A Ministry of New Creation

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 3:6, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, 2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Galatians 6:9-10, 1 Peter 2:9

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

Jesus commands us to continue the work He began in bridging the gap between God’s kingdom and earth. We live out our calling as believers when we align our lives with this purpose, moving us toward the promised end when separation between the two no longer exists. 

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about the ministry God is calling you to. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

(76) Comments

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76 thoughts on "A Ministry of New Creation"

  1. Kelsey Hasse says:

    I pray God would equip me & give me a heart of joy in serving my family as a mom & wife and I’m praying for doors to open in order for me to be involved in saving unborn babies. I’m very passionate about this and wanting to figure out my role in the Kingdom in this area while also caring for my daughter.

  2. Bonnie A says:

    My life is surrendered to God, I pray that I continue to have strength to remain in His will and away from sin.

  3. alexandra shoemaker says:

    I pray He continues to use me in my healthcare role. Lord be the guiding light of my care to patients and use me to do Your Will. Amen

  4. Karen Wilson says:

    Always looking for where God wants me to serve!

  5. Lydia Ruth says:

    Mari V, praying!

  6. Karen Breaux says:

  7. Cee Gee says:

    This verse popped into my mind as I was pondering the verses I had read and I was planning to use it in my comment. Then, I went to Biblegateway for a little dive and found this verse as the verse of the day! How cool is our God!
    “Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”

    What stood out to me was the encouragement that no one will be left out. Not those in the ground either!
    My summation is that we are to follow the instructions in the verse above, avoid living like the world wants us (me) to live, trust God, be obedient and true to Him, and wait in faith for the fulfillment of His promises.

    SEARCHING – I haven’t read any comments yet so I don’t know if you already shared the verse of the day. ☺ I just had to use it! ❤

    Off today to a meeting about a ministry and God knows the specifics. Please pray for our ears to truly hear and that any decision is within the will of the Father.. Thanks in advance!

    Praying for each of your needs. God cares and He knows them all. ❤

  8. Juanita Mills says:

    Amen o

  9. Wanda Woehlert says:

    I especially like in Galatians 6:9, where we are not to grow weary on doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

  10. Victoria E says:

    Happy Birthday KRISTINE LOUGHMAN!

  11. Sue Dalos says:

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN …Happy Birthday. I hope your special day was filled with blessings.

  12. Truth Seeker says:

    I am so sorry that you have been brushed aside.
    The church that I attend – Calvary Chapel Lynchburg (VA)
    have handicapped brothers and sisters and they are looked for
    and tended to so that they can be involved in the body of Christ
    to whatever capacity they choose. I pray that you will feel the love of God through those around you and know you.

  13. Cee Gee says:

    GAYLE CRAIK – you read it correctly. ☺ A couple of commentaries said that though we should do good/minister to all, we should give special attention to those in the faith. Glad you caught that and mentioned it. I’ve never noticed it before either through all my studies. Thanks! ❤

  14. Rhonda J says:

    @Tricia- It’s sad what you shared and that it didn’t seem like your church family was really what a church family should be. But people really are caught up in their own stuff! I am trying hard to be more aware of other people’s needs I grew up in the country where everyone helped each other, and sadly people don’t even know their neighbors anymore and stick to themselves. (not always of course, but more than days old, now I sound old!!) I pray that you will have some caring people come into your life. If you could find another church, keep trying till you find generous people. I will pray for you, please comment again.

    @Tricia..I think a lot of us go back to the night before and read the ones we missed! So keep on joining in no matter how late!

    @Mercy friend, where have you been?!

    Thank you all for the comments and thoughts, and insights!!

    Our SRT SHE”S fb group has 77 members!! It is so wonderful to be able to “see” and connect! We want to share here as always, but it’s a great place to do life together (fellowship!)!

  15. Tricia C says:

    Oh dear TRICIA. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I will keep you and your church family in prayer. We need to take care of each other. And by the way, my name is Tricia also. Well, it’s Patricia, but Tricia for short. It will be easy to remember to pray for you with a beautiful name like that. ❤️
    Blessings to all of you dear Sisters. I’m on here late tonight. Not sure how many will even see this.

  16. Audren Phalen says:

    In my prayer today, the most encouraging thing for me was that God has given such amazing gifts in my life, and thankfully He’s making me new. So hopefully one day I can take care of them better than I ever have been able to!

  17. Cee Gee says:

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – Happy Birthday! I hope your school day went well and that you get to celebrate tonight! ❤


    ADRIENNE – ❤

  18. Margaret W says:

    I will be leaving with a team from my church to serve

  19. Gayle Craik says:

    Let us do good, especially to those with faith. I’ve never read that before. I’m not reading it wrong am I?

    1. Tricia C says:

      No GAYLE. You read it correctly. I think God is reminding us to take care of each other, because there will come a time, and at points it is already here, that know one else will care about us but our Sisters and Brothers in Christ.

  20. Cindy Hanna says:

    I love today’s verses. @ TiffanyC great analogy! Feeling blessed by all the comments here. Particularly loved Cee Gee’s observations and sharing of The Message translation. Happy Wednesday SHE’s. Let’s all go out with light heats to be Ambassadors of truth.

  21. Adrianne says:

    What stood out to me in today’s reading is that we are a people for His possession and we are called to stand in His marvelous light. We are held and protected by Their love.

  22. Changed Life says:

    The Character of Paul’s Ministry and 1 Peter 2:9 really speak to me today. I pray that I can slow down and meditate on these verses.

    Praying for you all as I read through the comments. Love to you all, my sweet sister in faith. ❤️

  23. Bee Miller says:

    We should pray for wisdom and discernment. The world is fading & society doesn’t align with Christ’s values. We should continue the good work of the world & not fall to the evil being called good in this world. Jesus is our only salvation & to Him, we must follow & obey.

  24. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning, sweet SRT sisters!

    Kristine Loughman—Happy Birthday! ❤️

    Lauren GW—Praying for you dear sister! How are things with your husband? Is he doing better? ❤️

    Molly R—Praying you can be strong and do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. Praying that your husband can be the spiritual leader of your family. For years I tried to guide my ex-hubby in what God wanted him to do. Big mistake! Just get everything right between you and the Lord and let Him deal with your husband. ❤️

    Chelsea Johnston—Prayers for you and your baby. ❤️

    Tasha Adams—My pastor always reminds us that the church is full of sinners saved by Grace. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to be hurt by people in your church. Let God soothe your hurts! ❤️

    I am praying for each need mentioned. Love you all! ❤️

    For the one who asked where I live in Alabama (Kerri, I think) we live in Trussville (just outside of Birmingham for my non-Alabama folks).

  25. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    So many good comments today! I have to be out of the house soon but don’t want to forget my prayer time so no time to really post a comment on my thoughts of the scripture today.

    I do want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @Kristine Loughman! Have a super blessed day!
    I will be praying for you today @Jamie – such an exciting adventure! @thebestisyettocome – and praise for the smooth day in court! @Heidi – so good to “see” you again! Prayers for your new calling! Praying as well for @Tricia, @Carol Stephens & @Molly R.

    Blessings to you all!

  26. Allison Bentley says:

    Does my character align with that of “Paul’s Ministry” no it does not! Asking for prayers to reflect Gods character when dealing with my 4yr old. I know crazy that one determined strong willed child can get me so riled up. Ashamed that I cannot reflect the love of Jesus to him in those moments where I am so upset. God grant me the patience (and time) in this season of our lives; give me the strength to take a deep breath and feel your arms around me whilst I want to explode and yell and let’s face it “spin my head around” because that’s all that gets this youngin’s attention! I know this too shall pass but Father I don’t just want to make it through this season (I do) BUT I want you to change my character to be more like yours as well! Amen ☮️❤️ sisters!

  27. Cee Gee says:

    For those trying to join the FB group, I had trouble too until I added ‘private group’ with the title. It came right up with that!

    SEARCHING – Love Isaiah 55:6. Thanks for the reminder; that’s a verse I want to memorize. <3

    MOLLY R – Great stuff! Thanks for sharing! <3

    I don't know why the hearts on my previous post are black since I chose the same red one I use all the time. They are not black on my kindle which I used when I posted earlier. I am now on my laptop. Weird. We'll see how the ones above turn out.

  28. leanne merryman says:

    I pray that I may always be guided to live out God’s purpose.

    2 Cor. 6:10 may I always be rejoicing in God’s name through every circumstance. May I always remember that I am rich and possessing everything I need provided by Him.

  29. Molly R says:

    @KAREN ELIZABETH, thank you for these kind words and encouragement. The Enemy sure likes to make us think we are alone in our struggles and keep the shame forefront in our thoughts so we don’t seek prayer and wisdom from others. It’s such a lonely place and I was growing weary from it. My approach to my husband has become much the same as you say: praying and trying my best to model a change. May the Lord take our meager offerings and use them in mighty ways. This world needs strong men of God and the Enemy would love nothing more for them to stay aloof and fruitless. I will be praying for you and your husband, and many in the same position. I read Psalm 25:20-22 and it really encouraged me in my hope of helping my husband. “Guard my soul and deliver me; Do not let me be ashamed, for I take refuge in You. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for You. Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.”

  30. Rhonda Johnson says:

    If you request to be in the FB group, be sure to answer the Question of “being in an online bible study”…AS SHE READS TRUTH or this study so I know you are a legit SHE!

    I am overwhelmed to “see” all you beautiful ladies!

  31. Molly R says:

    So many nuggets from today. I lingered in the 2 Corinthians passages and looked up commentaries. 2 Corinthians 6:1 is where I spent most of my time. “…Don’t receive the grace of God in vain.” Taking the grace of God for granted seems more fitting. He pours out so much grace and mercy, calls me to a better, more holy life, and I flippantly say, “yeah, yeah, sounds good,” but I don’t actually take steps to receive it fully and it is me who makes the giving be done in vain. Not God. The commentary brought so many good perspectives, but here are just a couple I jotted down:

    1. If I don’t learn to lay hold of heavenly resources every day of my life for the little things as well as the big things, as a Christian I soon become stale, barren, and FRUITLESS in service to the LORD. (as a new gardener eager to learn all I can, being called FRUITLESS caught my eye)

    2. This is no time for Christian lives consumed with ease and comfort and SELF-FOCUS. It is a time to get busy for the LORD and to be workers TOGETHER with Him. (Something I feel my husband and I have been lulled into, but feel pulled to lay that thinking down so that we can find a new reality of the work God has called us to with our family and land. I feel there is so much more He can do through us for His glory and His kingdom, but we are caught up in making things easier, more comfortable, and a whole lot of self-focus)

    The fact that God calls us, daily, and for all of our lives to be partners in the ministry of bringing about this NEWNESS is hard to believe. The commentary likened it to a small boy using his tow mower to follow his dad and “help” with mowing when in reality the little boy was most likely just “in the way” and the dad could accomplish it more efficiently without him there. But, just like a great dad who is more concerned with the relationship and the teaching, so God invites us to come along with our “toy tools” and still uses them to do His work, with His loving and gracious guidance! Feeling very blessed by today’s time in the Word. Thank you, Friends, for your prayers. Crazy to think how much I truly feel them.

  32. Kimberly Z says:

    Let us not grow weary of doing for jn due season you will reap if we do not give up. Amen! As somebody who is not married this really stuck out to me. It’s so hard to date and not fall into temptation etc. it has often felt like I’m boring of my morals but I know in due time I will reap the benefits. Single ladies or maybe just not married yet I feel you and this devotional really stuck with me about that. God has perfect timing for all of us. Praying for you all today!

  33. Michelle Patire says:

    @Chelsea – God’s grace and peace to you, may you cling to Him in the uncertainty of your coming baby. Lord, please be near to Chelsea as she struggles with the anxiety of a premature baby … You know her frame, you remember we are dust. (Psalm 103:14 NKJV) help her, Lord, and be with her through all of this.

    @Jamie – God bless your ministry and this new church plant. May it be a labor unto the Lord and may you walk in the strength of God. ❤️

    @Searching – thank you for sharing Psalm 86:5, good reminder ❤️

    @Heidi- the Lord be near in your education, as you grow and become more of the person He desires you to be. May you have the focus and patience to truly allow Him to shape and guide you on your writing journey. May He bless your efforts and give you the strength and endurance to keep going, while life continues to happen all around you with your family and circumstances. May He give you the ability that comes from Him, not of yourself, as we read in 2 Corinthians 3:5-6. May His grace be sufficient in all things. ❤️ God bless you.

    @Tricia – As another She said, I struggle to find words to say after you sharing your struggle with being a blind woman at church. I don’t know why it has been such a fight to find loving church community, but I pray you don’t let your heart grow hard and continue to be light and salt, to a world who needs it. I pray you have the mind of Christ in all things and keep seeking the Lord for a community that meets you in your needs and weakness. May they look past what they see and trust God with your heart. I know having literal sight literally can distract us from seeing the truth.. God help us. God bless you and give you patience in this journey. ❤️ He sees you through and through.

    Praise Report: my car passed PA state inspection (it is required once a year to be able to drive). I am able to keep working, by God’s grace. It is a test, but still trying to lean on God and trust Him with my finances. It is all His, anyway.

  34. Mari V says:

    @Searching, THANK YOU!

  35. Mari V says:

    Galatians 6:9 stood out this morning as a “memory” from many years ago when I was discouraged and a member of the church I was attending at the time, gave me this encouraging verse. I never forgot and refer back to it. I messed UP, again on a task at work. I was imputing test scores (something I NEVER EVER done before) but put them for FALL instead of Winter. Good thing we caught it after 3 or 4 students and it was fixable. However, I felt bad when the teacher told me I caused her more work. Sigh….. I am tiring SO hard NOT to mess up! I absolutely LOVE my job! I love, loving on these little kindergartners! Some are there BEFORE I get there and have to stay after I leave. Please pray the teacher doesn’t give up on me and I hope this doesn’t sound immature to say, please pray she’d be more patient with me and extend some grace as I want to continue in this position for next fall if its in God’s plan of course.

  36. Michelle Zink says:

    I loved, “ and let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season, we will reap, if we do not give up”. So powerful. I prayed on this and heard “no big message but god/Jesus speaks through me throughout the day. My job is to listen and be surprised by their messages and curious when they come. Receive…receive”

  37. ERB says:

    TIFFANY C ..LOVE that analogy!!! Thank you for sharing this!!

  38. ERB says:

    KELLY (NEO) ..SO Good what you wrote!! Similar questions and realizations were also going through my mind & spirit this morning!!

    AFUA TOBIGAH ..AMEN!!!! Love what you shared!! May God and His way be our only focus!!

    TINA ..love that you see God in experiences like this!! The intimacy and love language between you and God makes me smile!

    TRICIA ..I am sorry for your hurt! I hear God saying “right where you’re at”!! That’s a ministry in and of itself!! Look at Jesus.. His ministry looked nothing like what people thought it would be!! Keep shining His Light and following through with what He tells you and lays on your heart!! ❤️

    AIMEE D-R ..Amen!!

    HEIDI, KAREN ELIZABETH, TRACI GENDRON, STACEY B and ALL of us!! ..prayers for peace and assurance and for the Holy Spirit to be first!!

    CHERYL BLOW ..Amen!!!

    TASHA ADAMS ..I feel this too!! God is easy to trust, people not so much!! But I am realizing that trust in God means looking past my fears & paradigms, and recognizing & seeing Him in all people and things!! Hard but awesome!!!

    Have a blessed day ladies!! Xoxo

  39. Tiffany C says:

    As an accountant approaching month end, I’ll be doing a lot of reconciliations, lol.
    But one thing that I’ll draw out from my profession is that in reconciling an account, you’ll see everything laid out before you whether it’s recorded correctly or not, every event whether it has a positive or negative impact on the business– it’s a report. After the initial report, you make adjustments accordingly. Whether that’s correcting entries or business actions for the company to prosper or move in the right direction.

    Reconciling with God, we see our sins AND see what Jesus has done on the cross for us. But Christians aren’t just Christians because of what happened in the past, we ought to live in accordance with God’s will for us. Pray God will give us insight to see our lives laid out before Him, wisdom and discernment for our next steps, and faith and courage to walk in His ways for us.

  40. Carol Stephens says:

    Please pray for my granddaughter and her mom. My granddaughter is struggling with school issues and mom isn’t really helping the situation. I believe my granddaughter just needs to put her trust in the Lord. She goes to church but I’m not really sure where her heart is. Her mom and the boyfriend are lost and don’t go to church anywhere. Just pray for them all that God will radically change their lives

  41. Cee Gee says:

    TINA ❤☺

    AFUA TOBIGAH – Being HOLY is MORE THAN being good. Truth in a nutshell, sister! I love what you shared about PURITY of the mind. I struggle there too but gave that over to God a while back and have, by His grace, come a long way. Encouraging you through prayer! ❤

    HEIDI, how exciting! I will pray in unison with you as you seek to follow the call. I volunteer as a ‘first reader’ if you make that move! ☺ ❤

    KAREN ELIZABETH – I could have written what you shared! Not about the wine, but the relationship. My vice is coffee. I need to drop 10 pounds and get a lot of liquid calories so I am trying to change that habit!

    SEARCHING -2 Corinthians 6:1-10 stood out to me today as well. Our pastor preached something similar Sunday. We aren’t to just go to church to be fed- as good a thing as that is- we are to take the message to our community and beyond. ❤

    WARREN WIERSBE said this on 2 Corinthians 3:6 – Preachers who major on rules and regulations keep their congregations under a dark cloud of guilt, and this kills their joy, power, and effective witness for Christ. Christians who are constantly measuring each other, comparing “results,” and competing with each other soon discover that they are depending on the flesh and not the power of the Spirit.

    I have to share 2 Corinthians 6:2-10 from the message. Read through the list carefully and I think most of us can find one that fits where we are right now. Then focus on the last part, v. 10:

    v. 2 … please don’t squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us. God reminds us,

    I heard your call in the nick of time;

    The day you needed me, I was there to help.

    Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Don’t put it off; don’t frustrate God’s work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we’re doing. Our work as God’s servants gets validated— or not— in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly … in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we’re beaten up, jailed, and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we’re telling the truth, and when God’s showing his power; when we’re doing our best setting things right; when we’re praised, and when we’re blamed; slandered, and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognized by God; terrifically alive, though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.”

    Love you sisters and keeping you in prayer!

  42. Tasha Adams says:

    My faith and trust in God and Jesus Christ has not wavered but my trust in the people in the church has.

  43. Stacey B says:

    Prayer request for continued healing of my body and panic attacks to subside❤️

  44. ERB says:

    Awesome what God is doing and bringing to light!! So thankful!! Love all you sisters dearly!! Such treasures each of you are!! ❤️

    1 Peter 2:9
    *goosebumps!! AMEN!!!! May we walk humbly and confidently in this!!!

    Galatians 6:9
    *”reap at the proper time” and “don’t give up” are what stands out to me here!!! God’s timing is perfect!!! Don’t give up when He has you waiting..the best is yet to come!!!

    2 Corinthians 6:3-10
    *Wow! Yes!! This witnesses with my spirit deeply and greatly!! No occasion or room for any offense or flesh!! Giving praise and honor to God in EVERYTHING and representing Him in ALL circumstances!! HE is everything!!! So convicting and SO good!!! Going to let these words wash over me until they become living!! Thank You Father!!

    2 Corinthians 5:20-21
    *Everything is from God! And nothing happens without His permission!! Such an important reminder!!! Love the accountability and awareness these verses bring!! Am I representing God everywhere I go and in ALL that do? Am I doing things in my own strength and knowledge, or am I waiting on God.. letting Him alone lead and direct me? Am I trusting, believing and having faith? So thankful for these aligning questions and for all that God is doing!! Reconciliation…I wanted to look up and define this word for clarity. To reconcile means to reestablish, to restore, to remove all inconsistency, to have harmony (oneness). Wow! There are so many spiritual parallels in this definition!! Glad I looked it up!!

  45. Munchkin says:

    @Trica I’m sorry you have been hurt by the church. I’m glad that you’ve been able to keep your relationship with Jesus different than what you have experienced in the church. I don’t really have words of wisdom, but I will say that I will pray for you and for the church to realize it has to help all its members, not just the ones that fit in a perfect box.

  46. Traci Gendron says:

    Oh God I need your help in being an ambassador! I stumble on my words. Because of my past I don’t feel worthy. Change me to be more like Jesus!

  47. Cheryl Blow says:

    Everyone that has received Christ is now a minister. We have a ministry of reconciliation to our job, neighbors, baristas, grocery clerk, and everyone that we encounter. We are a royal priesthood. We stand in the gap for those we pray for today and every day. It is a sobering thought! We need to make sure every thing we say and do must reflect Jesus.

  48. Tricia says:

    Verses like these fill me with sadness. From my experience, people in the church don’t really care that much. As a blind woman, I’m often cast aside when it is inconvenient. I try to participate in Lifegroups, even tried to lead one, but no one would help me with transportation. I would ask people at church and no one would help my son and me go on weekends. I wanted to serve but “How can you with no sight?” It isn’t just one type of church— this is my experience at many churches. And when I thought I had made connections, when my husband lost his job there was no one around. When my brother died, no one came to his funeral. No one called or helped in my time of mourning. They knew.
    My husband doesn’t go to church and for so long I defended it saying how important church and community are. I’m starting to think either there’s something wrong with me or the church is truly broken. Yes people are imperfect but are we really all that rude and cold?

    1. Mia Faith says:

      Tricia, I am so sorry that you are experiencing this. My daughter is Deaf and we see the same thing with her. People can’t communicate with her (not easily anyway) so she gets pushed aside. God is the God Who sees- ElRoi. I

  49. Tina says:

    I wrote a whole comment and double pressed.. ugh! Lost it all..

    Clearly was only meant for my Father’s eyes only!

    Happy Wednesday my dears..sending love across the pond wrapped in prayers.❤️

    RHONDA J I have!❤️

  50. Patt Courtemanche says:

    What an incredible gift to be Christ’s ambassadors!

  51. Sherry R from MI says:

    @GWINETH52 This has been a go-to verse for me on sleepless nights… Psalm 4:8 AMP (although other versions are really good too)
    “In peace [and with a tranquil heart] I will both lie down and sleep, For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety and confident trust.”

  52. Adrienne says:

    I am so sorry about another sleepless night, GWINITH52… I will step up my prayers and pray for a better night for you tonight.

    And JAMIE… that is such a fabulous endeavor… prayers for the success of this new ministry!

  53. Erica Chiarelli says:

    God is reconciling the world to Himself through us.

  54. Adrienne says:

    2 Cor. 5:18… He gave us the ministry of reconciliation, and does not count our MANY trespasses(emphasis, MINE) against us. Whew! That brings to mind, however, the passage (Romans, maybe?… I don’t know!) Where we are asked, so should we go on sinning, so that grace may abound? Ummm… no!

    Praise Him, sweet sisters, that HE reconciles US!

  55. Searching says:

    Urgency and endurance are coming to mind this morning after reading today’s scriptures.

    2 Corinthians 6:4-10 … an all encompassing list for “in all things”

    2 Corinthians 6:2
    For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you,
    And in the day of salvation I have helped you.”
    Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

    This verse reminded me of Isaiah 55:6
    Seek the Lord while He may be found,
    Call upon Him while He is near.

    JENNIFER ANAPOL ❤️ got my attention yesterday, I don’t always live like following God is the most important thing in my life. And then being reminded in 2 Corinthians 5:20 that we are ambassadors for Christ – the definition for ambassador is official representative – may I represent Him in truth.

    And Chris Tomlin’s song Jesus Messiah will be on my mind today after reading 2 Corinthians 5:21

    Great reminder with verse of the day on BG –
    Psalm 86:5 For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – Happy Birthday!

    CEE GEE ❤️

    GWINETH52 – amen.

    LAUREN GW – ❤️ continuing to pray for your family, as you continue striving and seeking

    MOLLY R – praying as you respond to God’s urging, that your husband will be encouraged by prayer and the changes he sees in you

    CHELSEA JOHNSTON – praying for the health of both you and your baby, and wisdom for medical team

    MARI V – joining you in praying for our young people as it seems they are bombarded from all directions with things that are not of God.

    LAURA DIANNE – praying we can both focus on the “long view” when we are discouraged in waiting on answers

    DEANNA RASCH – praying for wisdom in responding to your mother’s text.

    THEBESTISYETTOCOME – praying for travel request, that the Lord would bless your interaction with bio mom yesterday

    JAMIE – wow. Praying for you and your uncle in this church plant

  56. Afua Tobigah says:

    God has called me to be Holy and reflect righteousness. This is more than being good . Any veil he takes off from any aspect of my life is to help me see clearly the mirror of Jesus , and by constant looking to Jesus , I would be transformed into Holy in the area He calls . This season He is calling me to purity of the mind , He is saying that although I do not act on the thoughts because I am being good , He wants me not to entertain the thoughts , not let them linger because no one sees . He wants it all . Purity of the mind .
    He wants my fashion too , he has given me great sense of fashion , He wants me to use it reconcile people to Himself . He needs it to be stripped of sensuality.the elegance and classiness remains . And all this is because of the love He has for me . He is reaching me from the pit and bringing me out . I’m not one my own in this journey , my part is to stay connected and obey

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      I love this! Everything people see screams louder than some of our words.

  57. Karen Elizabeth says:

    There are so many opportunities to share in the ministry of the new creation if I just open the eyes of my heart and allow the Holy Spirit to lead me. So often I get distracted by the business of life- work, home, kids’ many activities, etc. It is too easy to let those distractions blind me to opportunities to be a light in this dark world.

    @Molly R- your struggle resonates with me 100%. Both the struggles with praying your husband would draw near to the Lord and that alcohol can slip into a daily habit. My husband is baptized and goes to church regularly, but his attitude, actions, and words sometimes are anything but Christ-like. I often walk a careful line of wondering how much I should say as it can come off the wrong way and ends up making him angry rather than my intent to spur him on to love for Christ. I am now (trying) to just pray for him and model Christ-like behavior and words. Admittedly, I am fallen and sinful and fail. My church recently did a 3 week fast. We could pick any type of fast. I chose to fast from sweets and alcohol. I am only a few days out, but still haven’t resumed alcohol. It was really good to have a designated time to focus and rely on God. Not to say I’ll never have any again, but it was good to put it back into perspective and make sure I am not relying on it.

  58. Heidi says:

    JAMIE- what an amazing call for you!!! Prayers for you on this journey. Keep us updated step by step! Love it!

  59. Heidi says:

    God is calling me to the ministry of writing. Many of you are aware of my call in 2022 to close my small speech pathology practice and pursue another masters in an entirely different field in seminary (or, “Bible College” to those outside the US :)). I followed in obedience to Him with no clue what He was doing or why. My husband helped ENORMOUSLY in encouragement and taking on the full financial burden of life. I’ve completed 3 full semesters plus one summer mini-mester and I’m fresh into semester 4. Through a “fluke” I ended up in this writing for publication class and it has been a mess of warfare and the revealing of unknown depths of insecurity and fear. And also, realization that this is absolutely a large part of what He is calling me to do.
    I have prayers that I would love anyone to consider committing to this semester:
    1. God will continue to show me reliance on Him and His words
    2. Keep my eyes and mind open to recognizing the enemy’s subtle (and overt) ways of attack.
    3. I will have the ability for laser, intentional focus, understanding of His message, and the time to apply it to what I do.

    I still don’t know His full plans but I want to be faithful with the opportunity in front of me.

    (Also- please pray for the health of our family. Been dealing with 3 sick kids -rough colds- and have been up with 4y/o since 4:45… also I feel it coming on me too and I really don’t have time for it!! Thank you!! ❤️)

  60. Aimee D-R says:

    Father fill me with Your Holy Spirit anew. Holy Spirit guide me to be a light that testifies to Heaven on Earth and Your Kingdom come for others. A true light in the darkness. In Jesus name, Amen

  61. TheBestIsYetToCome says:

    Thank you for the prayers for court yesterday. It went pretty smoothly. Appreciate continued prayers and that my travel plans would be approved, that is still up in the air. But the most important moment was when the bio mom and I were waiting for court to start, and we got to talk, and she started to cry and I got to pray with her. God is so good! I don’t know what He’s up to, but He’s up to something good! Have a blessed day!

  62. Jamie ❤️ says:

    Since I was 14 I have led Children’s Ministry. 3 churches over 20 years. God is so good to me. I feel blessed to have had that opportunity. Last year I took a break not knowing what was next but I felt the pull to something different. As far back as I can really remember I was on staff or super involved in church so it was definitely a weird year. The scriptures we’ve been reading lately in this plan speak to me and what God is calling me to now. Next Sunday I start a new adventure. I will be apart of a church plant. A revival of a ministry my grandfather once led, my uncle feels the call to Pastor and I will be Kid’s Pastor at least for a short while. We would appreciate your prayer for Faith Assembly. ❤️

  63. Ada McCloud says:

    We have an active role in reconciliation. I need to remember even my 8-5 job is kingdom work and do it with joy. Do the right thing – simply because it is right.

  64. Libby K says:

    I love the last verses in Peter. A reminder of who we are through Christ Jesus. Lord, help me to remember that daily.

  65. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Paul writes, “God is making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, ‘Be reconciled to God.’ He made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

    Very humbling to thing that God’s appeal to the lost to be saved is to come through me. Does my life make that appeal? Not that I am responsible for the response, that is the Spirit’s job, but is my life creating the longing in others to know Jesus?

    TAYLOR – thanks for the update on your folks and Logan. Continued prayers.

    CHELSEA JOHNSTON – praying for you and your baby boy. Praying for wisdom for your medical team.

    TERESA DONLEY – praying you have been able to get solid night’s sleep

    CATHERINE MCVEY – praying that your upcoming stem-cell treatments go smoothly
    GWINET52 – sorry that you are having a troubled heart. Praying that as you intercede for the situation, God will envelop you in His peace.

  66. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    We are called to the ministry of reconciliation. Praying today about how to walk that out practically. I want to be a woman who acts in faith.

  67. Sarah J says:

    Help me to live each day as an ambassador for Christ.

  68. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Morning Sister Shes
    Yes! He has called me out of darkness into His wonderful light!
    Oh no! But why another sleepless night?
    Father in Heaven, please equip me with the patience, persistence & power to pass through these troubling times. For you & with you I trust & believe I can serve others, be present for others, provide solace to others. But first I must with His help settle my own affairs. Lay it at the altar & leave it there. But I keep picking it up again. Woe! A child of God stumbling through night time. Yet, you’re dealing with Light of the world, girl!!
    Scripture speaks of family travails time after time. Ancient as the days. So my Savior sees me & will in time fix things in my family better than imagination. Because there’s larger work in His Kingdom to address. And my time of lament will lessen. Can I hear a loud Amen & a whispered prayer? Thanks be to God.

    1. Stephanie Wilsey says:

      This resonated with me so much today. Thank you for sharing. Yes, O Lord, hear our prayers!