Rhythms of Remembrance

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 23:1-44, Leviticus 24:1-23, Mark 2:27-28, Colossians 2:16-17

In college, I sat down every morning and planned my day in hour-long increments. In addition to my responsibilities as a student, I was a member of a sorority and a volunteer leader for a parachurch ministry. Occasionally, I popped into practices for the women’s lacrosse club or filled in during a game. Most days, my “responsibilities” made me feel genuinely happy. But the pace was relentless. I started breaking my daily schedule into 15-minute increments to ensure I had time to shower and eat. 

Looking back, I see my younger self racing around, trying to convince the world that she was important. Her little 15-minute-by-15-minute schedules were proof: she was going places. Now, I am a wife, mother, and a sometimes-writer. I often see that girl in the mirror—the same one who feels she can’t afford to waste a moment, so she lets no one down, most of all, herself. 

But God is trying to teach me that my time is not my own. Leviticus 23 outlines the rhythms of life for Israelites. And when I first read the chapter, three things jumped off the page. First, God makes specific, clear, and practical demands on people’s time and resources. Second, these demands inspire an adverse reaction in me that I like to call “obligation creep”—that feeling I get when my commitments outweigh my desire or ability to keep them. Third, the chapter shows me that rituals matter.

When we race through life, jumping from minute to minute, hour to hour, it’s easy to forget that God is omnipresent, above time. Our days are not our own. Leviticus 23 reminds me of this same reality. Our days are not ours to maximize, but reminders of God who is over it all. This change in perception has the power to lift the clouds of resentment and fear off of my shoulders. With this mindset, I can see intentional rest, unplanned interruptions, personal setbacks, and unforeseen diagnoses not as delays, but as God’s goodness. 

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30 thoughts on "Rhythms of Remembrance"

  1. Susan Lincks says:


  2. Traci Gendron says:

    Tanner’s illness made me slow down. As he progressed he needed me more and more. I regret not just sitting down with him more. I was helping out at his house instead. So was I really slowing down?? Or just a shift in my daily routine?

    I was thinking as I was praying this morning. The world is so divided, so full of hate. We are really here to share the gospel. Are we failing as christians? So many have turned away. Is it because they felt judgement, unwelcome, or just plain didn’t want that relationship with Christ because of what it would ask of them? Is it just following along with God’s word that people will become more and more self-centered? It made me look at myself. Where can I improve in being Christ like.

  3. Victoria E says:

    Kelly (Neo) thank you for sharing this! Taylor, praying for you

  4. Lehua K. says:

    Today’s reading was much needed today.. I’m facing the same issues as the author shares, especially with “obligation creep” which often leads me to overwhelm. I started feeling sick yesterday and am out from work today, but a nagging part of me feels like I can’t truly rest. At the same time, it’s so hard to focus and think straight. The good thing is, it’s not COVID (probably the flu). The bad thing is, my new job’s health insurance hasn’t kicked in yet and my old job dropped coverage this month… I fall right in between the health insurance gap. I still have my husband’s health insurance but it’s still on my record as secondary, so using it now would mess up his payments. Prayers would be much appreciated… I need to see a doctor or urgent care to get a note if I’m out from work tomorrow, but I’m also hesitant on where to go because of the costs. I’m also trying not to think about the work and tasks that are piling up because I don’t have much energy for anything except rest. I remember coming back to Christ about 7 years ago when I got really sick and couldn’t do anything besides rest. It makes me think that God is using this time (and this study) to remind me to slow down and that it’s not my time, it’s His. And to trust Him, to stop overthinking and worrying.

    Praying for your requests, sisters. <3

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love the devotional for today! I really didn’t know what to make of the chapters for today, so thankful for the insight. I think I al already feeling like my tome is not my own. I have a toddler and a newborn, so it’s hard to be on control of my time. I have been annoyed with this reality, but it’s nice to see this is the way God has intended it. My times wasn’t meant to be my own, and he can use any distraction or interruption to make me more like him. ❤️