Remember Your Freedom

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Luke 13:10-17, John 9:1-41, Colossians 2:8-10, Colossians 2:14-17

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

When we remember the new life we have in Jesus is a life of freedom, we can cease our striving and laboring, and rest in the reality that Christ has already fulfilled the law. 

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47 thoughts on "Remember Your Freedom"

  1. Gabrielle Vanderwolf says:

    We have true rest true freedom in Christ

  2. Katie Matsumoto Moore says:

    We can rest because Jesus fulfills everything we need. We can stop striving because Jesus has completed the task.

  3. Gail F says:

    Rest does not have to mean sitting down. It could mean putting down your worries and chores and engaging it things that you love to do: playing with your kids, cooking, gardening, reaching out and chatting with friends on the phone. Rest can be defined as nurturing your soul with God glorifying activities. Listen closely. Allow God to lead you in your day. Rest in His plan.

  4. Morgan Schaafsma says:

    One thing I wonder from this is what was it like for the blind man who could now see to worship Jesus? Is just seems so interesting

  5. Marlyne says:

    I’m truly grateful for the reading of this word. Going back to the 10 commandments and seeing that the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy has really placed more of an urgency for me to get back on resting in the Lord and observing his commandments. It’s so easy to get caught up in work that we can find ourselves spinning on this never ending cycle of work or what’s next on our to do list. I know one thing work will always be work but God is above all things. I no longer want work to be my idol because anything I put above you dear Lord is a form of idolatry. The fact that God loves us so much he gave us a day to rest in him. I’m grateful.

  6. Rachel Johnson says:

    Sabbath for moms of littles – the phrase that directs my decisions for the day is “cease striving”. Our sabbath is Friday evening thru Saturday evening.
    I try to only clean messes I made that day (no chores)
    We generally make this a family morning (practice being present)
    I rest during naptime/rest time
    Dinner is leftovers
    My husband takes Friday evening to spend with friends and I take Saturday morning to sleep in
    When I have thoughts about what I need to get done, I actively put those away

  7. Adrianne says:

    Super hard concept for me at times. That I don’t have to do anything but believe in him who has conquered. To continue in reading the word and trying to be a good person. I can find rest in the knowledge that he has saved us. We still have to continue the good fight against the darker parts of our world and how that effects us, but we will find rest in him