A Personal Responsibility for Sin

Open Your Bible

​Ezekiel 18:1-32, Ezekiel 19:1-14, Romans 1:16-17, 2 Peter 3:9

Think about hugging a robot. Creepy, right? Today, robots are programmed to assist with everything from performing intricate surgeries and exploring outer space to delivering pizza. Still, I wouldn’t want to hug one. Void of emotion and volitional thought, even extraordinary robots remain cold, mechanical, and lifeless. 

God does not manufacture robots when He creates humans. By His own desire and design, He breathes life into every person and makes us in His own image (Genesis 1:27). Each of us is more than a pumping heart muscle and a neuron-firing brain. We miraculously embody qualities of our Creator. We think, feel, and have opinions. God gives us agency: the ability to make decisions and the freedom to make personal choices. We are not programmed robots; we are alive and free. What a gift!

In today’s reading, Ezekiel explains the consequences of personal choice. God does not declare someone sinful or righteous based on anyone else’s conduct. Rather, He judges each person individually. The one who sins is the one who will die, and the one who is righteous will surely live (Ezekiel 18:4,9). As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” Each of us is responsible for our actions. If we choose to live in obedience to God, we will flourish with Him forever. If we choose to disobey God, we’ll be separated from Him forever. We are not robots; we have agency. With freedom comes responsibility.

This gift of freedom can be terrifying. To live in unity with a perfect God requires choosing obedience in our every thought, word, and deed. Good grief! I can’t even scroll through social media without being jealous, critical, or fearful. I can’t meet the requirements of freedom, and neither can anyone else. This is no surprise to God, and, if we’re honest, it should be no surprise to us. His Word confirms what we experience every single day, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). 

God knows we’re crushed under the weight of freedom and responsibility. He takes no pleasure in our deadly predicament (Ezekiel 18:23). On the contrary, He lovingly urges us, “Repent and live” (v.32)! How do we turn away from choosing sin and death? Only by putting our faith in the only One who did obey God in every thought, word, and deed. The only One who did carry the weight of sin of the world and not be crushed. We choose life by placing our faith in Christ. “…the righteous will live by faith” (Romans 1:17). 

“Repent and live!” is not a command for a robotic response; it is a soul-deep call to humbly turn towards our Creator and receive the gift of salvation. Depend on Christ and live. 

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66 thoughts on "A Personal Responsibility for Sin"

  1. Dorothy says:

    “Depend on Christ and live.” So few words but WOW such great and wonderful meaning. Those five words say it all; all we need to know, do and rely on. Christ is the One to turn to when the going gets tough. Patti summed up everything about Christians and Christian living in those five words. I’ll be writing them down on several index cards and put them throughout my apartment to remind what I need to do everyday, every hour, every moment and every second of this wonderful life God has given me.
    Father, God, Thank You for judging me by my sins and ONLY my sins, not my parents, grandparents, siblings, children or other relatives. Thank You for allowing me to change my ways and return to YOU. God thank You for sending Your One and Only Son, Jesus to die for us. I know if I depend and rely on Christ, I will have eternal life, Lord I want that eternal life. Yes I stray, please forgive me when I do. Help me to show others Your love and why Christ died for us. AMEN.
    Sisters unfortunately, Finley had to go back to the hospital last night d/t having a fever and severe pain. So once again I’m asking for prayers for her and her family.
    Be blessed and “Depend on Christ and live.”, sisters.

  2. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    Heidi. Praying for you today. Walking with a loved one that struggles with addiction is a difficult path. It can be difficult to know what is our to do/where to draw the line in supporting them. Praying for The Holy Spirit’s guidance for you. A book that has helped me in discerning what is mine to do in supporting my son and where I need to hold boundaries is called The Language of Letting Go. It was recommended to me by a therapist. VICTORIA E prayers of praise that tomorrow is the day you will meet your son! Praying over this beautiful community. Please pray for my family this week. My son will be moving back home Saturday, we went over ground rules last night and that went fairly well other than him not agreeing with church attendance being a requirement.

  3. Beth says:

    Yes Heidi!!!! You are so right about the podcast. They are weekly, coming out each Monday and talk about that week of reading. Don’t miss them, you can listen at any time in the week or even go back any weeks before. Just go to the menu and click on podcasts and you will find the entire list that they have been making each week for over two years.

  4. Heidi says:

    I would REALLY STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all the SHE’s on here to find time in the week when driving, running errands, doing dishes, etc to listen to the She Reads Truth podcast (just search whatever podcast platform you use.). It answers SO MANY of the questions I see spoken out in this group and gives such expanded understanding to the reading and theme of the study… ❤️

  5. MARTHA HIX says:

    Praying for your concerns and the pleading of our hearts for those we love to desire a relationship with you Lord.

  6. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Jesus for your mighty gift of grace! Lifting up all in prayer and Victoria E. may your son’s birth go well tomorrow.

  7. MARTHA HIX says:

    I am so thankful for your continued prayers and for your encouragement. It is and has been a continual blessing to me. Thank you SRT friends for sharing your wisdom and hearts daily as we lean on each other and study God’s word. I am grateful for SRT and the prayerful diligence of all those who make it happen! ❤️

  8. Morgan Latham says:

    I’m striving to be good, and I’m trying to stay away from sin. This world does a good job of masking what is right vs. wrong. This passage was brought to mind: “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.” Romans‬ ‭7:15-20‬