A Persevering People

Open Your Bible

John 15:19-20, Acts 4:1-20, 1 Peter 4:12-14, 1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:10-12, 2 Corinthians 4:7-10, James 1:2-4, Revelation 1:4-5, Revelation 12:7-11, Romans 8:31-39

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

Despite persecution, internal conflict, shortcomings, sin, rejection, and suffering, the Church endures because it is Christ who sustains it.

Discussion Question: What have you learned about the Church in this reading plan? 

Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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54 thoughts on "A Persevering People"

  1. Katherine Herrington says:

    Through this study I have been reminded of the complexity but also beauty of the church – its many roles and features and the importance it plays in our lives

  2. Cathy says:

    The study reaffirmed God’s vision of being in community with other siblings in Christ…His Church. Not a physical building nor a denomination. Just being in community with fellow followers called to be obedient. As I continue in this next chapter of life…it means finding a new church though there are aspects (I.e. Celebrate Recovery, my Discipleship band) that still constitute church and help plug me in to God’s will. I have to branch out of a church community that is more diverse and unlike me.

  3. Jennifer White says:

    How important others are in the church and that no one is perfect. We may seem that way, but we are all broken. We need each other.

  4. Hannah Brown says:

    Christ needs to be the cornerstone. We need to fight for unity

  5. Rachel Austin says:

    Revelation 12 says that Michael and his angels will be deployed to overthrow Satan. Yet God calls this the victory of the church. “11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.”

  6. Leslie says:

    How important it is!

  7. Emma Simmons says:

    That because we are built on the foundation of God we will remain a strong community as long as we remember who God really is!

  8. Abigail B. says:

    Throughout this study, I’ve learned to have a deeper appreciation for the Church. I’ve also learned to approach the Church with grace, because it is full of people who are broken and in need of healing, just like I am. We all need Jesus; the whole world needs Jesus. A church that does not stand strong in the truth that we all need Jesus, first and foremost, is not the church as God intended it to be, and should be avoided. Conversely, we should all pray to be part of a Church, a body of believers, that proclaims the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, no matter the cost.

  9. Emily McGhee says:

    I’ve learned that above all, above what doctrine you may hear. It’s our duty to first consult and listen to the Holy Spirit and search His ultimate say on how we should approach how we should live for His ultimate purpose for our lives. Thank you Jesus for your guidance, discernment, and wisdom ❤️

  10. Kathy Winstead says:

    The church is made up of people seeking to proclaim Christ to the world. But people are not always receptive to the message and we might be ridiculed or even persecuted for this. We are to stand strong, loving those who hate us, just as Christ loved those who hated Him. Through that love and through Scripture, some will come to know Him as Saviour.

  11. Patsy Coghlan says:

    I have learned God has built His church and it will prevail no matter how much persecution it goes through. We need each other to help bring God’s message to a lost world.

  12. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Christ loved and died for His bride, the Church. Now He intercedes for us, sustains us! We are so blessed! Thank You, Jesus!

  13. Saicha Crawford says:

    Hello She’s! I have learned a lot in this study. I think Day 30: A People in Progress really convicted me to have more grace for church leader’s sin. I have to trust that God is transforming other people, as Anne Lincoln said in the podcast. I am adding to my prayer list our church leaders and praying for their character and to resist sin. God bless you all!

  14. Lori Lackey says:

    Wow. I was in awe at the comment underneath the picture in the book. “Despite persecution, internal conflict, shortcomings, sin, rejection and suffering, the church endures because it is Christ who sustains it.” How incredibly true this statement is.

  15. Krystyn Carey says:


  16. Krystyn Carey says:

    The church will endure because Christ is for us.

  17. Courtney H says:


  18. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    I agree as a church we are stronger together. It takes us all to come together to understand all that Christ has done for us. Together we hold each other accountable to all the promises that are offered from Christ if we follow his ways.

  19. Audren Bruszer says:

    I have learned through the reading plan that the church is produced from a promise, we all represent mercy, are part of a BETTER covenant, that our hope should be set completely on the grace that comes when Jesus comes back, that we should not just want earthly things; that sexual immorality should not even be heard of among us, we are to expose the works of the devil, we are to encourage each other with psalms/hymns/spiritual songs. Through the work we do we’re promoting growth of the Church and building ourselves up in love, that the weaker part s of the body specifically are indispensable, those working behind the scenes should be given more honor, and those who do the nitty gritty not-as-pleasant parts are to be deeply respected, this is in place so there would be no division. We are each given

  20. Audren Bruszer says:

    I have learned through the reading plan that the church is produced from a promise, we all represent mercy, are part of a BETTER covenant, that our hope should be set completely on the grace that comes when Jesus comes back, that we should not just want earthly things; that sexual immorality should not even be heard of among us, we are to expose the works of the devil, we are to encourage each other with psalms/hymns/spiritual songs. Through the work we do we’re promoting growth of the Church and building ourselves up in love, that the weaker part so

  21. Adrianne Richardson says:

    I’ve learned that we are a strong people together. It does take a village to understand the complexities of the Church and the roles that we play in the Bible today.

  22. Mercy says:

    When reading today’s scriptures, this question captured my attention, Who shall condemn us?(Romans 8:34). Hmmmm who indeed. This brought to my memory a verse from yesterday mentioning condemnation , 1 Timothy 3:6 (talking about someone who are new in faith, and are prideful/puffed up, shouldn’t be a pastor or deacon, or any leadership role): “not be a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into condemnation incurred by the devil.” This verse to show that if we are prideful, we will be condemned. By who? and how? The devil will have a foothold to accuse us and condemn us on this basis. And how can the devil condemn us, I was wondering, and the answer is because God, yes the loving God Himself, also says He resists the proud (James 4:6). Beware of pride, a deadly hidden sin that leads to condemnation. If God resists, who can stand? Have you ever been resisted by God because of your pride? I have been, sadly, but I am glad that it happened, for my own good to know the cost of pride (God’s resistance, nothing worked). Pride causes us to focus on ourselves, instead of focusing on the Lord, resulting in spiritual blindness, ultimately spiritual death. Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. May the fear of the Lord keep us from pride/death.
    @Mari V, GRAMSIESUE ,Sarah D:praying.
    I hope everyone will have a lovely weekend rejoicing in the Lord. May we count our many blessings, name them one by one, and give praise to our Merciful God. This is the Friday that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Be blessed dear sisters.

  23. Lydia Christian says:

    It has really been brought home to me that the Church is nothing without Christ. What a beautiful relief it is to know that Christ is the one who sustains.

  24. Courtnee says:

    Grateful to be a part of a rich body of believers, past, present, and future, as Jesus Christ us.

  25. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh GramsieSue, I just want to give you a joyous hug for Steve! Still such a miracle to celebrate, and with this wkd, whatever shall come, we will get through it, you are so dear to us!! Prayers for you to get plugged in as well!! We have had that same experience, just finding a new church in Nov. (over lots of prayers to get my husband to connect, which he did!), but not only that but to really enjoy and plug into the new church, which we are!! I prayed that when we moved here that I could really “work” for the Lord in a way I never have. And now tonight we do our new weekly serving of feeding the hungry in the park. I prayed last night that I could really “connect” with someone in need in a special way, opening myself up to be more assertive in giving hugs, praying aloud for someone, or just an extra connection. And I concur with what you said, I have grown up in the church and it’s amazing how we are still learning all the aspects of this wonderful thing of faith.

    Happy Friday and blessings to all of you! May we overflow with His goodness and respond with grace and kindness for others that we encounter!

  26. Mari V says:

    Please, as ONE Church join me in praying for my friend G Who has not been feeling well for about two months. Pray that the doctors will have wisdom. They are running more tests on her. On this earth, she is my best friend. We are the Jonathan and David friendship.

  27. Mari V says:

    We are ONE Church. No matter our background, race, upbringing, none of that matters. We have ONE Father and we are his children. Thank you, my beautiful SRT sisters. This is a safe place to lay down our burdens, our joys, our triumphs, everything! Recently, and forgive me if I’m repeating myself, a sweet friend of mine gave me a beautiful charm bracelet that represents the armor of God. I wear it daily to remind me who my God is. It reminds me that everything is going to be OK.

  28. May D says:

    The church is not walls. Not a building. It is us. Right here. Connected through the Holy Spirit over space and time.

  29. Dorothy says:

    I forgot my usual ending to my comments.
    Be blessed and smile, you will make some one’s day happier, sisters.

  30. Dorothy says:

    I have learned that the Church should be a community of believers there to help each other, love each other and pray for each other. They are lead by a person or people of much Biblical knowledge and who should be teaching it with the Lord’s guidance. I know you don’t have to have a building to have a Church. Church is the people not the building.

  31. Sundayschoolteacher says:

    The church is believers of Christ carrying the good news to a broken and sin filled world. We are the body of Christ helping all peoples. We are shining the light along the dark path for others to see Jesus who is our Savior. He is our groom and we the people, His church, is the bride. We work together at all times to help one another along the rode of life. Thank you SRT for this study. May we all grow more in our faith and understanding of God’s word and keep making more fisher’s of men and women. ❤️

  32. Debbie -Pursued by Him says:

    The church belongs to Jesus and she loves us. He makes all of us pure and Holly so that we are righteous before our loving Father who loves us first and pursued us!

    I am supremely thankful for God’s love and continual praying and forgiving for me and for me fellow Christians! God is good! I love Him because He first loved me! …But God!

  33. Donna Wolcott says:

    My church was started in the mid eighteen hundreds and continues to be a light in the town, through the actions and service of her people. Right now we are in a time of transition, our pastor (he was awesome)has left to pursue a different avenue of ministering. The interim has not started yet (it has taken 4 months to find someone) and once he comes in September it will probably take up to 2 years to “call someone”. So many in church leadership have stepped up to lead, comfort and guide. I ask for prayers please for this time as we see numbers on Sunday dwindle or people starting to panic. We will prevail but there is much anxiety in the process. We are learning there are many churches looking and the number of pastors available is low. Lifting all churches in prayer for growth, service and the spreading of the Lord’s word to a world in so much need.

  34. Aimee D-R says:

    Our foundation is Jesus Christ, powered by the Holy Spirit. Unified by His precious Blood, the Word of His testimony and bound in Grace unearned and mercy undeserved. Persecution will come but the Church will prevail. HALLELUJAH

  35. GramsieSue . says:

    Okay, trying again and sorry if I end up with multiple posts. You ladies are so very special to me and I keep a list of prayer requests that I pray over. I’ve been studying the Bible for 40+ years and I’m still learning. I sometimes wonder why it takes me so long to figure it out. Why do I have to be told so many times before I “get it”. But this study on The Church has come at the perfect time (surprisingly! LOL) as my husband and I have joined a new church and haven’t gotten plugged in yet. It’s been difficult with his health issues, but I want to be more intentional about using my gifts to serve. Please pray that I find the people who need my help. Also pray for Steve. We are going to Mayo this weekend for his 2 month follow up (MRI and blood work) to determine if the brain tumor is still not recurring. Every two months we are reminded that he has an incurable cancer when we go for the tests. But with God all things are possible and we pray for a miracle. For now Steve is healthy, going to work, enjoying life and we are grateful for that. Thank you for your prayers. Hugs to you dear friends. ❤️

  36. Cheryl Connelly says:

    The Church is about learning scripture, praying, witnessing to others and living a life that reflects Jesus Christ. Reading the Bible daily and living what we read.

  37. Caroline Bridges says:

    I’ve learned the requirements to be a Deacon. If I’ve learned anything else, I forgot it.

  38. Nancy Singleton says:

    Praying for you, Sarah D. Keep casting your cares on Him, for He cares for you” (1Peter 5:7) Do you have verses or hymns memorized to think on in those times of anxiety? That has helped me. And this is what the church means to me—believers helping each other journey through this earthly life, grounded in God’s word, reaching out to others to shine the light of Jesus’ love to an unbelieving world, bearing witness to His work in our lives, sharing worship with others (sometimes virtually), & lifting each other in prayer. Thank you SRT, for being the church with us!

  39. Lauren Ouellette says:

    14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. – 1 Peter 4:14
    This verse really stuck out to me today. If you are insulted fir the name of Christ, you are blessed! In this world we live in it’s very easy to be insulted for the name of Christ. However, remember we are blessed! ❤️

  40. Lauren Ouellette says:

    14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. – 1 Peter 4:14

  41. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Lifting up my sisters in Christ and the Church in prayer, perseverance. Holding fast. Remembering that I am opposed because of my allegiance to Christ. When I put on the armor of God, I recognize other members of the universal Church more easily. I sense and see the armor of God on them too. I also sense the opposing forces. Yet I am “strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength” (Ephesians 6:10). I see human failures everywhere. Yet, in my own failures, I know that I am not called to be perfect, but rather to be perfected in Jesus through persistence, perseverance, and patient faith. When I am knocked down, crushed, or confused I turn to God for clarity, help and guidance. I repent. I forgive. I remember the greater mission. I endure with unshakable joy. I encourage others to do the same. I endure because I believe in Jesus. He has shown me the way, the truth, and the life He came to give. I have a passion for life burning within me. I want better. Simpler. I want peace. The gift of passion when met with perseverance in peacemaking brings me to the battlefield with Jesus. Peace will come, but for now we are at war. I don’t have to like it, but it is no less a reality. Lord, strengthen Your Church, gather us together to be Your hands and feet, more powerful together. Let endurance have its perfect work in us. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  42. Danielle B says:

    Amen Arina! Between this study and beginning to listen to the rise and fall of Mars Hill I’ve been pondering why can’t little churches come together more to minister to the community as the Church instead of more little churches. We need to be united and coming together more.

    Sarah praying for you.

  43. Faith Magras says:

    We are called to help those in the church, to seek God and know his glory will shine through us.

  44. P Blundell says:

    The church is one body when God puts them all together with all their gifts to do good things. It’s a family that’s on mission. Church should be people coming together worshiping our Lord and spreading the GOOD news of Christ!

  45. Pam S says:

    Sarah D., praying for you, that you will be victorious and know that God is with you no matter what. Today’s verse and picture download are a great reminder God’s got us even when things are rough. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. We are afflicted in every way but not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair; we are persecuted but not abandoned; we are struck down but not destroyed. Hallelujah! Also praying for your job situation.❤️

  46. Mae says:

    That the church, being assembled from human parts, tho faulty is ultimately God’s tool to show His love to all; to be His hands, His feet. My church is in the midst of a pastor search, so would you all pray for the team tasked with this, and our little country church? And, if I might ask, I have injured my right eye and healing isn’t going as planned, so I’d appreciate a word for that too

  47. Caroline Kelly says:

    The church is built on such a strong foundation. Even the extreme polarization and all the tumult of today will not break the church because of how carefully and intentional,y it was built.

  48. Sydney Smith says:

    The church is ONE family. And what bonds us together is love, God’s love for us and our love for each other. I have learned/realized that we are all lacking in one way or another, but the fact that God loves and covers us all in his mercy makes us all his people.

  49. Kristina says:

    Sarah D: praying for you, sister! I’ve been on my anxiety medication for two years and know the struggle anxiety can have on you. Praying that God will plant the right resources in your life and give you the courage to pursue them.

  50. Stormi Messmer says:


  51. Sarah D. says:

    Hi everyone, I’m stopping in to ask for your prayers. Yesterday was a hard day for me as I was really struggling with anxiety. I’m so tired of feeling that way constantly at work and just wish it would stop. I’ve tried to just notice that it’s there and not get upset over it, but some days it just takes a toll on me. I feel anxious most of the day at work and it is expressed through nervous sweating. I would love your prayers for peace and to find the resources I need to help this. And to find eventually another job that would match or make a higher pay than I’m making now. This has been the hardest season for me mentally, and I can’t wait to be out of this. Thank you for your prayers!

  52. Trish Leverett says:

    This has been a great study! Thank y’all!!!

  53. Kelly (NEO) says:

    ARINA – so true.

    What I came away with was what a responsibility the Church has to show Jesus to the world. The Jewish people were tasked with the same and failed. I’m not so sure we are living up to God’s vision but in His mercy and grace He continues to use us.

  54. Arina says:

    What stood out most to my in this reading plan was the unity of the Church. “There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one hope at your calling – one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Fathr of all, who is above all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 6:4-6. No matter how big our differences may be, we belong together because we all have the same God living in us. Living this out can be hard, but it’s such a beautiful truth.