A Song for Going with Hope

Open Your Bible

Psalm 130:1-8

After reading today’s psalm, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

In order to ascend to Jerusalem, the traveler had to come up from a lower place. As the psalmist imagines being pulled back down by the weight of sin, they call on the hope that God’s faithful love will redeem their iniquities. This song is rooted in abundance, knowing that God will receive reverence and glory for the redemption to come.

  1. What does the singer do when faced with their iniquity? How does the song describe how God handles iniquity?
  2. How can you use the words and truth in this song when dealing with your own sin?
(121) Comments

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121 thoughts on "A Song for Going with Hope"

  1. Linda Fenwick says:

    I know that when I cry to him for help he hears me and will not turn me away. And when I mess up, fall short, the will always give me another chance to try again

  2. Joslynn G. says:

    When dealing with my own sin, I can recognize I will fall short and have
    moments of weakness, but each New morning is a Reset. So I’ll reset.

  3. Shyanne Washington says:

    Great start to the day

  4. Olivia Hendren says:

    Have faith that he will hear me cry, have faith that he will know what my tears mean and he can fix them without me even speaking a word. Always have hope in him and his forgiveness.

  5. Michelle Hoff says:

    May the Lord help me each day to listen for Him and to wait for Him, for He is faithful in love and will redeem.

  6. Jade Gaines says:

    The singer has absolute faith in God. That God will hear their cries and they know who God is and they fear God, not because of their sin but because of the love and respect they hold for God. They know His love is unconditional and overflowing. they know how good God is and that he will come swiftly to those who call on Him. He is so good to me. Oh Father thank you for always extending your grace and mercy on us when we are experiencing iniquities and suffering from our own sin. Thank you being attentive and loving in everything you do. I love you ❤️

  7. Michelle Johnson says:

    Having the steadfastness that we simply return to God when we mess up is so comforting to me. We don’t have to do anything to get rid of our sin – we simply ask for forgiveness! It gets rid of a huge burden that we have to be perfect and live this great life. We are called to follow Jesus, but He doesn’t expect us to be perfect because He knows that we never can be.

  8. La'Lisa Pugh says:


  9. Claire B says:


  10. Melissa Richards says:


  11. Traci Gendron says:

    This Psalm is beautiful. Being hopeful in the Lord. To know that God hears my voice when I talk to Him in prayer. That His ears are attentive. Not distracted as we can be. That there is no list of my iniquities. There is forgiveness instead. I put my hope in the Lord.

  12. Mercy says:

    Hope in the Word, hope in His steadfast love, hope in His plentiful redemption. Hope vs. faith. Two almost very similar things, they compliment one another and build one another up. May the hope and faith from God pull us back out of the deep pit, whatever it might be for us. My hidden iniquity these days (following KRIS) is dissatisfaction and some sprinkling of complaining. Lord I repent for my lack of understanding. Help my unbelief. The Lord spoke to me to comfort me so much this morning before I woke up, I felt the words He laid out and I perceived them in my half sleep half awake state, which is a very strange experience. But special and personal. Hence I needed to share. Our God is a personal God who wants to relate to His children in their struggles. Glory be to His mercies that are fresh every morning. May we be filled with hope, even in frustrating times. How good is God. Who is like our beloved and sweet Father? His words are so good for my soul. Turn to the Lord dear sisters, and be patient during affliction, as we wait for His rescue, more than the watchmen waiting for the morning. Be blessed dear sisters.

  13. Mari V says:

    Good morning She’s and HAPPY Monday! Its just past 8:00 AM (PST). Actually woke up earlier but MADE myself stay in bed! YEP I’m off and didn’t (or haven’t been) get called into work! TRUST! I’m trusting Jehovah Jireh to provide AND that I’m also being called to “rest” as my friend Gretchen has said to me. OUR God does not keep record of our wrongs, all we need to do is confess, (admit) and HE “hears” and FORGIVES! Now that’s OUR God!!! As much as I wanted to work to secure these summer months, please pray for peace. AND yes, I will also REST as I know I need it!

  14. Heidi says:

    HOPE. That’s just kind of IT… It is what sets us apart from everything else. We, as believers in a risen savior and heirs to an eternal kingdom that is and is to come, have access to the greatest power. Hope can change our perspective and our lives in the waiting and hurting that living in a broken world necessitates. When grief, loss, and unmet-expectations victimise–hope rescues. It energizes us past the stagnant space of pain and into the wide expanse of unknown good that our God has for us. Hope allows us to extend and recieve grace for others and ourselves. Hope speaks a language of what is to come. Hope is tenacious and attractive and makes God’s people stand out vibrant against a greyscale existence. God’s forgiveness and mercy over my constant sin reassures my sense of hope daily. Repeatedly, I am reminded that my lack of perfection and deservedness of his grace carry zero impact on the abundance of good he lavishes out on me. And if I never experience another blessing thing on this earth, he has still provided significantly more than I ever could have earned. Hope reminds me of what is to come and that whatever I am asked to endure in the interim pales in contrast to the outrageous good he’s promised–and will be faithful to deliver.

    1. Kris says:

      YES!! HOPE!! I was thinking this morning when I read a different devotional about Jesus healing people. None of those people Jesus healed while on earth are still on earth. All of them, even after being healed, are dead now. THIS IS NOT OUR HOME! We were never meant to think if this earth as our home. Just like we spend a few months in the womb while we prepare to be born and live on earth, we are only here to prepare for our eternal home in heaven. This isn’t all there is. This present age is just a small stepping stone to our eternal home. Keeping that perspective can really change how we value things. We may not experience everything we wish for now, but in heaven we will have EVERYTHING we could ever dream of – and more.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes Amen!!

      2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

        Yes! Hope is the word that stood out to me too. He is our only hope!
        It’s good to see you Heidi! How is your daughter doing with her anxiety?… and your niece?

      3. Changed Life says:

        Beautifully stated, Kris. You are truly a blessing to all She’s. ❤️

    2. Kris says:

      I love this line: “Repeatedly, I am reminded that my lack of perfection and deservedness of his grace carry zero impact on the abundance of good he lavishes out on me”.

    3. Adrienne says:

      What beautiful words, Heidi. Thank you.

      Hope is a beautiful word too! ❤️

    4. Rebecca W says:

      Wow, beautifully written! Had to screenshot and save.

  15. Adrianne says:

    What does the singer do when faced with their iniquity?
    The singer calls out to the Lord and asks for forgiveness.

    How does the song describe how God handles iniquity? The Lord redeems his people.

    How can you use the words and truth in this song when dealing with your own sin?
    Call out to the Lord and ask for forgiveness and redemption. Ask Him for his mercy and be grateful that our Lord is with us to provide His grace and light.

  16. Rebekah Mann says:

    The Psalmist confessed (v.1-2) then prayed to God for forgiveness (v. 3-4) and lastly he waited for God’s forgiveness (v.5-67). I get the feeling that he (the Psalmist) finally felt the forgiveness that I know God gives instantly in v. 7-8.
    For myself I often feel like Job (When confronted with his sin he said, “I abhor myself) or the Tax collector who beat on his chest in the temple and prayed Have mercy on me. That is how I go to my Lord each morning and confess my sins. I often pray for sins that I don’t know are sins YET because it is hard to see one’s own sins at times but I try to confess all the ones I know. Then I often end with 1 John 1:9. It feels like a spiritual shower each morning.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Hello Rebekah…you wrote…
      “Then I often end with 1 John 1:9.
      It feels like a spiritual shower each morning.”

      (But if we confess our sins to Him,He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins & cleanse us from all wickedness.” NLT)

      What profound & poetic imagery of confession & forgiveness.
      Thanks be to God!

  17. Kris says:

    My “iniquity” these days is distraction. Good distraction, but distraction nonetheless. Just this morning I cried out to God to reel me back in, to help cause my mind to think on Him more. I asked Him to show me where I’m letting my mind be distracted by the good things that are going on in my life – and yet they fill so much space in my head that I’m not thinking about God as much. And I can tell. I’m so very thankful there is forgiveness and faithful love from our Father. And I believe He will restore me, bring me back to a closer daily walk with Him. He is so good

  18. Caroline Bridges says:

    They cry for help to The Lord.
    You have to put your hope with The Lord

    I don’t know, other than get mad and let it ruin my day even though that’s dumb and I need to be mature enough to not do that. I apologize for writing out of anger. I need to be positive when I do this.

    1. Kris says:

      All you need to do is be real. No judgment from any one on here, we all have days when we don’t feel positive. God can help you get to the root of your anger, and help you figure out what’s going on. He then will restore and forgive and fill you with hope. He’s good at this!

    2. Mercy says:

      It is understandable. Praying for you dear Caroline that God will remove the deep root of anger (whose real name is grief/hurt), and bless you with His peace.

  19. Allison Bentley says:

    Today I am reminded of Isaiah 41:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”
    I put my trust in the Lord- that He is making me new everyday, that He will not abandon me and I will be renewed in Him!!! Happy Monday She’s!! Please add my best friend’s son (Cade) to your prayer requests- he is having an emergency appendectomy today. ☮️❤️

    1. Mercy says:

      Praying for Cade.

  20. Adrienne says:

    A couple of sisters posted 1 John 1:9, which came to my mind too… it is in the liturgy that I “grew up with”. (I put that in quotes because I didn’t grow up in the church, but I memorized parts of the liturgy when my kids were little. I had my hands full LITERALLY and relied on what I knew of the traditional liturgy throughout the service at our church.)

    Aren’t we so glad that He forgives us and cleanses us, sweet sisters? I know I am!

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Adrienne
      “the liturgy that I “grew up with”…what a lovely & loving thing to say & way to be…your memorizing 1 John 1:9 & how it mattered in the rigors of child rearing. There’s that saying…teach the children well. Sometimes seen. Oftentimes subliminal.
      Thanks be to God!

  21. Kaitlyn Tabet says:

    As I read through this Psalm, the Shane and Shane song “I Will Wait For You” based on Psalm 130 came to mind. Take a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8pCbtLeXzc

    1. Shar says:

      Thank you for the song link, Kaitlyn. That was beautiful and I’ve added it to my Spotify Playlist.

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


  22. Memefaye says:

    Yesterday we sang the old hymn, What a friend we have in Jesus”… some of the words:
    What a friend we have in Jesus,
    all our sins and grieves to bear.
    What a PRIVILEGE to carry,
    everything to God in prayer.
    Oh, what sins we often forfeit,
    Oh, what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer…
    This message is one that i have seen in this readings in Psalms… Take it to God in prayer, hope, wait, believe in His power, His presence, His purpose…

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      OH I remember this hymn, sang it often! I do wish my church would insert some old hymns occasionally.

    2. Changed Life says:

      I love that old hymn. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I love the word “hope”. Where would we be if we did not have the hope of Christ, the hope of eternal life.

    “Hope” is not a wish. The biblical meaning of hope is -“the confident expectation of what God has promised and it’s strength is in His faithfulness.”

    I wait for the Lord, the one who does not keep record of my sins, the one who has given me full redemption!

    This older hymn came to mind when reading this Psalm, My Hope Is In The Lord…
    My Hope is in the Lord, who gave Himself for me
    And paid the price of all my sin at Calvary

    For me He died; For me He lives,
    And everlasting life and light He freely gives.

    Stanza 2
    No merit of my own His anger to suppress,
    My only hope is found in Jesus’ righteousness

    For me He died; For me He lives,
    And everlasting life and light He freely gives.

    Stanza 3
    And now for me He stands Before the Father’s throne;
    He shows His wounded hands and names me as His own.

    For me He died; For me He lives,
    And everlasting life and light He freely gives.

    Stanza 4
    His grace has planned it all, ‘Tis mine but to believe
    And recognize His work of love and Christ receive.

    For me He died; For me He lives,
    And everlasting life and light He freely gives.

    Happy and blessed Monday! May God equip each of us today with everything good for doing his will! (Hebrews 13:21-22) ❤️❤️

    1. Donna Wolcott says:

      Thank you for that hymn.❤️

  24. Rhonda J. says:

    As I read today, I was also listening to a great, coinciding message from the great late Charles Stanley on Reaping what you sow. Yes we all sin and fall short daily, and thank you dear Lord that he forgives and forgets. But when we are believers, and sow God’s word in our hearts daily, feed the Spirit in us daily through prayer and meditation, and plant the seeds of goodness and love around us on a consistent basis…oh the difference it will make in our lives and the impact on our children. I left a birthday message to my dad on Fb about how I remember him as a father growing up and it was the pattern of the life he and my mom created for us. The seeds they planted in the rhythm of our family life. How my dad was a provider, how he was a helper to everyone in the neighborhood, how he was an example, and how he made sure we were all around the table at dinnertime. He made sure we had fun and he made sure we had discipline. But mainly, he made sure our family as a whole, always, always attended church on Sundays (ON TIME!) and lived by the moral compass set by God. Oh how these seeds brought fruit in his children and to those around. I had 2 or 3 childhood friends that said “yes..that’s how I remember your dad!” Keep sowing good seeds She’s, it matters. Our Lord will not be mocked, when you live in sin and flesh, you will surely have consequences, your life will be destruction, full of conflict and strife. When you have the Lord, we are constantly, endlessly forgiven in his love!! Oh what a balm to those that are in strife…He will bring fruit from you and guide and comfort you! You are a child of God, a forgiving loving God, stay fruitful and confessing. :)

    1. Mercy says:

      Loved this story so much!

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


  25. Cee Gee says:

    Wiersbe had this to say about v. 7-8:
    “Israel knew a great deal about God’s redemption, for at the exodus, God’s power had set them free from Egyptian tyranny (Ex. 12–15). They had no hope and could not free themselves, but the Lord did it for them. He gave His people “abundant redemption” that included freedom from slavery, victory over their enemies, and a Promised Land for their home. The slave has no hope, but the child in the family looks forward to receiving an inheritance. All who trust Jesus Christ are children in God’s family and not slaves, and their future is secure (Gal. 3:26—4:7).”

    Also, he compared the first part of the Psalm to a man who was drowning and could not save himself. As a non-swimmer, that analogy really nailed it for me! If I were in water over my head- no way to touch bottom, I would have no hope of survival. See, I can’t even float! So thankful that I don’t fear confessing to God – He already knows what I have done and He is faithful and ready to wipe it off the book. Not because I am worthy, but because I belong to Him.
    The chorus of All Because of Mercy by Casting Crowns says it beautifully:
    “I know the only reason
    I can stand here unashamed
    Is not because I’m worthy
    It’s all because of mercy
    There’s no way that I could earn it
    Praise God my debt is paid
    It’s not because I’m worthy
    It’s all because of mercy…”
    God bless you all on this hot, humid Monday. Stay safe in the heat, southern sisters! ❤

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh this is all SO good! And I LOVE that song..always sing is loud with them! Another good older song is Mercy by Elevation Worship. Thank God for his Mercy and Grace for His children! Just like a loving parent, we love our kids even when they are not obeying or showing us love with their rebellion..!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Meant to say this after my comment about not fearing, etc. above: I am thankful that I don’t fear confessing ny sins to God, but it does grieve my spirit to know that I failed Him (and myself or others) once again. That’s when I need to remember His mercy and the HOPE He gives.

      1. Mercy says:

        Fear in confessing- Wow. Thank you for this golden nugget.

        1. Cee Gee says:

  26. Jody Striker says:

    I was so struck by the watchman waiting for the morning and how the singer wants to long for God more than that. I am stirred by this same desire this morning. I want to long for God more and more each day.

  27. Michelle P says:

    (I think some of the app user comments don’t show up on the website, still… and are only viewable on the app. I saw @Mercy was thinking about this yesterday. Not sure if it’s true, but it seems this way as I see prayer responses to requests/names I haven’t seen personally.)
    I am grateful for the number of comments we can see now, though !! Praise God ❤️ just making note of this in case anyone is feeling overlooked here. It may be the app to website conversion that loses comments.

    Thought this commentary was good: “Those who have been forgiven are softened and humbled and overwhelmed by God’s mercy, and they determine never [again] to sin against such a great and fearful goodness. They do sin, but in their deepest hearts they do not want to, and when they do they hurry back to God for deliverance.” (Boice)

    Happy Monday, Shes ❤️

    1. Mercy says:

      I can’t see some of the prayer requests either, but see prayers for them. I downloaded the app twice and each time was asked to proceed with payment before joining a reading plan (?!) I could not proceed past that to even attempt reading comments and prayer requests. I wonder how other shes could successfully read comments, if they had to pay? @SEARCHING and other shes, if you can share your wisdom on the app experience, I would appreciate it.

      1. Laura Dianne says:

        Mercy, you do have to purchase the app. I have a subscription so I have access to all the studies since I don’t do the books. It helps me to keep up to date when I travel as well.

      2. She Reads Truth says:

        Hi Mercy! Please reach out to our Community Engagement Team at [email protected] with your question and they would be happy to help!

    2. Laura Dianne says:

      Love this quote. Makes me think of our former psalm about the fear of the Lord. This explains it very well.

  28. Donna Wolcott says:

    Good morning sisters, I haven’t read yet, but this Mia is asking for prayers this morning as my 17 yr old granddaughter ships out to boot camp at Fort Sill. She just finished her junior year of HS and will just be getting back to start her senior year. She is excited and anxious, never been away from home longer than a week. It’s not going to be easy and she will certainly have some very difficult days. My son and daughter-in-law couldn’t even talk to me last night, too overwhelmed. Today they will take her to the airport and certainly can use prayers too. Her 3 siblings, the youngest 4, will miss their big sister big time. So sorry for the rambling. Thank you all so much. I will lift your prayers too.❤️

    1. Jerri Thompson says:


    2. Dawn says:

      Just said a prayer for Mia and her family and for you,Donna.

    3. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Donna, I have already been praying for Anya and for all the family and will continue. May God protect and guide her and give all of you His peace. ❤️

    4. Michelle P says:

      Praying this experience will be one that blesses and benefits the whole family – may she travel in safety and peace in Jesus’s name. ❤️

    5. Cee Gee says:

      Praying for you and your heart, Donna, and for Anya, her parents, and sibs! May she have the strength and fortitude (that she apparently believes she has) to face the days and nights ahead. ❤

    6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Donna – you are not rambling! It is a scary time when we send our children/grandchildren off on their own for the very first time. Prayers for your grandaughter, your son & DIL, and for you – may God give each one of you strength and peace as you all entrust this dear soul into His hands. He will be by her side every step of the way! ❤️

    7. Memefaye says:

      @Donna Walcott- Praying for your granddaughter has she takes a step in to her unknown. God knows where she is and i pray she feels His presence during this new experience. We pray for your family, too, as you send this young one out “into the world”. We pray for peace about the journey. This mama heart knows the feeling of sending one off. My son left for basic training 2 weeks after 911 in 2001.

    8. Rhonda J. says:

      Prayers for your granddaughter!

    9. GramsieSue says:

      They seem so young when we send them off like this. Prayers for her, her parents, and you. ❤️

    10. Mercy says:

      Praying for her Donna, and the whole family. It is not easy.

    11. MARTHA HIX says:


  29. Lanie Hefferly says:

    I read this as the psalmist eagerly awaiting their Messiah, and in the same breath seeing Jesus all over this page. He himself will redeem Israel, with full redemption, due to his unfailing love. I immediately saw 1 Corinthians 13 and thought about the time Rachel said replace love with God. God keeps no record of wrongs, God does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth, God always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. And so in his word we put our hope. We can always trust, always hope, and always persevere because of God’s word, showing us this prayer fulfilled 100s of years later.

  30. Laura Dianne says:

    The word that really stuck out to me in this psalm today was hope. Hope is a word we have multiple places in our home. It is a word that my husband and I hold onto for our family. I used to think that I had to DO something while I had hope in the Lord. I was always thinking up ways to contact my daughter, or engage my son in a conversation about God, but lately God has prompted me to do what this psalm says, which is WAIT and HOPE. I also use the word that KELLY (NEO) mentioned which is wait with anticipation. I wear a bracelet that says “anticipate.” So I am learning to WAIT and ANTICIPATE. Much more trusting of God. As far as admitting sin, yeah, that’s a tough one for me. I have been trying to grow in that regard. I have a hard time seeing my own sin sometimes (ouch, I hate to even admit that!) but it’s sadly true. I have a proud heart, I know I do. Thank you, Lord, for Your forgiveness.

  31. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Thank You, Father, for redemption. Thank You for forgiveness. Please forgive me for the ways I fall short of Your glory, which would be in everything I do. Thank You for Your lovingkindness, grace, and abundant mercy. Thank You for making me worthy of it through what You have done for me. I choose to trust You in this confusing season with my health and in every step I take. Give me the strength to keep moving forward in spite of how I feel and what lies ahead. Thank You for always walking with me and keeping Your angels ’round about me. I would be lost without You. Thank You for Your faithfulness. I will wait on and hope in You. Help me to do so when it feels like my hope is gone. I choose to trust You. Amen.

    Be well, Shes. You are in my prayers.

    1. Donna Simmons says:

      Thank you. Amen

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Beautiful prayer, Colkeen. Amen! ❤

    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Amen & Amen, She Sister!
      Walking in step with the Lord.

  32. Lindsey Bradley says:

    Pray, repent, and Receive forgiveness!

  33. Searching says:

    I cry out to Him, I fear, I wait, I hope … He forgives, He shows mercy and provides abundant redemption!

    (4 But there is forgiveness with You,
    7 For with the Lord there is mercy,
    And with Him is abundant redemption.)

    Abundant: present in great quantity; more than adequate; oversufficient.

    He’s all I need, He’s all I need, Jesus is all I need.

    Praying for a great week for us, sisters!
    Happy belated birthday, Mandi!

    1. Michelle P says:


    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Joining you in that prayer! It will be hard to leave this study.

  34. Kelly (NEO) says:

    What does the singer do when faced with his iniquity?

    Confession – strikes ne how little this aspect of repentance is really spoken about. I don’t enjoy admitting I’m in the wrong, even to God. Satan tells us thatbif we don’t speak it then it’s not real or God would never really forgive us. :-/

    How does the song describe how God handles iniquity?

    The Lord freely forgives. Loved that Tina shared the verse from the Message. “Forgiveness is your habit”

    How can you use the words and truth in this song when dealing with your own sin?

    The Hebrew word used here for “wait”, yachal, indicates waiting with anticipation. Like the watchman anticipates the sun creeping up in the east. The watchman is also sitting in the darkness until then.

    Glad my waiting for forgiveness is not like the OT saints (or the wstchman). The sacrifice covering my sin has been made, so forgiveness is an instant response to my repentance.

    FOSTER MAMA – thanks for update on your friend’s son. Hope your parents came away from the weekend feeling loved

    1. Searching says:

      Thank you, KELLY ❤️. In agreement that confession is difficult and painful … to admit I chose to do something that, at a minimum, disappointed my God send my Jesus.

    2. Danielle B says:

      Yes Kelly and Searching confession and repentance are not easy. Often I allow ignorance to shield me from admitting and confessing I’m wrong. It is likely the perfectionist in me.

    3. Michelle P says:

      So good!! ❤️

    4. Cee Gee says:

    5. Allison Bentley says:

      I have added confession to my daily prayer and whoa what a difference it makes. I urge you She’s to confess to the Lord your sin and see how He changes your heart! So beautiful!

    6. Gwineth52 says:

      Forgiveness in an instant.
      How wonderfully outrageous is that?!?!
      Incredible, Infinite mercy.
      Thanks be to God!

  35. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Prayer is always the answer

  36. Tricia C says:

    Have a lovely Monday, my dear Sisters! Walk in confidence that God has done it all for You! Amen and Amen!

  37. Tricia C says:

    “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

    That’s the verse that came to mind after reading this song in Psalm 130.
    Thank you so much Lord, for being there for me, for forgiving and forgetting. Hallelujah! Can’t get a better birthday present than that.
    Today, on my 56th birthday, more than anything, I am grateful for God’s unwavering love, even when I waffle. He allows do-overs time and again. I am grateful, that I am one day closer to seeing the Lord, either from Him returning, or me being called Home.

    Lord, please help me to be a vessel for you.
    To exude Your love in all that I say and do.
    To walk in Your ways and follow Your paths.
    To love You with all that I have.


    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Happy Birthday!

    2. Tina says:

      Happy birthfsy dear Tricia C. May the Lord continue to bless you today and throughout the coming year..❤️

    3. Searching says:

      Happy Birthday to you, TRICIA C! ❤️

    4. Jen F says:

      Happiest of birthdays Tricia!

    5. Colleen DeVeau says:

      Happy Birthday, TRICIA C!

    6. Maria Baer says:

      Happy birthday, Tricia! I hope you have a beautiful day!

    7. Danielle B says:

      Happy Birthday Tricia!

    8. Jerri Thompson says:

      Happy Birthday! May you have a wonderfully blessed day!

    9. Donna Wolcott says:

      Happy birthday Tricia and that was a lovely prayer.❤️

    10. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Happy Birthday, Tricia! I hope you have an awesome day, sweet sister! ❤️

    11. Carol H says:

      Happy Birthday, Tricia C
      Love your prayers and insight into God’s word.

    12. Michelle P says:

      Happy birthday, Tricia ❤️

    13. Cee Gee says:

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRICIA! ❤ 56 is young!

    14. Leanna Thompson says:

      Happy birthday! Lots of June birthdays here. I’ll be 57 on Friday the 21st. Praise God for His blessings.

    15. Rhonda J. says:

      Happy Happy Birthday dear Tricia! I turned 55 earlier this year. It is such a strange place for me. Basically now in the category (checked box) of 55 and over. In the “old” category from here on out, lol. Not a fan…but the old saying with age comes wisdom! Luckily we know only with God comes wisdom! Wishing you a beautiful day full of blessings!

    16. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Happy Birthday Tricia! I turned 67 yesterday! …I almost hate to say the number but then realize how thankful I am to still be here, enjoying life and breath, so – yes, I’m 67 now and forever grateful for every new day!! ❤️

    17. Memefaye says:

      Happy Birthday, Tricia C!

    18. Adrienne says:

      Happy birthday!❤️❤️❤️

    19. GramsieSue says:

      Birthday blessings to you Tricia

    20. Mari V says:

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tricia C!! Enjoy your day! hehe I’m a year older!!

    21. Mercy says:

      Happy birthday dear TRICIA, praying God’s abundant blessings to be poured out onto you this day and ALL the days of your life. May today be filled with so much joy, happiness and beauty.❤️

    22. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Tricia… May these, your birthday wishes all come true. And may we age likewise. With God’s help.

      “Lord, please help me to be a vessel for you.
      To exude Your love in all that I say and do.
      To walk in Your ways and follow Your paths.
      To love You with all that I have.”

  38. Tina says:

    I love this MSG version.

    Help, God—I’ve hit rock bottom! Master, hear my cry for help!
    Listen hard! Open your ears!
    Listen to my cries for mercy.

    If you, God, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that’s why you’re worshiped.

    I pray to God—my life a prayer— and wait for what he’ll say and do. My life’s on the line before God, my Lord,
    waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning.

    O Israel, wait and watch for God— with God’s arrival comes love, with God’s arrival comes generous redemption.
    No doubt about it—he’ll redeem Israel, buy back Israel from captivity to sin.

    This version sure spoke my language! I understood every word..
    Verse 1/2, my words most days, I will never be perfect but thank God, I can cry out to Him in my times of trouble and sin..
    3/4, is a game changer in my thinking as the realisation that IF, I did not know Gods forgiveness, and He stored my wrongs I would for sure be ‘up the creek, without a paddle’ OMG, I would rather not imagine where, what or the sort of person I’d be!
    5/6, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning.. however long it takes, I hold fast to God in prayer, hopeful..
    7/8, the most beautiful words a sinner will know.
    With God’s arrival comes love,( not wrath)
    With God’s arrival comes generous redemption.( not just a ‘slapped wrist, but a hug)
    He will redeem as we watch and wait, without a doubt, and He will bring us back to Him, bought from what has taken hold of us and forgiven, covered with and in Hope, again..

    Thank you Father God, that forgiveness is your habit, and that I get to be a recipient day in, day out, that as I watch and wait, in prayer, You, Lord God are working, moving towards me in love and ready to give me a second-umpteenth time, chance.
    Thank you Lord God, that I can count on You all the days of my life.. Thank you Lord God..

    BUT GOD..


    A lot of waffling. I hope it makes sense to someone today.. lol
    Happy sunny Monday dear hearts..❤️

    1. Tricia C says:

      Beautiful Tina! Thank you for sharing! Blessing to you today, sweet Sister!

    2. Searching says:

      Makes plenty of sense, sister, thank you for sharing this version! ❤️

    3. Jen F says:

      You made lots of sense, Tina. Thank you for sharing the Message version. Wishing for you a joyful day❣️

    4. Erin L. says:


    5. Sherry says:

      Thank you for sharing the message version. Sometimes I just need to hear it in simpler terms to truly understand .

    6. Kristy Gillfillan says:

      Beautifully said

    7. Donna Wolcott says:


    8. Cee Gee says:

    9. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    10. GramsieSue says:

      Yes, this version hits home

    11. Mercy says:

      Please waffle on Tina ❤️

    12. MARTHA HIX says:
