SRT for all you have done to keep me in the Word of God every day. I’ll be praying for the requests of the many who have shared their concerns.

  38. Megan Taylor says:


  39. Melanie Rastrelli says:

    Praying for you MUNCHKIN to get some good sleep. I too have the same problem and wake during the night unable to sleep.

  40. ERB says:

    Let it be Lord!!

  41. Munchkin says:

    Sleep keeps eluding me, dear sisters. Please pray I get back on normal sleep schedule.

    I love this prayer, especially the part that states, “…nothing will sidetrack us…”Oh that nothing will turn our eyes from you dear Lord. That we keep on the path you have laid out for us. That we remember you are the light that eliminates the darkness and helps us when we feel like we can’t even see in front of our faces.

    1. Crystal Payne says:

      Prayers for a restful sleep each and every night. ❤

  42. Blessed Beth says:

    Amen Kristin, can you imagine the Daystar!

  43. Kristin Taylor says:

    Let it be!