Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
Jesus, in His own baptism, demonstrates the new life accomplished for us in His death and resurrection. Baptism is an external sign belonging to the people of God.
Discussion Question: What attributes of God do you notice in today’s reading?
Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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90 thoughts on "Marked by Baptism"
God is King over all. He is the King of patience, second chances, control, everything!
That God paid the penalty for our sins and if we put our trust in him, we are a new creation. Our old self has died, God has made us new. From death to life!
Humility honesty trustworthy
God is patient, and sees us as a new creation because of Christ’s work.
I noticed his mercy & patience. Thank you Lord.
he wants us to chose him and to fully appreciate and get to experience how wonderful he is
The attributes that stood out to me were God’s righteousness (as Jesus explains to John the Baptist that John has to baptize Him to fulfill all righteousness.) Also, God’s omniscience, wisdom, and patience, especially as He explains to Nicodemus that Nicodemus has to be born again. Other comments have also mentioned the humility of Jesus as well, which also stood out to me.
God has been gracious to His people providing a way of salvation. His attributes in todays lesson is He is the Son of God, he is eternal.
I see that God wants us to be like him so that we may live with him forever. His whole purpose is for us to live out our days pursuing him and living like Christ so we can one day live with him in the place he has prepared for us.
Attributes of God I noticed are that He is loving, patient, a King, and a Spirit.
We see throughout these passages we have a gracious and grace filled God. He doesn’t give grace so that we’ll continue sinning but in order to draw us to Himself. He doesn’t sit waiting to condemn us but He waits for us to repent and turn from our sin.
God wants us to join Him. He waits patiently for us to see that He is the way, the truth, and the life.
God is merciful and willing to forgive
Sometimes people use the premise of God’s forgiveness to conclude that believers can go on knowingly sinning because God is going to forgive them anyways and as Paul says, they claim this just creates more opportunity for God’s grace. But Paul points out that we have died to sin so we can’t still live in it. Not because we’ll never sin, we are obviously still sinners, but if we are truly seeking God we repent when we sin. We try to become more like him as we grow closer to him. We are born of the Spirit. We are not literally born a second time, but we have a spiritual rebirth. Baptism is a physical representation of that.
“We have all come through the water….meant to unite us.” I love, loved the podcast and the dovetail this week to the study this week!!
Thank you for asking the hard questions. Even as a woman of Faith I often struggle explaining why things were done as they were. I try to circle back that I am also not to judge. And what one does, agree or don’t agree is on them, they are accountable for their actions. I am here to love and show grace as Jesus did and does.
How are you doing Traci? What and how can we pray for you? Sending love and blessings x
Hello She’s! Jesus is HUMBLE in that He was our example and was baptized.
We have been redee
Sara can you clarify what you mean by something that can be traced back to God’s word? Unbelievers may not know anything about God. They may have heard shalt not kill yet God facilitated the killing of his enemies in the Old Testament. Are there exceptions and why? Help them/me understand.
Many believe life starts when breath is breathed into them at birth. Some agree with viability. Billboards claim heartbeats and now they hear conception. They don’t yet believe in God so help them/me understand this moving line.
They see people celebrating but to them it looks more division. For example, it looks like judgement against rape victims who must relive this horrible memory daily for nine months. It looks like state religion to other religions who view life beginning other than conception. How do we show love and compassion so all will want to choose to follow and worship Him? Please help them/me to understand.
I think I notice that he has offered his believers a way to physically represent the spiritual rebirth or change through baptism. To physically tell the followers of the church that through baptism you are agreeing mentally, physically, and Spiritually to be changed by the Love of the Lord.
His is full of mercy, kindness, love, compassion, grace, and patience in waiting for us to come to Him. We are beyond blessed!
He is gracious
God’s provision and kindness for His children
Kindness and faithfulness he is loving and showing his people perfect love
I see Gods patience with us. Sin entered the World, God still watched over Gos children. We messed up, God saved the world through Noah. Jesus came to mend our broken relationship with Him. Then He gave us a way to put on Christ through Baptism. An outward celebration of what Christ has already done in our heart! Putting our full faith and trust in Jesus is a decision that no one would regret! God is so loving and patient with us sinners! Thank you Jesus!
Today I see God’s faithfulness and kindness to all of us.
Today I see God’s faithfulness and kindness to all of us. I was listening to talk today about how to know if you pray enough and the first thing the man said was well God already thinks you’re enough so that part is taken care of.
We see that God is righteous and holy. Because of His great love for us, we see His compassion, grace, and mercy. He made a way for us to put in the righteousness of Christ through the cross. He shows His patience in waiting for us to come to Him.
God was & is so patient with us! Even when we deserve a smack upside our head, He is patient and loving and kind!
I love how baptism is an outward symbol or an inward commitment.
Based on today’s reading, I see that God saves his people from their sin. He cares about us and can’t leave us alone in our brokenness and sin.
I see God’s kindness and His faithfulness to His people.
God is full of grace. How beautiful it is that he makes us clean and renews us to glorify Him!
I see God’s grace and His promises that He made to Israel in the Old Testament.
Love. God so loves his son, Jesus. What an extraordinary and unselfish gift He gave to us.❤️
I see God in today’s reading as the God who is of accurate order, in which He covers all protocols (to fulfil all righteousness). In the great commission, He commanded us to go preach and also baptize, this detail of baptism is NOT to be missed. And after our Lord Jesus received his baptism in the Jordan, God testified by voice that this is my Son. He did not keep quiet. God is very detailed and He covers all legal grounds for many fold witness. God is also just, He gave every person the right to be born again, even to the disobedient spirits since the time of Noah. He gave even those Old testament spirits a chance to know Jesus. And speaking of being born, praise God for the amazing abortion reversal in the US that is the talk of the town. I am shocked at how subtle God moves but when it overturns, it is a slam dunk. It’s like a sharp sword bringing division, exposing bone from marrow, truth from almost truth. Praise God for the boldness of the women and men of God who are not afraid to fight for the Kingdom Rights, bearing fierce persecution yet not backing down. May all the nations look and learn from the example of the US in this matter, and many more to come (City on the Hill like another lady mentioned). Glory to our God who is resilient, persistent till His will is done, He is discretive, powerful, full of compassion and righteous anger to avenge for the defenseless, widows, orphans, innocent unborn who have no voice ❤️. Every praise is due to our God. Have a blessed week dear she’s.
Thankful for Jesus, His love and newness of life.
Holy- During his baptism, the heavens opened up and the Spirit of God descended like a dove on him, calling him His Son and saying he was pleased. This is so unfathomably beautiful! Our God is Holy.
Cleanser- He cleans us of our sins; making us new.
Redeemer- He sets us free from the chains of our sins.
Forgiver- Our sins and disobedience literally crucified Him. Yet, he still called us His, sent his Spirit to us, and justified us; making us new.
Humility! Even though He was perfect and without sin, Jesus still submitted to baptism to be an example to us. He did not need this repress of cleansing, yet He still did it.
When I knew that my son, Tanner, was dying; I thought of God giving His only son for us. Sinners that sometimes don’t even acknowledge that sacrifice. We gloss over it and move on with our day. So I would say that God’s patience, forgiveness, and love for us are some pretty big attributes.
His love ❤️
Loving and Constant are always the two words that come to mind. I always think how much we fail him and yet he is constantly there for us, loving us.
For me, I noticed humbleness when getting baptised by John. I also noticed patience and wisdom when Nicodemus was seeking to understand the concept of born again.
God is sovereign and reigns above all. He sends His Son, Jesus, to save us and restore us to right relationship with Him.
God is merciful, He is Love, and He equips us to reflect His love to others.
God is greater than anything we face, any darkness in this world. He is above ALL.
Today, I noticed the faithful and forgiving nature of our God. The scripture from 1 Peter really resonated with me today, as it states in verse 21, “Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” It is a beautiful reminder that salvation comes through Christ alone- that my baptism did not simply remove the dirt from my sins from my body, but instead our faithful and forgiving God now chooses to look past that dirt, filth, and sin.
“…have been clothed with Christ.”
So often, when I’m leaving the house for an occasion a little fancier than the grocery store, I can get anxious about what to wear. Being a bit of a home body of tiny humans, my attire is usually “comfortable.” It struck me this morning that since I am baptized in Christ, I am then CLOTHED with Him.
It really doesn’t matter what I look like…it matters that I embody the fact that I am IN Christ, even CLOTHED with Him. It reminds me that it is far more important that there is LESS of me and MORE of HIM for others to be drawn to. If I am honest, I don’t want people drawn to me, impressed by me. It speaks of His omnipotence – the power to take anyone, and all their stains and scars, and make them a beautiful vessel of HIM to take into all the world! There is a peace in remembering that. It takes away any anxiousness I may have – I just have to invite Him and give Him space to be that beautiful vessel that people see!
Yay Tierney!! ❤️ Wonderful news!
I noticed humbleness when it came to Jesus getting baptized by John the Baptist.
God is Holy, Holy, Holy. The only attribute repeated three times. We have no chance to be in His Presence without His mercy, grace, and the finished work of Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Praise, glory and honor to His Name! Amen!
Some of you mentioned about being clothed in righteousness. I was listening to a message by R C Sproul called, Clothed in Righteousness! Here is a link. This is another good one to listen to.
21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. – 2 Corinthians 5:21. For our sake God sent Jesus who was holy and righteous to take on our sin and unrighteousness so that we can stand before God and not be afraid because we have the same righteousness in us. The verses today reminded me of 2 Cor. 5:21. The attributes of God that I see today are great love, mercy, grace, and compassion. He knew we couldn’t so he made a way by sacrificing himself. Thank you God.
One of the main attributes of God I noticed was His willingness to forgive us, His children and erase our sins by performing the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, letting His One and Only Son DIE for US — His children. For any one, like myself, who has lost a child, you know this is hard and a sacrifice. BUT GOD did this out LOVE, compassion, and caring so that we would, hopefully worship and follow Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
Be blessed and thank God for sending Christ to die our sins, sisters.
Amen! Planning my baptism for this summer !
Love, mercy and righteousness!
Patient is the word that popped in my head! God is so patient and loving to us! When we turn from Him, He doesn’t move but patiently waits; when we stumble and/or fall, He is patient and forgiving; He wants every person on the face of the earth to accept Jesus as their Savior, and He patiently waits on coming back, so every hear can hear! ❤️
His Divinity. The fact that God himself came for us, it’s just awesome.
God’s holiness, grace, mercy, and love are the first attributes that come to mind. God is holy, therefore in order for us to come into His presence we must be holy. That is made possible by the death & resurrection of Jesus – by Jesus blood & God’s grace, forgiveness is extended to all who believe. God loved us so much, He gave His son to die for us and in His mercy, He saved us. Hallelujah! Thank you holy God for your grace, mercy and love!
Just praying for our nation and our people this morning. I’ve been so heavy since the news of Roe being overturned – not because of the outcome, because – praise Jesus! – but because of the hate and vitriol being poured out because of it. I keep coming back to Matt 10:22, “You will be hated by everyone because of Me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” It’s so easy for me to begin to get foggy on what is right when such a large percentage are so adamant that we’re wrong for believing something that can be traced back to Gods word. Praying to stand strong until the end. And praying for kindness in disagreeing with others. And for my actions and words to be filled with Jesus. Happy Monday, sisters!
God is living, patient, Sovereign.
God’s holiness & grace & mercy — God is holy. He is absolutely perfect in every way. He is always good. There is no bad in Him at all. He can never do what is wrong or unjust. Because of His holiness, our sin separates us from Him. We cannot be in a relationship with Him as long as sin reigns as lord in our hearts and souls and wills. However, Father God loved us so much that He sent His Son to take the punishment that we deserve for our sin. That punishment was death. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, loved us so much that He died on the cross for our sin and to give us His righteousness. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, loves us so much that He helps us to put on Christ—to live as Christ would live in this present age. God’s love is displayed in the mercy He showed toward us in redeeming us (paying the debt that was owed for our sin) and offering forgiveness for our sin. His love is also displayed in the grace He constantly pours in our lives through the offer of eternal life, clothing us with the righteousness of Christ, and the hope of glory with Him.
Baptism is a sign of these truths. When we submit to ourselves to being baptized, we are showing the world that we are no longer lord of our own lives. We are allowing our old self to die. We are now submitting to Lordship of Jesus Christ. He is the Ruler of the universe and the Ruler of our lives. We rise to a new life in Christ, and we will follow Him no matter what.
God’s holiness & grace & mercy — God is holy. He is absolutely perfect in every way. He is always good. There is no bad in Him at all. He can never do what is wrong or unjust. Because of His holiness, our sin separates us from Him. We cannot be in a relationship with Him as long as sin reigns as lord in our hearts and souls and wills. However, Father God loved us so much that He sent His Son to take the punishment that we deserve for our sin. That punishment was death. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, loved us so much that He died on the cross for our sin and to give us His righteousness. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, loves us so much that He helps us to put on Christ—to live as Christ would live in this present age. God’s love is displayed in the mercy He showed toward us in redeeming us (paying the debt that was owed for our sin) and offering forgiveness for our sin. His love is also displayed in the grace He constantly pours in our lives through the offer of eternal life, clothing us with the righteousness of Christ, and the hope of glory with Him. Baptism is a sign of these truths.
I was struck by the 1 Peter reading when it says that God has been waiting since the days of Noah. I think I’m taking it a bit out of context, but God is always waiting for us to come to Him, and through the open invitation of Jesus, we always have a chance to appeal to God and make things new in the spirit through baptism. I feel like as time passes since my baptism, I forget that, but it’s true still that God desires me and my heart to be free.
I also appreciated how several shes brought out the Trinity in the readings. God has put so much depth in the Bible! It is amazing!
I was also struck by the phrase that explained baptism as a good conscience toward God that saves us!
1 Peter 3:21–22 (CSB): Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you (not as the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge of a good conscience toward God) through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him.
Attributes of God: humble, strong, loving, concerned, wise, and patient.
Jennifer — prayers for Alex. May God move in her life and your eyes see His goodness in the land of the living.
Taylor– Prayers for wisdom and patience in the housing process for you and your roommate. God will not fail you. I pray you believe that in your heart and not let the world influence your trust in Him. <3 "For we walk by faith, not by sight"– this is something God has been reminding myself as I trust Him with this big part of my own journey.
“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound but you do not know from where it comes or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8) – Jesus speaking to Nicodemus about baptism. (I remember Alexandra, my niece, when she was a little girl, she spoke this verse to me before I knew it, taught from the Word by my ma-in-law, who went to be with our Lord many years ago.) I think of Alex now in her 20’s as she has slipped away from the path of God I was sure she would follow. Prayers lifted to our Father, that His call would speak to her heart, beckoning her back to Him… Thoughts on baptism- Inward belief trumps outward ritual action. Baptism is a symbol of salvation: death, burial, resurrection to new life. God wants our hearts to be transformed. Born from above, we become His. Dead to sin, alive to God (Romans 6:11). Baptism is a pledge of loyalty to the risen Savior. And it is a “visceral reminder to the defeated fallen angels” (Unseen Realm pg 338). “Baptism is spiritual warfare” (UR p 339). This weapon symbolizes our rising from sin and death with Jesus, now seated at the right hand of God “above all angels, authorities, and powers” (1 Peter 3:21-22). Water is powerful, it flooded the earth with Noah. His family was saved by the ark at the Word of God. And we are washed with the saving water, sin dies with the flood of blood. When Jesus was raised and seated in victory, our way to be reborn to new life with Him was made clear. His majestic robe of righteousness now covers me. Saved. Safe from death. Water for life. Life with Him always. Beautiful. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Hi sisters! I’m back after a week long annual vacation in the Outer Banks with my best friends family. It was a great time of rest, relaxation, fun, and a nice break from work and my usual routine. One thing I did miss is my daily routine of joining you all here each morning <3
Some of God's attributes that stood out to me are the freedom He gives us through Jesus, His love for us, that He is well pleased, and His peace that He gives us.
I loved the comment about how through Jesus, God IS well pleased with us. I can feel discouraged at times and the devil lies that I am not doing enough in my faith, that I'm not good enough. BUT as we read today we are covered by the blood of Jesus and His righteousness is extended to us therefore God IS well pleased with me.
Please continue to pray for finding housing for my roommate and I, and for my own spirit as I can easily feel discouraged in my faith with all the things going on in our world. Thank you and I hope everyone has a blessed week <3
The humility Jesus showed by being baptized by John. He didn’t have to, He was God, but he chose to in his humanness to set an example.
I love in 1 Peter it says Christ suffered once and but sins to death. He made sure his sacrifice covered us ALL. Thank you Lord for loving me then and making a plan for my life here and in eternity.
God’s mercy towards us, His patience and love.
Roman’s 6.9 REALLY struck me today. “We know that Christ, having been raised from the dead, will never die again. Death has no dominion over him.” That aspect and characteristic of God – the one that does not fear death – is an aspect and a promise that I can also have. I can have peace when faced with the prospect of eternity. Not because I’m perfect or sinless or immortal, but because I am God’s daughter.
I saw His love, mercy, and forgiveness. Thank you to the She’s who pointed out the presence of the Trinity in the passages as well. It’s a helpful reminder.
There is LIFE in God. He authored life, sustains life, and provides a way for eternal life. Glory to God.
What really jumped out to me is God’s joy at his son’s excellent choice, baptism. “This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Aren’t those the words we all long to hear? “Daughter, I am well pleased.” Imagine how different our lives would be if we had these words of affirmation running through our heads, instead of the lies we tell ourselves. “You can’t do it. You’re not enough.” How much stronger would we be if we reframed our anxious thoughts into ones that encouraged us?
His words: “Daughter, in YOU I am well pleased.”
I see the Trinity today (maybe because all but one of the readings is chapter 3 – and the one that’s not is a 6…coincidence?). God the Father, Creator, Orchestrator. Jesus the Son, Savior, Perfection Incarnate. The Holy Spirit, our Counselor, Voice of clarity and Holy Conscience.
Baptism in the Spirit brings Salvation. Baptism in water is a public declaration of who and whose you are.
This isn’t so much an attribute as it is an action, but the physical symbol of baptism speaks to me today. God knows we have a tendency to be doubtful by faith alone, so He gave us a tangible experience to fully immerse ourselves into His sons’ truth.
We see the Trinity in these verses: Father, Son & Holy Spirit-omnipresent & omniscient.
That God is a forgiving and merciful God.
God allows us to be born again in Him. He saves us by sending his son, Jesus Christ – He always has a plan!
Father’s wisdom of foretelling, his concrete self – he is the same now, tomorrow and always, and his yearning for us to come to Him. Thank God for his goodness and mercy.
Saving, merciful, patient, just, loving
God speaks. God triumphs. God saves.
What attributes of God do you notice in today’s reading?
God manifested His three persons at once after Jesus’ baptism. The Father’s voice, the Son, and Holy Spirit were experienced by John.
I saw His attributes of righteousness, gracious, patience and Savior. We are clothed with His righteousness – Hallelujah, what a Savior!
God is merciful and loving as we are made new in Christ and our sins are taken away.