Earlier this year, someone broke into one of the basement windows of our church and vandalized it. The person grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed white foam all over the sanctuary sometime between Saturday night and early Sunday morning. (Who knew those extinguishers held so much white foam in those tiny containers?)
The staff and volunteers arrived to prepare for service and found everything covered in “snow.” they quickly cleaned it all up before the first service began. At the time, the church even lightheartedly joked about it all. “Great trick, mysterious masked person. You really got us.”
But there was also a feeling of unease. Who is protecting our space? Who makes sure the place of worship stays clean, not just from ridiculous messes, but from influences which could destroy the sanctity of our worship?
In today’s reading, we encounter the Levitical gatekeepers—the security guards of the temple. “These divisions of the gatekeepers, under their leading men, had duties for ministering in the LORD’s temple, just as their relatives did” (1Chronicles 26:12). They “were capable men with strength for the work” (v.8). Their primary responsibility was to secure the perimeter of the sanctuary from trespassers.
The Levitical gatekeepers weren’t just keeping out thieves. They were also responsible for keeping the sanctuary safe, clean, and holy. They watched out for idolatrous practices and would remove people who were disrespecting the sanctity of the space.
We can hire security guards and put-up cameras, but we need something more to guard us against evil.
Jesus is the perfect gatekeeper who welcomes people into salvation, a community of believers, and eternal life in His pasture. Jesus said, “I am the gate. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture” (John 10:9). I imagine Jesus as a gatekeeper without a lock. Anyone who is curious is welcomed to hear and receive the truth. He directs His sheep through the gate with a generous hand, and He protects them fiercely by slamming the gate shut in the face of the enemy.
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62 thoughts on "The Levitical Gatekeepers"
I appreciate your comment on this.
@Just a thought: What a wonderful and thoughtful perspective. Thank you for such precaution of love and wisdom you shared.
As a mom of two littles, I am the gatekeeper for my children and my home. It was a heavy responsibility for the Levites to keep their temple pure; it is a heavy responsibility for us to live holy in the world. Fellow moms, I see you and I pray for us to be strengthened to do the work. May our children pray Psalm 16:3- “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.”
“I am the gate for the sheep” If we enter through Him we will be saved! He came to give us life in abundance! Oh how truly blessed we are!
Appreciate the comments CARLY LEWIS and KELLY (NEO).
Praying for you!
Thank you for that beautiful prayer, Tina
I pray for our children – for Jesus to stand guard and not let the evils of this world touch them. Guard their hearts and minds. Amen
I am thankful that Jesus is my shepherd and my gatekeeper ❤️
I feel so protected and loved thinking about Jesus being the gatekeeper.
Thankful for our Great Shepherd! Thankful for open entry into the gate and protection behind it! ❤️
We are the friend of our King! Hallelujah!
Thank you, Jessica, for pointing that out about the king’s friend. When you are king, it must be hard to know who your true friends are. A true friend is one of life’s greatest gifts.
I love this so much! Thank you for sharing!
Lord God, You are my Protector. Your Son Christ Jesus is my Shepherd, Brother and Savior. Your Holy Spirit is my Guide and Shield from evil. THANK YOU for being around when the times are hard and when they are good. Be with me as I go through this day, week, month and year. HELP ME to follow Your Word in EVERY minute of my day. AMEN.
Be blessed and call on God in good and bad times, PRAISE HIS NAME!!!!!
I want to start off with the fact that I so love this ministry and I SO love the content that is endlessly insightful, truthful, and life-giving.. I’m so grateful to those who have followed God’s lead in their lives to start and continue the work of She Reads Truth (and He’s and Kids!!)!
This last line though – Jesus slamming the gate shut in the face of the enemy… I think we need to be so careful how and when we apply this truth. YES- at the cross Jesus slammed the gate on the enemy having foothold – in the future. In OUR future as believers – when we get to experience our Savior’s return and creation of a new Heaven and new Earth where evil will have no ground. But today – it’s just not truth. Any human who is alive right now and reading this knows for a fact evil has had its way into your life at some point or another, and very often without any doing on your part. It’s the nature of the world we live in. We need to be so careful how we say these things because it can so easily cause unintended condemnation on people who then think “well if Jesus shut that gate on the enemy, then what did I DO to cause —— in my life?” You may have done absolutely nothing. But, Evil certainly did, thousands of years ago.
There will be a day when 100% evil will be done and gone. And we hope in that day. But for today – we are blessed to have a God who is working all things together – even the work of the enemy in our lives- for His glory and the good of His people. Our work right now is to continue finding joy in the midst of the trials and bring light and encouragement into the lives of those who have no hope so that, one day, we may ALL stand rejoicing in the fact that evil simply cannot touch us! Illness, loss, death, pain, loneliness, abandonment, etc – all of it that creeps into areas of our lives, unwanted, in this current day, will be finally stopped behind that gate, never to be felt again.
If you are hurting, if you have been made victim to the pain of our enemy – please know your God is with you. We are promised there will be pain and suffering in THIS life – and we are promised a God who is close to the brokenhearted and near to those in pain. Let us use our healed hurts to help bring His great healing to others who have no hope – :) :)
Mari V I will be praying for you
@ MARI V – Praying!!
Jesus is the gate, he is our good shepherd, he is the voice calling each of us by name. He lay down his life for us! Help me Jesus to always listen for your voice and follow you!
@Mari V prayers that you may feel strong and courageous as you await your court date. ❤️
@ Molly- praying for strength in your exhaustion as your family prepares to move your parents. And praise that you and your siblings are sharing the burden.
@Rhonda- praying that your back pain would ease and that you can continue on serving as you love. Also, have you ever taken Tumeric? It is a natural way of easing joint pain. It has truly helped me.
@ Michelle Patire- praying for strength to continue on where God has you, in spite of the feelings of discouragement. He has something wonderful planned for you. You are such a sweet child of God, who in my opinion is wise beyond her years.
@ Carly Lewis- loved your gate story especially, “if God doesn’t open the gate, I don’t need what’s on the other side!”
@Taylor- prayers for full healing for your body to better handle the stress of a new job. I also pray that God will supply the help you need to learn the ropes. Learning a new job is always a challenge so continue to give your frustrations and fears to Jesus!
@Jessica Lowe- loved the thought of being a good friend as a spiritual gift! ❤️
A wonderful Wednesday to all my Shes. ❤️
I love the pictures of the gatekeepers standing guard and Jesus being the ultimate gate keeper. Something that struck me and has for this week are all the job titles and responsibilities. They probably felt mundane to the people at the time, in charge of wine press, in charge of camels, ect. A lot like us today in charge of the house, in charge of book keeping, ect. But they were all important. So much that God lists them. And today the one that stuck me was in verse 27:32. He was the Kings friend. ❤️ I often feel like that is my spiritual gift being a good true friend. Maybe it’s not a typical gift but I know I’m an encourager and I always feel God prompting me to reach out to my friends, new friends, friends struggling, ect. It was just so sweet to see the kings friend listed and acknowledged.
Bailey’s devotional provided such good insight into the gatekeepers in today’s reading. Also found meaning in today’s comments. Jesus said “I am the gate.” Thank you Jesus!
Thankful for Jesus snd His protection and the abundant life that He gives!
Thank you, Jesus, for being my divine Protector! Great devo, BAILEY!
TINA – love how you prayerfully personalized the 23rd Psalm! Thank you for sharing that!
CARLY LEWIS and MOLLY R – love the detail on the gates and how Dottie peacefully and confidently goes about doing the job she was meant to do. What testimony!!!
ALLY M – great to see you again!
RHONDA J – praying for your class and ministry today.
Continued prayers for all. TAYLOR – praying for better health, a clear mind, and for someone to become aware of your need and supply the support you required for you to move forward with confidence.
I work at a school in before, and after school care. Sometimes one of my duties is to be the “gatekeeper” I know who comes by and who goes out. My job is to ensure that our children are safe. I love this image of the GATEKEEPER Who will always protect you and I from the enemy. I believe it! I feel secure! I feel protected! I have court coming up again on March 16 to renew the restraining order. My human weakness is feeling scared as I have to face the man I was called husband. An advocate for women’s Haven will accompany me. As the day gets closer. I will mention it again so you all can be praying for me.
I love this explanation so much! So perfect for the place I’m at in life! Thank you!
WE are protected! Such great comfort for me this morning.
Praying for the requests today. Sharon, Jersey Girl, I will be praying for Jim and Beth with the loss of their son. It has been the prayers of others that have helped so much. If you have opportunity to share this, I highly recommend Tim Challies book Seasons of Sorrow. It is his journey through the loss of his son.
@ Carly Lewis love your illustration! Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful picture! Thank you for sharing
Jesus protects my space, cleanses and removes all wasteful and toxic substances from my body mind and spirit, he protects my peace, hope, and joy
So comforting and reassuring to know that Jesus is the “gate-keeper” of our souls! Thankful for today’s reading. What stood out to me was the importance of the gate-keeper and that they had to be trustworthy men to be put in such positions, and always alert for any signs of trouble – it was quite a responsibility!
Thank you @Searching and @Kelly Neo for your prayers – @Kelly, I haven’t heard any more on the Saiu family. They stopped giving updates on social media because some were abusing the information that was given.
@Taylor – praying for you today – hoping you will feel completely better soon, and may God give you the strength to face your new job and to learn to do it well.
Have a lovely Wednesday ladies!
We have a livestock guardian dog, Dottie, who lives with and protects our flock of chickens. Day and night she is tuned in to their routine, their grazing, their retiring for the day. Sometimes the chickens will lay on her as she naps in the sunshine. She seems so wise and gentle with them, but watching her click into protection mode is always thrilling. You can watch, with every scenario in the day-to-day, that she was made for this. It’s a continual reminder to me to make others be in awe simply by consistently be what God created me for, with wisdom, gentleness, and contentment – a wife, homeschooling mom, and a new steward of land He has given us (that is way out of my wheel house!). There is a contentment in Dottie, and the Holy Spirit reminds me it’s because she knows her job and is content to live in her field with her chickens, day in and day out. I pray that as the gatekeeper of my kids, and my home, that I will daily, hourly, rely on my Guide. Oh how priceless it is to do this life with the very Spirit of God in me! I am so thankful today for that constant presence, especially when I feel lonely in staying home, day in and day out. God given work is a joy!
For those who have kept up with my dad’s health and situation: my parents finally chose an assisted living facility where they can be together and my dad can receive the best care possible for whatever time he has left. He is stable, but clearly declining due to Parkinson’s. It’s been a rough couple months as the reality of his health and the need for them to sell their house and move has been processed. My siblings and I have worked so hard, and so well together, a it’s been a huge blessing in all this. My middle brother, especially, has worked tirelessly and humbly for them – he deserves so much blessing for his service to my parents. The next stage of moving my dad and mom into this new place and going through a house that has been in the family for 3 generations will be a heavy time of emotion and processing for all of us. Please continue to pray for us – we are all exhausted, but know God has been in our midst every day.
@Carly Lewis, thanks for that great analogy!
@Ally M, glad you are back and will look forward to your comments!
@Michelle Patire, love the idea of a weekly prayer call group! So good! And you are an inspiration to us all here, I have always loved your wisdom and dedication to the Lord, and as a young person it is such a wonderful, inspiring thing to see!
Good Morning She’s!
Thankful for the gatekeeper! Praise God. We have access to him through Jesus Christ! I feel like many people have no problem when speaking of God, but when you say Jesus Christ is the only way, that’s when people tense up a little more, and back off from conversation. So as Christians, we have to keep saying it loud and proud, Jesus is our Salvation! He is the ONLY way to God! He is the gatekeeper!
I am struggling to get moving this morning, my back feels like a brick of massive weight. It’s not acute pain, just that ongoing throbbing, aching that never ends, but it is making me want to “skip” class today, knowing that I need to go to jail later (hahaha). Mornings are so hard to get moving. Dear Lord, give me strength this morning to do your will, to go to my pain group to be support for the others. The devil wants to keep me down, But God- let me be joyous even when I don’t feel it, because I am healed through Jesus. And I want to be an encouragement for the others, that He is our strength. Amen and Amen.
@Mercy- missing you, hope you are feeling okay! I am not used to closing out the evening without reading some wisdom from you!
Kelly- your comment on how it can also be what I should be letting into my life was impactful and insightful. Thank you for sharing.
@Taylor — God strengthen and comfort you in your new job. May He guide you and give you understanding as you go day by day. It can be tough to be thrown into places without much supervision or direction. May He help you figure out what you need to do. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105.
I have been struggling this week, too. I’m thankful for my Tuesday night prayer calls. I told those on the call that I just feel like this season of living with my parents is dragging on, yet I know I’m where I’m supposed to be. My friend encouraged me and told me she was proud of me and my example of leadership to the group. I needed that. I feel so discouraged by my family. I believe the Lord was comforting me in my sleep. There was a point part of my dream had a group of people sing, “with God all things are possible!” Maybe that is God or just my subconscious/soul clinging to the Lord in times of discouragement. I cling to it this morning bc I don’t see light in this tunnel, but I know He is light and He is the end. My words to Taylor I speak over myself, too.
It’s been a long time since I last commented but I do read with this whole SRT community everyday ♡. I’ve been really busy as I’m finishing up college and on a full-time internship, but I miss reading the comments and praying for y’all everyday! I’m going to try to make time to comment and read all the comments everyday again. I’m so grateful for this community. ♡
Today’s reading hit a chord. There are many gates on our ranch, and they are the portals between different pastures and resources. Sometimes we intentionally close a gate, to block access to a resource, or to keep animals safely in. Other times we intentionally leave a gate open, so that the animals can get to a certain resource (water tank, salt block, etc). The cattle aren’t responsible for figuring out which gates should be open vs closed. We do that work, as their guardians and keepers. They just need to respect the fences and the gates.
Lord Jesus, help me to respect the fences you put around my life, and only enter through a gate that is open. If you don’t open the gate, I don’t need what’s on the other side. Yet if you open up a gate, let me walk through it with confidence and assurance. Thank you for being my shepherd.
In our time, our bodies house the Living God, the Holy Spirit. Am I protecting and watching over this house? Am I careful in what I allow into my mind and heart? I will give this some thought today as I go about my day.
Thank you Lord for your protection time and time again . I am so grateful to you this morning Jesus for all that You are!❤️
I love knowing Jesus will slam the door shut when evil comes! So very thankful.
Thankful for my strong gatekeeper!
Morning ladies! Asking for prayer for my new position. I feel very overwhelmed with limited guidance/support on how to make this transition. Literally dreading going into work today because I just don’t know what I’m doing. I had a mental breakdown about it yesterday with lots of tears. Also still not feeling 100% from my stomach bug. Praying the Lord provides today and provides me with strength and courage to face this new opportunity. Thank you <3
Father God place a hedge of protection , the blood of Jesus, around me and my family always. Your protection is all powerful and I thank You. In Jesus name, Amen
Thankful for the protection of Jesus!
Praying for:
MARGARET W – your friend and her family, and you ❤️
DOROTHY – your DIL and baby George
CINDYJ – for a change in your heart & to be able to see God’s purpose for you after this move. The last 3 years have been challenging for sure, even more so away from anything familiar. ❤️
WHITNEE MILLS – adjusting to change after layoff and exciting new job search
SHARON JONES – praise for daughter’s healing! And apologies for misstating your name yesterday … embarrassed to say I couldn’t read my own writing :(
Lord, protect me and my family from the evil around us. Thank You for Your provision and for being my Gatekeeper! ❤️
@CindyJ I read your post from yesterday this morning and I’ve had a similar experience. Moving from the area I was born in and lived all of my life until 8 years ago. Then moved states twice in 13 months. Our kids are adults and in two different states. Sounds like we were on the run but we weren’t! When all the familiar and comfortable props were removed from my life God had an opportunity to call me deeper into my relationship with Him. Letting go of all I thought I wanted or needed and knowing Christ is it. All I need and all I want. He will also put me where I need to be. Building new relationships. Praying for you to feel that connection where you are living now and that you know His peace and security daily!
Thank you Jesus for
I am thankful that God is the gatekeeper and he protects me from evil by slamming the gate shut. Lord protect me from evil today. Thank you for this word picture.❤️
I agree with what was written. This is a beautiful, hopeful, and true Word and image for those redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. No one or nothing can snatch His out of Jesus’s hand! Praise God!
May we please all be aware of His Presence, peace, love, and divine protection today! Amen!
This was a great reminder to let my Gatekeeper decide what I should be letting into my life (my thoughts especially). If Holy Spirit says “No” then I should reaĺly trust His judgment as to possible danger to my “holiness.”
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying that Jim and Beth will sense God’s comforting presence. Have you heard any updates on the Siau family?
LEHUA K – How are things going for you at work with your new position?
KAELA KELLY, INDIANA CHRISTINA, ALISON LYNCH ELIN ALMKVIST -praying your pregnancies are going well
DOROTHY- praying for Danaile’s blood pressure to settle down
What a beautiful image, our strong gate keeper!
Jesus is my shepherd; I have everything I need in Him.
He lets me rest in fields of green grass, where He gives me His yolk which is lighter than my heavy burdens, and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water to refresh, renew, restore my soul.
He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths by the gift of the Holy spirit, as he has promised.
Even if I go through the deepest darkness, whatever my troubles, wherever the road leads, I will not be afraid, for my Lord Jesus is with me, never leaving now forsaking me. He is near..
Jesus, Your shepherd’s rod and staff (your Word guides and)protects me.
You prepare a banquet of grace, mercy, love and hope for me, where all my enemies can see me;
You, Lord Jesus, welcome me as an honored guest, into the kingdom and fill my cup, my heart, my soul to the brim, with your Word and faithful promises.
I know that your goodness, and love Lord Jesus, will be with me all my life; because of what you did on the cross, and your house will be my home as long as I live. Lord Jesus, with a grateful heart, I say THANK YOU Lord Jesus for being my shepherd. THANK YOU.
Happy snowy Tuesday dear hearts wrapped in love and hugs.. Stay warm !❤
(A prayerful take on David’s psalm 23)
John 10:28-30, CSB:
“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””
Amen – Jesus is my shepherd