Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
So don’t throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you need endurance, so that after you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised.
—Hebrews 10:35–36
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
Click here to listen to this week’s episode.
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39 thoughts on "Grace Day"
If you haven’t listened to the SRT podcast this week, I highly recommend it. ❤️
Oh my….do I ever need endurance. That which God has entrusted me with is not easy but praise the Lord for His every promise and that through Him He brings. Stay the course, sisters, our God is faithful.
I know mentioned it earlier this week, and I quite often do throughout our studies, but I would really encourage you all again to take a listen. I usually listen to it on Mondays so I have it to reflect as I read through the scripture as the week progresses. It so deeply resonated with me that I listened to it again today and it about has me undone as I just feel like it was planned for me and also that Whitney was giving voice to the unspoken words rattling in my often anxious heart. We are so blessed to have solid, truthful filled, rich resources today use. May God be glorified through the SRT ministry and magnified in our lives as we steward the stories He has for us. Soli Deo Gloria ✝️
These past few weeks have been such a great reminder of all the beautiful promises God has made for us. Sometimes in our trials and the chaos of the world it can feel like we are alone be we are not. He is with us and will never leave us. I thank him every day as I know without him I would not get through the storms on my life. Have a blessed Saturday.
Lynne I am sorry for you loss. Prayers for you and your loved ones. The road of dementia is an excruciatingly painful one that I am walking with my spouse as well. Praying for healing for your ❤️
ANNA HOWARD- adding you to my caregiver prayer list! Thank you for sharing. ❤
❤️ Thank you
Dear Shes
May we clear away the clutter & crap of worldly stuff!
May we be calm, confident & courageous!
May we keep coming back to this sacred community space as SRT sisters.
May we keep our heads to the sky!
Come, sweet Jesus, come!
Can I hear an Amen?!
Amen! May we be obedient! ❤
AMEN !!!!!!
Ladies, thank you for sharing your insights. When thinking about enduring, I thought about the pain that I was experiencing from my broken wrist and surgery. I was overwhelmed with gratitude because when I think about the cross and what Christ endured for my salvation, I know that this temporary discomfort is nothing compared to what my savior endured for my salvation.
Dear Lord, help me to never take for granted all that you’ve done for me!
Ladies, have a wonderful day and praying blessings over all of you and over all the request.
Confidence. Something I struggle with. I feel I’m not alone in saying that we, ourselves, ME are our worst enemy. I know who I am in Christ and that I an dearly loved by Him. That I’m completely confident of. I do not doubt His love for me. I, my flesh sometimes just struggles with confidence. Did I do that right thing? Say the right thing? Are my words coming out clearly? I am setting a good Christlike example? Sometimes I beat myself up thinking I could of worded that better so that I’m understood (only have a HS diploma with some College). But God….I so thankful, glad, grateful, appreciative for His love for me as I confident my Jesus doesn’t see me the way I do. Here with all you She’s, I feel loved and supported even if I don’t word things correctly I know that I know you all are genuine and I love and appreciate you all. Enjoy your weekends beautiful She’s! @Lynne, our dear sweet Lynne WE love you and are praying for you.
Dear Mari V
Your genuineness, your earnestness, your love of Christ, far outshine any words you might muster. Rest assured, you are seen, heard, upheld by His grace & goodness. For this, I among others gathered here, give thanks, and a huge hug!
Aw….sweet Gwineth52…. Thank you for your kind words. I’m heading to bed soon with happy thoughts glad I came to SRT before calling it a night.
Love you, Mari! ❤
Love too, sweet CEE GEE
LYNNE BURTON, special prayers for you and your family today, sweet lady. We LOVE you! ❤❤❤
ASHLEY S, how wonderful to hear this great report! Thank you and prayers for continuing in the right direction! I found a low acid coffee that is delicious if you are ever interested. ☺
I will echo the couple of times I saw folks recommend this week’s podcast, Ladies. It truly details out a believer holding fast to the promise of God’s provision when circumstances do not feel like He’s providing. My habit is to listen to the week’s recording on Friday as part of a “wind-down from the week”. They are always really good and helpful, but this week’s gets an A+. Do give it a listen if you have not had a chance.
Blessings on your weekend as we head into the special season of Lent and reading Isaiah together where we see our longsuffering, oh-so-abundantly patient God continue to reach out to His wandering sheep!!
Thanks, Sally; I will try to listen! ❤
Lynne, I’m so sorry I did not see of Jack’s passing until this morning. Prayers going out to you.
We get tired of waiting. Not getting what we want now. But as Hebrews says, let’s not throw it all away. Go off track. Stop living for God. Let’s run the race towards God. Live for Him. One day we will be sitting with our Heavenly Father!
These types of “promises” are hard for us needed, “right now” demanding people. We want, we want..immediate gratification. Instant reward. Constant positive reinforcement. Yes, God works on a grandeur scale of faith and perseverance. It is hard for us. Our desires and wants become so important that we lose sight of following after God’s own heart But we must fix our eyes on him.
We are reading now in my book of Surrendered of when the Israelites wanted meat instead of the “old” manna they were eating every day, so they were grumbling and complaining for their “wants!” So God, heard, and said Okay…I’ll give you what you want. And He gave them SO MUCH Quail that it made them sick and die. They didn’t realize what they wanted would be too much and cause harm. Their eyes were bigger than their stomachs. That lesson is still important today. What would happen if we got exactly what we want? Would it be good for us? Could we handle it? Would it destroy us? We have to lay our wants at Jesus’ feet, and let Him be the Lord of our life, living in step with him, being satisfied by what He knows is best for us. Never easy, always good.
Praying for you Lynn. I can’t stop thinking of you and how the days are going to look so different. I hope your girls are there to love on you and his girls. And friends.
❤ So true, Rhonda! We just covered that passage in our Exodus study in SS and I also read it recently for Bible in a year reading. Another time they just had to have a king and that didn’t always work in their favor either. Like you, time to turn that pointy finger back at me.
My exact thoughts and prayer for Lynne! ❤
So true!
I would add verse 37 today:
35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:
37 “For yet a little while,
And He who is coming will come and will not tarry.”
Jesus is coming back, sisters.
Dear Lord, In the meantime, in my waiting, please guide me to see and do Your will.
LYNNE FROM AL – praying and sending hugs ❤️
MISSY CSONKA – praying for symptom relief and treatment options
GWINETH52- beautifully said yesterday ❤️
KRISTY – thank you for HOPE
CHERYL BLOW – praying for pain to subside quickly as you recover from the surgery
SHARON JERSEY GIRL- wiping every tear, hallelujah.
CEE GEE – thank you for clarification yesterday and another new to me song ❤️❤️
RHONDA J – never fully satisfied here, Seek the kingdom, amen ❤️
ECS – praying for treatment options and slow to no progression ❤️
LAUREN GW – praying
Missing sisters ERB, HEIDI, KARRIE, SARAH D, JULIA C and many others!
Amen to your comments and prayers, sister! ❤
Thank you for the prayers! Pain is improving!
Also, thank you for the list that I can pray over. I have not yet mastered writing with my left hand.