A Call to Responsibility

Open Your Bible

2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, 2 Corinthians 11:5-9, Hebrews 13:20-21

Oftentimes, Scripture abounds with rich nuance. It reflects forward and backward, teasing out references to the Old Testament or the New. It can be read in layer after layer, each one peeled to reveal a deeper truth about our relationship to God and His to us. Sometimes, a passage is the opposite: it gives us truth, straight to the point. It tells us how to live, how to love, how to spend our money, how to be saved. 

“Clarity is kindness,” is a phrase I live by, learned from my dearest mentor. In today’s passage from 2 Thessalonians, Paul is delivering the same kindness. There’s nothing nuanced, tucked between flowery phrases, hinting at something only the most educated will understand. Paul serves it straight up: work. Work hard. Don’t be lazy, or idle. And don’t grow weary in doing this good work (2Thessalonians 3:13). 

Work was a creation mandate, established even before the fall. God worked (He created). Adam worked (he named the animals and had dominion over them). And for the rest of time since, the people made in God’s image work and will work. Was Paul talking about a 9-to-5 career, a desk job and an expense account? No, he wasn’t. In fact, the historical Protestant work ethic mixed in with the rags-to-riches American dream has undoubtedly distorted our view of work as a chiefly economic practice. But work is innate to our life and our calling as Christians, whether that work is at a Fortune 500 company, a grocery store, a school, caring for a sick parent, or taking care of a home and children. Paul doesn’t distinguish or categorize work: one type is not better or more righteous than the other. But he is clear on one thing: work matters. 

Work is, in fact, critical to our flourishing as humans. Our witness to the gospel is bound up in our work, in the way we care for others and work for the good of those around us. In his book Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller writes about work being a “channel of God’s love for his world.” So, if work—be it at home, at a hospital, in a church, or at a restaurant—is a way to carry God’s love outward, it makes sense that Paul would be aghast at idleness. 

Work will bring weariness, pain, suffering, frustration. It will break us, mold us, and tempt us to create idols in our hearts. Work is broken by sin and ungodly motivations, but it still belongs to God. He made us to work, and Paul exhorts us to not grow weary in this good, good work of image-bearing, creating, and serving the God who loves us. He has commissioned us to be His ambassadors in this busy, working world. 

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48 thoughts on "A Call to Responsibility"

  1. Alicia Gilbert says:

    I tend to think of myself as falling in today’s “hustle culture” view of work rather than idleness. In other words, I think of “work” as the economic and/or self-interested definition, and I have a hard time setting work-life boundaries for myself. And I think both views of work are problematic. So I loved the definition of work provided in today’s devo. I think about my husband who quietly picks up extra house chores during my school finals without me having to ask him to do so. He doesn’t get rewarded for this work, but his acts of service in the household during a busy and stressful 2+ weeks for me speaks volumes about his love for me. And it is a powerful witness. I’m going to look for opportunities to emulate him and to do some extra “work” for him and others without expecting a benefit (monetary like a standard job, recognition, etc.) in return.

  2. Allison Bentley says:

    @Rae Queen- this is soo on point. Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Adelynn Campbell says:

    I found it interesting that right next to where Paul says, “do not associate with such persons, so that they may feel shame (reverence, awe, and respect) rather than the worlds idea of shame (not worthy) he includes the command, “do not grow tired of doing good.” Just like many commands in the Bible that seem to have tension. Stay away from the brother, but also life him and warn him as a friend. If he stays idle, he shouldn’t eat, but also don’t get tired of doing good.

    I think these seemingly paradoxical commands are important. Often we can look at others and judge whether they deserve our help and generosity, but Paul says don’t get tired of doing good, don’t tire of serving the brother as you encourage and compel him not to be idle!

    It was reminder of me to let God judge the heart, but follow his command to keep serving all no matter what! Because Christ first loved us and saved us when we were much more than idle, but spiritually dead! Have a wonderful day ladies, as always I am very grateful to all of you!

  4. Sarah D. says:

    Phew. Needed to hear this as I graduate college in a couple weeks. Ahh just saying that is so crazy to me. There will be lots of tears, just because I love my school so much and the amazing people I have met hear. I am still waiting to hear back from a job I applied for…but I know ultimately, God is good. He is SO incredibly faithful!! That was what I learned my senior year of highschool, and man, it is STILL. SO. TRUE. He is faithful, despite myself. Thank you Lord. Help me go into the world as a channel of YOUR love towards others. Thank you.

  5. Deb Ireland says:

    We are equipped to do the good works God has for us through His Spirit who is in us. Praise God!

  6. Valentina says:

    @Pamela Aileen-Such a good point! Thank you for your comment. I find myself in the same boat, often just doing the housework myself because it is easier and quicker. When I do give my children a task or job to do, I also am often met with the response of whining or complaining. But if we don’t train them when they are young, we will be met with even more resistance when they are older. I need to keep reminding myself of this, pray, take a breath, and push through the whining and complaining.

  7. Ericka Montano says:

    This was such a good word today! Holy smokes! Exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been lacking motivation and it was the “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat” for me!

  8. Kelly Swindell says:

    I love the thought that Paul isn’t talking about a for-pay job, but he’s talking about us “working” to further the kingdom of God. In every single area of our lives, we are either helping the Kingdom or hurting it by being idle. It really makes me look at how I “work” in all aspects of my life and where I am helping and where I might be hurting the Kingdom.