A Ministry of Life

Open Your Bible

John 13:12-17, John 13:34-35, Philippians 1:27, 1 John 4:7-12, 2 Corinthians 2:16, 1 Peter 3:8-12, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

Jesus invited His disciples to love one another with Christ-like love, encouraging them to demonstrate abundant life in their actions. We demonstrate our love for one another by reflecting Christ’s self-giving love to those around us, toward the promised end when death is no more and we experience eternal, abundant life in God’s presence.

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer asking God to show you how to demonstrate His love to others today. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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65 thoughts on "A Ministry of Life"

  1. Polska says:

    Thanks for finally talking about >A Ministry of Life – She Reads Truth -She Reads Truth <Loved it!

  2. Terri Baldwin says:

    For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we will see face to face. Now I know in part then I shall know fully as I am fully known.

    ❤️love is the greatest of all❤️

  3. Sarah Scheaf says:

    Pray with me for my 16 yr old daughter who professes to know Christ but is caught up in tough feelings about her dad and I’s divorce almost 5 years ago. Her dad cheated and left me but I get the heat from her and all the fun teen girl angst. I’ve been dating an amazing man for 3.5 years who she HATES and her behavior is delaying our marriage. All of that is hard, but I’m trying to show her deep, unconditional love through it all. Pray for her heart to soften and for her to know the joy that so loving Christ and loving others!

  4. Tina says:

    Loving one another is a beautiful thing… When all is rosy and gay! Loving someone that has caused you pain or distress, that is another thing and story!

    But we are called to

    Love one another..

    Live in harmony with one another..Romans 12:16

    Accept one another..Romans 15:7

    Greet one another..Romans 16:16

    Agree with one another.. 1 Corinthians 1:10

    Serve one another in love.. Galatians 5:13

    Be kind and compassionate with one another.. Ephesians 4:32

    The list goes on.. but here’s the thing, love and respect are needed in these and plenty more ‘one another’ sentences..

    Valentine’s day fast approaches, and hearts are fluttering with hope and anticipation, prayers and expectations, it’s hard to see where or what kind of love we anticipate, or expect. A Godly love, anointed and appointed by God, that, with His teaching, leaning on, and Word, will grow, or the earthly love that once it has served its time, or does not seem to be working, or it no longer ‘does it for me’ is discarded and move over, NEXT!

    I love that the greatly used at weddings 1 Corinthians 13 passage is one of our readings today, it is one of my many favourites.. Love is patient, okay sisters let’s say it together because I reckon most of us know it.








    Loving without agenda, without wanting something in return, without expectation of ‘like for like’, not easy in this world, we are all looking for something,

    BUT GOD..

    Says it IS possible… If we hold His hand. If we look to Him. If we follow our call to love selflessly..if we walk with the heart He has given us in Him, we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us..

    Love as I have loved YOU, without agenda, malice, judgement, recording wrongs, jealousy or pride!


    This day waiting to be sent. So a tad late to the table.. But I’m here!!!❤

    1. Stephanie Wilsey says:

      Yes! Thank you for this, Tina!

    2. alexandra shoemaker says:

      Thank you for that ❤️ I needed to hear those words!

  5. Emma Rageth says:

    This season of my marriage has been a hard one as we walk through infertility and all that that brings. These passages really highlighted how short tempered and irritable I have been with my husband, not at all demonstrating the kind of love Christ calls us to. Please pray that I would move more towards exhibiting the love of Jesus every day, regardless of circumstances. (And if you don’t mind, I would also love prayers for our fertility journey and that I would be able to continue to walk out this path)

  6. Roxane Richardson says:

    Today scriptures was hard for me. I have a hard time showing love to my younger brother. He has been into drugs and been in prison. Got out of prison and still is living that life. I was there for him drove countless hours taking my mom to visit him in prison. Recently I have allowed him to live in my house again. Him being here has caused conflict between me and my 75 year old mother. I am praying for God to change my heart ♥. But it’s so hard with all that has happened and what is still going on. He is going to be 49 years next week. I pray that he finds God and turn the life that he is living.

    1. Emma Rageth says:

      Thank you for sharing, @Roxane! Praying for your brother to find God and follow His plan for his life! And praying for peace, patience, and joy in you, as well as relational reconciliation!

  7. Wanda Woehlert says:

    God is love and we are to love one another.

  8. Cee Gee says:

    KRIS – I lived that, too! ❤

    MERCY – Thank you! ❤

    DONNA WOLCOTT – When I was dating my now husband, I kept my Bible at work and read 1 Cor. 13 every day at lunch (1 hour lunch break). We have been married almost 49 years, sadly we didn’t adhere to the verses all the time! ❤

  9. Cee Gee says:

    Thanks, GWINETH52; I have a routine that usually works. I have a cup of caffeine free hot chocolate (Ovaltine) and read an easy to read Christian novel on my Kindle with all other lights turned off. I may have to switch to your idea for drink. Can’t do music since my hubs and I don’t agree on what to listen to.

    CATHERINE MCVEY – You and your husband are in my prayers!

  10. Alayna P. says:

    I believe that Jesus invites us, His disciples, to love one another with the same selfless love He demonstrated. He encourages us to embody abundant life through our actions, reflecting Christ’s love to those around us. As we demonstrate love for one another, we anticipate the promised end where death will cease, and we will experience eternal, abundant life in God’s presence. It’s a journey of faith, hope, and love, rooted in the promise of God’s ultimate fulfillment.

  11. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I know that I fall short everyday of the description of love found in 1st Corinthians 13, but I also know that I don’t have to be perfect to demonstrate God’s love. I also know that God is not done with me yet. ❤️ I pray that as I accept his love for me, I would be able to love those around me better.

  12. Adrianne says:

    What stood out to me is all the scripture in today’s reading reaffirming just how much God and Jesus love us and want us to believe and share that love with others. What would our earthly world look like if we all loved each other more? Love can mend so many things.

  13. Kris says:

    Have you ever met a family you wished you were a member of because of the love they had for each other?, the fun they had together?, the way they encouraged and supported one another?, how they could laugh and cry together?, how they were there when they needed one another? I have. My dad was a very harsh man, and the atmosphere in my childhood home was tense and depressing. Sometimes I would see other kids my age with their families actually enjoying each other. I wanted to be a part of that family. That’s how the Christian family should look. We should be so attractive to the “outsider” that they want to be a part of us. What does your church look like? what does your small group look like? Do you make people envious of what you have and want to join in? I have to think about this one. What do I look like? am I joyful and friendly and loving so that other people wonder what I have?

    1. Tricia C says:

      I love this KRIS.

  14. Donna Wolcott says:

    My thought this morning as I read 1 Corinthians 13 was of my wedding day. This was my husband’s reading during our ceremony. In December it will be 50 years, not all bliss but one we have worked on. Loving isn’t always easy, so grateful the Lord’s love is always! A little chuckle for your day, last night my husband looked at me with a smile and said, “I’m so glad I married you, at least most of the time.”

    Lifting your concerns and your families in prayer. Peace

  15. Mercy says:

    God is love. The love that stoops down to clean the stinky feet of unworthy sinners. The love that matures in the face of selfishness and self-serving to be others-serving. The love that is a fragrance of life, fresh goodness and clean purity. The love that spares not himself but gives up for us all. Heavenly Father, may you plant the love within our hearts and our families’ hearts, our communities, our nations, let us be of one mind, the humble mind, of sympathy, a tender heart. Plant the love that rejoices NOT in wrongdoing within us. The world rejoices in the love that accepts and tolerates wrongdoing, but Your Love does not. Let this Love be received by those who have gotten used to the “love” of this world, or be mistaken by this world. Let them not reject this love through us, let them have grace to receive the Love of You through us. And in case that they reject us rendering this gift of love forfeited, give us the grace and the courage to try and love them again, and again, and again. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

    @MIA FAITH: prayers for the spirit of suicide to be destroyed from your family, and premature death be removed by God’s power, peace, long life and godliness to be the portion.
    @GWINETH52: reconciliation and peace for family relations, and good sweet sleep.
    @TRACI: forgiveness for step-daughter, ability to let go of offences, and a good trip.
    @KRISTINA FINNEY: great self- assessment questions based on this chapter:)
    @FOSTER MAMA: prayers for your goddaughter and mom, prayers for this fear stronghold to be uprooted, and a peaceful living situation and a peaceful & sound mind for both. This happens in a youth home (Child Service) and the traumatized teenagers were in constant fear and defense mode, aggressiveness is their reflex, until they gain trust with the staff and new surroundings (which can take years). BUT GOD! in Him we have hope of a bright future for the captives :)
    @CEE GEE: may you sleep well.
    @VICTORIA E: your faith walk and trust in God. May God give you strength and reveal Himself in very very personal ways to you.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  16. Kimberly Z says:

    @MICHELLE PATIRE – I agree I can aways learn to love a little better. I often find myself angry with people before i know full situation or I try to guess the worst that will happen before something even happens. I have tried to learn to switch my thinking and prayers to I hope they have a better day instead of masking God to help me deal with them. Happy Tuesday ladies. Praying for you all.

  17. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Day Shes. And I mean that wholeheartedly. GOOD. DAY. TO. YOU!! Sleeping far better since my “confessional witnessing” in this space last week. Still “heavy lifting” to do in family relations given my alternating self-righteousness & self-pity. And thanks everyone for sticking me through the alternating thesis of “despair & doubt”. Again, there’s extensive work yet to be done in family relations. Heard it framed thusly: finding a path from “rupture to repair”. And I need plenty of HIS as today’s lessons reveal my mistakes & miscues. But offers a way out & through: prayer, meditation, affirmation). Trying to release old hurts & avoid picking up & getting death grip on new ones. Traci G: step-daughters. Competition over her father/my husband’s favor. Common denominator in most my missteps & misery. Like you, I need to banish my record of her so-called offenses. And my so-called defenses. As well as record of beating myself up when I fail & fall into self-flagellation. Let’s encourage each other, Ms. Traci G! And for you, Cee Gee…I’ve overcome my insomnia (at least for now; the “beast” can rest & reappear) with some truth-telling (my own mirror) & revisiting SRT community comments & scripture that speak love, not fear & triumph, not dejection. Please know it won’t last forever. Not His intention. Be curious about what it means. Write it down. Create a soothing playlist. And a cup of hot milk with a bit of honey right at bedtime is an old fashioned recipe, but darn if it doesn’t work! Have a transformative Tuesday my Sisters! Amen & Amen

  18. Cindy Hanna says:

    Many prayers @Mia Faith that your granddaughter’s bonds of darkness will be broken and healing begin for your family.
    While volunteering yesterday I noticed that I was uncomfortable with 1 individual and irritated by another. What rough morning shift trying to exhibit the love of Christ to these two. The good news to me was that I recognized the problem. I didn’t mindlessly react. Instead I tried to find paths of peace. One small step forward. I realize the next time a similar problem occurs I might end up taking one step back. But for now I’ll take the win and give thanks to a gracious Lord for actually seeing a moment of growth.

  19. Allison Bentley says:

    @KC very good point at holding others accountable. I often struggle with my kiddos and this very idea as well as avoid speaking up with other believers. @Sarah Nunneley- I too pray that the Holy Spirit opens my eyes to these gotcha moments and shows me how to respond in love. @Cheryl Blow- to me this verse is the devil creeping in to our lives daily. My tongue is my greatest enemy! I have 1 Corinthians 13 framed in my bedroom and it is a perfect reminder for me and my spouse everyday as well as my own daily interactions for everyone. Praying the Holy Spirit continues to show me my weakness and strengthen me through His love! Happy Tuesday sisters!

  20. Michelle Patire says:

    @Sharon, JG- delighted to know Adrian is met with an answer and lease, praise God – all good things come from Him!

    Praying for urgent requests, now…. ❤️

  21. Michelle Patire says:

    “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”
    – 1 Corinthians 13:12 NKJV

    This verse really hits me, today. I think it is the one I most reflect on in this passage. I will forever need to learn love as described and laid out for us here in the Word and specifically 1 Corinthians 13. But this verse reminds me that Christ knows me fully – He sees me when no one else sees. When I can’t even see the depths of my emotions. He sees me.
    And one day … I will know His heart fully, too. There will be no barrier. I won’t need to cling to faith and cry when things don’t make sense about my life and His hand.
    Jesus, you are all we need. Lord, help us in our unbelief. Help us, Lord.

  22. Rachel says:

    KELLY, thank you for check in, sorry I have not updated! My friend’s daughter has had a nothing but miraculous recovery! She was intubated and sedated for about 28 days or so, but now (47 days after her initial seizures), she is walking and talking! She has trouble with balance at times and trouble with recall of words and her memory, but they are hopeful that she will be discharged from rehab with ongoing outpatient therapies this Friday!! Amazing! Thank you for your prayers for her!

  23. Mia Faith says:

    Friends, may I ask for your fervent prayers. The story is heartbreaking and long, but specifically, we need prayer about our granddaughter who is suffering with mental illness. She’s only a young teen but in her illness is tearing each member of the family apart. She attempted to take her life many times last year and, while currently in a facility will be out soon and is no better at all. Please join us in praying for the darkness to turn to light! Only Jesus can make things right!

    1. Jean Allen says:

      Praying right now for your granddaughter Mia, and against the darkness of mental illness

    2. Emma Rageth says:

      Praying so much for her and your whole family, @Mia!

  24. Mari V says:

    ….And they’ll know we are Christians, by, our love by our love, and they’ll know we are Christians by our love…. is what came to mind when I was reading this, this morning. Not paying evil for evil (get back) instead being that sweet aroma of Christ, and blessing others. I know in our human nature this can be challenging at times, but that’s when we take a deep breath and tell ourselves, “we can do this.” We can do this because Jesus loved us first, therefore giving us strength to love others. I want to be Christlike, even when it’s hard. 

  25. Cheri says:

    I used to think of 1 Corinthians 13 as a list of what I “should” be like, but always miserably coming up short. I now know that I don’t have to strive to live up to that description of love, but as the devotion says it so beautifully, “we demonstrate our love for one another by reflecting Christ’s self-giving love to those around us.”
    “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

  26. Cheryl Blow says:

    ”Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.“
    ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  27. Traci Gendron says:

    I had made a practice of reading 1 Corinthians 13 once a week. Funny how we can read something so many times and then all of a sudden it hits you! “It does not keep a record of wrongs”. I have done this with my step daughter. She was so unkind and I have had such a hard time letting it go. I viewed it that I had forgiven her, but why then do I bristle every time I’m in her presence? We are going on a short trip with them this weekend. I will try to use this opportunity to practice loving her and keeping no record of the past. Please pray for me…

  28. Rhonda J says:

    Sharon- I was just thinking of your sister last night! What a Praise report!

  29. Karen Breaux says:

  30. Rhonda J says:

    GM She’s!

    I love these reminders of how to be “love.” It seems so easy, but we know it’s not of course. So black and white…LOVE! Yet, we know there is gray when we are using are “judging” lens. I just pray that the Holy Spirit helps me to show love, while standing in the truth! Hard. But God, as long as we stay close to Him, in His word and prayer, the Spirit will direct us.

    Praying for the requests.

  31. Kristina Finney says:

    1 Corinthians 13 really stood out to me – Faith with out love means nothing. Then the chapter continues with what love is. Am I patient? Am I kind? Do I envy? Do I boast?…..

    Grateful for the correction that reading scripture provides

  32. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    What really struck me today was 1 Corinthians 13:5. I have read this passage so many times but I must have skimmed right over the last part of that verse because it didn’t apply to me, or so I thought. As I read – love, “it keeps no record of wrongs”, the Spirit opened my eyes and I realized I have been keeping records, whether meaning to or not. Doing so has left me feeling hurt – over and over again. It has prevented me from healing and moving forward, past the pain and the hurt due to the wrongs that were done to me…Imagine if God kept record of all MY wrongs! But God – He doesn’t. He forgives all my wrongs (sins) and remembers them no more – Hallelujah, thank you God!

    My prayer is that every time I am in the Word, God will show me something new – show me how I can better serve Him and grow in my faith & in my walk with Him.

    I encourage any of you that might be holding on to past hurts and the wrongs done to you – to release them to God, lay them at His feet and allow healing to take place.

    I have HUGE PRAISE!! For those of you who remember me asking prayer for my sister Arian concerning her housing need – God has answered!! She was going to have to leave the basement apartment she was renting because the owners didn’t want to rent – the man who owned it wanted to make the apartment into an office (even knowing that my sister had no place to go). But, through much prayer and begging God to intervene – the owners have asked her if she’d like to be a renter and sign a lease for at least another year. Hallelujah! Thank you, thank you my Father!!! Thank you all for your prayers, please continue to pray for her as she needs a full time job so that she can meet the monthly payments.

    Praying for each of your requests as I read them. Have a blessed day – the sun is finally out, three days four days in a row!!

  33. Erica Chiarelli says:

    1 Cor 13 and all these love verses remind me that I’m not where I want to be and pray that I would walk in this love towards my family. Sometimes I’m quick to extend grace to others but in being with my family so much, I’m short with them or impatient or just not super loving. I am seeing that more and getting better but I want to be like Jesus in this! Patient and walking in love and the fruits of the Spirit!

  34. searching says:

    Again I am (we are) pointed to Jesus as our example on showing love to others, putting them first, loving our enemies. “Keep it real” comes to mind – not for show or to check off an item on a “should do” list, but a true change of heart as CEE GEE <3 spoke about. I like the suggestion by SARAH NUNNELEY to audit my intent. Think before speaking or acting – are the words or actions I'm considering helpful or harmful?

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – Brighter light, I like that!

    TERESA DONLEY – amen.

    JAMIE – thankful the first Sunday was good!

    GRAMSIESUE – praying your needs will be seen and met. A lesson for me to step up in helping others. thank you.

    Praying for:
    FOSTER MAMA – your goddaughter's mom, that she will see the help she needs for long term improvement and healing. Thankful you are able to offer a safe place for your goddaughter.
    SHANNON G – the family and friends of teacher who passed away
    VICTORIA E – strengthened faith <3
    CATHERINE MCVEY – healing from covid and rescheduled stem cell transplant
    KELLI HARRELL – praying for the 7th grader, so heartbreaking
    INDIANA ELAINE – praying for Steve, successful surgery, relief from anxiety, and restoration of his needs and losses in his Job-like situation, as KELLY (NEO) <3 so aptly put it.
    ANNIE – healing and solutions for your dad's psoriatic arthritis pain
    STEPHANIE WILSEY – healing for daughter

  35. Adrienne says:

    I have a hard time loving AND serving. I feel like I am doing one or the other but not both, you know?

    Father, please help me and your/my sweet She’s love AND serve others each day. We can only do this with Your help.

    Maybe, CEE GEE, I need to make a blanket (pun intended!) prayer for ALL of the Shes that seem to be suffering from insomnia!!!

    You got it, FOSTER MAMA.

  36. Taylor says:

    Running late but I’m here. I needed to read these Scriptures to encourage me in my day. May I be the hands of Jesus as I serve my patients today. Praying for you all <3

  37. Karyn Justice says:

    SARAH N I too struggle with loving my husband as I should…keeping record of wrong when I should be forgiving and loving. Praying for you!!

  38. Jamie ❤️ says:

    Good morning yall, I want to thank each of you who left a kind comment or prayed for our first Sunday at Faith Assembly. It went better than we could have expected. Thank you again! God is so good. I am praying on these other comments/requests this morning. ❤️

  39. Julie Ganucheau says:

    Studying John in BSF, and our leader mentioned that the antidote to self centeredness is selfless service to others. Falls in line so beautifully with this SRT study today. Jesus modeled this so completely – the King of Kings took off his robe and washed us clean – he loves us that much. He showed us how love IS serving others. Jesus, help me turn my inward focus outward to love others as you love me. ❤️

  40. Aimee D-R says:

    Help me to be Your hands and feet l Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

  41. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    God is our Sustainer and ultimate Motivator. He is the Source of love and able to accomplish beautiful Kingdom work through those who commit to loving Him and serving others in His name.

  42. Sarah D. says:

    Praying for you all! Thank you for your prayers, I decided not to do the discipleship group since it seemed like too much at the moment. I feel relieved, so I feel like that was the right choice. Maybe it the future. Thank you for your prayers again for my health, I think I am fighting a slight cold, but thankfully can still make it to work. Hope you all have a great day!

  43. Ada McCloud says:

    Again, loving people – serving people. I pray I am loving people and that they see Christ in me. I fear I fail at this.

  44. K C says:

    I think the call to love others, even our enemies, has been very challenging to me lately. The nature of my day to day is that I speak with many people. Our world seems to have become more cruel and self centered just within the past few years, and everyday it seems to be intensifying. I see so much hurt and just sheer meanness and evil amongst the vast majority of people today and I find this command the most challenging right now. As a enneagram 1, I struggle with finding loving others and the justice needed in our world.

  45. Deanna Rasch says:

    Phil 1:27 made me think of pastor Alastair Begg and what has occurred recently. We used to attend one of his church plants and we have been praying for him in this time of difficulty. It’s an important reminder to me that I need to carefully consider my words when I am speaking about the Gospel,that I do not twist scripture to suit my own purposes… and that I am conducting myself in a manner worthy of Christ.

    1. Teresa Donley says:

      DEANNA – I haven’t always agreed with Alastair Begg’s views, but I have always loved hearing him preach. His messages are always thought-producing, and often, convicting. I believe he was showing the love of Christ to the grandmother attending her unbelieving granddaughter’s wedding. If we, as Christians, are never around the unbelieving, how are we to spread the Gospel? Jesus mixed with sinners and ate at their homes. He didn’t lay down His message by doing so. He showed the love He has for all people. If we are to walk in His footsteps, we need to remember that by taking God’s love with us everywhere we go and to every person we meet, we are spreading God’s Word.

      1. Deanna Rasch says:

        It was a difficult decision to leave the church, but ultimately the best. Allie Beth Stuckey did a great job explaining why his message was incorrect – I pray he seeks counsel in this issue.

  46. Sarah Nunneley says:

    I’m encouraged to audit my intent. I was annoyed at my husband for getting home so late, so when the baby woke up this morning I wanted to wake him up to calm her down so I wouldn’t have to. I realized I was “waking him up,” because I was irritated he got home late. I didn’t want him to help me or her, I wanted him to be as exhausted as I feel taking care of our daughter all day and night.

    I realized that in a moment, thankfully. And I refrained from waking him up and tended to our daughter. For waking him served no purpose other than for me to feel like I was “getting back at him.”

    I want more realizations like that in my day, and use the opportunity to pivot.

    1. Jane Butler says:

      I love this phrase “audit my intent”. Thank you for sharing.

  47. Foster Mama says:

    Prayer Request: My goddaughter and her mother finally found a place to live in November but now AGAIN, mom feels like she’s living in an unsustainable, unsafe environment and is looking frantically to get out (even if it means a women’s shelter) and in profound conflict with the person she is living with… We managed to have a long phone talk the other night and I gently (and not so gently) supported her.. but really reinforced how much she needs to get her mental health addressed; with her extensive trauma history, she feels so often like a cornered cat, not recognizing if the person coming at her is holding a knife, or a fur brush / food / medicine/ etc… always assuming it’s harmful and therefore scared / angry / lashing out.
    We will take goddaughter for a couple of nights. Please pray for the whole situation (every aspect) and God’s wisdom for all. Thank you my sisters

  48. Kristine Loughman says:

    It’s good for me to remember that I represent Jesus out there in the world. I tell my students all the time that they are a reflection of our class and values when they are elsewhere in the building, and they should act even BETTER out in the school than they do in our classroom. Jesus does the same thing when he asks us to be his hands and feet. It’s a risky position- we Christians (okay, ME) can be the worst sometimes! And yet Jesus commands us to live our lives as an example of his love.

    The other day, in conversation with a co-worker, this person says to me “but you’re not very religious…” and I was taken aback. I don’t want to be known as “religious” true, but I do want people to know I love Jesus. I need to shine my light a little brighter, I guess.

  49. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Only through the power of the Spirit can I love the way Jesus wants me to love. In my brokenness, selfless love would never happen.

    SARAH D – praying God gives you wisdom as to next steps.

    ANNIE – praying the Lord brings your dad relief from his pain, whether through meds or healing.

    INDIANA ELAINE – prayers for Steve in his Job-like situtation. May his faith grow through the struggles.

    CATHERINE McVEY – sorry to hear about your treatment delay. Praying the COVID passes quickly.

  50. Cee Gee says:

    Warren Wiersbe says this of 1 Corinthians 13:1-13:
    “The main evidence of maturity in the Christian life is a growing love for God and for God’s people, as well as a love for lost souls. It has well been said that love is the “circulatory system” of the body of Christ.”

    May we truly learn through maturity to love as God wants us to love… with His help. Off to bed for now. Gwyneth52, I think I have caught your insomnia since I have had one full night’s sleep in the past week. Prayers for all! ❤