A few years ago my husband and I were in the middle of an agonizing time of decision-making. He was unemployed, we had a mortgage to pay, and we were in the midst of a difficult season where we felt alone as a brand new married couple in a new city, new church, and new job for me. On top of all that, there were some peripheral difficulties clouding our judgment. It was one of those times in life where I felt completely alone and as though any decision we might make would have catastrophic results. Our circumstances weren’t even at their worst yet, but even at that point, we felt paralyzed in the midst of indecision. No direction seemed right or good or sufficient or joyful or enough for anyone else, let alone us.
It was in the midst of this indecision that one of us read these words from pastor and author Scotty Smith, “Grant us peace as we make important decisions. Some of us are facing career changes, church choices, economic challenges, and health issues. Free us from the foolish notion that there is only one right choice to make. Actually, there is only one right God to trust, and that is you. Lead us, as we lean on you, Father.” This quote nudged something in us both, and it is the same nudging I feel when I read today’s psalm.
Let me experience your faithful love in the morning,
for I trust in you.
Reveal to me the way I should go
because I appeal to you.
—Psalm 143:8
So often we are duped into believing there is only one right decision in front of us. When the way seems cloudy, as it often does, we can find ourselves paralyzed with the fear that we’ll make the wrong decision. But this psalm of David shows us the way. It is a compass for directional purposes: Let me experience your faithful love. I trust in you. I appeal to you.
Where do I look when I don’t know where to look? To Him. To His love, His trustworthiness, His help. It is the only place my soul will find rest, the only trustworthy place, and the only love that will not let me go.
What decisions are you facing today? What needs to be done or said or moved or broken or taken up? What opinions or thoughts or fears or refrains are you replaying over and over again in your mind? What closed doors or open doors do you see? Now, lift up your eyes, lift up your soul, and see your Maker, your God, your friend, your Savior. If He is your truest north, and serving Him, being loved by Him, and obeying Him is your greatest good, then take a step. Then another. And another. We may never know the direction life is taking us, but we can know the God who keeps us and guides us on the way He is leading us.
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83 thoughts on "A Prayer for Guidance"
God is teaching us and leading us.
God may you lead my steps today!
All I can say is “ Thank You Lord “. I have been in this place of brokenness mourning the dissolve of a 15 year marriage to now becoming a single parent and job loss in the midst. I needed this word this morning, I was feeling so alone, inadequate but today I was reminded of God’s grace. ❤️
I needed this so much today. I am currently faced with the decision of whether or not I take a full time teaching position that may require me to move. I often feel that there is only one way to go, but as long as our faith is in God, he will guide each of our steps.
Yes! I need help overcoming decision paralysis
Having so many doubts about going back to school. Thankyou for the reminder that there’s no wrong decision as long as I lean and trust on Him ❤️
because i trust you
because i know i belong to you
you are God
a safe place
i’m crying at work rn
There isn’t one perfect choice, but there is a perfect God to trust. Love this and need to remember this!
This came at a perfect time. I’m currently looking for a new job and a new school for my master’s degree. I’m feeling so conflicted and lost about where I should go and what I should do. I’m excited but scared and I don’t want to let down my family or friends as I make these choices. I know that God gives me my decision making power so if I make a choice and it’s not the right fit or it doesn’t last as long as I hoped, I still know that it was right for the time because God gives us the ability to choose and make mistakes so that we learn and we open ourselves up to listening to him. I’m doing my best to trust God’s timing and process.
This Pslam gave me the ease and a reminder that God is always here and he will always deliver, whether it be a yes or a no or a not right now responses God will always be there and guide us.
I’m having a hard time leaving a very toxic household and finding a place to go, trying to get into nursing school and finding a job that will sustain me. I’m scared to fail and I’m scared to do anything and then find myself in a mor lonely and conflicted place.
In the prayer I wrote in the study guide I asked for my Father’s guidance because while I can see a path ahead it is extremely foggy and I can’t make out the way. God is so good was my thought as I then read in this essay about what to do when the way seems cloudy. Amazing hand of God moment. Thank You Father, though I feel overwhelmed and lost currently with so many decisions You sent me this today, the encouragement I need to make one decision, and then another and another knowing that there is not just one right decision and it really doesn’t matter so long as I focus on my Father and pray and do what seems to be the best of many choices He has me. I am safe because He is my true north, always. Thank you, I really, really needed this today.
i am deciding on going back to undergrad or esthetician school and where to move. scared to make the wrong choice.
Colleen thank you for this
Oh @GWINETH52, @KRIS, @SHARON JERSEY GIRL, and all of my @SHES! I just want to hug all of you. I have dragged myself through Monday and found myself only getting to my reading in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. I find too much in common with our psalmist-friend (and so many of you) right now.
“Lord, hear my prayer. In your faithfulness, listen to my plea, and in your righteousness, answer me,” (Psalms 143:1). Do you hear the weariness in our dear friend’s voice? Better yet, do you feel it?
“My spirit is weak within me; my heart is overcome with dismay,” (Psalms 143:4). Abba, why is this where so many of us find ourselves today? Whether we brought ourselves or You led us here — Abba, why? We know You have a plan and all time is in Your hands, but — why?
“I remember the days of old; I meditate on all You have done; I reflect on the work of Your hands. I spread out my hands to You; I am like parched land before You. Selah,” (Psalms 143:5-6). My mind has been reeling and seemingly wandering in a journey to the past these past seven days — it felt random and exhausting, but I see now it is not. I also love the poetic and intentional way in which hands is repeated here. Do you feel it? Do you see it? The Selah moment was palpable here. I feel so dry as if I’ve been thrown on the shore from a salty sea today — so thirsty, so worn.
“Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails. Don’t hide Your face from me, or I will be like those going down to the Pit. Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You,” (Psalms 143:7-8). My spirit significantly fails within me, Lord; at times, I don’t trust my own thoughts. Help me to cling to You, to Your lovingkindness, Your ḥeseḏ, when I’d rather let go to be tossed by the waves once more. Be my mooring.
“Reveal to me the way I should go
because I appeal to You… Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground,” (Psalms 143:8, 10). “Show me who You are and fill me with Your heart and lead me in Your love to those around me,” (an excerpt from the song “Build My Life”). How I long for level ground, LORD!
You are in my prayers, dear @SHES.
My son needs to start making decisions about school, subject choices and careers. I always say one step at a time. This Word came at the right time.
Hey all! I just finished my reading. This goes with the sermon my pastor preached yesterday… “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done.” When you’re needing miracles from God, looking back on all the miracles throughout your life will build your faith as you wait expectantly for God to move again. ❤️❤️
I love this psalm! I don’t really feel like I have any big decisions I need to make right now , but I love that God is with me throughout all the tiny decisions I make throughout my days. He will never let me go and is always leading me. It’s great to look back and see the fruit of the decisions I made in my younger years. I love that he was leading me then, and he is leading me know.
Hello dear sisters, this is very late in the day for me – but at least I got here. This is a beautiful and hopeful Psalm (as many of them are!). I read it through a couple of times, but it wasn’t until I was reading the comments when I noticed repeatedly in them it was mentioned where David asks God to lead him on level ground. That is so good! Thank you all for bringing that to my attention. I am so thankful and blessed to know that we have a Father in heaven that cares for us and wants to lead us on the right path. It is up to us to seek Him, listen, and follow. My daily prayer -“teach me to do your will for you are my God.” Thank you God for Your faithfulness – day after day and for always being present to lead us in the way we should go!
Reading through all the comments and praying for your requests. @Gweneth52 – welcome back!
Tomorrow morning my husband and I leave for RI to visit family. Please pray for safe travels and for opportunities to be a witness to those in our family who are lost as we spend time with them.
Blessings to all!
So much in our lives to make us anxious and depressed.
But God….
He is always with us. He never leaves us. He sees the whole plan and it is perfect.
I have prayed for so many of you this morning.
Gwineth52 – I send you a big hug and pray for your losses and heartaches.
I just started reading a book by Katie David Majors called “Safe All Along”. It really speaks to our anxieties and how we are looking at them from the wrong perspective. When we are in the midst of the deep waters, we feel as if we are drowning. We can’t see what’s coming next and it frightens us. But if we move to the hill and look down at the problems, there are several options that could bring us out of the deep waters. God’s perspective is better than ours and we can trust Him because He has always seen us through.
Hugs and prayers for you sweet sisters. ❤️
Gwineth52, welcome back, the Lord has spoken to you and you have a place here to let it go. Prayers for you situation
This one hit me like a ton of bricks this morning.
My husband and I are in the middle of deciding whether or not to move back to our home church in another state. We are really struggling finding community in our current city, and my husband is struggling finding people who understand his life stage, as he recently immigrated here from Honduras.
We are having a real conflict over all of this, and this Psalm today really calmed my spirit. I can’t wait to share with him tonight.
Thank you for sharing. <3
Gwineth52 – lifting you and your friends and family in prayer, asking for God’s intervention and peace.
Foster Mama – praying for your friend, that God will replace the lies told by the evil one and replace them with God’s thoughts of love, compassion and peace. It’s so hard to know the right thing to do when someone makes comments alluding to suicide. Thankfully, as we learned today, there isn’t just one right way. May your friend feel your love and concern and Gods love and healing.
Lifting each of you, and especially the requests, to the Lord today, trusting His guidance, healing, comfort and love will cover over all the feelings of anxiety, hurt, and loneliness that are piled on by the world. Thank you, She’s for being here for one another and for me.
Happy Monday dear she’s,
Thank you Lore for such wisdom today that blessed my soul.
Lifting you up in prayers sweet she’s….
@SOPHIE MARIE: praying for your first day/week/month in college as you start. Always an emotional time adjusting to new people and new environment. May God fill you with His comfort, strength, and guidance every step. May He surround you with genuine people. Praying for all she’s joining college, and mamas sending children to college.
@MAE POUND: wisdom on decision/arrangement for your mom’s assisted living.
@KRIS: you just described a strange season that I have been trying to grasp myself. There is this sense of unrest which is unsettling. Thank you for sharing, and it’s comforting knowing I am not alone. Prayers for the both of us.
@LEHUA: recovery from surgery. Amen to your declaration over anxiety and all those bad stuff!
@MOLLY R: courage and joy as you step into new role. Fear, doubt be gone.
@MAGGIE: healing for your mom’s post hip surgery, smooth transition back to work after mat leave, and balancing raising two boys. I was in the same shoe with you and God was so kind to open flexible hybrid schedules for both my husband and I so we can care for our 3 kids. Prayers for you.
@SEARCHING: ❤️ prayers for your friend to overcome the hard week by God’s grace.
@RHONDA: glad you arrived safely, prayers for great family times, for sweet Brayden and family.
@THERESA: for your family road trip, safety, joy, provision/finance.
@TARA B: prayers for you on your unspoken needs and petitions. Hugs.
@KRISTINE LOUGHMAN: amen to analysis paralysis- which I fall victim to, more too often. What Lore shared today set me free :)
@GWINETH52: how I have missed you and glad to see your name in other’s comments, to finally leading up to your post. So thankful God brought you back to us. This too shall pass. The Lord will strengthen you and bring you through, even when your spirit faints from within. May you do what King David did, remember the days of all, meditate on what God has done (His wall of fame in your life), and ponder on the great works of the impossible, He will pour out living water of the parched land of the soul and restore it for the goodness of His Heart for you (Psalm 143:5-6).
@FOSTER MAMA: so sorry, praying for your loved one battling depression and evil tormenting thoughts. “the world and my daughter would be better off without me”- this is a big fat lie. The world needs each and every one of us since God has placed each of us here strategically for His good pleasure and master plan. May God’s in His steadfast love and faithfulness cut off at the root every single enemy who brought these tormenting lies to the person’s mind, may these voices be silenced in Jesus’ Name, and may God destroy all the adversaries of the soul, and bring/mend the soul out of all troubles (Psalm 143:11-12).
Praying we all have a great start to our week by God’s grace :)
Be blessed dear sisters ❤️.
GM She’s
Great, powerful Psalm today, and devotional. Your comments touch the heart, and each one of you are in my prayers for direction, healing, and strength.
Two songs come to mind- Shane and Shane, “You’ve Already Won, and Phil Wickham’s “The Battle Belongs to You!” Both great anthems to sing and realign your focus! I, along with the Word, need praise music to keep my mind throughout the day on MY LORD and Savior, that through ALL things I must look up for guidance, patience, and hope. He will make my path right. In ALL things, He IS here with me, loving and guiding me, I CAN”T get ahead of him to do what I WANT to do!!
@Molly R- So glad you are here daily with us again. When I was nervous all summer my go to “half” verse (since my memory is bad!!) “The Lord WILL accomplish my concerns…!!! I kept thinking that and singing the song by Elevation Worship “More Than Able.”It says God will use me, I don’t need a resume…I AM Enough in the strength of Him!! Yes we know that, but we still get anxious and nervous…but God!
@Gwenth..Happy to see you again, sorry you have so much on your plate and feel like you’re drowning, but your outcry was beautiful! That is how it is done and we lay all things and worries at his feet!
I wish I could call out each of you by name and how your comments just designate with me and all us most likely! I say it all the time, but this group is such an amazing gift for sharing and loving, and prayer, and the power of Jesus Christ!!
Thank you for the prayers for safe travels and back pain! I survived and happy now to see family and friends.
This psalm is so refreshing and calming, knowing that we have an all sufficient God who is our guide. There is no one way but only one God to trust that he will never let us down in as much as we trust and believe in him. Whaoooo❤️
Lord lead me as i make an important decision about my career.
How cool is it that we get to put everything at the feet of Jesus? Love that even in our darkest moments he’s with us. @Gwineth52 – praying for you to get a break from all the hardships you and family have endured lately. We are glad you’re here! @Molly R – praying for you and your new role! Lifting all of you guys up in prayer. @Sarah D – I hope your new job is going well ❤️
id appriciate all prayers tho!!!
…do just the next right thing, and the next, and the next in line with what God has for me.
this hit so different today, because today i begin my first day of college!! this prayer for direction and guidence has never felt more needed in the midst of changes, challenges, choices, and heartache, all which i never couldve imagined. today is the beginning of a new chapter of Gods faithfulness, and what Allison Bentley said really caught my attention – these past two weeks at soccer training camp have already NOT been an easy start physically, emotionally, and socially. i want to thank God for the views, because the highs and the lows have provided some beautiful scenery, and i want to praise Him and find contentment there. But these years in college i want to be grounded and rooted in love; grounded and rooted in the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ, and i pray for level ground. i pray that i would just
Oh Gwinnett—welcome back! You are not alone. I will be praying as God strengthens you and holds you in His love. He is faithful and loving THROUGH our trials and fears and the dark places we sometimes find ourselves
@GWINETH52 praying for you right now
Praying today for all of those struggling with the anxiety of indecision when it is hard just to next the step in your day. May God bring us all the peace to just rest in Him ❤️
It so wonderful to know that we can bring everything to the feet of Jesus and ask for wisdom and guidance! I may not have all the answers but we serve a Sovereign God who does and He loves us!
I feel so blessed today in the midst of some difficult times that I am His child and not because I’ve done anything to earn it. I could never do it but because I’ve believed in Jesus!
I don’t know how things will work out but …
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.””
John 16:33 NLT
Good morning, ladies. Praying for you all.
@Maggie- praying you and your boys have a healthy and smooth transition back to you working again. May there be peace in your home. May God bring healthy recovery to your mother after her hip surgery.
@Molly R- May the Spirit of the Lord be upon you and may you be confident to do what He has called you to do in this season. May you find enjoyment in it, too.
@Gwineth52- I pray the Word of the Lord would meet you where you are. That these Psalms would help you feel seen and known. God understands where you are at and I thank Him for showing you His mercy, today. May you continue to see He is patient and gentle in our distress. May you see you are not alone, but there are so many who are hurting- yet Jesus is near to all. May your loved ones be strengthened in the spirit by having fellowship with the Lord. May He show Himself faithful, despite the feelings of despair and darkness. May He show He is right there with you all and that He loves you. Praying peace in Jesus’s name.
@Searching <3 ty!
God bless you and your friend who is facing some emotionally hard things this week. May they have the courage to keep taking life a day at a time. May they see the Lord in their story.
@Rhonda – God bless you in your travels and peace to you. :)
I couldn’t help today but notice v 10 “May your gracious spirit lead me on level ground”. In all my prayers I’ve never asked for level ground. Why? I’ve always just said guide me on Your path. Then it occurred that with highs and lows you get to see the landscape from a different view. I feel like David was at the point of desperation where he said just give me level ground. I am thankful today for David’s prayer reminding us we can pray for ANYTHING- highs; lows; level ground and the Lord will hear our prayer! Happy Monday She’s !
KRIS – I appreciate you sharing….my indecision revolves around my mom, and her situation with assisted living. It is incredibly expensive, and she has the money – however it’s possible she could outlive it. And so, I ‘get ahead’ of God, and worry and fuss and make myself sick trying to figure out the future. God opened these doors in incredible fashion when she needed to make the decision to leave her home of 60+ years but did not want to move in with her kids (“too much burden on you” she says). A friend told me that if God opened the door, He sure as heck isn’t going to slam it in your face, so just let Him do His work. This part, especially spoke to me “my unrest wasn’t because I didn’t know what to do, but because I felt I had to do something that He wasn’t calling me to do.” THANK YOU!!
This one touched me today as I am on my last week of parental leave and feeling lost heading into this new season. We adopted our precious little girl at the beginning of July and I would love to have the flexibility to stay home at least part time, but because our loan for agency fees was so large, right now I need to go back to work to make ends meet, but it feels so tough! It feels like there is no other option, but my heart feels unsettled! Praying for his peace and my eyes to stay on Him!
Gwineth52, sending hugs your way today and glad you have reached back out. Echoing what another sister said today, so many needs and praying with you all and for you all.
MOLLY R – I am praying for you and your new adventure.
This lesson today is so pertinent to exactly what I’ve been struggling with all summer. But this scripture is part of what the Lord has been showing me this past week. I thought I was needing to make several big decisions, and all summer long I struggled with “what should I do?”, and even begging God for direction. But just this past week, thru watching teachings on YouTube, listening to my local pastor, and reading His word every day, the Lord showed me that I didn’t need to make any of these big decisions. He hadn’t asked me to make any changes. But other people and circumstances had put thoughts in my mind that made me feel I needed to make some changes right now. But God showed me that my unrest wasn’t because I didn’t know what to do, but because I felt I had to do something that He wasn’t calling me to do. So, peace has come into my heart, I have repented and been washed clean for going ahead of God, and the relief is amazing!!! So often I look at the future and think I need to do something about it now, when God is just asking me to live in peace now and when the future gets here He’ll be in charge and make sure I have everything I need at that time. But what peace we often forfeit because we do not simply trust in the Lord our God.
Amen and Amen.
LEHUA, thank you for that prayer.
GWINETH52, I have just prayed for you.
FOSTERMAMA your loved one is in my prayers right now and so are you. I love your heart.
KELLY (NEO) thank you for sharing always.
EVERYONE let us all remember the Jesus is the true north as Lore says.
Blessings to each of you this rainy Monday. ❤️
The fact that there is not just one right path to take is SO freeing! How much I needed to hear this many years ago, but thank God that I hear it today. May I pass this wisdom on to those who also need to be freed by it. ❤️
WOW, SHES!!! I don’t even know where to start after reading your powerful comments/prayers! Thank you for your openness.
LORE FERGUSON WILBERT- Thank you for this timely post!
“…lift up your eyes, lift up your soul, and see your Maker, your God, your friend, your Savior. If He is your truest north, and serving Him, being loved by Him, and obeying Him is your greatest good, then take a step. Then another. And another. We may never know the direction life is taking us, but we can know the God who keeps us and guides us on the way He is leading us.” This reading and Lore’s words came at the perfect time for me as well since I have been praying about a decision for a couple of days.
LINDA IN NC – I, too, immediately thought of Psalm 3:5-6. Praying with you!
GWYNETH52- THANKFUL God led you back to this page! I looked at Lore Wilbert’s blog and read one titled Whitewash Meet…I don’t know if it’s permissible to share the full title but you can find it easily. Powerful piece and may bless your heart.
I would love to call out each of your prayer requests by name here, but my eyes are bothering me this morning so let me just assure you that I do lift each of you to our loving and faithful Father. Love you all!
I hope autocorrect doesn’t change some spelling that it apparently doesn’t like!
@ Molly R praying for you! Specifically for the removal of doubt and for God to walk with you in this new role.
Thank you for the prayers for my surgery last and for the recovery ❤️ I was sore and cramping for a bit… the pain is starting to lessen as of yesterday. I finally feel like I can move around again. Been taking antibiotics for a UTI as well, which has been kicking my butt; can’t wait to be done with these too so I can rebuild my microbiome.
I also love what was shared by KRISTINE LOUGHMAN: “God didn’t design our life to be a maze with only one way out.” ❤️
Blessing to all of you as you start the week. Praying for those in the path of hurricanes and other storms, I boldly pray that they will dissipate and move away from precious life and property, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
@GWINETH52. Please feel the arms of your Sister She’s as we wrap our arms around you and say welcome home. May our good Lord hold you and all of us close today.
My prayer before starting this reading was for the lord to lead me to my purpose.. this couldn’t be more spot on❤️ so thankful for this community and for a GOD who keeps us and guides us always
Good Morning, She’s
I would love some prayers as me and my kids head to our Homeschool Co op Orientation today. After 5 years of having the same role, today I am stepping out into a new one as I lead our upper elementary kids in Language Arts and Writing. The fear that I am not adequate and the nerves of failing in this role have been relentless as the day nears. It’s silly. I am fully equipped, capable, and have been given this opportunity by the goodness of God. I know He goes before me, but the nerves and fears are clouding my joy, peace, and confidence in my Equipper. Thank you, Friends. I love love love that I can bring anything to you all and you scoop up my weary heart and carry it.
Praying for you all, the many requests, and the new week before us all.
@Kristine Loughman- I love “God didn’t design our life to be a maze with only one way out”! That really spoke to me!
I love this: “So often we are duped into believing there is only one right decision in front of us.” Such a good reminder as a parent of kids in their 20s as they face big life decisions. I need to reassure them of this and remind them to take one step at a time and trust in Him.
Mom of two little boys. Trying to get in the word in the mornings before they awake. Lord, please be with my boys in raising them. Let me point them to you.
Prayer request- I go back to work in a couple of weeks full-time. I have been off for 90 days with them. Please keep them safe and be with the ones caring for them.
Please fully heal my mom post her hip replacement.
How like David I am, we are!
Hear my prayer, O Yahweh
My spirit is overwhelmed within me.
Answer me speedily, O Yahweh
Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning.
For in You do I trust, Cause me to know the way in which I should walk.
Deliver me.
Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God.
Revive me, O Yahweh, for Your name’s sake. (excerpted, NKJV)
Yes and amen, Lord. Help me to: ask You, hear Your answers, know Your unfailing love, choose Your best as You guide me, trust those new mercies from You each morning when I fail, or am slow in following You.
GWINETH52 – so good to see you, praying for your many friends and family members dealing with so many rock-your-world challenges and changes. ❤️
FOSTER MAMA – especially praying for your loved one to be lifted up from the deep depression, to feel the love and peace of our Almighty God and those all around them, that they would not listen to the lies of the evil one and instead cling to the truth of God. Phil 4:6-8 + our studies in Psalms
MERCY – “wheels of Justice” thank you. God’s wheels, not mine ❤️
RHONDA J – so good you were able to see your son, thankful you arrived safely
MARTHA HIX – thanks for update, and to CEE GEE for remembering!
TAMI C – praying Chela settles in well
MARI V – love that the new position is going so great!
MICHELLE PATIRE – love that you met someone that “gets” where you are in life ❤️
TAYLOR – Saturday’s comment ❤️
JUNE PIMPO – amen, in praying for the persecuted Christians
LINDA IN NC – praying
Prayer request for a dear friend facing a challenging week of multiple remembrance days.
Also praying for those in the path of hurricanes this week.
Lord, I lay the many decisions I have ahead of me at your feet, knowing I can trust you for the results.
RHONDA J- praying for safe travels and that you wouldn’t experience back pain during your road trip
LEHUA- praying for your healing following your surgery
TAYLOR-praying for you as you navigate this season of singleness. Praying God will give you peace as you wait on his perfect timing.
Please pray for my family today as we’re headed out on a road trip. This wasn’t the best time for us to take a vacation in terms of schedules or finances but my husband and I both felt really pressed that we needed to spend some focused time away as a family this summer. Have a wonderful Monday, ladies!
I was just praying before I read this today that I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going lead me. Then I read this beautiful verse and devotional . I have made life changing decisions and feel lost but have the faith to know I’m trusting God not myself. Trying to keep my eyes fixated on God and not the circumstances is a new habit I wish to uphold.
Thank you Father for your faithful guidance! Please make my heart eager to follow and obey.
Lord I pray I will always look to You and consult you when making big decisions instead of trying to do things “my way”. I pray for your guidance in every area of my life.
Lifting up all the prayer requests <3
@Gwineth52- Praying for a peace that passes all understanding for you this am.
Welcome back Gwineth52!
We desperately pursue you today, Father God. We choose to remember your faithfulness and reflect on the work of your hands in the midst of our deep need. Just like David did.
Lord let every decision today be matched by reminders of you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 comes to mind as I read this Psalm & devotion. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path.” How we have seen this in our lives these past weeks! Looking forward to what He will do today in giving us favor with management in our current location.
Gwineth52, praying Jesus will gird you with His strength, power, and lift you up in His love and peace!
Blessings sweet sisters as we walk with the Lord! Great is His faithfulness!!
@Gwineth52-saying a prayer for you this morning.
I need to trust in your presence and lean on your understanding. Guide me in financial matters, health matters, and work matters. Help me to rest in you. Lead me today as I lead others.
Good Morning She’s! I am thankful for today’s reading and for all of you here. Prayers lifted for all. There is so many needs and requests, and I dare say I have my own. Our Father in Heaven knows each and every need and I silently send them this morning. I am grateful that He calls me back to Himself everyday. Have a wonderful day!
Father lead me. In Jesus name, Amen
Praying for your friend FosterMama
“Let your good spirit lead me on level ground.” I love that David goes ahead and requests level ground. I mean, if you’re asking, why not! Our neighborhood is full of hills and it makes a difference! But what stood out the most today was Lore’s quote in her devotional about the foolish notion that there is only one right decision, when really we should be focused on the one Hod who leads us. I’m the kind of person who wants the blinking neon sign pointing me in the way I should go and I quickly reach decision paralysis. Making the wrong choice means I didn’t listen to God or couldn’t hear him or I’m not a true follower of Jesus (and you can see where this spiral is taking me). But God didn’t design our life to be a maze with only one way out. He just wants to walk with us on our journey. That’s so comforting!
Congratulations to Mari V! Your story of your job made me smile!
Thank you @Sesrching for your prayer for the lost! Amen! Also, Mercy thank you for the Scripture and prayer that we can and should pray: “Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for He will freely pardon” (Isaiah 55:7).
@Margaret W. So sorry and praying for you and your kids. Praying for you all.
I think the cool part about Psalms being written by one person (David) and being the longest book in the Bible is that it reminds me that prayer needs to be consistent even if it’s not answered in this instant.
“Let me experience your faithful love in the morning,
for I trust in you.
Reveal to me the way I should go because I appeal to you.”
Thank You for You indwelling Spirit to lead and guide us, Lord!
LEHULA K – praying for your upcoming surgery
GWINETH52 – my heart is breaking for all the turmoil you are facing. Praying you can find sanctuary in the Lord.
FOSTER MAMA – praying the comfort you receive from the Lord will help you comfort and suport your loved one.
Needed to read this, I’m thankful the Holy Spirit nudged me to get on SRT tonight before bed. ❤️
Such a beautiful quote by Scotty Smith: “Grant us peace as we make important decisions. Some of us are facing career changes, church choices, economic challenges, and health issues. Free us from the foolish notion that there is only one right choice to make. Actually, there is only one right God to trust, and that is you. Lead us, as we lean on you, Father.” I’m going to be using this often because I also get caught up in thinking there’s only one right decision, and that any other decision leads down a dark path or something similar. That line of thinking has led to anxiety, depression, and deep regret. No more. In Jesus’ name, this mindset and the negative feelings associated with it will be cast away. I declare the victory is with You, Father, over the battlefield of the mind within all of these dear sisters who, like myself, admit their worries, fears, regrets, anxieties, and more… who lay them down at Your throne and surrender it to You. Lord, thank You for allowing us to do so again and again, and that You fight for us against the darkness. Thank You for Your protection, peace, mercy, compassion, healing, and love. ❤️ Please be with all of these sisters and provide some comfort to them with whatever season they are in right now. Thank You for being our guiding Light. In Jesus’ name, amen. ❤️
Good Morning Shes…I rejoin the community conversation after a long absence. Been “lying low & feeling woe” & holding my private “un-peace”. Churning over & with dear women friends & at least one family member dealing with hard health choices & serious diagnoses & rigorous medical treatment & surgeries. Early onset dementia. Throat & lung cancer. Bilateral mastectomy. Hysterectomy. Transition to a skilled nursing facility. My own deep & darkening depression & emotional discord. Overwhelmed & especially anxious. Caffeinating & sugarcoating real fear & high anxiety. Dreaded default. Yet before pulling the covers over my head tonight on the west coast, I was led to open my tablet to the SRT website & read the daily devotion & scripture reading. Something I’ve not done in a longgggg time. Rightfully causing me to question my faith & mock my so called time in daily scripture & prayer. Yet God called & found me reachable & redeemable through this very personal devotional. There is no right way. There is no wrong way. There is only one way through grief, pain, shame, emotional & mental paralysis. His Timing. His Presence. His Truth. His Love. His Promises. Both exceedingly hard & unerringly necessary. This waiting, worrying, wondering. Hurtful things will get sorted out. Still I am shaky. I am lonely. Help me Lord to stand on Your Word. Help me, sister Shes, to sit with the discomfort, and reminding me to keep coming back. And to Him lies the Glory.
Amen & Amen
Looking back at the comments and requests.I can relate to the tormenting thoughts. Foster Mama, your words the other day about the wreckage left. I was just thinking those same words for my actions and crying. I’ve said and done things that I should not have done in the past and even yesterday. Asking for forgiveness and for God to intervene.
Please pray for loved one in such a difficult situation, deep depression and thoughts “the world and my daughter would be better off without me”. :'(
Thank you @ SEARCHING for your heart.
Thank you @ MERCY for your prayers over me. Also your comment that resonated: “I struggle most days waiting for the wheel of justice to turn. God’s patience will always surpass my human patience. Lord forgive me. May we know the heart of God, the thoughts of God that are higher than ours…”
@ CHARLIE, we need to praise our God in all circumstances but may I say….. YAAAAAAY!!
@ TINA ❤️ and @ KELLY (NEO) ❤️