We live in a culture where self-freedom—getting to do whatever and be whoever we want—is the reigning core value. The key message in every sphere, from kids’ books to movies to social media, is to break free from whatever social norm or family expectation you’re imprisoned by and unleash the real you. This, after all, will be best for everyone. Nothing is off-limits as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. But how do we know if we’re hurting others?
Through Moses, God teaches us that true freedom means living within boundaries He has set because they are best for everyone in your sphere of influence. And the consequences for not living within those boundaries are severe. In Numbers 31, God wiped out not just Midianite men, but even women and children, because they influenced each other and Israel to live godless lives and in unthinkable wickedness.
In Numbers 32, two and a half tribes of Israel asked for something seemingly benign. As the Rubenites, Gadites, and a half-tribe of Manasseh had lots of livestock, they found themselves surrounded by a lush landscape that was perfect for raising sheep. Perhaps they were tired of caravanning with massive herds, or perhaps they didn’t trust the Lord to provide for them across the Jordan. Either way, they were thinking only of their perceived freedom and caring nothing about their power of influence over their Israelite brothers and sisters.
“Don’t make us cross the Jordan,” they whined to Moses, treating God’s gift as if it were an obstacle to their happiness. But Moses didn’t question their gratitude to God. He reminded them of their influence: “Why are you discouraging the Israelites?” (Numbers 32:7). He then told them how the last time a generation influenced Israel to abandon the plans to enter the promised land, God wiped out that generation and sent Israel back to the desert. Moses reminded them that they were obligated to God and their fellow Israelites to possess the land across the Jordan (v.23). Their freedom and thriving would come from operating within those boundaries.
A thousand years later, Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified, to have His freedom taken from Him—so that we could have our freedom forever secured.
We are free from the eternal destruction of our sin. We’re free to love and sacrifice our autonomy for the kingdom of God. We are free, brothers and sisters, to follow Jesus’s example and embrace this lifelong journey with joy and humility.
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79 thoughts on "The Transjordan Settlements"
Amen! I am really enjoying this Numbers study thus far. I really do enjoy reading each day and being guided by God. He has spoke to me thru His Word and I am forever grateful for that. And for all you SHES.
Dear Shes…Today’s scripture reading & accompanying devotion…
“In Numbers 31, God wiped out not just Midianite men, but even women and children, because they influenced each other and Israel to live godless lives and in unthinkable wickedness.”…
left me bothered & bewildered. As may much in my study & spiritual journey. Knowing His ways & His purposes, greatly exceed human understanding. For we each “swim” in cultural norms & expectations of present order. Where inevitably lie human errors & omissions of faith. Father, please help me to hear beyond listening. See beyond looking. Amen & Amen
It might sound gruesome isn’t it. I struggled too sometimes. But then I was reminded of the story how king Saul spared the Amalekites when God told him to wipe them out. Saul spared king Agag which later, his descendant Haman rose up in power and wickedness during Esther time, to plan a genocide against the Israelites. The Lord is all knowing and He foresees.❤️
Amen and amen. Thank you for reminding us the truth and beauty of what Jesus did to give us true freedom in God, Ginny.
Worldly freedom is to be free for self-serving and self desires. Godly freedom is to live within righteous boundaries to serve God. Today, being discouraged stood out to me. “Why are you discouraging the Israelites?” (Numbers 32:7). Discouragement jumped out as another sneaky enemy, that Satan often uses this tool through the people among our tribes/families to deviate us from our true destination. Thank you CEE GEE for pointing out yesterday disappointment is also another sneaky one. May the grace of God deliver us from discouragement (even if it comes from our own families), or disappointment (coming from our own heart as a result of hope deferred), to push forth and pursue the plan into the promised land.
Side note, I could not get past comments of Sharon Jersey Girl today, anything above hers I could not see, regardless using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers, either computer or Android cell phone. Praying that SRT tech team can find solution to this prolonged ongoing issue so our communication, and learning from fellow shes collective wisdom and insights won’t be disrupted. I really don’t want to miss out on any golden nuggets that you shes have to share. I will try to check back later.
Be blessed dear sisters.
I am in the same boat with scrolling, Mercy. Using Google Chrome on Android and only getting to Sharon’s post. :(
Checking back hours later…and I still couldn’t see past Sharon’s post.
Such good points you made ❤️
The discouragement and unwanted comments from family can deter us most.
I love how you broke down discouragement and disappointment , Mercy! They are very sneaky ways in which Satan tries to deter us. I too pray we all can keep our hearts set on Christ to push forward!
Amen! ❤
Note: This morning I could see the first posts, but by the time I wrote my comment, I could no longer see them. At this time I can’t get past Sharon’s comment either.
Well, I was working my way backward through comments to reply and hit that snag. So, doing it the old way if I can remember what I read earlier!
SEARCHING – Like minds again! Psalm 78 is an awesome read! Love your personal reflectons – right there with ya, sister! Thanks for the updates! ❤
JULIA C – Amen…again ❤
TINA – Wow! ❤ Your comment again reminded me of a song – (I believe you must have these songs in your heart as you write) :
Lead on Good Shepherd by Crowder
Partial lyrics:
Step by step, day by day
Lead me on, Lord I pray
Road gets dark, walk by faith
Lead on, Good Shepherd
Lead on, Good Shepherd
I’ll follow all my days
There ain’t nothing sweeter
Than to watch You make a way
You’ve walked me through the valley
But You never steered me wrong
So lead on, Good Shepherd
Lead on
Patrick Mayberry :)
Yeah, I don’t like that every time I comment, it takes you out..
Thanks Rhonda for clarification! The lyrics I copied showed Crowder first.
I will echo JULIA C… “Help us to use Your freedom wisely, for Your glory and our good.” That is so hard to do.
I think about the preschool kids I’ve had in my class over the years. They want freedom, yet no boundaries. (However, small children need/want boundaries. Those boundaries help them feel secure.)
May we also accept the freedoms we have in Christ, sweet She’s, AND the boundaries too.
As I thought about the reading, it reminded me of giving kids a vitamin. Back in the old days there were no candy tasting gummies and it was a struggle to get kids to take ‘what was good for them’! Now I am thankful Mama persevered with that cod liver oil and geritol!
Boy, Ginny grabbed me with her intro and squeezed my heart in her conclusion! What a great devo, GINNY OWENS! ❤
Like SEARCHING, I was prompted to read all of Psalm 78. I,too, encourage you to read it. I learned this about Asaph:
” …headed the service of music in the reigns of David and Solomon (1 Chron 6:39; 15:17; 16:5; 2 Chron 5:12). Superscriptions of twelve psalms (Ps. 50, 73-83) indicate Asaphic authorship. On the basis of the contents of these poems it has been suggested that there were two Asaphs, one who composed Psalms 50, 73, 76, 78 and possibly 75, 77, 82, all in David’s time. Psalms 74, 79, and prob. 83 fit the time of the Babylonian exile. The style of Asaph is distinctive, forceful, and spiritual. He is referred to as a prophet and poet (2 Chron 29:30;…” (Encyclopedia of the Bible – Biblegateway)
Closing my comments with lyrics from a song by Ginny Owens. Beautiful song with lyrics that apply to today’s reading!
No Borders
Ginny Owens
I hide behind the comfort of my castle
where everything is up to me
these walls are high, but not enough to drown out
the whispers and the wondering of what I haven’t
You call me to the great unknown of all You have
for me
no borders, no boundaries
could ever be enough
to hold back the wonder
of Your overwhelming flood
in the beauty of Your mystery
freely now I run
with no borders, no boundaries
Lord I’m surrendered to Your love
surrendered to Your love
it’s time that I abandoned the familiar
to chase what I don’t understand
You’re teaching me that when I trust Your promise
I finally find the promised land
no borders, no boundaries
could ever be enough
to hold back the wonder
of Your overwhelming flood
in the beauty of Your mystery
freely now I run
with no borders, no boundaries
Lord I’m surrendered to Your love
surrendered to Your love
So when the night surrounds me
And I can’t hear Your heartbeat
I’ll hold on to what I know
That even in the trial
Lord, You are always faithful
You will lead me back to hope
no borders, no boundaries
could hold back the wonder
no borders, no boundaries
could ever be enough
to hold back the wonder
of Your overwhelming flood
in the beauty of Your mystery
freely now I run
with no borders, no boundaries
Lord I’m surrendered to Your love
surrendered to Your love
surrendered to Your love
surrendered to Your love
surrendered to Your love
Songwriters: Ginny Owens, Benji Cowart, Josh Bronleewe
Jesus provides our freedom. May I never doubt God’s plan for my life and the boundaries He sets!
A few things caught my eye today- 31:49”…and not one of us is missing” WOW an entire group was wiped out essentially and not one was missing. God was/is in control and if we obey (and sometimes even half obey) He will protect and keep His promises!!! Also I love that yesterday we learned in Numbers 30 about being careful what you promise and now today in Numbers 32:24 Moses reminds the people again “…but do what you have promised”. A lot to reflect on! Who am I letting influence me? Who am o influencing? Do not let fear keep you from experiencing Gods fullness for your life!!! Happy Wednesday She’s! Sending ☮️❤️ your way!
Yes, I was blown away by that as well. So good with the promises!! Thank you Allison!
@Sharon…So good too! Refining through the fire!! love. (When you leave a comment it takes you out of comments and you have to come back every time and put your name again! It’s easier the old way I’m discovering! ;0
❤️ not one!
The plunder received from battle had to be purified in order for it to be used. In order to do so, it had to go through the fire.
“The fire purifies precious metal by causing the impurities (the dross) to rise to the top, where the refiner can skim them away. The refiner can tell when the gold is pure because he can then see his reflection in the pool of gold.”
We too must go through the refining fire. As we do – it can be very painful, but it is needed in order for the “dross (our sin) to rise to the top” and be skimmed away by the refiner. (Jesus) Once we are purified, the reflection of the refiner (Jesus) can be seen in us.
Father God, thank you for Your refining fire. Even though it can be very painful, it is so needed – to make us more like You. May it deepen our desire to know the living God more and more.
This reminded me of an old song by Kristine Wyrtzen, The Fire…
I’ve been through a fire that has deepened my desire, to know the
living God more and more.
It hasn’t been much fun, but the work that it has done in my life has
been worth the hurt.
You see sometimes we need the hard times to bring us to our
knees, otherwise we do as we please and never heed him.
For he always knows what’s best and it’s when we are distressed
that we really come to know God as he is.
Have a blessed Wednesday – wrapped in the love of Jesus!❤️
Amen for this powerful reminder.
Thank you for this Sharon!
GM..I admit I glazed over a little with all the names, numbers, and livestock and the whole Numbers reading. But then reading Psalms-that references Numbers…I realized, how would the lovers of Psalms even know the references if they didn’t read all that comes before?! We like easy, we like what concerns me! We want what we want..not what fortifies us, helps us, gives us insight and growth. We like to skim through and get to the meat. But then I read the devotional and your comments, and once again it is a “aha” that makes sense now!
Lord open my eyes, and my brain to gather your words to make sense, enlighten me to hear what you are telling me. Thank you for my faithful She’s that contribute daily to help me to engage and to learn. Lord, bless each She that comes here daily to give you their heart. We know it is our time..but yet, it should be our first offering to want your presence in our life. Let us yearn and want that time with you. Thank you Lord, for your unfailing Mercy and Grace given! Let us receive the POWER of the Holy Spirit, we know we are given the Spirit..but let us ignite it daily.
Thank you Rhonda! Bless you too and I love following all your endeavors with the jail ministry and dear Stacy’s baptism. I pray you have relief soon with your pain issues, healing!
Dear Rhonda J. Out of the goodness of your heart & words of your mouth…the Lord has blessed the SRT community through your loud declaration & first offering of loyal LOVE!
I really struggle with the killing in chapter 31. I know God is keeping the land, the people that he set apart holy. But it really is hard to wrap my mind around.
Anne, it really is hard to think of the lives lost, many who were innocent. But what God wants us to see here, is that we are supposed to be completely rid of our enemy. Lets just say alcohol is your enemy, its caused all sorts of problems, destroyed parts of your life. Do you want to keep just a little bit of it? NO – you want to be rid of ALL of it, to not give the enemy even an inch into your life. This is the lesson here, wipe out ALL of the enemy, even the parts that aren’t particularly evil. If the younger generations were allowed to grow up, they could have destroyed the Israelites because of what had happened to their forefathers. The enemies in our lives need to be CUT OFF and eliminated, not just lessoned. If your husband had an issue with porn, would you want him to dabble in “soft porn” rather than the hard stuff? NO! You’d want him to cut it out completely. The enemy must be destroyed, even the little drips that seep into our lives. Little drips of water can cause massive corrosion if left unattended.
Also remember that the Lord gave these people 400 years to turn to Him and they refused to seek the one True God
Thank you for this explanation! It makes a lot more sense to me now. ❤️
Kris, Great way of explaining this. Thank you for your words.
This book is so good!! It’s like a buffet of truths for us to chew on and absorb and live by. And again today, the truth of thinking we know what’s best, and not believing that God has something even better than our eyes can see at the moment. How often do we settle for what’s in front of us, rather than pushing through for the better thing God has for us. O, Father, that I would never stop believing that Your provision is always better than anything I can do for myself.
“Toxic empathy” is a phrase I have heard on different podcasts I listen to. I thought of it this morning as I read Numbers 31. I thought, I wonder if the Israelites didn’t kill the women and children because they thought it was too cruel to do? Just a thought, but it certainly rings true for today’s society in many ways. We humans think we can “out-love God” by being more empathetic or accepting or “loving” – even when it is outside of God’s design. Some of you know that our family has had to take a Biblical stance on hot topics in our culture right now (abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism) in our own family, and we have become separated from our daughter because of our stance and are maintaining a “polite” relationship with our son because of our Biblical beliefs. I believe that like the Israelites in Number 31, our children feel that they are more empathetic, more loving than God Himself in these situations, and therefore, because we speak Biblical truth about these issues (in LOVE, I will add, truly, we have prayed about this so much and feel that we really have done our best to be loving and accepting of our children without condoning the sin), we have suffered separation from them because of it. It is a sadness I carry every day. But here I see God’s harsh instructions about what to do about the Midianite women and it does seem cruel and it does seem unloving. But God truly does love us and He wants to protect us from sin. He wants to guide us in living out our freedom with the confines of His Word. It doesn’t always make sense to our human minds and hearts, but I trust God. I trust my God and therefore will continue to be obedient.
So true, big similarities there. You explain things really well about our struggles today, yet how we must adhere to God’s word and not “people thinking they know “love more than God” does! Whew. That’s good. It must be so hard for you, I can’t imagine. Yet I admire your strength and perseverance in your trust and love for the Lord. It matters..just as the Israelites constant “thinking they are doing what is best..in their own minds!” We can’t turn it into emotion and our own beliefs, it is what our Creator tells us is His boundaries. (sorry, I can never summarize well what I am trying to say…except, I love your comment!! and love when you share with us your heart!)
Laura Dianne, What you said, “It doesn’t always make sense to our human minds and hearts, but I trust God. I trust my God and therefore will continue to be obedient.” …so true. There are so many things in this life that don’t makes sense to me, but they make perfect sense to God. I may not understand or agree, but I have to believe that His way is perfect. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. ❤️
I have struggled with how to handle those living in a gay lifestyle. As you can imagine being a hairstylist I was around many living that way. One of my most favorite people as a matter of fact. I tried to show him love, but I realized it was hard to make sure I wasn’t condoning it. Anyway, he didn’t talk to me for years more because of political differences. And I received a text from him this morning!! I was thrilled. I pray for you and your children. It has to tug on your heart daily. XO
I try to remember that it is my job to love everyone, even when I don’t understand all of the issues they face. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict. ; my job is to love as Jesus did. There was no one who sought him that he turned away. And it’s ok to say you don’t know the answers. American politics have become particularly nasty in the last few years—not very much like Jesus. But Jesus didn’t come to conquer Rome. He came to love and serve (and die, but we can’t do that part.)
I always thought that they wanted to take that area, get their family settled, then go off to war. Maybe Moses mistook their idea as a desire to not move on or help their brothers..I didn’t realize they really did not want to keep going on. They were wanting to stop, to not continue with God’s plans to clear out all the land. His plans are higher and ways greater…we may not always understand but He always moves in love! For our good and His glory!
Praying for you and your husband, Cassie
I’m again running at least a day late but came on today…with a
a dear, dear loved one with epileptic boy, after recently finally celebrating a year seizure-free…had an episode this week 24 seizures in 24 hours (most ever)!!! He is still in hospital and is mostly unresponsive as his body / brain recover…I don’t know how long it is supposed to take but even 2 days later he is only opening his eyes here and there and making inconsistent eye contact…we are praying no permanent damage was done…
Please pray for this whole family who does so much good within the ministry, the community and in their everyday lives!! Next week, the parents were FINALLY gonna take some time to go away as a couple to celebrate 20 years of marriage (with plans to rush back in time to care for our little one for a week as we take both sets of elderly parents for what we hope will be a “trip of a lifetime”).
Can I ask that you pray for the whole situation?!
(Forgive me…Will do my best to catch up with everyone else’s news and comments… perhaps in the middle of the night some time LoL…Love to all!!)
I’ve tried multiple things…Can read Cassie’s ♥️ comment but no one else.
Foster Mama – I am so sorry to hear! How disheartening that must be for this family. So close to having a time away, so long without any seizures. Praying for them all, and for your family who was also planning time away.❤️
Praying for this boy and family!
Praying! ❤
Praying for this family
Praying for the boy and his family ❤️
Please pray for me and my marriage. My husband has been very distant and withdrawn for a month now. My heart tells me its him being overwhelmed with life but its also hard to not make it all about me and become very afraid that something is wrong. I am so brokenhearted and he won’t talk to me about what’s wrong. I am trusting that God is doing a work in his heart and it will come in his timing, but I could use some encouragement. Much love to you all today
♥️ I know that feeling all too well. Praying for you.
Praying that your husband may open up to you and that God provide you both with peace, wisdom and understanding. Sending hugs ❤️
Praying for your marriage Cassie. May God soften the heart of your husband so that he will open up to you and share what he is struggling with. Praying that you will continue to trust the One who holds you, your husband and your marriage in His hands. ❤️
Cassie, You and your husband will be in my prayers.
Praying Cassie for your patience and Gods perfect work!
Praying for you both
Prayers for your husband and for you, dear Cassie. ❤️
Praying for you and your marriage now.
Agreeing in prayer with each sister here! ❤ Hold tightly to what you know – God is in control.
Praying for you Cassie. Praying that your husband will have the courage to open up to you about what he’s feeling. Keep letting him know that you’re there for him.
Amen! We have more freedom to stay within the perimeter set by God than to wander fearfully in an open space with no protection.
Thank Hou God for being a loving and patient Father but for the Blood of Christ on us!
So much to take in today. Let me apologize upfront because I’m going long this morning.
Numbers 31 – again, we see disobedience by the children of Israel – in not destroying the Midianites as instructed. They initially followed part of the instructions, but nevertheless, partial “obedience” is disobedience.
Numbers 32 – the 2 1/2 tribes wanting only what they could see right then and not trusting God’s plan for their best – as Ginny noted “treating God’s gift as if it were an obstacle to their happiness.”
Me, sadly guilty of this :/
I encourage y’all to read all of Ps. 78. Recapping some of it that stood out to me this morning, the continued rebellion of God’s people and God’s restraint:
78:12 Marvelous things He did in the sight of their fathers … 17 But they sinned even more against Him … 22 Because they did not believe in God and did not trust in His salvation … 31 The wrath of God came against them … 32 in spite of this they still sinned…
34 When He slew them, then they sought Him.
35 then they remembered that God was their rock, And the Most High God their redeemer.
36 Nevertheless they flattered Him with their mouths, and they lied to Him with their tongue; 37 For their heart was not steadfast with Him. 38 But He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, And did not destroy them. Yes, many a time He turned His anger away,And did not stir up all His wrath;
39 For He remembered that they were but flesh,
A breath that passes away and does not come again.
Lord, please guide me. As I read about the Israelites’ disobedience, I think every time – stop, don’t do that! Let me remember this as I am tempted to compromise, stray, sin … to not do “that” and to keep my focus on You and Your truth.
MERCY – praying as you process the promotion situation – echoing your prayer in thankfulness for what remains. Reminded that what we think we want – may not be what it seems.
CEE GEE ❤️ ❤️ “easy to fall victim to disappointment when it’s piled on top of fatigue.” Prayer request updates – hip replacement- he’s back at work, hardly missed a beat! Friend with tooth pain – ongoing issue :/ waiting to get root canal appointment. Thank you for asking!
DEB DOLAK – thank you for tying in the festivals with the plan of redemption
TAYLOR – praying for a smooth transition, peace in the leaving
CHEYENNE BRACEWELL – are you still with us in this study? Just saw your first day post. Welcome, our new sister in Christ!
“Treating God’s gift as if it was an obstacle to their happiness.” How often do I grumble, when God is giving a gift? How often does what God what to offer me do I complain because it doesn’t look or feel how I want it to be? Lord may I learn to appreciate all your gifts and trust you to be the good Father I know you to be in all times!
This hits for me in this season. God is giving a gift that doesn’t look like what I want it to and it’s hard to receive and sometimes to even see it as a gift.
Thanks for pointing this out and drawing my attention to it.
Same. Always same.
Our freedom is a freedom to, not a freedom from.
Running late…praying for your requests ❤️
In Jesus our freedom is forever secured ❤️
Dear Father,
Thank You for giving us Your perfect boundaries, protecting us from our inclination to sin (either by doing the wrong things or by not doing the right things) and its consequences.
The freedom of this world is so self-centered that we often don’t realize we hurt others, or we don’t even care as long as we are happy and free.
But You bring us the ultimate freedom in Jesus Christ. His freedom teaches us to lay down our lives for others, to do Your will and bring You glory.
Help us to use Your freedom wisely, for Your glory and our good.
In Jesus’ name,
A thousand years later, Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified, to have His freedom taken from Him—so that we could have our freedom forever secured.
This right here had my heart! Oh boy, did it!
Jesus ALLOWED Himself to be crucified
I would not do anything 1) without questioning, why, what, who.. 2)Am I even capable of ‘allowing’ let alone giving myself to be crucified for another or others, yet still a whole world of people I don’t know or who don’t care for me…
All this going backwards and forwards with the Israelites, reminded me of a family holiday we took many years ago. We were going with all of my partners family, 3 sisters and children and us with ours plus parents.. a recipe for disaster, I thought. I moaned, I moaned and I moaned some more. My partner kept saying it would be alright, but I could not see it. I mean, a summer holiday in the south of France, in a ‘castle’ with its own moat, wonderful grounds and gardens, swimming pool and places to explore.. ( yep, I’m beginning to sound like the Israelites.. and I did)
I tell you this because, once there, OMG, it was magical! One of my best holidays.. but fear had had a tight grip on me.. the what ifs, the could I stay with my opinionated in-laws for two weeks under the same roof..
NOT one cross word. Not one!
I think going into the unknown is scary.. but if JESUS ALLOWED Himself to be crucified, to have His freedom taken from Him—so that we/I could have our/my freedom forever secured.. that is to say, that we/I can face life and the scary things head on, knowing we/I am/are loved and in good hands for those times of fear. We needn’t be.. goes back to ..
I know and GET that now..
Lead me on, Father God, lead me on!
We have sunshine!❤️
Praying the Son, dear She’s, shines bright over you and yours, giving you peace, and filling you with hope and for sure, trusting Him in the gift of freedom He has ‘allowed’ for us..
Much love,
Tina ♥️