A Prayer for Restoration

Open Your Bible

Psalm 51:1-19

“My sin is always before me…”

Picture it with me. As I try to move forward, all I can see and hear is the vivid rerun of what I’ve done, what I’ve said, how I’ve wounded the heart of God. 

“Against you—you alone—I have sinned…” The hearts of others are also amidst the wreckage. I replay the script gone bad—over and over again. Do you know this scene as well? No matter the specific circumstances, the aftermath of wrong choices is always a dismal picture. And I generally make it worse by allowing myself to wallow in fear, self-pity, and tears of remorse. I imagine the worst consequences as I sort through what was…what should have…what could have. I know I should pray—that’s a given—but the evil one stubbornly keeps my focus on me and my futile efforts to imagine a way out. 

The words transgression, iniquity, and sin seem to come from a bygone age; what do they mean? Let’s substitute those words with the phrase “deliberate rebellion”—the worst rejection of God’s unfailing covenant love. However we label it, we’re way out on the leash and need to be reeled back in.

Finally, weary and sad, I turn to psalms—a trustworthy path back to the tender and loving embrace of God our Father. My faltering mumblings usually start with something like: “help; please help me,” a less articulate version of “have mercy on me, O God.” My prayer continues: please keep the Holy Spirit firmly lodged in me; I don’t want to grieve Him again (Ephesians 4:30). 

A brief detour to David’s story is in order. His initial introduction to Saul came in the wake of the Spirit’s departure from Saul (1Samuel 16:14–19) when Saul deliberately disobeyed the Lord. David saw the horror of Saul’s increasing personal torment (1Samuel 18-20) and knew his own disobedience could lead down that same dreadful path.

It takes time to refocus; “restore the joy of your salvation to me” is not always answered immediately, but somewhere deep in my soul I begin to sing of God’s abiding love and great compassion, truths that reverberate through the whole of the psalms. Music is a balm to the beaten soul, the “crushed bones,” and the “broken spirit,” and God does not despise my brokenness. How many old hymns contain pleas to be washed and cleaned up! It is a radical change we seek—foul to pure, filthy to clean, wandering to steadfast. “Turn your face away from my sins,” but not from me. He continues to be with us—Immanuel—and with me.

It is a remarkable thing. The psalms are God’s provision of the pattern—given to faint souls—to approach Him no matter what. At the same time, they are God’s answers, assuring us of His unchanging goodness and His loving and powerful hold on our lives. 

(53) Comments

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53 thoughts on "A Prayer for Restoration"

  1. tori wilso says:

    God create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not banish me from you presence, or take your Holy Spirit from me.
    Restore the joy of Your salvation to me, and sustain me by giving me a willing spirit.
    Then I will teach the rebellious Your ways, and sinners will return to you. ❤️

  2. Ashanti Norton says:

    Thank you god for your everlasting love and forgiveness.

  3. Lisa Ferguson says:

    What a great reminder of God’s unending love for us! Amen! ❤️

  4. Kiara Hardimon says:

    Thank you God for your mercy and forgiveness, I that ask create in me clean hands and a pure heart so I can be acceptable in your presence. (A prayer for restoration has by far reminded me of all the things I need to repent and ask God for forgiveness and guidance for, I can’t do this on my own.)

  5. Vicki Slayton says:

    Thank God for his mercy and grace.

  6. Cindy Matute says:


  7. Lily Hunter says:


  8. Jessica Goen says:


  9. faith thompkins says:


  10. Carolyn Langley says:


  11. Kari Doyle says:


  12. Bee Miller says:

    Thank goodness for forgiveness

  13. Juanita Mills says:


  14. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  15. Elizabeth Litwiller says:

    Amen! Create in my a clean heart O God

  16. Terri Baldwin says:

    “He is with us-—Immanuel “ May God renew the joy of His salvation in me today.

  17. Tia Watkins says:

    Why, what a reminder of the horizontal relationship

  18. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Thursday she’s! @Tanya NevittHunt praying for your intrusive thoughts. I’ve been there too and it weighs on me but God loves us all even if we’ve sinned. He’d rather somebody sinned and asks for forgiveness then somebody who hasn’t sinned and assumes they’re perfect. @Margaret W. – praying for you children as they say goodbye to their pet. Pets are such a blessing and a curse is what I always say. I pray God is with them.

  19. Claire B says:


  20. Tanya NevittHunt says:

    Part of the reason I’ve started this study is to deal with intrusive thoughts that try to weigh me down from past mistakes. I think it’s harder when you were already a Christian and made mistakes. I remind myself that there are plenty stories of restoration in the Bible and this psalm is a good reminder too!

  21. HL says:

    So many beautiful reminders this study that God will meet us where we are at.
    @Margaret W praying for your kids and you ❤️

  22. Jennifer Anapol says:

    This psalm is like an answer to prayer. Lately I have been feeling disconnected from God and scared that I could never find my way back to passion I used to have for God. This psalm is a reminder that all I have to do is reach out to God, and he will come running towards me. It is never too late to find our way back to him.

  23. Margaret W says:

    Popping in to ask for wisdom for me and comfort for my children as they say goodbye to their first pet this weekend. I find so much beauty in the psalms of comfort, but my children really don’t want to hear about Jesus since their father left us. They don’t really know what to believe after having such strong, beautiful childhood faith, and I must wait patiently for the Holy Spirit do do his work in their hearts in His own way. And there is nothing harder than watching your children suffer while you wait helplessly beside them. Thank you, SHEs.

  24. Katarina Richardson says:

    Beautifully written and so true. Satan distracts us. god merciful to restore us and even more gracious to be our Father. Scripture and the psalms are such a gift to draw us back into his embrace. May we sing his praises forever and forever wouldn’t be enough ❤️

  25. Kris says:

    I would like to address the “church” thing, the “Sunday-best” thing. I’ve been struggling with this, too, lately. Wondering if our churches today look like Jesus would want them to. But, I do think that it’s great to come together corporately and worship God, and to hear a sermon that will build us up. But that’s not where the “real life” happens. Real life happens in small groups, while having coffee with some of the girls, when you take your kids to the park with another mom. These are the places we can be real. It’s so important to not neglect the gathering together with friends who we can talk to about the real stuff. It’s important not to put all our eggs in one basket – Sunday morning – and think that’s ok. If we only ate one meal a week, how healthy would we be? We need to feed on the Word and have fellowship with other believers more than just a couple hours on Sunday. If your church doesn’t have small groups, start one. Set boundaries for people to feel comfortable sharing the real stuff that’s going on in their lives, be vulnerable with a couple safe people, let “iron sharpen iron” with some close friends. Don’t put all your expectations on Sunday morning. I do believe Jesus is all for Sunday gatherings. We see His example in the Word. But He also walked along with the disciples and had other gatherings outside of the temple.

    Today’s lesson really hit home with me again, too. Knowing there is so much in my past I’m embarrassed about and wish with all my heart I could undo, I am grateful that we have a God who can forgive and forget the past and heal us and allow us to move forward. Sometimes God shows me something in my past so He can show me how much He’s changed me, and sometimes He reminds me of something so He can bring healing to my heart. But He never condemns me like I condemn myself for things I did before. I am so thankful we serve a God who can restore and redeem me. Let me never forget how much His love covers my sins.

  26. Teresa Donley says:

    I’ve taken note as I’ve read through all your comments how many of us have said this is our favorite, or one of our favorite psalms. I think there is a reason for that. Even though David was confessing a big sin, it’s the same for us … every sin is a big sin in the eyes of God. Jesus suffered and died the same for the “little” sins as he did for “big” sins. It humbles me when I think of that. Jesus died for each and every sin, no matter how those sins are seen in the world. My prayer, whatever I am confessing and seeking redemption for, is the same as David’s. Against you – and only you – have I sinned. Wash me and make me whiter than sin.
    I also like that David asked God to renew the joy of his (God’s) salvation. Until I understood this verse, I referred to “my salvation.” But when I realized that David asked for the renewal of GOD’S salvation, I realized that it’s not mine. It’s God’s, freely given to me. I join all my sisters here in saying this is one of my favorite Psalms. May God renew the joy of HIS salvation in me today.
    Praying for all of your requests, and thankful for each of you.

  27. Teresa Donley says:

    CATHERINE MCVEY – I pray for you as you begin your treatment. I pray for peace and comfort. I pray that you hold onto God, who is your strength. I pray that at the end of these treatments, you hear the news that your cancer is gone. I pray for your family and friends that they will know how to support you and what you need from them. Love and hugs to you as you begin this journey.

  28. Heidi says:

    That phrase towards the end of the commentary, “…pleas to be washed and cleaned up!” made my mind say “Sunday best…”. Our goal of being rid of the guilt of our sins and shame from it’s deathgrip WITHOUT THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is a picture of us in our “sunday best”. Instead of our churches being the space to come grieve our sinful actions and be reminded of the saving work of the cross, too often it has become the place we go for a “quick fix” to make ourselves feel better, and then turn around still caked in the mess of sin we walked in with. We dress up to show out and deflect any suspicion that what is going on on the INSIDE of our hearts is far from nice and tidy. In this Psalm David is well aware of how untidy his heart is and how desperately he needs his Savior. I love that he talks about how he doesn’t deserve it – in fact, he almost applauds God saying “YUP! I deserved all the damage that came my way…” WOW. THAT is evidence of a broken and humbled heart. A heart that says I’m messy and broken and unless I have Jesus I’m going to stay that way. It is all but dressed up, anything but covered up. I wish that our world was more open to the messy and gracious to the broken. I wish our churches were more accepting of the hurt and inviting of the still-in-their-sin-sinful. Jesus was. Is… I need my heart quickened to show me how often I want a cleaned up version of someone, and how often I only SHOW a cleaned-up version of myself. I think if we would be more vulnerable, it would open the doors for others to be that as well. Then together we can sit under the love of our God and be fully restored to the place that glorifies Him. ♥️

  29. Mercy says:

    Happy Thursday she’s
    I wandered off to another chapter in the Bible and I was greatly touched by such poetic imagery. This chapter described my years that I was on the search for something that I did not know. It might resonate with so many of us. The interesting thing is in ESV, this poem was named “the Bride’s Dream”, and in my KJV study bible, it was named “the search of the Shepherd” and “the Shepherd found”.

    “By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth:
    I sought him, but I found him not.
    I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth:
    I sought him, but I found him not.
    The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth?
    It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth:
    I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me
    (Song of Solomon 3:1-4)

    I am glad that He found me when I was still searching. He marries Himself onto the Bride that is sinful and makes her righteous.
    “I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedness” (Ecclesiastes 3:16). Wickedness is found everywhere, but blessed are we when we are made righteous not because we are innocent, but through Him, the Shepherd whom our soul loves.

    Praying over you dear she’s. May we come to realize the reckless love of God lavishing on us- whose sins were blood red, but are made white as snow.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  30. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Elaine Phillips and all who posted this morning. This is a psalm I need to hear everyday! I have so much trouble letting go of past big mistakes and accepting that I have been forgiven. My prayer today is to move forward and not to be looking back everyday. Prayers for needs, healing and joys.

  31. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “In ancient times, people hand-wrote deeds, receipts, and bills with reed or quill pens and black ink made of soot, gum, and water. When they made a printing mistake on a document (other than the Scriptures), they might choose to blot it out with ink, rewrite the letter or word correctly, and move on. The mistake had to be covered.” (Enduring Word Commentary) In Psalm 51:1 David asks God to “blot out” his transgression. Just as in ancient times when a mistake was made and had to be blotted out (covered) – our sins must be blotted out. Whereas in writing the mistake was blotted out with ink, our sin is blotted out with the precious blood of Christ. He doesn’t just cover it up though – He takes it away, forever! Praise God for His mercy and grace who has made a way for us sinners to be forgiven and be given a new heart. May I learn to walk each day in newness of life with a new heart and say NO to sin! Father let me listen to your voice and not the whispering of the evil one. Keep me from sinning against you, for You are Holy.

    Praying for each of your requests today. May God hear and answer according to His timing, and His will. A blessed Thursday to you all!

  32. Foster Mama says:

    “The hearts of others are also amidst the wreckage. I replay the script gone bad—over and over again. Do you know this scene as well? No matter the specific …And I generally make it worse by allowing myself to wallow in fear, self-pity, and tears of remorse. I imagine the worst consequences … I know I should pray—that’s a given—but the evil one stubbornly keeps my focus on me and my futile efforts to imagine a way out. ”

    I renounce you Satan and all your whispering and yelling in my ear…JESUS, I want to hear only YOU as you speak to me through Your word and the voice of wise / godly counsel…but God PLEASE yell louder than the enemy…better yet, please silence him in my perception so I hear only YOU ❤️

    What does it mean to “wait on the Lord” for the particular burden on my heart?! Please show me.

    My sisters, I AM praying for you as I read your requests and think of you throughout my day.

    @ TINA, I keep trying (unsuccessfully) to stay up late or wake up early to ‘catch you’ and say your few but pointed words to me a few days ago were such a balm. @SISTERS who have loved me and been instruments of His healing over the past few years…please know I pray a flood of blessings upon you.

    Huge hugs!

  33. Cee Gee says:

    One of the most memorable lines for me from The Lion King (the original movie):
    “Talk about your fixer-upper!”
    That’s me! I am like one of those old houses where you fix one thing, turn around and see something else that needs to be fixed. Will I ever be done fixin’?! BUT GOD isn’t intimidated by my condition and He isn’t surprised by any of it. This Psalm is one of my favorites and I am really convicted as I read.

    Praying for each of you and for God’s favor.

    SINGLE GIRLS- Our single son still lives with us and he is about the same age as y’all. He is resigned to the fact that if he meets someone, it will be a literal act of God. He is OK with that most days, but admits he is lonely at times. He has his hands full right now being daddy to the new kittens. I just wanted to remind y’all that there ARE eligible guys out there in the same boat! Hang in there!

    LINDA IN NC – prayers for that big step!

    Love y’all

  34. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning!

    “Restoration” I love what that word entails! Restoring. Repairing. Made anew. My specialty in the fitness world was Restorative Exercise programs. Basically working with people to restore them back to functioning in the way their bodies were meant to move/work. It was such a fulfilling “job” that God truly gave me the means to be an effective trainer/coach. Because truly it wasn’t just their body doing the work to gain strength and mobility, but they had to have a mentality to KNOW the problem, and want to restore, it has to be identified. And sometimes that is half the problem, if you don’t find the culprit that is causing the pain/problem. If we don’t identify our sin, we won’t know that it causes more decay in our life and we will become a mess. We have to identify it and bring it to the ultimate RESTORER. Only He can cleanse us, wash it away, and bring fullness back to our life.

    Yesterday at Prison Ministry, there was a heaviness of brokenness. We had 7 ladies, and there was crying and pain. But we focused on restoration. That God is seeing and hearing their heart, and He forgives them, and NOW they can move forward…yet they are still locked in a jail. But God, he CAN change their story, right where they are at. There were 3 re-commitments, and this Psalm is so fitting for them and for me. I don’t want to be broken, I want freedom. I want fullness, the joy that my Father God gives me, living in his peace.

    Have a great day friends!

  35. Allison M says:

    The journey over the last year has been difficult but so worth it. I identified with David so many times…….walking through the counseling appointments and therapy sessions and working on restoring the relationships that I could. And God is so faithful…….always faithful. Even in light of our deliberate rebellion. He deserves all of our love and praise.

    Thank you all for your prayers.

    @Searching, I’m in Thomasville. It feels so wonderful being home now.

    I’m praying for you all this morning as I sit at my desk….. I work from home and I’ve moved from my usual spot on the couch to finish my morning study here at my desk.

    I pray for all of us today…..that we remember today who we are in Christ and whose we are no matter what we face today. May we show His love and grace to others.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!

  36. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you for all the prayers for my car. God will help me. I am clinging to Psalm 23, now for it. I have what I need. Things don’t make sense in the natural, but God is supernatural, and if He says not to worry, then I shouldn’t. :) He can do anything. He feeds thousands (could have been millions if He desired) from a few loaves of bread and fish!

    @Taylor- praying for you. I know it is hard to be single. I’m not sure where you are at with this, but I urge you to surrender this part of your life to God. It is not easy. I am cautious of saying the wrong thing to you, as I don’t know His plan for your life. But if there’s anything I have heard from Him on this subject, it is that He knows best and our timing isn’t always His timing. I pray you have a peace in your heart with the Lord regarding dating and marriage, and not do it in your own strength. The Lord is good and does not deal harshly with us. May you have faith that He will provide this desire of yours, if it is His will. God bless you, sister!

  37. ERB says:

    Psalm 51:1-13
    **When we come face to face with our sin.. our flesh and all its capabilities, it’s horrifying and humbling!! I love how this psalm highlights that, and how raw, real and genuine the heartcry and desire to get back to God is. I have prayed, asked and expressed the same things written here! It always awe-mazes and encourages me when this happens in scripture! Makes me stop, take notice and thank God!! His Word always confirms and aligns us!! SO Good!!
    Today what stood out to me is verse 6.. ‘integrity in the inner self and wisdom deep within’. God wants us changed from the inside out!! If we let Him do this, then EVERYTHING in and around us changes. Everything becomes about Him!! And this just makes my spirit SMILE!!! To God be ALL the Glory, Honor & Praise!! Amen.
    Psalm 51:17 The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. You will not despise a broken and humbled heart, God.
    **A broken spirit means ‘crushed under the weight’. And it is something only God can restore. Honesty, humility, and contrite repentance. This is the only sacrifice God wants from us. So let us approach Him with this attitude & sacrifice every single day. Amen.

    Praising & Thanking God for all of you and praying for all our requests, spoken and unspoken. May God make Himself known to us today in a way only He can. Much love and many blessings! Xoxo

  38. Rachel from Texas says:

    @searching thanks for asking. Yes & no… we have maybe one couple that could start another group – but the husband is finishing his masters degree this semester & previously that has been the reason. The other that could is having a baby in 2 weeks. Soooo maybe but just not yet.

  39. June Pimpo says:

    I’m amazed reading this that David knew in his heart that God could forgive him. He also had hope that God would use him to encourage “sinners to return to God”. Wow. This has certainly come to pass. Thank you Jesus for restoring us just like you restored David

  40. Theresa says:

    I have read this Psalm many times. I even performed it in a Christian theatre production of Psalms when I was in college. And yet, despite its familiarity God brought out something new to me today. David did not take Gods forgiveness and mercy lightly. He was completely shattered by his sin and by how he grieved Gods heart. He approached God humbled and broken. How often do I approach God this way? Do I take God’s forgiveness for granted, glossing over my sin without truly humbling myself in repentance? Praying this Psalm today over my own short-comings and asking God to meet me here.

  41. Karen Elizabeth says:

    This is one of my favorite psalms. So many verses are underlined in my Bible. Today, the verse that struck me is verse 12: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.”

    Sustain a willing spirit. Only God can sustain that willing spirit because on my own I am stuck in my rebellion and sin. Lord, please sustain that willing spirit to be changed because I cannot do it on my own. Forgive my sin and rebellion against You.

  42. Searching says:

    LINDA IN NC – awesome news, Praise the Lord! ❤️

  43. Searching says:

    As I was reading Psalm 51, my thoughts were on David and how remorseful he was when he wrote these words after all that with Bathsheba. And how he should have felt that way, after what he did. Doesn’t that sound like the sinner I am? Trying to play the least worst sin card? Then I read the devo again, and my heart is broken after letting the words Deliberate Rebellion sink in – how many times in my lifetime, Lord, how many times yesterday? Praying these words from Ps 51 … Have mercy on me, O God! A broken and contrite heart, these O God You will not despise. I acknowledge my sins. Cleanse me from my sin. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a steadfast spirit in me. Do not take your Holy Spirit from me. I will sing praises to Your Holy Name.


    CATHERINE HEWITT – thank you for your testimony
    TRACI GENDRON – great tooth news, and thank you for your testimony ❤️
    TAYLOR – face time date – that’s a new one for me! What a time saver, and what clarity that he wasn’t the “one” for you. ❤️

    CEE GEE – yes, let’s hang on to our Shepherd! ❤️

    HEIDI – in a turned around backwards way, your openness and vulnerability in sharing your thoughts and struggles yesterday were not only uplifting and encouraging, but also showed us what it looks like to seek the Lord’s help and make a plan to walk with Him as you draw closer. Thank you ❤️ Praying for you, Kin, Ryan and your other littles.

    LYNNE FROM AL – so thankful the appointment went well, as I know you were concerned about Jack having to get up early and his feelings toward this type of doctor. Praying the surgery goes well next week. ❤️

    KATHY – sweet sister, so much loss and so many health crises. Praying for you, the families dealing with loss and with devastating health issues, praying for the mom pregnant with twins. ❤️

    TAMI C – praying for your daughter
    RACHEL MOORMAN – praying for good biopsy results and fall ministries. The group that’s overflowing and growing – is there a way to split it that makes sense?
    ALLISON M – I remember when you shared about the the possibility of remarriage, congrats. Praying your stepdaughter can see Jesus in your actions. What part of south Georgia?
    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying about your car!
    KATIE ISAAC – congrats on marriage, and praying for your time as you juggle that along with college and work

  44. Linda in NC says:

    Dear sweet sisters, it’s been some time since I posted any comments. Amen, Tina! What a good, loving God! We’ve returned from a much needed time (for me) of rest. I was able to let go and let God and boy did He come thru in an amazing way. We’ve been looking for a new apartment less expensive and less stressful for me. Yesterday I talked again with the rental agent for an independent living place all inclusive. Because of a special pricing now that fits our budget w/o help from our sweet children! The only caveat is we will need to move in Oct. Please pray for our car to sell at a good price. Also, we have to sell a good many things since we’re going from 3 to 1 bedroom. God is good all the time! Sorry for the long post. Rejoicing greatly!!!

  45. Elaine Morgan says:

    I should know Psalm 51 by memory now. I have to pray it too often. I am so thankful for a loving and forgiving God today. Thankful for the blood of my savior covering my sin. “Create a clean heart in me oh God and restore a steadfast spirit within me.” ❤️❤️❤️

  46. Aimee D-R says:

    Father forgive me and restore in my a clean and steadfast heart! In Jesus name, Amen

  47. Courtney Barnard says:


  48. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I love that the Psalms are so real…they push us back toward God and show us what our response should be, to sin, and many other situations. We can pray, praise, and live in the Psalms!

  49. Kristen says:

    I just went over to Enduring Word Bible Commentary online. There is a good breakdown of this Psalm that I thought I understood. This gives a deeper dive into these verses. We need to be broken over our sins and confess. By God’s grace, there is forgiveness and restoration of joy! Praying for you all.

  50. Tina says:

    BONNIE HARPER, Amen..❤️

  51. Tina says:

    Restoration, there’s a word!

    I looked up the meaning in the Cambridge dictionary..
    ‘The act or process of returning something to its earlier condition or position, or to its owner..

    As I write, I look up from my desk in thought, and see a photograph of myself some years ago.. Well, maybe more than some! Point is, though I know it’s me, there are subtle changes today, the greying hair, the slight lines around the eyes, maybe even a few extra pounds all over! It’s me and yet..

    The passage of time, the seasons of storms, my sins against God, against others. The choosing of wrong paths.. life changes, all have taken their toll..

    BUT GOD..

    He never changes, and in His never changing, He dreams and hopes the same for me.. He hopes me to be a better version of me each day, whatever I have done, said, been, or even gone through, Gods faith-filled plan is to re-store me to the best I can be, in His image..

    BUT GOD..
    He will (and He does), because of His great love, great mercy
    Rebuild me..

    Recover me..

    Renew me..

    Repair me..

    Restore me..

    Returning me to my God given position, and return my heart and being to Him..
    God has been merciful to me.

    Create a pure heart in me, O God,

    And put a new and loyal spirit in me.

    Please do not banish me from your presence,

    Do not take your Holy Spirit from me, Lord God.

    Here is my humble spirit, O God;

    Help me to speak Lord, and I will sing your praise..

    Bring me back to you, Lord God,

    For always, Lord God, always..


    Happy Thursday Daughters of the Most High God. Be blessed!❤️

  52. Bonnie Harper says:

    Thank you, God, for forgiving me even though I do NOT deserve it.

  53. Kelly (NEO) says:

    This psalm helps to give us understanding that the sin we commit is not something to take lightly.

    Even the “little” sins that no one knows about is still rebellion against the One who knows all. This includes sins of omission.

    Thankful that David and other psalmists have provided words for our repentance.

    Praying for your requests.