The Peace of God’s Presence

Open Your Bible

Exodus 33:12-17, Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 16:11, Psalm 23:1-6, Romans 15:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:16

After a couple of years characterized by sorrow, my family was ready for a fresh start. On the heels of fresh grief from the death of my husband’s mom, we moved our family of five—the newest member being only two months old—to a new town. We were worn out and weary but ready to welcome the fresh start coming our way.

As we settled into our home, I longed for the familiar even though I knew I needed to embrace the new. After a few weeks, the novelty of living in a new place was still there, but I was also beginning to process all of the loss our family had walked through the year prior. Imagine my surprise when days into the new year, just one month after our move, I awoke in the middle of the night with a fever and chills racking my body. I was struck down with COVID, bedridden and angry with the unfortunate turn of events. 

So often, we look to our circumstances to provide peace for us. But the benefit of walking with God is that He Himself is our peace. In Exodus 33:12 and 15, we read Moses’s plea for the people of Israel as he says to the Lord, “Look, you have told me, ‘Lead this people up,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found favor with me’…If your presence does not go…don’t make us go up from here.” Moses saw the Lord help him and the Israelites through insurmountable obstacles. There were moments of doubt and triumph alike. Now as the next part of the story began to unfold, the cry of Moses’s heart was, “Lord, don’t leave me now!” He needed the reassurance of a God whose unfailing love would not let go. 

Great was the temptation to pin my hopes on a new year and a new town to bring me peace and joy after a year full of transitions and sorrow. However, while lying in bed with no option but to rest, God showed me that in His presence, there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). The solitude I experienced while sick in bed brought me to a place of gratitude for God as the only constant in the midst of a season characterized by loss. I received the help offered to me from my husband, family, and friends. I chose to remember His faithfulness in my yesterdays, knowing that He would be the same tomorrow. Each of us fights the temptation to allow the experiences of our lives to define our peace, but the only source of peace and joy is the presence of Christ.

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50 thoughts on "The Peace of God’s Presence"

  1. Keinesha Craig says:

    We often go through so much, and it seems that we are never get through it. Or there’s never been a trial or test as hard as this one. And then just when we think oh I found a place of normalcy, we are hit with another test. We’re wondering why? why is it I can never find peace.? Why cant I be scotch free from pain, and hurt, and death, and sickness?. And in this trial, we see God‘s peace is with us the whole time. What I’ve come to realize that the Lord is preparing us for the very next matter in our lives, he can’t afford for us to live life scotch free. Because then we will forget who our creator really is, we will forget where our help comes from. So each trial in your life is preparing you for the next battle, we are in warfare all the time, and the Bible reminds us to put on the whole armor of God. Trust in the Lord in all thine ways and he shall direct your part!!

    Real peace is found in His presence!

  2. Jade Gaines says:


  3. Chrisna Marx says:


  4. Stephanie Galbraith says:

    Unfortunately I’m so busy being a working mom I have no time to just rest and reflect. Only when the Lord forces me to rest will I have rest.

  5. Anise Daniel says:


  6. Holly Pratt says:

    Some of my favorites versus in this passages being Psalm 23:1-6.
    Such a beautiful reminder that he is our protection and comforter always.

  7. Jessica Birchfield says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. It’s a pain that is hard to understand and so different than loosing any other type of relative. I had a miscarriage a couple years ago and it’s not a fun club to be a part of, but know I’ll be praying for you and for God’s peace to cover you through the grief. Peace does not need to mean smiling and jumping for joy all of a sudden. For me, the peace I experienced afterwards came more so from having a wider perspective of eternity and a longing to get to heaven to meet that baby. It also gave me peace to feel more connected to all the other women that have had to endure that horrible pain. 2 Cor 1:3-5 helped with this perspective:

  8. Jessica Birchfield says:

    Amen! Such a good reminder! I had a similar experience when I moved jobs trying to run away from a stressful situation but I just ended up in a different flavor of work stress. My coworker who was a believer encouraged me by telling me peace comes from Christ – not a less stressful job. A couple years later, we bought our first house. We were so overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities and I remember my husband saying “wasn’t the point of this to move towards a more peaceful lifestyle?” And I remember feeling inspired by my coworkers words and told him peace comes from Christ not this new house. And now I’m already finding myself thinking my second baby on the way is going to miraculously solve all the pain in our lives after a couple hard years filled with different types of grief and so this reading was a great reminder to not expect peace from this new child, but to walk with Christ and find my peace there no matter what lies ahead. Thank you!