The Triumphal Entry

Open Your Bible

Matthew 26:6-16, Matthew 21:1-46


“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” —Matthew 1:29 

Can you imagine hearing those praises echoing from the crowds of people all over the city? What an extraordinary sight it would be to witness! People gathered along the streets, waving and shouting. Coats and palm branches being tossed on the road (Matthew 21:8). There must have been so much joy and reverence felt at that moment! I can only guess what some of the people must have thought who lived in Jerusalem. However, the Israelites knew what was happening. This was Jesus, the Son of God, who spent the last three years teaching, healing, and serving people throughout the countryside and was now making a grand entrance into the big city of Jerusalem on a humble donkey. Their Messiah and King had finally come. This was a moment the Israelites had been waiting to see for generations! 

Here Jesus publicly claimed that He was the king of Israel. He also knew His time on Earth was coming to an end. At the time, the Israelites didn’t realize that this event would begin the week leading to Christ’s death on the cross. Some thought His entry into Jerusalem as king of Israel meant He would overthrow the strict Roman government that ruled their land. Yet Jesus had arrived for a very different reason. 

Jesus was coming to fulfill God’s will. He knew this was going to be a difficult week. Still, the days that followed His Triumphal Entry were filled with ministry. He spent time in the temple teaching and healing people (vv.12–14,23–46). He spent time in fellowship at people’s homes (vv.6–13). And He spent time preaching the love of God. In His final days, He could have chosen many other things to do. Instead, He decided to continue serving God and loving people.

Jesus’s Triumphal Entry meant the good news of eternal salvation was near. When we consider how He willingly came to Jerusalem, knowing what would happen next, we can see God has a plan and a purpose for us. When we notice how Jesus spent His time after He arrived in Jerusalem, we can see that His desire to love and serve people was important to Him regardless of the trials He would eventually face. For us, these are reminders that God has chosen to be with us. He has made a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him. No longer are we separated from a Holy God. We can choose to trust and follow Jesus because He cares for us.

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50 thoughts on "The Triumphal Entry"

  1. Lauren Pennington says:

    “We can choose to trust and follow Jesus because he cares for us”!!!!!!! Amen

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Hallelujah to the Lord for he is good!

  3. Anjenae Torregano says:

    Praying for clarity on my journey for I may be able to spot and hurdles among me with no issues, and with god forsaken

  4. trina beckwith says:


  5. Kyle Hopkins says:


  6. Terri Baldwin says:

    Just visualizing the crowds of people gathering to see our Messiah,our King has come!

  7. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Amen ❤️

  8. Mercy says:

    Evening ladies, hope all are well by God’s grace :)
    A note I saw from my KJV bible study for Matthew 22:4-14: “the bidden guests are the people of Israel, whereas those in the highways are the gentiles. Both bad and good refer to moral and immoral sinners who alike need God’s gracious invitation. The man without the wedding garment came to the feast but had disregarded the propriety of the king’s provision, since such garments were normally supplied by the host. The reference seems to be to the “robe of righteousness”, which we must receive from the Lord in order to attend the marriage feast. Casting the unclad guest into outer darkness symbolizes the eternal judgment of the lost.” What a privilege. All provisions are from the king. We just need to accept the robe, and show up. What a privilege we have in Jesus.
    Dear ladies, would you please pray for my son’s elementary teacher Ms. Carolina? She has been sick and didn’t return from the Xmas break. The school said 2 weeks off. But now weeks have turned into a month. They kept quiet about what kind of illness, which sparked more curiosity. We would appreciate your prayers for her healing/recovery. Thank you in advance dear shes.

    @Molly R: amazing praise report! Thank you Jesus. I am incredibly touched. Will continue to pray for your parents, and brother reconciliation.
    @Laurel: praying for Michele through the loss of her son Alex :(
    @Rhonda J: amen sister. I also fear running into modern day Pharisees and Sadducees who love to quiz /trip us on scriptures. The wheat and the tare, planted next to one another lol, oh boy, not far away. May God give us grace to endure and escape the frustration.
    @Kimberly Z: praying for your friend’s recovery from the stroke, so sorry.
    @Tara B: “love Jesus, live Jesus”- the singular devotion. This should be on a tee shirt :)

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  9. Lolly Regan says:

    Lord, oh what an amazing moment it must’ve been for those shouting out joyous welcome for a king they long awaited. May my heart shout for joy in your presence, may I trust you wholly as my king ❤️

  10. Kimberly Z says:

    @sarah D. Praying the job change comes soon for you! You are resilient! @Traci Gendron I agree sometimes the day in and day out tasks we do everyday are strange and funny sometimes! @Taylor so sorry about your family friends. I’m thankful he’s with Jesus but know the family must be grieving. Praying for them to feel comfort during time! Our sweet friend had a massive stroke last Monday potentially leaving with her with life altering complications. Right now she is fighting pneumonia and infection. Praying those heal so her brain can start to heal as well.

  11. Claire B says:


  12. Kenya Rafferty says:

    Am I living in a way, like Jesus, that could be unchanging if I was headed to the cross? Would I want to start doing things “better” if I knew my time was coming? I don’t know. Maybe some things. Put I pray that I can live my life in a way where I could continue doing what I do each day, like Jesus did, because it honors God.

  13. Tami C says:

    I pray that I can give myself unashamedly to Jesus, just like Mary when she anointed Him and was denounced for it. I read in a commentary that she didn’t know the true meaning of what she did – but the consequences of the simplest act done for Christ may be greater than we can ever imagine – this scorned woman will always be remembered for her act of complete love and devotion to Jesus. Let it be the same for me

  14. Tami C says:

    I pray that I can give myself unashamedly to Jesus, just like Mary when she anointed Him and was denounced for it. May

  15. Mercy says:

    It is such a bitter truth when the same people (the multitude) that witnessed the Lord heal, teach just weeks before are the same ones who yelled crucify. It’s not just the betrayal of Judas He endured, it is also of the nation of Israel who was known for killing their prophets. Yet, BUT GOD, He still went forth, obeying to the point of death, being laser focused, tender hearted for the gruesome human kind. Mercy! Sometimes for us, God keeps us in the dark in our mission, because if we knew the betrayal ahead, we would not say yes. I personally experienced betrayal from those whom I came to help/sacrifice/die for, and they were the ones that “crucified” me. It took so long to recover. Only by grace we could do His work and obey. Praying for greater grace. Thank you Lord.

    @Liz Evans: grace to overcome difficulties ahead.
    @Lynne from Al: mental and physical strength, joy as you serve/care for your husband.
    @Sarah D : for new job opportunities, endurance and patience as you wait.
    @Taylor: comfort for the family’s season of grief
    @Mari V: mercy and grace, mental strength for court, car.
    @Diana Davis: your husband’s confidence and willingness to join church
    @Traci: got teary at what you wrote <3

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  16. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I love you all dear sisters. I’m praying that the Lord will meet you at your need. That He would be glorified in our lives. That we would demonstrate Jesus’ love with everyone with whom we come in contact.

  17. Debby Blake says:


  18. Dorothy says:

    I WILL “choose to trust and follow Jesus because He cares for” me and you and anyone who believes.

    Be blessed and believe sisters that He can and will do what is right and good for you and your family.

  19. Traci Gendron says:

    LYNN FROM ALABAMA – Care giving can be so hard, but rewarding knowing you get to help a loved one through a difficult time. Prayers for you my dear sister.
    TYLOR – Praise for good pap results. Also prayers for the loss of your friend. Your words “healed and with Jesus” brought comfort to me and hoping for your friends family. Sometimes I forget in my missing of my son.

  20. Traci Gendron says:

    Today’s study brought up emotions for me. I cannot imagine knowing what was coming and continuing to love and serve. Knowing people would turn on you. Could I do that? I remember when my son, Tanner asked me if I truly believed we are with God when we die. I said absolutely. He was a believer, but doubted knowing his time was near. He was only 33. We take our lives for granted. I don’t want to do that. But sometimes I find life strange. We do mundane tasks day after day and some are necessary, but I’m struggling finding the point in it all. My focus is heavily on God in the morning, but does it stay there? Not always. I want to keep my eyes up. I pray continually that God will help me keep my focus on Him.

  21. Liz Evans says:

    This is so perfect. I am facing a very difficult situation and possibly the ending of a very important chapter in my life. I decided to face this week with hard work and a positive attitude instead of sulking or abandoning my team. It may be an ending but I will move forward with integrity.

  22. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  23. Lynne from Alabama says:

    SEARCHING–It is always good to see your posts and know that you are praying for Jack and I. I am reading and praying for each request every day but don’t post often. Caregiving is definitely not for the faint of heart and sometimes my burden is very heavy. Please continue to pray for strength and peace as we face what appears to be our new “normal”.

  24. Kathy Allison says:

    I was so struck by the paragraph about how Jesus continued with the things he was doing as his death approached. Are we doing things that we would just keep on doing if we knew our time was limited? I pray that I am!

  25. Bunny Lightsey says:

    What has always bothered me, is that even while Jesus was healing many of these sick people, all during his ministry, he knew that some of them would be crying, ”Crucify him”as he stood before them beside Pilate. He still chose to love them and heal them even though many of them would, at least in the moment turn against them. But we are no different! He protects and loves, and forgives us every day of our lives, and we still manage to fail him on so many levels. Lord may I be more faithful to you and your kingdom.

  26. Margie Mijares says:

    I miss the share button so I can share this to my facebook page. I have friends who read it daily when I share. Thanks!!!

  27. Dawn Enns says:

    Hossana in the highest!
    One day we’ll all be praising God together in heaven❤️

  28. Rhonda J. says:

    What a great devotional today! Those scriptures are filled with so much to ponder today. It reminds me of a dear friend that was diagnosed with ALS, and knew very well where the path would lead. I can’t imagine. No cure, and a short life expectancy. As the time got near, she leaned into Jesus, and continued her mission- being with her loved ones, teaching God’s love and serving him. Even at her prepared funeral, she continued to preach the salvation God gives to everyone that believes, it was so beautiful. It often made me question how I would do in the situation, which I usually laugh and say I would hide my head and cry, and curse God….which in all honesty, what would I do now some 10 years later? I have only grown closer to my Savior and now whatever shall be my fate, I pray, I too am going to lean into Jesus, and let him be my comforter, my inspiration. I know where I am going, and that is the true joy, that nothing in this life can compare too. I will look to the cross, where the blood was shed for me, to give me a way, to live beyond this short life, and go to my heavenly home in eternity. Disease can not destroy. An affliction cannot break me. Pain will not deter me. Jesus took it all for us, isn’t that a beautiful thing?! Lets not wallow, lets give glory to God in all circumstances. This life is harsh, with satan trying to rule and break our spirits, but we have The Holy Spirit, given by Jesus when he ascended, and that is our power to overcome anything!

    Be blessed today She’s!

    Prayers @Diane for your husband to want to become more than a Sunday spectator. I too had to kinda pull my husband along to get more involved! We did become members of our new church, and are now serving and he loves it. (I am still gently nudging him now to join a small group!) Although they are supposed to be the spiritual leaders of the family, I find that they need to be pushed a little! There are so many married women that come to my church by themselves, that I feel blessed that mine husband does go.

    @JLJ missed you for a few days?!

  29. Rebecca W says:

    I love the part that Lauren points out- He could’ve chosen many other things to do instead, he decided to continue serving God and loving people. When I am going through rough patches (and crucifixion is the ultimate “rough patch”!) do I continue to serve God and love people? Or do I turn inward and fill myself with pity and turn away from others? It’s ok to feel sad, scared, insecure-temporarily- but then we must do what Jesus did and trust God, and continue loving and serving Him and others. Sometimes easier said than done.
    @Kelly (NEO) my back is slowly getting better ❤️‍. Thanks for the prayers!PS. I grew up in Willoughby which is also in north east Ohio.

  30. Allison Bentley says:

    “He knew what was coming, but He kept serving, loving, and doing Gods will”. Lord may you give me the strength to keep serving, loving and doing Your will even when it is completely dark and I have know idea what is coming- help me to find hope in that all o need to know is You are coming!!!

  31. Nicole V says:

    I was raised in church and accepted the Lord at a young age. I was always told that Jesus would have died on the cross if I was the only sinner there was. In my young mind, I heard those words but they fell flat. I wasn’t the only one, there are millions of us sinners, and many worse than me. Now as an adult, the Lord is reteaching me. It is my sin that put him there, none is worse than me because all sin is equal in His eyes. He would have died if it was just for me. How loved am I?!

  32. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies :) had a nice weekend resting, organizing, went on a run, and been reading the book Unbroken. I would love your continued prayers as I pray to find another job. I emailed one of the administrators of my current employer to see if there are any open position opportunities within where I am now, that would be different than just a phone/call center job. Thank you for your prayers!! Praying I would keep on pushing on with endurance.

  33. Andrea Hazel says:

    Hi Diana. May I ask…what’s the difference between being a member or an attendee at your church?

  34. Susan Crocker says:


  35. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “No longer are we separated from a Holy God. We can choose to trust and follow Jesus because He cares for us.” Thank you Lauren for this devotional Lauren. I praise God that He had a plan all along on how to reconcile the lost sinner to Himself — It was Jesus! So thankful that Jesus willingly, obediently walked that road for me!

    @Jule A – praying that God will give you the wisdom and discernment you need to make the right decision.
    @Taylor – praying for your dear friends as they grieve the loss of their loved one.

    Happy Monday sisters!

  36. Taylor says:

    Thank you @Lauren Eve for a wonderful devotion today! Also wanted to say thank you all for rejoicing with me in my good results from my pap :) Lifting up all the prayer requests mentioned over the weekend! I want to ask you all to pray for a sweet family who used to go to my church. The dad/husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years ago and went home to the Lord last night. My heart breaks for this strong Christian family who did so much youth ministry at my church when I was in middle/high school. The husband is healed and with Jesus, but I know how much he will be missed by his family and the community.

  37. Michelle Patire says:

    @Mari V– have been keeping up with your posts this past weekend. May the Lord continue to bless you and give you strength and wisdom in these trials. You can do all things with Christ who gives you strength! I pray your eyes are open to the ways the Lord can work through you despite your circumstances :)

    @Julie A- God is faithful. May He show you His faithfulness as you are obedient to His will. :)

    Good morning, Shes. May the Lord continue to speak clearly through His word and help us say “yes” to Him with honest and eager hearts.

  38. Aimee D-R says:

    Father reward my faith, forgive my doubt! Amen

  39. Christine F says:


  40. Diana Davis says:

    I want to bear good fruit! My husband and I have the opportunity to become new meme ears of a church we’ve been going to. I really want to be a member and get more involved. My husband,on the other hand is really hesitant. He has social anxieties and likes just attending. I want us to be unified in our decision. There’s a lot of I wants but I pray his heart is opened to becoming members of a great community that loves God.

  41. Tara B says:

    Faith without doubt. Lord I lift all the ladies today and myself and ask that you give us the faith that can move mountains…even a mustard seed sized faith Lord. I pray for all the needs mentioned and for those not said. Meet them where they are. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  42. Searching says:

    Acceptance and rejection of Christ – reading Matthew 21:23-28, I was struck by the chief priests and elders blatant rejection even as they discussed their answer to Jesus’ question. Looking back at my own rejection of Him, I can hardly believe I allowed myself to be blinded by lie after lie. When I accepted, didn’t challenge or entertained the possibility of truth in a lie, I started down a path that was impossible to get off of without the truth of Christ. When you give consideration to the first lie, others slip in and you find yourself somewhere you never thought you would be. Thank you Jesus for saving me.

    TINA – beautiful ❤️

    LYNNE FROM AL – good to see you this morning. Praying for you, Jack and the caregivers

    JULIE A – praying with you for clarity in knowing the right path.

    MARI V – praying for a car and the court papers/filing

  43. Kristen says:

    I am grateful that she mentioned how Jesus spent His last week. He was still teaching about the love of God, healing, and spending time in fellowship. Jesus is truly amazing! He knew what was coming, but He kept serving, loving, and doing God’s will. May God help us to love and praise Him more and more!
    @Julie Praying for your decision.

  44. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruit.”

    So humbling to think of what I have been entrusted with! May I produce Kingdom fruit so that otgers may partake of its goodness.


    JULIA A – praying for the Spirit to give you clear direction

    HOLLY – playing that you and your family have clear direction about your father

    DOROTHY- how was Finley behaving last week

    REBECCA W – how is your back healing up

    CHURCHMOUSE – how is Lewis’ recovery coming along


  45. lily robillard says:


  46. TIna says:

    I CAN imagine hearing those praises! Hallelujah- God be praised! God be praised! I feel the tears well up in my eyes as I do..

    I DO often imagine that day and the days that followed and the hypocrisy of it all. One minute they/’we’ are cheering, shouting praises, shouting Hallelujah… God be praised, and in the next we dismiss, reject and condemn. How fickle we were/are..
    The joy and reverence short lived because they could not see beyond their imagination or expectations.
    They could not see the greater gift before them, the greatest gift that Jesus was moving towards, for them.. for us… for ALL mankind..

    I AM forever grateful, this sinner that Jesus kept moving forward for. This sinner He loved to the point of death for.. Nothing stood in His way.. NOTHING.. He gave then, He gives now.. nothing has changed. The same Jesus who walked into Jerusalem, is the same Jesus that walks into my messes, my brokenness, my hurts, my big dreams that amount to nothing, and makes them into something, the same Jesus who advocates for me, even when I don’t deserve it.

    The same Jesus then, for the generations gone before .. now, for me and my generation… for the generations to come.. always moving forwards and towards for us..

    Blessed us He who comes in the name of the Lord!

    Blessed is He, indeed.


    BUT GOD..

    Happy Monday my dears.. wrapped in warming love and hugs covered in prayers..❤

  47. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Praying for God to show you the path to take

  48. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Julie A—I’m praying that God will give you His wisdom to make the right decision and that you feel peace once you make your decision.

  49. Susan Lincks says:


  50. Julie A says:

    Matthew 22v21-22 jumped out at me this morning, and this goes hand in hand with what I heard at church last night about God providing for ministry even when it seems humanly impossible. Our job is to pray and trust. I would appreciate prayers for a decision I have to make this week about ministry – whether to stay at a youth club where they are very short on leaders and I am not connecting with the young people, or leave them in the lurch in favour of co-leading a discipleship course that runs on the same night and culminates in a summer mission team. I feel drawn to the second option and am praying for someone else to step up so the youth club can continue.